2 Relief for Catarrh Sufferers Now FREE You Can Now Treat This Trouble in Your Own Home and Get Relief at Once. tHow the Remedy for Catarrh Wa® Discovered. a, the mm terri , ble dise ; as< : method ike ,iose I has raged unchecked and throat are JL r t « orated by an for years simply be- Jxifd causc have been directly to the treated while the cause of brants. the trouble has been left to circulate in the blood, and bring the disease back as fast as local treatments could relieve it. C. E. Gauss, who experimented for years on a treatment for Catarrh, found that after perfecting a balm that relieved the nose and throat troubles quickly, he could not prevent the trouble beginning 'stomach** Q " <*««, he Could direct influence completely remove all cousmembranes signs of Catarrh from nose W dlf. and throat, but in a few ease by remov weeks they were back. tng the cause. Careful experiments and investigations have shown that as the troubles were expelled from the nose and throat, the real cause of flie disease was overlooked and in a short time the Catarrh would return stronger than ever. Mr. Gauss has gone way ahead of the ordinary methods of treatment and has provided a remedy that Removes tHe Cause and Immediately Gives Re lief to the Nose and Throat Reese Jones" of Scranton, Penn., says that after trying many other treatments, he used this new method and "My nose is now entirely clear and free and I am not bothered by the disease any more. The New Combined Treatment is worth its weight in gold." Temporary relief from catarrh may be obtained in other ways, but the New Combined Treatment must inevitably be accepted for permanent results. Sarah J. Cape. Mount Pelia, Tenn., says, "I I suffered the pains and distress of catarrh for thirteen years and needless to state, tried nearly every method. But by your new method I was completely cured and you cannot imagine the joy that has come over me." Trial Treatment FREE This new method is so important to the wel fare of humanity, so vital to every person suffer ing from any form of catarrh, that the oppor tunity to actually test it and prove its results, will be gladly extended without one cent of cost. A large trial treatment, with complete, mi nute directions, will be sent free to any catarrh sufferer. 0 Send no money, take no risks, make no promises. Simply clip, sign and mail the cou pon and the test package of the New Combined Treatment will be sen*, fully orepaid, together frith the valuable book on Cctarrh. I SUBURBAN^ MIDDLETOWN Bucket Brigade Extinguishes Blaze at Home of Alex Nauss Special Correspondence. Middletown, *Jan. 7.—The union prayer meeting held in the M. E. church last evening was well attended. The Re\. T. C. tMcCarrell preached a splendid sermon. The meeting this evening will be held in St. Peter's Lu theran church and the Rev. 11. F Hoov er will preach. The Wincroft basketball team and the Tennis Club team will plat in the J4. A. C. rooms this evening. J. A. Kramer is ill at his home on Emails street. George Kipple, who was given a hearing before Squire C. E. Bowers ves teiday afternoon, was held for court, the evidence bein I " r * e Water ll' 111 ™' th *8 cents, Is good for One (1) SUKar Bowl and || ||_ , , jII | 0n « (1) Cream Pitcher— cents extra by mall; II: '1 || ¥£" can Ket the entire set of Nine (9) Pieces with lil I I || anionnt specified above, or any two sets with the ii ' I I advertised price. If yo.i have one of these coupon* |l! , [III bets now on display at ' "• iSt-"" n|J THE STAR.INDEPENDF.VT L IH-iiO-iM S°uth Third St.. .Harrisburg, Pa. Goes to the Root of Stopped-up noses Constant "frog-in-the throat" Nasai discharges Hanking and spitting Snoring at night Bad breath Frequent colds Difficult breathing Smothering sensation in dreams Sudden fits of .sneering Dry mucus in nose and any of the other symp toms that indicate ap proaching or present catarrh j———— I Send the Test Treatment • FREE I C. E. GAUSS, | 6727 , Main Stre.t, Mar.h.ll, Mich. I If your New Combined Treatment will " relieve my Catarrh nnd bring me health | and good spirits again, lam willing to be shown. So. without cost or obligation | to me. send, fully prepaid, the Treat . ment and Book. * Name | Addiess ! _ friends on Tuesday evening. Refresh ments were served T. J. Antrim spent last evening at Harrisburg. Tli properties and household goods of John Haas were sold at public sale 1 this afternoon by Sheriff Wells. Frank Winnaugle has finished filling I his ice house. NEWVILLE Marriage of Miss Kitty Clover Koeer and Andrew McElwain Announced 1 Spci-ial Correspondence. Newville, Jan. 7.