The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 09, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    . : ' V- y- -■ ■ , ■■■
'• r ''' y - y ■ " " "•" ■" ''-'V
• ' ; *
' * . ' . * ''V* Ay t
;; Showing' the Greatest Automobile Value Ever Offered | >
; I ■ at Our Own Mammoth Salesfloors >
!f Touring Cars and Roadstersif |at $875
i, l■■i in «nd nulf
Catalog and name on requeit
J ► The man who i» interested —who inapecU thi» car and takes a ride >
«I in it, will buy it. ELECTIUC STARTER AND LIGHTS >
<, Motor 4 cylinder, 40-H. P., Top, Glass Front, Center Control, 34x4-inch ?
< | Tires, 114-inch Wheel Base, and Fully Equipped. < [
< ' 1914 PACKARD Touring car, 6-4S, great CARNATION Touring car. 1160. , '
i * bargAln. CADILLAC Touring at a sacrifice. < ►
4 ► 1914 FORI") Touring. Bt'ICK Touring, elegant shape. I'JoO. ►
]► 1914-13 FORD Touring oars and Roadsters. 1913 BFITK Roa deter at a anap. %
► 1914 BI'TCK Touring at a snap. Hl'Pl'-YKATES Elocx-ic, fine shape. $350.
* ► 1914 CADILLAC Touring, splendid shape. PEERLESS Touring, 7 passenger, S2OO. <>
5 1914 MAXWELL Landmlet 1913 CUTTING, thoroughly overhauled, i >
REO Touring, fully equipped. s2i»o. fcUJfi. i.
< k 1913 REGAL Roadster, S3M). 191:5 STODDARD-DAYTON Limousine, <
< [ J914 BTUDERAKER Touring Berllne ho*y. £
4 ' E-M-F Touring. A 1 shape, fully equipped, 1911 PACKARD Limousine, very nice body. a*
.► $275 1910 PACKARD Phaeton at a sacrifice.
4 * 1913 R. C. H. Touring, s.'*oo. 19i13 CHALMERS Roadster, SSflO. ]>
> FORD Runabout. SIM 1914 VBUE Touring. |6do. %
► 1913 AMERICAN ITnderslung Roadster, 1913 HI'PP Roadster. %
i ► S4OO HUPP Runabout, fully equipped, $360. < >
% MAXWELL Roadster, elegant ehape. $l5O. MAXWELL Runabout. SIOU. i.
1913 OAKLAND Touring. FLANDERS Runabout, in good shape. <[
* [ 1913 HUDSON Touring. $460. S2OO. <[
i . 1914 METZ Raceabout, like new. $960. CADILLAC Touring. $350. <J
i' 1914 SAXON Roadster, top, glass front, 1914 OAKLAND Touring. 7 passenger 4 >
<► $250. i Five-passenger OAKLAND Touring. $275. .►
4* 1913 MAXWELL Touring, top. glass front, ! 1914 KRIT Roadster. S3OO. %
► $270. I 1914 OVERLAND Touring car. SSOO. %
► And mnny other attractive hnrgNinn In winnll tonrlnyc cara and %
► roadatera. $175 up S
i ► Trucks and Delivery Wagnnm I 'rom to 3 Ton Capacity J ►
<; 238-240 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. ;►
< , LARGEST Al'TO DEAI.BRS IN 11. 8. A. t
* > Stall for Bargain Bulletin <»|>en Sunday 10 to 2 Agrnin Wanted \
We carry a good assort
|! rnsnt of popular miks tires, j
Investigate Our Prices.
| BOWMAN & CO. |
twwwwwwwvawwwwttwnvvtmuuvmm vutttwwvi J
1 Chalmersl
1 Dodge Bros, f
1 Saxon K
Keystone Motor Gar Go.
1019-1027 Market St
"Incomparable Four"
The Reo Six
The Six of Sixty Superiorities
The Reo Trucks
for Delivery and Commercial Purposes
Third and Hamilton Streets M
1914 loiomcu MUMS
None of Previous Tear's Broken But
One Established Which Will
Interest Average Eiders
While no iljrt track or roa'l motor-
I cycle records'were broken during 1914,1
| there one.record established dur- j
1 inn t' lo year which will be of |
| interest to the average rider—Mn econ
omy record. This was made by Kd. Per i
lin, of Stockton, I'al., who rode his i
motorcycle 162.7 miles on a single gal-!
lon of gasoline. Taking the average*
price of gasoline as 18 cents, this
means that Perrin roile a fraction over j
nine miles at a cost o» one cent. While I
U)f course this test was made on a
smooth road under favorable conditions,
vet it proves the extreme economy of
I the two-wheeler, both for pleasure anil
| commercial purposes. For if under or- i
idiiiarv conditions one secured only half j
j that mileage on a gaUmi of gaso- j
i line, that would mean four and one- j
half miles at a cost of one cent.
