The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 05, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
The Globe's Greatest Sale Due to Change Infirm The Sale of Seles—The Sale You Have Been Waiting For This remarkable feast of bargains should be a "Record-Breaker" in merchandising annals of Harrisburg. No goods reserved—everything reduced. The newest of this season's high-grade mer chandise for which THE GLOBE is famous. MEN'S OVERCOATS — The Most Favored of Men's Suits Every wanted style—no man should miss supplying himself with an overcoat Every good kind—they ARE the best kind—and make of the very newest fabrics, at these economical Elegant Suits, Worth $15.00 and $16.50, Are Now t Balmacaan Overcoats, Worth $15.00, at $lO 75 $10.75 • Mm Suits of Worsted, Velour, Cassimeres and Cheviots in every Overcoats in fancy mixed plaid Tweeds, Scotch effects popular model—tailored to perfection aud suitable for men of any age and ggk and neat mixed Shetland cloths with satin yoke and sleeve lining- Some ' or ever - v purpose. Q&dtSffi'f with velvet collars—smart models that any man will fancy. «————_____ Men's Superior Suits, That Sold at $20.00 Superb Overcoats That Sold at $20.00 ' and $22.50, Are Now and $22.50, Are Now -f O *7ET ojq 7 rz fmm tjy A. fj •Jr tj Finest Silk Mixed Worsteds —Tartan Plaids—heavy Blue g i|l|jj A i . . fr , , c ,, . . Serges, Unfinished Worsteds and black Thibet Cloths. Everv suit a marvel law® An elegant variety ot Chesterfield overcoats in gray of make and finish that will satisfy the most critical man. Regular sizes, Oxford gray and black Melton cloths —hand-tailored throughout—some stouts, slims and long stouts. Sa iSgj! satiu and silk lined. Balmaeaaus of imported fabrics and also the Eng- * 8t 1 lish Double Breast models in beautiful Vicuna cloths and Chinchillas. _ . _ * I jjf flffl Such Famous Makes as Atterbury Sys- m m Overcoats of Ultra Make and Style tem, Fashion-Clothes and Adler-Roches- 1 il Representing the Highest Type of ter Suits that Sold at $22.50 and $25.00, If 1 Tailoring, Worth $25 and S3O, at Are Reduced to ll i7 '-~ $18.75 $16.75 Many of these are lined throughout with Skinner's guaranteed silks and satins A splendid variety of these sterling suits that possess their air of distinction Luglish Melt oils in blacks and grays, blue Elysiau Beavers and natty Vicunas—styles and mod- and refinement. Many of theni of imported fabrics and tailored in the most exclusive style— ,'l< to suit every man including stouts and extra sizes. models to suit all —young, middle aged or elderly men. You'll find your size here. A limited lot of men's fancy mixed heavy An elegant assemblage of Men's Worsted Priestly IMEN'C TDfIIICRDC 411 Do/lnro/1 A superb assortment of Young Men's Suits overcoats—full length and elegantly tailored- " ' a °" 1 in Fancy Mixtures and Blue Serges; values to former values to 512.50. Extra special at $ I 0.75 g«> Trousers reduced to ........... .$3.65 An extraordinary , t ■ slip on Rain Coats in En & lish st y le - worth U P t0 $2.50 Trousers reduced to $1.85 I II 1 sloo °- Special at $2.00 Trousers reduced to $1.45 4U* Q -/V-/ ijlW«yu $3 5 0 Li Corduroy Trousers at $2.85 MOTHERS-Hare's True Economy for Your Boys' Needs : r~rii BOYS' overcoats Furnishings-^oLy^n^el LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 ** Nobby Fancy Mixed Tweed Over- Boys' Winter Overeoats—elegant f 1 coats for bovs, 3to S years—values Mixed Cheviots—smartest models— IjWCalCl!)"" f-| IfC I JU .o s4.oo—sale price, *«££ • «• «M»- FOT Men Slid BOyS ,J « / V <U 1 QC ttj'l