The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 13, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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SKmf?c\xvtm\V SA < wnA
Opening To-morrow a Great Sale of en s New Suits
and Overcoats at Less Than Manufacturers Prices
Fresh Stocks of New Winter Clothing From These Famous Houses
Hirsh, Wickwire Co., Chicago Hickey-Freeman Co., Rochester August Brothers Co., Rochester
$lB and S2O $22.50 and $25 S2B Suits and S2B S3O to $35 Suits
Overcoats Suits&,Overcoats &bs3o Overcoats and Overcoats
! 12' 50 s ls 'lB *2O jggj
ur January Sale of Clothing- for Men and Young Men opens to-morrow with wkyL
H m hundreds of NEW Winter suits and overcoats from manufacturers who make the finest cloth
m ing that is worn in America to-day. \y/T\
■r I\w / / The chief feature of this event is that the suits and overcoats are new —the manager of jy # 11
Wik /II IPilv this department having personally selected the styles within the past two weeks, and as this mL.
# fil jpy&r announcement is being written the garments are being unpacked and marked for this sale. IPi &
Naturally a prospective buyer is going to show more interest in new clothing at saving
llli prices than any other kind of merchandise, and it is this advantage that we believe will bring
a host of men and young men to this annual sale, which opens to-morrow. y
I jBBySjBBL 1 Sizes for Slim, Short and Stout Men as Well as the Regulars I V
ofp" ! New Winter Suits New Winter Overcoats tflij
nil £p. -9 Both English and the fuller cut sacks in two and three but- A magnificent collection of the latest overcoat styles in form ® /
I i ftj .Hlwi tons with soft roll lapels—patch and regular pockets—cuffed or fitting and box effects with shawl, convertible and notch collars . <>2/
till j—* . & i. • .i iind one-piece hack and sleeve Balmorals —single and double- i 4f ■ p i ' II" jn
Ljj L-rt 1 m e\ e>. : breasted styles—quarter and full lining—plaid backs —plain ft'f"1lip'iEl.1 ip'iEl. IP" il .l|ipijfl
Grey Scotch mixtures in light and dark shades. 1 and cuffed sleeves.
[ n jJS\ | Black striped fancy grey cassimeres. Dark and light grey Irish friezes. |ki|' ,
El ip| JM X J Plain grey cassimeres and worsteds. Beaver cloth.
|i| I Irw V Brown and black Tartan checks. Storm cloth. >' 1 *
■■§ Dark overplaids in grey and brown. Heavy cheviots and worsteds. j , I
I 11 Blue and white pin striped cassimeres and worsteds. Grey and brown boucles. k v^rii
|r W Blue chalk striped cassimeres. Dark blue and black vicunas.
| Grey herringbone cassimeres. Camel's hair cloth. ' a"""-
I White striped black worsteds. Oxford grey storm cloth. r~
I J Plain grey and brown cassimeres and cheviots. Blue and black kerseys. L
II ®* ue unfinished worsteds. Grey and black melton cloth. \
£3T Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear —Three Elevators and Stairway Direct From Men's Wear Or
Section on Street Floor. \JL^
Jillb* This is the Time of the Year When You The January Clearance Sale
jr7Can Save on Whittall's High-Grade Rugs is Dismissing All Broken
The semi-annual clearance of discontinued patterns of famous Whittall Rugs brings these O' , WT J WT' j.
JMmU reduced prices by permission of .hp makers:— OIZCS WOmen S Winter
JLivOiffl JL* f 0 L ] •of n \ Anglo-Persian Rugs, 9x15 feet, $81.25 value at $«5.00 Axminster RUffS Ol T> 1 1
mfiHHSI'V liraMl'.M 0 !'!- 1 ! L \ J iw Teprac Wilton Rugs, 9x15 feet, $60.00 value at AXmiHSier XVUgS N H OftvS F\T\C\ hhpr^
■" ) 1 \ l $4U.75 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 12x15 feet, $37.50 value UUUvI O
.. ,JT y<tv"°i# Peerless BoUv Brussels Rugs, 9x15 feet, $40.00 value at $82.50 r
' lT_l. 1 rrwr _ MBI»LA . . at Smith's Axminster Rugs, 12x13.6 feet, $35.00 value \V omens $3.00 gun metal calf and blank elot.h button shoes,
JJ* m/"\ / Qyl9 P , at ~$:$o.oo Goodyear welted soles, not all sizes in any one style. January
Smith's Axminster Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, $32.50 value Clearance Sale, $2.45
Anglo-Persian Rugs, 9x12 feet, $60.00 value at 845.00 at «. $28.50 -.ir_ „ , d.o nr\ it u i • i
lu.i.hw A„„in R..J. Qvi - f»»t *Rd no sin XX o a r, 1o r . .ornn . " omen s S3.(K) gun metal calf and patent colt skin shoes, but-
