S OCIA L and 115 GUESTS WILL BE AT DINNER TO THE GOVERNOR Acceptances Received From Business and Professional Men In All Parts of the State Who Will Attend Fare well Affair Here This Evening The committee in charge of the din ner which will be given this evening at the Harrisburg Club, for Governor John K. Teiier, by the business and professional men of the city, has com pleted its arrangements and everything is in readiness for the most elaborate sff.jir of the kind ever held in this city. More than one hundred and fifteen 'acceptances have been received and this number will very likely be aug mented by many friends and acquaint ance# of the Governor, who are either out of the city on business or who re side in other parts of the State, and could not send acceptances at an earlier date. The decorations will be most elabo rate, a color scheme of green and red prevailing. American Beauty roses, southern smilax and stevia, will form the table decorations while an artistic arrangement of palms and small ever green trees will decorate the big dining hall, where the banquet will be served. Mrs. Ross Anderson Hickok, 119 State street, has issued invitations for a luncheon at her home. Friday after noon, January 15, iu compliment to Mrs. Arthur Emmons, of Dover, Mass. PROGRAM ONIIV STORIES' First Meeting of Story Tellers' Laague Will Be Held Tuesday Evening The first meeting of the new year ot the Story Tellers' ljeague will be liold Tuesday evening, January 12. at 7 o'clock, in Harrisburg Public Li brary. Miss Martha Fleming will he in charge of the program which will le oi' ''Slav Stories" and will include the storv of 'Babouska" told bv Miss Fleming and "The Story of a Cobbler V.'no Lived the l.ife of Christ," told by Miss Helda Atterberg. Miss Dolores Kegel ban ill will tell an interesting Serv ian folk tale entitled "The Shepherd n-i the Dragon" and Miss Claire Beshore will tell a story entitled "God Knows How to Punish Man." An interesting feature of the pro gram will be a postcard talk illustrat ed with lantern slides, by Miss Martha Huehler on the Balkan countries through which she so recently traveled. Plans will be completed for the lec ture by Professor J. G. Carter Troop, of the T'niver-ity of Toronto, which will be held in Technical High school auditorium, Tuesday evening. February 2.1. Professor Troop will lecture oil "The Folk Tale and Fairy Stories." ENTERTAINERS. S. CLASS Members of Trinity U. B. Church Guests of Mrs. W. O. Cookerly Thursday Evening On Thursday evening class No. 17 ot rriuity U. B. Sunday school was en tertained by the teaeiier, Mrs. W. O. < ookerly at her home. 218 Reno street, New Cumberland The evening was spent witih • ontests anil games, after which refreshments were served. The rooms were prettily decorated with the class colors, blue and gold. The following persons were present: IMisses' Lillian Cramer, Elsie Cline. < atherine Reneker, Fairy Fetrow, Ks -1 her Getz. Mary Hursh. Marv Peterman, Fairy Bailets, Thelma I'erigo, Mary < vamer. Ruth Snell, Pauline Sweigert, Lillian W augh, Delia Sonders, Pauline Wright, Mary Switzer, Edith Zimmer man, Mrs. Thomas Lipp. Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mrs. Emma Cookerly, Mrs. Harry Souders. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Zimmerman and Mr. and !Mrs. William Cookerly. LITERARY SOCIETY MET Meeting Was Held at the Home of Miss Katherine Kelker Thursday Evening The Demosthenian Literary Society met Thursday night at the home of Miss Katherine Kelker. 5 North Front street. After an interesting program, refreshments were served to the follow ing members: .Miss Naomi Bevard, Miss Mary itmer, Miss Dorothy Helman, Miss Lillian KamsLy, Miss Marian Martz, Miss Martha Miller, Miss Katherine Peters. Mrs. Katherine Kelker, Miss Elizabeth McCormiek, Miss Katherine Orth. Miss Panline Hauck, Miss Helen Gerdes, Miss Mabel Wright, Miss Hel en Wallis, Miss Katherine Zeiders, Miss Mary Orth, Frederick Lyter, Ravmond Meek, Anson DeVout. Paul Clouaer, Richard Hamer, Leroy Smucker, Carrol Kenny, Edward Roth, George Fox and William Bingham. MISSER-ERB WEDDING Ceremony Performed by the Rev. Mr. Landis Lititz, Jan. 9. —Miss Ella H. Erb. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Erb, of this place, B. Musser, of Warwick, were married vesterdav by the Rev. Noah Landis. The brides maid was Miss Mabel Erb and the best man Allison Musser. The ushers were Frederick Gige. of Goshen, Indiana, and Zenas Erb, of this place. Immediately following the ceremony a reception was held, attended by a large number of people from all sections. Olsey-Preston Wedding Marietta, Jan. 9.—Theodore Olsey. of this place, and Miss Anna Preston! of Columbia, were married yesterday bv the Rev. George B. Gensler, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, at the parsonage of the church with the ring ceremony. They were unattended. A reception followed. Announce Birth of a Son Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Arnold, ll North Fourteenth street, announce the birth '_>f a son. Earl Frank, Thursday January News of Persons Who Come and Go Mrs. J. E Daniel Rnd daughter, Frances, 1001 North Sixth street, are spending the week end with relatives iu Walnut Germanto>wn, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Walton have returned from a several days' vis it in New York City. Miss Mariau Haiu Bowman was a recent guest of her grandmother, Mrs. William Bowman, at Hainton Heights. Irvin Fisher, of this city, and 'Mrs. Clara Hoak, of Progress, spent the week-end with iMr. an J Mrs. William Bowman, at Hainton Heights. S. H. Muthiot has returned to his home in Philadelphia, after spending several weeks with his mother, Mrs. Chariotte Mathiot, 209 Harris street. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stecklev who are "spending some time with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin, 1812 Green street, have returned from a week's visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stecklev, in New port. Prof, and Mrs. Kreider, of Kansas City, and Miss Mary Ellen Brewan, of Easton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Stauffcr, at Paxtang. Miss Laura Skane, 405 Kelker street, has returned from Elizabeth town. where s>he attended a dance at the Masonic Home. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wanbaugh, 1506 Peun street, left this morning for Wilmington, l)cl., where the former will attend the annual meeting of agents of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of which he is district agent. Mr. and Mrs. N. Koplovitz and daughter, Mary, have gone to York to attend the weddiug of Miss Mary S[>erlii!g, of York, to Lewis Delson, of this city. Mrs. Lillian M. Burton, of Cleveland, Ohio, and lieorge W. Stevens, of Wil liamsburg, Md., were married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. B. Port. 2104 Derry street, Wednesday evening by the Rev. J. J. Deavor. Milss Jean Frederick, of Carlisle, has returned home after a visit with Miss Anne Bacon, this city. Misses Ethel Sanderson and Mar garet Shearer, of Carlisle, have return ed home after a visit with local friends. Miss Eleanor Bovd, 124 Pine street, is spending the week end in New York. She will lease next week for Southern Pines, S. C., where she will spend the winter. Weir Stewart, of Auburn, N. Y., is the guest of the Misses Weir, 160 4 North Second street. ■Miss Susauua Fleming, ill State street, left to-day for Lawrenceville, N. J., where she will spend the winter. Miss Florence C.- Shader, 1405 Re gina street, has returned from an ex tended tour of eastern cities. 'Miss Alice Marie Decevee, 607 North Second street, has returned from a vis it to Summit, N. .1. Edward James Stackpole. Jr., has re sumed his studies at Yale after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stackpole, 1825 North Front street. Norman 11. Wykoff has resumed his studies at Cornell after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Wykoff, of the Etter apartments. William H. Boy, of Philadelphia, is visiting his aunt. Miss Fannie Bbv, 613 North Front street. