The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 09, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person. Lookuntil you find out, If you. get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited
Lost and Found
POUND—A place without trying;. Care- 1
fill cleaning, best of dyeing. Where?
At Eggerts Steam Dyeing and trench
Cleaning Works, 1245 Market 6>t. Call
■ i
LOST —Penna. Railroad mileage; some i
time ago, ahout Thirteenth and Wal- ]
nut streets. Harrisburg. Reward if re- > -
turned to K. E. FIESE, Steelton, Pa. j !
Hell phone 19W. '
LOST—Brown and white Scotch collie :
dog; four white fefet; white ring i
around the neck. Answers to the name -
of Nellie. Suitable reward if returned i
to 2503 N. Sixth St.
IJOST- —Gentleman's gold watch and
chain. Huntington ease; Wednesday
night, 10.,10 o'clock; basement of Co
lumbus Hotel. Reward if returned to
DAVID WISEMAN, Columbus Hotel
ban •
LOST—Nickel-plated ticket punch. Re
turn to circulation department, care i
StaJ-lndependent. <
\ ;
FACKINQ —A. H. SHRENK. 1906 North I
Sixth street, first class packer of fur
niture. chtna and bricabrac. Bell yhone .
»D»W. .
W. J. WENRICH. tl» Hamilton street-
Furniture, china and piano packins.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phona
THE Blue Grass Farm Kennels, of
Bcrrv, Ky., ofTer for sale setters and ;
pointers, fox and oat hounds, wolf and
deer hounds, coon and opossum hounds,
varmint and rabbit hounds, bear ana
lion hounds; also Airedale terriers. All
dogs shipped on trial. Purchaser alone
to judge the quality. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Sixty-page '
highly-illustrated, interesting and in
structive catalogue for 10c in stamps or
e*>ln. Blue Grass Farm Kennels, Berry,
NOTICE is hereby given that all over
due pledges will be forfeited and sold
unless renewed or redeemed within the :
next five days.
LADIES—When delayed or Irregular,
use Triumph Pills; always depend
able. •Relief" and particulars free.
Write NationaJ Medical Institute. Mil
waukee. VVia.
P.ARTY leaving town would like to
store their piano or sell. Address •
H. W. C.. 3430, care Star-Independeut. j ]
ESTIMATES given for all kinds of elec- '
trie Kglit wiring and repairing; elec- 11
trie casnracting a specialty; no job too'
•mall or large, all work guaranteed.
C0.._U7% Broad Su
2LASS WINDOWS will be i.laced in
auto curtains while you wait. C. A
STORAGE in 3-atory brick building,
rear 408 Market St. Household good* '
In clean, private rooms. Keaaouabl# '
rates. Apply to P. Ci. DLEXER. Jeweler,
toe Market. St.
new titfbt-story brick warehouses,
one absolutely ilrepruof. divided Into
hreproof private rooms ot various
sue* for the storage of Household
goods, tile other wareuouse of the most
approved type of lire retardaut con- !
•uucuou for general mercnandise. They
,VUl ' two large electric!
freight elevators and spiral chute lor '
the Quick and talc hauoiing ot house- |
hold goods and ail krnus of merchan- 1
<tise. Low storage rates. South Second 1
street, near Paiton. oa the tracks ot
fvunm. R. R. '
LOANS u> |2v4 lot aoneai working i
people without iiank credit at less ,
than legal rates; payable In Install- !
meuta to suit borrowers' conveuiei. -a.
Loan and investment Co_
ALL kinds of hauling; large two-tea
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, ia
the city and suburbs. Prices reason
able. Picnic and pleasure trips, uav or '
evening. WM. H. DARE, 1453 Vernon
fal Bail phone SBI7J. "
*""" ,
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2 '
o'elock p. in. for dispensing medical s
advice and prescription to those uu- }
able to pay for them. 1 •
f— '■'■■■ ii- ■ . ..
5 Houses For Sale
1186 to 1194
Bailey Street
Three-story bricks—eight rooms
bath cemented cellar furnace 1
front bay windows. 1
Let us have your proposition on i
any, or all of these houses.
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Fire Insurance Surety Bonds i
Lecur and Court Streets j'
*- • * - !■■■■' ■ ■ ■ i - mJ
1 S ;
Real Estate
BUSINESS propositions for sale: Two
grocery stores; one cigar and ipool;
confectionery store; small manufactur
ing business; small restaurant. Full
information at offices -of BELL REALTY
CO., Bergner Building.
