The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 05, 1915, Page 5, Image 5
; CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. ~ h ~ announcemcnts tor furthcr ' CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. «#"* - FOUNDED 1871 p* waitn our announcements every aav tor further news FOUNDED 1371 » 4 / of the January White Sale and many other important /V'/W/ffM <¥ J ' : events that will follow. ' HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE v_ , __ . ___/ HARRLSAURG'S POPULAR DCPMVTtVMT STORE [ To-morrow—Begins The Great January White Goods Sale ► As we emphasized in our announcement yesterday, qualities and va- j L:^\^v-< ► rieties have been given first consideration, although unusual values in al- | |f7 V I * 5 ► most every department are clamoring for attention. Almost every garment j|) y f y I 4 ; ► or piece of material has been purchased expressly for this event, and all ►.] a P * ! ► are fresh and clean—moderately priced. [| IWk 4 : \ Embroidered Voile A Splendid Bras- AV//^&ss\. „IB \ & Crepe Flouncings siere at 50c U I I ► H C3I/3 With nut 3 Embroidery trimmed from and back; IfL 11l M«a// Hf ,/ ' / I '! iUT |K\ / \\ V \ i/A I . Jm'v WVllllwUl M double reinforcement under arm; hook g|| n#'-- I M\\V.'' 11? ll4] / // h 1 \ ■MV' if r» I front and fold-over back styles. |,| /\> I M\\ V J%— M ,- a,& tl ,_J|_ I j\ 1 BiVum,H (J p ®|k \'-l * f r£C€Q€nT SI.OO to $1.25 Brassieres at 59C—hook IL W\\ F /!' \ /.! < ► dahiu' | j ' r,. : \ ',\ \' ' | <| * 'Tis a fart, and moreover there ace 25tt mm m• ■ . /., 1 \ 1 \ \ \ IA 1 JH & 1 i ; .vanu s.-_i.r L fro.n. Emb oidered Sir,pes a \\/ jj I i\il I] I«A | : : All-over Embroidery fileztivHnH I ' ))\ fi 3 ■» inelies Wide: nra. pa.ten... 11^1^UfiOerpr/CeO ► tine for waists and dresses, not more New shipments from large importers, A£ S* , , | . - Xl «... , ~~ <" ; : i Of Greatest Importance, Are The Piles and Piles of :! ► New 1915 Embroidery Edges 2to 4 ! strips, and prices average about half. h inches wide. Yard. - Ch Aiam I J I * k Embroidered Swiss Flouncing —27 including fine and dainty designs for eor- f Iflr lillC U ||UL I 111 Li SI Dtl S inches wide. 39c yard. Value 75e. ( ,>et covers. Special at 29r* yard. Value * [ K l! " MVs "'iconvent Edges, special at 8e yard- B P, eeial t,i V» ti» the metropolis was necessary to bring these garments here for this event, as we desired a 3 ► C. 1% # th ll if • i value 12V*»c; very desirable and the em- iOlllplrtrn DOW tllld UUUSU£lll\ Stock ill Oldoi tlmt 01ll\ tll 0 newest ;uul cleanest should l>e ottered. ► bnOWing The WnltC broidery resembles hand work The assortments are large, and of quality much can be said, for that was the kevnote of our purchases. Manv < ► _ , . , Convent Edges special at ia> yard special prices are featured, and in each instance, quality has had first consideration," rather than price lowness ' < t if nj ai/o/tJOC excellent tor underwear; made on long- ~ „ , , ~ . . . ' " I dun C IlUlf ClllcS cloth: value 15c and 20c. following are some of the garments that were selected as extraordinary values: < for Snrino M "° Fl00r ~ B °" M^L S : Combinations Gowns Made of nainsook insertion yokes and y ' u umii • r* I ** • elaborately trimmed models with medal , , ■ . . , . . i \A/hltl> \Tfa QflO/'ialC Made of nainsook, trimmed with lace , Gowns with low neck and kimono lions, lace and embroidery. I'rice is 50<?. ► haslnon depicts a tendency tow aid ¥¥ DpeCldlS and embroidery on both corset coyer and j slecye.s. lace and embroidery edge at neck tin >~,in 1 iL-' ,ll ,' t T. , tabru-s of unusual slieeruess in smart 11#... drawers. Price is 75c. and sleeves. Price is I. costumes tor spring wear, and anions; H Pf> m Tfi/j In/hltn , , .... ! AI .. , , . , tiimnungs ot tine laces and embroideries; the new arrivals are 40-ineli pique. lIUM 111 C VVIflfC Madfj ot sheer nainsook, daintily trim- Muslin and cambric gowns, high neck, many have inset medallions. Price is 75tf. < >■ fancy shadow effects fancy voile nuH ' w ' t ' l fine ' ait ' s alu ' embroideries, or j long sleeves, yoke of tucks and embroid- < ► crepes and riee cloths:'shadow voiles'. UOOOS UPOf sample styles with neat edges of einbroid- ery insertion. Price is 50c. ' < i ► Also diagonal suitings and Oxford ■ el « x an beading. I nee is $1.20. ('aml)rie. muslin and nainsook gowns, ► doth. Pri at 25c to 850 yard. Linen sheeting. 