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Martin, 1117 North Sixt'h street, have returned from a trip to Philadelphia and New York. Miss Sara Coover, of Mechanics burg, is home from a visit to Lancas ter. Mrs. Emma Poffenberger, of the Don aldson, and her guest, Mrs. Fred Sny der, of York, spent yesterday at Dau phin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Booth, of Hart ford, Conn., returned home after a three weeks' stay with 'Mr. and Mrs. James Russ, of the Rodearmel apart ments. Miss Mae Carter has left for her home in New York after a visit with foer mother, Mrs. Henry Hare, Walnut street. Miss Genevieve Schmidt has resum ed her studies at St. Joseph's College, EmmittSburg, Md., after spending the holiday recess with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmidt, 58 North Thirteenth street. Mrs. Wilson 2erby, 1642 Market street, and Mrs. Samuel Weidmyer, 32 South Seventeenth street, have return ed after a visit with Mrs. Zerby's mother, Mrs. Dell Baily, at Chamioers burg. Miss Elinor Leonard has resumed her studies at Columoia University, New York, after spending a fortnight with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard, 1728 North Sixth street. John Elberly has returned to Over brook College, Philadelphia, after spend ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bberly, 2004 North Sixth street. /Miss Grace of Highspire, has returned from a visit to Lancaster. Miss Ethel Brenneman has returned to West Chester Normal school after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Brenneman, Cameron and Harris streets. Miss Anna Matthew, of Philadelphia, has arrived in this city to spend three weeks with Miss Ethel Baldwin, 1622 Market street. Miss Joyce Jones has taken up her studies at Goucher College, Maryland, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones, 608 Forster street. Mrs. Hiram Shenk, 271 Hamilton street, has returned from a visit to Co lumbia. Miss Laura Green, 1725 Regina street, has recovered from a week's ill ness. Mrs. Fred Snyder, of York, is the guest of Mrs. Emma Poffenberger, at the Donaldson. Miss Margaret Sullivan, 1831 'Mar ket street, has returned after a little visit with relatives at Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beeler, of Waynetfboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Smit'h, 317 Crescent street, en route to Honduras, Central America. Robert Nicholson and Charles Nicfo / Don't forget to take advan tage of the discount by paying your Electric Light bill on or before Tuesday, January 12th. HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 9, 1915. olson, 1641 Market street, are home"] from Shawokin where they were guests I of their relatives. Richard Thomas has returned to State College, after a visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas, 14 North Fourth street, Steelton. Miss Mary Baturin, 600 Boas street, has returned from Mt. Carmel. Leo DeLone has resumed his stu dies at Mt. St. Mary's College, Em mittsborg, Md., after spending the hol idays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeLone, 920 North Third ;treet. Miss Mary Campbell, 2133 North Fourth street, left to-day for Sacred Heart Academy, Lancaster, to resume 'her winter studies. Luther Hocker has gone to his home in New York atfer a visit with his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. .John Hock er, at Middletown. Gilbert Howard 'has returned to Le high after spending ten days with (his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. H. How ard, 14 4 4 Market street. Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher with their children, Miriam and Bernard Gal lagher, 1836 Regina street, are home from MciAdoo and 'Hazleton. George Pomeroy Bennethum resum ed his studies at Yale after a holi day visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bennethum, Sr., Cottage Ridge. Miss Maine McGeehan, MiBS Nelle Flyuu, 1616 Market street, and Miss Mary Dunn, Philadelphia, are home aft er a visit with friends at York and Han over. Miss Gladys Werner, 2143 North Fifth street, has returned from state College, where she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Hansen. Mrs. C. A. Werner and daughter. Miss Ruby Werner, 2143 North Fifth street, left for State College, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen. Mrs. George B. Kunked, 130 State' street, is visiting in New York. DANCING CLASS MET Under Direction of Charles G. Bern hardt Class Meets Each Week The dancing class which meets each week under the direction of Charles G. Bernhardt, 1720 1-2 North Third street, met last evening with the fol lowing members in attendance: Misses E. A. Keeny, A. Leas, Edna Erb, Vera Runkle, Anna Stotz, Myra Porter, Ruth Runkle, Mrs. W. E. Orth, j Mrs. Charles Adler, Mrs. A. M. Porter, F. W. Cooler, J. D. Bogar, H. R. Stack house, H. L. Heisey, Charles D. Dasher, 1 L. C. Vogel, L. Adams, W. E. Orth, Charles Adler. Miss Black Entertains Miss Pearl Black entertained at five hunderd at her home, 104 South Thir teenth street, last evening. Prizes were won by Miss Hazel Mackley, Miss Edna 'Bixler and Ellis Roberts. Refreshments were served to the fol lowing guests: Misses Edna Bixler, Hazel Mackley, Naomi Wingert, Heleu Marsh, Pearl 'Black, Ellis Roberts, Vav Buterbangh, Merrill Arbogast, Guernev Rubv, George Updegraph and 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Neimond. Married at Lane aster Marietta, Jan. 9.