The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 13, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    S OCIA L and
Working Musical in Fahn ©stock Hall
This Morning—Elks Give Dance
and Plan Masquerade—Teners the
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey
Continuing fhe study of "rhythm,
melody, 'harmony aud the color of mu
sic," "the Wednesday Club presented a
program of great variety at the work
ing musical, held this morning in
i'ahnestock hall.
The program included the following
numbers: (a) "Thus Were Finished,
lrotn Sadxbath Evensong of the Jewish
Synagogue service; ('b) Sedes,
I'lain -Song Gradual, transcribed by
Houdard, Mrs. William K. Buin'baugh;
"Sumer is icomen in," 1740: "John
of Forensete," semi-chorus: '-Teaebrae
Factae Suut," Palestina, Wednesday
Clu'b «liorus; "Fugue in G Minor,"
1583 1644, Fresco'baldi; "Sonata in G
Minor," D. Scarlatti, Miss Witten
myer; "Invention in F Major, No. 8,
two-part Inventions," J. S. Bach, Mrs.
ilenry; '"Deli V'ieni," from "The Mar
riage of Fiargo," 1756-91, IMozart,
Miss Esther Kendig: -'Si Le Bonheuh,"
.from "Faust," 1818-93 ; Gounod, (Miss
Mary Worlev; "(Brunnhilde's Farewell
to Siegfried," Wagner, Mrs. Frank
Payne; (a) "Novelette," Schumann;
(bj "Badnlat," "Cradle Song," Grieg,
LMrs. iMartin Cumbler; (a) ''From
Venice," Reineeke; ('b) "In Summer
Go Phv Love to Seek," Keinecke; (c)
"O Crateful Evening Silence," Rein
eeke, Mrs. 'Bumbaugh, Mrs. tHull, Miss
IMiddaugh; " Preludes," Sym
phonic Poem, Liszt, Miss Wittenmyer,
\.\lrs. Rhodes, 'Mrs. Henry, Miss Lav
Dance at the Elks' Club
Thirty or more couples attended the
dance at the Elks' Chub last evening
with the llpdegrove orchestra playing
for the dancing. A buffet supper was
served in the grill room, atfer which
dancing was continued until a late hour.
The social committee is composed of
James H. Lutz, Jr., chairman; Dr.
Thomas Bowman, Simon Hirsh, Isaiah
Reese, Robert Smith aud Harry Crane.
It is arranging for a masquerade dance
which will be held Tuesday evening,
January 26.
In Honor of Retiring Governor
Mr. and Mrs. William Elder Bailey
entertained at dinner at their home,
Front and South streets, last evening,
in honor of Governor and Mrs. Johu
K. Tener. Covers were laid for Gov
ernor and Mrs. Tener, Judge and Mrs.
George Kunkel, 'Mr. and Mrs. William
B. MoCaleb and 'Mrs. George Douglas
Mrs. Ramsey Entertains
'Mrs. 'Lyman D. Gilbert's Sewing Cir
cle, of the Home and War Belief com
mittee. met at the home of Mrs. George
Douglas Ramsey, 101 Ixieust street,
Monday evening.
Guests of Henderson Gilbert
Officers and directors of the Harris
burg Chamber of Commerce will be
guests of the president, Henderson Gil
bert, at dinner in the iHarritfburg Club,
this evening. The guests will include:
W. M. Donaldson, C. W. Burtnett, F. j
B. Musser, J. William Bowman, George J
W. Reily, E. S. Herman, W. M. Ogels- j
by, George W. Bogar, Donald (MeCor-!
Mick, David Kaufman, W. B. 'Mi-Caleb,
George F. Watt, George A. Shreiner and !
David E. Tracy.
Dance at Colonial Club
An informal dance and card party
was enjoyed by thirty-five members of
the Colonial Country Club last evening.
The house committee has arranged for
another informal dance at the clu'b to
morrow night.
Announces Engagement of Daughter
Mrs. Suzaune Aspegren, of New York
City, announcer the engagement of her |
daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Ixtuis
James Pfluguer. of New York City.
Mrs. Aspegren and daughter were for
merly residents of this city. The date
of the wedding has not been set. but I
will take place in the early summer, i
Keeport-Neff Wedding
New Danville, Jan. 13.—The Rev.
A'bram B. Herr to-day united in mar
riage M :-s Flora N. Neff, of Millers
>i 1 le, and S. K. Keeport, of near Lan
caster, with the ring ceremony. They
were attended by Miss Naomi A. Weav
er and Arthir Keeport. A reception
followed the ceremony at the home of
the bride.
Says We Must Keep Feet Dry, Avoid
Exposure and Eat
Less Meat
Stay off the ground, avoid ex
posure, keep feet dry, eat less meat
drink lots of water, and above all take
a spoonful nf salts ncea-sionallv to keep
down uric acid.
