The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 08, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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11l MM
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Carranza Forces Pour
ing Hot Fire Into Sal
tillo From Mountains
About City
With Fifteen Cannon the Constitution
alist Troops Began Their Desperate
Assault on the City About 3 O'clock
This Morning
By Associated Press.
Laredo. Tex., Jan. S.—An attack on
Villa troops in Saltillo was begun by
about 15,000 Constitutionalist troops
about 3 a. m. to-day. Early reports
from the battle said that hundreds al
ready had been killed or wounded. The
Carranza forces were attacking from
mountains about the city and were
powrirog in a fire from fifteen cannon.
The Villa troops occupied Saltillo
two days ago by a trick and without a
fight. The Carranza forces under Gen
eral Antonio I. Villareal had evacuated
the city to proceed against Villa forces
which they met and defeated at La
Brisa and Marte.
Meanwhile, however, another Villa
force had marched through the moun
tains to the southeast of Ssiltillo and
entered ttie city. The Carranza army
returned in force early to-day.
Reports at noon from Carranza
sources claimed that the advantage lay
wiMi the besieg-rs but with the battle
stil! raging.
Saltillo is aibout 150 miles from the
American border in the frtat-e of Coa
huila. where Carranza started his revo
Washington. Jan. S. —General i la s
intention to attack the t arraiiza gar
rison at Xaco was communicated to the
War Department to-day in official dis
patches from army observers on the
frontier. Secretary Garrison said, how
ever. that the information came from
the American side of the border.
State Department dispaches to-day
from Eagle Pass said it was reported
that Carranza forces evn -unfed Saltillo
Wednesday ami that Villa troops re-
O'-cupied tiie city the same day. Tele
graph an ! rail communication is inter
ru ted between Saltillo and the no't'h. Carranza agency here to-day is
sued tie following statement, based on
its re:>or!s from Yera Cru.::
"Iu the streets of Puebla seven
hundred dead were gathered up and
dead Villa troops were found scattered
for thirty miles outside the city. (More
rhan two thousand Villa troops sur
rendered voluntarily. The railroad from
Puebla to Vera Cruz is being kept,
Selected to Speak on "Profit Sharing"
at the Convention of the National
Bet&ii Drygoods Association
Mr. T. P. McCutotoin, manager of the
Bowman & Co. store in this city, has
accepted an invitation to address the
National Retail Drygoods Association
on the subject of "Profit Sharing," at
a convention to be held at the Hotel
Knickerbocker, New York City, on Feb
ruary 10.
"Profit Sharing' is attracting much -
attention throughout the country, es-
Seeially in the large department stores,
owman & Co. were pioneers in the
movement to share profits with em
ployes and have studied the proposition j
and improved on original plans until
a very satisfactory system has been [
worked out. This svstem has proved so
satisfactory, in fact, that merchants in
other cities have written for details,
and it is the suggestion of many that,
it should be made the subject of the
leading address at the next meeting of
the national body.
Mr. MeCubbin is an enthusiastic ad
vocate of "Profit Sharing" and has
made an exhaustive study of the sub
ject. His wide experience qualifies him
to speak authoritatively on the sub
The National Retail Drygoods Asso
ciation includes in its membership pro
prietors of large drygoods and depart
ment stores in the principal cities
throughout the country. The selection
of Mr. McCttbbin as the person to ad
dress the convention on this important
subject is regarded as a recognition of
the progress Harrisburg has made in the
Fire Chief Klndler Forced to Call at
610 Oxford Street
File ( hief KindJer this morning was
compelled to investigate a fire which oc
curred at the homo of Mrj. Wade Ben «
dcr, 610 Oxford street, at 1.35 o'clock
yesterday afternoon.
The Camp Curtin company re-ponded
to a telephone call at that address but
the firemen were locked out, ac -ording
to Chief Kindler, and no information
was volunteered abiut the fire. Mrs.
Bender told Chief Kindler that three
pillow cases, bed covering and a bit
of earpet were burned.
National Commission to Handle Defense
Chicago. Jan. B.—The defense of or
ganized baseball Bgainst the anti-trust
suit instituted by the Federal League
will be handled entirely by the Na
tional Commission, it was announced to
day on the return of President John
son of the American League.