Another interesting record of the |
year was that of R. O. linker, who •
crossed the continent from the Pacific
to the Atlantic in eleven davs, eleven |
hours iiini ten-minutes, lowering the
former transcontinental time of twenty
days, nine liours and one minute.
The F. A. track national pro- J
f ess jo li nI, championship events of the
year were won hs follows: One mile,
Ray Crevlstou, time, 4 6 3-5; two mile,
.lohn Constant, 1.4 0 4-5; five mile,
liobert Perry, 4.18; ten mile, Charles
Hnlke, 8.48 15; twenty five mile, Carl |
(iondy, 20.06; one hundred .mile, Fred
Meyer, !>4.00 3-5; one liotir, Leslie
ParUhurst, 61 miles.
W. A, Leuders carried ofl' the honors
for the one. two, five and ten mile nit- !
tional championships for amateurs. The
twenty-five mile event was won by K. I
Raulet, time, 23.16. and the lil'tv mile |
by W. A. hueders in 46.37 2-5.
Important road events for the year j
were as follows; 300 mile race at j
Dodge City, Kan., won by (Men E. ■
Boyd in 4.24.48; 250 mile event at)
Sioux City, la., won bv .loe Wolters, i
time, 3.43.52 2-5; Suvnnnah, Ga„ 300 j
mile road race, won bv Lee Tayloi, j
I time, 5.02.32. Lorenzo Boido won this
i vear's Sail Diego-Phoenix motorcycle |
I road racb, crossing the desert iu four-!
teen hours and nineteen minutes, and j
Krwin G. Baker was winner of the
El Paso Phoenix event, time, fifteen '
hours and 52 minutes.—Adv."
Robert L. Morton's Opinion of New
York Auto Show
Robert L. Morton, manager of the j
Keystone Motor Car Company, local dis- j
irilmtors of the Chalmers, Dodge Bros, i
and Saxon cars, returned last evening
from the Grand Palace Automobile j
Show, closing to-night, at New YorU, j
says it was the best lie has ever at
tended. In addition to the automobiles,
exhibited, the manufacturers of auto
parts were handsomely represented, as
ivell as the motorcycles and auto ac-1
■l'ssories. The attendance was unusual
•v good and the interest manifested and
ictual business done indicates a suc
essl'ul year's business for 1915.
Al,v -* '
Attending New York Auto Show
I. W. Dill, of the Hudson Agency, is
attending the auto show at New York.
Andrew Redmond at Auto Show
Andrew Redmond, who has been in |
.Vew York this week attending the j
Grand Palace Auto Show, is ex|iected \
home to-day.—-Adv.* |
/ \
Auto Gloves
81.50 TO $.-».00
runni a walmut stj.
This illustration shows the display of lleagy Bros", exhibit in the Mummers'
parade on New Yenr's. Mr. James Welsh at the wheel and H. C. Heagy in the
passenger car. —Adv.*
g|M B|| BSfB Enameled Inner Tube Bags to all patrons of our
|| flf Tube Repair Dept. during January, 1915.
ftjßH HMk Bf» Dollar Gilmer Tread Repair Pliers with each box
ftp of Miller Pluggum, sold at 50c, at our Shop. To
;:'A; 'jj| ji uB CTM out of town points, by insured parcel post at 10c
(Frank B. Bosch)
1451 Zarker Street (15th and Market)
When in trouble on the road, phone us Bell
PhGne 1710—and we will tow you in free of charge.
We Repair and Bemodel Automobiles of every make. All work guar
anteed. Let UB estimate on your repairs.
Auto Transportation
Machine Shop
No. 5 North Cameron St., Harrisburg, Pa.
l : p until the middle of December,
Vice President Burchenal of the River
side Motorcycle Club, New York City,
had covered 11,000 miles on his motor
cycle. During 1913 Qurchenal totaled
14,000 miles on his two-wheeler.
Trenton, N. J., is planning to add
more motorcycles to its police depart
ment in the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon, of Boise,
Idaho, rode, 130 miles on a tandem
motorcycle to be married.
Between 300 and 400 motorcyclists
»of Sacramento, Cal., are this year plan
ning to make the annual trip to the
Truck'ee snow carnival, which will be
held January 23.
