The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 13, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Report Says Constitu
: tionalist Leader Will
Enter Mexico City
in Few Days
[apata's Force? Evacuating the City in
Consequence of a Defeat at the
Hands of General Obregon at San
Martin Yesterday
By Associated Press,
Vera Cruz, Jan. 13.—That General
Carranza's army will be in Mexico City
within a few days is the optimistic as
sertion made here to-day by followers
of Carranza and for which there oeem
nglv is reason for belief. Unofficial,
us well as official, reports coming into
('era Cruz .indicate that General Villa
has been sending north trainload after
traintoad of soldiers and that ouce more
Mexico City is to be evacuated, except,
perhaps, by the garrison of Emiliano
Zapata's men.
It was asserted that the States of
Puebla and Taxcala were taken to-day
in brisk but not difficult fighting. Re
ports received from Tampico indicate
continued Carranza successes at Vic
toria and other points west of that
Washington, Jan. 13. —The Carranza
agency here to-day issued the follow
ing statement:
"A report from Vera Cruz dated to
day says a dispatch received there last
night from Puebla announced that
Mexico City was being evacuated by the
Zapata troops in consequence of a vic
tor vwon by General Obregon yesterday
at San Martin and also as a result of
Constitutionalist forces under General
Sanchez now advancing into the State
of Morelos.
"The Zapata force defeated at San
Martin numbered about 3,000 and was
commanded by Generals Aguilas and
Arguedo. Their loss was heavy and
h large amount of arms and ammuni
tion, including several cannon and ma
chine guns, were captured. San Mar
tin is about half way between Puebla
»nd Mexico City. Reports from Vera
Cruz and elsewhere show the enemy was
defeated at Victoria and Valles. Gen
eral Angeles is being driven toward
Torrcon. General Herrera is reassem
bling 5,000 reinforcements at Monte
Monterey has been evacuated by all
Carranza troops and there are no mili
tarv forces in the town, although it is
expected Villa's troops will arrive
there soon, according to a dispatch to
the State from Monterey
iated yesterday. Villa has left Chi
juahua for Agues Calientes.
Two oil companies, the Aguilar'Pe
troleum Company and the Pt-niwMex Oil
"'ompany, have been closed down, it
was reported from Tampico, in accord
mice with the terms of the Carranza
Jecree preventing further developments
Dr operation of oil lands without i"? 1 "*
mission of the Uonstitutional adminis
funeral Services Will Be Held at Home
on Friday Morning
Mrs. Mary Emma Daugherty Neely,
wife of Dr. Edgar C. Neely, died at her
ate home. 1011 North Second street,
yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. She
s survived bv her husband, one sister.
Miss Alberta Daugherty, with whom
ihe lived, aud two brothers. Frank H.,
of this city, and Harry L. Daugherty,
»f AHoona.
Services will be held at the home
Friday morning at 11 o'clock, the Rev.
Floyd Applet on. of St. Paul's
church, officiating. Interment in Har
risburg cemetery.
Elmer Reed
The funeral of Elmer Ellsworth Reed,
VI years old, who died Friday at his
lome, 120 Charles street, was held
from the home this afternoon at 1.30
)'clock, the Rev. F.. E. Rupp, pas-tor of
the Otterbein United Brethren church,
officiating. Burial was made in the East
Barrisfourg cemetery.
Elizabeth Knepp
The funeral of Elizabeth Knepp,
":i years old. who died at her son's
Home on Charles avenue, Monday, was
held this morning at 10.30 o'clock at
the chapel of T. M, Mauk & Son, un
dertakers, the Rev, J. Bradley Mark
ward, pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran
•hurch, officiating. To-morrow morning
it 11.55 o'clock the body will be taken
by L'ndcrtaker Mauk to Carlisle for
Mrs. Emma Matchett
The funeral of Mrs. Emma J. Match
ptt, widow of Snmuel L Matchett, who
iied Monday at her home, 1624 Wallace
street, of heart trouble, will be heJd
Friday morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev.
Floyd Appleton, rector of St. Paul's
Protestant Episcopal church, officiating,
burial will be at WilKamsport. Mrs.
Matchett is survived by one son, J. B.
Matchett, aud two daughters, Mrs.