—Miss Maria S. Brandt, of this place, and Amos M. Charles, of East Donegal, were mar ried vesteiday at the parsonage of Faith Reformed church, Lancaster, by the Rev. G. D. Glass. They were un attended. A reception followed. BANS TRACKLESS TROLLEY Public Service Commission Turns Down Application For a Charter For i Company Proposing It The application of the Perkiomen! Electric Transit Company for authority j to establish a trackless trolley system in this State, was denied yesterday by j the Public Service Commission. The! applicant is a Delaware corporation and j is registered to do business in Pennsyl-1 vania. "It appears," said the Commission's ruling, "that the applicant desires to: obtain from this Commission the right, to engage in a business of a character { which the laws of Pennsylvania do not j as yet authorize our own corporations I to carry on. > "The Commission declares that the' exercise in this State by a corporation j of another State of rights in which the public is so vitally interested should be undertaken if and when those rights have been considered and defined by the law-making body of the Common wealth." WAS VETERANS INSTALL Joint Meeting Held Last Night by Men's and Women's Camps At a joint installation meeting last night of the Harrisburg Camp No. 8, United Spanish War Veterans, and ot A. Wilson Norris Camp No. 7, Ladies' Auxiliary, new officers were installed as follows: E. H. Gafbriel, commander; N. W. Ream, senior vice commander; Harry Halsey, junior vice commander; E. Dapp, officer of the day; Stewart Foultz, officer of the guard; Benjamin Cowen, trustee; W. P. Messinger, ad jutant; E. Laubenstein, quartermaster; Edward Schell, chaplain; Paul Harm, sergeant major; Charles Senear, mess man, and John K. Spangler, color ser geant. New officers of t)he Ladies' Auxiliary are: Clara Spangler, president; 'Mar garet Senear, senior vice 'president; Belva Foultz, junior vice president; Mary Spangler, chaplain; secretary, Clara Hoffman, and Emma Newcommer,' treasurer. Maltese Muskrats One of the most objectionable of the pests that intrude into houses in Malta is the muskrat. Everything he touches is impregnated with the odor from which he derives his name. In a wine cellar he is worse tihan a dishonest but ler. In a larder he is more destructive than a dozen cats. From pure wanton ness he taints and reodere uneatable everything within his reach. His odor is so powerful and at the sam© time so penetrating that dozens of bottles of preserves may be ruined by his merely running over the bottles. The musk rat is a squeaking little animal who commits his enormities at night, and he adds insult to injury by disturbing the repose of the victims of his depre dations. —London Standarti. Plan County Bar Banquet Members of the Dauphin County Bar Association last night authorized officers of the society to make plans for the annual banquet," the date for which has not been set. A committee will be appointed and final arrangements made at the annual meeting, which is to be held February 5, Fifth Street Methodist Church The Church on four streets 1 (Fifth, Sirttar, Granite & Wood Sts.) "The Soft March" at | lO.UO. "Five Brothers and the Bible" at 7.150. Sunday School at 2. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 6.30. I Hear a choir of 7."> voices with orchestra of 10 in- ! struments at the 10.30 and 7.30 services. 1500 free and c6nifortable sittings in a homelike place of worship. Come! *■ . FREDERICK THE GREAT Carlyle's Pen Picture of the Famous Old Prussian Ruler On the 17th of August, 1786, died one of the most remarkable severe g.is Europe ever produced, Frederick 11. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. Thomas Carlyle thus describes him: "The man is not of godlike phys'og- j nomy any more than or impos ng st it 1 ure or costume. Close shut m uth, with I thin lips, prominent jaws and ncs.',l receding brow by no means of Olvin i-l :ui height; head, however, is of long! form and has superlative gray eyes in it. Not what is called a beiutitui man, | nor yet, by all appearances, what isl eaJled a happy. "On the contrary, the fa.'e bears evi-! dence of many sorrows, as they are! termed; of much hard labor done in j this world and seems to anticipate b.it ' moro still coming, stoicism, ea-' pablc enough of what joy there were, | but not expecting any worth men tie 11: ] I great unconscious and some eonsciou>' pride tempered with a cheery modi-1 ery of humor—arc written in' that old l I face, which carries its chin well for* ward in spite of the s'ight abjut ' the neck: snuffy ncse rather flung into; the air under its old cocked hat —like | an old snuffy lion on the watch; en.l such a pair ol eyes as no man or lion i or lynx of that century bore elsewhere, according to ail the testimony we have. This is the man who, among the common people who much loved a id esteemed him, was Vater Fritz—Pa ther 1' red -a name of familiarity which had not bred contempt in that in j stance." JAPAN'S DARING WHALEFS They Risk Drown ng to Escape the In furiated Aniual's Tsil Many of the Japanese whalemen arc I most expert and daring men. After a whale has bee l - cornered, harpooned ! and is slowly gi' ing out from exhaus 1 I tion, tin nimble expert of the whaling crew must prove his mettle. The skilled Jan. after jumping upon j Ihe animal s back a.id cutting two gashes in the head, one on each side, through which a rope must be run and j tied, cannot always perform his .work jin one trial. Often the animai make* t i a deep dive. But the little Jap must \ 1 hold fast to his quarry and dive also. ] trusting to bis fates that his own air! j supply in his lungs will last as long as j the whale's. j The Jap is far safer from beiug j 1 drowned than from being crushed bv j j the infuirateu animal's tail. If the 1 i little Jap let go it usually means j I death, so he hangs on to the diving I | qtiarcy. Frequently thes« whalemen | lose their lives from drowning, but t'lo 1 I members of their crew lool; upon this 1 misfortune with something of a fatalist | ic regard. But the main business in hand is the I capture of the whale. As the fight: j progresses and the maddened, fright- j ) ened animal grows weaker and finally ( | is dying (he boat crews row closer to ; I the body and pray for the ease of the j | departing spirit. Members of the f-rew j I will call out the words, ' - Joraku. Jora- ' j ku, Joraku! " an 1 on the third day aft- I <;r the animal has been hauled ashore a service is held and prayers offered for ( the animal's future contentment in; spirit. As soon as the animal has been , towed to the si oit line lie is cut up, 1 the Japs making huge excavations and ; penetrating inside the aininal's body as ; though entering a mine shaft or galletv I and eventually making their exit, ail j covered with blood. It is a grewsome j sight, but is looked upon purely as a 1 matter of course among the Jap whale- : men.—Exchange ENGLISH FIMAJiE PORTERS Muscular Women Carry Heavy Loads in Covent Garden Market Visitors to Covent Garden market, i the great flower market of London, will I find that,, in additijn to much floral j beauty, there is a wholesome, muscular, i athletic womanhood that is good to look ! upon to be found among the women por- | ters. The flowers that are sold in huge I quantities in this ma-ket are bought by i retail flower dealers, to whose vans the flowers must be delivered in the sur rounding streets Tiie work of carrying | is done largely by women, and the Gov- j ent Garden womau porter is one of! London's character studies. These women, who carry loads of | flowers on thei: heads, are hard-work ing, conscientious workers. As a rule* • their hours are from o to 9 in the j morning—not long, perhaps, but dur- : ing that time the women do what might ! well be considered a day's work. It j is not light work, as a woman porter frequently carries two dozen large pots I of plants on her head over a distance ! of several hundred yards. Light ami j heavy loads may or may not come al- | ternately, but all are accepted cheer- | fully. The payment, as a rule, is ade- j quate, but depends upon the generosity , of the temporary employer. The powers of endurance these worn 1 en possess are quite remarkable, and j the work agrees with them. One worn an recently pointed with pride to her | daughter, a girl of 20, with cheeks I glowing with health and muscles that I would do credit to any system of phys- ' ical culture. The girl had been deli- I cate, but a few weeks' work in the flower market caused a decided im- ; provement, which increased as time I went on. A somewhat odd recognition of their work is received annually by these flow er porters in the shape of a shawl and two aprons each, a gift from the Duch ess of Bedford.