NO. 1345 NORTH STREET—3-story
frame house; .8* rooms; bath; gas", fur
nace; porch; lot 21\90 to wide drive
alley. Inspect It. Price right. BELL
REALTY CO.. Bergner Building.
$2,700 WILL BUY a 3-atory 'brick house
on Allison Hill: 8 rooms; bath; gas:
electric light; porch: furnace. Only
5300 needed. BELL REALTY CO., Berg
ner Building.
-1235 and 1237 Bailey St., reduced s2j>o.
1848 Spencer St., reduced $250.
1728 N. Third St.. reduced $250.
2448 N. Sixth St., reduced S4OO.
Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR SALE—One frame house on Lewis
street. Riverside; all conveniences;
lot 25x100 ft. Price, $2,250. Only $250
cash needed; balance to be paid in
easy monthly payments. Also building
lots for sale at Riverside. Penbrook
and Paxtang. Job carpenter work
promptly attended* to In any part of the
city. Estimates cheerfully furnished.
S. HALDEMAN & CO.. 3222 North Sixth
street. Bell phone 3622J-3.
-1909 N. Third St.; 2story frame; 6
rooms; lot 20x105. Property offered
to close estate; price very attractive.
Second and Walnut Sts.
exchange for improved city property,
an imposing 14-room 40x40 ft. Colonial
suburban residence. All improvements;
porch 10 ft. wide. 70 ft. long. Lot, 116 x
200 ft. Shrubbery; six kinds of fruit
in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes
and one fare from Market Square. Call
Bell phone No. 304SL.
FOR SALE Beautiful new brick
houses, on Second and Third streets.
Riverside. Steam heat and all other
modern improvements. Prices $2,500 to
$4,700. Easy terms. E. Moeslein, 424
State street; Lewis M. Neiller, 222 Mar
ket street.
I FOR RENT—No. 455 Crescent street—
2-story brick, six rooms and bath:
rent $16.00. Apply 309 N. Second St.
1821 Market St $23.00
536 S. Seventeenth St $20.00
119 Royal Terrace $20.00
536 S. Seventeenth St $17.00
1530 Catherine St $16.00
1528 Catherine St $15.00
2170 Brook wood St., SII.OU
2020 Kensington St $10.50
2005 N. Seventh St SIO.OO
1244 N. Cameron St $7.00
Apartment $27.00
1251 Market St.
FOR RENT —Two-story brick dwelling.
No. 111S N. Fourteenth St.; all im
provements; large front porch and back
«nd front stairs. O. H. ORCUTT, No.
267 Cumberland St.
2554 ~ Harrisburg; 9-
room house with bath, front porch
and all conveniences. Rent S2O. Ap
ply by Bell phone 155, Steelton, Pa.
FOR RENT—Two-story frame house.
No. 321 S. Fifteenth St, rent $12.00
per month. Apply Dauphin Deposit
Trust Co.
FOR RENT—Three-story 8• room brick
house. No. 306 Cherry St., with im
provements. T. J. LAMPAS, 114 Mar
ket street.
DESIRABLE houses and apartments for
rent in all parts of city. Reasonable
rent and good locations. Inquire of
HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir
teenth street. Bell phone 248 L
FOR RENT—AII improve
ments —
1614 Catherine, $16.00
539 S. Fifteenth, ... .$16.00
530 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50
Apply Kuhn & Hershey,
18 South Third street.
FOR RENT—6IB Geary St; 3-story
brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improve
ments; line new home; real reasonable.
Apply 620 Geary St.
FOR RENT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals, J. E.
rcTPPLR 12F1 Market Bt
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping; all conveniences; water and
gas. both in kitchen: privilege of bath.
Apply 240 N. Fourteenth St.
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, on sec
ond tioor; front room nicely furnish
ed for light housekeeping. No. 1022
Market St.
dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real
Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sts
housekeeping; three rooms and bath,
with hot and cold water; 30-foot bal
cony; rooms furnished with gas for
lights and- cooking, and heated with
steam. Call or address H. G. W„ 1409
Vernon St.
APARTMENT for rent; first floor, 1939
N. Sixth St. Also houses 635 and 641
Schuylkill St. Apply to J. C. M (HIR
ING. 24 39 N. Sixth St., or CHAS. A.