Mowery and Mrs. WHiette, ail of this
Horace G. Leeser
The funeral of Horace G.
f>7 years old, who died at Scratiton
Monday, was held this afternoon at 2
o'clock at Scranton, where burial was
made. Mr. Leeser was a former resi
dent of Harrisburg and at one time
manager of the Dow Shoe Company, of
this city. He is survived by one sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Gilman, 1726 Green
street, his widow, three daughters and
one son.
Mrs. Annie Smith
The funeral of Mrs. Annie Smith. 3S
years old, of Marysville, who died
Monday at the Harrisburg hospital of
peritonitis, will be held' to-morrow aft
prnoon at her home, Marysville. Mrs.
Smith was born in England and is sur
vived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Brownhill. Her father is in Flor
ida aud her mother in Pittsburgh.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.
CMtlminl From Ftr»t Pace.
sentenced to a pen term of from fifteen
months to two years. Philip Fleck was
convicted of stealing a bicycle and got
five months in jail.
Plea for Leniency Is Futile
•'This is the first time I stole since
1908," Flock said as he appealed for
"How many times do you think you
ought to steal?" quickly asked the
The defendant made no A
year ago he was fined s2"> on a gam
bling charge and in 1908 he did a
term in the (Huntingdon Reformatory
for stealing money from a neighbor.
Allen J. Silk, a Harrisburger, w'ho
robbed half a dozen or more city stores,
put up no defense when called for trial
on several larceny charges. He will be
sentenced on January 25.
John Brown got a penitentiary sen
tence of from two to three years on a
highway robbery charge, and his pal
was given eight months in the county
jail. Distinction was made, the Con
said, in view of the fact that Brown
has a jail and pen record that would
"fill a little booK."
The trial of Theodore H. Moltz and
William E. Wilson, jointly indicted on
charges of involuntary manslaughter as
a result of an auto accident, was con
tinued until the March session, due to
the illness of Senator Beidleman, couh
sel for Moltz. The defendants are ac
cused in connection with the death of
a lad who was killed by an auto near
Bade .laic was acquitted on charges
of assault and battery and carrying a
pistol, but was ordered to pay half the
Hatchet Wielder Found Guilty
Cling Mitchell, colored, although not
invited, insisted upon being a guest at
a Christmas Day celebration gi\jen by
Ernest Wallace, and when he was eject
ed be sought a fight. Hater he cut Wal
lace on the head with a hatchet. A
jury convicted him of aggravated as
sault ar.d iJattery and he will bo sen
tenced late t '4; afternoon.
So far as tno court records show
this is the first criminal court week at
which five defendants were sent to the
Huntingdon Reformatory on the first
day. Judge Kunkel imposed all these
sentences on Monday.
The Grand Jury came to the rescue
of the court yesterday by ignoring
bills in almost a dozen suits and cross
suits involving more than a score of
non-English speaking foreigners.
Bills ignored this moruing included
larceny charges against Adain Rcsen
felt and Albert Beard.
Financial Institutions in and Near City
Elect Their Directors
Directors chosen by the stockhold
ers of the Mechanics' Trust -Company
yesterday are: B. F. Burns, Henry C.
Claster, George E. Jitter, John E. Fox,
David Kaufman, Charles A. Kunkel,
Samuel Kunkel, J. H. Troup, Christian
L. Long, Walter Montgomery, John
C. Motter. Boss Oenslager, Fr:utk
Payne, William Pearson and P. C'.
Bamberger. Officers eiecter by the
directors are: Charles A. Kuukol,
president; John E. Fox, vice presi
dent; John C. Motter. secretary and
treasurer, and John F. Sweeuey, trust
Stockholders of the Security Trust
Company elected the following direc
tors: A. B. Gardner, Joseph Davis,
A. H. Kreidler, J. K. Bowman, E. F.
Doehne. Samuel Gardner, W. F. Reed,
H. B. Bair, J. E. Garner, George A.
Gorgas, J. Q. S. Poorman and H. C.
The regular annual election was held
at the Penbrook National Bank yester
day and the following directors were
| chosen for one year: John H. Allwine,
Derry Church; Amos C. Buck, Lingles
town; Charles S. 8011, Harrisburg; Sol.
C. Buck, Penbrook; E. M. Crum, Pen
brook; John A. Bbersole, Penbrook;
John A. Fackler, Linglestown; 0, E.
