The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 09, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Club Owners Lose Money and a Rumor
Is Being Circulated That a Work
ing Agreement Will Be Formed by
Feds and Organized Baseball
Now York, Jan. 9. —Although the
new year opens with no signs of peace
on the baseball horizon there is a re
port circulating in the ranks of organ
ized baseball that some form of a work
ing agreement will be reached between
the Federal League and the major
leagues before the beginning of the
1915 pennant races. Both organized
and independent baseball is understood
to be awaiting the decision iu several
cases of players' contracts now before
the courts.
The leading officials of tho leagues
now opposed to eaioh other are chary
about being quoted regarding the pos
sibility of u peace pact but it is a well
established fact that the discussion of
plans to bring about the jeaired result
has not beeu dropped entirely. A ma
jority of the magnates are convinced
that another season of conflict such a.s
marked 1914 will prove disastrous from
» financial standpoint and must be
avoided if possible.
Just Which side will take the initi
ative depends upon the outcome ot' the
cases before the courts. Once final de
cision has been rendered and the vari
ous interests have learned their legal
rights and future line of action, a de
termined effort to reach an understand
ing may be expected. As pointed out
by a proniiuent club owner in a recent
private review of the situation, any
other attitude will .-pell financial di>
aster. Under the present conditions the
only person to benefit by the continu
ation of the baseball war is the base
ball player. While the magnates admit
that lie is a necessary aiijunet to the
business there is uo intention to turn
tho business profits over to him in tiheir
Tho extent to which the carrying of
a football handicaps the runner's speed
was the subject of an interesting dis
cussion at a recent meeting of gridiron
veterans. It was pointed out thait- al
most without exception iu a long sprint
down fielit after packing up a fumbled
ball, the runner is gained upon by pur
suing players although nut always o\er
taken, due to an advantage at the
ttart. It was the general opinion that
any given player could sprint the 100-
vards of the football fieM' from a sec
ond to a second and a half faster with
out the ball then when carrying the
leather. Several coaches who w ere pres
eat stated that they would experiment
under both conditions next autumn iu
order to test their theories.
That the proposed tour of South
America by major league baseball teams
during the winter of 1915-16 will be
a financial success and boom for the
sport south of the equator is the con
tident prediction made by several Amer
ican business men conversant with con
ditions throughout the southern con-,
tinent. Baseball is frequently played |
by Americans residing in the principal
cities of Chile, Peru, Argentina and
other South American countries. These
games never fail to attract the natives
who watch the play with interest. The
younger generations are taking to the
game and already play fair baseball,
leagues composed of native players arc
predicted within t>he next ten years
und speaking on this point a returned
American said recently:
"In the natural course of evolution,}
the intricacies of American baseball!
will be masteretd, and the national pas
time transplanted south of the Panama
Canal. Climatic condition* ar« as fa
\ orable to the success of baseba'l in
South America as in the United States,
while the interest shown there in oth
er sports shows the existence of embryo
baseball fans. I am certain that in
time amateur base<ball will be followe i
by the professional league and it is not
a dream to imagine that some day
South America will send a team north
for a real world's series.
Norman S. Faber, former Brown
University mile runner and now a
Rhodes scholar and member of the relay
team at Oxfoid University in writing
of uuiergraduaite life at the English
University states:
'"The activities among undergradu
ate also tender to bread en the Rhodes
Scholar for they, too, are different from!
those in American universities anil hero
T believe that, in one particular at
least, Oxford has a valuable les-on to
tea*-h the colleges in the United States.
This is her system of athletics an I
which provides exercise anil competition
for everyone and not for a iimite l !
number of stars. In the afternoon, all |
Oxford men, almost without exception,
take part in outdoor games of some
sort. I do not discount the importance
and the value of the university teams,
but I wish to encourage tlie building!
up of a system of athletics that will!
cater to every student. Regular exer
cise and competition on tho athletic
field ar e assential to both five mental
and physical development of an ef-!
ft J
B -,«**** kao,rß ** Safatt, Al wty? Rellaiita
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
1 ———————
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr.
fieient nuan and Oxfortl is adequately
supplying these elements.''
In a list of eighteen intercollegiate
I sports in which eastern colleges and
I universities competed during 1914
eight won championship honors. Cornell
r and Harvard are tied with five each
-with Columbia uext with tahree and
f j Princeton following with two.
The abandonment of the famous
I English Henley Regatta for 1915 will
leave the principal trophy, the Grand
Challenge Cup, in .America for another
year at least. The classic prize for
eight oared crews was won by the Har
vard university's second crew last sum
mer air i under ordinary conditions
would have been returned for competi
' tion again this spring in accordance
r with the deed of gift which made the
Grand Challenge Cup a perpetual prize.
1 This tro>phy, the oldest and most fa-
I mous of the six Henley awards, was do
, [ nated in ISS9. the initial year of tho
regatta. It anti-dates all other trophies
' ! aiiir has been raced for each year since
the first contest more than seventy
* ; live years ago. Although won by Bel
gium and Australian crews in past
"'years it is a strange coincidence that
! the first break iu the annual regatta
should come the season following the
( j triumph of an American eight.
