THE WEATHER j CLOUDY TO-NIGHT FAIR TO MORROW Detailed Report* I'age H VOL. 77— NO. 33. SPECIHEI W9IHAI SUFFRAGE V o trk on Submitting Amendment toStates for Ratification Will Be Taken Late To-day • HOUSE TO DEBATE MATTER 6 HOURS Driving Rain Storm Failed to Dampen Ardor of Suffragists and Anti-Suf fragists as They Assembled in the Galleries This Morning Brri:Jburg in December and January thus far has been good, he said, and it is fair to suppose that it will continue in view of the fact that manufactures are get ting into better shape, and that is a safe barometer. The Harrisburg National paid divi dends of twelve per cent, during the year, six per cent, semi-annually. Miller Goes on Merchants' Board Directors of the Merchants' National bank were elected as follows: Louis Dellone, W. M. Donald son, W. L. Stoey, William Witman, John Dfcpp; David E. Tracy, P. H. Zaughtn, Chris tian W. Lynch and H. O. Miller. The directors will meet on Friday for organ ization. Mr. Miller is the only new director elected, havim? been chosen to fill a vacancy caused by death. Steelton National Board Re-elected The stockholders of the Steelton Na tional Bank re-elected the following di rectors at a meeting this afternoon: Luther S. Bent, Joseph J. Biughman, J. E. •Rutherford, John B. Liteh, 8. Cameron Voung, Samuel Couffer, W E Aborcrombie, Robert M. Rutherfor.lj Continued on Fourth I'air SMITH TO LOCAL HOSPITAL Youth Accused of Slaying Grandfather Sent to Institution for the Insane Judge S. J. M. McCarrell this aft ernoon made an order directing that Edward G. Smith, who was accused of slaying his grandfather, John E. Bush, and who, u jury decided, is now insane, shall be committed to the State Hos pital for the Insane, just north of this city. Some weeks ago, or shortly after Smith was found to be mentally unbal anced, the court here made an order sending Smith to the State hospital in ! Norristowu. Since then the superin- I tendent of that institution has advised ! the court that he cannot take care of ! the local patient because of overcrowd- i ed conditions. PEN. FOR 2 HORSE THIEVES Sheetz Gets From 4 to 7 Years and Burlap From ii to 3 Marry Sheeitz and Horace Burlap this afternoon confessed in Judge Kunkel's court to the theft of a. two-horse team about six months aigo from B. Miles Sherrick. Sheetz was sentenced to from four to seven years, and Burlap to from two to five years in the penitentiary. Mercer and Leßmn Indicted H. R. Mercer and Fred lintrict Attorney Stroup expected to open the trial of the cases late to-day or early to-morrow. George D. Thorn Has Grip Georgo D. Thorn, chief clerk in the State Department, is confined to his home with the grip. STANDS 10 PROVIDE SEATS FOR 2.000 AT INAUGURAL Work Halted By Rain To-day But Plat form Will Be Completed By Thurs day Night—Then the Decorators Will Begin Their Work The platform on which the inaugural exorcises will take place one week from to-day at Third and State streets, will be completed by Thursday night, said Superintendent Rambo, of the Cftpitol Building and Grounds. The rain ptf to day interrupted operations to some ex tent. That part of tihe platform covering the stairway will be 34 feet wide and extend back toward the Capitol so as to give space for twenty-five rows of chairs. Running north the platform will extcad 120 feet and will be fifteen rows deep. The platform immediately fronting State street will have 600 chairs, and in front will be the speak ers' tables and these will be flanked by the press tables. The rest of the chairs ■will be occupied by State officials, those who will participate in the inaugural ceremonies, the inaugural cominiljtee and members of the Senate and lloifse. The platform running north from the main platform will seat 1,200 people, so that it is calculated that almost 2,000 can be seated comfortably. The seats will all be numbered and a force of ushers will be on hand to see to the proper seating of ticket holders. Mem bers of the State police will be station ed in front of the stands to preserve order and keep the space in front clear for those on the stands. The inaugural reception will take place in the Capitol at 8 o'clock, and ample arrangements will be made for ingress and egress. At the inauguration of Governor Tenor the reception party was stationed in the House caucus room at the State street side, persons enter ing the south wing of the Capitol going through the resident clerk's room past the reception party and thence out into the hallways. Decorators \yill begin work on the grandstand on Friday, as soon as it is turned over to the com mittee. FRIENDSHIP WILL PARADE Company That Withdrew From the Firemen's Union Plans to Take Part in the Inaugural Procession Plans for the firemen's division of the inaugural parade next Tuesday will j be made at a meeting ot' the Harris ! burg Firemen's Union iu the Hope en gine house this evening. The Friend i ship Fire Company will take no part in the meeting, said a prominent mem ber of that company this morning, but will march in the parade next Tuesday. The representatives of the Prieud ship company withdrew from the un ion when the