The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 13, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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A Convalescent
requires a food tonic that will rapidly
build up wasted tissue
« &xaQJL o»ve on
JVSSSSS Emulsion
rim famine Hypcpfcwptatai
IS ft most reliable prescription which we
always recommend for that purpose.
George A. Gorgas.
Victim, Shot Through Lung. Refuses to
Divulge Name of Assailant
Philadelphia, .lan. 13.—The ]>olice
are baffled to ascertain the identity of
the man who on Monday night shot
and seriously wounded Robert Gunuis,
proprietor of a poolroom at 128 South
Ninth street. Believed to be dying,
Guunis lies in the Hahnemann Hospital,
steadilv refusing to divulge the name
of his assailant, other than to announce
that he is "close to the police depart
ment." The man was fount by police
men at Twelfth and .Market streets at
4.30 yesterday morning in a condition
of collapse and taken to tho hoppital.
The wounded man's nerve is remark
able. When told that the shot, which
had penetrated his left lung, might
prove fatal, his only answer was a de
fiant. shake of the head and the re
mark: "Never mind who did it. I'll
fix this matter up later myself. This
is a private affair and I'm game to see
it through."
The only evidence the police have to
work on is the statement of the clerk
of a hotel near Ononis' poolroom, who
said he had seen Gunnis with eight
friends in a cab at 2 o'clock yesterlav
morning. In an effort to get the man
to talk, the police brought to tie hos
pital three of his friends, but all at
tempts to question him failed.
Eugenics Used as Defense in Bresch of
Promise Suit
Reading, Pa., Jan. 13. —Asserting his
willingness to marry the plaintiff as the
Rirl of his heart, but insisting that the
eugenics State law disqualifies him,
Charles Uiebermann. well-to-do business
man of Wilmington, Del., and formerly
of Philadelphia and (Pittsburgh, testified
in court here yesterday in the SIO,OOO
breach of promise suit brought against
him by Miss Frieda Eisman, 2."> years
old, a pretty Pennsylvania street store
This is the first time that the new
eugenics law has been used in such de
fense. The defendaut admitted openly
in court the proposal of marriage and
obtaining a marriage license.
Motorist Leaps for Life
Mulliea -Hill. N. J., Jan. 13.-—A
darinvr leap saved the life of Dr. Sam
uel F. Ashcraft, a well-known Glouces
ter county physician of this place, when
n. Reading railway freight train struck
his automobile and demolished it at a
grade crossing on the Aura and Rieh
w*>od loads, a few miles from here lata
vtsterltav afternoon.
The Mill
Grinds the Coffee
And then—
< offee begins Its Grind with the human system,
and usually turns out nervousness, sleeplessness,
headache, heart flutter or some of many other
aches and pains.
It's caffeine in the coffee that does it—a poison
ous drug, cumulative in its effects, and too power
ful for most systems to thoroughly eliminate.
Perhaps coffee hasn't finished with you, but
wouldn't it be wise to quit it before results are
serious, and instead use
—the delicious food-drink,
made from prime wheat and a wee bit of whole
some molasses. It tastes much like high-grade
.Java, yet is absolutely drug free—no caffeine—not
a harmful thing in it.
Postum comes in two forms: Regular
p oßtum— must be boiled—lsc and
packages; Instant Postum —soluble,
made in the cup with hot water—
instantly—3oc and 50c tins. The eost
per cup is about the same for both
kinds — Grocers everywhere.
With the return to better health from the
cliauge, you'll know of a surety
"There's a Reason"
Average Figured by U. a Department
of Agriculture at $157.44, Which
! Is $ 18.36 Less Than Results Ob
tained in Other States
Washington, D. C., Jan. 13. —A sur
i \ ev of forty-three farms in a seetion of
' Pennsylvania where general farming is
i practiced has recently 'been completed
j bv the United States Department of
Agriculture, in order to ascertain how
! much the average farm contributed to
the family's living in the form of prod
ucts grown and consumed directly on
She farm. There are two ways of ob-
I raining the necessities of life —raising
; them one's self, and raising something
else to sell for money to buy them with.
I Successful farming, say the exports, de
pends upon the proper combination of
she two methods.
