The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 09, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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When Laborer's Pick Hit Corporation
Joint on Water Main This Morning
the Liquid Was Forced to a Great
Height—Street Cars Drenched
Residents of North Front street wit
nessed a miniature geyser this morn
ing shortly after 7 o'clock when,
through a break in the water main on
this street, a stream of water was pro
pelled into the air, higher than the
tree tops, and contiuued spouting until
the pressure on this section of the
Btreet was turned off.
According to a statement made by t
O. I'. Baskins, superintendent of the
borough water department, the break
was caused by several laborers em
played by the" Harrisburg Gas Com
pany. These men were engaged dig
ging up the street at the place where
the break occurred for the purpose of
laying a service main to the gas main
in the street. To reach the gas main
the men were compelled to dig past the
water main. When the latter was
reached a blow of a pick broke off a
corporation joint on the water main
and the fun started.
The laborer scrambled out the pit
and scurried for a dry place. The water
pressure was so great that the wooden
blocks began to heave to such a height
that a west bound car, which came
along a few minutes after the break,
was unable to pass that point and had
to go to Harrisburg on the eastbound
track. Several eastbound ears were
well drenched by the time they got
past the seething water, but fortunately
none of the passengers were deluged.
The break was repaired by 9.30 this
morning and the pressure was again
turned on.
Communion Services Will Be Held in
St. John's and Bt. Mark's Lutheran
and the First Presbyterian
. The Rev. G. N. Lauffer, who assumed
charge of !St. John's l-nfhernn church
January 1, will officiate at the com
munion services to-morrow for the first
time since he assumed the pastorate.
Communion services will also be held
in St. Mark's Lutheran church and the
First Presbyterian church. Evangelis
tic services, which are increasing in
interest in the Main Street Church of
God, will be continued to-morrow even
The following borough churches have
announced their order of services for
St. John's Lutheran —9.30 a. m.,
Sunday school; 10.30, Holy Com
munion; 6.45 p. m., Intermediate Chris
tian Endeavor; 7.30, evening worship
and sermon, subject, "The New Birth."
. St. Mark's Lutheran, the Rev. Wil
\liam B. Smith, pastor—lo.3o a. m.,
theme, "Normal and Healthy Relations
to Christ;" 2.00 p. in., Sunday school;
S.OO p. m.. Senior catechetical; 6.43
p. in., C. E.; 7.30 p. m., theme, "The
Feast Ml Final Vicylouy:" 4.1 p. in.,
Wednesday, Junior catechetical class;
7.30 p. m., Wednesday, prayer meet
ing; lloly Communion on Sunday, Jan
uary 10, morning and evening.
Alain Street Church of God, the Rev.
(i. W. Mctz, pastor —10.30 a. m., sub
ject, "A Mind to Work," and at 7.30
p. tn., subject, "A Question That Musi
Be Answered." Sunday school, 2 p. m.;
Jr. S. of C. I*'., 6 p. m.; Sr. S. of C. E.,
6.30. Evangelistic services Sunday
First Presbyterian, the Rev. C.
Benj. Segelkin ill preach at 11.00
0. m., "The Supreme Passion," and at
7.30 p. m., "A Great Saying of Christ."
Sabbath school at 9.45 a. ui.; C. E. at
6.30 p. m. Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper, Sabbath morning, January 17.
Grace IT. H., the Rev. J. M. Shoop,
pastor—Morning service, 10.30: even
ing service. 7.30: Sunday school, 9.15
a. til.; K. L. C. E., 6.45.
First Reformed, the Rev. Charles A.
Huyette, pastor—Sunday school and
morning service together at 10 o'clock,
sermon, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?";
evening, 7.30, "The Seasons of the
Soul;" C. E., 6.45; Jr. catechetical,
Monday, 4.15; Sr. catechetical,
Wednesday at 7 o'clock. Praver meet
ing and Teacher's Training, Wednesday
evening, 7.45.
St. James' Catholic, the Rev. James
C. Thompson, rector—Low mass, 8
a. in.; high mass, 10 a. m.; Sunday
school, 2 p. m.; vespers and benedic
tion, 7.30 p. m.
Two Reserved Seal Tickets to the Orpheiim
We don't know who will get these tickets, but someone will get 2 every day. Perhaps YOU will be one of the lucky ones.