MEHRING. Fourth and Pefter Sts.
floor housekeeping apartments; large
rooms with kitchenettes and baths;
modern Improvements; electric lights;
gas; city steam; Janitor service. Apply
at above address.
and bath, coal and gas ranges, gas
or electric light, sls per month. Apply
at Mehrlng's Liquor Store, Sixth and
Muench streeta Bell phone 2171, United
WANTED—Rooms and board or house
keeping apartments, furnished pre
ferred. In Harrisburg or suburbs, fam
ily of four, two adults and two children.
Send full particulars to P. O. box No.
782, Narberth. Pa.
ROOMS FOR RENT—Three rooms and
bath for light housekeeping; furnish
ed with steam heat and gas for tight
and cooking. Call or address 1409 Ver
non St.
I "I I
Real Estate
WANTED—Men or women, with some
experience as solicitors, to sell new
high grade household necessity, on com
mission. Easy seller, large profits.
Write for particulars. Roan Supply Co.,
New Cumberland. Pa.
Sale and Exchange
| C. W. H. LAHGljrnt, Llinker—We are
overstocked with all kinds and
j grades of lumber and we can offer you
big bargains. It will pay yoy to see
| us. Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts.
i ' FOR SALE—Commercial graphophoncs.
| complete; In fine working order. ln
| eluding 12 new dictaphone cylinders;
i cost when new SIOO apiece. Will sell
■ | very cheap. Call at Bogar Hardware
I Co.. 1316 N. Third St.
FOR SALE—At M El-TZER'S. men's
overcoats, from SI.OO up; men's suits, i
I from $2.50 up: ladies' suits, $1.50 up:
I ladles' dresses, from 75c up; soldier
| overcoats and soldier shoes. Every
| thing in good condition, slightly used.
I Also felt boots. $1.95. Come and look
I I them over. Open evenings. S. MELTZ
! KR, 513 Walnut street.
j FOR SALE—Smoke our Cre-Malta Per
[ fectos, filled with clippings of live
and ten cent cigars; price $2.00 per 100,
postpaid. As an introductory offer we
are giving s<i Free with each order for
100. Satisfaction guaranteed or your
money back. Snell & Co„ Red Lion, Pa.
A few good bargains In job lots. Or
ders promptly filled. Bell phone 1577 R.
MYERS MFG. CO.. Third and Cumber
land Sts., above Millar's Shoe Store.
■ FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-11T South
, Second St.; Red Tip, Ring Point Blix
tard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant
1 Grip and Always Sharp Calks.
I j FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South !
Second St., 5,000 Sets New Sash, Bx'o
| xl 2 L.. primed and glazsd, at $1.16 per
i set. Also other sizes.
!( —v
I '
DO you want another $2 daily? No I
experience; constant spare time work j
knitting hosiery; machines furnished '
»n contract; we take product. Help- !
ing Hand Stores (Inc.). Chicago.
LADIES—Make shields at home; SIO.OO ;
per 100. No canvassing required. |
Send stamped-addressed envelope for j
full particulars. Eureka Co- Dept.
112 D, Kalamazoo, Mich.
WANTED—Young lady for office work - \
must live on Allison Hill. Give ase.
former experience and salary expected.
Address No. 3431, care Star-Indepi ml- •
LADlES—lmmediately. Filling and la
beling boxes. Homo work .evenings.
Steady; no experience; sl2 weekly; no I
canvassing. Excellent opportunity. En- 1
close stamp. Erina Specialty Co.. To- i
ronto, Ont.
. A RARE opportunity; comfortable liv- ■
, ing. home sewing, plain cloth seams, I
1 any sewing machine, steady; no can- I
vasslrtg, no trtflers wanted: samples 10c. ]
Returned if not satisfactory. Home I
Sewers Co., Jobbers' sewing, Rehoboth, j
stands for individual instruction; best
methods in teaching: real touch i
typewriting; a personal interest in eaen
student. My guarantee: To prepare 1
students for good positions: to aid tnem ,
in securing employment. Tuition will I
be charged for 7 mos. only. Free after i
that time. Free trial. 21 X Second St. j
WANTED—GirI for general housework; j
must know how to cook; no washing
or Ironing. No children. References ■
required. Apply 1619 N. Second St. j
WANTED—AII number 342'
and 511 hands to return to j
1 work on Monday, January i
11. Harrisburg Cigar Co",!
500 Race street.
WANTED—By neat young colored girl,
position at general housework in
small family; no washing: can furnish
good reference. Address 548 Cameron
St.. Middletown, Pa.