Good, Progress; I. D. Horstick, Pen
brook; H. S. Plank, Penbrook; I. B.
Swartz, Penbrook, and W. H. Wolf,
The board organized as follows:
President, W. H. Wolf; vice president,
John A. Ebersole; cashier, W. B. Faust;
teller, A. E. Aungst; clerk, John H.
Pennsylvania Couples Recently Mar
ried in Maryland City
Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 13. —The fol
lowing Pennsylvania couples %vere mar
ried in this city:
Miss Ruth Wilt and William D.
Gutshall, both of Baline, Pa., at the par
sonage of the First Baptist church, by
the Rev. E. K. Thomas.
Miss Lula B. Wiiluian, of Middle
town, and Edward C. Fagau, of Har-
I risburg, at the parsonage of the Trin
i ity Lutheran church, by the Rev. Dr.
i J. S. Simon.
Miss Lillian Mary Young and Clair
; Brown, both of Altoona, at the par
j sonage of the First Christian church,
J by the Rev. Mr. Townsend.
Miss Blanche Miller, of Indian Head,
and Roy Homer White, of White, by
the Rev. Mr. Thomas.
Miss Myrtle Whiteman and Thomas
Eggeson, both of Johnstown, by the
Rev. Mr. Thomas.
But State's Attorney Does Not Grant
Woman's Desire
Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 13.—Clifford
Taylor Leggett, the young man mur
dered Sunday morning by his wife, Min
nie Leggett, of Upton, Pa., following
a quarrel at their home here, was bur
i ied in the Boonsboro cemetery yester
Mrs. Leggett begged the Sheriff that
j she bo allowed to havp one last look
i at the form of her husband before in
terment, but State's Attorney Wollinger
stated that he could see no useful pur
pose that could be served by the wife
being granted this privilege.
Health Bureau Meets No-night
The City Bureau of Health will re
organize for 1915 at a meeting to be
j held this evening. Officers wiM be
j elected and plans will be laid for the
! new year's work. The bureau will re-
I ceive' the annual report of Health Offi
cer Raunick, w-hich, among other things,
shows that the births of 1914 were
1,442 against 955 deaths.
Marriage Licenses
John S. Dauphin county, and
Eliza G. Elsinger, Union Deposit.
Aaron H. Bricker, Lebanon county,
and Mary A. Ebersole, Dauphin county.
, Designed to skim swiftly over the surface of lee or frozen snow, the motor sled. Invented by Robert Goelet.
recently bas had a series of successful tests at his country home at Glen more. N. Y. Those of his friends who have
seen the sled in action are enthusiastic over its possibilities, not only in the line of sport, which wus the motive for
its creation, but also for commercial use in many parts of the frozen North. The sled, the first of its kind to USL
the principle of the aeroplane for its motive power, bas pr.oved to be a satisfactory working model. It has been built
for comfort and strength rather than for extreme speed, although under favorable conditions it is faster than the
average automobile The sled itself is In the shape of a flat bottomed boat with a sharp bow and can carry teu or
twelve persons. Its control is so like that of an automobile that Mr. Goelet's chauffeur had no difficulty in uper
atlng it. The car is mounted on two sets of runners, similar to those of an ordinary bobsled. The driving force Is
a large propeller, back and above the car. which, with slight variations, resembles those used in aeroplanes and hydro
planes This propeller is protected by a large circular frame supporting a covering of wire netting. The motor is of
Ibe type used in automobiles. The sensation is described n= being between that of flying in an aeroplane and driving
in a racing automobile. "1 felt like an ivory ball sliding over a perfect billiard table," said oue passenger as lie
stepped from the sled.
Washington, i). C.. Jan. 13. —Uouis !
Gathman, who claims to be the Ameri- S
can inventor oi' the high explosive shells !
Germany is using in her monster.guns j
WIM.II swept away the costly defenses'
ol' l<iego and Antwerp, tolil a minority j
of the Senate Committee 011 Expendi- J
tures in the War Department to-day !
lie had been endeavoring to interest the (
ordinance Olivers of the American War
Department for many years, aud had
made r.o effort to give his invention to'
foreign governments until it had 'been :
repeatedly refused by American army '■
officers. Uc charged that the facts had;
been suppressed bv the ordnance bn-: j
Gathman sni,| that in tests in 1597 1 (
before American ordnance officers his <
shell had blown to pieces six and ten-1 (
inch armor plates when merely leaned j ,
against Hie steel and e*. loded. Tlie i
whole theory of shell ft?e had been so |,
changed by the adoption of high ex-1 (
plosives in j !ace of armor-piercing pro
jectiles, lie said, that the coast defenses I
of the United States virtually- were use- ■ ,
less because they still use<l the latter!
type of projectile.