' According to Harry Hiilman, ath
-4 letic trainer at Dartmouth Co'lege, it
' will be fully twenty years before any
'European nation can hope to compete
successfully against the American ath
lete. Hiilman, a famous runner and
'! member of Olympic teams in his com
petition days, stated that in his opinion
' the European war and the advanced
'! training system and methods in vogue |
" in America formed hanidHca;>s that
would prevent the foreign athlete from
reaching the general standard main
tained in this country lor a score of |
years at least.
An umpire in close, tou.'h with base- ■
' ball conditions throughout the country I
forecasts a great season of prosperity
in the National sport in 1915. He
says: "I umpire in different places,
1 where there is lots of different kinds of j
business, and have a chance to hear.;
Employe and employer give their dif-l
ferent view in regard to conditions in j
their business and as viewed through
out the country, and all admit that j
business has been on a steady decline
the past three years, and reached its i
lowest ebb in 1914. In speaking with!
those people and asking them to givej
their views in regard to business and
relation to the decline in attendance at
the baseball parks, the past season au»t j
almost to a man tliev will ntft mention [
the Federal League, but will tell you
that business has been so dull that they
cannot spare the money to go to ball '
games very often, as they need their |
, money for real necessities.
''That is the answer that the mag-j
nate must not overlook iu shaping his
plans for 1915; and in shaping his 1
plans he must remember that owing to i
the European War, the business men of j
this country are planning for one of
the greatest years of prosperity ever
known in the country. Business is al
ready oil the upward bound, and busi
ness will bp on the boom by next spring.
Now, when the baseball fan is working
steady he feels that he can afford to
i think and enjoy his favorite pastime,
and send some of his family once in a
while arnl let them have a little enjoy
ment. With this increase in patronage!
the big leagues can afford to go out in
1915 and buy and draft more players
tharf they have th e past season. Tho
minor league club owner, with the sale
of players and increased patronage, i
will have a chance to recuperate some!
, of the looses of the past season, as he
; is bound to have a very successful sea
| son in 1915."
Dickinson Collegians Will Meet Harris
burg Independents
The Harrisfbtirg Independents will
meet the Dickinson Colleiglans at Chest- i
nut street auditorium to-niigiht. The j
game should prove a good one for the j
basketball fans, as the Dickinson five
will be made up of well known athletes'
among them being Welsh, the All-
American football man. Goldstein whose
reputation as an athlete is well known; \
Koons, the physical director at the In-;
lian school, and Shelley and Evans,!
who are both fast basketball men. This i
i team defeated the Carlisle Indians on ;
Wednesday night and should prove a;
worthy foe to the Independents. The
game will start at 8 o'clock and will'
jbe followed by the usual dance. The
j line-up:
Independents. Dickinson
Rote F Koons
MeCord F Shelley:
G «isel C Evans
McConnell G Welsh
Uord G Goldstein,
Hershey Wins 21 to 14
Hershey, Jan. 9.-—<Hershey won from
the Klizabet'htovvn five here last night'
! by the score of 24 to 14.
Lie«bfried's floor work and the play
i ing of Haddow and I. Slesser starred |
for the locals, while Smith and Bachler I
did EUzabethtown' g best work. The!
Hershey. Elizabethtown.
I. Slesser F Herr'
L.ic'bfrie.i F Shirk!
Haddow C IMachler j
Gampmau G Gever !
Shenk G Smith I !
Field goals—<l. Slesser, 4; Shenk, 3;!
Haddow. 2; Shirk, 2; Geyer, 2; Lieb-!
fried, Hench, Smith, Herr. Foul goals, I
Lic'bfried, 2; Badhler, 2. Substitutions,
Hench for Ganvpman. Referee, Suavely. I
Time, 20 minute halves. i
r■' • ■ ■
i Pottsville but a Feeble Opposition—
Scrubs Win From P. R. R.
The Central High school five very
i easily won its first game from the
' | Pottsville High school last evening in
.; H> e Chestnut street auditorium by tho
score of 35 to 10. Both teams played
! ;t little ragged at the start, but Ford
; was a better foul goal shooter than his
I competitor and the local team got away
1 by that method.
t i Rote was the star performer for the
local team, his floor work being mag
' nificent. He caged the first goal for
his team. Winn played an excellent
, game. Bechtel scored the only field
,' goal for Pottsville near the close of
. the game. The lineup:
! i Central. Pottsville.
Rote F Bechtel
j (Captain) .
Ford F Gorman
! C Cockill
Bingham G Hogdon
; Reed G Elliott
Field goals, Central, Winn, 3; Bing
! ham, 2; Reed, 2; Rote, 1; Ford, 1;
i Pottsville, Bechtel, 1. Foul goals, Cen
| tral. Ford, 17 out of 25; Pottsville.
j Gorman, 8 out of 15. Substitution.
J Wilson for Cockill. Referee, Geisel, Y.
M. C. A. Timer, "Bach"' Meixel.
Scorer, Byers. Time, 20-minute halves.
Scrubs Take Game
Before the game and between the
halves Central High scrubs defeated the
| P. R. R. y.. M. C. A. Reserves by the
i score of 29 to 21. This was a close
contest until the last few minutes of
1 play, when the scrubs pulled away from
! the reserves by a succession of field
| goals. Tho lineup:
j Central Scrubs. Y. M. C. A.
Wallower F Gough
Smith F Thomas
Houtz C Ressing
flail G Belt
| Zeigler G Gregory
j Field goals, Central, Smith, 3; Wai
j lower, 3; Houtz, 2; Y. M. C. A., Thom
-1 as, 1; Gough, 1; Bell, 1; Gregory, 1.
