The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 11, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be lorieited » s
- »
PACKING—A. H. SHRENK. 1»0« North
Sixth atreet, flrat class packer of fur
niture. china and bncabrac. Bell phone
W. J. WENRICH, 333 Hamilton itreet—
Furniture, china and piano packing,
(shipment* looked after at both enda.
klnda of hauling, beu phone
MONEY TO LOAN upon real estate se
curities In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit the borrower. Address
K O. Box 174.
NOTICE is hereby given that all over
due pledges will be forfeited and sold
without further notice unless the same
are renewed or redeemed within the
next five days. CITY LOAN OFFICE,
111 Market St.
PARTY, leaving town would like to
store their piano ulr sell. Address
Ji. YV. C., 3130, care Star-Independent.
ESTIMATES ijiven for all kinds of elec
tric Jfght wiring and repairing; elec
tric contracting a specialty; no Job too
small or large, all work guaranteed.
C 0..427 fa Broad
CLASS WINIX)WS will be nlaced In
auto curtains while you wa'it. C. A.
>■ ■ ■ " ■- *■ - ■ - ,
new eight-story brick warehouses,
one absolutely fireproof, divided Into
tlreproof private rooms of various
sixes for the storage of household
goods; the other warenouau of ihe most
approved type of fire retardant con
atructlon for general merchandise. They
are equipped wuh two largo electric
freight elevators and spiral chute lor
the quick and safe hanuilng of house
hold gouds aud all kinds of merchan
dise. Low storage rates. South oecond
street, near Paxiou. oa the tracks of
Penna. R. R.
LOANS— $b to |2tfo h)i nonest working
people without bank credit at lesa
than legal rates; payable In Install
wonts to ault borrowers' conveuiei>:a
Loan and Investment Co..
|||MMM<|M^M[ gO |^^heatnut^»^^^^^
ALL klnda of hauling; large two-ton
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, in
the City and auburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or
evening. WM. H. DARIi 14uJ Vernon
tit. Bell phone 3517 J.
\ '
Sale and Exchange
>ll buildings in the Capitol Park zone
puivhiised by Alieman Bros, will be do- !
molisned i>y the Connecticut Wrecking!
' ,n'i °, 1 New Haven, Conn. All materials!
will be sold on the promises. Inquire
of C. H. MKIIBKItO, Plaza Hotel.
Kofi SALE—At MELTZER'S, men's
overcoats, from SI,OO up; men's suits,
i u *' : ladies' suits, $1.50 up; I
ladies dresses, from 75e up, soldier i
uvercojits and soldier shoes. Every-
W. n *»n Kood condition, slightly used. I
Al>o felt boots. $1.1)0. Come and look j
them over, open evenings. S. MEL.TZ
1-.U, 613 \S alnut street.
l«'OR SALE—Smoke our Cre-Malta Per- >
rectos, tilled with clippings of five!
and ten cent cigars; price per lot),
postpaid. As an introductory otter we
are giving ..<» K ree with each order for:
100. Satisfaction guaranteed or your
money back. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa.
I-Oil >ALL \«»t. Two reserved tickets'
were awarded to-day to John P.
Lynch, \ i X. I 'ront. St., Steelton, good
lor the evening performance at the Or
pheum, January 13, 1913. Call for tick
ets at Star-Independent office before S
p. m., January 12, 1915, or they will be
A few good bargains in iob lots. Or-
Promptly till. ,1. Hell phone 1577 R.
MVI-.KS Mi*G. Co.. Third and Cumber
land Sts.. above Miller's Shoe Store.
FOR SALE—A! CM!!, ICS. 111-117 South
Second St.; lied Tip, Ring Point, Bill
iard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant
UHp and Always Shai-p Calks.
FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South
Second St.. 5,000 sets New Sash. Bxlo
xlj L.. primed and gUzed, at $1.15 pel
s'--1. Also other sizes.
Absurd Beliefs About Hedgehogs
In olden days the hedgehog was ac
credited with the possesion of many
wonderful powers. Pliny and after
him Aelian and others have related
how it would climb apple and iig trees,
shake down the fruit and afterward
fall upon and impale the fruit on its
spines and carry them off upon its
back. The belief that it was in the
habit of milking cows during the night
is likewise a \ cry old one.
/"* '"■■■ -
1619 N. Fourth St.
Lot 20x210
Two-story, eight-room frame house
on l'ourth street—Fulton street, end
uf lot is vacant.
