The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 02, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Twenty-five Children and Grandchildren
and Invited Quests Were Served
With » Turkey Dinner In the Ney
Apartments Yesterday
Mr. aud Mrs. P. M. Ney held n fam
# ilv reunion at their home iu the Ney
apartments, 192 North Front street,
yesterday, which was attended by 25
children and grandchildren from vari
ous parts of the State and Ohio and a
number of invited guests. A feature of
the affair was the serving of a turkev
dinner at 12 o'clock. Ferns and chry
santhemums were used in decorating
the rooms, while music served to enter
tain later in the Jay.
The following members of the fauiiiv
and invited guests took part in the
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ney, daughters,
the Misses Marie, Delia and Paulino,
and son, Kirk Monroe; Mrs. C. E.
Schrope and children, Paul, Marv, Rob
ert and James; Mr. and Mrs. Bay
Crump. Chicago Junction, Ohio; Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Ney and daughter, Lenora,
Steelton; Mr. aud Mrs. D. A. Robinson,
sous, Edgar and William, Lewiatown;
Mr. and Mrs. George Linn, Steelton;
Mr. aud 'Mrs. M. R. Clave, eons, Rob
ert and Ray, Rochester, Pa. Other
guests were Edward Windsor, Ridgway;
Levi K&pp, Palmyra; Mrs. Charles
Moldiman, 'Hegius; James Simms and
George Nation, Steelton. C. E.
Schrope aud two sons, of Hegins, son
in-law and grandsons, respectively, of
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ney, were the only
absentees required to complete the re
union. These were unable to be pres
Many Clergymen Attends Affair In St.
John's Church
The large membership of St. John's
Lutheran church turned out last even
ing at the reception accorded the Rev.
G. N. Liauffer and Mrs. Lauffer, who
arrived in the borough Thursday, the
former to assume his duties as pastor
•f this ciureh.
In the receiving line at the church
■were the members of the church coun
cil who exchanged greetings with the
guests. The speakers were introduced
Dy Frank B. Wickersham anil the Rev. j
Dr. M. P. Hooker, who is succeeded at
St. John 's by the Rev. Mr. Liauffer,
wae the first speaker.
An address of weJcooie was de
livered by the Rev. C. B. Segelken,
president of the Ministerial Associ
ation. The other speakers were the!
Rev. W. S. Herman and t!he Rev. j
Thomas Redsch, at Harrisburg, both
classmates of tlie Rev. Mr. Lauffer, {
at Gettysburg.
Other-ministers present were the ;
Rev. Frank Edward Mover, pastor of
St. Peter's Lutheran church, Highspire;
the Rev. S. H. Rainev, rector of Trin
ity P. E. church, Steelton: the Rev. D.
E. ltuplev, pastor of Salem Lutheran
church, Oberlin; the Rev. J. B. Mark
ward, pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran)
church, Harris-burg, and the Rev. Will-1
liam B. Smith, pastor of 6*. Mark's.
Lutheran church, Steelton.
After the formalities of the recep
tion a luncheon was servert by the la
dies and the members and guests en
joyed themselves in a- social way. De
lightful music was furnished by the i
Sunday school orchestra throughout the
Robert R. Atticks Succeeds Himself as
At the annual meeting of the Pax
tang Hook and I.a drier Company held
last evening the following officers were
President, R. R. Atticks; vice presi
dent, Jacotb Capella; secretary, Albert
Sellers; assistant secretary, .John Au
rentz; treasurer, J. J. Coleman: trustees, j
Benjamin Capella and Edgar Lesher; I
foreman, Harry Martson; assistants, |
Harry Erbe and William Carlston; di- j
revtors, W. Heisman, Earl Keim, Wil
liam Norris, Jo-hn Hoerner, Charles At- i
ticks and James Murphy; delegate to l
State convention, Earl Keim; alternate,
Arbert Sellers: delegate to Firemen's
Relief Association. William Heisman, j
Silas Railing and Daniel Crowley; as
sistant drivers. John Hamilton, William j
'Heisman an! William Carlson: fire pa- |
trol, Ira Boguer. John Wallace and Wil- i
liam Norris; auditing committee. Silas'
Railing, William Rider and Lawrence j
Mr. aud Mrs. Ray Crump, after
spending the tolidavs 'with the latter's
parents, Mr. *td M'rs, P. M. Ney, left j
to-day for theii home, Chicago Junction, i
Mr. and 'Mrsi.Carroll Harclerode, aft- 1
er spending one week with the former's !
mother, Mrs. MVhael Harclerode, Soutih j
Second street, 11 leave to-morrow for j
their home, Chileston. S. C.
Mrs. Prudenci Shelley, North Front
street, who several paralytic J
strokes Thursday, at the home of "her j
daughter, Mrs. C.H. Steel, iMiddletown. I
is unconscious ami her death is hourly I
The Rev. J. X. pastor of
Grace United Kvaigelical church, ainl
wife, have returuedt'rom a 'holidav visit
to friends at -3hami\in and the former
w ill be in charge at all the servii-es in
Orace church to-morow.