! Foul goals, Central. Smith, 13 out of
22; Pottsville, Thomas, 5 out of 11.
and Gough, 6 out of 13. Referee, Hor-
I ace Geisel. Timer, Meixel. Scorer.
I Byers. Time, 20-minute halves.
Top Middletown Easily by the Score
of 47 to 15
Middletown, .Tan. 9. —Steelton High
j won from the local Hig'h school five
! here la«t night 'bv t"he score of 47 to
| 15.
Crump played a wonderful game for
; Steelton, caging nine field goals dur-
I ing the game. Other stars for Steel
| ton were Starsenic and DaMhoff, while
j Dupes, Myers and Kupp did Middle
| town's best work. The line-up:
Middletown. Steelton.
Dupes F Brandt
Myers F Starsenic
Brandt C Crump
Kupp G Gardner
Snavely G Dayhoff
Field goals, Crump, 9; Starsenic, 6;
Dayhoff, 4; Dupes, 3; Gardner, Brandt,
Foul goals. Dupes, 9 of 14; Dayhoff, 5
| of 10. Substitution, Beck for Snavely.
Referee, Baunnbacli. Timer and scorer,
Rudy. Time, 20-minute halves.
Buttorff Clerks Win
Prowell's Clerks lost to the Buttorff
! & Kline Clerks in the first match of j
j a series for New Cumberland bowling
honors last night by 13 pins. The
Wolf 98 99 98— 295
Gracey 114 83 107— 304
Weber .... 90 92 87 — 289 j
Rockey ... 113 99 87— 299j
Totals .. 415 373 379—1167;
Randolph .. 95 93 119— 307 |
|C. Baker .. 128 103 142 373
Harris .... 109 94 92 295 I
Bowers ... 92 91 92 275
Totals .. 424 381 445—1250
Central Grammar on Top
Lincoln Grammar school lost to the
Central Grammar five, of Steelton, ou I
the Felton hall floor yesterday after- j
noon, 15 to 13. Between halves the!
A class five won from B class by a j
score of 9 to 0. The lineup:
Central. • Lincoln.
Stiell F Walker !
Cupeanoski F Thomas j
Dehmar C Berk
.Tones G Le!"ds
McCalley G Moltz
Field goals. Pnell. 3; Beck, 2; Deh
mar, Walker, Thomas, Moltz. Foul
goals, McCalley, 7: Walker, 3.
York, 31; Tech, 10
The Harriifourg Tech five lost to the
York High school quintet at York last |
evening by the score of 31 to 16. York j
led the way throughout.
Melville, Yoder and Captain Scheffer;
played best for the visitors, while 1
Weist and GTeenawalt starred for!
YoTk. The line-up:
Harrisburg. York
Melville F Weist j
Y oder F Ei-.-helberger
Emanuel C GTeenawalt
Beck G Shelter |
Scheffer G Knaber
Field goals, Greenawalt, 5; Weist, 4; I
Melville, 3; Yoder, 2; Kra'ber, Eichel-1
berger. Foul goals. Weist. 9 of 13; j
Melville, ti of 13. Substitution, Harris
for Beck. Referee, Bollinger. Time, 20- j
minute halves.
Bout With Jess Willard at Juarez
March «—Whit# Man Gets
but 915,000
New York, Jan. 9.—Jack Johnson
and Jesse Willard will meet in a 45-
round bout for the heavyweight cham
pionship of tlie world at Juarez, Mexi
co, on Saturday, March 6, next. Final
arrangements to this effect were made
here yesterday after other bids were re
ceived from Havana, Cuba aud Tia
juana, Mexico.
Johnson lias been guaranteed J30,-
000. win, lose or draw, while Willard
has been assured a minimum of $15,-
000, aud may receive a much larger
sum bv sharing interests in tho affair
with Jack Curlev, the chief promoter,
and his associates.
Other offers to stage the bout came
from Billy Gibson, of this city, repre
senting a syndicate that was desirous
of taking the bout to Havana, Cuba,
and Jim Coffroth, the California pro
moter, who wished'to have it held near
Tiajuana, Mexico. Curley and the oth
er men interested believed, however,
that the assurances of financial back
ing and concessions made by the Mex
ican officials and several business men
of El Paso, Tex., for the Juarez propo
sition promised better results.
The bout will take place in the Juar
ez race track, and the management of
the race track promised suspension of
racing for a few days, if necessary,
to facilitati tho erection of stands
there for the accommodation of specta
When Johnson signed the articles a
few weeks ago in Europe, Curley hand
ed him SI,OOO for expenses, and yes
terday 31,00 more was cabled to him
at Buenos Aires, from which port he
will sail to-day on his way to Juarez.
Jess Willard, who has been in this
city for a few days past, will leave to
day with his manager. Torn Jones, for
a brief stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo.,
an dthen proceed to El Paso, where he
will finish his training for the contest,
and then proceed to El Paso, where he
about January 25, in all probability,
and expects to weigh about 230 pounds
when he enters the ring.
Johnson and his handlers will estab
lish training quarters at Juarez as soon
as he arrives there.
The $2,000 which has been given to
Johnson for traveling and training ex
penses will not be deducted from his
guarantee of $30,000.