Officers of the German* navy, lie said, i
had informed him that armor-piercing j
shells hail been di placed upon German !
Avar vessels years ago and that the!
'Germans relied upon high explosives to 1
destroy a ship on whic-4) their guns'
were turned. It had been demonstrated,!
he said that armor-piercing shells had 1
never sunk a ship. JTe cited the case!
of the Maria Theresa, one of the Span- j
isli ships beached when she took lire 1
after her flight from Santiago. Two!
twelve-inch armor piercing shells had
struck the ship and exploded in her, he :
said, yet it was possible to raise her j
and send her to the United States. Navy j
officers had testified, he said, that had ,
a high explosive shell struck the ves-i!
sel, "the whole stern would have 'been '
torn off.'' I,
Gathman also attacked the coast de-1
lense mortars on which the United;
States, he said, had expended SIOO,-
000,000. These, lie said, have a range I
of onlv six miles, use only armor-pier-1
eing shells and cannot pierce armor at I
a mile as a majority of the blows i
would'be glancing. Equipped with high!
explosive shells, he said, their fire would !
'be deadly.
Famous Characters of Shakespeare to
Be Given by English Actress
Gayle Burlingame yesterday con
tracted with .Miss ElJen Terry, the 1
famous English Shakesperean actress,
for all the time of her eastern tour
in her lainous ''Scenes in Shakespeare."
Miss Terry appears but twice a week,
so great is the tax upon her iu por
traying so many leading scenes and
roles in one night. She will appear
under the directiin of Mr. Burlingame
in the Majestic theatre, this city, on
Wednesday evening, January 27.
Among the famous characters of
Shakespeare which she will present will
be that of Portia, Juliet, Desdemona,
Ophelia, Cordelia, Cleopatra, Imogen
and Beatrice. This will be Hie tirst
Shakesperean attraction of this magni
tude and merit to appear in this city
within the past four seasons and is
the only one so far booked for this sea
son. A"capacity audience should greet
this effort of Mr. Burlingame in pre
senting such an attraction to the city
of Harrisburg. Adv.*
Tree Committee to Meet
The municipal Christmas tree com
mittee will meet at 7.30 o'clock Thurs
day evening at the Mayor's office to
complete the business of the last cele
bration. It is expected that the com
mittee has funds enough to settle all
1 Commerce Committee Meeting
George S. Reinoehl, J. A. Brandt,
George A. Hall, C. IM. Kaltwasser and
IJ. S. Williams, a committee of the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce on print
ing a circular on flarriaburg's advan
tages, met at noon to-day at the Har
risburg Club. Preliminary plans were
Furnished by H. W. Suavely, Broker. I
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court!
Niw York, Jan. 13.
Open. Close. |
Alaska Gold Mines .... 27Vi 27% | '
Amal Copper 54% 54% |
Amer Be it Sugar .... 35 % 35% j
American C'an -9% 29% '
do pfd 94% 94 " j
Am Car and Foundry Co 4 7 47 i
Am Ice Securities .... 22% 22 '/„ j
Amer Loco . . 2S </ a 28% !
Amer Smelting 60% 60%.
Amer Tel and Tel .... 11 8 '/ a 11 8% I
Anaconda 26% 26%
Atchison 94 94% |
Baltimore and Ohio .. . 68% 68'/. |
Bethlehem Steel 52',« 52% j
Brooklyn 11 T 85% 85%
California Petroleum . . 15 15 I
Canadian Pacific, 157 - / 159 |
Central Leather 35 35 j
Chesapeake and Ohio . . 43 43
Chi, Mil and St Paul... 88', 88% j
Chino Con Copper .... 34% "4%,
Consol Gas ~. . 117% 117%j
Erie 2 2 22
Erie, Ist pfd 35 35 !
Goodrich B F 2 7',. 29 j.