The investigators found that in the
area studied in Pennsylvania the cost
of board and lodging on the farm for
! each individual was on an average
I $157 a yeai. 'Phis sum included food,
J fuel, oil, house rent and house labor,
; the items being as follows:
Food. *75.40; fuel, SS.S3: oil,
$1.21; house rent, s3l; house labor,
$11; total. $157.44.
Compared with the figures obtained
by similar surveys made in the course
of the investigation of areas in New
York. Vermont, Ohio, Wisconsin,
Kansas, lowa, North Carolina, Georgia
laud Texas, this is somewhat low, the
j general average for all the areas studied
'•being $176. This means that the farm
family in t'he Pennsylvania area did
not live so well, did not have so good
a share ott the necessities as
those elsewhere. One explanation, ap
i parent at once, is the fact that in
| Pennsylvania an average of 5.2 persons
lived on farms averaging only 7 i acres
eadh. whereas the average acreage for
i all the areas was 122 and the number
I of persons to a family only 4.t>.
It is significant, however, that the
annual consumption of food per person
in Pennsylvania was, with the excep
tion of Vermont, the lowest of all the
j areas Studied, and that at the same
time the percentage of the food sup
i plied directly by the farm was also
| next to the lowest. The Pennsylvania
farm supplied the family with only
j 51.4 per cent, otf its food while the
1 general average of all the areas was 63
| per cent, and in Nortih Carolina it rose
to 82.3 per cent. As a result, al
' though the North Carolina family spent
i in cash only $71.2S for food it actually
| had more to eat —$401.93 —than the
| average Pennsylvania family which
j consumed a total of $392.01, and
! spent $201.69 in cash. The year's food
j for each person in the North Carolina
family was worth $59.3 2; in Penusvl
) vania, only $75.-to.
Although the Southern climate,
Instead of dangerous, salivating Cal
omel to liven your liver when bilious,
headachy or constipated get a 10-cent
box of Cascarets. They start the liver
and bowels and straighten you up bet
ter tlimi nasd>- Calomel, without griping
or inukiug vou sick.—Adv.
whicth affords a long-growing season, is
partly accountable for this difference,
the chief explanation lies in the fact
that the North Carolina farms were re
mote from markets, that buying and
selling alike were difficult, and that in
consequence the farmers were compelled
to raise their own supplies. As a re
sult they had a comparative abundance
of food to give thoir families. In Penn
sylvania to a much greater extent the
farmers sold what they had and bought
w"lint they needed. But to a great ex
tent, also, they bought solely what wa
indispensable, and with them the result
was that theiT families lived compara
tively hard.
Fruits and vegetables are among
the things that the farm family be
lieves can be dispensed with. Unless
they are grown on the farm they are
gone without. In Pennsylvania, there
fore, vegetables formed, in money value
only ten per cent, of the family's diet,
while in North Carolina they were 15.3
per cent. and in Georgia 17.2. The
Pennsylvania families made up for the
deficiency by the use of groceries,
which formed 27.1 pc. «ent. of their
food suppiv and 97.S per cent, of which
were bought. They also bought an un
usual amount of meat, more in fact than
any other area, and 40.2 per cent, of
the entire quantity consumed. In North
Oaroli ua this percentage was only 6.3.
On the other hand of those animal
products with which the fsrm might
have furnished them—-poultry, milk
and eggs—each person had very little
—less poultry for example than in any
other State except Vermont, less milk
than anywhere save Georgia and Texas,
both of which States had as a substi
tute great quantities of buttermilk. Of
eggs the average person in the Penn
sylvania area had 18 dozen a year, in
lowa he had 5S dozen.
lif we turn from food to other fac
tors in the cost of living it is even
more evident tihat the average family is
supported, not so much by the cash
from money crops, as by what the
farm yields in other ways. In the
Pennsylvania nrea, with an average
cost of maintenance for each person of
$157 and 5.2 iversons to n farm, in one
way or another a revenue of approxi
mately $Bl6 had to be obtained to meet
expenses. Only a small part of this took
the form of cash. Of the labor, for ex
ample, only about one per cent, was
paid for, the rest being performed by
members of the family. Had they done
this work for somebody else, however,
tihoy would have been "paid for it, and
if it had 'been performed by somebody
else they would have had to pay. In
other words, this labor has a cash value,
and since it adds to the comfort of the
family, must be included in the revenue
from the farm.