'' *r «'H*h >vr'|| nnjiic you flip low
vMt figure ever quoted on thin prop
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Fire Insurance Surety Bond*
Locus}- and Court Streets
Real Estate
j ii ■ ■ n_ i -i .
-1909 N. Third St.; 2%-story frame; 6
rooms; lot 20x105. Property offered
to close estate; price very attractive.
Second and Walnut Sts.
BUSINESS propositions for sale: Two
grocery stores; one cigar and pool;
confectionery store; small manufactur
ing business; small restaurant. Full
information at offices of BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
NO. 1345 NORTH STREET—3-story
frame house; S rooms, bath; gas; fur
nace; porch; lot 21x90 to wide drive
alley. Inspect it. Price right. BELL
REALTY CO., Bergner Building.
$2,700 WILL BUY a 3-story brick house
on Allison Hill; S rooms; bath; gas;
electric light; porch; furnace. Only
S3OO needed. BELL REALTY CO., Bcrg
ner Building.
-1235 and 1237 Bailey St., reduced $250.
1819 Spencer St., reduced $250.
1728 N. Third St., reduced $250.
2448 N. Sixth St., reduced S4OO.
Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE Beautiful new brick
houses, on Second and Third streets,
Riverside. Steam heat and all other
modern improvements. Prices $2,800 to
$4,700. Easy terms. E. Mocslein, 424
State street; Lewis M. Neiller, 222 Mar
ket street.
FOR RENT—Large room, 110x32; good
location on Market street; all con
veniences; suitable for any kind of
business; rent $75.00 per month. Call
or address 1727 N. Twelfth St., Harris
FOR RENT—IS27-IS4I l'enn street; 2-
story brick factory building, 75x39
feet; In Hrst class condition; equipped
with elevator, steam heat, electric light,
gas and toilets on both doors. This
building is particularly suited for light
I manufacturing purposes. Apply to M.
11. PLANK, 312 Forster St., Harrisburg,
Pa. !
2131 Derry St., steam heat $23.00
£133 Derry St., steam heat 28.00
2135 Derry St., steam heat 28.00
! 2113 Derry Sit.
Or Masonic Temple, Third and State. ,
FOR RENT—No. 455 Crescent street—
2-story brick, six rooms and bath; I
rent $16.00. Apply 309 N. Second St. j
1821 Market St., $23.00 I
536 S. Seventeenth St., $20,00 1
119 Royal Terrace $20.00 I
536 S. Seventeenth St $17.00
1530 Catherine St $16.00 !
1528 Catherine St $15.00 I
2170 Brookwood St $14.00
2020 Kensington St $10.50
2005 N. Seventh Si SIO.OO i
1-4 4 N. Cameron St $7.00 '
Apartment, *27 «g |
1251 Market St.
FOR R/ENT—Two-story brick dwelling,
No. 1118 N. Fourteenth St.; all Im
provements; large front porch and back
and front stairs. C. H. ORCUTT, No
267 Cumberland St.
FOR KENT—Three-story S-room brick
house, No. 306 Cherry St., with im
provements. T. J. LAMPAS, 414 Mar- I
ket street.
DESIRABLE houses and apartments for I
rent in all parts of city. Reasonable!
rent and good locations. Inquire of
HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir
teenth street. 801 l phone 24SL
FOR RENT—AII improve
; 1614 Catherine $16.00
! 539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00
1330 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50
i Apply Kuhn & Herslie/,
18 South Third street.
j FOR RENT—Houses with all Improve
! meats, at moderate rentals. J. li
GIPPL.E. mi Market St
| FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, on sec
ond lloor; front room nicely furnish
led for light housekeeping. No. 1022
; Market St.
' —Three large rooms with
bath and steam heat; suitable for
: light housekeeping. Apply 11X7 N. Third
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2 V4-story
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts
APARTMENT for rent; first froor, 1939
.. ,xth 5 l - Also houses H35 and 641
I uy . bt - A PPIy to <'• MlfiHß-
I;,'-*,', ' Sixth St., or ('HAS. A.
