The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 05, 1915, Page 6, Image 6
6 ■= = " «. Additional News of the Store on Page 14 y, Ic a vmxt€ b«e We want to make this January Clearance Sale the bluest event of its kind in the history of Mid-Winter selling events, and with that end in view we have lowered prices on thousands of dollars worth of staple merchandise to such an extent that a new low basis of cost to the con sumer has been reached. In addition to the lowering of the price level on staple, regular stocks we have purchased many small lots of desirable merchandise at a price that represents a mere traction of actual worth. It will be to your advantage to attend the opening of the January Clearance Sale to-morrow. Open Stock Dinner Ware of Fine Quality Women's January Clearance of Colored Dress Goods IT In Patterns to Be Discontinued Tells of Great Economies for Sewing Room Uncommon Reductions in the Clearance Sale ,SI.OO to $1.50 Fabrics: 39c 50c Serge- 39c M,. ~ , . . , ~ ~ , , , . i Women's $1.98 white hood and o ' any ot tlu' eliou'est designs ot dinner service that we have ever shown in sets of brushed wool, January Thousands of vards of colored and black dress goods from our regular stock our open stock department are included in the January clearance of discontinued have been reduced'for the January clearance. In many instances the quantities patterns. v sleeveless cancan jackets, prey :uui are not large, so earlv buviug will he profitable. The regular price and the reduced price are given here to show the remarkable danusry oiearain-t' pruo, o»c • _ T .n„.r» n«r _, lv _ , ... .. i j •. i Women 9 $1.98 and brushed W mines wide, nav>. January Clear- s!._«> Silk Poplin, 10 inches wide, newest shades, savings ttiat are mane possible: WO ol vests, .lauuarv clearance price, anc# Price. yard, «»c January Clearance price, yard, »5c Amtriaa PorcMn : C old Lint Edge Por,«l.m wi,i, g r,™ lust,,- ...,,,1 iMTS* »'*> "S" .T. . Tg, J&£Z\£ZlSi « ftR Decorated with green and maroon border, lace border: u «• 11 i f > ! #I.OO Boman Stripes. 54 inches wide, three styles. #1.50 Broadcloth in shades of Coponitageu, garnet, gold edged: Ke*«i«r Clearance Men s Jd.lHi Japanese silk house January Clearance price, yard 50c brown and plum. January Clearance price, yard $t t!) Kre.iar ( irnm.or »'rtw. l'ri.r. coats, shades. .lauuarv cloarauco «1.25 Serge. 50 inches wide. January Clearance *2.00 Plaids and Roman Stripes for skirts. Jauu Vr,n - Plates that were, dozen 63c 42c rnce. ...................**.9B price yam . . . .. 05° ary Clearance price, yard ...mi.lo Bread and butter plates fcoc o7C r». . , . , Men s Shil'tS #2.00 and $-.-5 fancy Silk Poplin, 40 inches wide. $2.00 Coating, 54 inches wide. January Clearance Tea plates *l.lO G9c Plates that were. do«en >oc o.><* Mon" s Vt"o so°«e shirts with I January Clearance price, yard 05c price, yard .$1 .tin Breakfast plates *1.30 OSr Plateß that were - ,lozen 1 - 00 69r mushroom bosoms, sizes 14 to 16. ] HI 1 Dessert dishes. 70.- 4S C Plates that were, dozen $1.17 79 C January clearanee P riee, . *l.lO DIaCK. UreSS OOOCIS <> 2 u.i ot i-- in - Men s SI.OO white cambric shirts. tups ana saucers jm.4«> 1 lates that were, dozen $1.30 IHJC sizes 14 to 17. January clearauce 50 e black Granite Cloth, •>(> inches wide. Jan- I ary Clearance price, yard 80c 4,, 4 1 ■ \\T o 1 pri «• 59c uary Clearance price, yard, 39c $1.25 black Worsted, 54 inches wide. Jann- Attractive Aluminum Ware Keductions s»Kc and $1.25 aluminum sauce pans. Clearance i separately would cost $!.