The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 05, 1915, Page 13, Image 13
r~ » :: The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until you tiud out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be forfeited ' ' ; Miscellaneous ' FURNITURE PACKING PACKING—A. H. SHRUNK. 190* North : Sixth street, first class packer of fur niture, china and bricabrac. Hell pbon* I»HW. | W. J. WEN RICH. 339 Hamilton street— 1 Furniture, china ana piauo packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. U«U phons miw. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ESTIMATES given for all kinds of elec tric light wiring and repairing; elec tric contracting a specialty; no job too bmall or large; all work guaranteed. PEERLESS ELECTRIC REPAIRING CO., Broad St. WEATHER PROTECTION 3LASS WINDOWS will be "Laced in auto curtains while you wait. C. A. tjAiU CARRIAGE AND AUlu WOnKa STORAGE. STORAGE In 2-slory brick building, teal' 408 Market tit. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable tales, Appiy to P. U. Jewuiur, tuft Maraet St. HA RRISBU RG STORAGE CO. Two new eighl-slory brick warehouses, one absolutely nrcprool, dittoed Into tireprool private rooms ot various Sines for the storage of nousehoid goods; the olner warenouse of the most approved type ot hie retardant con struction for general uiercuandiue. They »vdiUKuO w*lu two largo electric freight elevators and spiral chute lor tue quick and safe hauuiing oi house hold goods and all kuius ui merchan dise. Low giorage rales. Soutu second street, AefaV Paxton, oa the tracks of I'etiDa. R. R. MONEY TO LOAN LOANS—Sb 10 s2t>o Ikh Honest working people witnout bank credit at less than legal rales; payable in install uieuis lo suit borrowers' conveuiei. ;e. CO-OPERATIVE Loan and Investment Co* 204 Chestnut SL 1 >I V ALL KINDS OF HAULING aEL kinds of hauling; large two-taa truck; furniture, pianos, freight, ID the city and suburbs. Prices reason able. Picnic and pleasure trips, day or evening. WM. H. DARE, 14»J Vernon fet. Bell phone 3SI7J. Sale and Exchange FOR SAIiIJ. FOR SALE-—A largo ldtchen range; can be used with or without hot water back; price reasonable. Can be seen at 635 Schuylkill St. SAFE worth $90.00 for sale. Will sell at a bargain. Call 211 Market St.. City. e l . W. H. HXtii.ETZ, Lumber—We are overstocked with all kinds and grades of lumber and we can offer you big bargains. It will pay you to see ua, Office Cameron and Mulberry Sts. FOR PALE—Sewing machine; bargain; brand new; will sacrifice for $22.00; cost $40.00. If interested see it to-day. 814 N. Third St. GUNS! GUNS!—At less than cost. One $12.50 12-gauge double-barrel shot gun, $7.50. Single barrel, $3.00; twenty two caliber ride, $2.2.".; 12 gauge smoke less shells. 45c box. KEYSTONE CYCLE CO., 814 N. Third St. FOR SALE —Sanitary roll-top desk; also practically new Remington No. 10 typewriter , and ta"ble at a real bar gain. Apply to 34 24, care of Star-ln dcpetident. HORSES FOR SALE—Three good second-hand horses. Will sell cheap if sold at once. Gootl wind and good workers. Apply CURTIS MARKS & BROS., Wholesale Dealers in Roofing and Builders, 1214 North Sixth street. 1015 CALENDARS FOR SAIE A few good bargains in job lots. Or ders promptly lilled, Hell phone 15V7R. MYERB MFG. (.I)., Third and Cuinber land Sts„ above Miller's Shoe Store. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St.; Red Tip, Iting Point, Blu r.ard, Rowe Junior, Can't Slip, Giant Grip and Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second St., u.Ouo gets New Sash, Bxlo *l2 L.. primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. OVERCOATS FOR .SALE—Slightly used —all in first class condition, from $1 up. Also $2.50 felt boots for $1.95. Men's $1.50 Arctics for 95c. Cottle and look them over. Open evenings. a MEI.TZKR. 512 Walnut St Another Atlantic City Murder Atlantic City, N. ,J„ Jan. 5. —The killing last night of James M. Hunt, who was shot in his tailor shop, 218 North Kentucky avenue, furnishod the third murder in as many weeks in 1 lie city's black belt. Detectives are search ing the city for Frank Seaman, who J* believed to have been Hunt's slayer. His sister was cm-ployed in the tailor shop. HOUSES FOR SALE * >o. IS2I> Uerry St.,— A two-storv frame house wltli seven 1001113—.bath and furnace. Lot 30x150 ft. Special price for quick ImMnexn. I IOU V Second St. — A 2 'A-story frame house with eight rooms—bath and hot water heat. Lot lSxfilt. A ilcHlrabl.v liirntrd properly at n fair price. 1:127 IV". Second St.—A two-story frame house with seven rooms electric flights —cemented cellar. Lot A nice, little house HI A small price. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE RF.AI. ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety n»n<i* Locust and Court Slreeu Real Estate i — J i REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. FOR SAL/E—On* flame house on Lewis I street. Riverside; all conveniences: lot 25x100 ft. Price, »2,250. Only »2.50 cash needed; balance to be paid In easy monthly payments. Also building lots for .sale at lliverside, PenbrooK and I'axtang. Job carpenter work promptly attended to In any part of the city. Estimates cheerfully furnished. S. HALUKMAN & CO.. 1J222 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3622J-3. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN— Or will exchange for improved city property, an imposing it-room 40x40 ft. Colonial suburban residence. All improvements; porch 10 ft. wide, 70 ft. long. I<ot, illix 200 ft. Shrubbery; six kinds of fruit in bearing. Trolley near; 12 minutes and one fare from Market Square. Call Bell phone No. SO4BL MY PROPERTY, No. 153 North Cath erine street, Middletown, Pa. Har risburg electric cats pass every twenty minutes. Apply to J. W. FOKTNEY, 171 S. Front St., Steeltcn, Pa. TOR SAEE—Desirable Evergreen street property; brlek house; all modern im provements. Do not delay if you want a good property, well located at a reas onable price. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. NO. 1216 S\V ATAItA ST. FOR SALE— 3-story brick house; D rooms; all im provements; lot 10x100. Price and par ticulars at our office. BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. (3,200 WILL BUY a corner brick house; S rooms; bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; located on Allison Hill. Par ticulars at BELL REALTY CO., Bergner Building. ONE of tUa best grocery and fresh meat stores in this city is offered Cor sale at inventory value. Good opportunity for live wire, SELL REALTY CO,, Bergner Building. Our January Real Estate Sale: IS4I Market' St.' Reduced ?S0:O0. 280 ana 282 Herman Ave., Lemoyne, Reduced $200.00. N. E. cor. Bowman Ave. & Chestnut St., Camp Hill. Reduced $250. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR KALE—Make me an offer on a plot of ground, lOOxl-'iO ft., along trolley line, opposite the Colonial Coun try Club. H. a. I'EDLOW, 110 S. Thir teenth street. FOR SALE—IBS 3 Parle Btreet is offered at a reasonable figure. Make an offer on 2!l S. Fifteenth St. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 South Thirteenth St. ' FOR SALE — To Riaunfacturers and builders—l have a plot of ground lTUxltio ft. Can be bought I reasonable. JOHN H. M ALONE Y, | No. 1619 Green street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Large room, 110x32; good location on Market street; all con veniences; suitable for any kind of business: rent $75.00 per month. Call i or address 1727 N. Twelfth St„ Harrls : burg. j FOR RENT—Three-story R-room brick I house, No. 300 Cherry St., with im | prove men ts. T. J. LAMPAS, 414 Mar ket street. DESIRABLE houses and apartments for rent in all parts of city. Reasonable rent aiul good locations. Inquire of HARVEY T. SMITH, 204 South Thir teenth street. Bell phono 24SL, FOR RENT—AII improve ments— -1614 Catherine, $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth $16.00 •530 S. Eighteenth, .. .