Berlin Jau. 8, By Wireless to Lou-1
don, 3.05 P. M.—ln the official state-1
ment issued at Berlin to-dav te U-er-1
mans announce they have made further
gains in the Argonne forest, in France, j
and that attempts of the French to ad- j
vanc« in the vicinity of Rheinis and
in the Voages mountains have been re
pulsed. The statement a-dds that light
ing is still iu progress for the Alsatian
village of Oberburnhaupt.
In Russian Poland, where unfavor- j
able weather is interfering with mili- i
tarv oi>erations, the Germans report the i
I capture oJ 1,600 prisoners. The text
of the communication follows:
"In the western theatre of the war;
the continuous rains swamped the
ground in Flanders more anil more and i
mil- operations in consequence are very
much hindered. To the east of Rheinis !
the French attempted during the nitglit
to take one of our outer trenches but
they were driven back into their own
positions toy a counter attack, losing
fifty prisoners. In the center and in
the eastern part of the Argonne we
made further progress.
'I A nught attack by the French
against our positions on the Buehen- j
kopf, south of Diedolsihausen, in the
| Yosges, wna repulsed. Repeated French
i attacks on a height to the west of
j SeiHiheim (Cernay) broke down under
i our artillery lire. We took two officers
and more than 100 men as prisoners.
Fighting still is going on for the vil- j
lage of Oberinirnhaupt ( Burnhaupt-Le
llaut), to the south of Senuheim.
" 1 1 nfnvorable weather also is being
experienced in the eastern theatre of
the war. On the east Prussian fron
tier and in northern Poland, the situa
: tion remains unchanged. East of the !
Hawka river our attacks are progress
ing. One thousand six hundred Rus- j
| siaus are taken as prisoners and five i
machine guns were captured by us. :
Only artillery battles took place on the
• eastern bank of the Pilica river."
| y
■ M. Die, Department of Voeges, •
France, Jan. o—Via Paris, Jan. 8, 1
11.01 A. M.—A brilliant exploit by
French Alpine troojrs who charged on
>kis down the snow-covered mountain
a* Bonh online, A post on the Al
satian frontier, forced the Germans to
retire on OJbev, five nriles down the
valley of the river Weiss toward Col
The Germans held the railroad from
St. Marie to !-'t. Croix, menacing St.
Die, where the French heavy ariiJlerv
opened tire on January 3. At the same
time the Alpine troops lea-ding the wav
tor French infantry, advanced on the
German customs at Diedolshau
sen, near Bauhomnie.
A strong German detachment with
quick-firers held the route, but the
winding nature of the road prevented
the Germans from firing more than 7<H>
yards along it. The French advanced to
within this distance of the Germans
whue the Alpine troops bejan to climo
tiie heights to attack the Germans on
tueir flank.
1 rogress was slow and the dark
forms ot the soldiers, outlined against
the snow, made excellent marks for the
German sharpshooters. Manv of the
men rolled down the ste»p slopes, leav
ing crimson stains behind. The surviv
ors pushed forward until they gained
the shelter of the pines at the sum
Then be,gan an exciting charge on
the Germans at Diedolshausen. The
Alpine soldiers on their skis slid down
the mountain side at a dizzy speed
while the infantry in the road below
opened fire on the Germans. Caught
between two fires the Germans gavt
way, fighting abstinatelv aJong the five
miles of their retreat.
London, Jan. 8, 2.06 P. M Vm
bassador Page to-lay reeeivdl' from
the British government the preliminarv
repiy to the Ameriean note protesting
against the British interference with
American shipping. He forwarded it
immediately to Washington.
The time of delivery of the more
definite supplemen-tarv reply whidh the
British government is to make is un
certain. It probably will be within
two week*.
Further negotiations between the two
governments concerning specific eases
ot' detention of American vessels will
precede the preparation of the final
British answer.