Rheumatism is caused by poisonous
toxin, called uric acid, whiMi is gene
rated in the bowels and absorbed into
the blood. It is the function of the
' idneys to filter this acid from the
blood and cast it out in the urine. The
pores of the skin are also a nteans of
treeing the blood of this impurity. In
damp and chilly, cold weather the skin
pores are closed, thus forcing tire kid
ney to do double work, they become
weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate
this uric arid which keeps accumulating
and circulating through the system,
eventually settling in the joints and!
muscles causing stiffness, soreness and j
pain called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of .lad SSalts; put' a tablespoon
ful in i' glass of water and drijik be
fore breakfast each morning for a week.
This is said to eliminate uric acid by
stimulating the kidneys to normal
action, thus ridding the blood of these
• lad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia and
is used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who are subject to rheu
matism. Mere you have a pleasant,
fervescent lithia-water drink which
overcomes uric acid and is beneficial
to vour kidneys as well.—Adv.
Splendid Program Will Be Rendered by-
Local Artists In Assembly Room
of Cameron School
A concert will be held in the assem
bly room of the Cameron school build
ing Thursday evening, January 14, at
8 o'clock for the benefit of the piano
fund of Miss Lillian Fitzimon's room.
The program will consist of vocal
and instrumental selections by Mrs.
William K. Bumbaugh, Miss Sara Le
mer, George Sutton and Newell Al
bright and will include the following
"Dance of the Gnomes." Liszt:
"Etude in E Flat." Chopin; "Hungar
ian Dance,'' Brahme, Mr. Albright:
"Sunshine Song," "To a Violet,"
"Greeting," Grieg, Mrs. Bumbaugh:
"A Gypßy Dance," Nachev, Miss Le
mer; "Vulcan's Song," Gounod, Mr.
Part ll—"Brilliant Bird," David.
Mrs. Bumibaugh; "Intermezzo,'' Wolf-
Ferari; "Sweet Lavender," MaeDow
ell; "Libesfreund," Kreisler, Miss Le
mer; "Invictus," Hulin; "Morning,"
SpeaJis, Mr. Sutton; "Etude," "All
Thro the Night," "Negro Dance," Cyr
il Scott, Mr. Albright; "Passage Bird's
Farewell," Hildach, Mrs. Bumbaugh
and Mr. Sutton.
Pupils of Central High School Danced
Old Style Waltz and '
The mid-winter dance of Central
j High School students vras hold last
evening in Hatishaw's hall, with a
large number in attendance. The old
time waltz, two-step and Newport were
danced for the -first time in several
years, and the modern steps, such as
the hesitation, fox-trot, maxixe and
tanigo, barred. The dangers included:
Misses Mary Qui tin, Sara McClough
| lin, .lo Wbersole, Bessie Capin, Louise
Kuhlwind, Helena B. Tettemer, Jennie
Fry. Ruth Uncer, Gertrude Carroll,
j Marie Ixmgenecker. Sura Concklin. Rut'j
| Meutzer, Lillian Bernheisel, Henrietta
I Albramson, Vernice Marshall, Helen
I Marshall, and Harry S. Page, Raymond
■ Parker, Ephraim Brenner, C. F. Heisley,
I Mark C. Hej-man, C. W. Britsch, John
j C. Gary, Merle Beach, Henry H. Bren
' ner, John Dougherty, Frank Corkle,
! Sam Brenner. Ross K. Wirt, Alphonsis
| Cashnvan, Samuel Lipman, Karl Peters.
; Miss Marie Hockley Hostess for Mem
bers of Fifth Street
Miss Marie Hockley entertained th»
members ot the Sunday school class of
' the Fifth Street. M. K. church taught
| by Mrs. John Mclaughlin at her home,
j 1536 North Sixth street. Games and
music were enjoyed, after which dainty
refreshments were served.
Those present were Mrs. McLaugh
lin, Miss Helen Chandler, Miss Eliza
beth Selte'nberger, Miss Harriet Rhine,
Miss Margaret Rhine, Miss Evelyn
Berg. Miss Hazel Fraim, Miss Mary
Glosser, Miss Navine Smith, Miss Ruth
Lightner, Miss Alice Wertz, Mr. Kep
ford, Richard Martin and Grafton
I Frank R. Downey Much Interested In
Quaker City Exhibit
Frank R. Downey, of Gatelv & Fitz
j gerald, has just returned from a trip
|to the Philadelphia auto show. Mr.
| Dowtiev is vice president of the Motor
| Club of HarrisHnirg, and takes a great
; interest in motoring. His familiarity
| with all the good roads, picturesque
spots and interesting points, is unques
While ait the aulo show Mr. Downer
, was looking over the automobile exhib
| its with miuch care and interest and will
i probably be in the market for a 1915
I model.