QC MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SWEATERS with Buy now for present as well shawl collar, in Oxford Gray; or as future needs. /A J \\ J t!i\ if worth $2.00. Sale price, fnaL |! jaWwl ___________ MEN'S HEAVY SHAKER-KNIT SWEAT-: Smart styles of soft shirts with soft 111 LOT NO. 3 LOT NO. 4 ERS with shawl collars—navy, oxford gray and 0 r laundered cuffs—also semi-stiff IU Boys' All-wool Chinchilla Reefer School Overcoats for boys 12 to maroon; all sizes; values to $4.00. OK bosoms—thousands to select from— Overcoats—Grays. Oxford Grays, 18 years—heavy winter overcoats— Sale price, t|;4l*Uv worth to $1.50. Special WA « Brown and Navy Blue—values to full length—shawl or convertible col- MEN'S HEAVY SHAKER WORSTED at It/C y--CT. (J t f —sale price, lars—elegant fancy and mixed SWEATERS—with one-piece shawl collars and i / <-y Qg Tweeds—values to sß.so—sale price. loose inverted pockets—white, navy, maroon Elegant styles of Soft Shirts of beautiful mercerized fabrics %3 •C? and oxtori 3 ? ra J'; $6.50 values. C?/l QPC in plain colors and fancy stripes—original value to d»"| f)A IK • v/V/ Sale price, $2.00. Special at BOYS' SCHOOL SWEATERS, in oxford - £?f| Boys'Mackinaws, ££,65 Boys' Rfllmaraan Overcoats pri '' e ' beS s L K f?Siv Worth 56.50, at m ,. , , , . „ sold at $2.50 and $3.50. Very special at I ! These popular overeoats also feel the effect of the great reduction: ¥Trirl*M*WO€>-#* == — ======== ___-___^ A superb assortment of heavy storm- $g , Balmacaan Overcoats, $4.85 U " aer Wedr defying coats in beaut.ful plaid effects s7<so Bo^s ' Balmacaan Overcoats! :.$5.85 50c RIB ? ED f* I*™ 1 *™ AND w - GLU VliO--PRTrF^ —plain and Norfolk styles—sizes 10 to $8.50 and $lO Boys' Balmacaan Overcoats, $6.85 ERS—all sizes—extraordinary bargain IrKiLilSa 18 years. $12.50 Boys' Balmacaan Overcoats, $9.85 S BOYS' FLEECE LINED AND COTTON MEN ' S WOOLEN GLOVES, in black, gray and tan OQ^ rr==zzrr^z^z^^zzzz:m ,HI T A ™ DEAWERS - 17 c "MN-S 70^ regularly 3oc. Special at II v . v • , iMf D«vc' CnUc BOYS'KNEE PANTS PEERLESS UNION SUlTS—made of the 1 MEN'S 1 LINED REINDEER AND MOCHA GLOVES, with I DUj5 OUllO" Drastically Reduced Social a^ 41 COtt ° n; $1.29 he,Vy W ° ol Hning; W ° rth n - 5 °- Sl>CCial $1 00 75c Corduroy Knee Pants are OQ C DUOPOLD UNION SUITS —the hygienic un- I '"MEN'S HEAVY' CAPE GLOVES in a beautifui Every One Means a Great Saving 39c tr?:..™.''??'* 0 ..:??. $2.00 rn Au excellent of Bovs' Sui.s of f.ney ,nixed Cheviot,, 79 c WOOL FLEECE ONION eepton.l va uc at $2.00. Very special at vl«OU I Blue Serges and other durable fabrics—all sizes to 1?" Sl5O and $2 00 Knee Pants are <M on SUITS-regularly $3.00. Specially dj9 OQ BOYS' LINED REINDEER AND GRAY MOCHA OQ years. Former price $4.00. Sale price, ibZ.OD 0U W $1.29 to V&.&V / GLOVES-regularly -iQe. at A splendid collection of Boys' All-wool Cheviot Suits—winter _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . 411 Hate and Fur Cans Are Reduced weight—every choice style—sizes 6to 17 years—also d>o QC r ■ T I T All HatS ana fur baps Are ReOUiea Blue Serges. Originally $5.00. Sale Price, I I B l—J f I M B Lj SOFT AND STIFF HATS FUR CAPS n£Si££, tZ o®a™ T .K ! «r Ui OC "WHERE EVERYBODY SHOPS" v "°" $2.45 $3.50 Valaea at $2 .50 lour-finish Cassimeres—values to $8.50. Sale price, «pD.OD 322-324 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. and » Velour $5-00 Values at $3 95 ___ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm — mmm, __ mmmmH / TTAHRISBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENTNO. JANUARY 5, 1915. 9