Santa Claus, mounted on a motor
cycle and earrving his pack iu a side
car, was one of the most familiar sights
on the streets of Newark, N. J., during
the holidays. The outfit was the prop
erty of a local moving picture theatre
and had been chosen as the most eco
nomical and efficient method of adver
tising that Santa Claus would appear at
the theatre and give presents to the
Already thirty riders are scheduled
Ito start in the first motorcycle endur
ance run to be staged in the South in
; 1915. This event will be under the
I auspices of the Savannah (Gu.) Motor
! cycle Club. It will be a two-day af
fair, starting on Washington's birthday.
The routa will be to Augusta, Ga., and
return, a total distance of miles.
Motorcyclists of Washington, D. C.,
who are not privileged to attend the
1 big motorcycle events of this summer
will soon be able to Sec these competi
tions in the moving picture theatre.
Films of the races at Savannah, Dodge
City, Sioux City, and other important
. events have been secured, and arrange
ments are being made for an exliibi-
I tion at one of the local picture theatres.
I —Adv,*
Delighted With Reo Exhibit
1 (ieo. (i. McFarland, president of the
| Harrishurg Automobile Company, is at
tending the New Vork Auto Show this
I week. He is delighted with the Reo
| exhibit iiml the Ha.vnes exhibit anthis
j confident of an extensive business for
I the coniirg year.—Adv.*
Returns From Auto Show
1 (ieo. R. Bentley returned from New
■ York last evening and was delighted
I with the New York Auto Show.—Adv."
Parting of the Ways
It was over, then—the dream. The
wife rose unsteadily anil put on her
i hat.
She was weary—weary to the bone
| of it all —his threats, his unmanly eva
j sions, his weak, despicable subterfuges.
But her eyes were resolute.
"It's no use, Henry," she said bit
terly, " I'm going ''
I At the door she paused—paused with
; set lips and unpitying eyes, while he
poured forth a husband's soul in one
I last anguished appeal.
| ''Think of me!" lie cried desperate
| Iv. "Think of your father and mine!
| Think of our son"—
"It's no use, He'iv," she repeated
wearily, as the door losed. "I shall
vote the straight ticket."—Judge.
Persian Bread,
The Persian native bread to-day is
very little different from that used a
I thousand years ago. The Persian oven
lis built of smooth masonry work in
I the ground and is usually about the
i size of a barrel. Many of them have
j been used for a century. The dough
is formed into thin sheets about a foot
' long and two feet wide and f-'la.ppsd
' against the side of the oven. It bakes
I in a few minutes.
Whole Hog or None
"Whole beg or mine" refers to Mo
: lianune l allowing his followers to eat
all except one portion of a pig, but
failing to mention what the portion
| was. so that if a Mohammedan did not
leave pork rtrirtlv alone lie might as
well consume the whole hog as risk
i eating an,» part of it.
Big Event in the Metropolis Closes
To-night—Harrisburg Show
Much IS to 20
displayed, affording ample opportunity
to gain a knowledge of the latest de
This show will be followed by one at
Philadelphia, January 9 to 16;
Chicago, January 23 to 30, and one at j
Harrisburg, March 13 to 20. The j
show cars embody all the new features
of the 1915 models. Nearly all of the j
Harrisburg dealers are in New York ■
this week attending the show, and upon
their return home will begin a campaign
for 1915 business.—Adv.*
Famous Irish Tenor to Sing Here Third
of February
The appearance of John McCormack,
the famous Irish tenor, at the Chesitnut
street auditorium, February 3, is an
event which will 'be looked forward to I
with much interest. This is MT. MI - I
Cormack's first visit to Harrisburg, pnd I
he will no dou'lrt be received with the j
sa me enthusiasm and la rye crowds
which invariably greet him wherever I
he appears. An impression seems to
prevail that high prices will be charged |
for his concert here, which is a mistake,
as popular prices will prevail in order |
to give all a chance to hear him. His j
present tour has increased his popular
ity to that extent that he sings to ca
pacity houses everywhere, and at Phil-1
adelphia, Chicago, Toronto, St. Louis i
and San Francisco, extra concerts have
been booked in response to the demands
of the people.
At San Francisco on January 17, he
will give his fifth concert before re
turning to fill his pastern engagements.
Mr. McCormack always gives great con
sideration to requests and for encore
numbers never gets away without sin>?-
j iuig his most popular songs including
| "I Hear You Calling Me," "Mother
| Machree," ''Mac,ushla," "An Even
j dug Song," and others well known to
l Vietrola owners.