WANTED—lroning or day'e work for
Tuesday, Thursday and [Friday. Ad
dress Mrs. A. ROSS, 429 Broad St.,
Box 33.
WANTED—By middle-aged woman, po
sition as nurse or housekeeper. Ap
ply 1950 Swatara St.
WANTED—Position as housekeeper, j
nurse or companion; can give beat of
reference. Apply 607 Broad street.
YOUNG, respectable (colored) woman
desires general housework, laundry
work or waitress. ALLEN, 50S State St.
WANTED—Young lady. 28 South Fif
teenth St., desires any kind of work
L or housework,
WANTED—Wm. D. Zeiders, 613 Herr,
to whom two reserved tickets were
awarded to-day for evening perform
ance, January 12. 1915. Call for them
at the Star-Independent ofllce before s
i p. m., January 11, 1915, or they will be
i forfeited.
I WANTED—Work In doctor's or den
tist's office, or other light work. Ad
dress E. JOHNSON. General Delivery,
1 Harrisburg. Pa.
LADY wants work; either cook or
housework; good worker. Apply at
No. 1022 Market St.
WOMAN wants washing and lrontng to
take home; or go out and do day's
work. Address No. 1403 Mayflower Ave.,
, Harrisburg, Pa.
A MIDDLE-AGED LADY desires posi
tion in caring for sick of any kind.
Call 1443 Vernon St.
WANTED—White girl, 17 years of age.
wishes position as child's nurse; not
aut of the city. Apply 91S Cowden St.
f Waiits )
FOR RENT—Three large rooms with
bath and steam heat: suitable for
light housekeeping. Apply 1117 N. Third
WANTED—Names and addresses, by
mail order houses; big pay; home
work. Information for stamp. Direct
Appeal Co., Plymouth, Indiana.
$2,500 ANNUALLY—Co-operate with me
evenings at home; everything fur
nished. Don't worry about capital.
| Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Nebr.
SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel.
distribute samples and take orders or
appoint agents; permanent. Jap-Amer
lean Co.. Chicago.
WANTED—Piano teacher of business
ability to represent us locally and in
troduce rapid system of teaching. Chrls
tensen School of Popular Music. 505
Christensen Bltlg., Chicago.
MEN WANTED for detective work; also
- taught by former U. S. Govt, detective.
Write J. Ganor, 2509 Calumet. Chicago.
WANTED—Men wishing to earn three
to five dollars per day. Write for
terms immediately. First National Nur
series, Rochester. N. Y.
| WANTED —At once; young men for au
tomobile business. Big pay. We make
you expert In ten weeks by mall. Pay
us after we secure you position. Cen
tury Automobile Institute, Los Angeles,
WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried
men between age of IS and 35; citizens
of United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write'the English language. For
information apply to Recruiting Officer,
Bergner Building. 3d & Market sts.,
Harrisburg. 48 V Queen St., Lancaster, !
353 Pine St., Williamsport. 37 W. Mar
ket St., York, or 113 Independence St.,
Shamokin, Pa.
ough Instruction, $5.00. Returned If i
not appointed. Particulars free. Amer- !
lean Civil Service School. Washington.
D. C. I
1 AUTO transportation school wants men j
i to become practical chauffeurs and
j earn $75 to SIOO per nfonth. We give a 1
I thorough course in crude and practical
work for $35.00. No. 5 N. Cameron; Bell
j day afternoon.
WANTED—Young mnrried man, 30 yrs.
i old, well acquainted in city and near
-1 by towns, would like to drive delivery 1
! wagon of any kind. Apply A. L Y., 1
j 1325 James St.
i WANTED—By a good, reliable colored [
man, -a - position as a teamster or l
| stable man. Can give reference. Ad
j dress J. S., No. 649 Calder St.. Harris- j
| burg, Pa.
: WANTED—Young man. 20 years old,
! wishes position of any kind; man of
I good habits; can furnish best of refer
| ence. Apply 1 130 Green St.
' WANTED— YOUIIV man desires position
i of any kind. Inquire 28 S. Fifteenth
J S_L i
} WANTED—Wood to cut by the Job, or
i hour; or work of any kinil. Address
jor call 526 West avenue. (J. W. W.)