The charge for rent must 'be con
sidered in much the same way. The
value of the farm house is usually in
cluded in the value o>f tOie land," and
the whole regarded as tlie capital which
the farmer has invested in his 'business.
If this is done, 'however, it is only fair
to credit the farm with having fur
nished its oc.-upants with shelter, which,
as every city worker knows, has a high
cash value. On the Pennsylvania farms
included in the investigation, the aver
age annual value of this sheiter—in
other words, the house rent—was es
timated at $163 a year, a figure which
included interest, depreciation and re
145.90 worth of fuel was burned
j each year. 61 per cent, of which was
bought. This is most unusual, for the
average percentage is 35.9: in Georgia
no fuel at all was bought and in Ver
mont only 4.5 per cent, of a total con
sumption much greater than the Penn
sylvania average. The average Venno-1
family tfp«nt in money no more than
$3.1 S for fuel, the average Pennsyl
vania family, S2S. This was practically
all for coal, for of the sl9 worth of
wood which wa* burned almost all came
from the farm. This lends point to
the contention that the average farmer
does not appreciate the real value of
his woodlot. Not only does it furnish
hini directly in this way with what is
t'he equivalent of a considerable sum,
tout, properly cared for, can be made to
return a cash revenue which is not to
be despised.
This, _ however, is merely a minor
illustration of the general truth, reveal
ed a now by this investigation, that
the cast crop which the average farmer
considers as his source of income is
not always the chief support of his
family. Increasing home production is
an effective way of diminishing casfe
outlay, and in many instances mav
serve the farmer's purpose better than
an attempt to increase cash receipts to
meet increased 1 expenses.
00 Out in Body and Then Reappointed
Under New Law
Mauch Chunk, Pa., Jan. 13.—AH the
constables of Carbon county created ex
citement in court yesterday by resign
ing in a body. They gave as their rea
sons for resigning that under the oM
law, with fixed salaries, they were un
able to draw pay for visiting' hotels and
saloons, as is now required by law;
also that it is illegal to raise a con
stable 's salary while in office.
Judge Barber accepted the resigna
tions, and then reappointed all of tfietn,
and the appointments will go into effect
a« soon as each could qualify by giving
a new bond. As new officials the con
stables will enjoy the provisions of the
new law which allows then 25 cents
for every saloon visited each month and
6 cents for every mile traveled while
on dutv.
Efforts to Complete School Building
Lebanon, Jan. 13.—Arrangements
are being made to have another con
tractor take over the work of complet
ing the new Palmyra High school build
ing, for the erection of which a $7,000
bond was floated by the citizens ißst
spring. Through the failure of S. W.
Straver, the Lemoyne contractor, who
was in charge of the job, work on the
building has been at a standstill for
the past three weeks, but it is expected
that by next week all legal difficulties
will have been adjusted and work will
again be resumed.
Indict an Ex-Oaahier
Sunburv, Pa., Jan. 13.—Seventeen
counts were returned by a United
States Grand Jury here yesterday in a
true bill against John E. Reese," ex-as
1 distant cashier of the First National
i bank, of N'ontieoke, charged with the
j embezzlement of $12,500. He says he
I will plead guilty.
Muaterole Gives Delicious Comfort
W hen those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
seems as if it would split, just rub a lit
tle MUSTEROLE on the temples and
neck. It draws out the inflammation,
soothes away the pain-—gives quick
MUSTEROLE is a clean, white oint
rneut. made with oil of mustard. Better
thau a mustard plaster and does not
blister 1 •
Doctors and nurses frankly recom
mend MUSTEROLE for Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Nock, Asthma,
Neuralgia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheu
matism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of
the Back or Joints, »Sprains, Sore
Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains, Frosted
Feet—Colds of tho Chest (it often pre
vents Pneumonia).
At your druggist's, in 25c and 50c
jars, and a special large hospital size
for $2.50.
Be sure you get tho genuine MUS
TEROLE. Refuse imitations get
what you ask for. The Musterole Com
pany, Cleveland, Ohio.