Anglo-lnuian Hugs, 9xlJ teet, sno.on \alue at $40.00 Smiths Axminster Rugs, 3x12 feet, $25.00 value . , . . , , 1 . . , . , '
An £r> 'L Ini Roval Worcester Rugs, 9x12 feet, $45.00 value, at at . $22 50 l* 1 " anit lace styles; made on many different style lasts with
Bevy or beautiful blouses T„„», „„ ° x " '"-ys;
T'rn WU■« fp di~ 100 Chlidema Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet, alue Smitll ' s Saxony Rugs, 9x12 feet, $20.00 value Women's $2.00 and $2.50 shoes in black kid skill, gun metal
T V 11IIC7 vJdlCy CXI 1 • \J\J at .............. $20.25 , calf and patent eolt, made on full toe lasts with stitched soles
Organdie blouses, front trimmed with organdie embroidery 'at'T.. ° dy . rUSSPS . UpS '. 9xl2 . feet '.f 2B '° $25.'00 8 ° x ' " gB ' x ce ' '"518.50 and Cuban heels, not all sizes. January Clearance Sale, $1.65
vestee, tucked yoke, bunch tucks trims back, embroidery or- Peerless Brussels Rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet, $43.50 value Smith's Tapestry Rugs, 9x12 feet, $15.00 value at Women's $2.50 tan calf skin button shoes, made on full toe
gandie collar. January "White Sale, SI.OO at $86.00 $13.25 lasts with welted and stitched soles, high Cuban heels. January
Crepe blouses, voile vestee trimmed with hemstitching, or- ** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor —Three Elevators. , Clearance Sale, $1.98
gaudy collar trimmed with \ enise lace edge, sleeves trimmed
with turn-back cuff. January White Sale, SI.OO 1 \/" J T)* T7 1* 1 | 1 ,1 T ,1 Women's Rubbers Reduced
All-over embroidered voile blouses, voile collar trimmed with 1U 1 3.1*0. y 2
hemstitching, sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuff finished with __ _ to 8. January Clearance Sale, 45^
6 Voi 1 e lill!iises"' frlnt"trimnu-d ' whh''hand 'embroidery,' ? luau.h Sal© 3-t 49c Women's 50c rubbers, full toe last with low heels. January
tucks trims back, voile collar trimmed with lace insertion and n ., ,~ . . ... ~. , 1()1/ „.. , . , . . Clearance bale, of
lace edge, sleeves trimmed with turn-back cuff. January White Other good offerings in white goods includes: J-/2C r.nglish nainsook, 36 inches wide; fine tg- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor, Rear.
Side, SI.OO 2J)c Rice Cloth, two good weaves. January soft finish. January White Sale price, yard,
buHon^iecThnnSl, 1 ZL he ™ Bti^ hin « tri,n j White Sale ' ySrd ' 17 * 25c silk crepe in beautiful patterns. January _ _ _ _ x T
with lace edge Jsno.r,- White 5W,.'.?..".™..™..'J1-W White Sale price, yard, 14* The NeW Veil HatS
"* Divcs ' Pomeroy & Stcwart ' Second Floo'-THree Elevators. 15c p liss ; Cre p 6( 30 inches j anuary White 12V 2 c check dimity, 28 inches wide, three pat- Smapt gmall sailorg flnd tur . j
—— Sale, yard, 10< terns. January White Sale price, yard, .. ,10£ bans in white> b i ack) Balul a „a S0
"Thp of t\ion "" DiVC8 ' POmer ° y 4 BteWart ' BtreCt Fl °° r - . blue, with soft crowns and trim- yM
1 liv/ UCC/lClo VJI lllCx V-At/l Illdll C f~\ 1* , _ _ __ • med with flowers and flowing veils
War Office" Gloves of Quality That Meet the Demands
shoulders. This is milliner's latest
By Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves For Style and Service ,a Ti,ft,'™'h!. s '!l an at
A vitally interesting book by a writer who for 12 years Women's two-clasp kid gloves, black, white, tan and Women's two-clasp kid gloves, black, white and col-* New satin and silk untrimiued \\\.
served in the secret service of the German government. Dr. grey $1.50 4>rs $1.75 ' os 1Q . >g
Graves made an ad ( lress on this subject at the Majestic theatre Trefousse, Perrin, Centemeri and Fownes kid gloves, Women's silk gloves, two-clasp, silk lined, wide nats at VGf, jpx.wo ami /
last evening. two-clasp, best qualities; black, whit® and colors, Worn"^^l^gloves?^wo-ciasp, 'suede and silk lined, ' ' * «f y|/TfwPr/
t rice, sl.oU. $1.75 to $2.25 black 75c and SI.OO tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 'HIVi/
t*' Dives, Pomeroy & St4>wart, Book Store, Street Floor. tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Btreet Floor. Second Floor —Three Elevators.