The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 05, 1915, Image 14
COPYRIGHT COMMENCES TO-MORROW Greater preparations have been made for the January Sale of White Goods than we have ever undertaken for any similar event in the past, and conditions have conspired to make this annual event of more than ordinary interest to those who seek high-class mer chandise at uncommon savings. Within the last few months cotton has reached its lowest price in years, and general conditions in the industrial world have made reputable manufacturers eager for orders. As a consequence of these conditions we have been able to buy an unusually fine assortment of beautifully made undermuslins from superior grades of material at about the lowest prices ever quoted to us. The trimmings to be found on the garments that enter this notable sale are rich in quality and dainty of design, and each piece in the making shows the same care and skill that characterizes our dis plays throughout the year. The most favored materials are crepe de chine, china silk, batiste, nainsook and crepe and the trimmings are of batiste or organdy embroidery, Val., filet and princess lace insertion and lace ex quisitely touched up with ribbon chiffon roses. bunch S tucks^trim'Voke[ neat mffle'tnms Nainsook and cambric drawers; trim- Six styles of cambric or nainsook draw- 50c nainsook corset covers, trimmed neck and sleeves. Limit two to a cus- med with lace. Special in the January ers; embroidery trimmed. Special in the with embroidery Special in the January January White Sale ' V 25c January White Sale ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 35c White Sale 35c White Skirts and Petticoats I 1 1'! nniPMi Special Garments for Children Ten stvles of white skirts, lace or embroidery trimmed; special in lanuary White Sale 50<* ❖ /r&B&ii ■. -MS- fiv % r-u-u > «♦ , , , Black satine petticoats, with pleated flounce, special in the January White Sale... .30<- »» and sleet,'' spTial''in^^T'uJry" Whi'e °° 6 .. ? d . jg Garments of Extra Size Specially Priced January White Sale pecial Cambric drawers with can,trie ruffle and trimmed with bunch tucks and hemstitched hem; m*TT gffiW S/f I " in I ""' Ch or'V-shape, bunch* tueks trims yokes neat ruffle trims neck and 1 W w'hitt'sd? 80W " S ' 'rimmed with "ed e "e sleeves; special in the January White Sale .J .•■v—i Gowns with low neck and three-quarter sleeves. Mareelln combinations with trimmings of noat em- "• ' f |*p-r*p rl p C rl 1 p T iftrfpffn Special In the January Whlto Sale, 60c, 750 to Slit.SO broidery or lace Insertion aiul edge. Special In the V—'l V-lv/ Gowns with lilgh or V-shape neck; three-quarter January White Sale SI.OO. 51..V1 to sri.oo /||SS§gggfflßWp''/ / fiUi jP~"7 ~rx( -"■» *-• **•?*> r:: - Sale >oc. 4JC to S-'.'HI Ininch tucks lace or embroidery insertion and edge. Sri'iJ-- "? Crc|>e de Clilnc .skirts: pleated or la<-e trimming. January Wlilte Sale .. .. $. r >.or> $7.50 ss SO ti» Stfl »R ... .. - ii . S|K-cial in the January White Sale, 50c, 75c to 53.115 special In the Jnnuarv Wlilte Sale, ixmp skirt,, trimmed with embroidered scalloped $3.50. $5.00 to $18.50 Silk Jersey vests. Special in the January Whit* edge: flat trimming of embroidery or ilufT> ruffles of Em elope chenuse with trimming of lace oi or- Crepe de Chine combinations of corset covers and Sale $2.75 Jt2 05 to Sii no lace or embroidery. Special in the January White gaudy, embroidery insertion lace or embroidery drawers, lace Insertion and lace trimming. Special Combinations. Special in the Januarv Whtto Sal* Sale 50c to $13.50 edge. Special in the January White Sale, In the January White Sale SH.»S to $7.05 $2.05. 