UP DP IC TUP DI Ahi • Every weekaay a young lady, an employe of the Star-Independent, will be blindfolded. She will open Boyd's Directory of Harrisburg
nunc IJ In L. i L/ill • and vicinity and will make a mark on one of the pages. The person whose name is nearest the mark will be giyen absolutely free of charge
The announcements will be HIDDEN among the Want, Lost, Found, For Rent, For Sale, etc., ads, but will be so plain that any one can easily find them.
Someone was awarded two tickets to-day. Find out who got them. If you were not lucky this time perhaps your turn will come next. It will be a lot of fun following up the winners.
IF YOUR NAME is announced don't hesitate to call for the tickets. The Star-Iridependent wants you to enjoy them. • ' '
ii Special Notice— Tickets must be called for before 8 o'clock the evening of the next day after the announcement is made or they will be forfeited.
/jMB 1 ' ' ' " - n - i ' ■ i i ■ii SS,
- " 1 ■■ ■ ■ - ■ 1 7 1 .... ■ - - . i ■' 1 1
Prof. L. E. McGlnnes Presided—Ad
dresses Were Made by W. F. Dar
by, Prof. B M. McNeal, Dr. D. B.
Traver and Prof. O. F. Howard
The exercises incident to the open
ing and dedication of the new Hygienic
school building were held yesterday
afternoon in that building and were
presided over by Prof. L. E. McGinues.
superintendent of the borough schools.
W. F. Darby, president of the
School Board, was introduced and de
livered an instructive address to the
parents and pupils present. Mr. Darby
showed that he could lay aside his law
books long enough to gather something
instructive and .entertaining in the way
of information and statistics as regards
the amount of money spent by many
institutions on the education ot' colored
people. He pointed out that the main
object of education is to make good
■ Prof. R. M. 'McNeal, who was super
intendent of schools of Dauphin county
before Steelton was made an independ
ent district, made the principal ad
dress of the afternoon. He told of the
benefit of education in lifting mankind
from the primitive type of being up to
bis present state. He said that the
natural resources of the earth were
just as great when man was created as
they are now, but it required the appli
cation of brains to develop tliem. 'He
said that education is a greater neces
sity now th'jn it has ever been; that
education of the present generation
should be, better than that, of the past,
for each generation starts with the
accumulated knowledge of the past as
a heritage. The only way the present
generation can pay its debt is by pro
viding that the following generation
shall receive better facilities. No in
vestmen, said he, not even investing
in stocks and bonds, pays as good re
turns as investing in education.
M. R. representing Wash
ington Camp No. 102, P. O. S. of A..
in place of Frank B. Wickersham, as
announced on the program, presented
the school with a handsome U. S.
flag, to be used on the outside of the
building, and a number of small U. S.
flags, together with a number of State
flags, one of each to be used in each
room of the building.
Sir. Alleman's address follows:
"Mr. President. Superintendent,
Board of Directors. Principal and Fel
low Citizens: I have the pleasure in
behalf of Washington Camp No. 102.
P. O. S. of A., of Steelton, of present
'iiig to the Hygienic school the symbol
of the nation, 'Old Glory.' It has long
floated over a peaceful nation, and
may it continue so to do in the future.
And whenever our flag is seen may it
ever stir our hearts to greater patriot
This large flag is to be placed on the
outside of the building, where all may
see it. One of the small State flags,
which are'the first that have ever been
presented „to the Steelton public
schools; together with one of these
small American flags, are to bo placed
in each room- of this new building. It
is the wish of this order that the pupils
of this school and of every school in the
borough be taught to love and honor
the flag of our nation."
Mr. McGinnes accepted the flags on
behalf of the schools.
Dr. 1). b. Traver, one of the members
of the School Board that accepted the
site for tin original building, was pres
ent and was called upon to speak. The
doctor finally'consented and made an
excellent, pithy speech, contrasting
conditions of school life now with
what they were when he was a boy in
York county.
The school rooms and halls were
decorated elaborately with bunting,
flags and potted plants. The walls con
tained many beautiful pictures and
much handi .vork of the children of the
respective rooms.
The afternoon program closed with
an address by Prof. C. F. Howard, voic
ing the appreciation of the people of
the sub-district to every one who had
a hand in providing the building.
Miss Auro C. Imes, a teacher in tihe
present building, gave an interesting
history of the o»ld Hygienic building,
which has been replaced by the present
handsome structure.