Washington. Jan. B.—Secretary
Bryan and other officials to-day await
ed receipt of the British government's
preliminary reply to the recent Ameri
can note on the subject of interferences
with shipping. At noon it had not
been receive l ] but officials expect that
witfh prompt transmission it would be
uiicoded and before them by night.
New York, Jan. B.—Details of the
sinking of the British steamer Chareas
off the coast of Chile by the German
auxiliary cmiseT Prinz Kitel Freidrich,
formerly a North German Llovd steam
er. were brought to New York to-day
by the Charcas' captain, A. C. Norris,
who was a passenger aboard the steam
er L'arillo from Colon.
Captain Norris said that the Ohareas
was overhauled in foggy weather eight
miles from the Chilean coast. A ltoard-
party from the cruiser took off the
crew anil opened the Chaj-acas' sea
cocks. Then, from a distan-eo of a mile,
the cruiser fired seven explosive shells
into the steamer's hull. The Prinz
Kitel Freidrich, Captain Norris said,
was fitted with four 4-inch guns and
machine guns.
30 Tons of 'Cocoa for Allies
Pittsburgh, Jan. B.—The French
government has placed an order with a
local firm for thirty tons of cocoa for
the use of its soldiers, according to an
i announcement made hero last night.
Representatives of the concern declare
the order is the largest ever given by
any of the warring Uations for a single
shipment of chocolate.
Coatlaurd From First !'■((.
j vania and Reading Railroad Companies,
j and railroad officials.
Several of the attorneys had been
•heard when that phase of the question
I requiring argument from Mr. Abbott
came up
: As Mr. Abbott advanced to begin his
argument he was stopped by Chairman i
' I'ennypacker, who reminded him that j
he hail filed fifteen questions with the
Commission based on the fact that Com
missioner Johnson had conversed with
a railroad official on the proposed tc
| tion of the Commission iu the matter
: of passenger rates before such action
had been made public. At this point
j Commissioner Penny-packer quoted the
I law defining the rights of the Commis
sioners and held that Commissioner
Johnson was clearly within the law
when he held converse with the rail
i road officer.
"What Commissioner Johnson did,"
said Commissioner Pennypacker, "was
especially provided for. We have se
cured the methods of procedure of fif
teen Public Service Commissions in as
many States, and find that each pur
sues the same course. These letters
will be printed. It is our intention in
j the future, when it is necessary to se
cure information, to pursue the same
; course. Commissioner Johnson was
doing just what he was entitled to do.''
Mr. Abbott Has No Apology
Mr. Abbott listened respectfully,
with half a smile on his face, aud when
Commissioner Pennypacker seemed to
finish Mr. Abbott moved up as if about
jto speak. Then Commissioner Penny-
I packer again halted him with:
"Your questions were entirely irrele
vant, and tiling tlieni was not even con
sidered. We cannot overlook the fact
that they are not on record. The Com
mission will give you the opportunity
| to withdraw the questions."
"If you please—" said Mr. Abbott,
lie was interrupted toy Mr. Penny-pack
i er, who said:
"We don't vfrant to hear any aigu-1
\ ment."
Mr. Abbott apparently was not in the
| least perturbed. Walking up to the
' desk, he said:
"I am going to reply to your re
marks. This law does not give Com
missioner Johnson any authority to do
as he did. I have uo apology to make.
I mn heie to appear for my clients, and
I will be heard." (This he said very
loudly and heatedly.)
''Do 1 understand that you will not
withdraw the irrelevant questions?"
asked Mr. Pennypacker.
Mr. Abbott paused and then said he
would withdraw the questions. "But,"
he added, "they will be placed before
the Committee on Executive Nomina
tions in the Senate."
Coinmissiouc<- Pennypacker here told
Mr. Abbott that attorneys were having
a hearing before the Commission not
as a matter of right, but on sufferance.
During the very scrappy scene the
attorneys looked on amazed, but Abbott
held his own. and proceeded with his
1 argument, carrying it to a conclusion.
The hearing was resumed this after
( noon.
, Continunl from Firiit Cage.
' ' Turkey by Italy had an explosive effect
' I with buyers.