London, Jan. 13.—The "Chron
irJe's" correspondent at Milan tale
"One of Italy's best j known military
critics, Captain Angclo Gatti, whose ar
ticles on the war appearing in the
"Corriere Delia Sera" have attracted
wide notice, wrote a series which,
while manifesting high esteem for Mar
shal vou Himlenburg, he subjected to
severe criticism certain features of that
general's strategy. A few mornings
ago Gatti received a neatly packed,
oblong parcel from Germany containing
a line fac simile of the general's baton
accompanied by a note which read;
" "Honorable Colleague:
" "1 have read your enlightening ap
preciation with no ordinary interest. I
note you reveal that my strategical
moves have beeu somewhat, amazingly
short sighted. Pray, therefore, accept
my baton enclosed and coime and have
a try at the job yourself.'
"Here followed the name of von
Hiudenburg a* if the not had been writ
ten and signed by the Marshal him
London, Jan. 13. —Alfred Joseph
Hart, an officer's stewnrd, was the
last man to leave the Formidable as
idle foundered. Describing the scene as
the battleship sank Hart says:
'•When everything had been done to
save the Formidable, the boats came
alongside and took off as many as pos
sible. All boats had left the ship when
the crew of one cried 'room for one
more!' Two of us tossed for it and the
other chap won, but he then cried out:
" 'You have parents. I ha'ven't. Go
on jump for it.'
"I had to swim for it. As the boats
drew away we could see the men on the
ship striking matches to light their
cigarettes and pipes. A piano had been
pulled up ou <leck and ragtime was be
ing played as the great ship found
London, Jan. 13.—A dispatch from
Athens to the "Post'' says:
"It is asserted in well-informed cir
cles, that anxiety in Constantinople
regarding the possible forcing of the
Dardanelles by the Allies' fleet con
"It is evident that the situation for
, Christians is extremely precarious even
in large cities, and Talaat Bey, Min
uter of the Interior, lias stated" to the
Councillor of the Greek Patriachato
that in Turkey henceforth, there woutdf
be room only for Turks. While Talaat
Bey was profuse in assurances to the
Greek Minister regarding cessation of
anti-Greek persecutions, no real ameli
oration of the situation is perceptible."
Pris6ts Defy Order of Germans
Amsterdam. Jan. 13. —The "Tyd"
says that most of the priests in the di
ovese of Malines have refused to obey
the German order not to circulate Car
dinal Mercier's pastoral letter, ou the
groond that they take orders from the
Cardinal and not from the military.
Poincare Sees Peace Soon
Paris, Jan. 13.—President Poiucare,
addressing a gathering of marines a>t a
flag presentation yesterday, urgod them
to show "lor a few montha .patience,
steadiness and energy, the display of
which at this time will determine" the
destiny of centuries."
Horse's Kick May Prove Fatal
Henscl, Jan. 13. —Harvey Long, an
aged farmer, residing near here, is in a
critical condition from being kicked bv
a horse yesterday. He went into the
stable to curry the horses, when one
of them kicked him against a stone
wall. He fell unconscious, injured in
ternally, and was found an hour later
bv one of his hired men.
every cell and fibre of the
body demands pure blood,
but drugs, extracts and alco
holic mixtures are useless.
Nourishment and sunshine are
nature's blood makers and the rich
medicinal oil-food in Sootl'm
£fimWwi«nliTCM the blood to /P~
arrest the decline. It aids the //U
appetite, strengthens the j&Ft
fl Mrraa and fortifies the JPOT
/V longs and entire system. S*
Free fna Ak«M or Opiate.
ktfue SakriMe* for \
i~ j&mtZs&
Governor-elect, With Big Patronage at
His Disposal, Is Receiving Pledges
That Republican Organization Men
Will Back His Program
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Philadelphia, Jan. 13.—Republican
leaders are taking every opportunity
those days to assure Governor-elect
Brumbaugh that they will back every
thing he stands for in the shape of leg
islation. This was illustrated yester
day in a statement made by James P.
Woodward, of Allegheny, who probably
will be chairman of the important Ap
propriations Committee of the House.
After a long interview with Dr. Brum
baugh, he emphatically said that the
party should not only redeem its plat
form pledge®, but should also help Dr.