$18.50 Apply Kulin & Hersliey, 18 South Third street. FOR RENT—6IB Geary St.; 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all improve ments; flue new home; rent reasonable. Apply 620 Geary St. FOR RENT—Houses with all improve ments. at moderate rentals. J E. GIPPLK. IHol Market St APARTMENTS FOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping apartments; large rooms with kitchenettes and baths; modern improvements; electric lights; gas; city steam; janitor service. Apply at above address. APARTMENTS FOR RENT—3 rooms and bath, coal and gas ranges, eras or electric light, sls per month. Apply at Mehring'a Liquor Store, Sixtli and Mnench streets. Bell phone 26J1, IFuited 703 Y. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and 2%-story dwelling house* for sale. Elder Real Estate Co.. 24th and Perry Sta Lost and Found ~ —mmmmmmmmm—nmmmmm FOUND. FOUND —A place without trying. Care ful cleaning, best of djuslng. Where? At Egbert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1215 Market St. Call [ jthi r pnoite. Cull ami deliver. LOST. STRAYED—Two large dark gray and white male cats; one almost >vnite in face, other gray too of face and head. Reward. BUX BOTTLING WORKS, 820 Market street. LOST—Penna. Railroad mileage; .some time ago, about Thirteenth and Wal nut streets, Harrisburg. Reward if re turned to E. K. FIESE, Stoelton, Pa. Bell phone IDW. LOST—Nickel-plated ticket punch. Re turn to circulation department, care Star- Independent. Seaman Killed in Boxing Bout By Associated Washington, Jan. s.—Edward C. Ott, ordinary seaman on tho battleship Florida, at S'e>w York, was killed Sat urday night in a boxing match aboard the .ship. No details have been received by the Nr.vy Department here. Ott's home was in Indianapolis. HAJRRISBURO- STAR-INDEPENDENT, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5, 1915. Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. ARMY OF UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED: Ablebodied unmarried in<yi between age of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market sts., Harrisburg, 48 N. Quean St., Lancaster, 353 Pine St.. WlUlamsport, 37 W. Mar ket St., York, or 113 Independence St., Sharnokin, Pa. WANTED—An experienced shoemaker, at Philadelphia Shoe Repairing Co., No. 1022 Ma.rket St. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough oourse in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. SN. Cameron; Bell day afternoon. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE. WANTED—Position as collector; can furnish reference and bond. Have had experience. Call Bell phone I«SSR, ask fur W. E. M. WANTED—By a young colored man, a position as mechanic In a dental lab oratory has had six years experience and can show the best of reference. Address 1512 Hunter St., City. Bell phone 1505R1. YOUNG married man wishes a few,fur naces to look after anywhere between Reily street, Woodbine, Third and the river. Sober, capable and industrious. Address R. S., 253 Delaware avenue, City. WANTED—Reliable, steady man de sires position as janitor of church or as night watchman. First class refer ences. ItOBT. A. SMITH 3.9 Clinton St. STRONG young man, 22 years of age. wants work of any kind; not afraid of hard work. Address 605 S. Third St.. Steelton, Pa. YOUNG MAN, 22 years old, deelres work of any kind. Address or call #OS S. Third St., Steelton, Pa. WANTED—Position in shipping or re ceiving department in store or fac tory, by a middle-aged man. Can sive sood reference. Address "N," 1526 