MKHRING, l'ourth and Pcfter Sts.
lloor housekeeping apartments; large
rooms with kitchenettes and baths
modern improvements; electric lights l
gas; city steam; janitor service. Apply
at above address.
and bath, coal and &r<is l'anuro*? cmh
°l' e w eo . tr , lc '.'Kl''. *l3 per month. Apply
at Mehringr s Liquor Store, Sixth and
7* U { y streets. Bell phone 2671. United
WANTED—Roams and board or hou»e
keeping apartments, furnished pre
ferred in Harrisburg or suburbs, fam-
Uy of four, two adults and two children
Send full particulars to P. O. box No'
782. Narberth. Pa.
Lost and Found
FOUND—A place without trying. Care
ful cleaning, best of dyeing. Where?
At Egge|-t's Steam Dyeing and French
-leaning Works, 1213 Market St. Call
and deliver.
LOST—Nickel-plated ticket punch. Re
ci. t J° r ' rt Ulation department, care
WANTED—Men or women; with some
experience as solicitors, to sell new
high grade household necessity, on com
mission. Easy seller, large profits.
Write for particulars. Roan Supply Co..
New Cumberland, Pa.
AUTO transportation school wants men
: to become practical chauffeurs and
earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a
thorough course in crude and practical
work for $35.00. No. SN. Cameron; Bell
day afternoon.
I WANTED—Work of any kind by wlll
| ing man. Address 605 S. Third St.,
I Steelton, Pa.
MARRIED MAN wants work of any
i kind lnTlarrlsburg or vicinity; capa
j ble and earnest. .126 S. River avenue.
j WANTED—Young married man, 30 yrs.
| old, wall acquainted in city and near
by towns, would like to drive delivery
wagon of any kind. Apply A. L. Y„
1325 James St.
WANTED—By a good, reliable colored
man, a position as a teamster or
stable man. Can give reference. Ad
dress J. S., No. 649 Calder St., Harris
burg, Pa.
WANTED—Young man, 20 years old,
wishes position of any kind; man of
good habits; can furnish best of refer
ence. Apply 1430 Green St.
WANTED—Young- man desires position
any kind. Inquire 28 S. Fifteenth
WANTED—Wood to cut by the job, or
hour; or work of any kind. Address
or call 526 West avenue. {J. W. W.)
WANTED—A young man, 20 years of
age, one year in high school, honest
I and willing to work hard to make good, i
, desires position. Apply B. R., 500
Woodbine street.
WANTEI)—Young lady for office work;
must live on Allison Hill. Give age,
former experience and salary expected.
: Address No. 3431, care Star-Independ-
I cut.
stands for individual instruction; best
[ known methods in teaching; real touch
. typewriting; a personal interest in each
i student. My guarantee: To prepare
i students for good positions; to aid them
lin securing employment. Tuition will
Jbe charged for -7 mov. only. Free after
that titne. 1< ree trial. 21 N. Second St.
WANTED—"GirI for general housework;
must know how to cook; no washing
or ironing. No children. References
re£mrech_ Apply IQIu N. Second St.
WANTED—Young lady wishes wash
ing and ironlny to take home, offices
to clean or day's work of anv kind. 023
Myrtle Ave., aftcr 7.30 in the evening.
WANTED—By neat young colored girl
position at general housework in
small family; no washing; can furnish
good reference. Address 518 Cameron
St., Middletown, Pa.
WANTED—lroning or dav's work for
Tuesday, Thursday and Fridav. Ad-
Rox^'i' A ' ROSb ' 129 Broad St.,
WANTED—By middle-aged woman, po
iS as nu,fie or housekeeper. An
pl.v 1950 Swatara St.
"\V ANTED Position as housekeeper
nurse or companion; can give best of
reference. Apply UO7 Broad street. j
YOUNG, respectable (colored) woman
desires general housework, laundrv
work or waitress. ALLEN, 508 State St.
WANTED—Young lady, 2S South Fif
teenth St., desires any kind of work
or housework.
WANTED—Work in doctor's or den
list s office, or other light work. Ad
dress K. JOHNSON, General Delivery,
llariisburir. Pa.
NOTICE is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the stockholders of
the Guarantee Savings and Loan Asso
ciation will he held at the qJFicp of the
; association, room No. 7, Trust Companv
; Building, Steelton, Penna., on the 2Rth
of January, 1915, 11 a. m„ tor the elec
| tion of directors and such other busl
| ness as may come before said meeting,
j JOHN 1,. GROVE, Secretary.
I. /
j ''lie >llller«' Mutual Fire Insurnnee Co.,
I of HnrrlNhuric. Pn„ Homu 404, Knnkrl
Hlilg., Ilarrlnliuru, Pa.. Dee. U2, 1011.