«» for the set; in l-qt., collar. January clearance price, fl»c ( learanee price, yard, 69<? j $1.12.i black Silk Poplin, 40 inches wide. -Imii . Saic price. 50c I l* 9 -Qt. and 3**-««. sizes. Specially priced in the Dives. Pomerov i Stewart ' sl.-5 black Panama. 54 inches wide. Jauu- I uary Clearauce price, vard 95f? Three aluminum sauce pans, in nests, which if sold | clearance, sot 7»c Men's Store, Street Floor. ' ! Mr Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Street Floor. Drug Sundries Are Lowered An Important Day In Groceries Provides A Clearance of Wardrobe In Price Savings On the Finest Grades of FoodStuffs and Dress Trunks 5 lbs granulated sugar, 24<» Many Staple Items for Toilet and i lan^x\Ta°sifn-lipVas rv sl2.soTrunks, $9.98 $21.00 Trunks, $14.98 R. l ean hand packed tomatoes 10r The trunks entering the January Clearance were ln the Clearance I 13r slightly soiled during the holiday season and repre ss* purity cold cream lie asc chamois hrush or mit for ' ' sent values that are out of the ordiuarv. Round jax petroleum jelly, .. 8c washing windows and automobiles, 96r Quart hAttin ommnniJ a. 15c Fancy new apricots. 2 lbs 3oC Sugar cured bacon, lb USc S fir'SS trll " l:s > reduced to f $7.08 Quart v pw -vi,.;- •> n, e o-Miuced ham, lb 20c $»;>.00 wardrobe trunks, reduced to $25.00 S!sc jar No-odor for perspiration. 5c Hymetns liquid soap, sprinkler " V , , Mlrra k " To _ I nil cream cheese, lb 25c *IO.OO dress trunks, reduced to .SIH.OB top bottle 10c tleantti currants, pkg Pimento cheese lb. . °7c 112.50 dress trunks, reduced to C -v a»idm.i. OTtn.l .Best seeded raisins, pkg 13* Neufchatel cheese, cake, !! ~r, c »18.50 dress trunks, reduced to .' si:i.»m Dioxogeu. 20-02. sue. 05c " p * 11, '•• •• 1 ,c None such mince meat, pktr 10c Imported Roquefort, lb I»c $21.00 dress trunks, reduced to »14.98 AusUn-s spon-e cleaner for clem- distilled witch hajel. - Longhorn cheese, lb 25c * 22 - 00 (iress tr "" ks - reduced to Sl.-,.»K ' bottles not supplied, per quart. 20c "Royal Blue" hand packed tomatoes, large cans. 12c; Fancy Florida oranges, dozen 2t)c *j • ti t~* t ing carpets ou tae floor l»c Absor bant cotton, m-os. pkg.. 5c dozen. .. . . $1.35 Juicy grape fruit, each, sc: « for 25c JVllSCellaneOtlS llrmPtTlPrit MPTTI^ 25c head wash. iSc Absorbant cotton ;t o: eke 10c "Sugar-hill extra sifted early June peas, can. 12c; White grapes, lb 15c , X10UC11CII1CUU& UdiiCIIlCJIll llCIIlb A&sorted toUet so-c :5 cake* in t™™.. ' ... dozen. $1.35 Rosedale baking chocolate, lb 13c SI.OO set of Dover cold handle irons, packed in a box. with three irons, . " mnst rubber lined, «i,»c Fancy little lima beans, very tender, can 12c Pura vanilla extract, bottle tOc stand ami handle. Specially priced in the Clearance Sale, sot, <H>e So grade, . 