The following persons, according to
her report, have at different times
served as teachers in the old building:
M iss Mary Allenian, M. Schad, Mr. Es
chenour, C. F. Reehling, Miss Lucy
Gouse, John A. Sprenkle, George Duerr,
Miss Annie Kerr, Mr. Harris, Eli
Drawbeugh, George H. lines, H. H.
Summers, 0. P. Howard, tine latter be
gan as teacher at the primary grade in
1886 and is now principal of the build
ing; L. Z. Johnson, who ie now pastor
of a Presbyterian church at Baltimore,
Md.; Veruon R. James, Miss Ijeonora
Gardner, Miso Phillips, Mis# Fisher and
Miss Auro Imes.
Only three members of the school
board under whom the original building
was erected are Dr. D. B. Travcr, of
the borough, John W. Grove, Middle
town, and Major I* S. Bent, now living
retired at Overbrook.
The present corps of teachers of the
new structure are all graduates of the
focal High school and members of the
Douglass Association of the borough.
Under the direction of Professor
William Harelerode several songs were
sung by children of the Hygienic st-'hool.
The Rev. P. H. Hughes and the Rev'.
Henry Young took part in the exer
The Douglass Association, composed
of colore! graduates of the loeal High
school, held an interesting meeting last
evening in the auditorium of the new-
Hygienic school in honor of the dedica
tion of the building to educational pur
| poses.
Superintendent L, E. McGinnes deliv
ered the principal address. Miss Aura
C. Imes presented th>e history of the
Hygienic and an address was made by
the Rev. Leonard Z. Jphnson, of Bal
timore, a former teacher at the Hy
gienic school. "Education as a Factor
in,the Moral Uplift of Our People,"
was the subject of a talk given by the
Rev. O. P. Goodwin. Music was fur
nished by the Hygienic orchestra and
several selections were sung .by a quar
tet. The speeches of the evening all
contained messages of hope and en
couragement to the youth. Encourage
ment to high endeavor and exhortation
to living sober, industrious lives were
voiced in each.
Mr. Johnson's speech, which was the
principal one of the evening, was a
brilliant effort.
The Hygi&nic orchestra led by Mas
ter William Jefferson, assisted by
Charles Page, Albert Mobley, Earl
Young, James Stevenson and Edward
Jefferson, furnished music during the
Will Lecture in St. Peter's Lutheran
Church, Hlghspire, Soon
Information lias Tieen received that
sometime during the past month ar
rangements have been made with the
Rev. Dr. John C. Collins, who is a very
fluent speaker, to deliver his lecture,
"The House That Jack Built," in the
St. Peter's Lutheran church, Highspire,
Thursday evening, January 21, 1915,
under the auspices of Mrs. Seth R. Gor
don's Sunday school class.
Dr. Collins comes well recommended
by audiences who have heard his in
spiring lecture.
■Mrs. M. IF. Harlan, Felton street, is
ttoe proud owner of a crab cactus which
has 115 fully developed flowers on its
The Idea Club, of the borough, will
hold a dSnce in the German Quartet
Club hall, Fron't and Washington
streets. Tuesday evening, January 12.
Dancing will continue from 8 to 12.
Music will be furnished 'by Wieger's
Arrangements are under way for an
elaborate rendition of the Easter mass
in St James' Catholic church aud it is
expected that a male chorus of at least
forty voices will take part in the serv
ice. The chorus will be under the di
rection of Professor Gwilym Walkins
and will be made uy of some of the best
singers in this vicinity.
The basketball season will be opened
here this afternoon with the first game
between the Steelton High school and
the Tainaqua 'High sc'hool teams. The
game started in Felton 'hall at 2.30
o 'clock.
Au important meeting of the Hy
gienic 'Hose Company will be held to
night in the fire house at Harrisburg
and Bessermer streets.
Class 8 of St. (park's Lutheran Sun
day tchool will serve dinner aud supper
in the North Front street market house
January 21. Sauerkraut and noodles
will be the principal numbers on the
bill of fare.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her offices from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
New Police Telephone Installed
A police telephone was installed to
day at Thirteenth anil Derry streets, ment should be.
where a new traffic policeman lias been Spilling of Blood in Europe
stationed toy direction of the City Cona- "The country is theirs. The govern
missioners. The phone is intended to m ent is theirs. The liberty, if they
enable him to regular reports can get it —and God speed tliem in get
more readily. ting it!—is theirs, and so far as my
Fri en ds of President
Discusg Meaning of
Certain Statement in
Indiana Address
Others Insist That the President Was
Merely Referring to the Fact That
Future Generations Will Judge His
Actions While Executive
By Associated Press.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 9 (On Board
! President Wilson's Train). —President
Wilson was on his way back to Wash
j lngton to-day after making his first
j purely political speech since he as
: sumed the Presidency. He will arrive
•at the capital at 4.40 o'clock this aft
ernoon. ,
Gossip was rife among the Presi-
I dent s friends over the meaning back
! of his statement in his Indianapolis
| speech that '' there may come a time
when the American people will have to
judge whether I know what I am talk
j ing about or not."