53.95 to ST»S . ' ' s ° China silk combinations with lace insertion and Bloomers. Special in the January White Sale, Drawer combinations of cambric or nainsook. late edge trimming. Special in the January White sti (»<•» n* i .showing the new V-shape neck trimmed with lac© or Corset covers of nainsook, cambric or all-over em- MiMMP Sale $3 95 Dives Pomeroy & Stewart—Second' Plonr embroidery medallions: lace or embroidery insertion broidery: trimmed with lace In-wtlm: embroidery or ' ' y Stewart Second Hoor. and edge. Special In (lie January White Sale. lace medallions. rlblMin or ehllTou rose trimming. SI.OO, $1.50 to $5.00 Special in the January White Sale, 50c, 75c to $3.05 «»»»» . January Clearance Prices on Linens and < Page 6 \ Fine Qualities White Dress Goods in the Bed Spreads Bring a Host of Rare Values Contains Interesting White Sale at Important Savings The Linen Section contributes a worthy list of lower priced items in table N©"WS of th© linen, fancy linens and good bed spreads. I fei eai e offerings of particular inteiest Economies in snowy white dress goods will figure largely in the January Sale, repre to housewives because the qualities are up to our high standard which guarantees J<Hlll3ry Sfll© senting styles that arc new and attractive and values that thrifty shoppers will not care to over satisfactory service. look. Besides there are interesting offerings in towels, linens a.nd bed spreads. Fancy Linens 85c cream table linen, 70 inches wide; January White 10c to 12V4c white madras crepe and 19c white dress voile, 40 inches wide; FRESH SUPPMES OF TOWELS IN •' . Sale Price vird , etT^'r. 3 ? wide; January White January White Sale Price, yard THE SALE 50c fancy lace trimmed bureau and dresser covers, • • • _ _ ' LonscioVTo yards to a' piece only 29u whlte rice < ' loth ' sllKht,y imi>er - "c to 19c Turkish towels in guest 18:o0 inches January White Sale Price Bed Spieads 2 Pieces to'a customer; January White feet; January White Sale Price, yard size, colored borders, slightly mill 85c to 95c fine lace scarfs for bureaus and dresser $2.00 satin Marseilles bed spreads; January White Sale Price, yard 40c ~ , , 17c stained; January White Sale Price, 3 for covers; large variety patterns; January White Sale Price s a i e Price . . 5H1.69 J oc to i2Vic white India iinon. 30 ENGLISH LONGCLOTH AND 25c 49* $2.50 satin Marseilles bed spreads; January White sa.o'pHcc"yani' enßthH; NAINSOOK 5c checked hath towels, in Table Linen Sale Price sl.9* , 2%c English nainsook,"36" inches J,^ 0 grade ' 10 yard " ,n plece ' ™ slie 6 ' Price a . v ar: . . Januar . y Wh ,7o 50c mercerized table damask, 64 inches; January $3.50 large size scalloped bed spreads, corners woven »®ft finish; January White ""'V' 29 ? fancy Jacquard border Turkish White Sale Price, yard «* to to brass beds; January White Sale Price #*.*!> tne«» . ' *.. . * S'.V' —— terns; January White Sale Price, yard $1.39 grade, 10 yards in piece, 36 60c large fancy Turkish towels in 10c inches 08c lavender, blue, pink and corn colored Reduced Underwear for Every Member Of the Family three" patterns; January White Sale | $1.50 grade, 10 yards in piece, 36 15c union linen huclc towels, white and II mT- -• x. •! I- J • -a. t\T ' ci i" i*a ~ c • mi j • Price, yard 10c inches sl.lO with red border, slightly imperfect; Men s $1.50 Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits, in Women s white cotton Swiss ribbed union 10c , )aliima rh ecks, 36 inches wide. $1 75 grade i 2 yardH in „ ieco January White Kale Price, * f0r....25c medium and heavy weiglits; specially priced .... #I.OO suits, long or elbow sleeves; specially priced .... '•••• *«•»» inch^; C V'for Boys oJc and «t>l.uU Lygyptian cotton nfouecl union \V r omen's 50c l)lack silk lisle hose, fashioned feet; t2 , £e pajama checks, 36 inches wide; $1.50 srade, 10 yards in piece, 40 250 suits: special 50# , . >lk January White Sale Price, yard 10c inches 08c 8c cotton toweling, 17 inches wide, wliUn ivnnl utiinn • Knpri'il 1v reducea to S?IC 17c pajama checks, 3ti inches wide; Manhattan English nainsook, 36 red border; January White Sale Price. cnnarens SI.UU willte wool union suits, specially January White Sale Price, yard... 12Uc inches, boxed in 10-yard lengths; Janu- yard 5c priced V\ omen S tan seamless nose; lcciueccl to .. I?#C* jg c pUsse crepe for women's under- ary White Sale Price, piece 95c 25c bleached cotton table damask, 58 Women's 75c white cotton fleece lined union suits; Boys' uy 2 c heavy black cotton ribbed hose; reduced *?»