East Makes Best Showing in President
Lill's Selection This
The names Of twenty club and four
college athletes appear in the All-
American Athletic team of 1914, as se
lected by Alfred J. Lill, president of
the Amateur Athletic. Union. The A.
A. U. executive in continuing the an
nual selection ot these teams, first in
troduced bv the late James E. Sulli
van, yesterday named amaterus from
all parts of the country for the twenty
five events listed.
Hannes Kolchmainen is the only one
nominated for two events. The" East
secures the greatest representation,
with fifteen names: with Pacific coast
second, with six, aud the Middle West
third, with three.
The All-American team is as follows:
100-yard Run—H. P. Drew, Univer-
I s'ity of Southern California.
200-yard Run George Parker,
Olympic Cljib, San Frmciseo.
300-yard Run—Aivah T. Meyer,
Irish-American A. G.
440-yard Run—J. E. (Ted) Mere-
I dith, University o* Pennsylvania.
1 660-vard Run—T. J. Halpin, Boston
A. A.
880-vard Run —Homer Baker, New
j York A. O.
j One-mile Run—A R. Kiviat, Irish
; American A. C
| Two-mile Run—Harry J. Smith.
I Bronx Church House.
Five-mile Run—Willie Kyronen, Ka
, leva A. C.
Ten-mile Run and Cross-country—H.
I Kolchmainen. Irish-American A. C.
120-yard Hurdles—F. W. Kelly, Uni
i versity of Southern California.
220-yard Hurdles—J, Loomis, Chi
! cago A. A.
440-yard Hurdles—W. H. Meanix.
| Boston A. A.
Running Broad Jump—'Piatt Adams.
I New York A. C.
Running High Jump—Edward Bees
on, Olympic Club, San Francisco.
! Thrdwing the Discus —E. Muller.
| Irish-American A. C
Running 'Hop. Step and Jump—D. J.
j Ahoarn, Illinois A. C.
Pole Vault—<;. Bergstrom, Univer
sity of Southern California.
Putting 16-pound Shot—P. J. Mc-
Donald, Irish-American A. C.
sfi-pound Weight for Distance—M. J.
' McOrath, Irish-American A. C.
Throwing' 16-pound Hammer —P.
I Ryan, Irish-American A. C.
Throwing the Javelin —Harry Liver
i sedce, San Frripcisco Poly H. S.
Walking—Edward Ren*, Mohawk
A. C.
All-around—Avery Brundage, Chi
| cago A. A.
Middletown Scrubs Win
Middletown, Jan. 9.—The 'Middle
town High scrubs wen from Steelton
High scrubs here last night. Score, IS
! to 13. Line-up:
'M.idlctown. Steelton.
Bowman F lyuricli
Phillips F .. . Coleman
Beck C Horwat'h
Albright G Levitz
Kain G Winehi9ki
Field goals, Phillips, 3; Beck, 3;-Ul
rich, 2; Coleman, 2;*'Morrett, 2. F<ul
goals, Bowman, 5 of 9; Ulrich, 1 of 9.
Substitutions, Morrett for Wuchinski.
Referee, Baumbaeh. Time—2o minute
Additional Sports on Page 2
Harrisburg, Pa., Jan. 1, 1915.
Statement of amount In the State
Treasury at the close of business on
December 31, 1914, exclusive of moneys
appropriated to the Sinking Fund:
American Bank, Phila!, ... $15,000 00
Armstrong County Trust
Co., Klttannlng 20,000 00
Athens National Bank,
Athens 20,000 00
Bank of Commerce. Phlla., 50,000 00
Bank of Donors. IJonora,. 70,000 00
Bank of North America,
Philadelphia, 30,000 00
Bank of Secured Savings,
Pittsburgh. 25,000 00
I Heaver Trust Co., Beaver, 25,000 00
BentlayvUle flat. Bank,
Bentleyvllle 5,000 00
Bradford National Bank,
Bradford 20,000 00
, Brldgt-vllle Trust Com
pany, Bridgeville 10,000 00
Broadway National Bank.
Scottdale 16,000 00
Brookvllle Title and Trust
Co., Brookvllle 25,000 00
Blairsville National Bank,
Blalrsville, 10,000 00
i Berks County Trust Co.,
Heading 10,000 00
' Bolivar Nat. Bank. Bolivar 10,000 00
. Bank of Newberry, Wil
liamsport 10,000 00
- Carlisle Trust Co., Carlisle, 10,000 00
. Carnegie Trust company,
Carnegie 10,000 00
3 Catawißsa National Batik,
Catawissa, 10,000 00
Central -National Bank.
Philadelphia, 15,000 00
Central Nat. Bank. Wil
klnsburg, .. 10,000 00
■ Central Trust Co.. Harris*
I burg ■ 15,000 00
. Chambersbui>. i ~<i Com
pany, Chambersburg. ... 5,000 00
Chester County Trust Co..
r West Chester 5.000 00
, Citizens' Bank, Freeland,. 5,000 00
Citizens' Bank. Harrisbtirg 5,000 00
Citizens' National Bank.
3 Bellevue 15,000 00
- Citizens' National Bank.
I Uun 10,000 00
Citizens' National Bunk,
Greencastle 5.000 00
- Citizens' National Bank,
r Meyersdale 25,000 00
Citizens' National Bank,
Newport 5.000 00
. Citizens' National Bank.