j Mr. Downey is well and 'av-oralblv
J known by most of the local business
| people and is president of the Furniture
j Dealers Association of Hairrisibupg,
Entertained Club Members at Her
Home Last Evening
Miss Pauline Farridv entertained the
■ members of the club to which she be-
I longs at her home, 1253 South Thir
teenth street, iast evening. Luncheon
was served to the following guests:
Mrs. George Barker, Mrs. Edward
Farridy, Miss Mary Kelly, Miss Helen
C. Kauffman, Miss Ruth Snyder, Miss
Esther Conrad, Miss Bessie' Bartman.
-Miss Margaret McDevitt, Miss Gene
vieve Farridy, Miss Gertrude Farridy.
Clem Kelly, Jacob Kinnard, William
Gibson, John Farridy, Daniel Farridy.
Issue Invitations for June Wedding
Marietta, Jan. 13.—Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Shoemaker, of Goshen, have issued
invitations for the wedding of their
daughter, Miss Lulu M. Shoemaker, and
Ross Ulrich, of Ohio, the ceremonv to
be performed June 14 at the home of
the bride. The wedding will be an
elaborate affair
R. F. O. M. Meeting
Members of the R. F. O. M. Club will
meet to-morrow evening at the V. W.
C. A. and attend the annual meeting
of the directors and board members,
which will be held there.
C. G. Ervin's Marriage In December
Just Announced
Philadelphia. Jan. 13.—Charles Gil-'
pin Ervin, a Harvard graduate and a I
member of one of Philadelphia's promi
nent families, was married in Wilkes-1
Barre in Decemibc., after a courtship
carried on while he was working in the
coal m>ines of eastern Pennsylvania, ac
cording to announcements by his pa
rents here yesterday.
Soon after leaving collate Mr. Ervin j
entered the employ of a coal mining!
company and worked in the pits. Then ;
he met Miss Bertha Baehman, of Hazle- i
ton, and won her before he explained '
that he belonged to a socially promi
nent family and was working his way I
up from the bottom. The marriage was j
kept a secret until Mr. Ervin told his
parents several days ago.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Mrs. Samuel Metzger, 618 Delaware
street, has returned from a visit with
Mr. and Mrs Albert Kriner at Enhaut.
•Miss Mary Myers, 1919 Green street,
left yesterday 'o visit her aunt, Mrs.
L. B. Teitsworth, at Shamokin.
Miss Nelle High has returned to her
home in Toledo, Ohio, after a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Claybaugh Todd,
of the Etter apartments.
Mrs. Lymnn D. Gilbert, North Front
street, will return next Monday from a
visit with relatives in Petersburg, Va.
Mrs. Edward F. Manser, South
street, left yesterday to spend two
months in Peekskill, N. Y., her former
Miss Emma MacAlarney, of New
York City, who is doing suffrage work
in Pennsylvania during the winter, is
making her headquarters at the Y. W.
C. A. Miss MacAlarney spent to-day
in Millersburg anil to-morrow she will
spend in Easton.
Dr. Harry M. Vastine, who left two
weeks ago for New Jersey to recuperate
from a uervous breakdown, will return
to this eitv earlv next month.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Martin and
daughters. Mabel and Edna, of Paoli.
are spending the week with relatives
in this city and Camp Hill.
Miss Virginia Young, of York, has
returned after a visit with Mr. and
iMrs. Charles Happ, 1415 Thompson
Miss Marie Bowers, of Middletown,
has returned after a week-end visit
with her sister, Miss Ellen (Bowers,
15 40 Derry street.
Miss Blanche Hance, 8 South Six
teenth street, has returned from Mt.
Mr. and Mrs. Yernon Huntzberger,
1543 Spencer street, have returned aft
er spending a fortnight with relatives
in New York.
Mrs. John C. Conkliu, of Philadel
phia, is the guest of her brother, Wil
liam C. 'McFarland, 158 Sylvan Ter
'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McNeal aud
daughter. Miss Margaret McNeal, 1826
Kensington street, have returned from
a three weeks' stay in New York.
Mrs. Edward' Musser has gone to
her home at Baiuisridgi- after a visit
with Mrs. Thomas Clark, 923 North
Second street.
'Mrs. Reed Walker, of Winkensburg.
is the guest of her parents, Mr. and
IMrs. Frank L. Wolfe, 303 South
Eighteenth street.
James Brady and son, Charles Brady,
1 732 Green street, have returned from
Miss Beatrice Sc'herrer. of Greens
burg, ret lined after spending a fort
night wish Miss lreuc McCaliey, 1503
North Second street.
