SKIN GOT DRY - PIMPLES BROKE OUT Could Not Sleep. Red and Itched. Eyebrows Fell Out. UsedCuticura. In One Month Skto Clear. Smooth Like Velvet. Eyebrows Grow. 333 Poplar St., Philadelphia. Pa.—"My husband's skin got dry and pimples broke out. At night he could not sleep; It would tburn awfully. The pimples were red and they itched. His skin began to peel off his face. It made all his eyebrows fall out. " He got some soap and ointment but they did not help him. 1 got the Cutl cura Soap and Ointment for him and he put them on. He would first bathe bis face with water as hot as he could stand for about fifteen minutes .with a soft sponge and Outlcura Soap, then be put the Ointment on his face and left it on all night. In the morning he would wash it off with the Soap and then put the Ointment on again. He would do that four or Ave times a day. In one month his skin was clear and now it Is smooth like velvet and his oyebrows have come in nicely." (Signed) Mrs. Robert Pahlo, June 12,1914. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Cutlcura, Dept. T, Bos ton." Sold throughout the world. SUBURBAN NEW. CUMBERLAND New School House Will Be Built at Bella Vista Special Correspondence. Now Cumberland, Jan. 13. —Many cellars were flooded yesterday by sew ers being clogged aud rain spouts over flowing. The new school house wthich will re place the old New Market school house, built more than a half century ago, will be built at Bella Vista. 'Mr. and iMrs. William Waeker, of AVooster, Ohio, are visiting Ira Schell's family and Mrs. Kate Snyder in New Cumberland and relatives in York county. The new brick houses w'hich Edward Springer, Beno street, has built at Hill side, are completed. His daughters, IMrs. Sliott and Mrs. Everett Walker, will occupy them. Dallen has purchased Boyd Lantz's new house at Hillside and moved into it. A number of people from here will attend the inauguration next week. On Tuesday evening, .January 19, the Ladies of the Maccaibees will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. George ißeckley on Fourth street. A full at tendance is desired. The Everfaithful Bi'ble class of (lie Church of God will meet at the home of Mrs. Samuel Uricli, Beno street, on Thursday evening, January 14. George ißecklev's family spent Sun dky afternoon with friends at Lamoyhc. Miss IMiidred Boss srpent several days with Leroy Sutton's family at Hogues town. The Otterbein Guild of Trinity I'. B. < huirh will meet at the home of Miss IMirinie Webber on Sunday afternoon at 2 o 'clock. 1 FISHERVILLE Many People Attend Funeral of the Late Mrs. J. A. Fauber Special Correspondence. Fisherville, Jan. 13. —Bussell Prank and family, who were at Detroit this summer, returned to this place last week. Ray Sellers and Pierce Holtzntan are ai Tamaqua. Mrs. Sarah Young, who was at tHar risburg, has.returned home. Robert Reed, who is employed at Harrisburg, was at his home over Sun day. •loilii Lubold. Jr., of Selinsgrove, vis ited his aunt, Mrs. S. J. Ze.Ving, the past week Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, of. Mercer county, visited in this section last week. Mrs. li. Lent?, anil daughter, listher, spent a few days at Harrisburg last week. Mrs. Amanda Longreen, of Lvkens, visited here over Sunday. Mrs. M. D. Lebo. of Lykeas, is spending some time here with her moth er. Mrs. G. W. I). Enders Mrs. Elizabeth Keiter, who spent about a week near Matamoras with her daughter, returned home on Saturday. The teachers' local institute, which was held on Friday evening, was well attended by the teachers and patrons of this district. Superintendent F. E. Shambaugh was present and gave some interesting talks. Mrs. D. W. Bixler and daughter, Bessie, and son, Floyd, of Harrisburg, were in town over Sunday. A party wa« held at the home of William Berry last week. The funeral of Mrs. J. A. Fauber was largely attended and was the largest funeral held here for some time. Mrs. Kauher was a woman who had a large host of friends and was a member of the Lutheran church. Services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. J. F. Stabley. The Rev. .T. F. Staibley will preach !'ext Sunday afternoon at Fetterhoff's church. NEWVILLE John Wagner Dies After Operation at Philadelphia Hospital Sn<-«tV r >rre«i>ond>*ncß. Xewville, Jan. 13.