«• a*d children's rompers, 31 inches Knickerbocker nainsook 40 inches; 10 inches wide; January White Sale Price. . . , wide; needs no ironing; January White yards to piece; January White Sale Price, yard 19c Specialy priced Wl# to 1(10 Sale Price, yard 10c piece $1,19 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—St. Fl, Rear V Interesting Offerings in The January Clearance Sale BnngsjThis Will Interest the 4 I A Cotton Dress Fabrics Rare Savings in Shoes [Parents of Boys—sl3 in the January Sale All broken sizes have been reduced with the result that unusually attractive of- $ SllltS for BoyS Rc-^B Percales, chambrays and ginghams brings in good, dependable footwear abound throughout the department. We HllQeJ fo S8 50 are dress cottons 'in demand all head the ]ist with two bargain groups for men: through the year, and in tlie lanuary- Men's $2.50 and $3.00 shoes in tan calf, black kid skin and patent colt, broken sizes; January January is clearance month when stocks ' vl V , .... , , arc put in order for the coming new season. '/ C learance Sale will be iound these L learance price ••••••••• • • ;• • • j He re are lots of fine, high-grade woolen suits flfL \ M popular weaves and many other styles! Mcn s and P atent co,t shocs made on medmm narrow toc lasts ' all Go «dyear for gturdy boys wkh pHces sharp , y rcduced . H X m • , | welted soles, some sizes missing; January Clearance price $1.95 Included arc broken sizes in |M jg in new patterns at special prices. ! * J J mciuueu piwm swis Bl percales, 36 inches wide, light and dark MHN'S SI.OO RDBBKKS, 4»C WOMKN'S $4.00 BVEa>K SHOES. $2.95 Tartan Checks grounds with fancy stripes and figures; fantiary Clear-! Men's SI.OO rubbers, low and high cuta, made on Women's $4.00 black suede.button shoes, made on Brown Tweeds , I nice Sale Price vard 106 med ' u m narrow toe lasts; Bizes 8 to 11. January high toe lasts with welted soles and hlxh heels. Janu- . ■ ' , '/. ''' ' * •i ' r '-learance price IBi? ary Clearance price S2.»S Orey oCOtcn Mixtures ■ X 20c madras shirting. 30 inches wide, fancy stripes ...Women's $2.50 black kidskin, patent colt and dull i on white ground; Januarv Clearance Sale Price, yard ' " * ' ' alt s h °<'B- |acp unJ button styles; not all irtzea. ..... i v f it- ♦ i f»i i & Boys' s2.r>o tan elkskin blucher shoes, full bellows January Clearance price $1.6.» All in the most popular Norfolk Styles ot the Season ; ... ,• , , , l'ti i r 'onKUe heavy stundard fastened soles; sizes 2£ to WOMEN'S SI.RO and $2.00 SHOKB, 75r in sizes Bto 17 Vears. I poplin 111 solid shades, highly mercerized fin- 5%. January Clearance price SI.OB sl " s ° 1 >cai3. ■ i<li • lannarv ( lpai-anre S-ile Prire varH 1 <t«k Boys' $2.00 and $2.50 patent colt shoes, blucher Women's $1.50 and $2.00 black kidskin lace shoes, /"IfVi.r Tmnnrtant Rerlnrtions in Bnw' •suite «'• lsn , lanuary t Icaiance >ale I lice, yard .. lOf |i acc style made on narrow toe lasts; stitched .and stitched soles and low heels, not all sizes. January Other Important Keuuctions in Boys oUItS 6J4c plain chambray 111 blue; January Clearance welted soles; not all sizes. January Clearance price, Clearance price 75c SIO.OO Suits at >0 I , Sale Price, yard 4V 2 <t SI - 4W MISSES* $1.50 SHOES, $1.20 ' ' c . D . • 11l WOMEN'S $3.00 SHOES. $1 00 $8.50 Suits at H l-J'jC dress gingham 111 choice stripes, checks- and Misses $1.50 «un metal calf butto nshoes, made on , .. . M I'ini-v lancypials, January Reliance .>alC I rue .. • • Goodyear welted Ho'es; high and Cuban heels. Janu- 2. January Clearance price $1.20 . ... , . . , , llrnc . r 18c Plisse crepe 111 remnants for waists and dress- ary Clearance price SI.OO Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —street Floor, Rear. In this lot are brown scotcii mixtures, brown I ing sacques; January Clearance Sale Price, yard. [ cheviots grey cheviots and cassimercs, fancy stripes, 25c figured pongee, mercerized finish; January black and white check worsteds, grey diagonal wors- I Clearance Sale Price, yard lity /" "X C\ te<^s tan c ' iec ' < cassimercs. fij 6'4c prints, white ground; lannarv Clearance v ( VV» These are single and double breasted Norfolk cuts Sale Price, yard I\ K C % (C with P atch pockets. ■ 12'/jc Robe Prints, 36 inches wide, styles for cov- VV) »YJ » Wvl V\ \ v VU l\J V- the boy needs a suit—BUY IT TOMORROW. ■ A , cring comfortables; January Clearance Sale ~~»\—1 .■ B * ,