Washington 15,000 00
. Citizens' Title and Trurt
i Uniontown 60,000 00
Citizens' i'rusi Company.
Clarion 25,000 00
Clcameid National Bank,
Clearfield 50,000 00
' Clinton Trust Co., lock
r Haven 8,000 00
E Colonial Trust Co., Pitts
burgh 200,000 00
Columbia National Bank,
• Pittsburgh 100,000 00
• Commercial Bank, Hbg 20,000 00
Coniim rcliii Nutlonul Bank
Bradford 20,000 00
Commercial Trust Com
pany, Philadelphia 30,000 00
■ Commonwealth Triwt Com-
L „ pany, Pittsburgh 150,000 00
, Conesiogn .satiom > Bank.
' Lancaster, 5,000 00
Continental Trust Com
i pany, Pittsburgh 10,000 00
County Savings Bank,
' Scranton 25,000 00
• Corn Exchange National
Bank, Philadelphia 90,000 00
, Citizens' Safe Deposit and
Trust Co., Coudersport,. 25,000 00
. Coudersport Trust Co.,
. Coudersport 10,000 00
Conewago Trust Co.. War
lew 10,000 00
1 Citizens' National Bank,
bansford 10,000 00
Cambria Title Savings and
Trust Co., Ebensburg... 15,000 00
Citizens' Deposit and Trust
Co., Allentown 10,000 00
i Dauphin Deposit Trust
Co.. Harrlsburg 10,000 00
Deposit Nat. Bank, Du
bois 15,000 00
Deposit Savings Bank,
Kingston 10,000 00
Dime Bank, Pittston, .... 10,000 00
Dubois Nat. Bank. Dubois. 10,000 00
Duquesne Trust Co., Du
, quesne 10,000 00
Dime Deposit B'k, Wilkes-
Barre, 20,000 00
kast Savings and
Trust Co.. Pittsburgh,... 75,000 00
Elk Co. National Bank,
Ridgway 50,000 00
Farmers' Bank, Indiana... 5,000 00
Farmers' and Mechanics'
Trust Co., Greenville, . . 10.000 00
Farmers' and Mechanics'
Trust Co., West Chester. 60,000 00
Farmers' National Bank,
Butler 10,000 00
Farmers' National Bank,
Canton 5,000 00
Farmers' National Bank.
Freeport 5,000 00
farmers' Nat. Bank, Mon
_ trose 10,000 00
Farmers' National Bank,
Oxford 10,000 00
Farmers' and Miners' Nat.
Bank, Forest City 10,000 00
Farmers' National Bank,
Leechburg 5,000 00
Farmers' Trust Company,
Lebanon 15,000 00
farmers Trust Company,
Carlisle 10.000 00
federal Trust Co., Phila... 15,000 00
Fidelity Title and Trust
Co.. Pittsburgh 10,000 00
First Mortgage Uuarantes
and Trust Co., Phila 30,000 00
Fourth Street National
Bank. Philadelphia 140,000 00
Franklin National Bank,
Philadelphia, 30,000 00
Franklin Trust Co., Phila., 15,000 00
Freehold B'k, Pittsburgh, 100,000 00
Freeport Bank, Freeport,. 10,000 00
Fredonia Nat. Bank, Fro
donla 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Ap0110,.. 20,000 00
First Nat. Bunk, Ashley...' 10,000 00
First National Bank, As
pinwall 7,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Blalrs
ville 25,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Blooms
burg 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Bradford. 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Ch'arieroi, 25,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Cherry
Tree iO.OOO 00
First Nat. Bank, Chester,. 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Conflu
ence 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Couders
port 10,000 00
Fjrst Nat. Bank. Dunmore. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Dushore, 10X00 00
First Nat. Bank, Ehensb'g, 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Eldred... 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Emlenton 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Erie, ... 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Freder
iektowri 5.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Fryburg, 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Genesee.. 5,000 00
First National Bank, Glen
Campbell 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Harrisb'g 80.000 00
First Nat. Bank. Hawley,. 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Hazleton, 10,000 00
First NaL Bank, Houtzdale 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Irwin,... 10.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Kane, ... 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Milford. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Mononga
hela City 10.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Montrose, 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Munhall,. 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, McCon
nellsburg 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Nanti
coke 10,000 00
First National Bank, New
Bethlehem, 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. New
Wilmington 5.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Oakmont. 5.000 00
First Nat, Bank. Olyphant, 15,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Phila 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Portage.. 15,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Heading, 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Rimers
burg 15,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Sayre, ... 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Schuyl
kill Haven, 10.000 00
First Nat. Bank, Sharon,. 15,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Shingle
house 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Shlppen
vllle 6,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Somer
lield 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank. Somerset, 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Towanda, 00
First Nat. Bank, Tyrone... 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Unlont'n, 50,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Verona.. 20,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Warren, 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Wellsboro 50,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Williams
port 50,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Wllklns
burg 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Wyoming 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank. York,... 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Grove
City 15,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Wampum 5,000 00
First. Nat. Bank, Port Al
legany 5,000 00
First Nat. Bank, Cone
maugh 10,000 00
First Nat. Bank, McKees
port 10,000 00 i
German National Bank.