90 inches wide; extra Made of fine nainsook corset eover and high and low necks: some are elaborately | All the newest models, including Knick- , iV Satin Quilt at Sl.39—large size; , u . av> Ml ,ality : value $1.7:1. Special at drawers trimmed with hue lace and em- tr,mme<l while.,thers have neat trimmings. ' erbockcr, envelope, flat trimmed and skirt . „ hemmed ready for use. Value *1.75. $1.37', yard. broideries: knu-kerboeker and bloomer Price is SI.OO. , drawers; simple and elaborately trimmed Main Floor— All linen embroidered pillow cases, :56x combinations are included m this lot. | Sheer nainsook gowns, low neck, short styles. . ' i ' —4"i inches: regularly S2.W. at 51.29 pair. Price is $1.98. sleeves, trimmed with lace, embroidery, "... t < _ - . TTT . . _ Table Damask in 114 u,-tyard lengths; , medallions aud beading; 56 inches long. <,titched rnffTps' 'pri^i Ift2* "• TnThlSWhlteSalP regularly 20c. ► X Alio Tlllltv WdlC , Fancy stripe buck toweling—if in full iClLltUdLo Made of nainsook and cambric, with • Te A pieces would be worth 15c yard. Yard, Made of muslin and cambric, with mf- Corset COVerS blind and open work embroidery ruffles. . , " dlltc 71..C. fie of embroidery; length 38 to 42 inches. ai 1 c 1 ■ i . « Price is 25<. I r\4 OViOAfc Pajama Cheeks—small and arge plau. Price is 49C. Made of eambrm and namsook, effect- Extra size drawers, made of fine cam- OX uUccIS niches wide; regularly 12' -c. "lard. ~ , .. ~ ... , ively tiimmed. Even 111 the least ex- 1,..;., with tnekpd nnd hprnsHtchod mffloe < ( VI 71 " Made of serviceable materials and pensive models they are very daintily fin- , These sheets are perfect with the excep- Fancy plaid, sheer lawns, 27 inches tnmme ' l ; vitl ' de t 'T I ' nces ot t ,nb ™ ul - ished, 110 raw edges or thick seams to mar f * t:on ol a tew oil syots. which will come wide: fine quality: regularly l.">c Yard 9c p' V a ribb on run beading. the fit, or fray out in laundering. ; Nainsook drawers, with cluster tucks . J out after washing. Nainsook, 3tJ inches wide; fine quality, nee is JSC. Made of nainsook and trimmed with ein- and fine embroidery ruffles. Price is <• Mchawk Sheets—marked "E. S.>ize short lengths, regularly 15c. Yard. 10c. Made of cambric, nainsook and pique; broidery edges. Price is 19C. Fine cambric and sheer nainsook Knick- i ' - * ' ;r !'0 in.-hes. regularly SI.OO. at 69C. Six | select from; regularly 12'jc and 15c. embroidery, wide beading, ribbon run embroidery and lace, finished with ribbon- ers, with lace and embroidery trimmings. < .5 l 1 " inches, regularly #1.15, at 75c. Yard. SC. ' ak ' e trimmed. Price is $1.50. j run beading. Price is 25C« Price is 50<*. '< * V Utica Sheets—marked "O;" size 90x90 Mercerized Voile. 36 inches wide: regu- Secon.l FIoor—BOWMAN'S. h jL iiielus. regularly $1.19. Special at 79c. larly 15c. Yard, 10c. —— 1 i Unusual V The Daintiest of White Wear For Babv \\ |T use; regularly ->oc. Special at 30c. rrj _ ... . J Pillow Cases-made of Salem muslin, 50 ! ,MS§L if x : '«» or 4\ '6 inches, regularly 22c aud if \ * good warm things for babv, we wish to call your attention to the splendid * if Spe. iai, 15c each. -• < U/a9i/a stocks of elever little dresses, slips, nighties, and the like. f Bleached Muslin—3ti inches wide: some ' f'' Oil ICU ■■ wmwC ► nainsook finished ; regularly 8 ■ and 10c. at 40-inch white crepe de chines, at $1.25 UKCaSCS— < ► 6iC yard. /pi! 1 lim - < 1 ► Mnin FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Wt^T. 1 J/ 7 ,t j vL 40-inch white Satin Charmeuse at 1 sertion; hemstitched ruffle jrt neck and sleeves; sizes (i months to 2 years. Special al 50C {► j \\jy' /\\ w $1.59 and $2.00 yard. Made of nainsook, embroidered yoke, with narrow lace insertion; lace trimmed at i ' . Q— -- • 1 T) • f\ j f ,\Ai •V' I :]<j-ineh white Chiffon Dress Taffeta at neck and sleeves. Special at 75<S < wUcClctl X riCOS UH ® \ (X, f /' ■'l< $1.50 yard. Made ol fine sheer nainsook; embroidered, lace trimmed and fagotted yokes; some i « . • M - '• * r j &r-Jgg Mf / 2.