—Mrs. Martha El i ten Koser has issued cards announcing | the marriagie of her daughter. Kitty : ( lover, to Andrew McElwain. The wed | ding took place at the home of the i bride's mother on Monday evening, | December 28, the ceremony being per i formed (by the Rev. G. M. Reed, D. D. ! On Saturday, January 2, the cards were i issued nnd Mr. and ilrs. McElwain left ' on a wedding trip to New York City. , Tiie announcement came as a surprise j to their many friends. The bride has been a saleslady in the Daylight store I of Paul L. Spangler. The groom is one : of the proprietors of the Newville gar- | 'body of Dr. M. L. Km rick was | ibrought from his late home in Carlisle, | to this place on the 12.49 p. m. train f 011 Monday and interment made in the ! New ville cemetery. Dr. Emrick was for ; inerly a practicing physician here. The public schools of this place re opened on Monday after the Christmas vacation. The Big Spring Presbyterian church is holding special service* this week I in the evenings. Miss isalbel Cnaeey, who has been a ! student at Blair Academy, Blairstown, N. J., returned to that institution on Tuesday. Miss Mary Thompson, who spent the holiday season at her home in this ! place, returned on Saturdav to Passaic, ' ' "I" wl >cre she teaches school. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Zcigler and Mrs. , V ? wB. When the Westport and Compo Besie'h .motor fire apparatus arrived the barns were dpoined. The contents of a well iwere exhausted in extinguishing the flames that ihad sprewd to the house and in desperation the firemen turned to the cider supply, which was utilized both by the pumps and chemical tanks to good advantage in saving the ad joining residence*. RAISES "MONEY TRUST" CRY Investigation of Federal Reserve Sys tem Demanded by Congressman Waerturvgtoit, .D. C,, Jan. 7.—ln a res olution declaring the Federal Reserve System is a "legalized money trust," and that "money trust managers and their agents were selected to control the twelve federal reserve btwiks,'' Repre sentative bind'bergh, of Minnesota, jros tenlay asked for a special Congression al committee to'investigate " bhe in fluences that have been exercised by the money trust in the organisation of the federal reserve hanks and*t>he ex tent of the control of the money trust over the saane." Representative Lin-dlbergih also intro duced a resolution calling for investiga tion of w'hether the federal reserve bank of the Seventh district, at Chica go, was organized properly under bbe reserve act. RHEUMATISM. CONQUERED Isay that I can conquer rheumatism with a simple heme treatment, with out electrical treatment, stringent diet, weakening: baths or in fact any other the usual treatments recommended for the cure of rheumatism. Don't shut your eyes and say "im possible," but put me to tne terst. You may have tried everything you ever heard of and have spent your money right and left. I say "well and good,* let me prove my claims with out expense to you. N bet me send you without charge a trial treatment of DELANO'S RjHKU MATIP CONQUEROR. I am willing to take the chance and surely the test will tell. So send me your name and the test treatment will he sent you at. once. When 1 send you this. 1 will write you more fully, and will show you that my treatment is not only for banishing: rheumatism, but should also cleanse the system of Uric Acid and give great benefit in kidney trouble and help the general health. This special offer will not be held open indefinitely. It will lie necessary for you to make your application quickly. As soon as this discovery be comes better known 1 shall cease send ing free treatments ajid shall thi-n charge a price for this discovery which will be in proportion to its great value. So take advantage of this offer before it is too late. Remember, the test costs you absolutely nothing. F. H. Delano, 85-E Delano Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y.