Pittsburgh 150,000 00
Germantown Tru*t Co.,
Philadelphia. 10,000 00
Glassport Trust Co.. Glass
port 35,000 00
Grange Nat. Bank, Mans
field 10,000 00
Grange Nat. Bank of Brad
ford Co„ Troy 10,000 0#
Grange Nat. Bank of Mc-
Kean Co., Smethport. ... 10,000 00
Grange National Bank.
Ulysses, 5,000 00
Guaranty Safe Deposit
and Trust Co., Butler,.. 00
0 Guarantee Trust and Safe
Deposit Co.. Phila 80.000 00
Gettysburg Nat. Bank, Get
tyaburg 10,000 00
Grange Nat. Bank, Patton, 10,000 00
Hamlin Bnnk and Trust
Co., Smethport 5,000 00
Hamburg Savings Bank.
Hamburg 5,000 00
Hamilton Trust Co.. Phtla., 10,000 00
Hanover Bank. Wilkes-
Barre 15.000 00
Harrisburg National Bank.
Harrlsburg 25.000 00
Homewood People's Bank,
Homewood 15,000 00
Honesdale Dime Bank.
Hone-stlale 10,000 00
Home Trust Co., New Cas
„ <l® 10,000 00
Homer City National Bank,
Homer City 5,000 00
Jeannette Savings and
Trust Co.. Jeannette. ... 30,000 00
Kane Trust and Savings
Co., Kane 10,000 00
Kennett Trust Cp., Ken
nett Square 5,000 00
Keystone Bank. Scranton,. 5,000 00
Keystone Nat. Bank, Pltts
, burgh 40,000 00
Lamberton National Bank,
iranklln 10,000 00
Lamberton Nat. Bank, Oil
City. . 10,000 00
Lincoln Nat. Bank. Lln
coin. 6i Ooo 00
Logantown Nat. Bank, Lo
gantown 5,000 00
Luzerne County Nat. Bank
Wilkes-Barre .' 30,000 00
Luzerne National Bank.
Luzerne 5,000 00
Lycoming Nat. Bank, Wil
liamsport 25,000 00
Madeira Nat. Bank. Ma
deira 10,000 00
Mahaffey National Bank,
Mahaffey 10,000 00
Marlon Center Nat. Bank.
Marlon Center 6,000 00
Market St. Nac. Bank. ?ha
mokln, 5,000 00
Masontown National Bank,
Masontown 5,000 00
Mauch Chunk Trust Co.,
Mauch Chunk 5,000 00
Mercer Co. State,
Sandy Lake 5,000 00
Merchants' National Bank.
Allentown 5 000 00
Merchants' National Bank.
Harrisburg 25,000 00
•Metropolitan Nat. Bank,
Pittsburgh 25,000 00
Miners B'k, Wilkes-Barre, 10,000 00
Monaca Nat. Bank, Monaca 10,000 00
Monongahela Trust Co.,
Homestead, . i 15 000 00
Markle Banking and Trust
Co.. Hazleton 10 000 00
Mill Hall State Bank, Mill
Ha " 5,000 00
McKeesport Title and
Trust Co., McKeesport,.. 25,000 00
McDowell National Bank,
Sharon 15 000 oo
National Bank of Chester
Valley, Coatesvllle 5.000 00
National Bank of Claya
vlUe, ClaysylUe 10,000 00
National Bank of Fayettu
County. Uniontown 10,000 00
National Bank of Jersey
Shore, Jersey Shore, ... 5 000 00
National Bank of Oxford,
Oxford, 10,000 00
New Cumberland National
Bank, New Cumberland,. 5,000 00
•\ortl* PlcL'dciimitt Tiusr
Co., Philadelphia 25,000 00
Northern Central Trust
Co., Williamsport 50,000 00 i
Northern Trust and Sav
ings Co.. Lancaster 5,000 00
National Bank of German
town, Philadelphia 10.000 00
Nanticoke Nat. Bank, Nan
-01l' < Clty Nat Bank! Oil '* IM °° °°
on 'city' Truit' Company; 10,000 °°
Oil City 10,000 00
Pattlson Nat. Bank, Elk
land. ......... 10,000 00
People s Bank, Erie, 10,000 00
People's Bank, McKees
port, ...... 10,000 00
Peoples National Bank,
Eilwood City, . 10,000 00
Peoples National Bank,
Mifflin. 5,000 00
People's National Bank,
Scranton, ......... 50,000 00
People s National Bank,
Wayjiesburg 10,000 00
People s Savings and Trust
Co.. Hazleton 10,000 00
People's Trust Co.. Phila., 10,000 00
Pittsburgh Trust Com
pany. Pittsburgh 30,000 00
Provident Trust Co., Pltts
burgh, ••••••••••••••••• 55,000 00
Peoples Nat. Bank, Rey
noldsvlUe, . 10,000 00
Peoples Savings Bank.
Pittsburgh 25.000 00 i
Penbrook Nat. Bank, Pen
brook, 5,000 00 I
Peoples Nat. Bank, Leba
non 10,000 00
People's Bank, Wllkes-
Barre 10,000 00
Reading National Bank,
Reading 25,000 00
Real Estate Title Insur
ance and Trust Com
pany, Philadelphia 25,000 00
Real Estate Trust Co.,
Washington 5,000 00
Republic Trust Co., Phila., 10,000 00
Rldgway National Bank.