Some of his friends insisted that the
President was merely referring to the
I fact that future geneiations will judge
| his actions and that he did not intend
|to convey the impression which was
I gained by the crowd that he might be
! a candidate again for tlje Presidency,
j Others of his friends pointed-out that
lie evidently realized, because of the
| cheering, the construction that had
j been placed on his words, and yet he
; did not correct the impression beyond
j thing then."
High Spots in Address
Some othet striking points in Presi
dent Wilson's speech were the follow
"If I were not ready to fight for
everything I believe in I would think
it my duty to take a back seat.
"I love the Democratic party, but I
love America a great deal more than I
love the Democratic party, and when
the Democratic party thinks that it is
an end in itself, then I rise up and dis
"There are Democrats who are sit
ting in the breeching strap, who arc
holding back, who are nervous. I
claim to be an animated conservative,
because being a conservative I under
stand to mean a man who.not only pre
serves what is best in the nation, but
who sees that in order to preserve it
you dare not stand still.
"Politics in this country does not
depend any longer upon the regular
members of either party. There are
not enough jcgula i Republicans in this
country to take anil hold national pow
er, and I fnust immediately add that
there are not enough regular Demo
crats, either. This country is guided
and its policy is determined 'by the
independent voters.
Comparing Progressiveness
"What seems perfectly evident to
me is this, that if you made a rough
reckoning you would have to admit
that only about one-third of the Re
publican party is progressive; and you
would also have to admit that about
two-thirds of the Democratic, party is
''The Republican.i have not had a
new idea in thirty years; they have
not known how to do anything except
sit on the lit-.
"This country is bursting its jacket,
and they (the Republicans) are seeing
to it that the jacket is notj|Only kept
tight, but is riveted with steel.
"There is one thing that T have got
a great enthusiasm about. I might al
most sa" a reckless enthusiasm, and
that is human liberty. Until this re
cent revolution in Mexico, until the end
of the Diaz regime, 80 per cent, of the
peofile of Mexico never had a 'look
in' in determining what their govern-
influence goes while I am President no
body* shall interfere with them.
'' Have not European nations taken
as long as they wanted and spilled as
much blood as they pleased in settling
their affairs, and shall we deny that to
Mexico because she is weak! No, I
say! 1
''l want to ask the business men here
present if this is not the first January
in their recollection that did not bring
a money stringency for the time being.
I have asked bankers if that happened
this year, and they say, 'No, it did not
happen; it could not happen under the
Federal reserve act.' We have emanci- j
pated the credits of this«eojintry."
Will Bush Ship Purchase BUI
The President is returning to Wash
ington fully prepared to push his gov
ernment ship purchase bill. He served
notice in his speech yesterday that he
will do everything possible to" overcome
opposition to the bill.
Mr. Wilson will Seek to send to the
Senate the nominations of the trade
commission members as soon as possible
after his return."
Continued From First Page.
the Vistula, 40 the west of the Polish
capital, heavy fighting has been re
sumed, and at the same time a new at
tack has been launched from the north.
The Petrsgrad war office describes the
fighting as "more and more desperate"
owina, plans are under way in the ad
vances at many points, but states that
they were subsequently driven back
Coincident with the Russian sweep
through the Austrian province of Buk
owina, plans are under way in the da-
Jacent country of Rumania for mobili
zation of the army. Unofficial advices
state that the entrance of Bumanla into
the war is expected.
A Geneva report says that an Aus
trian army has been trapped in Galicia
by the Russians, who by an unexpected
movement caught the Austrian* at a
disadvantage on difficult ground and
placed them in a precarious position.
There was no confirmation, however,
of this report.
In contrast with the heavy lighting
in the east the armies in the west, so
far as was revealed, remained compara
tively Inactive.