William F. Yoder,-forth Front street,
spent yesterday wit relatives and
friends at Wernersvi'e and Reading.
Derr McCloskev ail Kenneth Vanier,
of the borough, have*et-urned from an
automobile trip to Frtierick. Mid.
•loseplt Dennis, Xo.h Front street,
fractured his left armiy a fall on the
icy sidewalk near hi« home TuesrTav.
l.ast winter Dennis fictured his left
leg by ialling on the i*.
Miss Mary Bond, o Pottstown. is
t'he guest of Mr. and Vs. Joseph Jef
teries, street.
Fred W. Bvrod, afte spending the
holidays at his home ii the borough,
left to-day for Philadeljiia to resume
bis studies at Medico <ti.
C. E. Rally To-morroWEvening
A Christian Endeavor ally will be
held in the Eastt Steeke Churcih of
<iol to-morrow evening i 7 o'clock.
There will be special an ,i an
address by I'aul A. Strickk vice presi
dent of the State Union, ho will in
struct the new officers. A interested
in <\ E. work are invited tat,tend this
J. Edwin Knipp, Dayton, Ohio, Will
Speak In Centenary U. B. Church
To-morrow—The Eev. G. N. lauffer
in Charge of St. John's Lutheran
"New Year" as a theme will be used
as a basis for sermons, Sunday, in at
least two of the borough churches. At
Rt. Mark's Lutheran, the Rev. William
B. Smith will speak on "A New Year
Motto" at the morning service, while
"Some Thoughts for the New Year"
will be used as a basis of remarks by
the Hev. t'harles A. Huvette, pastor of
the First Reformed church, also at the
morning service.
Communion services will be held in
the First Methodist Episcopal church
of the borough and at St. Peter's
Lutheran church, Highspire, both morn
ing and evening. The congregation of
Centenary United Brethren church will
be entertained with an interesting ad
dress by «T. Edwin Kuipp, of Dayton,
Ohio, Sunday morning. The Rev. G. N.
Lauffer will preach his first sermon to
morrow as pastor of St. John's
Lutheran church.
The following churches have an
nounced their order of services for to
j First Reformed, the Rev. Charles A.
Huvette, pastor. Morning service and
Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Subject
of sermon. "Some Thoughts for the
New Year;" evening service 7.30, sub
ject, "No Room for Christ;" Christian
Endeavor at 6.45; Junior catechetical
class. Monday evening at 4.15; Senior
catechetical class, Wednesday at 7
o'clock; prayer service Wednesday at
St. Mark's Lutheran, the Rev. Wil
liam B. Smith. Morning service, 10.30
o'clock, theme. "A New Year's Motto;"
Sunday school at 2 o'clock: Senior
catechetical class, 3 p. m.; Christian
Endeavor, 6.45 p. m.; "Let This New
Year Be for Christ," 7.30 p. ra.: Junior
catechetical class, Wednesday, 4.15
p. m.; prayer meeting, 7.30 p. m.; pre
paratory service, Friday, January 8. at
7.30 p. m.; communion services, morn
ing and evening, Sunday, January 20.
being saved.
Grace United Evangelical, the Rev.
J. M. Shoop, pastor. Sunday school,
9.15; morning service. 10.30; K. L.
C. E., 6.45; evening service, 7.30.
Main Street Church of God, the Rev.
G. W. Getz, pastor. Morning service
at 10.30 o'clock. Subject of sermon.
"How to Move God and Men." Even
ing service at 7.30 o'clock. Subject of
sermon, "What We Know About
Heaven." Sunday school at 2 o'clock.
Jr. 8. of C. E., 6 p. m. Sr. S. of C. E.,
6.30 n. m. Evangelistic services now
in progress each evening and souls are
First Methodist, the Rev. John H.
Rover, pastor. Communion service at
10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday
school at 2 p. m.; Epworth League ait
6.30; Wednesday at 7 p. m. Junior
Epworth League; 7.45 p. m., prayer
meeting; fourth quarterly confernce.
Friday evening.
Mt. Zion M. E. church, Cumbler's
Height, the Rev. J. H. Rover, will
preach at 3.30 p. m.; Sundav school at
First Presbyterian, the Rev. C. Benj.
Segelken will preach at 11, "Hearing
and Doing," and at 7.30, "The Moving
Dece*t>«r Term. 1910. N«.