Ridgway, 20,000 00
Rlttenhouse Trust Com
pany. Philadelphia 10,000 00
Rochester Trust Co.. Roch
ester, 5,000 00
Bafe Deposit and Trust Co.,
Greensburg 20,000 00
Savings and Trust Co., In
diana 5,000 00
Scranton Sav'gs and Dime
Bank, Scranton 50,000 00
Second Nat. Bank, Erie... 10,000 00
Second National Bank.
Wilkes-Barre 10,000 00
Security Savings and
Trust Co., Erie 10,000 00
Security Trust Company,
Harrlsbursj .'. 5,000 00
Sixth St. Bank, Harrlsb'g, 15.000 00
Sligo Nat. Bank. 51ig0,... 5,000 00
Somerset Trust Co., Som
erset 20,000 00
Standing Stone National
Bank. Huntingdon. .... 8,000 00
State Bank, Avis 5,000 00
State Bank, Elizabeth, ... 6,000 0#
Second National Bank, Al- ,
toona 25,000 00 ,
Title, Trust and Guaranty
00., Johnstown 50,000 00 :
Turtle Creek Savings and
Trust Co.. Turtle Creek. 5,000 00
Textile Nat. Bank., Phila., 25,000 00
Union Banking and Trust
Co., Du Bois 20,000 00
Union Nat. Bank. Johns
town 50,000 00
Union National Bank, Mc- ,
ICeesport 10,000 00
Union Nat. Bank. Scran
ton, 10,000 00
Union Trust Co., Donora,.. 5,000 00
Union Trust Company of ,
Penna., Harrlsburg, ... 50,000 00 i
Union Trust Co., Washing
ton 15,000 00
United States Nat. Bank,
Johnstown 10,000 00 :
Valley Nat. Bank, Cham
bersburg 5,000 00
Warren Savlngß Bank,
Warren 5,000 00 !
Warren Trust Company. i
Warren 5,000 oo I
Washington Nat. Bank,
Burgettstown 10,000 00
Wayne Junction Trust Co.,
Philadelphia 10,000 00 •
West Side Bank, West
Pittston 10,000 00
Western Nat. Bank, Pitts
burgh 100,000 00
Woodlawn Trust Company,
Woodlawn 15,000 00 <
Wilkinsburg Real Estate
and Trust Co., Wilkins
burg 50,000 00 I
Wyoming Nat. B'k, Tunk- (
hannock, 10,000 00 I
Wyoming Valley Trust Co.,
Wilkes-Barre 10,000 00 1
West Philadelphia -Bank,
Philadelphia, 30,000 00 1
York County National
Bank, York 5,000 00
Commonwealth Trust Com- 1
pany, Harrlsburg 209,206 63
Farmers' Deposit National
Bank, Pittsburgh 18,737 25
Farmers and Mechanics' l
Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, 340,249 28 I
Harrlsburg Trust Com- 1
pany, Harrlsburg 118,949 87 1
Quaker City Nat. Bank, :
Philadelphia 54,056 82 <
_ (
Total amount In General i
Fund i $5,569,199 85
The above statement includes the
names of all banks, corporations and '
firms with whom the moneys of said i *
fund are deposited. I ;
Bonds are held by the State for the f
sa.fe keeping of the same. ; t
Interest at the rate of 2 per centum i
per annum is received by the State on
such deposits.
State of Pennsylvania. City of Harris- £
burg, ss:
Personally appeared before me, A. W.
Powell, Auditor General, R. K. Yeunff,
btate Treasurer, who being duly sworn
according to law, salth that the fore
going statement la true and correct t®
the best of his knowledge and belief.
Stale Treasurer.
Sworn «nd subscribed before me. tbla
oth day of January. 1915.
d „ Auditor General.
Published In pursuance of the pro
visions of section 8, Act of May 8. 1874
entitled "An Act supplementary to the
several acts relutn g to the state Treas
urer and the Commissioners of the
Sinking 1" und," nml Section 11 Act of
hebrualy 17. 1906
Auditor General.
Harrlsburg. Pa.
6tntemenr of bßlance In the Sinking
fund at the close of business on
December 31, 1911:.
Anthracite Trust Co.,
l\ an .\• on • l $50,000 00
Apollo 1 rust Co.. Ap0110... 2,000 00
Ashland Nat. Bank, Asli
„ land, 6.000 00
Berwick Savings and Trust
Co.. Berwick 10,000 00
Central Nat. Bank, Mt.
Union 10.000 00
Charlerol Savings and
™? ru „ st Co.. Charlcrol. ... 15,000 00
City McKeesport.... 25.000 00
Cit zens Bank. St. Clair... 5,000 00
(.Itlzens National Bank,
Lewistown, ' 2 000 on
Citizens' National Bank,
Mtddletown 5.000 00
Citizens State Bank, Wil
liamsport 6.000 09
!• aimers Bank, Hummels
town. 15,000 0®
I armerß and Miners'
lrust Co., Punxsutaw
nev« 35,000 00
I' armers National Bank.