Major Davis of American Body Asks
Foreign Sovereigns Not to Give
Presents or Decorations to Individ
uals In the Service.
General recognition of the fact that
American contributions come from the
whole people and not because of any
one individual or class of officials is
shown in the letter sent by Major Gen
eral George W. Davis, U. S. A., retired,
chairman of the central committee of
the American Red Cross, to the Ameri
can ambassadors to Great Britain,
France, Germany, Russia and Austro-
IlungaTv, and to the American minister
at Bucharist, Rouimania. The letter dis
courages the bestowing of vailuable
presents or decorations upon individ
uals representing the American Red
Cross by foreign sovereigns or officials
of foreign Red Cross Societies.
"(Xir organization is an impersonal
one," the major writes, "and our ef
forts are always prompted by motives
of sympathy for all who suffer, irre
spective of nationality or creed. The
individuals composing the organization
ami its officers are simply the agents
of the National Society into which their
personality is merged. Such assistance
as may be rendered is accomplished by
means of the contributions of the
American people."
The Red CTOSS division of the Home
and War Relief committee,vwhich rep
resents the citizens of this district, sent
a box of Red Cross supplies and cloth
ing to the Servian Red Cross last night.
There were bandages of all descrip
tions, mufflers, women's and children's
garments and articles for all classes of
sufferers in the stricken district.
Contributions of money and ma
terials are desired by not only the Red
Cross, tout all the other divisions of the
relief committee. They may be sent to
headquarters, 7 South Front street, to
either the general committee or any
of the four sub-divisions.
Write for list of available registers. Or, if you have one ,to
sell, list it with us. We have inquiries for all styles and sizes of
NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. All Regieters sold by us
Petrosrad via London, Jan. 9, 4.21 ;
A. M. —Talrin>g advantage of the in-!
creasing cold weather, whi-oh has frozen
the marshy land adjacent to the jiumer
ou« rivers of North Poland, the Ger
mans are now initiating another at
tempt on Warsaw from the north, hav
ing contented themselves with fortify
ing and taking the defensive west of i
Warsaw along the bamks of the Bzura, 1
and southward between Sfcierniewice
and Grodzisk, and further southward
along the left bank of the Vistula, the
Germans are now roported massing in
the north .preparatory to an advance.
This assault is considered a sequel
of the German demonstration of four
weeks ago when, advancing from Mlaw
la, they were repulsed by Russian
troops across the border. The previous
•advance olbviously was made with the
aim of acquainting themselves with the
nature of the ground and the disposi
tion of the Russian forces, as well as
assisting General Maekernsen's attack
west of Warsaw by attracting Russian
troops to the northwaird.
This time the German offensive is
said to >be en masse, including the army
corps recently brought over from Bel
gium. It is reported here that on the
.Russian Christmas day heavy fighting
occurred between Mlawla and PTza
The German intention seems to be to
try and force a route through Przasynsz
and Serock, thus making a considerably
wider movement and swinging further
to the eastward than in their previous
attempt. In talking this direction it
would be necessary for the Germans to
cross the rivers Nlarean and Bug, the
latter of which is not sufficiently frozerf
to provide safe transport for the heavy
The success of this invasion is here
deemed impossible since the heavy Rus
sian fortress of Nowo Geortgiewsk and
several minor ones would obstruct the
German advance if it succeeded in
reaching so far. •
Steelton Ferryboat to Resume Trips
Monday Morning
Special Correspondence.
Xew CumbCiland,-Jan. 9.—The Dor
cas Club, composed of little girls, mem
bers of Mrs. R. C. Miller'B Sunday
school class, met pt the home of Mrs.
Miller on Bridge street last evening
and elected officers.
There will *t>e preaching service in
Trinity U. B. church to-morrow at
10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. A series
of revival meetings will begin with
the evening service, to continue for
each week night at 7.45. There will
be no services on Saturday niglits.
The Missionary Society of Trinity
IT. B. church will meet at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Snoke on Reno
street to-morrow at 2 o'clock.j
Mrs. Harry Williams and daughter,
Mabel, of Scotland, Pa., are visiting
| relatives here.
j Mrs. S. N. Prowell visited friends in
Goldsboro on Thursday.
Miss Jeairnette Ripe, Market street,
fell on the ice on Fourth street on
Tuesday eveniiig and sprained her right
arm badly.
Mrs. Rose Donnelly, Fifth street, is
recovering from pleuro pneumonia.