25c "Tuna" fish: a delicious substitute for chicken in XXXX coufcct sugar, ll lbs 25c 10 yards floral lace shelf paper. Clearauco Sale price 5c 2«>c dry bath ammonia (per- Tourist cases, rubber lined, 50c salads. Can 24c Record coffee,, lb„ 25c box black cat stove polish. Clearance price, 2c fumed) U>c STS'le 30c salmon, tall tins, 14c Banquet cortee. lb 30c 1 0c and 15c scrub brushes. Specially priced 5c 25c Odor-Sure powder, box lOc 25c wool OUves; stuffed with celery 2.V; Purity coffee, can 10c 69«' all bristle adjustable spriujr handle commode brushes. Special, 38c , 7 - ->c wool powder puff K,c Sanowich olives. Urge jars 2"» c Onr Favorite tea. lb.. 45c 25c fruit and vegetable presses ' toe au ~" >c t^lcu 3l powder, «c 2->c box of high-gTade face pow- Large stuffed mangoes, each, 5c Laundry starch. 5 lbs 24c white enameled framed mirrors. Special ;51>c Kirbo midget cleanser. 5c der with nickel puff box and wool Star pickles, large Mason top jars, each 12c Boss snsti, 10 bars, 20c t9e firanite preserving kettles. Special, 10c S ozs. peroxide of hydrogen. 7c powder puff, shopping ba« size -JOc Dried beef, v* lb lOc Yellow corn meal, large sack, 12c 1 °«* inverted gas shades. Special ,-, c ' Boiled ham, sliced, lb ao c Pancake flour, 3 pkgs., 25c $1.75 and $1.98 inverted gas lamps complete. Special !>Bc " IlV "- lomer °- " Wart ' SUeCt F '°° r - j * Dives, Pomeroy * Stewart. Pasement. v I *r Pomerov & Stewart, Basement. Our Entire Stock of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts In Styles and Materials That Are Unmatchable Marked to Go At Very Unusual Reductions ln the January Clearance The most emphatic reductions ot outergarments lor \\ omen and Misses that we have announced tor many months go into effect to-morrow in t e opening of the Annual January Sale ol regular stock apparel. Practically every garment in the store goes into this clearance at a saving t at is un enia 1\ great. Altogether there are upward of 450 high grade Suits, Coats and Skirts that invite you to share to-morrow s savings. Suits From Regular Stock in Long Coats That Were $25.00 Are velvet collar finished with fur. January Clearance Sale! $20.00 1 1 1 Tfc * #25.00 bryadire and pebble cheviot coats, belted style, collar and cuffs of velvet. ort oat Reduced Now Reduced to $18.50 and S2O $25.00 brown mixed cloth coats. Ekunk collar, velvet trimmed. January Clearance 11 ; Actual $12.50 and $15.00 Coats for SIO.OO ad °' WlSr M*ck zlbeline coats, plush collar and cu«s. Jan, Clearance Bs ae wt SS V* Clearwice Sale SIO.OO »10.00 black taffeta skirts with pleated tunic. January Clearance Sal fan?v V cuffs*. January Clearance 2 °' si ar7 < Ml e -i'i an h?,^ le '>.v '.i iUiL' '" • , $15.00 navy blue and black pebble cheviot coats, belted models, black velvet col- $».50 gaberdine skirts ln navy, circular tunic, trimmed with buttons. January #55.00 dnvetvne cloth R nit« .Lf broadcloth suits, long lar. Januarv Clearan-e Sel« $12.50 Clearance Sale $5.95 striped velvet collar and vest January 1 Lit'"black velvet 0 rnilar 1 .!? i™"* 1 ?' 8 - 50 navy and black chec * c< > at - fox trot style. January Clearance Sale, $15.00 #7.50 and #8.50 navy and black serge skirts, deep yoke and pieated tunic. Jan, Clearance Sale. ' p * (1 cloth co,tß « b » ck - trtnuntd ,ar «« bon « ary Clearancc 8al « #4.50 ' ,ry C,earance buttons. January Clearance Sale #12.50 to Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Second Floor-Three Elevator,. i , y HARRISRURG STAK-INDEPENDENT. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5. 1915.