Arthur Mauk, 330 Reily street, has
gone to Pittsburgh to visit relatives.
Mrs. Morris (Miller and children have
returned after a visit with the former's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gold
smith, 805 North Sixth street.
Mrs. Lynn Hawbecker, of Hershev,
was a recent guest of her } arents. Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Ranch, 12il
Miss Anna Stapf. 23 South Third
street, has returned from Columbia.
Mrs. Lillie Hoosmauger, of Reading,
will arrive to-morrow to be the guest
of her sister,' Mrs. Elizabeth Rose, 713
North Third street.
Mrs. J. Frank Small, of York, is
spending several days with her sister,
Mrs. Samuel Weidenmver, 32 South
Seventeenth street.
Mrs. Roy Earlcv ami sons. Albert and
Robert, of Boston, returned after spend
ing several weeks with Mrs. Earley's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roiiert Hunt,
142 Sylvan Terra.e. ,
Mr. and Mis. Edward Lein'baok, 212
North Se.ond street, are home from
New York.
Mrs. John E. Pier and daughter, iMiss
Myrtle Pier, of Portland, Maine, are
guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Samuel Weiden
mver, 32 South. Seventeenth street.
'Mr, and Mrs. H. H. Hilbush, .6: ii
t urtin street, have returned from a
several weeks' visit to Buffalo.
The Rev. Harry Ulrieh, o t' I'rince
ton University, has resumed his studies
atfer a visit at the home of his wife's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pastor,
1609 Green street.
Miss Hazel 'ilelkes, of Northumber
land, spent yesterday with Mrs. Charles
E. Williams, 1501'.. North Sixth street.
Mrs. H. M. Geiger, of Northumber
land, has returned home after a visit
with Mrs. Martha J. Hart/.ell,
North Sixth street.
Mrs. James L. Grimes, of Driftwood,
has returned after a visit with her
parents, (Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Urban,
14 38 Derrv street.
David Reese, of Pittsburgh, has re
turned home alter a visit with his sis
ter, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bickert, 435
Peffer street.
Mrs. Ellis Lewis Mumma and Mrs.
Benjamin Meyers Mamma, of Mobile,
Ala., who are spending some time with
Harrigburg friends, spent the week-end
with friends at S'pring Lake aud Sea
■Girt, N.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Forward,
124 Sylvan Terrace, spent yesterday in
■Mechaniesiburg guests of Mr. and Mrs.
William Forward.
•Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Williams,
1119 North Second street, have return
ed from Mechanicsburg, where t'hev
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N.
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd F. Hall, 331
Harris street, have returned from Me
chanicgburg where they were guests of
'Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Hall.
Wendell Hertwig, aa attorney of
'Minneapolis, Minn., is the guest of his
Combing Won't Rid
Hair of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of dan
druff is to dissolve it, then you destroy
it entirely. To do this, Ret about four
ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply
it at night when retiring; use enough
to mosten the scalp and rub it in
gently with the finger tips.
Do this to-night, and by morning
most, if not all, of your dandruff will
be gone, and three nr four more appli
cations will completely dissolve and en
tirely destroy every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
once, and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon ar any drug
store. Jt is inexpensive and never fails
to do the work.—Adv.
sister, Dr. Louis Taylor, 1800 North
Third street.
Ross L. Dyer, 601 Peffer street, has
returned Leibanon.
Mr. and 'Mi's. B. Frank iMeckley,
1217 Green street, arc spending two
weeks iu Philadelphia.
Mrs. Benjamin I,ong and son, Ben
jamin, of Landisville, are guests of the
former s grandmother, Mrs. M. A. Nich
olas, 216 Hcrr street.
Mrs. H. C. Wells, 1108 Penn street,
has gone on a visit to Hamburg, Port
Clinton and Philadelphia.
James Larkln. 1522 Naudain street,
has returned from Pottsville and Mauch
Chunk after a visit with relatives.
'Mr. and Mrs. David Leedv and
grandson, Warren Leedy, 629 Dauphin
street, have returned from Philadel
Kenneth MciFarland. 1417 Zarker
street, has returned from tMaudh Chunk
and Pottsville.
Miss Miriam Horning, 608 Dauphin'
street, has returned from a week's stay
in Philadelphia.
Mrs. David S. Cooper and daughter,
Vivian, of Lebanon, have returned aft
er a visit with .Mr, and Mrs. Simon
Cooper, 600 North street.
Mr. and Mrs. David Kagen have
returned to their home at York after
a visit with Mrs. Kagen's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Cooper, 600 North
Mrs. Harrison Frank Hostess
I Mrs. Harrison E. Frank entertained
jat dinner at lior home, 1306 Hunter
! street, last evening, with covers for
six. Music "hy Miss Bertha Beck was
< a l'eature of the evening. The guests
j present were Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Oeb
-1 haidt, Mrs. Barn hart, Mrs. Beck and
! Mrs. Grissey.