Mrs. David Sipe and son, Carroll, of
! Lemoyne, were guests of Mrs. H. A.
j MeCreary yesterday.
The Steelton ferry boat, which could
I not make trips for several weeks on
account of the ice, will commence run
j ning on Monday. This will be a great
I convenience to the workmen, who have
i had to go around on the trolley car.
[ The Harrisburg Hospital is open
| daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
I advice and prescription to "those un
j able to pay for them.
Philadelphia Division —ll9 crew to
go first after 4.30 p. m.: 107, 106,
Fireman for 108,
Engineers up: tDaris, Newcomer,
Snow, Speas, IMtciCauley, 'Maderfort,
Earhart, Orisswell, Streeper, 'Hindman,
CSeitz, Sellers, Hu'bler.
Firemen up: . Gelsinger, Shaffer,
Geirtzer, iHartz, Grove, Dunlevy, Wag
ner, Li'bhart, Packer, Barton, Horstick,
Gil'berg, Robinson, Baiabaugh, Duvall,
Reno, Bf'hman, tHueton, Weaver, Arns
berger, Pemwell, Spring, 'Houser, (Bushey.
Conductors up: Fesler, Fialwh,
Flagman u>p: Bruehl.
ißrakemeu up: Hulblbard, Collins,
ißurk, Baltozer, Kope, Brownawell,
Kochenouer, Co*.
Middle Division —l 6 crew to go first
after 2 p. in.: 19, 21, 23.
Fireman for 23.
Flagman for 23.
Brakeman for 19 (2).
Engineers up: Simonton, Havens.
Firemen up: 'Simmons, Fritz, Kuntz,
Drewett, Wright, Ross, (Liefoan, Schref
fler, Stouffer Fletcher, Bornman, Arn
Conductors up: Bberle, J. H. iVa
Brakemen rop: Kauffman, Wenricdc,
Pipp Kilgor, McHenry, Roller, Plack,
Staihl, Putt, Mathias, [Myers.
Philadelphia Division —2lo crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 210, 202, 231,
237, 212, 208,.220, 222.
Firemen for 210, 211, 240.
Conductors for 210, 230, 238.
Flagmen for 208, 220, 237.
Brakemen for 208, 210.
Conductors up: Logan, Shirk, Wal
ton. Gundle,
Flagmen up: Snyder, Donahoe.
Brakemen uip: Twgg, Wertz, Al
bright, Grosby, Anient, Wolfe, Logue,
! Felker, Waltman, Goudv, Campbell,
Decker, Fair, Wise, Knight, Malseed.
Middle Division —236 crew to go
after 3 p. m.
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Harvey,
Saltsman, Kulin, Snyder, Pelton, Sha
ver, Hovler, Beck, Barter, Biever. Bios
ser, Brenneman, Thomas
Rudy, Meals, Stahl, Swaib, Crist, Uui
Firemen up: 'Myers, Boyle, Shipley,
Revie, Ul9h, Bostdorf, Sc'hieffer, Weigle.
Lackey, Cookerly, IMaeyer, Sholter
Snell," Bartolet, Getlty, Mart, Barkey
Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Ney.
Engineers for 306, 1869, 213, 1454,
707, 1270, 14, 1820.
Firemen for 1454, 707, 90, 885.
P., H. and P. —After 1.30 p. m.: 15,
5, 3, 18, 2, 24, 14, 1.
Eastbound —After 1.30 p. m.: 60,
61, 52, 68, 70, 57, 63, 54, 64, 71, SS.
Conductor up^Hilton.
Engineers up: Wood, Glass, Moore,
! Morrison, Kettiner, Crawford, Woland,
Forney, Fetrow, Richwine, Wyre.
Firemen up: Nye, Kelly * Sullivan,
Anders, Rnmbaugh, King, Wvnn, Aun
spacli, Dowhower, Longenecker, I<ei,
Snader, Bingaman, Chronister, Cor I,
Bover, Sellers.
Brakeimen up: Graeff, Yoder, Martz,
Shearer, Hollbert, Smith.
Perseverance Band Officers
The Perseverance band, of this city,
elected tjje following officers: Presi
dent, Harry Keith; vice president,
Thomas (Jarrington; secretary, John
Johnson; treasurer, Emanuel Robinson;
director, James J. Jones; manager,
Sylvester Burris; trustees, William Car
rington, 18. Robinson, William Rhoades,
Stuart Grimes and James Blajck.
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