Briggs St., City. YOUNG, strong man, 22 years, wants work of any kind; all night work or spare time; not afraid of hard work iios S. Third St., Steelton, Pa. YOUNG married man wants employ ment; understands tiring boileis, working around machinery and handy witn tools. _ 13- l_C'o\vdeil St., City HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTDD—A colored girl for general housework; three In family; no wash ing. Apply No. 1601 N. Third St. WANTED—GirI or middle-aged woman for general housework. Address 326 Strawberry St. WANTED—Thoroughly experienced op erators on power sewing: machines, to make ladies' aprons, children's play suits and rompers, at JENNINGS' MF<i CO., 411-116 State St. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE A MI Dl>Lft-A(J'ICD L*AL>y desires po»i tion in earing for sick of any kind. Call 1413 Vernon St. Y\ AXTlvD—White girl, 17 years of ape, wishes position as child's nurse; not ~ ii!'_ tlie *•**>'• A PP I y 1 6 Cowden St. WANTED—MiddIe-ape,! widow wants work us managing housekeeper. »' irst class rook; references. Address 424 Harrisburg street,- Steelton, I'a. WANTED—Young white lady wishes washing to do at home. Work done well. Apply 3j I Briggs St. WANTED House work or upstairs work. Apply MISS JESSIE HOOVER, 1007 Capital St. YOUNG WOMAN desires housework or upstairs work; experience and young. Apply 1007 Capital St. WANTED—Ladv wishes position cook ing or day s work 'of any kind. Ad dress or call to 1212 Apple avenue. WANTED—Middle.aged lady would like work around boarding house or position as second cook. Address 1521 Vernon street. WANTED—SteIIa Arnold, 212 S. Fif teenth street, to whom two reservod tickets were awarded to-day, good for the evening performance, January 'i, I!MS. Call for them at Star-1 ndepend ent otlice, before S p. nt., Januat'v li, 1915, or they will be forfeited. WANTED—Work in doctor's or den tist's office, or other light work. Ad dress S, General Delivery, Harrisburg Pa^ WANTED—Work by the day by a young white woman. Address 2017 Wallace St., City. WOMAN wants day's work. Address or ca'll 1829 N. Fourth St. WANTED—Colored wonma wants work a3 dishwasher. Address 915 Seventh street. WANTED—Colored woman wants work as cook. Address 1221 N. Seventh St. WANTED—Housekeeping for widower no objections to children. Address 40614 Kelly St. Basinass Opportunities * mmmmmJ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED—Partner who can invest sr.l)o and take an active half Interest with me in a clean, permanent, self-sup- J>orting business. Can clear easily 13,000.00 each per year. This busi ness will stand fullest investigation. For personal interview address 34 25, care Star-Independent. $125.00 —Manufacturing business, regu lar trade; everything pertaining to, will be sacrificed. Owner leaving city. Investigation, details at interview. Ad dress 3428, care Ktar-lndependent. HAVE YOU MONEY TO IX)AN?—I de sire a loan of ILOO quickly; li per t^nt. interest and good security. Address ■>42u. care Star-Independent. MONEY WANTED—If you have money you want to loan OH lirst mortgage at 0 per cent., on Steelton property. Ad dress W. J. REEVES, Highspire, Pa. AMUSEMENTS | MAJESTICrwttu'S i To»Day and Te-morrow, Mat. Dally REAI. PICTURE!) OK RUAI, UAH THE CHICK,O 'I HIIU NE'S BELGIAN BATTLEFIELD MOTION PICTURES Flftr per cent, of the nalr of the pictures la siren to the Belgian Red Cross. WAR AS IT ACTUALLY IS PRICESi Matinees, all Seats, 3T.c; MKhts, 3.V, SBe, 15c ORPHEUM flarry Fern A Co. fn Fix it so a« you will be alile to »ee "VETERANS" GEORCE THE FIXER „ tfce early half of this week and MrHlbH S don , t £ org j et to "SCHOOL PLAY6ROUNDS" ««•«■» . at the Colonial'* Wednesday Kienlm t HEEBEHT'S MAM'HUkItSS and a Rig Shon (hat Will Please PflllllTDV CTADC Everybody and Muylie Rreak An- UUUI* lil I U I Uflßk 1 " <h '' r^' rcer<l " v ww jtOT M. 