— Adv. IS NOW WILLING TO MARRY Clergyman in Jail on Betrayal Charge Would Wed Alleged Victim Lebanon, Jan. 7.—The Rev. E. El vin Beck, rector of St. Frail(ns' Grace Reformed church, of this city, would now wed Miss M. Shivos, a daughter of a iblind man of this city, his former parishioner. He declared his purpose to Sheriff H. P. Sfcrupp in a note yester day and urged tihat the arrangements he made so that tahe knot may be tied as soon as possible. The eugenic law of Pennsylvania, however, may prove ■an Obstacle in the Rev. Mr. Becik's plans and he may after all be required to remain in the county jail until his trial at the March court on charges of bet naval. He was arrested last week by Dep uty Sheriff W. L. Brunner and lodged in jail on New Year's eve, on the above charge. Last week Harry Light, who was on Beck's bond, withdrew his name from the bond, hence the arrest of Beck. For some years Pastor Beck has had charge of a small chapel at Pleas ant Hill, this city. LONG TERM FOR SLAYER Colored Man Sent to Prison for From 19 to 20 Years Philadelphia, Jan. 7. —'Lavader Hen ry, colored, yesterday was sentenced | 'by Judge Sulzberger to not less than j 1 9 nor more than 20 years in the East i ern penitentiary for having shot and killed Policeman Frank A. Sankey, of t)he Sixty-first and Thompson streets station, on September 13. Henry plead ed guilty and the crime was fixed at second degree murder. Henry killed the ppliceman after he 'had been ordered to move from the cor ner of Fifty-seventh and Vine streets, where he was talking to a colored wom an. Sankey was shot in the abdomen and died in five days. Marietta District Institute j (Marietta, Jan. 7. —The 28th annual session of the Marietta district insti tute will be held on Saturday in the High school building. The districts represented are East Donegal, West (Hcmpfield, Conoy and Marietta. The speaker for the occasion at the after noon session will be Professor B. Scheidta, of Franklin and Marshall Academy. There will 'be special music. Funeral of Col. Zimmerman Cincinnati, Jan. 7.—The funeral of Colonel Eugene Zimmerman, who died suddenly a week ago last Sunday, was held yesterday afternoon at St. Paul's Cathedral. Burial was in Spring Grove cemetery. SALTS FINE FOR ACHING KIDNEYS We Eat Too Much Meat, Which Clogs Kidneys, Then Back Hurts and Biadder Bothers You Most folks forget that the, kidneys, like the bowels, got sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasional ly, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment, you feel an acbo or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of .lad Salts from any-f,ood drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glaas of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is mnde from the acid of grapes and lemn(i juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus onding bladder disorders. .Tad Salts is harmless; incxpeitsive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clean, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Halts to folks who be lieve in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble.—Adv. C. V.NEWS TOASTERS ON BOBSLED CO IHILE 1« ftBOUT 47 SECONDS Bain Puts Stop to Dangerous Sledding on Two-Mile Grade Near Cashtown, Franklin County—Enjoyed Sport at Bisk of Lives Oharrfbert'lnirg, .lan. 7.—l Trie heavy rain last night put a stop to coasting in this section and incidentally came C V ciden'ts on the ice-coated hill near Cash town. This grade is something li'ke ■two mileß long and the 'bobsleds fairly whizzed over it, sometimes covering a mile in forty-seven seconds. The coasters braved 'both the danger anil t'he cold and turned out in scores to enjoy the popular pastime on the hill. Cross roads wore blocked, al though a number of accidents were narrowly avorted witlh passing teams. One auto driver run 'his machine iuto the thickly crusted snniw to avoid a collision and punctured botih front tires. So great was the trpeed attained by the 'bobsleds that the coasters frequent ly lost their hats, caps and .wraps. CUTTING ICE FOR HARRISBURG United Ice and Coal Company Getting Supply in Cumberland County Carlisle, Jan. 7.