1 j On wave of buying. May
wheat went to $1.40 a bushel", the high
: est figure with few exceptions in fifty
years, the parallel thus going baca
' broadly to the American Civil war. To
' day's high prices were supported by
■ dispatches teilinig of excitement in the
■ grain trade at Liverpool, and admitting
I that demand there was keen.
In the next hour another fent a
i bushel was added to previous values, so
i | that May wheat here was quoted at
• $1.41 a bushel. Meanwhile it was an
i ! nounced that bids f-om Great Britain
Ij nt the American seaboard had risen
■ j four cents, as compared with yesterday.
; i It was also stated that a largo of Dur
, uni wheat ha«l been sold at the rate of
$2.0" a bushel, delivered in Italy.
Only 24 hours ago it was thought n
inarvel to get $1,991/., for Durum that
was also bought subject to the cost of
all charges to the Mediterranean.
Before the day was ever, commis
sion houses found it necessary to de
mand a big increase of margins from
customers who sought to trade in
wheat. The violent changes in the
| market resulted in a margin c,t' 10c a
bushel being generally required. Re
' I cently five cents a bu-hel has been the
' ! rule. The doubling of margins |mt
■ speculators under hancßcaip and soon
'! reduced the volume of pit transactions
.just as proved to be the ca-e when the
market ran wild iu the earlier periods
' j of the war before .tie Germans wheeled
suddenly in front of Paris.
Autopsy on Death of Girl Reveals Molar
in RiEht Lung
By Associated rrrxx.
York. Pa.. Jan. B.—An autopsy per
formed following the death to-day of
22-year-old Kthel Wright, of Rot Linn,
tiear here, revealed a large back tco;h
lodged in her right lung.
Nine weeks ago all of the girl's up
per teeth were extracted 'bv a York
dentist and it is believed that one of
them unohservdj slipped down her
windpipe. The infection produced pnea
To Discuss Exchange of Prisoners
Rome, -tan. 8, 1.30 P. M.—Negotia
tions are under way in Rome witih the
object of having the governments of
the belligerent countries appoint dele
gates to discuss with the Holy See the
details of the providing for an ex
change of prisoners.
Prof. Stode Slightly Better
Prof. William S. Steele, principal of
the Central Higk 'school, who has been
ill for eight weeks, is aWe to be out
of bed at his home, 1622 State street.
It will <be some time before he will be
able to be out of the house.
Might Just as Well
" Wihy, don't you move into more
comfortable quarters, old man?"
"I can't even pay the rent on this
miserable hole."
"Well, since you don't pay rent wfcy
not get something better?"— Boston
There Is No Question
but that indigestion and the distressed
feeling which always roes % ith it can
be promptly relieved by taking a
T la
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
George A. Gorges,
| Great January Clearance Sale |
Bigger and Better Bargains Than Ever |
j Hundreds of Special Items for Saturday i
| • . IN
I Millinery, Suits, Coats, Dresses, Furnishings, Fancy Goods Etc. i
See Circular Left At Your Door for Particulars
Continued Kroro Flr»t
it was 3 o'clock this morning when the
east channel opened finally to allow a
free running of the ice.
The ice at the last measurement at
this point was from 8 to 12 inches
thick and the thaw did not lessen it to
nnv great degree. Some of the ice tlow'-
ing past Harrisburg thus morning was
12 to 14 inches thick. The river stago
increased during the night faster than
was anticipated anil the ice moved out
on seven feet of water, the stage in
creasing to 9.2 feet at S o'clock this
morning. A stage of between six and
seven feet was expected for this morn
The lower portions of the west
branches were still rising at noon to
day, indicating th.»t the maximum stage
will not be reached here until to-mor
row afternoon. It will be between 12
and 13 feet, according to the weather
Gorge at Williamsport Breaks
A gorge at Williamsport was broken
at midnight last night releasing a
large quantity of ice and a great vol
ume of water. This will start j>assiujg
Harristourg late this afternoon. With
the exception of a gorge at the Warrior
Ridge dam on the Juniata river, the
entire system is open and running
smoothlv to-day.
Reports this morning show that the
west branch is now falling at all ]>oiuts
above Williamsport aml the north
branch falling or-stationary above To
waiida. The lower portions of these two
branches will begin to fall to-night.