right <'f line was granted j to the York firemen in the parade which featured the State firemen's conven tion here last October, contending that | honor should have fallen to the Friend : ship company as the oldest company in the city. The firemen expect the Vigilant ! Fire Company, of York, to come here in j a body to mrreh in the inaugural pa rade and prominent members of the firemen's union say that should the York company cone to Harrisburg it i will be given the right of line of the firemen's division of the parade, which i will be th'e last division in the inau ! gural procession. ! The executive committee of the un ion met last evening and audited the nccouu-ts of the finanee committee. A j report will be turned in at the union | meeting this evening. INFECTED TOOTH IS FATAL I Irvin Emrick, Philadelphia and Read ing Signalman, Succumbs to Blood Poisoning lrvin Emrick, 3? years old, of Camp Mill, died early this morning at the Harrisburg hospital from blood poison ing, the infection coming from a tooth which hail previously received atten tion. He was in a very serious condi tion when admitted to the hospital on January 8 and heroic measures were adopted to save his life, but his condi tion grew steadily worse. The tooth had been filled and after wards became HO sore that his jaw and the parotid gland, the largest salivary gland, became infected. The infection spread throughout his system. In an effort to save his life the tooth was pulled at the hospital in the hope of relieving the pressure. Emrick was a signalman for the Philadelphia and Reading railroad 'ULAKKS IX CALIFORNIA Nine Distinct Shocks Pelt at Santa Barbara Last Night By Aatuciatcd frenn. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 12.—Nine distinct earthquake shocks were felt here last night. The only damage report ed was the settling of a brick building in a nearby town. * Uakersiieild, Cal., Jan. 12.—An earth quake from northeast to southwest shook Bakersfield slightly last night. The tremor wati felt in office buildings and in the residence districts but no harm was dooie. Senator Beidleman Is Stronger Senator E. E. Beidleman, who has been coufined to his bed with a severe attack of grip, is reported to-day to be much 'better and continuing to im prove. The high fever that threatened him seriously has broken and the Sen ator is now able to see his more inti mate friends, but is forbidden to trans act any business. 114 ARRAIGNED 111 UMfUK Federal Indictment Charges Terre Haute Citizens With Cor rupt Practices at Polls MAYOR OF CITY IS AMONG ACCUSED Other City and County Officials, Em ployes Holding Minor Appoint ments, Attorneys, Saloon Keepers and Alleged Gamblers Are Included Indianapolis, Jan. 12. —Charged in a federal indictment with conspiracy fo j corrupt th« election of November 3, j 1914, in Terre Haute, 114 men, includ | ing Mayor Donn M. Roberts, were to bo arraigned before Judge A. B. Ander | son, of the United States District Court i here to-day. Twenty-four jail prison i crs, indicted for robbing postoffices and misuse of mails, were also to be ar raigned at the same time. According to local attorneys, the Terre Haute investigation marks the first time that the Federal government ! has ever attempted to have jurisdiction !over the election machinery. Frank C. | Dailey, United States District Attor ; ney, for Indiana, is working on the theory that since a United States Sen ator and a member of Congress were ! elected in the election, any efforts to manipulate the election illegally con ; stituted fraud against the United | States. ' Included among the 114 persons ar rested are ten city and county officials among whom being the Mayor, City Judge, City Comptroller, Chief of Po lice, two members of the City Board mf Works, the Sheriff and a Judge of the Circuit Court. There are 14 city employes holding minor appointments, whils the remainder of the group is composed of attorneys, saloon keepers and so called gamblers, but chiefly of men with "occupation unknown.' Mr. Dailey says he has confessions from several of the men and expects a numbdjLto plead guilty and throw themwltha on the mercv of the court. Others were expected to attack the in dinttnert*' by demurrer when called for arraignment. Eighty Enter Pleas of Guilty Indianapolis, Jan. 12. —Admitting that they had participated in the al leged conspiracy to corrupt the election of November 3, 1914, in Terre Haute, eighty men out of 114 under arrest pleaded guilty before Judge A. B. An derson in United States District Court here to-day. Sentence was not passed. Mayor Donn M. Roberts, of Terre Hnute; Circuit Court Judge EH 11. Redman; Sheriff Dennis Shea and oth ers who were represented by Repre sentative A. O. Stanley, of Kentucky, filed demurrers to the charges contain ing the indictment which was returned the day before last Christmas. The demurrers will lie argued January 20. J. E. Holler, who until a few davs ago was Chief of Police of Terra Haute, and John F. Nugent, former night Chietf of Police, were among those who pleaded guilty. With tho exception of Holler and Nugent, all of the city and county officials