—Out in an isolated spot in the South Mountains, miles from any town of consequence, one •hundred and thirty-six men aided by six draift 'horses and a big steam en gine are cutting ice from a dam and as a result train load after trajjn load of heavy ice is being shipped into 'Har riflburg. It is the annual ice harvest of tlhe United Tee and Coal Company. The ice is Harrisburg's ice and from this lonely region comes probably the great er part of the frozen water used in tlie city. So great is the gathering that the product is not measured "by mere tons, 'but is spaken of 'by the thousands of tons, and when secures a glimpse of this elaborate undertaking, he un derstands t'he fullness of the statement. Coaster Had Leg Broken , WaynesJboro, Jan. 7.—One of two parties coasting with bob sleds on the steep Funk 'hill, west of toiwn, ran into a sleigh driven by a Greencastle couple, Tuesday evening at 8.30 o 'clock. The accident resulted iu a very seri ous injury to one of the coasters, Wayne \Mc\iiniey, South 'Potomac avenue. The knee cap of his left leg was fractured and the leg was disjointed at tho knee. In addition, he was severely bruise*! albout the body. First mm Baby a Winner Hagerstown, Jan. 7.—The bouncinjg nine-pound baby boy of Mr. and IMlrs. Harry Ditmer, 222 Ridge avenue, will receive the handsome baJby bed offered by the Home Furniture Company to the fi/st 'baby born in 1915. T'he Ditmer boy was "born at ten minutes after 4 o'clock on New Year's day and iwas the first baby worn in the county in 1915, according to the list received by the Home IFupniture Company. Railroad Stations Robbed Gettysburg, Jan. 7.—Both the Read ing and Western Maryland ticket of fices at Gettysburg were entered some time during the early morning hours yesterday by an unknown man who broke the locks, left no ether trace of his means of entry, took a number of mileage books, and deiwrted without doing any further harm. MYSTERIOUS THIEF A DOG Animal Was Making Collection of Bed clothing, Detective Found New' York, Jan. 7.—The mystery of a series of bed clothing thefts from homes of laborers laying out a park at Passaic and Park avenues, Nutiey, N. J., within two weeks, was solved yes terday when a detective assignei to look for the thief discovered him. The detective saw n dog enter a half open door, go upstairs and return a minute later trailing a bed sheet, from his mouth. The animal was followed to an unoccupied house nearby, where dozens of pieces of bedc'l'othing were fwuild. The owner of the dog has not been found. ARMY AVIATOR MAKES RECORD Lieutenant Carberry Takes Passenger to Height of 11,(too Feet San Diego, Cal., Jan. 7.—Capt. A. 8. ■Cowan, IT. S. A., commanding the army aero squadron .at North Island, an nounced yesterday that* a new Ameri can altitude record for passenger car rying biplanes was established at the camp by Lieutenant ,T. C. Carberry, car rying Lieutenant Arthur C. Ohiristie passenger to a, height of 11,690 feet. The aviators were in the air one | hour and ten minutes. Under the rules | of the. Aero IB lib oX America their rec ord is declared official. The previous greatest height was 9,000 feet. School Board Destroys Bonds Marietta, .lan. 7. The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held last evening, with all the members present. Aside from the reg ular order of business, four bonds were ignited by the president of the Board. John Mueller, and destroyed, which Hhowed good housekeeping for the year 1914. * No More Piles I Simple Home Remedy EaailyApolied Gives Quick Relief-and Costa Nothing to Try. More «■! Pyramid Pile Remedy gives quick relief, stops itching, bleeding or pro truding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, in the privacy of your own j home. 50c a box at all druggists. A single box often cures. Free sample for trial with booklet, mailed free, in plain wrapper, on request to Pyramid I>rug t'o., 516 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.