'THE TAINT" VI " . To morrow "PATHE DULY MEWS" "4iHEII A WOMAN WAITS" p.;™ "our mutual girl" L r r £>, A Sermon on Economy, "J/ of which the text ia "Tho sluggard | ' s w ' ser his own conceit than Mm «\ Y/J\ seven men that can render reason" J& L could be given many people who l,eci ' 't- Economy in a habit, and JmßSk' mWL • v 0" ' IC P' U economize and aave B, JqM pI JLL in youth you will be pronperous and A V_afc' comfortable in your later veara. «'''"il'lllllllHn®!,' ill InR Every rich man in the country will Wf\ V 'l3 tell you that. Now is the time to dmjl \ ! ffiVIIB, _| wlffijH begin by opening an account in the Sf\l\l First National Bank 224 Market Street 1 N Legal I—mn——1 —mn—— ■ ■ AI DITORK' NOTICK In the MatUr of the Account of Hfn dfrsnn Gilbert, i»r/sidt-nt. hthl later .n-titiH- as liquidating Trus tf-M of the Hani-»'■»'.»Hoard of Trade, a dissolved Oocupraticin.—ln the Court of ( l'lens of Dauphin County, Penna.—No. 563, c eptLin#jer Term, 1914. Notice is hereby RL-'sn Unit MI Jan uary 1915, tli- Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County ..;ipointod Wm. H. Earnest. Auditor in tho above mat ter, to distri-tyit • the balance in The hands of Henderson Gilbert, Trustee as aforesaid, air'iila thoS'; entitled to the same, ami that the said Auditor will sit for the purpose of his ap pointment at the Law t-ibf aty. Court House, Harrisbu rtr, Henna., on Thurs day, January 21st. tills, at I o'clock p. m., when and where all persons in terested may attend if they «ee proper so to do. WM. H. .EARNEST, Audi tor. _ INVESTIGATION OF U. G. I. Inquiry by Federal Officers Will Last Another Month Washington, dan.' s.—Announce ment was made yesterday at the office of the Attorney General that the de partment would conclude its investi gations within a month into the activ ity of the United Was Improvement Company of Philadelphia to determine Whether it is a monopoly under the Sherman act. It could not bo learned whether the suit would be started or the proposed action dropped. It is contended by competitors of the United Gas Improvement Company that it is a monopoly by reason of con trolling certain patents .in lighting which virtu-all.', prohibits competition. FAVOBS EQUAL SUFFRAGE Rhode Island Governor Advocates Right of Women to Vote By Aurociated Prcsx. Providence, R 1.. Jan. 5, —The cx ; tension to Rhode Island women of tho right to vote for President was advo cated by Governor Beeckmau in his inaugural address to-day. "In the of plain justice and of sound political principles, " he said. ''l recommend tho passage of an act by the present General Assembly grant ing Presidential suffrage to women." LANCASTER STILL THRIFTY Richest Farming Couuty Has a Fat Ireasurj , Too Lancaster, Pa., Jan. s.—Lancaster county begins the year with a cash bal ance of $237,853.32 School appropriations have been made by the County Controller, $50,- 000 set aside for the sinking fund and the expectation is that at the end of the year there will be n balance on hand of $298.4 13.8.3. To Find Cause of Woman's Death A postmortem examination was made at the Harrisburg hospital this after noon to determine the causes from which Mrs. Erwin Booth, 1432 Naudain street, died at 5,45 o'clock this morn ing. She is believed to have died from mcningities, but the exact cause of her dent* is unknown. She was admitted to the hpspital December 30. | AMUSEMENTS J Pheteplay Te-day j A SINGLE ACT—It-reel Luhln THE FATAL OPAL—Kalem 2-act j FAMOUS GEORGE AUK FABLE To-morrow EVELYN NESBIT THAW and SON, BUSSELL FEATURED IN A 3-ACT I.I'BIN, THBEADS OF DESTINY The Management I rgea Patrona to Attend the Afternoon Performance. ! w * 300 IN CHORAL SOCIETY Membership Is Now Greater Than Ever Before—Wolle Here—First Re hearsal To-night The first rehearsal of the Harrisburg