Great Nor pfd 114% 114 Va i
Gt Nor Ore subs 28 1 4 28% 1
Interboro Met 11% 11
Inter'boro Met pfd .... 50 50
Lehigh Valley 134% 134%;
Louis and Nashville • . 115% 115%
Xev Consol Copper .... .12',, 12% I
New York Central .... 88% 8814 j
XV,X If and 11 53% 53% j
Northern l'a.-ile 105% .. . .
Pennsylvania R. I? 104% 105%
People's Gas and Coke . 119% 119%
Pittsburgh Coal 17% 18 I
*lb"pfd 84% 85 I
Press Steel Car 3S 35
Ray. Con. Copper 16% 16%
Reading 147% 147%
Repub. Iron Tuid Steel . . 20% 20%
Southern Pacific ....... 85% 84% I
Southern Ry 15% 15% [
Tennessee Copper .... 32 30% 1
Texas Gomipanv 133 133 j
Union Pacific * 119% 118%!
IT. S. Rubber pfd 57 57%
If. 8. Steel 51% 51% j
do pfd 108% 108%|
Utah Copper 51% 51% !
Yir. Carolina Chem. ... 17% 17%]
Western Maryland .... 15 14%!
W. IT. Telegraph .... 59% 59%!
Westinghouse Mi'g ... 73% 73%
Philadelphia Closing Prices 1
Philadelphia, .lan. 13. —Stocks closed
Cambria Steel 14% |
General Asphalt 32 ■
do pfd 67% J
Lake Superior Cor 10 j
Lehigh Navigation 75%
Lehigh Valley 66% I
iPenna. H. R 52%
| Pha. Electric 23% ]
I Pha. Company 34%'
do pfd a 4 ;
Pha. Rapid Trausit 11
Pha. Traction 7X
Reading 73%
General Mtgs., 93
Storage Battery 49.
Union Traction 38%
United Gas Imp., 82%
United States Steel 51a/ s
Btj Associated Press.
Chicago, .Inn. 13.—Close:
Wheat—May, 140%; July 125%.
f'oru—May, 74%; July, 75%.
Oats—May, 55%; July, 52%.
Pork—January, 18.20; .Ylay, 18.80.
• liard—January, 10.52; May, 10.80.
Ribs—January, 9.82; May, 10.15.
Business Steadily Improves, Says Fahey
Bp Associated Press.
Washington, Jan. 13.—Business con
ditions in the United States are stead
ily improving. President Wilso-i was
told to-day by John H. Fahey, president
of the Chamber of Commerce of the
United States. Mr. Fahey said that
some business still was depressed, but
that general confidence had been re
stored and . undoubtedly was having a
good effect. Mr. Fahey has been men
tioned for the ne-.v Trade Commission
and he would not deny to-day that ho
had been offered one of the places. He
said, however, that under no circum
stances could he accept the appoint
ment. *
Paris, Jan. 13, 2.40 P. M.—Severe
winter weather from one end to the
other of the battle line in France hin
dered military operations yesterday,
was the announcement given out this
afternoon by the French War Oflice.
The French artillery showed some ac
tivity, notably near Soissons and be
tween Rlieims and the Argonne, but no
decisive results were obtained. The
fighting northeast of Sodssous continues
with severity, it is evident that large
forces at' infantry have been engaged, j
The French retain some of their posi-!
tions, but were compelled to relinquish |
others. The official announcement is as !
"The unfavorable weather conditions
wihich have persisted along almost the
entire front have hindered operations.
In Belgium there has been a sand storm
in the dunes along the coast.
'•ln the region of Xieuport and near'
Yores the French artillery directed au |
effective fire on the earthworks of the 1
"On the Aisne, to the northeast of j
Soissons. the fighting around spur 132
. continued with great severity during
all the day of January I' 2. The Ger
mans (brought very considerable forces
into this engagement. We maintained
our position on the erest of the hill to
the west of Spur 132. To the east
our troops were obliged to give up i
j ground. The fighting here continues.
"Between Soissous and Berry-au-Bac
, shells from our artillery caused ex- !
: plosions at different points, in the midst
of batteries of the enemy.
"In Champagne, from Rheimg to the i
I Argonne, there were yesterday exceed-!
j iing violent artillery exchanges.