WANTED —A young man. 20 years of
| age, one year in high school, honest
and willing to work hard to make good,
j desires position. Apply B. R„ 500
| Woodbine street.
; WANTED—Position as collector; can
i furnish reference and bond. Have had
i experience. Call Bell phone 1685R, ask
' for W ' E - M -
! WANTED— : By a young colored man, a
| position as mechanic in a dental lab
| oratory has had six years experience
iand can show the beet of reference.
Address 1512 Hunter St., City. Bell
! phoiiel6oßß l.
i AGENTS —Every Biackstone agent a
happy man. Why? He makes $8 to
i » 15 every day selling low-priced wnter
' power massage njacninc; new business,
I uew field, big profits, s»Us in every
< home. Parker sold S first day, Marg
| warth averaged sl9 daily. Write to-aay
I for free particulars; big surprise awaits
I you. Biackstone Mfg. Co., 33 Mere
; dith Bldg., Toledo. O.
; LADY AGENTS earn sls weekly selling
j our very latest improved spoclalties.
Credit given you. King Mfg. Co., 1433
Broadway, New York City.
! AGENTS—Attention: Send your name
for our 1915 money-makers. Every
demonstration a sale. Household neces
sities. Everyone a winner. Queen City
I SuPPly Co., Buffalo. N. Y.
. ANYONE can make ?20 weekly with
] our interchangeable scarf pins. Write
| to-day. Selling plan and particulars
I'free. Opal Manufacturing Co.. F25 East
14th, N. Y. City.
weekly. New proposition. Fascinat
ing work: quh-k salts. Maitls. Ohio,
closed sl4 first day. Thomas, Illinois,
made $92 one week. Evans, lowa, rays
great seller. Bend 100 quick. Conway.
Wash, reports big sales, $181.65 Dec.
Hurry. Write quick for details. Sales
guaranteed. Every woman buys. Just
address W. E. R. Weed, Pros., 811 Lees
Bldg.. Chicago, 111.
AGENTS—For "Billy" Sunday book.
Having wonderful success. One agent
writes: "Worked five hours, sold 42
books.'' Book authorized by Mr. Sun
day. Illustrated. Agent's outfit free.
Imprint circulars furnl»hed to mall or
] der dealers. Address Rice & Co., 4721
N. Paulina St., Chicago.
>3 .00 to $4,00 a day ever-ready
clothes line reel. Write quick. Cur
rells. Mall order Agency, Dept. 8., North
Branch. Mich. ,
AGENTS WANTED—To sell the origi
nal Native Herbs, ft box for <oc. For
sample and terms address G. W. Bas-
SALESMEN—SideIine. Free Sample.
Electric Sign, Flashes changeable
wording in radiant sparkling beams of
colored electric light. Outselling every
thing at SIO.OO. Terms 30 days. Ers
klne made $200.00 one day. Moss sold
$826.00 and made S3OO in November.
You can too. Flashtric Sign Co.. Chi
necessary. easy work, big pay. Write
for lsrge list of openings offering op
portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a month
' while you learn. Address nearest office,
i Dept. 245, National Salesmen's Training
Association, Chicago, New York. Kan
sas City, San Francisco.
WANTED—Salesman to sell our well
known line of Red Croes Older and
Temperance Drinks in small country
towns only. Commission 25 per cent.
, and weekly drawing account of 8Z5.00.
. Red Cross Company, Dept. A, St. Louis,
, Mo.
Two-Hour Session Develops No Features J
of Interest Except Rise of Two' |
Points in That Commodity—Gains
Only Fractional
By Associated Press.
New York, Jau. 9.—(Wall Street) — 1
To-day 's stork market showoH) no new <
tendencies in the early dealings which !
were of the recent small and narrow 1
character. Gains far exceeded declines, ,
but in few eases wore they more than
fractional. United States Rubber re
flected tahe partial lifting of the iban ,
on the commodity with a gain of almost i
2 points. Amalgamated Copper, U. S. ]
Steel, Reading aud a few other leald ■
ers were slightly higher, while Ate hi <
son and Southern Pacific lost minor
fractions. In the London market Ca
nadian Pacific, Steel and Pennsylvania
were a trifle better but other Americana
were lower.