—Adv. DUDLEY 2H inches NORMAN 2% boh:. AR.ROW COLLARS 2|W2J|C "- V J.C.A. B.'BJLECONFERENCE Interest in Big Event Continues to Grow—Dr. Scofleld at His Best Last Evening the inclemency of the weather, .Minestock hall last even ing was well filled, and considering the awful storm that was raging on the outside, the audience could be called a arge one; an 4 this qJohe was sufficient rv- u 1 eroat interest created by SnSr e in bhe AMociati ° n Bibi « th J* 16 ( U sf tor continued his general •theme I' rom Genesis to Revelation," Vi ° W of the Brt>le il'us- C a r tß ' evenin.2 with the .prophetical books of the Old thwfTnTo 4 SlXt< ' !>n in nun,b<,r . dividing •i W ° P r t3 ' tbMe bitten hi. tore the exjle ajid after. He proved con c usivelv that prophecy WHS one of the ®ost important as well as interesting 01 Bl:ble stud - v , and could not be neglected °n the part of the student who would acquire a complete knowl edge ot the Bible. The reading neces- Kl andV 10 With th ° 0,11086,1 P e °l ,le ' Israel, and he opened to his hearers God s plan mth tho spo P t, present and to come, in the light oL S T;, and V™P h <*y- It was one of the best readings yet eiven in •the conference series. * g ,n ■ *5" s P<»ak this evening J alinestoc-k hall at 7.45 o'clock prompt. Doors will open at 7.30. W Old CtamZ e '' ' ,i9 readin « S in th » les tament series as tbev relate tn his general theme, he will this evening up the books of the New Testa ment, and no one interested in Bible study can afford to mi „ OUCH! LAME BACK. RUB LUMBAGO OR BACKACHE AWAY Rub Pain Right Out With Small Trial Bot tle of Old "St. Ja cob's Oil" TI. L B - vs CBUS * Backache? No! Jhey have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Your back ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil." Kub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stav crip pled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. iimh» 8 0l1 " * fr ° m ' your druggist and limber up. A moment after it is ap plied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" whenever you have seiatiea, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is abso lutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin.—Adv. SEEK HIDDEN MURDER Prosecutor Investigates Death Lehane Attributed to Nephrities New York, Jan. 7.—Assistant Dis trict Attorney Breckinridge said yes terday that he believed Edward Sea- whose deathi was re-ported by Cor oner's Physician Le>han e as due to chronic nephritis, had been imirOened Detectives were assigned to the my stery. It developed vest en laV that Seaman was an elevator operator' and the mark < which were found on hie skull indicat ed that he had probably been struck with ,n hammer or similar instrument. Seaiman lived at No. 313 East Twenty ninth street, he was found deaf Friday. To Cure h ( old In One Take L.AXATIVK RHOMO QUINtNTS Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to rure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. Csc. Aged Lancaster County Woman Dies Hamlbright. Jan. 7.—Mrs. Marv S. Ham'oright, 91 years old, the oldest resident died yesterday from old age. Her husband died fifty-foux years ago. The family was among the first resi dents, the place being named after them. She was a member of the Re formed church. Seven children and fourteen grandchildren survive. She is j the last of her family and was weil known over lAncastor county. Mount Joy Fund For Belgians Marietta, Jian. 7.—The residents of Mount Jov and vicinity are raising funds to sond to Belgium for the relief of sufferers, and more than one hundred dollars has already been subscribed, al most half of which has been given by two churches. Twenty barrels of flour will be sent soon. The people of Mari etta and vicinity gave liberally to this cause also. fora broken leg, suffered in an accident «50 Fine for Quarantine Breach Sun'bury, Jan. 7. For entering a quarantined home here, Stanley Boss was arrested yesterday bv Dr. (J. S. Hunt, a State health inspector. He paid a |SO line. Will Oons»crate New Club House ljAbanon, Jiaji. 7. —At a meeting ot'» the Men's Club, of St. Luke's Episco pal parish, this city, hold last night at •the parish house, it. was decided to con secrate the handsome new $15,000 club bouse, with interesting ceremonies, on Saturday evening,' January 16, at which time Bislioip Kthelbert Talbot, of . South Bethlehem, bishop of the diocese, will be in charge of tihe services, assist ed by the local rector, the Kev. Dr. A. A. V, Binnington.