-inch white Bengaliue at SI.OO yard, j have wide hems, others are tucked and embroidery trimmed at bottom; sizes 6 months to i * (.Aft/111l (iffl fl A S V / 23-ineh white Moire at SI.OO vard. - . vea, ' s - Sold regularly at SI.OO to $1,50. Special at „ VCltaill UIdUC 23-iiu-h white Satin Melsaline, at C f IDC fnrcA+c r \ • IWT£ !«*■ SLIPS- ;; ! y vUIOCIO ll 1 f j 36-iuch white Satin Messaline, at SI.OO Made of soft nainsook, in Bishop and yoke styles, embroidery yokes finished with t> Corsets at 50r—made of eoutil me- • var(l - ' feather braid; some tucked and embroidery trimmed at bottom. Special at 59C. ► dum bust, long hips, heavy hose support- I TTT A 40-inch white Silk Crepe Meteor, $1.69 of sheer nainsook, embroidered and lace trimmed yokes, with tucks. Price < ' "corsets, special at 79c-medium bust XXXO X O ssl 27 ± , ' h , white Brocadp Habutai at Made of fine sheer nainsook, Bishop styles, with fine tucks, fagotting or French knots," ' y ]onir hips embroidery trimmed ht m' T ii TTTi »a n 1 SI.OO yard. or fine tucked, hand embroidered yokes; some trimmed with tucks and ruffle of einbroid ► with draw string: rubber insert at hack 111 tllC Whit© SbIQ "tl* ' Var ? l ' Pl ' V ' 0r aet " trimmed rilfflt ' at bot,onl ' Sol(l regularly at $1.25 and $1.50. Price is 98C. < ' T? 1 ,nodel ' Two Hundred Creoe de Chine ftt white vC ('ordunfy TtSc GO WNS- < * Broken Lots of Corsets—tinsjer-markod • o xiundred Crepe de Chine Wuists at 1 , « . . . k. low. medium and high bust tVimt sl.69—the latest models: white and col- [ ' . ■•, V -, L ~. pi- c a< ' e of nainsook, yokes ot fine cluster tucks; trimmed at neck and sleeves with •< and back- every coS in tL lot t high ors: vall,e *2.50. I at 79C lanl ' * embroidery; yoke .finished with feather braid: open front. Price is 59C. , grade to the last degree; k Special at SI.SS. $3.50 to $5.00 models. very special offering of Lingerie Waists. j . ~ i ... tioof bowman"s. ; 111 Connection With The White Sale We ! aestions From the Bed s P reads ' Children Holds An : ; Launch A Sewing Event Drapery Dept Now $2.19 Important Place : In which dressmakers and home sewers may partake of special prices VoUe and Marquisette, at 20C to 39c t ,! he regular P rß ' e ,s 98 ' n,, ' v arc Children's Drawers at lOC—with d..s on accessones that will be needed particularly* at this time. yard—3B inches wide, plain and open work U sue, good heav> quality and various, ter tucks and hemstitching ► rxp rv ■ i 1., ' borders, for sash, sill and full length cur- and if we did not tell you there were slight | tut ks ana Hemstitching. < ' spool cotton.'V > P ool S 'ymit ti'suods 11>C Washable dreßß shields ' 3 pair 25<? ' . . _ ft . „ , oil s P ots 0,1 the,n ' ,he >- ( ' oul(l Bot he <,t " Children's Drawers at 12»/ 2 C-cluster < ' to a customer. •*' white finishing braid. 3 pieces. 10c. i f and SoC yard— tected. tuekg alu , ruffle of embroidery * ► - lir . . , , . | with finished edges; for sash or sill cur- Mam FIoor—BOWMAN'S. J 4 ► yard rolls white tape, 10c. | —van white basting cotton, 3 tains and door panels Children's Petticoats at 49C-madc of - 12-yard piece white bias seam tape. sc. 75c white wash crochet buttons, 50C pmty select White WOOI Fl&lllielS *° U "» imook > with laee and embroidery ► 3e, 4c, be ami 8e white wash braid, lC do/en. from. 1 trimmings. i ' - V " d ' . . sot white wash crochet button., 35* «T ff f 29 * J™"-* Specially Priced Children's Gowns at 3»*-high neck ' ► b-vard piece white seam beading. 19C. dozen wide; for bed sets and over drapery. * , , V , T ~ctK < ni« „r, i • , , Lace Curtains at 49c to $5.00 pair— At yard; value 45c; 34 inches wide. long sleeves; yoke of cluster tucks and < y 15C to 50r "m.iroidery edging, White square hand crochet wash but- 3 yards long; fine quality laee and up-to- At 37 l AC yard; value 50c; 36 inches embroidery insertion; embroidery trim- Jj tons, 39C to 75c dozen. date patterns; plain and covered centers. " ' I med at neck and sleeves i '' Mam FIo»r—BOWMAN'S. ri ur»vv*.iv« wine. « fourth Hoor BOWMAN 8. Mnin FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. J * ..1 HAHHTSBITRG STAR-INDEPENDENT. TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5, 1915. 5