To-day's twe-hour session of the ,
Stock Kxeiiaugo developed no features
of inltnThe opening was uneven !
with a mixture of small gains, but in- •
tereet *>on waned and prices slowly
recovered. Canadian Pacifiu an'J Balti- j
more and Ohio fell a point, the latter
to within a small fraction of its mini
mum. Other international shares were
fractionally lower. Louisville and
Nashville, however, jumped 1 1-2. U.
S. Rubber rose over 2 points on removal
of the British embargo. The closing
was irregular.
Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker. I
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York, .Fan. 9. 1918. i
Open Close |
Alaska. Gold Mines 28% 2«4 j
Amalgamated Copper stf H , 564 !
American Reel Sugar 35 354 \
, American Can £94 29 1 4 :
1 American Can. pfd., ....... 934 93% |
' Amer. C. and F. Co 15 4r.
| American Cotton Oil « 3 ' t 43 4i'
American Ice Secur., ...... 2) 20*4
1 Amorican i/ocomotive .26 264
| American Smelting 49 - r.n I
I American Sugar 104 104
Amer. Tel. and Tel 1181184
Anaconda 28 '4 26 V*
Atchison 94 9 1
I Baltimore and Ohio 6S U H7%
1 : Rethlehem Steel 31 <4 51%
! Brooklyn R. T mi') Xt;
California Petroleum 164 164
Canadian Pacific 155 4 154%
Central Leather, 39 35%
Chesapeake and Ohio 414 414
Chi.. Mil. and St. Paul ST 4 87 4
rhino Con. Copper 334 33 4
Consol. Gas, 1184 1164.
Corn Products 9 4 94
Distilling Securities 10 4 10 4
Krie 21 4 22
' Erie, first'preferred 34T» 34 74
. General •Electric Co 143 143
| Goodrich B. F 1.6 4 26%
| Great Nth Ore, subs 26 4 264
j Interboro-Met 11 4 114
do. pfd 504 50
1 I Ijoulsvllle and Nashville,.. 1154 1154
. j Mexican Petroleum 514 51
: Missouri Pacific 7 ',4 7'4
Nev. Consol. Copper 12 4 124
' New York Central 87 574
. N. Y„ N. H. and II 53 53
Northern Pacific 1004 1004
» Pennsylvania R. R 105 1054
Pittsburgh Coal 17 164
Press Steel Car 35 4 36 4
Ray Con. Copper 16 4 164
Reading 146% 146 4
Republic Iron and Steel,.. 20 20
Southern Pacific St 814 i
Southern Railway 154 I' 4 [
; Tennessee Copper 32* 324 I
' Union Pacific 1184 11S4 I
U. S. Rubber 57 4 574
I IT. S. Steel 514 51 ]
; do. preferred 1064 106»4 i
\ j Utah Copper 50 4 50
'Western Maryland 114 11%
Death and Obituary
> 1
\ REED—Elmer E. Reed, Sr., husband of
' Clara A. Rped. died January 9, 1915, 1
! at 12.33 o'clock, aged 52 years and 5
1 months.
Funeral will be held from the late
residence. 120 Charles St., Wednesday
' afternoon at 1.30 o'clock. Relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
' further notice.
' BL.AIR—On January 8, 1915, Mrs, Ida
C. Blair, aged 66 years, at the Har
; rlsburg hospital.
f Funeral on Sunday evening at 6.30
- o'clock, front the funeral parlors of
1 Hoover & Son, 1413 N. Second St. In
terment at Lewlsburg, Monday after
noon. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further notice.
I .
Bisiness Opportunities
i )|
' ATTENTION—We will pay *I.OOO re
ward If our home butter merger fails
, to merge one pint of milk Into one
pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter
than creamery butter. Demonstrator!
. and general agents wanted. Salary or
commission. Write for Illustrated cir
; culars and addresses of 1,000 users.
> Wonderful Invention. Family Butter
Merger Co- Washington, D. C.
j $125.00 —Manufacturing business, regu
lar trade; everything pertaining to,
will be sacrMtaed. Owner leaving city.
Investigation, details at Interview. Ad
dress 3426. care Star-Independent
; roUNG MAN of good business ability
and clean habits wanted as partner
' In a highly profitable office business.
An investment of $3,000 required, which
. will be returned In one year If not
eatlstled. Apply to 3427, care Star-In
: i r 1 .■ II t._
N'EW seaport on Pacific; new railroad
and harbor work; great business op
port unities; lot SIOO. Write Geo. Mel
rln Miller, owner, Florence, Oregon.