who were indicted fi'led demurrers. After the 114 men had pleaded JuVlige Anderson instructed that all those who had pleaded guilty could re turn to their homes and await the sum mons of United States District Attor ney Frank C. Day ley. The same free dom was granted those who had plead ed not guilty and then the court set January 20 as the date to hear argu ments on the 'demurrers. RIVER WILL RISE 2 FEET No Danger of Its Reaching the Flood Stage Here, However The rain and snow in the Susquehan na valley last night and to-day was so great in volume that a general rise in the Sftisquehatnia river and its southern •tri/buitaries is exipec-ted. A rise of more than two feet is forecasted for the main river at this .point, but thore is no cause for alarm as the river had fatllen to 6.S feet at 8 o'clock this morning. The danger stage here is 17 feet. The storm has passed off the Carolina | rapes am) clearing and somewhat cold j or weather is expected for Harrisburg ; to-night, with the lowest temperature [ about freezing point. ICE GORGED 40 FEET HIGH Man Is Marooned on Island Near the York County Shore York, Pa., Jan. 12.—An ice gorge 40 | feet high has formed in the Susquehan na river at Shenk's Ferry, and the pub lic road is covered with ten feet of water. A largo quantity of* ice is coming down the river on the York county side, and a gorge at Bridgeville is caus ing much concern. Lee Detweiler is marooned with his dog on Mill Island. Tetanus Kills Coasting Victim George Early, 10 years old, of Dun cannon, died at 1.30 o'clock this morn ing at the Harrisburg hospital of teta nus, the disease developing from a se vere laceration of the left thigh re ceived in a coasting accident in Dun cannon about two weeks ago. The lad was not admitted to the hospital until his condition became alarming. Joseph Montgomery Has Pneumonia Joseph Montgomery, head of the Peipher Line and one of Harrisburg's oldest native bom citizens, is confined to his home on State street with incip ient pneumonia but is reported as im proving. DESPERATE FICHTINC NOW COINCON DETWEEN ALLIES AND GERMANS IN FRANCE Paris, Jan. 12, 2.40 P. M.—The fighting in the western theatre of war did not yesterday show any develop ment of importance, according to the official report given out by the French War Office this afternoon. There were artillery exchanges at some points along the line, and infantry attacks on trendies. In some of these encounters the French claim to have been success ful It. is still snowing in tho Vosges mountains. The statement follows: "From the sea to the Oise there wasyesterday an intermittent cannonad ing, fairly violent at certain places. On the Aisno to the north of Soissons determined attacks have been delivered against the trenches occupied by us the ninth and tenth of January. The ene- I iny during yesterday attacked our posi i tions several times. We repulsed him j and we took possession of more i trenches. I "From Soissons to Rheims there ; were artillery exchanges. Our heavy j pieces of artillery ;esponded efficaciously j to the batteries and the mine-throwers ;of the Germans. In Champagne, in the region of Souain, there was yesterday very active shooting by our artillery di | reeled against the positions of our ad | versaries near Perthes. "lie Fortin, situated to the north of the Beausejour farm, was the seene of j desperate encounter. The enemy de- I cidod ou setting up a trench at a point i within a series of field works, the com- I inanding position of which was held by us. This fighting is still going on. j "In the Argonne and as far as the Mouse there is nothing to report. On the heights of the Meuse there have been two German attacks, one at tho ; forest of Consenvoye and the other fl.t ' the forest of Boucho. Each was re- I pulsed. ; "To the southeast of Cirey-sur-Ve | zouzone our detachments surprised and i put to flight n German company which was pillaging the village of St. Sou- I veur. In the Vosges ami in Alsace the day passed quietly. Bad weather and | the snow storm continue.'' LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY Four distinct battles which have de veloped in France and Alsace are be ing carried on vigorously, but without marked advantage for either side. Of greatest immediate consequence is the fighting near Perthes, which involves possession of important railroads and probably a considerable section of ths fortified battle line. In this district the French attempted further attacks, hut were beaten back with heavy losses, t tiro German official statement to-day ! asserts. Near Soissons, in the Aisne country, the French statement says, German at tempts to capture lost positions were re pulsed and more trenches were seized by the allies. In the Argonne, where the fighting has been more continuous and stubborn since the early weeks of the war than aln:ost anywhere else, the Germans are on the offensive, and claim to have cap tured a French vantage point. The fourth battle in Alsace is less active than was the case before the reinforced Germans checked the French advance. The Berlin War Office asserts that a French attack south of Sennheim was defeated and that the attackers suffered severe losses. Desultory fighting continues in Po land and the German statement tells t of slow progress on the part of the rrmy which is attempting to advance on Warsaw from the west. According to a Petrograd dispatch. Continued on !