The main river will continue to rise
until to-morrow. Fair weather will con
tinue with the lowest temperature to
night about 2S degrees. The mercury
dropped to 30 degrees list niijht.
Foreign Division of Lo:al Body Plans
to Have Boxes Furnished of Ma
terials Which Will Maintain a
Baby One Month
"If you were not giving me this
work I'd He begging,'' a woman told
one of the workers at the Home Relief
Department of the Home and War Re
lief committee, 7 South Front street,
this morning. Sshe had just brought
back some sewing she had finished and
ha-d received pay for it, together with
another bundle of unsewen garments.
She felt that she was making her own
wav, and that counts almost as much
with many of the needy families of the
city, as does the relief itself.
Until noon fifty-one women had re
ceived payment for work done and had
taken more home to be sewn. The sup-,
plies division worked full force about
an extension tslble, and nearly cleared
the office of supplies. Along about noon
Bloughs sent two automobile loads of
cut materials in, which relieved the sit
A plan to secure aid from citizens
generally for the starving war sufferers
was formulated by the foreign division,
Mrs. James F. Bullitt, chairman. A
Bub-committee, MUo Mtry Jennings,
chairman, is working with grocers of
the city, asking them to furnish neces
sary goods for cost prices. A box of
materials which wiil maintain a babv
foT a month costs $3.30. One eapabe
of sustaining four adults for two weeks
costs $2.25. Dr. Harvey Wiley, nation
al food expert, designated the supplies
that will do the work. Persons iinublo
to fill one box complete will be n.'ile to
dub together with others desiring a
share in the work. Grocers wi'.l bo alli
ed to exhibit sample fooxes in their
windows and to bring the ones con
tributed to headquarters of the com
mittee, 7 Houth Front street.
Hhij/TOents of aoppvies to tthe Belgians
were made yesterday. They included
two 'boxes full. containing: four anil
one-half dozen women's nifht g««n»,
three and one-haif doten children's
night gowns, four dosen womeu'» un
derskirts, one and one-half dozen chil
dren'» skirts, seven children's dresses,
one child's coat, five [j«ir wristlettee,
two pair socks, two knitted scarfs, two
scarfs, one petticoat, twenty-four baby
blankets, one pair baby socks, one
pound of wool, knitting needle*, eight
pair of sabot linings, twelve shawls,
woman's suit, two children's dresses
Un l one hood.
The Harrisburg Hospital is open
daily except Sunday, between 1 and 2
o'clock p. m. fdr dispensing medical
adviee and prescription to those un
able to pay for them.
Paper Mill Men Say Peunsy's Charges
Are Too High and Railroads Put ✓
in Vigorous Denial
The advance of 10 cents a ton by the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for
the transportation of pulp wood from
points both within and without the
State of Pennsylvania to paper mills
located at Tyrone, Williamsburg, 1 ,ock
Haven, Roaring Spring, York Haven
and Johnsontourg, was attacked before
the Public Service Commission by Wil
liam A. Glasgow, Jr., representing the
West Virginia Pulp and Paper Com
pany aud the New York and Pennsyl
vania Company. The rates were defend
ed by William I. Shaffer and Frederick
L. Ballard, of counsel for the respond
It was argued in defense of the rates
that when they are compared with
rates on other similar kinds of wood
in the same territory, and when the
financial situation of the respondent is
taken into consideration, that the new
rates are entirely proper and that the
effect of the advance hae been merely
to restore them to their normal basis.
It was also explained that the respond
ents, in common with other carriers, 111
this section of the country, have for a
number of years been faced with the
urgent necessity of increasing their net
revenue if their properties are to be
maintained so as adequately to serve
the public and their credit is to be
such as to enable them to secure new
capital for future development.
Mr. Glasgow contended that the rail
road made no effort to ascertain the
cost of transportating pulp wood or the
profitableness of the former rates, nor
did it consider the remunerative nature
of the traffic. The fact that this com
modity, he said,"took a lower rate than
other commodities is hot a justification
of the reasonableness of the increased
rates and declared that even the rates
in existence prior to the increase were
unjust and unreasonable.