"In the region of Souain the ad
j vanco position covering the blo.-k house
located to the north of Beausejour farm!
j is still in our possession and we have
| set up a trench distant sixtv vardsj
I from the Germalwtrench.
j "In the Argonne to the Moselle there i
1 have been intermittent artillery ex i
I changes. In the Vosges there'have
; been a very heavy fall of snow."
Evangelist Miller Discourses on "The
Price of Power" as Elements
Rage With Unabated Fury
1 (Special to the Star-Independent.)
Mechaniceburg, Jan. 13.—At a few
minutes after 7.30 last evening, with
I the rain storm which bad been prevail
| "ig all day increasing in violence and
J the rain pouriug from tße skv in tor
| rents, about 6UO people gathered in (tie
tabernacle and began tlie evening meet
ing with a soug service, which included
"Somewhere the Suy Is Shining,"
"Sunshine ana Raiu" and "Let a U>t
of Sunshine In."
The spirit of earnestness was even
more marked throughout the congrega
tion than on Sunday evening, as Evan
gelist Miller preached on "The Price
of Power," from the text in Matthew
28:18, 19, "All power is given unto
me in heaven and in earth. Go ye,
therefore, and teach all nations." Hp
showed that the church of to-day, while
not lacking in numbers, is lacking in
power, because many of her members
are uot willing to pay the price.
"Power is not, influence, nor education,
nor culture, nor wealth, but something
better than all of these; tlio life of
power must be the life of love," he
The special music included a song by
Eugene Miller, a duet by Miss Cree anil
Prof. Hohgatt and a selection by the
male quartet. Mr. Miller's subject for
this evening will be "Weighed and
Found Wanting."
Oregon's First Settlement
The first settlement in Oregon was
made, at Fort Clatsop, near the mouth
of the Columbia river, on the 23d day
of March, 1811. The men comprising
the group were prospective fur traders
sent to the Pacific coast by John Jacob
Astor. They ha< sailed from New
York on board thp Whip Tonqi^n.
So Says John Sharp Williams in Defense '
of President's Course About
Vera Cruz Customs
B.i/ Associated Preti.
Washington, Jan. 13.—An attack oil
President Wilson's use of his consti
tutional powers; criticism and support
of his Mexican policy and • political
speechmaking mingled to-day in a Sen
ate discussion of Senator Cummins reso
lution asking what the United States
'intends to do with the taxes collected!
during the occupation of Vera Cruz.
John Sharp Williams, defending the
resolution, said it was well known the
money was to be turned over to any
government in Mexico eventually recog
"You can not embarrass the ad
ministration nor befozzle the American
people with any such resolution,' sai'il
lie. launching into a defense of the
President's policy. He declared if "a
certain American had been in the
White House, there would have been
stern messages to ■Congress climaxed
with: 'Come on boys, charge.'
"Woodrow Wilson will be renomi
nated for the Presidency," said Sen
ator Williams, "and re-elected, not as
a minority but as a majority candidate.
This is so because the American people
have found hiim not only good enough
to take the place of men about whom
they were quarreling but also good
en on sli to stand in his own stead.' 1
Senator Cummins insisted Congress,
not the President, should decide what
shall become of the Vera Cruz money
and (hen, paying a tribute to President
Wilson's integrity and ability, added:
"T am simply objecting to his posi
tion that ho its trying to run the Unit
ed States. It a.ppears in overy utter
ance that falls from his lips. lie as
sumes that undier the constitution he
■is the final arbiter of all these things.
I Ivate no doubt he assumes it with per
fect honesty and with the most careful
Senator Borah assailed the Presi
dent's Indianapolis speech, characteriz
ing it as an admission by the President
that he had arrived a 1 the conclusion
that he preferred to be the leader of his
iparty rather than the chief executive
of the whole people.
" I wish to quote the most significant
statement ever made by a President
with regard to a co-ordinate branch of
the government." said he. "No such
statement has been made since the days
of Andrew Johnson. I will not say
that the spirit which actuated is the
same, but it calls for serious considera
tion of every man. I quote the Presi
dent's statement as follows:
" 'lf any group of men should dare
to break the solidarity of the Demo
cratic team for any purpose or
any motive theirs will be a most un
enviable notoriety and a responsibility
which will bring* deep bitterness to
"The President did not say for any
evil purpose or any unwise principle,
but for any purpose or tny reason.