\'in(h I'n&re. WILSOI EXPLAINS IMCI Wasn't Thinking of An nouncing His Candi dacy for 1916 in In dianapolis Statement EXPLAINS WHAT HE HAD IN MIND Refuses to Discuss Question of Being Candidate and Remains Silent on Giving Opinion on One-term Plank in Baltimore Platform By Associated Press, Washington, Jan. 12. President Wilson to-day declared that he-was not thinking of announcing his candidacy for 1916 when he made tho statement in his Indianapolis speech recently that the people of the United State might have a chancr to judge his acts. His utterance was interpreted by the audience and by others at the time as a hint that he might be a candidate for renoniination. The President explained to callers to-day that what he had in mind was that future generations would pass upon his acts as president. The President refused to-day abso lutely to discuss the question of being a candidate. Efforts were made to get an expression of opinion from him on the one-term plank of the Baltimore platform, but Mr. Wilson shook his head and refused to answer questions. He said that he could not talk about himself. 1 POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. ALLIES LOSE 3,500 MEN IN ARGONNE Kaiser's Troops in Bat tle Since January 8 Meet With Success, Says Berlin FRENCH SUFFER IN NIGHT ATTACK Attack German Positions to the South of Cernay and Are Repulsed With Heavy Losses—Allies Also De feated at Perthes —. Berlin, 3 P. M., Jan. 12 (By Wire- I less to London). —Severe lighting is in progress to day for the possession of po ! sitions now in the hands of the Ger j mnns on the heights to the south of Cernay (Sennheim), in upper Alsace, ac cording to the German official communi cation issued to-day at, army headquar ters. French attacks which were begun I last, night; are reported to have been repulsed with l\eavy losses, but the French returned to the attack at dawn to-day. In the fighting on the eastern part of I the Argonne forest during the past five j days the Germans claim to have taken i prisoner seven officers and 1,600 men. The repulse of French attacks in the 1 region of Perthes and at. Ailley and the ! capture of a French position along the j ancient Roman highway which runs j through the Argonne are the only oth -1 er activities in the western arena men j tioned in the report. In Noidhern Poland the Germans i claim that a forward movement of the j Russians was checked. The text of the i statement follows: j "French troops last night made an ] attack on our positions to the south nf | Cernay (Sennheim), but they were re j pulsed with heavy losses. Early this j morning the battle was resumed in this I district. "A French attack which started 'yesterday afternoon in Ihe region of J Perthes (between Rheims and the Ar j gonne withered away before our tire, j the cnemv suffering very heavy losses. "In the Argonne forest a French j vantage point was taken ou the Roman j bigh road. In this engagement two officers and 140 men fell into our [ hands. In the battles on the eastern ; side of the Argonne wo have taken ; sirce January 8, including those already mentioned, one major, three captains, 130 lieutenants and 1,600 men. The French losses, including killed and in jured, in this battle area consequently are estimated at 3,500 men. I '' An attempt of the French to make an attack at Ailly, to tho south of St. Mihiel (on the river Mouse), failed. '' There is nothing new to report from Fast Prussia. Tho Russian attempt to advance in Northern Poland was un successful. Our attacks in the district to the west of the Vistula river have made progress in certain places, not withstanding the bad weather. On the eastern bank of the Pilica river (south ern Poland) the situation continues the same.'' GERMAN CRUISER BREMEN BADLY DAMAGED BY AMINE London, Jan. 12, 2.45 P. M.—The German cruiser Bremen has arrived at Wilhelmshaven badly damaged by a mine, avoiding to a dispatch received by tho "Evening Star" from Petro grad. The Bremen is a small cruiser and was built ton years ago. She is 341 feet long and lf*H a normal displacement of 3,250 tons. Her complement consist* of 286 men. The Bremen is arijjed with ten 4.1-inch guns and ten one pounders and is equipped with two sub merged 17.7-inch torpedo tubes. At the time of tJhc occupation of Vera Cruz by American marines the Bremen was sta tioned in Mexican waters. WALL STREET CLOSING By Associated Press, New York, Jan. 12.—Lack of de mand and short selling produced lower prices in the final trading, some promi nent issues and coppers falling under yesterday's last quotation. United Dry Goods, on a single sale, regained over l:t points, while United States Realty lost over 4 points on Its unfavorable statement. The closing was irregular. With less activity and breadth, stock market manifested a tendency to react, leading stocks in yielding on realizing sales.