Wholesale Prosecutions
Pure Food Commissioner Koust has
began 39 prosecutions in the State for
selling as unfit for food dried, fruits,
milk, sausage,, codfish, eggs, candy, nuts
and vinegar.
A Busy Commission
The Commission heard the applica
tion of the Imboden Harrow and Roller
Company for freight station facilities
at Cleona on the line of the Philadel
phia and Reading near Lebanon, and
for station facilities at Iyititz, on the
line of the Philadelphia and Reading;
the complaint; of th* Crucible Steel
It is rarely that local playgoers have an opportunity to see one of the
greatest successes of the current New York theatrical season in its first year, but
that is what the management has secured for the Majestic to-morrow, matinee
and night. "Twin Beds" is the attraction, now in its sixth laughing festival
month at the Pulton theatre, New York, with no signs of waning popularity. Not
since Margai-et Mnvo, who is, the author, wrote "Babv Mine," has this country
seen such dean, pure, unadulterated farce. The dramatic cleanliness shown by
Miss Mayo might, be copied by certain French authors.
"Twin Beds" deals with the felicity and annoyances of three married couples
living in the same apartment house; the Hawking in the center, an Italian grand
opera star and his wife, iSignor Monti, above them, anti the aowly wed Larking
below. —Adv.*
Company of America, as to the demur
rage regulations of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company; the objection of the
Lehigh Valley Coal Company and Kelly
Brothers Coal Company, of Snow Shoe,
to the rates of the Bell Telephone Com
pany. and the complaint of the Norwich
Telephone Company of McKean coun
ty, that the Bell refuses to make satis
factory physical connection with its
List of Court Attaches to Serve During
Next Two Weeks
Tipstaves who will serve at Hie Jan
uary Criminal Sessions court which
opens Monday and the Oommou Plceis
court beginning January 18, to-day
were announced by the court. These
are slated to serve at the criminal ses
sions: John Pottorf, Robert W. Green,
Hugh J. McOloskey, M. F. Graham,
Felix Newman, Joseph A. Berrvhill,
Harjv C. Keith, Jacob Wyant, Johu
Arnold, Thomas O. Reese, Joshua W.
Porter, Charles Riley, Benjamin M.
Shank, Isaac Woods, Edwin McCord,
Julius Clawson and John Barr.
The Common Pleas court tipstaves
include these: it. F. Graham, John
Pottorf, Robert W. Green, Joshua W.
Porter, William Reetf, John H. Killin
ger, Robert Carrington, John W. Cash,
Benjamin Hippie, Harry Fuleluner, W.
H. Alt la ml, George Gibbons, John
Bryan, Martin Wife and J. W. Whit
Wants Counsel Fees
Mrs. Theresu K. Saltsmau, the re
spondent in a divorce suit brought by
her husband, George A. Saltsmao, phis
morning olxtained a rule on the hus
band to show cause why he should not
pay her counsel fees so that she will
be able to set up a diefeuse. She de
nies his .claims that he was wilfully
and maliciously deserted. He must
make answer to the rule in ten days.
Marriage Licenses
Lewis K. Gray and Alda F. Free,
Stiney Fatima and Jennie Woitowiz,
John W. Smith and Mattie (J. Pren
tice, city.
Police Pick Up Suspects Recently Re
leased From Stone Pile
While Crist Kevill and Oearge Gra
ham were trying to dispose of unU'er
clothing and shoes this morning 011
Verbeke street, they were arretted by
(Sty Detective White and Policeman
Fotrow. The articles, they were offer
ing for sale are said to belong to the
The men were locked up pending an
investigation. Both wore released yes
terday. according to the police, after
spending thirty days on the stone pile.
Furnished by H. W. Suavely. Broker.
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York, Jan. 8.
Open. Close.
Alaska Gold Mines ... 27 26 :1
Amal Copper 54,, 54.-.''
