The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. II you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited • • Miscellaneous mmmma^—^ mmmmm FUBNITUHE PACKINQ PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1906 NortH Sixth itreet, first class packer oX fur niture, china and bricabrac. Bell phone W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street- Furniture, china ana piauo packing, fchipinunts looked after at boia ends. ▲l*o all kinds of hauling, bail phone Imml W. MISC EIJaANEOUsT WANTS! KST I MAT given for all kinds of elec tric ttghl w iriny; aud repairing; elec tric a specially; no job too Btiiaii or lai-fec; ail ivurn guaranteed. AUtLNU tu„ to Broad SU _ FINANCIAL. lIU.NhiV TO LOAit upon real estats as wuiiUes in aii> amounts and upua auy teruta to suit Uio uuriwrt e.-. AUditas 1 . i » 4. ~ AtQHAQS. HAIiKISBUKU STOKAGK CO. Two Utw e*ohi - alui > unck warehouses, viif absolutely iireprooi, Uiviaeu iuio Lieprooi private loouis of various lor ine aluxufce of uouaexiuiu fcoutis, lue oinci Adicuousu ol lue uiost *ppioveu type ol uie reiardaut cou luucuuu ioi Keuerai aiei caanuisc. Tuey .. iv\o large electric elevatois anu spiral chute lor l.ic ana safe ol aoUie buia ouj aud an ainos ol merchan- 6ioia e e Uiea. OoUtn oecouU Swieew ueai i'a-ioii, oa tile iracas oi i *nna._K. MONEY 10 LOAN —ij iu J-vO K»x Honest working peupic Kuuuui bank cieuu at ics. tliai. IctiUl I.tCS, paia.t)ie .11 Ul3l*U U-.iiis to null borrowers coiiveui«». CO-OPiiUAXIVB Loan aiu luvuiiiiciu Co., [ 3U4 Cneatnut at ALL EiNOS OF HAULING AiA. kinds of hauling; large two-ton true*; furniture, pianos. Height, in the city and suburbs. Prices reason aale. Picnic, and pleasure trips, nay or e.ening. WM. H. IJARE. Uuj Vernon fct Bull pbone 3517 J. Legal NOTICK is hereby given that an appli cation wi)l be made to the Court of C mimon Tleas of Dauphin County on t ie eighth day of February, 1915, at 10 0 lo !i in., under the provisions of the Corporation Act of April 29, 1871. and its supplements, for a charter for an intended corporation, to be called "The Congregation of sisters of ■■saints Cyril and Methodius." the character aim object i f which are the founding, en flowing. supporting and maintaining, through the charity of its members, an Association of purely public charity, for the education and instruction of the young, the higher education or young women, the care and training of or r and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, bene fits ;i tI privileges conferred by the said Act and the supplements anil amend ments thereto. OLMSTED & ST A MM. NOTICE Is he:eby given that applica tion will lie made to The Public Serv ice Commission of llie Commonwealth i of Pennsylvania by l he Itell Telephone * iiupany <»f I'eiinsylvania for a certiti- i rat? of public convenience, evidencing the Commissi m's approval of an agree- i ni."nt with the Hummelstown Consoli- . oat- d Water Company for t'nc joint use ' 01 one pole at Hummelstown. Pennsyl- i vania, the public hearing oil which will, lie held in ;iie rooms o f the Commission' at liarrisburs on the ,'utli day of Janu- | ; v. i.ii., ap. in., when and where an persons i: Interest may appear and NOTlCE—Letters of administration on | 'lie estate of Reuben Clemens, late of Susquehanna township. Dauphin county, j I'a., deceaseii. having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Progress. In said township, all persons indebted j to said estate are requested to make ; I ~ mediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement to SARAH K. CLEMENS, Administratrix, Progress. I'a. Lost and Found FOUND. FOUND—SmaII black and white female 'log. Owner can have same by calling at 347 Swatara. Si-. Steeltuu, and pay ing for this advertisement. FOUND—A place without trying. Care ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where? At Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St. Call t-i:ncr puonc. Call and deliver- LOST. LOST—On Sunday, December 27. on ] Front street, between Woodbine and Seneca streets, a child's fur neckpiece. FARLEY (lAXNKTT. 122 Wtfodbine St. | LOST—A small gold cuff pin with three pearls and safety clasp, somewhere between Calder. Third or in Rroad street market house. Reward if return ed to 1100 N. Front St. LXJST—Diamond and sapphire ring, Monday evening. Reward If return ed to 333 S. Thirteenth St. LOST—Nickel-plated ticket punch. Re turn to circulation department, care Star^lndependent. INVESTMENT j Real Estate Bargain FIVE BRICK HOUSES Two-story bricks—six rooms— bath—furnace—cemented cellar— front and back porches. Only one block from trolley lines and beautiful Reservoir Park. We're nttmlng the I in dollnr on these houien and It won't lie long until some «tare»d periion picks ' thena up. Miller Bros. Neefe VEA_L ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Bondj LOCUM- and Court Streets Wants HiiLP WANTED—MAIiE. i ' WANTED—Men to learn barber trade; , j only few weeks required. Wages , J after first month. For