~ 6.000 00
I'armers" ami Traders' Na
tti .? an H' Westtleld,. 10,000 00
First National Bank, AIII
-» PP vi»" a "1 ' ' 15,000 00
■p. iN,a t. Bank, Beaver
iri^f' I ?t Vo* *" 'A.* 10,000 00
First * N Nai. IMU °
Nat. Bank. Frack- s'ooo 5 ' 000 09
Vllle, J A AAA An
First Nat. Bank Knoxvllle 7,000 no
First Nat. Bank, L*eech«
Flrst^Nat."' Bank,' Mans! M °° 00
First'' Nat. Bank,' Mon" IM °° 00
toursville 3 000 nn
First Nat. Bank, Patton,..
First National Bank of
Sheraden, Pittsburgh,.. 6,000 00
First Nat. Bank, State
Fi < rst" e Nat.' Bank. Sus'que- 6 -°° o ° #
First 1 " Nat."' Bank,*' Mont- 3M °° °°
GrTn^a/.'Bank! -Tioga; ToSS Z
Guardian lrust Co., York, 5,000 00
Honesdale National Bank,
Honesdale 1B 000 O o
Lancaster Trust Company,
Lancaster 7 000 Oil
Lewisburg Nat. Banlc.Lew
isbuig 6,000 00
Lincoln Nat. Bank, Pitta
burgh, 25,000 00
Manchester Savings Bank
i and Trust Co., Pitts
j burgh 10,000 00
Mechanlcsburg Nat. Bank,
Mechanicsburg, ........ 6,000 00
Miners Natiunal Bank.
Blossburg 16,000 00
National Bank of Northern
Liberties, Philadelphia,. 15 000 00
National Bank of West
Grove, West Grove 10 000 00
Ninth Nat. Bank. PhiladeD
phia, ....... 25,000 00
North Scranton B it, Scran
ton, ....... 10,000 00
Northern National Bank,
Lancaster, 5 000 oe
People's Nat. Bank, East
„ Brady 10,000 00
Peoples National Bank,
Lancaster 6,000 00
Plymouth National Bank,
Plymouth 10,000 00
Potter Title and Trust Co.,
Pittsburgh 30,000 On
Real Bstate Trust Com
«, ,E 1^ sbur ?i 1 40,000 00
Schuylkill trust Company,
Pottsville 10,000 00
Schuylkill Valley Bank,
Reading 10,000 00
South Side Trust Co., Pitts
„ burgh 30,000 00
busquehanna Trust and
Safe Deposit Co., Wil
liamsport, . 30,000 00
j Second Nat. Bank, Median
j lesburg 10,000 00
j Tioga County Savings and
Trust Co., Wellsboro,. .. 35,000 00
Tower City Nat. Bank,
Tower City 5,000 00
Union Nat. Bank, Mahanoy
9 lty ' 10,000 00
Union Trust Co., Lancas
tW, 10,000 OH
Vandergritt .Savings and
Trust Co., Vandergrlft... 10,000 00
Wayne Co. Savings Batik,
Honesdale 15,000 00
Farmers' and Mechanics'
Nat. Bank, Philadelphia, 10,674 51
Total amount in Slnktng
Fund $812,674 64
The above statement includes tfc€
names of all banks, corporations and
I firms with whom the moneys of said
fund are deposited.
Bonds are held by the State for th«
safe keeping of the same.
Interest at the rate of 2 per centum
is received by tho State on such depos
State of Pennsylvania, City of Har
nctbiU'K. ss:
Personally appeared before me, A. W,
Powell, Auditor General, R. K. Young,
State Treasurer, who being duly sworn
according to law salth that tho fore
going statement Is truo and correct to
the best of his knowledge and belief.
State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before me thil
sth day of January, 1915.
Auditor General.
Published In pursuance of the pro.
visions of Section 8. act of May 9. 1874
entitled "An Act supplementary to tin
several acts relating to tho State Treas
urer and the Commissioners of th«
Sinking Fund," and Section 11, act ol
February 17, 1900.
Auditor General.
Harrlsburg. Pa.
llarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 1, 1915,
Statement of amount in tho Schoo
Fund al the close of business 011 De
cenvber 31, 1911:
Commonwealth Trust Co.,
Harrisburg $34,394 6(
Total amount ill School Fund, $34,394 61
State of Pennsylvania, City of Harrl*
burg, ss:
Personally appeared before me, A. W
Powell. Auditor General. R. K. Young
State Treasurer, who being duly swori
according to law, salth that the fore
going statement is true and correct t<
the best of his knowledge and belief
State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed before me. thli
sth day of January, 1915.
Auditor General.
Motor Registration ami l.lrense Feel
Statement of amount in Motor Regis
tratlon and License Fees Fund at closi
of business December 31, 1914:
Liberty National Bank,
Pittsburgh $25,000 0
Liberty Savings Bank,
Pittsburgh, 10,000 0
Harriaburg Trust Com
pany, Harrisburg 304,390 5
Total amount in motor
registration and license
fees fund, $339,390 5
The kbove statement includes thi
names of all banks, corporations ant
llrms with whom the moneys of sail
fund are deposited. Bonds are held b;
the state for the safe keeping of th'
same. Interest at the rate of 2 pe
centum Is received by the state on sucl
State of Pennsylvania.
City of Harrlsburg, ss:
Personally appeared before me, A. W
Powell, Auditor General, R. IC. Youns
State Treasurer, who being duly swori
according to law. salth that the fore
going statement Is true and correct t
the best of his knowledge and belief.
State Treasurer.
Sworn and subscribed-before me till
sth day of January, 1915.
Auditor General.