Amer Beet Sugar 34 35
American Can 29% >q.v
, 4,0 P" 93%
Amer (ar and Foundry 42 4 3
Am Cotton Oil * 451/, 451/
A mere Loco 24% 26%
Amer Smelting 59% 597"
American Sugar 104% 103'*
Amer Tel and Tel .... 318*,4 118 ;! T
An neon da 26% 26>.,
Atchison 941/ 931 3
Baltimore and Ohio 68% 68%
Bethlehem Steel 51% 5147
Brooklyn KT 85% 86
California Petroleum .. 16% 16',.,
Canadian Pacific 156 * 156 "
Central Leather 39% 38'
Chi, Mil and St Paul . . 87% 87%
Ohino Con Copper .... 33% 33■■■■
Col Fuel and Iron ... 24% 25'/,
Consol Gas 1U 115%
Distilling Securities .. 10% 10%
£ r ? e 22% 22%
hrie Ist pfd 3t> 34?/
General Electric Co ... 141% 142 "
Goodrich B F 25% 26'.,
Great Nor pfd ...... 113% 1'14%
Great Nor Ore subs. . 27% 28
Illinois Central 107% 107%
Intertjoro 'Met pfd .. . 50% 50'..
Letoigh Valley 134 133'1
Louisville and Nashville 113% 115
Mex Petroleum 52% 52'.
'Missouri Pacific 7 7 3
Nev Consol Copper ... 12% 12'''
New York Central .. . 86% 86%
N. V. N>H and H 531., 5^7
Northern PaciHe. 100 ' 101 "
Pacific Mail 19% 20
I Penna B R 106 l(i;>
: People's G. and C 117% 117%
I Pittsburgh Coal 17% 17
j Press Steel Car 34 351^
Bay Con. Copper 16% 16%
| Reaitfng 14t!l/> )4fi) ,
1 Repub. Iron and Steel . 20% 20%
„ "lo I'M 75% 75'"
Southern Pacific '83% 84'
Southern R v 15a,- ir 1 .. l <
_ ,io P™ : .'.B 58 '
Tennessee Capper ...... 32% 32-v
Texas C-ompany 135 135 '
Union Pacific 118% 118'!,
u. S. Rubber 55% 56"
IT. S. Steel 51% 511'
| Pf d J<»«% 106%
Utah Copper 4 9'/, 50' A
! Western Maryland .... 14% 111
IW. U. Ttfegmpk 59% 59%
j Westinghousc Mfg .... 71% 71
Philadelphia Closing Prices
Philadelphia, Jan. B.—Stocks close.)
Cambria Steel
•General Asphalt 32 *
T <] opw 0 pw • R7".
I<ake Superior Corporation ... 10
Lehigh Navigation 761:,
Lehigh Valley 66:i r
Penna R R \\\ sgi,'
Phila Electric 23 3 '
Phi la Rapid Transit 11 1
Beading .' 73>4'
Storage Battery 4Si
Union Traction ggi '
United Gas Improvement SI
U S Steel 51
Chicago Grain Market. Closing
Chicago, Jau. B.—Close.
Wheat— iMav, 140%; July, 126%.
Corn—May, 76%; July, 77%.
Oats—May. 56%; July, 54%
Pork—May, 19.40.
Ixird—January, 10.67; May, 10.97.
Ribs—January, 10.0,">; 'May, 10.45.
Diiectorate Meets to Plan for Year's
Sassion at Eaglesmere
The directorate of the Central Penn
sylvania Conference Epworth league
Institute, including the Rev. A. S. Wil
liams and R. K. Rergstresser, of this
city, met in Hunbury yesterday to plan
for the nest session.
The Institute faculty was selected.
The Rev. A. 8. Williams, of Harrisburg,
will appear again as instructor in
Bible. Miss Rose Sun toe, of Baltimore,
will be teacher of junior league meth
od*. It is expected that Dr. Wilbur
Sheridan, general secretary of the Kp
worth League, will attend for the first,
time this growing movement,
j Last year a large number of persons
from Harrisburg atten led the Institute.
This year is to be the banner year, as
many young people from Central Penn
sylvania have already signified their in-,
tentiong of registering for the Insti
tute, at Eaglesmere.
Printed at this oflice in best style, at
lowetrt prices and on short notice.