Conttuiifil Prom Klrst Pace. in other sections of the country.
! however, were not adhered 10. most of
i the Democrats from Illinois aud Indi
j ana voting for (lie resolution.
| The Pennsylvania delegation voted
! as follows:
For—Butler, Carr, Casey, Dersliem.
i Fair, Graham, G.ie3t, Hulings, Kiess.
! Kiester, Kelly, Logue, Porter. Palmer.
; Patton. Rupley, Temple, Vare, Wal
Against—Bailey, Biirchlield, Burke.
| Difeuderfer, Donohue, Lauham, Ijee,
Lesher, Moore—9.
Not Voting—Ainey, Brodbeck, Krei
| rler, Lewis, Morin, Shreve, Rothermel —
To Rsncw Fight in 04tli Congress
Washington, Jan. 13. —Democratic
j leaders in I ougress to-day considered
the women suffrage issue dead so far
|as the present session is concerned
1 as the result of the failure of the reso
i lutiou for a constitution amendment
j to enfranchise women to get the neces
sary two-thirds vote in yesterday's con
test in the House of Representatives.
I Failure of the resolution to get even a
| majority vote, it was believed, would
I discourage further efforts at this ses
i sion to have the cjuesiion again brought
| up for consideration.
1 ndismayed, however, because of the
! defeat second time of the suffrage
j cause in Congress within a year suf
; t'rage leaders decided to-day that the
light was by no means over and that
j it would be continued until victory was
! theirs. It was thought likely that the
j suffrage leaders in Congress and out
I w0.,1d begin immediately to realign
| their forces for another fight in t'tie
: sixty.fourth Congre.-s which will meet
I next December.
Anti-Suffragists Jubilant
On the other hand, anti-suffragists
I were out to-day with statements on the
j result, asserting that the ex l ectations
: had been fulfilled. Mrs. Arthur M.
j Dodge, president of the National As
l sociation opposed to woman suffrage,
' dc lared t'iiat the result meant that the
I suffrage movement, "fostered by hys
terical women," was on the wane.
Analyzing the vote, it is shown that
of those voting for the resolution 86
! were Democrats, 72 Republicans, 12
Progressives, I! Progressive Republicans
j and one Independent. Those voting
j against t'ae resolution included 171
Democrats anil 33 Republicans.
i Ralph Slensinger and Comrade Placed
j Explosive on Railroad Tracks to
Blow Up Pay Train
By Press,
Hazleton, Pa., Jan. 13.—Ralp'h Men
| singer, aged 16, one of eight ooys ar
j resteil last night on tloe charge of bur
j glariaing the Oneida store and school
Mouse, confessed eariy to-day thut he
was im'_ licated with George Van
MBlargcn, also of Oneida, in the attempt
ed dynamiting and rc'blbery of the be
high Valley Coal Company pay train on
October 1 4.
He said that he au I Van Blargen,
l who was arrested at Pittsburgh and
' committed to the Glen Mills reformu
j tony had placed the dynamite on fhe
j roadbed, and, watching in a nearhv
woods, were armed with revolvers to
capture the paymaster, but thut the
djalin exploded before the train came
along. 'Mensinger probably will be sent
to a reform srhool bv the Schuvlkiil
■county court.
The attempted dynamiting occurred
soon after the discovery of a similar
1 lot near Mt. *Carmei.
A Request or a Warning?
Mrs. K. was on a visit to her par
ents and wrote the following card to
her next door neighbor at home:
"Dear 'Mrs. G.: Will you do me a
favor while I am away? Will you put
out a little food on our back porch ev
ery day or so for tlhe little tramp cat I
'have been feeding latelyf The cat will
eat almost auything, but please do not
put yourself out."—Ladies' 'Home
Operatic Society to
Present' The Mika
do" for Relief of Bel
Women Busy In Committee's Division
Activities—Perform Duties id
Their Sleep—Foreign Relief Mem
bership Announced
The Harrisburg Operatic Society will
present "The Mikado" at the Majestic
theatre February 11 and 12 for the
Lmefit of the suferiiijj Belgians. Re
hearsals are now being held at the Con
servatory of Music. The cast will be
made up as follows, it is announced:
Ko-Ko, Frank H Davies; Pooh-Bah,
Russell Roop; Pish-Tush, Louis Mun
nell; The Mikado, Elmer W. Ehler;
Yum-Yum, Ada Meishley; Piti-Sing,
Ruth Hoover; Peep-80, Helen KeistPr;
Katisha, Mrs. Jacob Miller; Royal Um
brella Carrier, George Hoy.