Such is the sole and central principle
upon which any corrupt political ma
chine was ever organized or put into
existence. There is 110 difference be
tween what he said and what Tom Tag
gart said to his Indiana followers,
i eighty of whom pleaded guilty vester
! day to the crime of corruption. There
I is no difference between it and the
orders issued bv Murphy, of Tammany
Hall, to his satellites to follow the
dictates of the captain regardless of
the dictates of conscience or judg
How War Ruins Farming
In the current issue of "Farm ankl
| Fireside" the natioual farm paper pub
i lished at Springfield, Ohio, David Starr
(Jordan, president of Leland Stanford
I University, publishes a most interesting
article entitled "Tlie Fanner and the
War" in Which he shows how in the of armies the producer becomes
helpless. He compares our peace-loving
and prosperous midU'le Western farm
ing country with Macedonia which wyajt
physically endowed as well as our mid
| die West, but which unfortunately has
j been for 2,000 years in a position where
j war has constantly interrupted its de
! velopment. In the following extract
j taken from his article Doctor Jordan
i gives a picture of Macedonia:
"There were no houses standing
! along the road. Everybody lived in the
| villages, even though the lands were
! ten miles away. And the villages were
| crowded just as closely as houses could
| stand.
"And the farming was not very
| good. The ground was barely scratched
| by the plow. Often in good land one
I wouM see strips covered with black
j berries and wild flowers. Other tracts
are overgrown with scrubby oaks and
i sometimes with wild li'lacs, although
| not a big tree was left standing to
I make a. forest. The Turks once held
Macedonia, and it would seem that
j they hated trees. The Chinese have a
| proverb that 'where armies quarter
thorns and thistles grow,' and armies
have quartered in Macedonia for t.wen
j ty centuries. And for this reason tibere
can be no good farms. The cattle are
dwarfish and give but little milk. They
are used, with the primitive European
buffalo, as beasts of burden. Horses
' are few and small and mostly vicious.
I The sheep, the same breed they had in
Judea in Bible times, are handsome
| ant I active, but carrying very little
wool; a couple of pounds a year would
j be a big average.
"There would be no use in improv
ing the stock when the soldiers may
come any minute. And between bands
j of soldiers come the bands of brigands,
i A brigand in Macedonia, as in Mexico,
| Korea, and China, is a farmer who has
i quit. If he ctfn't make a living on the
| farm, or if someone haS seized his farm
I he becomes an armeti tramp.
* "The farmer who is rich and pros
perous to-day may have to leave the
i country tomorrow on two hours' no
, tice, bv the light of his blazing house,
' with whatever lie can carry on bis
1 1 back.''
Court Order Affecting Foresters
Watertown, N. Y., Jan. 13. —Supreme
Court Justice C. Emerson handed down
a decision to-day in a test case which
affects all Foresters in the United who
joined the order prior to 1899. The
decision holds that such Foresters need
not pay extraordinary assessment levied
in 1912, which amounts to virtually
$260 on SI,OOO of insurance. The
case is that of Henry McClement vs.
the Supreme Court of Foresters. *
Hearing Is Postponed
The hearing of William Heiney. Wil
liam Kelley, Charles Long and William
Allen, charged with feloniously enter
ing the West End Democratic Club and
taking cigars, cigarettes and crackers,
was postponed until Friday afternoon
at 2 o 'clock because no prosecutor made
his appearance in police court this aft
ernoon. The men were released o*n bail.
The Appeal of State Treasurer Young
and Auditor General Powell to
Come Before the Supreme Court •
To-morrow in Philadelphia
The Supreme Court, sitting in Phila
delphia, will hear argument to-morrow
in the appeal taken in the Case involv
ing the payment of the auto license tax
money to the State Highway Depart
ment. The Legislature provided in a
Ibiil creating the tax that it should be
set apart for the State Highway De
partment, but it did not specifically ap
propriate the money, holding that the
fact that it was set apart for a certain
purpose acted as a specific appropria
tion, and that was the stand taken
when Auditor General Powell and State .
Treasurer Young declined to pay over
the money and the State, through At
torney Geueral Bed, brought suit to
compel them to ipay.