As Mr. McCormack does not a>ppear
j outside of the larger cities he will be
j greeted toy many from Carlisle. Lebanon
i York, Mechanicsiburg, Chamibersfourg,
etc., and requests from these anil other
towns for seats will be complied with.
Bible Class of Derry Street Church
Conducting an Employment Bureau
One at' the most effective ways of
I doing Christian work is in o "ration at
I the Derry Street United Brethren
j church, under the direction of the
| Men's Bible class, taught H. U.
| Carl and 0. P. Beckley. The elasj has
established an "employment bureau"
J to find work for men who are in need,
j Already employment has been secured
! for on e man.
In charge of this branch of the class
work are 0. K. Kines, president; D. F.
Saul and A. T. Baker.
Annual reports were submitted at a
business session of the class last night
| by Raymond Gilbert, chairman of the
j social committee; Oscar Benneman,
I chairman of the finance committee, and
liarl Stouffer, treasurer. The reports
j show the finances to be in a healthy
| condition.
At a meeting of the banquet conv-
I mittee next Tuesday evening, in the
| church, plans will be made for a big
feed oil Washington's birthday.
f? , ' V
—^ ===== M
Notice is hereby Riven that 911 appli
cation will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania on Monday, the 25th day
of January, 1915, under an Act of As
sembly entitled "An act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of
certain corporations," approved April
29, 1874, and the supplements thereto,
for the charter of an intended corpora
tion to be called Kuss Bros. Ice Cream
Company, the character and object of
which is the manufacture of ice cream
and other frozen confections and for
these purposes to have, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi
leges of the said Act of Assembly and
the supplements thereto.
HAVING acquired the interest in the
firm of Henry Gilbert & Son, 219
Market street, Harris-burg, Pa., owned
by the late layman D. Gilbert, deceased,
the business will be conducted at the
same place and tinder the same name
as formerly by the surviving partners.
Notice is hereby given ther stockhold
ers of the East Harrisburg Passenger
Railway Company that the annual meet
ing and election of directors of the
company will be held at the office of
the company, in the City of Harris
burg, Pa., on Monday, January 11th,
1915, at 10.30 a. m.
Notice is hereby given the stockhold
ers of the Citizens Passenger Railway
Company that the annual meeting and
election of directors of the company
Will be held at the office of the com
pany, In the City of Harrisburg, Pa., on
Monday, January 11th, 1915, at 11.00
o- m. J. O'CONNELL,
Notice of Annual Stockholder*' Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Stock
holders of the Great Southern I>umber
Company will be held at the Company's
Office, No. 5 North Third street, Harris
burg, Pennsylvania, on Monday, Janu
ary 11. A. D. 1915, at 11.30 o'clock a. m„
for the purpose of electing a Board of
Directors for the ensuing year, and for
the transaction 01 such other business
as may properly come before the meet
ing. . G. M. .WHITNEY,
Harrisburg. Pa.. December 16, 1914.
The annual meeting of the lot-hold
ers of the Shoop's Church Cemetery As
sociation shall be Ifeld In Shoop's
Church 011 the last Saturday of. January.
1915. between the hours of 2 and 3
o'clock p. m.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
• that Bertha V. Beck, my wife, has
separated from me and that I will no
longer be responsible for bill or debts
contracted for by her.
1510 K North Fifth St.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
The annual election for nine direc
tors of the Merchants' National Bank
of Harrisburg. Pa., will be held at the
banking house, 1328 N. Third street,
Tuesday, January 12, 1915, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 1 p. m.
H. O. MILLER, Cashier.
Where You Want
Your Bedroom Lights
Oue 011 each side of the mirror. They are small
and cost but little, but throw the light just where
you need it. Shades to suit your decorations.
Don't forget the big reduction in the high-grade
Welsbach mantles.
At the gas office, or have us send a representa
Harrisburg Gas Company
14 South Second Street * • .
Bell Cumberland Valley 752
i »
TO-NIGHT—LAST TIME Tuesday, One Night Only, Jan. 12
Armgaard Carl Gravaa
Author of
f~w~* • M_% 1 "Seereta of «he (irrmnn \\ ar llffirt"
f \\/ ffl M~~\ C In n «>rlp|ilnK Mirrnllve on
Some "Inside K«p(»" on th<- >lluh<v
FUNNIEST FARCE IN YEARS European s<rii RK lr * *
| I'Hli HS 2.V- lo PRICES: *l, 7.V, SO,-. !»'•
See This Kxeellent Show To-day EVKKV SHOW GREAT
7 nig Keith Actn, Including
VETERANS Prices Always Low
• l,nd mid
School Playgrounds EVERYBODY GOES
Surrounded By Excellent ! lit»w t/V
———— ——— —.——
\wi rTOIUA- detective '
w I\# * « „ The W. 000,000 Counter
%*■ Coming Mondav feitln s Mot.