Western Union. 59 V. 59H
Westlnghouse 71% 71
Philadelphia Produce Market
Philadelphia, Jan. 9.—Wheat lower;
No. 2 red spot, export, 13«<f?'139; No. 1
northern. Duluth export, 144®'147.
Corn llrm; No. 2 yellow local, 78JT
Oats firm; No. 2 white, 58®58%.
Bran firmer; winter, per ton. $28.60®
29.00; upring. $27.25® 2i."5.
Refined sugars firm; powdered. 5.05;
Jne granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A.
Butter lower; western creamery, ex
tra. 34; nearby prints, fancy, 37.
Eggs firm; nearby firsts, free case,
113.20; current receipts, free case, ,
$12.60: western extra firsts, free case, '
$13.20; firsts, free case, $12.60.
Live poultry 1lrm; fowls, 13@)14;
old roosters, 10#10'i; chickens, 12®
14: turkeys, 15017; ducks. 14@15;
geese. 13#15.
Dressed poultry steady; turkeys, fan
cy. 19®20: do., average, 1«©18; fowls,
heavy, 17 , /4@18 , / a; average, 11® 17;
small. 12®>13; old roosters, 1214; broil
ing chickens, nearby, 16®22; western,
14@20; roasting chickens, 14®23;
ducks, 16(8> 17; geese. 13@14.
Potatoes firm: Pennsylvania. per
bushel, 60® 63; New York, per bushel,
4 8 ©SO.
Flour firm; winter straight, 0.50®
5.76; spring straight, 5.90®>6.00; do.,
patent. 6.25#6.60.
Hay firm: limothy hay, No. 1 large
bales, 18.f)0®>19.00; medium hales. 18.u0
@19.00; No. 2 do., 17.00® 18,00; No. 3
do., 14.50® 15.50; light, mixed, 17.50©
18.00; No. 1 do:, 16.50@17.00; No. 2 do.,
15.00 @16.00.
Chicago Live Stock Market
Chicago, Jan. 9. —Hogs—Receipts,
23,000; slow. Bulk. 6.80@>6.95; light, 6.60
©7.00; mixed, 6.85®7.06: heavy, 6.65(5>
7.05; rough, 6.63(ji>6.85: pigs, 5.2. r >@i#.9o.
Cattle—Receipts, 2.000: steady. Na-
tive steers, 5.65®9.70; western, 4.90(«! *
7.60: cows and heTTers, 2.90 @8.00; calves,
7.75 @10.50.
Shee-p—Receipts, 2,000; weak. Sheep, !
5.81>@6.80; yearlings, 6.90@7.90; lambs, !
6.90 @9.00.
Chicago Closing Grain Prices !
i Chicago. .lan. 9.—Close:
Wheat—May. 13$',*; July. 124'».
Corn—May, 78%; July, 76V
Oats—'May, 55%; July, 53'*.
Pork—May, 19.30.
Lard—January, 10.62: May, 10.92.
Ribs—January, 9.97; May, lO.oij.
Philadelphia Closing Prices
Philadelphia, Jan. 9.—Stocks closed
Cambria Steel 44',s
General Asphalt, ~... 32
do. preferred 671£
Lake Superior Corporation. ... 10 i
Lehigh Navigation, 76 Vi
Lehigh Valley, 66 r u
11'. R. H52 9-16 !
1 Philadelphia Electric 23*4 I
j Philadelphia Rapid Transit, ... 11 1
Reading 72% ;
I Storage Battery. ...; 48 <4
I Union Traction 3S*«
| United Gas 811!,
j IT, S. Steel, 51 j
Bradstreet's Figures for Last Week in
Harrisburg and Other Cities I
Bank clearings in the United States j
for the week ending January 7, as re
ported to Bradstreet's Journal* New i
York, aggregate $3,099,621,000,1 *
against $2,1526,705,000 last week and I .
' $4,042,807,000 in this week last year. !