Judge McCarrell decided in favor of
the State and against Powell and
Young, and the latter, while paying
over the money, took an appeal to the
Supreme Court, which will be argued
to-morrow. Attorney General Bell and
Deputies Hargest and Wolf will appear >
for the State; former Attorney General
M. Hampton Todo and Cashier Thomas
CrieJitou for State Treasurer Young,
and Chauncey Rogers for Auditor oen
eral Powell. During the trial of the
case in Harrisburg there was consider
able friction between Messrs.'Bcll and
Todd and some rather tart language,
and the argument on the appeal to
morrow may take a turn in that direc
Violated Pure Food Law
Pure Food Commissioner Foust to
day ordered prosecutions in fourteen
cases of violation of the pure food laws
in various counties. The offenses range
from selling bad codfish and fruit to
rotten eggs and chickens.
Can't Appoint Church Specials
The Attorney General's department
has given Governor Tener an opinion'
to the effect that he has no authority
to appoint special policemen lor
Grade Crossings
John P. Dohoney, Investigator of
Accidents for the Public Service Com
mission, will lio-ld a hearing in Tainaqua
to-morrow on the application of .the
citizens for protection at three grade
crossings in that city. Mr. Dohoney
and Chief Engineer Snow last night re
turned from a conference in Washing
ton with the Bureau of Standards re
garding the standardization of elec
trical appliances.
Grade Crossing Refused
The petition of the Cornwall and
Lebanon Railroad Company for the ap
proval of a crossing at grade of Wil
low street, in the city of Lebanon, has
been refused by the Public Service
Commission. The city was opposed to
the crossing and the evidence was to
the effect that there was no public
necessity for it. The vietw of the Com
mission was that it would not be justi
fied in approving a grade crossing over
one of the most, extensively traveled
streets of the city when the city itself
protested that the accommodation and
convenience of the public could not be
Treasury Money
In the past two days the money de
rived from automobile licenses amount
ed to $50,500, which was paid into the
State Treasury.
Theodore F. Cruger. register oif Sul
livan county, has paid $101,293 into
thie treasury, collected as collateral in
heritance tax.
Money for New Armories
The State Armory Board, at its
meeting yesterday, decided that it will
ask the Legislature for $750,000 for
new armories for the next two years.
The plans of McCormick & Frince for
the Lebanon armory were approved,
and the contract for construction will
be let on February 17, there being $20,-
000 available to begin the construc
What the Terms "Quick Firer,"
"Inch" Guns and "Pounders" Mean
To the average man such phrases
as "three pounders" and "six inch"
guns are familiar, but he nearly al
ways reads them without fully under
standing their meanings.
A jKMind gun is a cannon which re
ceives its name from the weight of
the shell it fires. Thus a gun known
as a "three pouuder" is so called be
cause it fires a shell which weighs
three pounds, and l a gun firing a five
pound shell would be called a "five
pounder." The size of most small
guns is stili described by the "pound,"
but the majority of large guns made
to-day are "inch" weapons. In this
case the size of the gun is obtained
from the |ize of its bore, a ten inch
gun having a bore of ten inches in
diameter and a twelve inch weapon a
twelve inch bore.
The largest British naval guns in use
at present are the fifteen in oh weap
ons. They fire a projectile weighing
almost a ton. Next to these comes the
| 13.5 gun and then the most popular
weapon of all—tlie twelve inch, which
'fires an 850 pound shell.
There are several smaller kinds <*f
guns now in use—mostly of the quick
firing type. These weapons are '' inch ''
guns. The six inch, the 4.7 inch and
the four inch are all quick firers and
throw shells weighing 100 pounds,'for
ty-five pounds and thirty-one pounds
Quite a lot of people misunderstand
the term "qu»ck firer." They imagine
a quick firing gun to be a wea|>on
which pours out a stream of shot with
enormous speed after the style of a
Maxim. Instead, however, it is just,
an ordinary breechloading gun, which
is fitted with such vastly improved
methods of loading and aiming that it
can be fired far more rapidly than a''
weapon without those fittings. A gun
that fires a number of shots auto
matically in rapid succession, as the
Maxium, is not called a quiok firer. The
name given to it is"" machine gun."
There are a large range of these
weapons of all sizes and firing from
1,200 right down to forty rounds of
ammunition a minute.
The gun which generally accompa
nies a column into the field on active
service fires a shell of sixty pounds
and is known a.s the "five inch," or, to
use the old term, a "sixty pounder,"—
Pearson's Weekly.