Choral Society will be hold in Fahno stoek liall, in the Y. M. C. A. building, at 7.45 this evening. Dr. J. Fred Wol le, of Bethlehem, the conductor, ar rived in the city at noon to-day, and spent the afternoon in conference with the officers of the Society. Professor E. .T. Deceveo, of the Harrisburg Con servatory of Music, will be the accom panist. Retoearsals will be held regu larlv every Tuesday evening from now until the Spring I'estival in April or May. The Society now has almost three hundred members, the largest member ship in its history. The enrollment books in the hands of H. M. Bretz have been arranged according to voice parts, and show a well balanced, representa tive society. The vocal scores of Handel s "Sam son"—tlie work which the Society will study—arrived several day# ago and are in pluarge of William 11. Kauts, the librarian. They wili be given out at tho rehearsal to-night. There is a limit to the enrollment and when the membership reaches that limit all applicants will be placekl on a waiting list and can only be onrolled when there is a vacancy. It is possible that the enrollment' books will close after tho rehearsal to-night, and a<'l who intend joining tho Society should do so at to-night's rehearsal in order to bo assured of membership. PIN IN BODY «r> YEARS Entered Throat, Extracted Through Ear and Cures Deafness Plymouth, Mich., Jan. 5.—C. B. Truesdell, a farmer of Canton, when a boy swallowed t small pin, which lodged in his throat and nearly caused struugulation. Last week, after a lapse of 65 years, a pin point was noticed protruding from his left ear. It was removed. Mr. Truosdell had at times suffered nearly total deafness and constant pain in his head, and had the services of sev eral physicians without relief, but now that the cause is removed his hearing is normal and the pain has ceased. G. K. CHESTERTON BETTER Noted British Writer Now Declared Out of Danger New York, Jan. 5. —G. K. Chester ton, the famous English writer, accord ing to friends here who arc ia h posi tion to know, is not only not dying; he is in a fair way to recover)', "I have just received direct woikl," said Louis Wotmore, off 12 "West Fifty fifth street, "that although Mr. Ches terton has been very ill, all he needs now is a complete rest. "Mrs. Chesterton writes: 'His re covery will be slow. His doctor is very hopeful.' She artds that absolute quiet is essential. "Cecil Chesterton, Gilbert's broth er, sailed for America, on Saturday. It is not at all likely that he would hare dime «o unless his brother were out of danger." ' ' JAPANESE GOV'T YIELD BONDS 0% Auk for Letter 10M , CLARENCE CONE & CO. 45 Broadway, \pw York Now Open Hamilton Hotel Bermuda Largest and Leading Hotel Illustrated Booklet (No. SB) en request New York Office, 389 Fifth Ave. Telephone Mumy Hill 186* FOR SALE A knitting factory; all Improve ments; electric power; two-story frame: steam heat, well lighted; equipped with the latest knitting and sewing machinery. Possession given at once. We will rent If party would be interested In the manu facturing of ladles' garments. Information Wanted—Call Bell phone 74, Steelton, Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 N. FROST STHKKT STEELTON, PA. FOR RENT 1409 N. 6th St. Business property. BQ3 N. 3rd Stir Store room, posses sion March 1. DOl Hamilton St. Dwelling apart ment. 2217 Atlas Ave. Modern brick house, front porch. FOR SALE 200 choice city, suburban and farm properties. One exceptionally fine C 5-acre fruit farm in bearing, also good suburban business property. Kough, Brightbill & Kline Sixth and Beily Streets *■ ' For Ront Desirable offices in the Union Trust .Build in#. Apply Union Trust Co. AT 39 FLANS THIRD WEDDING York Man, Who Obtains License Here, Has Much Matrimonial Experience Twice married before and on the verge of