Brumbaugh carry out the pleliges he
made in his personal platform.
" Evidently the Governor-elect has
been studying hard to make himself
familiar with his new job," Mr. Wood
ward said. "He shewed a knowledge
of affairs astonishing in a man who has
not spent some time on the inside of
affairs in Harrisburg."
In reply to a question as to , the
course of the Republican majority in
the coming session of tho Legislature,
Mr. Woodward said:
"Of course the party should! and will
keep every one of its platform pledges.
I will gc further and say that 1 believe
we should also stand back of Dr. Brum
baugh and help him in redeeming the
personal promises hie made. The future
of the party depends upon it."
Woodward is regarded as a Penrose
man and one of the most influential
members of the lower House. It is be
lieved that he personally pledged his
support to the Governor-elect yester
day. There were others who called
upon Dr. Brumbaugh who were also
members of the Legislature, all coming
to tell him they would back him.
At present there is apparently not a
cloud upon th>e sky of Republican unity.
Dr. Brumbaugh saiii yesterday that lie
was still working on his inaugural mes
sage. In spite of this his office was
besieged with people asking favors.
According to all who saw him, the Gov
crnor-eloct told them they would have
to await until he hail l cleared up the
work on hand before ta-lking appoint
ments. The leaders are not worried,
however. They declare Brumbaugh has
not given them any assurances as to his
appointments, but that they are confi
dent he will name organiza
tion men to all the big places.
State Senator McMichol said yester
day that the committee authorized by
the Legislature to confer with the new
Governor on legislative affairs would
not meet him until after his inaugura
tion. This committee ha* not yet been
named, but it is certain that Senator
MeNichol will be chairman, as he was
father oif the resolution authorizing it»
The apparent pur[*>so of this committee
is to stand sponsor in the Legislature
for the bills the new Governor may
want passed.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at
any drug store, pour a little into your
liHnd and rub well into the scalp with
the finger tips. By morning most, if
not all, of this awful scurf will have ,|is
appeared. Two or three applications
will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop
scalp itching ami falling hair.—Adv .
Several Persons Are Hurt and Host's
House Is Set on Fire
Shamokin, Pa., Jan. 13.—Fifteen
foreigners were injured during a riot at
(he home of Joseph Kesloski, Spring
field, yesterday, when a number of
uninvited guesis tried to break up a
wedding party in the home, which was
partially destroyed toy a fire caused by
a stove being knocked down. Six hun
dred dollars' damages resulted.
Miss Victoria and John Kesloski
were the worst injured, having been
rendered unconscious when struck by
clubs and hurled downstairs. Police ar
rested Frank Rogel and five companions
for starting the riot.
whenever you f<»el a cold coming: on,
full "ame, LAXATIVE
BROMO QUININE. Ijook for signature
t. W, GROVE on box. 25c.
Bondsman Has to Give Up SI,OOO for
the Skipper
York, Pa., Jan. 13. —The bail of
SI,OOO furnished by Wade W. McClune
for Constable William M. Hermon, of
the Eleventh ward, who was found to
be missing Monday when he was to
have been sentenced for extortion, has
been declared by the Court to be for
Albert Myers, of North York, jointly
charged with Heruion, Monday resigned
his office of constable and yesterday be
gan a sentence of 90 days' in the York
county jail. He will be required also
by the Court to pay a fine of SSO and
costs of prosecution, amounting to
about S2OO.
Though He Hid in Mines, He Is Finally
Hazleton, Pa., Jan. 13.—Chief of
Police Edward K. Turnbach, of Hazle
ton, in response to a telegram from
Reading authorities, arrested 17-year
old Elizabeth. Buhanak, of Reading,
charged with eloping with Frank Wills,
aged 25, of IHazlcton.
Wills at first escaped arrest by rea
son of his being in the mines at an
inaccessible place. The girl claims she
met Wills at a hotel in Reading and
that lie brought her to Hazleton to
marry her.
Well-known York Citizen Dies
York, Pa., Jan. 13. : —Jesse M. Wey
er, 68 years old, a wealthy bachelor,
died suddenly from apoplexy at his
homo here yesterday. He is the last
of his family and his death disposes
of public bequests of $175,000. Zion
and Union Lutheran congregations get
about $75,000 and the General Lu
theran Svnod boards $12,000, while
$83,000 is to be held in trust for the
erection of a municipal hospital in this
city 100 years hence.