Notice is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the members of this
company will be held at its office on
Thursday, Jan. 21st, 1913. A board of
directors for the ensuing year will he
elected between the hours of two and
three o'clock p. m., on said dav.
8.. }<. lIUNTZINGER,
Death and Obituary
REED—Elmer E. Reed, Sr., husband of
Clara A. Reed, died January 9, 1915
at 12.35 o'clock, aged 32 years and 5
Funeral will be held from the late
residence, 120 Charles St.. Wednesdav
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend without
Mr. George W. Wetzel, Sr.. and fam
ily wish to thank their many friends
and neighbors for the kindness extend
ed them in their sorrow and bereave
ment by the loss of their dear mother.
Mrs. Susan \V. Wetzel.
and Family.
"That booby made a bluff at kissing
mc last night uml quit."
"But lie says you scratched his face,
blackened his eyes and stabbed him
with a hatpin."
"Well, a girl has to put up a little
maidenly resistance.'' —Kansas City
7 Acres—2 miles east, of Paxtonia
Ideal for truck and poultry. A lot of
fruit trees in good condition. Buildings
medium condition. Known as the Amos
Stoner farm. Price SI2OO
3 Acres—3 miles east of Paxtonia,
near Shoops' Church. A real bargain.
All good buildings. 70 choice fruit
trees. Ideal for all-year or summer
home. Price, SI2OO
A better or more satisfactory de
scription of these and other farms we
have for sale at 409 Market street,
Care's Grocery, Linglestown, Pa.
/ ' \
For Rent
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
|V '
Conditions in the Philadelphia Market
for Three Days Last Week
Philadelphia, Jan. IX.—Receipts for
the week ending; Saturday evening:, Jan
uary ft:
Cattle—W. Philadelphia vards, l.oSI;
Gray's Ferry Union yards. 1,202; North
Philadelphia yards, 50; total for week,
-.833: previous week, 2,5:;2.
?1 ! ce 1 „^ nd Lambs—VV. Philadelphia
yards, 6.8,3; Gray's Kerry Union yards,
1.012; North Philadelphia yards, 500;
to o taj for week, 8,385; t previous week,
Hogs—West Philadelphia yards, 8,954;
Gray's Ferry Union yards, 1,421; North
Philadelphia yards, 2.900; total for the
week, 8,273; previous week, 8,197.
Calves—W. Philadelphia yards, 1.140'
Gray's Ferry Union yards. 198; North
Philadelphia yards, «0; total for week
1,107: previous week, 84.'!.
Beef Cattle—The market was dull and
lower, under moderate, but ample ar
rivals of stock from Ohio, Maryland
Kentucky and Illinois. Cows sold slow
ly at former rates. Calves were a trifle
easy. Quotations:
. Steers—Extra higher; average best,
{B. i.iiftS.Sn; choice, t8.o0©8.60; good.
$8.00®'8.2. r i; medium. $7.50?j>7.7G; com
mon, $7.(10®i7.25; bulls, $.1.00(6)7.50; fat
cows, 15.0006.50; thin cows. $2.75®.1 50'
mileli cows, common to choice, s4sfi7«-
extra. $80; veal calves, exceptional lots,
$ 10.00 i&i 11.00; good to choice, s9.sofa 10;
medium. J8.00@i9.00; common, s6,oo<®
7.00; southerns and barnyards, $5.00^
Sheep and Lambs —There was a fair
absorption of the most desirable stock,
with prices ruling steady. Quotations:
Wethers—extra *6.00@6.25
Medium $4.50 To) 5.00
Common $3.00 #3.50
Ewes, heavy, fat, $5.00@5.50
Extra *9.00 @9.25
Wood to choice, *8.75#8.00
Medium, $8 2550
Common $6.'00&>«. - 50
I logs—-Conditions remain unsettled
and values unreliable. Quotations:
. l )ty Dressed Stock: All varieties of
choice and prime meats commanded full
values under ordinary inquiry. Quota
tions: *
i Steers, 10 ® 15c; heirers, 10®13>,<;c:
| cows, 8® 12c; veal calves. 15®16c; ex
tra calves, 17c; southerns and barn
! cards, 10® 12c; country dressed, 13®
1 14c; extra, 16c; sheep, 10@llc; extra
wethers. 1-c; lamb.*. 15®l0c; extra
| lambs, 17e; hogs, 10<4©llc.