pariicipivttntg in a third wed ding ceremony is the record of George H. Haukey, a York cigarmaker, who this morning aippeared at the local mar riage license bureau and obtained a license to wed Id* >1 a-colis, ailso of York. Miss Jacobs is nine years his junior and never has been married. A divorce separated Hankoy and his first wife, who \V!ts Miss Pansy Weav er, in 1903, when he was but 19 years old. His second wife died in 1907. Other marriage licenses issued this morning included those: Robert V. Var ner and Catherine Firestone, Grajithaan; Clarence J. Leeper and Elsie Beinhau er, Stoelton; George W. M. Shatto, Hanisburg, and Saraib E. B. Bhani baugb, Stoelton; Leonard 11. Jonee, Harrisburg, and Wary Raymond, Get tysburg. ' Famous German Artist Dies By Associated Press. Berlin, via The Hague and London, Jan. 5, 10.30 A. M. —The death of Anton Von Werner, the artist, is an nounced here.. Uerr Von Werner was born in 1843. 'He achieved fame by his very large allegorical canvasses repre senting tihe most im|>ortant episodes in the foundation of the German empire. He pictured among other things the war of 1870. Jail for Thieving Eloper Pottsvil'le, Pa., Jain s.—John Keller, a collector of the Prudential Insurance Company, who embezzled a large sum of money belonging to the company anil eloped with a pretty Schuylkill Haven woman to Baltimore, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Brumm to five years in jail. Tax Rate Fixed at 2</ u Mills Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 5. —In his an nual statement on county finances yes terday County Controller Hall notified tfye County Commissioners that a tax rate of 2 1 / a mills on the dollar will furnish sufficient money for the coun ty's expenses, $660,508, the coining year. This rate will be the lowest of uny county in Pennsylvania. To Jail for Libelous Letter York, Pa., Jan. s.—George H. Nei man, a well-known Yorker, was sen tenced to six months in the York couu ty jail yesterday for writing a libelous letter concerning Martin E. Miller, man ager of a local picture show, and Miss Annie Zinn, his ticket sollcr. 13 FINANCE STOCKS SHOW WEAKNESS. IN IMITATION OF LONDON American Securities 'Were Off From Substantial Fractions to One and a Half Points, Canadian Pacific Be ing the Weakest By Associated Press, New York, Jan. 5.—80 far as it showed any tendency, to-day's early stock market was inclined to follow the lead of London, where American securi ties were off from substantial fraction* to ly s points, Canadian Pacific being weakest. The copper group also re flected moderate local pressure and* among specialties Rumely pfd. declined five points and Mexican Railways Ist pfd. eight points. Union Pacific, which opened at a slight gain, soon fell back, and New York Central, one of yeßterdav - s strongest features, also re acted. Dealings were of a light and professional character, with general re coveries at the end of the first half hour. » The with which prices advanced after the early irregularity suggested a scarcity oi. stocks. Trading becanm more active, the business of the morn ing session, especially the first hour, being well up to normal. The four leaders, Steel, Amalgamated Copper, Union Pacific and Beading, all sold above yesterday's best and Bethlehem. Steel approached to within a fraction of the price of U. S. Steel. Now York Central new consolidated stock was in demand at a slight advance. Louis ville and Nnshville, Atlantic Coast Lino and 'Mexican Railways and the pfd. touched minimum prices. Bonds worn steady. Philadelphia Produce Market Philadelphia. Jan. s.