—John Wagner, of Main street, was taken to the Ger man hospital, December 28, anil a short time afterwards underwent a critical operation. He died at that institution on Saturday ait midnight. He was in his 59t)h year and is survived by his widow, one d aughter, Mrs. Amos Orris, of near Oakville, and two grand daughters. Mr. Wagner was a retired farmer, having moved to Xewville a low years ago from near Oakvjlle. He wAs a inemTier o , f the Zion Lutheran church and a man of genial disposition. The funeral service was he'd from the Zion Lutheran church on Tuesdav aft Wanted Cash Registers If you have a cash register for sale write us we will sell it for you quickly. If you want to buy a second-hand NATIONAL CASH REGISTER write ns for prices on nearly new GUABAN TEED ones. Why pay the new price? The Cash Register Exchange Co. Hale Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. crnooti and was in charge of the Rev. George N. Ijauffer, a former pastor. In terment was mode in the Newville cem etery. The Rev. Mr. GrieT, of Gannonsiburg, assisted the Rev. G. M. Reed, D. D., (raptor of the United Presbyterian chuiroh, with services on Sunday and those preparatory to communion. Mrs. Harry Manning has "oeen very ill at her home 011 Big Stpring avenue. A union meeting .under the auspices of the No-License ljeagme will be held in the Cburch'of God this eveniug at 7.30 o'clock. The public is cordially in vited and the men are especially urged to he present. After this service the W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Samuel I* i j>e r, Bug Spring avenue. Mrs. Parson, otf Altoona, is visiting at the home of her son, the Rev. F. N. Parson. HALIFAX National Bank Stockholders Elect Di rectors and Officers Spe"!n t*''orresnondence Halifax, Jan. 13. —The stockholders of the Halifax National bank met yes terday ami elected directors and ollicera for the ensuing year. Ail the old direc tors were re-elected and W. H. Miller, of Fisherville, WMS elected to till the vacancy on the board made vacant by the death of G. W. D. hinders. The board organized Iby electing A. Fort en bangh, .president; A. M. Smith, vice president; J. E. Nace, secretary; P. S. Hill, cashier; R. F. Landis, assistant cashier. Isaac M. Barry, of Tower City, for merly of this place, died at the Potts ville hospital last Saturday from ap pendicitis. He was well known liere. Burial was made at lenders 011 Tuesday afternoon. Miss Sue Wagner, of Matamoras, JS the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. Stewart Potter. M. H. Spahr is spending the week on a business trip through Perry county. DILLSBURG Directors and Officers Elected By Both Banks Yesterday .appeal cm- • "i"- Dillsburg, Jan. 13. —At the com munion service in the Methodist church, Sunday morning the individual com munion set recently presented to the church by Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Gross, was used for the first time. Twelve persons were baptized and four mem bers were received into the church by transfer. There were three new members re ceived into the U. B. church Sunday morninlg and eleven members were add ed to the Christian Endeavor Society on Sunday evening. The evangelistic, services at the Franklin cihurch closed Sunday evening. There had ilieen forty-nine conversions. Bessie Taylor, R. D., No. 4, left for Reading Monday morning where she has accepted a position. Mary Stouft'er, of South Baltimore street, sipent Sunday with friends in Lemoyne. Sarah Rarhip, of Camp Hill, and Ruth Stoulfer, of this place, were the guests of Jacob Knisely, R. D. No. 4, on Sunday. » At their regular meeting Monday evening. Camp 777. P. 0. S. of A., add ed lour new members to the camp. A trained nuxL I dJJCI $15.75 —excellent for bedrooms; plain cen- *r> _ i i • ters with neat borders; size 9x12 ft. C yXOTTS Matting at 29£ yd.—value 49c; wool and f . • . ■ „ .. , • , ~J • , -j . . At this time ot vear when mechanics are fibre mixture; .4b inches wide; carpet pat- „_ f „,,„l „ . • torn •. v»pv Hiipuhl. >ii not. rushed, we can assure you prompt service ' T s ' ' ' */r i*- '' i-t m. a i on insure very satisfactory results. Japanese Matting at 17* yd.