Philadelphia Produce Market
I Philadelphia, Jan. 11.—Wheat steadv;
| No. 2 red spot, export, 13(6139; No' 1
northern, Ouiuth export, 144&147.
L-V, orn .. steady; No - - export. 7-1 i-i @
, '• No. 2 yellow local, 78©78
Oats steady; Xn. 2 white. 58658%
| Bran ?rm; winter, per ton, *28.50®
j 29.00; spi iug, $27.25® 37.75. * * w
Ueiined sugars firm: powdored, 5.05-
line granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A.
| Butter firm; western creamery, ex
tra, u4; nearby prints, fancy, 3i!
kffKs Arm; nearby firsts, free case,
113.20; current receipts, free case.
|};-80; western extra firsts, free case,
f13.i0; firsts, freo case, $12.60.
,I,'ive poultry steady: fowls. 13® IB;
old roosters. 10®10H; chickens. 12®
14; turkeys, 15®17; ducks, 15®16;
geese, 13® 15. w '
Dressed poultry firmer; turkeys fan
cy, 20*1)21: do., average, lBf&HS; fowls,
heavy, 18®19; average, 14®T71&; small,
12®13; broiling chickens, nearbv, 16®
7;- western, 14®20; roasting chickens,
13®2.1; ducks. l«@lc geese, 136)11
Potatoes lirm; Pennsylvania, per
bushel, 60®63; New York, 184050; Jer-
per basket, 35® iO.
Flour firm; winter straight, 5.50®
E. 70; spring straight, 5.30®6.00; do
patent. 6.25®8.60.
Hay firm; timothy hay. No. 1 large
bales, 18.J0@19.00; medium bales, 18 50
® 19.00; No. 2 do., 17.00® 18.00; No. 3
do.. 14.50® 15.50; clover, light mixed
17.50® 18.00: No. 1 do., 16.500)17.00- No'
2 do., 15.00@16.00.
Chicago Livestock Market
Chicago. Jan. 11.—Hogs—'eipts,
60,000; dull. Built. 6.65@6.55; light, 650
®6.90; mixed. 6.55@6.90; iieavv, 6.55®
6.90; rough, 6.55®6.6i; pigs, 5.25®6.80.
<'attle—Receipts, 3L.000; weak. Na
tive steers, 5.60@9.60; western, 4.SO®
i.50; cows and heifers, 3.00®7 90-
calves, 7.50® 10.25.
Sheep—Receipts, 37,000; weak. Sheep,
n.7f> ® 6.6.1; yearlings, fi.80©7.80; lambs,
6.75 ®8.75.
Why She Prized It
At a whist party an unmarried lady
won a consolation prizo, which proved
to be a small dressed doll in male at
tire. Unwrapping the toy, the donor
discovered thut he head had been brok
en off.
"Never mind!" exclaimed the recip
ient, good-iaturedly. "I will prize it
all the more on that account. It's the
first man that ever lost his head over
me in all my life."
Caßtlnned From First Pace.
hard center frog for steam railroad use;
solid mannard frob, design 166; spring
frog for steam railroad, standard used
'by the Pere Marquette road; solid man
nard hook heel switch, made from 151
pound girder rails, for use on street
ear roads; one, solid mate, of same rail
and construction; one rapid renewable
mannard hard center frog, made of 151
■pound rail. A number of switch stands
of the following types: Ned Era, New
Century and; Main line.
Bocks Used in Panama Locks
Those pieces are mounted on small,
movable pedestals, or on mahogany
bases especially prepared for this ex
hibit. Another exhibit is a cast steel
rack, such as is in use in the locks of
the Panama Canal. Almost 10,000
racks like this sample have -been sent
to the Isthmian Canal Company from
the steel foundry of the local plant in
1913 art! 1914.
One of the most interesting features
of tho exhibit will bo the Mayan prod
ucts consisting of cast iron and fraught
steel parts in extensive commercial use.
Wrought material containing Mayari,
with a content of nickel and •-.hromiuni,
show drop forgings in various »:
which indicate the adaptability of Ma'-
ari for practically ail purposes wlic •
tough and readily worked steel is re
A striking feature in the Mavnri ex
hibit is a display stand with large ma
hogany base and tower effect in four
columns, from which is to be suspended
one ton of tile May ari pig iron by a
one-and-one-eight inch Mayari heat
treated bolt turned down to five thirty
seconds of an inch. in thickness. One
of these 'bolts sustained a lead of 2,300
pounds for one entire week during the
A. E. H. M. A. convention in Atlantic
City in October, 1914. These bolts
are used with all the Mannard hard
center work furnished by the Frog and
Switch Department.