«oo Scenes. Six parts.
Men Called "Missing" Are Not Always
Dead or Wounded
In accounts of battles one almost in- j
variably reads of the deail, wounde I
and "missing." That the latter are not;
always among the dead or wounded,
nor even among the prisoners taken
by the enemy, is shown in this extract
from General Horace Porter's "Cam-1
paigning With Grant:"
"We learned something at Shiloh
about the way in which reports of j
losses are sometimes exaggerated in
battle. At the close of the first day'sj
fight Sherman met a colonel of one of
his regiments with only about a hun
dred of his soldiers in ranks and said j
to him, 'Why, where are your men?'
"The colonel cast his eyes sidiy |
along the line, wiped a tear from his!
cheek and replied in a whimpering,
voice, 'W e went in 800 strong and
that's all that's left of us.'
"'You don't tel'l me!' exclaimed!
.Sherman, beginning to be deeply af-1
fected by the fearful carnage.
" '¥es, said the colonel, ' the rebs
appeared to have a special spite against j
"Sherman passed along some hours;
afterward when the commissary was
issuing rations and found the colonel's]
men returning on the run from under'
the bank of the river, where th<?y ha I
taken shelter from the firing, ami in a ;
feiw minutes nearly all of the lost 700'
had rejoined and were boiling coffee ;
and eating a hearty meal with an ap
petite that showeldi tihey were still very |
much aflive."
Victoria To-day
"The Man in the Cellar," describ
ing the startling adventures of De i
teutive Webb, in 5 parts; "The Flower
of the Desert in two parts, and a Key- !
stone pomedy. Coming Monday, "TliCj
Five Million Dollar Counterfeiting
Plot" was produced under the personal!
supervision of William J. Burns and it!
portrays every incident in the most:
colassal conspiracy ever framed against
the United States Government. It is |
the first time that one" of the greatest;
1 mysteries in tihe history of crime has |
been staged as it "actually occurred and
as it was actually detected. Mr. Burns
himself appears in nearly all of the
scenes, reproducing with painstaking
detail every move he made in his most
celebrated case. Adv. *
Marshall P. Wilder 111
Sty Paul, 'Minn., Jan. 9. —(Marshall P.
Wilder, monologist and author, is seri
ously ill at the St. Paul hotel with con
gestion of the lungs. His condition is
said toy Dr. Herbert Davis, the attend
ing physician, to 'be aggravated by a
hardening of the arteries, with which
he has been afflicted for some time.
Photoplay Ti-dav
Kiilem. 2 n<"lN, frnturlnK Torn Moorr
»nil Mnrjtuerlte Courto)
Muvle* of thr 111 lIHKBB' I'tHAUK
Mellg llranm
The Incident That Led Sir Henvy La
yard to Explore Their Ruins
1 he lirst man to undertake extensive
and important explorations among the
ruins of Babylon and Nineveh was Sir
Henry Layard. It was due to Ins
friendship for a young man who had a
great fear of seasickness that he was
led to begin what was to be his life
work. Layard was educated in the law
and started for Ceylon to practice the
He was accompanied by another lad,
who had a horror of the ocean, and La
yard readily agreed when his compan
ion suggested that they make the trip
by land across Europe, Asia Minor,
Persia and India. It was while on
this journey that Layard was inspired
with the ambition to d.'lve among the
ruins of the ancient >ities of Asia.
"When I firs* beheld the mounds
of Nineveh." he wrote, "a great long
ing camp over me >y iearn what wa<
hidden within them."
He yielded to the desire and, largely
at his own expense, carried on theße ex
cavations at Habylon and Nineveh,
which were chiefly responsible for the
discovery of tin- lost records and relics
of a people who live,l 3,000 years ago.
Many cities and palaces, including the
palace of King Nebuchadnezzar, were
unearthed by Layard. and the most val
uable treasures In the British Museum
serve to commemorate his name and
fame.—'Milwaukee Sentinel.
Willie—Paw, what is braveryt Paw
—Bravery is something that makes a
man lose the use of his legs wheu he
wants to run, my son.—Cincinnati En
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisbtirg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescription to those uu
able to pay for them.