This will be the eighth production of
the society and the third presentation
of "The Mikado. "
Dream of Aiding Sufferers
Fourteen hundred thousand separate
and distinct garment pieces were care
fully folded and tied; half a million
questions were asked and answered:
thousands of woolen comforters and
scarfs were knitted; in fact, the entire
machinery of the Home Supplies and
even the Red Cross division of the
Home and War Relief Committee was
iu operation during the greater portion
of last night.
Most wonderful to relate, it wasn't
done at headquarters, 7 South Front
street, but was distributed over nearly
a dozen city homes, where the division
workers of the big general and special
committees were reposing.
Did they work in their sleep? That's
the answer, vouched for iby Mrs. Mer
cer B. Tate and a number of the sup
plies division workers, and supplement
ed and confirmed by members of the
other divisions. For the past, week,
according to the initiate, operations, in
stead of ceasing when headquarters is
left behind, begin with accentuated
earnestness when the workers retire.
Mrs. Tate's Experience
"■I wrapped up and tie dthousands
of these bundles last night," said Mrs.
j Tate this morning, as she skilfully
! knotted a string about a bulky bundle
■of unsewn refugte garments. "For
I about a week I've been doing doulble
dotty, so to speak. Work all day
through here; then speed up the pro
cess, mentally, when I retire."
One experience relattd, others of the
volunteer corps, which is making in
roads on thousands of blanks which
) Bloughs have delivered, told of how
I they, too. had done their unusual work
j —in vivid dreams each might.
; But there is no sign tha tthe double
s duty is exhausting the workers. The
j huge .piles of supplies are being assorted
! and tied u.p ready for use by the Home
Relief Department at such a speedy
| rate that there are thousands o | f bun
j dies ahead to issue.
Miss Marv Jennings, chairman of the
j special War Box Committee, reported
i yesterday that 15 of the 20 grocers
J needed to handle the work had been se
-1 cured. Tomato boxes were found to be
| right size for the $2.25 box of sup
! plies for four adults for two weeks;
boxes having contained canned peas are
J .just the right size for the "War Baibv"
' box, which costs $3.50 to fill.
Foreign Relief Membership
Foreign Relief Division has. an
nounced the following.memlbership:
Mrs. James F. Bullitt, chairman;
Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Mrs. Phillip T.
I Meredith, vice chaammn; Miss 1/etitia
i Brady, Mrs. William T. Hildrup. Mrs.
| Henry M. Stine, Mrs. Frank Payne,
| Mrs. W. Wall}' Davis, Mrs. F. K,
; IK>wnes, Mrs. John E. Fox, Mrs. W. H.
I Ga.ither. Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton, the
I Misses Lett. Miss Frances Morrison,
Mrs. Leslie MeCrenth, Mrs. Harvey T.
Smith, Mrs. John H. Weiss, Miss Caro
line Weiss, Miss Elizabeth Kobler, Miss
Rebecca Cox. Mrs. H. Lindlev Hosford,
Mrs. S. C. Todd, Mrs. J. W. Ma.hon,
| Miss Mary Jennings, Miss Martha W.
i Bttehler, Miss Theodora Boone, Miss
i Margaret Dale. Mrs. Frank D. Houek,
( Middletown; Mrs. John Oenslager, Mrs.
I George S. Comstock, Mrs. John Motfitt,
j Mrs. James L. Stewart, Mrs. William
Brown. Catnip Hill; Mrs. ('. M. IvaJt-
I wasser, Mrs. Herman P. Miller, Mrs.
j John Reily, Mrs. .T. Wall is, Miss Maud
Brady, Miss Josephine Sehwarz, Mrs.
Frank Robbins, Mrs. William Gallbraith.
Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. J. R. Morrison,
Mrs. R. W. Dowdel'l, Mrs. Edward
Doehne, Mrs. George J. Coloviius, \[rs.
W. R. Me Cord, Mrs. Walter Dietrich,
I Mrs. J. Howe M«F>aHand, Mrs. A.
! Russell Calder, Mrs. M. I. Ivast, Mrs. L.
B, Notestine, Mrs. F. I. Watts, Mrs.
Rufus MeCord, Miss Bella Baltzell, Miss
Grace Banne, Mrs. W. B. Cofbett, Mrs.
John Heathcote, Mrs. C. Ru-sell Smith.
It's Easy—lf You Know Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young ts to
feel young—to do this you must watch
your liver and bowels—there's no need
of having a sallow complexion—dark
rings under your eyes —pimples—a bil
ious look in your face—dull eyes with
no sparkle.
Your doctor will tell you ninety per
cent, of all sickness comes from inactive
bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to act on the
liver and bowels, which he gave to .his
patients for years.
" Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action, yet always effective.