—London .Mirror. CAPITOL HILL STORK WAS VERY BUSY IN OCTOBER IN PENNSYLVANIAj About i;t;t Per Cent. More Births Than Deaths in State in That Month— Many Children Under Two Years Die The Stork doable-teamed King Death in I'ennsylvania in October, according to the statistics for that mouth gath ered by the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Department of Health. In that mouth the total number of deaths was 8,754, but the number of births I was 19,326, or about 133 per cent.. J more. The following are the causes of 1 dieath for the month; Typhoid fever, 126; svarlet fever, 54; diphtheria, 191; measies, 18: whooping cough, 32; in- Huen/.a, 20; malaria, 3; tivbereuUais of lung?, .">77; tuberculosis of otoer or gans, 131; cancer. 505; diabetes, 78; menigitis, 38; acute anterior polio myelitis. t>: pneumonia, 574; diarrhoea j and enteritis, under two years, 838; diarrhoea and enteritis, over two years, I 119; bright's disease and nephritis, |t>9s: early infancy, 648; suicide, 82; accidents in mines, 91; railway injur ies, 94; other forms of violence, 505; all other diseases, 3,329. Commuter Argument Ends The argument in the application for a rehearing and a reopening of the case invoking passenger rates for com | muters, whin oocu .ed the attention j of the Public Service Commission all lay yesterday, came to an end about 5 (o'clock, the Pennsylvania railroad at | torneys arguing that the Commission I had no lignt to interfere with the com | panics rates as they were authorized oy iti- charter, and as such could not be ; interfered wit'h. It was intimated that if the matter wa persisted in an ac tion might be brought in court, the j chartar rights of the railroad eompa | nies being the basis. The counsel tor j the commuters and business men ot ! Philadelphia asked ti nt the case be re | opened and promised to present addi j tional testimony t'hat lack of time pre -1 vented from being presented at the Philadelphia hearing. Attended the Funeral Sergeant-at-Arms Bagshaw, of the ' Senate, left last nigut for Uidgwiy to j take enlarge of tiie Seratorial commit joe attending the luneral of t'lie late senator James K. P. Hall. The Sen late's floral tribute was a wreath of 5,000 violets. Pass Dontal Examinations The State Board of Dental Examin ers, which conducted the examination for dental certificates last nijuth in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, announced to-day that the following successfully passed the examination: Edward S, Bracken, Jr., McKees-! port; Kenneth S. Bro.vn. Philadelphia; Louis C. Chatham, Jr., Chenning , N. V.; Moilie Sophia Kxier, Philadelphia; Clarence J. Kdwards, Pittsburgh; Cyril Gajion. Wiikes-Barre; Kov S. Glass, ITownnda: Levi I'. M. Gordon, Phila delphia: M. S. Halbniillion, Philadel phia: Austin F. Kearny, Archibald; Dan iel J. Keiley, Philadelphia; Howard l IF. Kevser. Duquesne; Cos Leefmnn, Philadelphia; Arthur Mertens, Krie; Charles T. Miles, Milton; Roscoe .1. i Nash, Frenchtown, N. J.: Joseph F. O'Connor, be rail ton; J. Albert liiill . j Hudson; IJ. Walter St".rr, Philadelphia; Robert Q. Stringer, W'indber; T. fefay : mond C. Tinsley, Altoona; Oscar 1 . Vount. Klilerton, and John M. s. Sniath i ers, Dubois. 1 New Corporations The Snow White Bleachery COlll - pnnv. of Boyersford, was chartered at. ; the State Department to-day with a ! capital of $15,000. One of the incor porators is Samuel F. Peters, of New ! Cumberland. ! A charter was issued to the Mohn ; Brothers Company, of Heading, to man ufacture shoes, with a capital of $l5O, 000. The l<. F. Lauck Shoe Company, of ! Palmyra, was chartered with a capital : of $30,000. New N. G. Battery Announcement is made from the Na ; tional Guard headquarters of the ntus ter in of a new battalion of field artii ! lory at South Bethlehem to be known as , Battery A, Fiel'l Artillery, Nutiona. 