Canadian clearings aggregate SIOB,-'
251,000, as against $108,086,000 last;
week and $196,748,000 in this week!
last year. Following are the returns for i
this week, with percentage* of change j
from this week last vear:
New York $1,663,718,000 D 28.0
Chicago 297.487,000 1) 16.9
Philadelphia, 165,322,000 D 20.7
Boston 159,(95,000 D 9.5
St. Louis 91,335,000 D 15.1
I Pittsburgh 49.789,000 D 19.3
Kansas City #9,534.000 I 13.6
San Francisco 53,452,000 D 11.3
Baltimore 37,571.000 D 15.5
Scranton, 3,944,000 D 23.5
Reading *1,414,000
Lam-aster 1.358,000 D 21.8
WilVes-Barre 1,785.000 D 14.7
Krle 1.01 1,000 D 34.2 "
York *838,000 ! ,
Chester 819,000 D 15.1
j Harrisburg 1.876.000 D 8.8
A Curious Coincidence
The ''oak of peace'' at Juan a, Prus- '
sia, which was planted in 1816 in com
; memoration of the downfall of Xapo
I leon, was hy a strange coincidence!
struck by lightning and burnt to the |
ground almost at t>he moment of the j
reception at Belgrade of the Austrian i
declaration of war.
XT. S. Should Retain Philippines
/?»/ Asßoriated Pre**.
Washington, Jan. 9.—Charles Swift,
of Detroit, manager of electrical power
properties in the Philippines told the ■
Senate committee to-day he believed
the United States should retain control
of the islands to aid tlie natives to de
velop their natural resources. He was c
not opposed to enlarging Plipino self- r
government, but was against independ- i
enee at this time. f
/ ' 1
A Sermon on Economy,
which tho text is "The sluggard
AH is wiser in lim own conceit than
/fflSßlEl N rWV seven men that can render reason"
JSMMMrI J3 L L\ could be given many people who
neec ' ' t- Economy > s a habit, and
WS %jdMk if you begin to economize and save
]LI in youth you wiH be prosperous and
comfortable in your later years,
i flH JSvery rich man iu the country will
«B\ I j/lfj • f*t I M toll you that. Now is the time to
I jJjf \ I pW|lil| 1 i|M begin by opening an account in tho
F K' >w W,II First National Bank
224 Market Street
Public Sala of Water Company Bonds
At 2.00 P. M., Saturday, January 16, 1915, in front
of the Dauphin County Court House, in the City of
Harrisburg, Pa., there will be sold SI6,(XX) GENERAL
JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer.
Aik for Letter 109.
45 Broadway Xpw York
" A Good Investment
is a mortgage bond secur
ed by property which is
increasing in value and
issued by a company able
to show a most satisfac
tory earning eapadty even
under adverse conditions.
We offer such a bond
at a price to yield 5..%%.
Write for circular No. M-106.
A. B. Leach & Co.
Investment Securitm
149 Broadway, New York
Phliaufe'.phta ItuXf&l*
Boa ton Baltimore London
slo,ooo Harrisburg City 4's, 1919-
5,000 Harrlaburg l>lght and Power
Co, V«, 1952.
3,000 Columbia & Morrtour Kloc
trlc Co. s's, 1913.
5,000 Elmlra Water, Liitcht & R. R.
I'o. !s'a, 7956,
8,000 Colorado Springs Uig-ht, Heal
and Power Co. s's, 19-0. .
2,000 West Penu Traction Co. •fi's,
5,000 Northwestern Klevnted R. R.
Co. (Chicago) .Vs. 1941.
20 shares llavi TYactton
Co. 6 per cent, stock.
100 shares Marrit»burg Railways
Co. common stock.
50 shares Harrisburg Tjlght &
Power Co. 6 per cent. pfd.
10 shares Harrisburg Trust Co.
liO shaies Union Trust Co. atock.
SS,UOO Harrteburgr Railways Co. Ist
s's, 1983.
5,000 Valley Rallwsys r.'s, 1958.
10,000 Hiarrisbfitg Light, Iteat &
Power Co. Ist s's. 1921.
50 shares Harrisburg Railways
Co. preferred stock.
5 shares West Harrisburg Mar
ket House Co. slock.
25 shares Horrlsbuig National
Hank Stock.
Investment Securities
:i V Market Sq.
IIA ft K IStll KC*, PA.
A knitting factory; all improve
ments; electric power; two-story
frame; steam heat, well lighted;
equipped with the latest knitting
and sowing machinery. Possession
given at once. We will rent if party
would bo interested in the manu
facturing of ladles' garments.
Information Wanted—Call Bell
phone 74, Steelton, Pa., or
* ' '*>
For Rant
Desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building.
Union Trust Co.
Harrisburg Hospital
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
o'clock p. m. for dispensing medical
advice and prescription to those un
able to pay for them.