-value 30c; Wall p ■ t tl< cotton vvarp; carpet patterns two-tone stripes; hair-lined ourt loor BO MAI S. Jaspes, embossed satin effects and varnished ~~————— golds included in the lot. Borders to match. i - - Wall Papers at 11? roll—lsc to 22c values a Vo " , —Bedroom florals, satin stripes, Jaspe ef- I feets and shadow designs. These eombina tions are adapted to living rooms, parlors an( ' reception halls ; all beautifully designed with cut-out borders to harmonize. r Wall Papers at y 2 c to 15c values—suitable for all rooms; including florals, conventional patterns and plain strip ed and self-toned finish; cut out decorations and panel treatments to match. How They Are Received Wall Papers at 3c? roll—Bc, 10c 12'/oe G_ values—clean patterns for halls, chambers, a rm nrt i 11 1 r% r> dining rooms and kitchens. Borders to match, eT man \DI iver only 9 inches wide. l\/f 1 TD , D Note: These specially priced papers will IVIGSn LJCLQS l\e- be sold only with borders that complete the , I , « patterns. paired, Special Fourtll SI.OO Specials in Domes- This splendid offer is for one week 4*4/* C T*/\ *Tl f\ *"•#•/\ttt only, and includes refinishing and relin- LlLb""" X O™IXIOX xOAnf ing with either silk or kid, and made 10c and 12M»c Flannelettes, in light or dark equal to new. patterns; cut from the full piece, at 8? yard. We quote you this low price to have 20c and 22c Pillow Tubing, 40 and 42 you become better acquainted with our inches wide; bleached; good, even, round Jewelry Repair Department, where all thread, at 15? yard. work is executed by skilled workmen— I 2y 3 c Ginghams, plain colors, or striped; guaranteed to give satisfaction. suitable for dresses, or'boys' waists; %-vard wide; at 8? yard. jfl4c Lonsdale Muslin, or spinwell cambric; cut from full pieces, at 10? yard. . $1.19 Sheets, made of Mohawk muslin; marked E. S.; size 81x108 inches; few oil Pillow Cases, 42 and 45-inch sizes; made of bleached muslin: laundered, at 8? each. 75c Sheets, size 76x90 inches; linen finisli cd: 3-inch hems; laundered; noted for its How They Are Returned 1()(> ® utin £ f* ann ®{; in ''M'/v P r ( ' a ! k |)nt " terns; remnant lengths, at 6'/ a ? yard. am ~ m ™~"™"—————— —___ Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Men—"Get In" on This Special Hosiery Offering, 11c Pair Now every man will be interested in this little sale, because there are lisles. silk lisles and cottons, in medium and light weights. And for men who need heavier hose, are good quality Merino, which are half wool and half cotton. Some are samples and some are "seconds," and for this reason they are marked (to-morrow only) at 11? pair, instead of 15c to 25c. Various shades, including black and navy. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. CANNON'S NEPHEW FOUND DEAD| Family Deny the Danville Man Killed : Himself Danville, -Tail. 13.—0. W. Cannon, nephew of Uncle Joe Cannon and ex-1 son-in-law of W. B. MwKinlev, was j found dead in bed at his home here yes- J terd-ay. The family says that death was due | to natural cause* and denied suicide, rumors. I/ess than a year as»o Cannon was found in bed with a gun shot j wound in his head. He said the shooting i was awidental. He was 47 years old and had s/pent a .large fortune. SWEATER SALE j Every style and color Sweater in the shop re duced. $5.00 Grade, $3.50 $6.00 Urade, $4.25 $6.50 Qr.nle $4.50 I SIO.OO Grade, $7.50 Onyx Silk Hose. 36c Silk Lisle, 17c, 3 for .... .50c I 50c Silk, 35c, 3 for SI.OO $1.50 Silk, SI.OO | Manhattan Shirts Reduced CHDDV'O 3rd St. Near rUnnl 0 walnut ——————— POINCARE. UNDETERRED BY DANCER FROM CERIHAN SHELLS. VISITS AT FRONT i j Paris, Jan. 12, 11.55 P. Mr—Presi-1 | dent Poincare, on his latest trip to the : j front, from which he returned to-day, j j in addition to presenting the keys to j tlio bluejackets there and visiting j ] Ilazdbrock went to the British head- j j quarters wikere he had a long conversa- ! tion with Field 'Marshal Sir John : I French and the Prince of Wales and in- ' I vested the 'British generals, Bir Douglas I j Haig and Smith Dorrien, with the in ! j siguia of Grand Officers of the liegion 1 ! of Honor. These were conferred at the I speoial request of Oeueral .Toffre, the j French commander-in-chief. From British headquarters President j Poinicare, undeterred 'by the serious J risks from Herman Shells, drove in an j i automoibile to Arras. Accompanied by 1 | the prefect of Arras, the mayor and the I | bishop, President Poincare visited ev- I i ery part of the ruined city, whose as ! pect of utter desolation deeply moved j j him. The President gazed for /a long | time at the chaos which everywhere met his eye. All aibfout him were noth- ! ing but shapeless masses of stoue and I walls through wihich great holes haO,OOO Suits Follow St. Louis, Jan. 13.—Suits for $50,- (100 each were filed in the Circuit Court yesterday against Dr. Robert E. Wilsou ! and the German Lutheran hospital 'by | Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Kieburtz, alleg ; ing that a piece of gauze was left in i Mrs. Kieburtz following a recent oper j ation. Mrs. Kieburtz says that after the ; operation she was in continual pain | and urged Dr. Wilson 'to operate again, j'He finally consented. It is assert«