1 Guard of Pennsylvania. Major W. Preston Tyler has been ! appointed an inspector of the National j Guard to rank from December 15. i Governor Honored j Governor Tener attended a dinner at ] the Belk'-vue-Stratford hotel in I'liila | delphia last night, given in his honor 1 by his military stafl'. j This evening Governor Tener will bo 1 the guest of luinor at a dinner given him by his llarri«burg friends. About I 125 of the Governor's intimates will i sit at the board at tiie Harrisbursr i Club. Returns to New York Mrs. James A. Clark and daughter, I Viclet. have returned to their home in I New Vork city after spending several ' weeks in tlie city, the guests of Mrs. I Clark's parents, Mr. and H. C. Bratton, 1018 State street. Mr. Brat ton formerly was-a member of the old i Common ( oum il. A Real Foe To Health Is a Weak Stomach fKrom this source arises such ills as Poor Appe tite. Nausea, Heartburn, Tndigestion, Dyspepsia, m Biliousness and Consti pation. You can conquer and fortify the system against such foes by the timely use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Be Sure you get the Genuine. BANDIT AND PURSUER SHOT State Official Wounded by Alleged Hold-Up Man, Who Receives Bul let in Head From Policeman j*h, Pa., Jan. 9. J. Brosky, 3!! ye*? » <,ld, an alleged bandit, was shot in the head and mortally wounded here yesterday by Mounted Policeman tlharleg Haves, ainl Captuin J. D. Dick son, of the State Highway Department, was shot in the left arm by Brosky in 11 running battle with pistols along tirant Boulevard and through East Eml streets. About 11.30 o'clock yesterday morn ing Brosky, who is said to have at tempted two holdups on Grant boule vard, hired a taxicab from E. A. But ler, 1310 Gibbon street, at Webster avenue and Giblbon street, stating he wanted to go to the Hotel Schenley. The machine was started oift Grant, boulevard, but had gone only a few j hundred yards when Brosky drew a re-1 volver and pointing it at Butler's head! told the chauffeur he would have to! drive him to a-n.v part of the city. Brosky, it is said, threatened to kill Butler for failure to contply with the order. When the car readied Thirtv-Miird street and Grant boulevard, Butler no ticed 'Mounted Policeman OhaTles Hayes and Patrolman Harry Clayton. Think ing it would be A good chance to es cape from Brosky, Butler stopped Ills car suddenly after passing Hayes and jumped out. Brosky followed Butler out of the car and began firing. 'Butler sought safety in flight and Patrolman Clayton drew his revolver and began j firing at Brosky. Brosky turned and ran a short dis-1 tance east on the boulevard when he j met a westbound automobile, driven by j Murray Carr and having as a passenger i Captain Dickson. Brosky ordered Carr J to turn his auto around and go east on : the boulevard. When the chauffeur! complied, Brosky jumped into the car, i and, with a revolver held at t>he head 1 of the chauffeur, made a fast run out I the boulevard. Hayes jumped into Butler's car, and | calling Butler to resume his position I as chauffeur, started in •pursuit. Both | 'Brosky and the policeman exchanged; shots in the wild dash out the boule- j vard. At. Ellsworth avenue and St. James I street, an opportunity offered Captain i Dickson to strike Brosky over the head. [ As the bandit fell to the floor of the car, Captain Dickson climbed over the seat and kicked Brosky from the car. Brosky fell to the street, but was on his feet in a moment and turned his revolver on Ca| tain Dickson, shooting him in the left arm. The Gennany Army Step In the German army great attention is paid to physical exercises. At first the recruit is taught to throw back his amis violently, expand his sliest, lower and elevate the body by bend -1 ing the knees and many similar move j ments calculated to strengthen an I I render supple all the muscles of the i body. Then comes practice in marcli i ing, and here the famous "goose alonj I step" comes into evidence. A whole squad or recruits may be seen inarch- »' •* '** ** * * *s* ** * *s* ***»> ♦> ♦> »t« •> ❖ «8» ♦> ♦> ♦> «5» ❖»> «5» <• «5» v»>•>•>»>v ♦> »> <♦ »J« $ $ •;« «5« <♦ »!• v I Ars You Satisfied With Your Position? I * If not, toll us about, it. We can help you get a better * if % | We Prepare IVlen sr