full particulars address Moler's Barber College, Dopt. R, , j WANTED—A shoe repair man to work , | on commission; can make on an aver t | age, $12.00 per week; must be reliable and good workman. Call at shop. ' BROOKS WKIGLK, New Cumberland, , Pa L AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and " earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical ' work for $35.00. No. SN. Cameron; Bell day afternoon. SITUATIONS ~W ANTED—M ALE. WANTED—Position as hotel man, but ler in private family, or cook. Ad dress 31!!) Cherry St. A COLORED MAN wants a position around a house or store; can furnish references. Call or write 320 Brown A ve. , WANTED—Colored boy who has his i own bicvc.e wants work of any kind. \ Address 1 JOT Apple Ave. ; YOUNG married man wishes a position as chauffeur; can give reference, do r own repairing. Call or write, R. P., 19 : jS. Court St., City. WANTED—Work of any kind by will ing man. Address 605 S. Third St., i i Steeiton, Pa. MARRIED MAN wants work of any j kind in Harrisburg or vicinity; capa i ble and earnest. 328 S. River avenue. ! WANTED—Young married man, 3o yrs. old. well acquainted in city and riear -11 by towns, would like to drive delivery wagon of any kind. Apply A. U Y., 1.T25 James St. WANTED—By a gcrod, reliable colored man, a position as a teamster or stable man. Can give reference. Ad dress J. S„ No. t> 4S# Calder St., llarris burg.P.t. AGENTS WANTED IAG::\TS WANTED—SI 2 weekly salary and 100 per cent, profit; 25-cent arti i c)e, used in ev. ry home, hotel, garage. i steamship, railroad, oftice building and ; store. Free sample. Particulars, F. C. ' Gale Vt».. » Devonshire St., Boston. CANVASSERS WANTED CANVASSERS WASTED—Men to KO ! licit for tea and coffee business. Ap ply the lira rid l r nion Tea Co., 208 N. ~ ■ ■ 1111 Si. KELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTKiV—Young lady for cashier In market and provision store; good sit uation. Call room 507. Kunkel Build ing. fi to ; this evening. HARRISBUKG SHORTHAND SCHOOL. stands for Individual instruction; best known methods In teaching; real touch typewriting; a personal Interest in each student. My guarantee: To prepare students for good positions; to aid them in securing employment. Tuition will be charged for 7 mas. only. Free after ; that time. Free trial. 21 N. Second St. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE? j DAY'S WORK wanted, of any kind, by ! a colored woman. Call or address j 521 Brown Ave., City. ; STENOGRAPHER—Young woman, ex perienced. capable. good address; spelling and composition strong points; knowledge of life insurance accounting I and banking, desires position as typist and general oftice clerk. Unuuestion ; able references. Address 3132, care of j Star-Independent. (WANTED —A young lady wishes gen i eral housework or lo keep house for rt widower. Call or address Sl4 N. Third street. WANTED—MiddIe-aged woman wants position as housekeeper. Call at 1337 |N. Second St. Bell phone 101SW. WANTED—White middle-aged lady wishes housekeeping for widower. / Call 1735 N. Seventh St. MIDDLE-AGED white woman wishes work by the day. Call or address 1920 Wallace St. YOUNG LADY would like to have work as housekeeper or general house work. Call or address MISS A. S., care ; t Mrs. Laten, 1712 Logan Ave,, City. WANTED—Young lady wishes wash-' ing and ironing to take home, offices | to clean or day's work of any kind. 923 Myrtle Ave., after 7.30 in the evening. ( WANTED—By neat young colored girl, position at general housework in small family; no washing; can furnish good reference. Address 545 Cameron St., Middletown, Pa, WANTED—lroning or day's work for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Ad dress Airs. A. ROSS, 429 Broad St.. Box 33. 1 \ Sale and Exchange FOE SALE. 'AN old-established drug business for sale; location in central part of busi ness section; terms reasonable. Ad dress 3433, care Star-Independent. frOR SALE—Commercial graphopliones, complete; In fine working order, in cluding li new dictaphone cylinders; cost when new SIOO apiece. Will sell very cheap. Call at Bogar Hardware Co., 1316 X. Third St. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE— All buildings in the Capitol Park zone purchased by Alleman Bros, will be de molished by the Connecticut Wrecking Co., of New Haven. Conn. All materials j will be sold on the premises. Inquire of C. 11. MERBEJiG, Plaza Hotel. FOR SALE—At MELTZER'S, men's overcoats, from JI.OO up; men's suits, i from $2.50 up; ladies' suits, $1.50 up; ; ladles' dresses, from 75c up; soldier i overcoats and goldier shoes. Every- I thing in good condition, slightly used. Also felt boots. $1.5)5. Come and look them over. Open evenings. S. MELTiS ER, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE—Smoke our Cre-Malta Per fectos, tilled with clippings of five and ten cent cigars; price $2.00 per 100, postpaid. As an introductory offer we are giving 50 Free with each order for 100. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point, Bliz rard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip. Oiant Grip and Alwaya Sharp Calks. FOK SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 bouth Second St.. 5,000 sets New Sash, Bxlo *l2 L. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per ■et. Also other elzea. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1915. FARMS FOR SALE j 7 Acres —2 miles east of Paxtonia i Ideal for truck and poultry. A lot of j fruit trees iu good condition. Buildings medium condition. Known as the Amos Stoner farm. Price. SI2OO 3 Acres—3 miles east of Paxtonia, i near Slioops' Church. A real bargain. I All good buildings. 70 choice fruit j trees., Ideal for all-year or summer ' home. Price SI2OO A better or more satisfactory de scrijitiou of these and other farms we have for sale at 409 Market street, Uarrisburg. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery, Llngleatown, Pa. ————__^ Real Estate REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. OUR JANUARY BAROAIN SALE— Jury St., Highspire, reduced MHO. 181- N. Fifth St., reduced S2OO. ISOB N. Fifth St., reduced S2OO. Clayton Ave.. Edgeiuout, reduced SSO. BR INTON-PACKER CO.. _____ Second and Walnut Sts. OUR JANUARY BARGAIN SALE— -01 acres, one mile from trolley line; 4la miles from llarrisburg; good buildings; possession April Ist. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SAl.E—Corner property, at 820 Cumberland street, for sale. barge house; suitable business location; spe cial price to quick buyer. Particulars j at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Build- I nig. j PEXBROOK I/DT, 30x15u, for sale at ( great sacrifice. This lot is well locat ed and must I- sold soon. An unusual ! bargain. BELL. REALTY CO., Bergner i Building. j THREE-STORY brick house, No. 22S N. J Fourteenth St.; all improvements; I porch; side entrance; large lot; drive I alley on rear. Price and particulars at j BELL. REALTY CO., Bergner Building. j FOR SALE Beautiful new brick houses, on Second and Third streets. Riverside. Steam heat and all other modern improvements. Prices SI,SOU to I $4,T00. Easy terms. E. Moesleln, 424 State street; Lewis M. Neifler, 222 Mar | ket street. OFFICES FOR RENT FOR RlCNT—Suite of offices (3 rooms) I on first floor; electric lights and city | steam. In good condition. Apply to I MRS. A. 1. MILLER, 15A S. Third St. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR REST—NEW HOUSES 2131 Deny St., steam heat $23.00 2133 Derry St., steam heat 25.00 2135 Derry St.. steam heat, ;S.OO Inquire P. VANDERLOO. 2119 Derry St. Or Masonic Temple. Third and State. FOR RENT—Large room. 110x32; good location on Market street; all con ; venlences; suitable for anv kind of business; rent $75.00 per month. Call or address 1727 N. Twelfth St., Harris- i burg. FOR RENT—Two-story brick dwelling, No. Ills N. Fourteenth St.; all im provements; large front porch and back < and front staiio. C. 11. ORCUTT, No.! 267 Cumberland St. TOR RENT—Two reserved tickets were awarded to-day to Ixiuls Cohn, «34 Herr stieet,*goou for the evening per formance at the orpheum, January 15, 1915. Call for tickets at Star-Inuepeiul ent oftice before S p. m.. January 14 1915. or they will be forfeited. ' ; FOR RENT—Three-story 8-room brick house. No. 306 Cherry St.. with Im provements. T. J. LAMPAS, 414 Mar ket street. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent in all parts of city. Reasonable : rent and good locations. Inquire of j HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir ; teenth street. Bell phone 248 L FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00, 539 S. Fifteenth $16.00 •330 S. Eighteenth, ... $18.50 \ Apply Kulm " j gloves and yellow canes. The North Philadelphia Club will be marshak'd bv Republican City Chairman David H. j Lane, ami the Koubh Philadelphia or < ganization by Congressman William 8. j Yare. No word has been received from fhe j Pittsburgh clubs as yet. but it is said that several of tfheni will be here. The 35,000 invitations have almost all been mailed, and if the recipients all attend the, city will be very mueh crowded with visitors from all parts of the State. The Master at Arms A master at arms is a petty officer ! in the navy who forms one of the police of a ship. In the United States navy there are four grades of masters at I arms—chief master at arms and master i at arms of the first, second and third ! class. Large vessels have one chief and several of the lower ratings. Jn j small ships a fire or second class mas j ter at arms is the chief of the ship's I police.—Boston Globe. Knew His Limitations "I don't want to brag about my self. I've done many foolish things in my time, but I've been wise in one way." "What's that!" "I never had an idea that I could paper a bedroom myself."—l>etroit Free Press. Ways of Iceland There are no trades or guides in Iceland, every man being compelled to depend trpon 'his own skill for his sup flies. The natives make their own (