There are many miscellaneous pieces,
such as rail braces, rail sections, of
various weights; switch stand targets,
switch stand lamps, rail joints and
spring boxes for street railway
Hatchets That Can Chop Steel
A model of the latest style of the
double connecting tongue switch in
aluminum has been made in the Prog
and Switch Department for the exhibi
tion. The bridge shop and forge de
partments will be represented by char
acteristic products anil pictures which
will be displayed on back panels of
the booth, and the columns supporting
the roof of thp booth will be covered
with mahogany panels on which will be
mounted a largo number of steel prod
ucts in %'arious stagos of manufacture.
In the Mayari exhibit will be a num
ber of hatchets and shovels made <xt
this metal, twisted and bent, to show
that the metal is practically indc
structable. Hatihcts made of this
metal have been chopped! into steel
rails, without leaving a dent in tho
A feature of the Maryland Stool
Company exhibit will be two models of
steamships, the Alabama and the Alcon,
Jmiit at the plant. The latter vessel
was the first onfc to pass through the
Panama Canal.
Of samples of steel rails to be shown
by the Cambria Steel Company will
be the new 125-pound rail ordered by
the Pennsylvania Railroad. Other steel
products will consist of eye beams,
channels, concrete bars, rake and har
row teeth, plow points, axles, piston
rods, fence paneling; and posts, mine
ties, converters and G-autier 1 proldlucta
of all descriptions.
All furniture and fixtures to be
used are finished in mahogany. Show
cases and panels displaying small prod
ucts of various companies are backed
with green velvet to match the green
Continued I'rom First Pace.
lies In both the east and west is due
to the fact that they are awaiting the
entrance of new members into the com
bination against the Teutonic nations.
It is said that Rumania, with 000,000
soldiers, is virtually ready to enter the
war on the side of the allies.
An Important advance has been mado
by the British army, if, as is roported
in London, it has virtual possession of
Lille. This city lies just south of the
Belgian border to the east of the battle
line held for several months and its
occupation by the British would mean
that a sharp bend has been made in the
German front. Neither the French nor
German war official statements, how
ever, has given official confirmation of
the London dispatch.
Renewed activity along the coast of j
German aircraft which bombarded 1
Dunkirk has revived rumors of a Zeppe-!
lin raid over England. One Zeppelin is i
said to have moved toward the English i
coast from Dunkirk.
Another lull in the fighting along the I
Vistula, in Russian Poland, is recorded
by the Petrograd War Office. The fury J
of the German attack has not spent it
self, however, and, although the at-1
tempt to break through the Russian i
line west of Warsaw may have been
given up for the time, the movement
from the north continue in full force.
Pour successive German attacks were
made in this region and, according to
the British version, they accomplished
The British press considers that Sir
Edward Grey's reply to the American
note concerning British interference
with American shipping has disposed of
the issue. The reply is regarded as
satisfying to British public opinion and
the British newspapers take the view
that it should satisfy the American
First Time in Eleven Years That Buck
eye Capital Witnessed Induction
of Bepubiican Governor
By Associated Press.
Columbus, 0., Jan. 11. —In the pres-
I ence of a vast throng gathered from all
parts of Ohio and from adjoining
States, Frank B. Willis, of Uardiu coun
ty, was inaugurated Governor of Ohio
to-day and "Governor James Cox became
a private citizen.
The inaugural ceremonies were de
void of partisan features. The event,
however, marked an epoch in the his
tory of the Republican party in Ohio
in that it was the first time in eleven
years that the inaugurated Governor
came from that party. Celebrating the
event many Republican clubs were in
line in the inaugural parade.
In bis inaugural address Governor
Willis 'promised retrenchment in State
affairs. Mr. Willis has resigned his
seat in the Senate on last Friday and
enjoyed a respite of two days during
Which he was a 'private citizen.
Retiring Governor Cox will return to
the management of 'his newspapers in
j Dayton and Springfield.
I Topeka, Ivan., Jan. 11.—'Arthur Cap
' per. of Topoka, the first native Kansan
in) chosen chief executive of tihe
State and the first to be chosen by
the suffrage of both men ami the women
of the State, was inaugurated as the
twentieth Governor of Kansas here to
day. In his address Governor Capper
urged a vigorous campaign for na
tional prohibition and woman suffrage.