Sunbury Physician Dies
Sunbury, >Pa., Jan. 13.—Dr. John T.
Hard, 65 years old, died here yesterday
of erysipelas. He was a leading prac
titioner and on the medical staff of the
Mary M. Packer hospital, here. Dr.
Hard had been ill for several vcars.
——— A safe sure way to \ |
Get rid of Kidney Trouble
Kidney troubles disappear with sound healthy kidneys,
end sick, weak, sluggish kidneys can be made strong JgnyV
and healthfully active with FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. ■vfliX
C. A. GLOSSNER, ROCHESTER, N. Y„ was so broken
down with kidney and bladder trouble that he had to
give up working. After taking FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS, |
he writes: IflFi i
"I am only sorry I did not know sooner of Foley Kidney Pills, I
lor 1 (eel 100# bettor since tskinn them snd my bsckeche, my kidney H;I WI
i^—snd bladder troubles Sj 111',
I ■ I have entirely dis- Ej jltof
Lmhl •f.oo 1 5i "
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. Third Street and P. R. R. Station
The story of a bride who on her wedding day eloped with her husband's
father was revealed in the New York Supreme Court when Franklin D. .Wood,
an interne In a New York hospital, asked for an absolute decree of divorce.
An hour after they were married two years ago Mr. Wood said his wife told
btm that she loved another and an older man. He says he was terribly shocked
when his wife left after making that confession and that his confustion and
that of his mother increased when on the next day his father, Henry Jackson
Wood, disappeared. He and his mother did not connect the two disappearances
for six months, according to the petition, and then the yonng man learned, lie
said, that his wife and father were living together in Chicago.
"It Brought The Answer"
i| ads in our classi- ||
j! i'ective and bring 1 1 ||
I! Bell Phone 3280 Independent 245-246 j»
Receipts Lnst September Totaled $74,-
l»l and Profit Was $10,2(0
Allentonvn, Pa., Jan. 13. —The audi
tors yesterday finished their report on
the accounts of the treasurer of the Al
lentown Fair for the last year. The re
ceipts of the fair last September were
$74,191.15 and rocoipts from other
sources ran the amount to $75,539.90.
The expenditures for the fair were
$63,319.59, and the net profits were
The big items of receipts were $36,-
750 for admissions, $9,943.50 for the
grand stand, $2,725 from the speed de
partment, $4,740.10 entrance money
for exhibiting the articles on display,
$12,701.73 from concessionaries, $5,-
015.65 for rentals.
The cost of the fair grounds, includ
ing permanent improvements, has boon
$318,912.92, and tho debt is $123,-
100, largely on account of tho expendi
ture of SIOO,OOO for a grand stand and
Sterling Silver Initial Glassware
Continuation Set, Six (6) Tumblers aiul Ouc (1)
Large Pitcher to match.
|/jg 1 || All for 98c
( II This Offer May Be Withdrawn Any Day.
'lkjj I 'III Come Early—Don't Be Disappointed.
i f jJ II Star-Independent Office
iL-Ul 18-'J<)-22 S. Third Street, Harrißburg, Pa. I
illrr* Twenty-five cents Extra by Mail or Express.
nearly $20,000 for cattle stalls in the
last few years.
Citizens Move for Firo Protection
Conestgga Centre, Jan. 13.—A meet
. in K of the citizens was held last evening
for the purpose of discussing fire pro
. teetion. The hall was crowded to its
! capacity. A chemical engine and ap
• paratus will be purchased. The recent
. number of tires in this placo and ad
, joining country has stirred the people
s and all will join in tho project.
Haitian Rebels in li/nionade
Cape Haition, Jan. 13.—The Haitien
r revolutionists who recently occupied
, j Plaines, Quanaminthe, Port Liberte and
| Trou, yesterday took the town of Lim
j onad'C, to the southeast oif here. The
I government is preparing to defend
i j Cape Haitien. Troops have been placed
-; around the Uonnan and Spanish consu
lates to prevent the departure of tho
i political refugees.