—Wheat higher; No. 2 red spot, export, 13'J 135; No. 1 northern. DuHith export. It J @144. Corn higher; No. 2 yellow, local, 77'4 @7B. Oats higher; No. 2 white, 5«48>87. Bran higher; winter, pel- ton. J2T.DO @58.00: spring, per ton, $26.50@27.09. Refined sugars firm; powdered, 5.85; fine granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A, 4.85. Butter firm; western creamery, ex tra, 35; nearby prints, fancy, 39. Kggs steady; nearby firsts, free caaai $12.60; do., current receipts, free case, $12.00; western extra firsts, free case, $12.60; do., firsts, free case, $12.00. Lave poultry firm; fowls, 13@14; old roosters, 101® 10 %; chickens, 12® 14; turkeys, 15@17; ducks, 14@15; geese, 13 @ls. Dressed poultry steady; turkeys, fan cy, 19@>20; do., average, 16@18; fowls, heavy, 17',4@18V6; average, 14 @l7; small, 12@13; old roosters, 12'/&: broil ing chickens, nearby, 16@22; western, 14(620; roasting chickens, 14@23; ducks, 16(0)17; geese. 13@14. Potatoes firm; Pennsylvania, per bushel, r»j>(6f-60; New York, 40@48; Jer sey, per basket, 35(ft)40. Flour firm; winter straight, 5.50($ 5.75; spring straight, o.»0@6.00; do., patent, 6.25@fi.00. Hay firm; timothy hay, No. 1 la:ge bale*, 18.50@ 19.00; medium hales, 18.50 @19.00; No. t do., 17.00 @ 18.00; No. 3 do., 14.50® 15.50; light, mixed. 17.50(i(i 18.00; No. 1 do., lti.uU® 17.00; No. 2 do.. 15.00@16.00. Chicago Livestock Mv.'ket Chicago, Jan. 5. —Hogs—Iteceipts, 45,000; weak. Hulk, 7.10rn 7.20; light, 6.80# 7.12 V 4: mixed, 6.90@7.30; heavy, 6.90@7.25; rough, 6.90@7.00; pigs, 5.2a@ 7.10. Cattle —Iteceipts, 7.000; weak. Native steers, 5.50(« 9.75; wcKtern, 4.90@7.85; cows and heifers, 2.90@8.00; calves, 7.25 @9.75. Sheep—Receipts 15,000; strong. Sheep, 5.75@6.65; yearlings. 6,50@7.75; lambs, 6.75@5.6. r i. How to Cure a La Grippe Cough "Coughs that hang on" demand treat ment. (Slop and think! Reason and common sense toll you that it is folly to "grin and bear it." Those racking la grippe coughs that wrench the body and cause soreness aud pains in the lungs yield more quickly to Foley's Houcy nnd Tar than to any other treat ment. Forty years' record of success proves this. For coughs, colds, croup and other distressing ailments of throat, chest, lungs, larynx and bronchial tubes, you can find nothing that will compare with this reliable remedy. Geo. A. Gor gas, 16 North Third street and P. R. K. Station.—Adv. Lebanon Firemen's Belief Officers Lebanon, Jan. 5.—-Re-election of all its old officers for the ensuing year watt made at tho annual meeting at City Hall of tho Firemen's Relief As sociation of this city, as follows: Presi dent, S. F. Rise, Perseverance; vice president, James P. Kennedy, Union; secretary, Ohurles B. Bowman, Liberty; treasurer, James Lawless, Rescue; chap lain, the Kev. Dr. A. A. V. Binnington, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal paris.h; directors, J. P. Kennedy, T. F. Rise, Charles B. Bowman, CI L. Gates, Frank P. Zimmerman, Oscar W. Shay and John N. Mills. Treasurer Lawless re ]»orted a balance of $3,703.25 in the Association '* treasury. Evolyu Thaw at Photoplay Most wonderful production of Rus sian life, "Threads of Destiny, featur ing EveJ.yn Neibit Thaw and her son, Russell William Thaw, is presented at the Photoplay to-morrow. The manage ment urges patrons to attoml the aft ernoon performances. Many who have scon this feature production in larger cities decJare it to bo a truly wonder ful drama of Russian life. To-day wo present a two-reel Lubin "A Single Act," ami two-act Kalem, "The Fata I Deal," along with a Vit.agraph comedy and a famous George Ade fable made by S. & A. star caats. Adv. * A Grandmother at 32 Lvnn, Mass., Jan. 5. —Mrs. George F. Hanscom, of this city, claims the dis tinction of being the youngest grand mother in the United States. She is thirty-two. She was married at the age of fifteen. So was her daughter, the mother of the grandchild. The other grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1)e Tjodge, of Fitchburg, who are sixty seven aud lifty-seveu respectively.