They bring about that exuberance of
spirit, that natural buoyancy which
should be enjoyed by everyone, by ton
ing up the liver and clearing the sys
tem of impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets by their olive color. 10c aud
25c per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
bus, O.—Adv.
Petrograd, Jan. 13. —iFurther details
of the nayal engagements in the Black,
sea during the first week of January
have been received in Petrograd. The
scene of these activities was between
Sinope and'Riza'b, Turkish |>orts on the
southern coast of the Black sea. The
Hussian ships eame up with the Turk
ish cruiser Medjidish, conveying a
steamer, the Rosetta, wit'h a
cargo of naphtha for Trebizond. They
opene<i tire 011 the Turkish ship and did
considerable damage. The cruisers es
caped, but the Maria Rosetta was sent
to the bottom.
The night of January 6 the Russian
fleet came up with the cruisers Breslau
and (Hamidier. A spirited exchange of
shots followed and finally the Turkish
cruisers disappeared in the darkness. In
Sourmene bay and in Rizah bay (35
miles east of Tretoizond) the Russian
warships destroyed fifty-one Turkish
boats. The 'bombardment of the port
of Hopa, which is the distributing |>oint
for the Tchoruk region, caused a num
ber of fires along the coast.
A strange incident concerning the
proceedings of the Turkish fleet in the
Black sea lias been reported. It seems
tihat the Turkish cruiser Breslau bom
barded certain positions held 'by Turk
ish troops near Liman which is to the
north of Hopa. Following this bam
bardment Russian troops occupied with
out hindrance the positions from which
Turkish soldiers 'had 'been driven toy the
fire of their own cruiser.
Wasted Effort
Peter Thompson went to visit his son
in Montreal. It was his first visit to
the city, and the young man showed
Win all the sights,*rl<ng witJi an
ascent of Mount Royal. In a burst of
enthusiasm young Thompson said:
"•See, father, isn't it wonderful
down there?"
"Well," said his father, "if it's so
wonderful down there what did you
drag, me up hero for!"— Everybody's.
One Drawback
"What's the matter, old man?"
" I was out last night where a lot of
my friends repeatedly sang that T was
a jolly good fellow."
"Weren't you?''
'' 1 guess I was. all rigfot, but T can t
got my wife to believe it."—■Ohicasro
"Tiz" for Fuffed-Up,
Burning, Ach Eg, C il
lousea Feet ana Corns
"Mr fe«t
Why go limping around with aching,
puffed-up feet—feet so tired, chafed,
sore and swollen you can hardly get
your shoes on or off? Why don't you
get a 25-cent box of "TIZ" from the
drug store now and gladden your tor
tured feet?
"TIZ" makes your feet glow with
comfort; takes down swellings and
draws the soreness and misery right
out of feel that chafe, smart and burn.
"TIZ" instantly stops pain in corns,
callouses and bunions. "TIZ" is glorious
for tired, aching, sore feet. No more
shoe tightness—no more foot torture.
Selected By J. HOWARD WERT
NO. *l7. "The Song That Reached My Heart"
By Julian Jordan - <
"1 sat 'midst a mighty throng
Within a palace grand.
In a city far beyond the sea.
In a distant foreign land.
I listened to the grandest strain j
My ear had ever heard—
Enraptured, charmed, amazed I was, !
My inmost soul was stirred.
l l
I looked on lite singer Inir,
My heart was at her feet,
She sang of love—the old, old theme —
In accents low and sweet.
And then she sang a song,
That made the teardrops start;
She sang a song, a song of home,
A song that reached my heart.
"That night I shall never forget;
That night with pleasure and pain,
I think of the singer—l think of the
song I
"Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"
There's R voice that speaks within us, |
If we own no craven heart,
As we pass along life's pathway,
Taking our appointed part;
And it bids us bear our burden,
Heavy tho' it seems to feel.
And with strong and hopeful vigor,
Put your shoulder to the wheel,
And with strong and hopeful vigor
Put your shoulder to the wheel.
What tho' clouds are dark'ning o'er us,
They but hide a tranquil sky;
Or should stormdrops fall around us,
Soon the sunshine bids them dry.
Nevr-r doubt and faint and falter.
Heart be stout and true as steel!
Fortunate smiles ou brave endeavor,
Put your shoulder to the wheel,
Fortunate smiles on brave endeavor.
Put your shoulder to the wheal.
How Thin People
Can Put on Flesh
A New Discovery
Thin men and women that big,
hearty, filling dinner you ate last night.