Safe Harbor Menaced By Waters of
Conestoga Biver
Lancaster, Jan. 11.—The flood at
Safe Harbor, caused by water from the
Susquehanna river having backed up
the Conestoga river, on which Safe
Harbor is located, a gireat gorge hav
ing formed below the mouth of the
Oonestoiga, still threatens that place.
Early Saturday night the water began
slowly receding, but lator, becanso of
tho channel in the gorge choking up,
the water began rising again, and to
day is -5 feet above low water mark.
Another gorge at Pequea threatens the
low lyimg parts of the place.
Saturday 14 feet of the ice was
shoved upon the Columbia and Port De
posit railroad there, but a "cut"
through it allowed trains to pass yes
terday. Serious trouble is apprehended
at Pequea and Safe Harbor when tho
upstream floods get down. Watchmen
are on duty at both places to warn the
people of danger.
Women At Parent-Teachers' Meeting
Will Work For Sufferers Abroad
At the first meeting of the Parent-
Teachers' Association of the year in
the Forney school 'building at 7.30
o'clock to-morrow night, the women
(present will sew for tho benefit of the
Home and War Relief. All mothers are
asked to brinjg: their thimbles. Materials
will be on hand and it is expected thait
considerable work can be done during
the evening for the war sufferers.
Mrs. James I'\ Bullitt will address
the meeting, dwelling on the work of
the Home and War Relief committee.
Subjects relative to school work will
also be brought up for discussion.
Latter to Sail Soon For Panama-Pacific
By Associated Press,
Tokio, Jan. 11, 4 P. W.
Guthrie, the American Ambassador,
gave a farewell luncheon to-day to Ad
miral Baron Dowa, special en
voy of Japan to the Panama-Pacific ex
position, who has arranged to sail for
Sail Francisco on the steamer Ohiyo
Maru on January 16.
From San Francisco Admiral Dewa
will go to Chicago, Now York and
Marysville Woman Dead
Mrs. Ray .Smith, 38 years old, of
Marysville. died at 1.30 o'clock this
| morning at the Harriaburg hospital of
| peritonitis. She was admitted to that
' institution December 26 in a very seri
ous condition and was afterwards op
erated on for ulcers of the stomach.
Hhe seemed to ha getting bettor until
Saturday she took a turn for tho worso.
Famous Jap Gun Inventor Dies
Tokio, Jan. 11, 4 P. M.—Lieutenant
General Baron Nariaki Arisaka, a fa
mous Japanese soldier and inventor of
the new type of quick-firing mountain
gun which ibears liis name, is dead. He S
was created a baron and awarded the |
second class of the (iolden Kite for his
meritorious service in connection with
the Rnsso- lapaneso war. He was born
in ISO 2.
Papal Nuncio Gives Cardinal Orders j
Amsterdam, via London, Jan. 11,1
".30 A. M.-—The " Telegraaf'' says it
learns that the Papal Nuncio toßel
igium has written to Cardinal Mercier, j
whose recont pastoral letter to Belgian j
Catholicrf" croaited much discussion and j
led to reports that the cardinal had!
been detained by the Germans, sug
gesting that hereafter he write nothing
-which might offenfl the Germans. !
Jap Cruiser in North Atlantic?
New York, Jan. 11.—A cruiser
which Captain Williamson, of the
steainahup Curaca, believed to be Japan
ese, was sighted off the Azores during!
the Curaca's voyage here from Havre!
which ende t to-day. This is the first j
intimation of the possible presence ol' a'
Japanese cruiser in the North Atlantic I
tdnce the beginning of the war.
The Rev. E. O. Miller and Party In
augurate Big Tabernacle Last Night
Before Large Audience Trip
Through Country To-day
(Special to the
' Mechanics-burg, Jan. 11. —If there
was any doubt felt by auy oue as to
the comfort anil convenience of tho tab
ernacle, all douibts were dispelled since
' the meetings have begun. The lloor ia
dry «nd the building well heated. The
' seating is well arranged and the iight
' ing excellent.
The evangelistic party, composed of
' the Rev. E. €. Miller and wife and
1 child, Miss Cree and Mrs. Bow r man, ar
rived here on Saturday afternoon on
the 3.40 train. They were met at the
J -train by Prol'. Hohgatt, who had pre
' ceded them a week, and by tho exeeu
' tive committee and a number of citi
' aene, also by tho children's choir. The
party is composed of the Rev. E. E.