What became of all the fat-producing
nourishment it contained! Von haven't
gained iVweight, one ounce. That food
passed from your body like unburns#
coal through an open grate. The ma
terial was there, but your food doesn't
work and stick, and the plain truth ia
you hardly get enough nourishment
from your meals to pay for the cost of
cooking. This is true of thin folks the
world over. Your nutritive organs,
your functions of assimilation, are
sadly out of gear and need reconstruct
Cut out the foolish foods and funn*
sawdust diets. Omit the flesh cream
rub-ons. Cut out everything but the
meals you are eating now and eat with
every one of those a single Sargol tab
let. In two weeks note the difference.
Five to eight good solid pounds of
healthy, "stay there" fat should be the
net result. Sargol charges your weak,
stagnant blood with millions of fresh
new red blood corpuscles—gives the
blood the carrying power to deliver
every ounce of fat-making material in
your food to every part of your body-.
Sargol, too, mixes with your food .and
prepares it for the blood in easily as
similated form. Thin people gain all
the way from 10 to 25 pounds a month
while taking Sargol, and the new flesh
stays put. Sargol tablets are a scien
tific combination of six of the best flesh
producing elements known to chemistry.
They come 40 tablets to a package, are
pleasant, harmless and inexpensive, and
G. A. Gorgas and all other druggists in
llnrrisburg and vicinity sell them sub
ject to an absolute guarantee of weight
increase or money back.—Adv.
Handwriting Expert Testifies as to
Samuel Richter's Signature
Newark, X. J., Jan. 13. —August
Harthorne, of New York, a handwriting
expert, testified before Judge Osborne
in the Orphans' Court here yesterday
that the signature of Samuel Hie liter,
who died September 21, leaving an es
tate said 1 to be valued at SIOO,OOO,
was a forgery.
The validity of the will ami the
elaim of Mrs. Ijena Biehiter, of 12
Barclay street. tha<t she is the legal
widow cuf Mr. Richter are being attack
ed by brothers and sisters of Mr. Rich
ter. '
A comparison was made by Mr. Har
tliorne of (lie signature of the will
with other chedks, bonds and incorpjr
ation certificates, all of which were
signed in German script. The expert
testified that the signature on tlve will
was in some respects dissimilar to
those on the other papers. The lines of
the letters on the will signature are
shaded, whereas on the signatures
known to be genuine, he said, they are
not shaded.
$1,350,000 SUBMARINE TOR U. S
Washington, Jan. 13.—A contract
for the construction of one of the new
type of seagoing submarines was
awarded by Secretary I>aniels yester
day to the Electric Boat Company, of
Quincy, Mass., for $1,350,000. Ameri
can naval officers feel that this vessel
is as good as. if not better than, any
in foreign naivies.
It will have more than I,o'oo tons
displacement, surface speed twenty
knots, submerged speed eleven knots,
cruising radius more than 1,000 miles
and torpedo boat defence guns.
Contracts were also awarded to the
I Electric Boat Company t'or three coast
j defence submarines at $450,000 eachs
which will be built in Seattle. The
I Lake Torpedo Boat Company, of
I Bridgeport, (.Vrnn,, received contracts
I for four coast defence submarines.
1 The coast defence submarine® will be
j slightly sunaMer than those recently
I contracted for and will have a displace
i ment of about 350 tons.
Mrs. Henrietta Seitz Hostess
Mrs. Henrietta Seitz entertained th«
j members of the U. B. Current Topics
I Cluib at her home, 914 North Sixth
j street, last evening. Those present"
I were: Miss Marie York, Miss Sarah
I Stunt z, Miss Amanda Crow, Miss Km in a
j Oroishaber, Miss Phoebe Hawkins, Miss
i E'llla Patton, of Liverpool; Miss Maud
j Sherwood, Miss Lillian S>haw, \1 isf}
j Emily E. Miller.
And wish I could live it o'er again.
In fancy again I recall
The scene with its splendor bright;
The mighty throng, the palace grand;
Oh, the mem'ry of that night.
My fancy it may have been.
But never had 1 heard
A song that thrilled me o'or like this,
Like this, so strangely stirred.
The mem'ries of that night of bliss
Will never from me part-—-
She sang a song of "Home, Sweet
The song that reached my heart.
"Home, home, sweet, sweet home;
She sang n song of 'Home, Sweet
The song that reached my heart."
[Folded hands will never aid us
To uplift the load of care;
"Up and stirring,." be your motto,
ivfeek to suffer, strong to bear,
'Tis not chance that guides our foot
Or our destiny can seal;
With a will, then, strong and steady,
Put your shoulder to the wheel.
With a will, then, strong and steady,
Put your shoulder to the wheel.
Men of worth have conned the lesson
Men of might have tried its truth,
Vged lips have breathed its maxim
I '' toe listn'ng ear of youth;
And be sure tbro'out. life's journey.
Many wounded hearts 'twould heal
If we all as friends arid brothers
Put our shoulder to the wheel,
If we all as friends owl brothers,
Put our shoulder to the wheel.