' Miller, his wife and son; Mrs. Bowman,
1 Bible reader and worker among wom
en; Miss Oree, pianist, and I'rof. lloh
gatt, who has charge of the choirs.
' While there have been hc-yera 1 prelim
-1 inary meetings in tho tabernacle, the
! first service conducted by Mr. .Vlillor
was held last evening. The tabernacle,
1 which has a capacity of 2.000, was well
1 filled when the service began at 7.30,
with a song service led by Prof. Tloli
giatt. with Miss Oree at the piano. -Near
the beginning of the service, all the
• members of the party were introduced
to the congregation. Mr. Miller preach
ed a powerful sermon from Romans
12:1, "I beseech you, therefore, breth
ren, by the mercies of God, that ye
present your bodies a living sscriliyc,
holy, acceptable unto God, which js
your reasonable service."
Special music was rendered by Miss
Oree and Prof, ilohgutt, the taibernacje
male quartet, and the choir, Oreat in
terest was manifested by the large con
gregation in the entire service.
At 9 o'clock this morning a "ilving
squadron," composed of the Miller
party, the pastors of tfhe co-operating
churches and their wives, the executive
committee, and twenty members of the
choir, left town in automobiles for a
Tounci of tho following outlying places:
Silver Sprinig, Hogestown, New Kings
ton, Churchtown, DUlsiburg, Mt. Pleas
ant, Bowmansdale, Grantham and
Shepherdstown. At each place a half
hour stop was miade, Mr. Miller spoke
and Prof. Hohga/tt and his singer®
furnished music.
No service will Ibo held in the taber
nacle this evening, Monday being the
rest day of Mr. Miller and his -party.
Cottage prayer meetings will bo held
in the several districts and to-morrow
evening Mr. Miller will nreach in the
A nursery will be opened at the
home of Mrs. M. J. KrvwLnger, East
Keller street, just opposite the tahar
niacle, where mothers may leave their
babies while they attend the tabernacle
A section of seats near one of the
exits will bo reserved for physicians,
and as a telephone will bo installed in
the taberntiflo in a day or two, any
physician who may be in the meeting
can be readily called at any time by
any one neoding his services.
An Early Sunday Morning Tragedy In
Hageretown Following Frequent
Family Quarrels
* W'JL- '
By Associated Press.
Jlagerstown, Md., Jan. 11.—Family
quarrels, which had been frequent in
the past, canio to a climax yesterday
morning in the contention* over a pint
of whiskey and culminated in the shoot
ing of Clifton t>eggctt, aged 30 years,
by his wife, Minnie Lcggett. The lat
ter, whose home is in Upton, Pa., her
father being Abraham Lincoln Dula
baum, escaped, but was arrested when
she returned to her home an hour later.
Floyd Sachman. who was in the house
at the time, is being held as an acces
sory, charged with having given the re
volver to Mrs. Leggett. According to
neighbors, the Leggetts were continual
ly quarreling and especially when under
the influence of liquor would these con
trovcrsies assume dangerous propor
tions. They frequently threatened the
life of each other.
Saturday night a party was being
held at the home ami the guests were
all under the influence of liquor. Mrs.
Earle Leggett, wife of Ihe victim's
brother, kissed a man and this started
an argument, during which everyone
except Mrs. Clifton Leggett left the
| house. When her husband- attempted
| to re-enter she walked up to him and
with deliberate aim pointed the rcvol
lifeless to the floor and lay in a pool
lifeles sto tho floor and lay in a pool
of blood until the police arrived.
When the full realization of her doed
dawned upon her, Mrs. Ijegget.t quickly
ran upstairs, changed her clothes nn'J
left by the rear door. After hiding
behind a tree in a nearby lot she re
turned to her home. At the autopsy
yesterday afternoon it was found lhait;
the bullet entered tho face at the base
of the nose and pierced his head, lodg
ing under tho skull.
It was learned to day that one of
Mrs. Leggett'# friends had procured a
buggy and was eude-avoring to get hor
to her relatives in the mountains in tho
southern section of Franklin county,
Mills To Resume Next Week
Tho Lalance-Grosjean mills will re
sume operations next Monday, accord
ing to Manager John Grey, after boing
closed about a month to undergo re
pairs. Orders from tho central plant
are awaiting attention.