PU.'?"v5 t «° J l **™?, °< the Court of Common
rieta No. ft, for Philadelphia County, ma<i<* In
C "' ember IS, 1913, is
amended Octooer 10. 1914. Samuel R«a. Substitut
,u"s*r '•>' mortgage given ma ejecut
£? nL:."l a PenwyiTittlt Canal Company
„ Lombaert is original tiuate-'. to
secure the pavment of Us coupon bon.ia to the
, "\ nu ?i . 18.000,000, of the denomination of si,-
000, due July 1 1910, of whieli bonds to the
firms.'ld* outataodinu <lue and
T. £ dffault waa made when they
fell due on old first day of July. 1910. will sell
at i üblic Aiutlon. at 12 o'clock noun, at lfiSl
Cutout atreet. Philadcluhhi. P«.. on Wednesday.
k'. 12* the properties, rights and privl
ieges hereinafter briefly described, reference beins
|l.|^°.' a 1,1 decree (or a full description, on the
conditions and terms of sale hereinafter set forth
I<*A That portlo". being about 6 71-100 miles In
length, of the Wyoming Division of the Canal ei
vi?.'! ,n * rion > Northampion atreet. in ihe City of
»?„„ » to , ">e eastern boundary of thai por-
Hon of the i.anal which w*a <_«n»eyed by ihe Canal
o?" ,HJ *' T Z E - 1 a "* r hJ d 'ed dated Kebruarj
24. .1)06: subject aa to psrt thereof, 10 Ihe rights
tor rallroad purposes grante.i by the
; Co. to the North and Weai Branch Hallway
Co. by deM dated August 13. ISS3. nud r,<l
■ n Lu/erne County in Deed Ilook 230. r. : g- ,t2*i:
'2 'I": sr " nt of coal i>nd other mln
r?!l' A c " the up part th»reot made
by .he Canal u to t lailra Parrlah by died dated
nJ V °is 1 recorded In Ljlerue County In
Deed Book No. 241. page 3fi
(b.l Such right as the Canal Co. may haye to
reconstntct and maintain ;fce luu serosa the
Uranct «f the Susquehanna Klier near.
MoutsoniTT, jn the County of L-ooin'nt
W^T n irM h r Ib> ' Potion of the
Hest Branch Dinsion of the, aliout on>
mile iu lengtn, contiguous to the site of (ne aali
dam. ettc.idlnr from a point 4UO feet Bastwardly
measured ilong the South propert* line ot aald
(anal from the intersection of said prouert* line
wit.i a line in prolongation southwardly (actoas
the canal) of -he breast of said Muney Dam. to
a point in a line In prolongation Southwardly,
across 'he canal, of the Westerly line of the
L«c!> House lot at Ixick No. 19. In the l\>wnshlp
" r ,., Mo nll!"ni''rj. County of Licomlng, together
dan/ r *^' l to food certain landa abore sild
vJonVs Mrt . of u th '. p °r tioQ of thc We»t
Branch Division of the Cimal in 3ny-ler County
extend In* frou. Selin*fro*e railroad bridge to the
former site of Peno'a Creek Aqueduct. a dla
tan«;e of phout 3 3-lu iullos. which was reserved
to tue Canal company in its deed to tbe Northern
central Connecting Railroad t'omrmr. o*-
wcr 24. JWi.T iiiri recorded in Snyder Co . in
B<»)k No. 6. pag*» 378 a
<?;> Tlmt port on hartnft i length of .bout sft
. ? , !hp H« Division of thi- C«n*l at
Jun.Ma Junction. Daupbin County, extending from
l. Eastward boundary of tbe c a nal as eonrcyed
5 ♦ V 2* . to i h * l ' R R - L '°- hv 4*ed
dated October IR. 1809. to tbe WVatcrn rv
of the Ra*crn Dirislon of said Canal, together
wltu the four frame dwelling tbtrron
<e) mat portion of th»» Ka«tern Division of the
Canal, at auid Junittta Junction, cat ndinr South
wardly from tbe Southern boundary of the Canal
aa oonTeyed by the Canal Co. to tbe Northern
J >u « r 5 I .9^n nec,,nf r: R - Co - hv dated Octo
ber -4, 190.4. to and including the lock to tbe pool
at < larks Ferry dam
rhe bridge at-oaa the Susquehanna River
at i larka Ferry in the Townahlp of Reed. County
of Dauphin known a» Harks Fern River br dge.
. ~ nsJ ? ' ensth twenty hundred and elghty
elgh. (SONS) more or Iras, anbiect to condem
nation proceeding* heretofore instituted bv the
C mtotv of Dauphin to acquire the bridge, together
with the right to the carnages awarded therefor
IM Tint portion of :h" Wlconlaco Division of
the Canal in Dauphin County extending from a
point 180 feet above th- head of the outlet lock
known aa "So. 1" at darks Kerry. Westward ly
a durance of -<OO feet, more or less, to a po nt at
the intake alio from the Susquehanna River and
dam aero.* said River at Clarka Ferry, together
with the frame dwelling thereon, having an esti
mated area of nMut one acre.
Also, all the personal property of the Canal Co.
and all the eatate. right, title and 'nterrnt of the
Canal Co. of, In and to all real eatate, r.».al prop
erty rights and privilege* of every kind wiever
forming pjrt of. connected with or belonging or In
any way appertaining to the works and property
now or heretofore known aa the Pennsylvania
Canal texceptln# the parts and portions heretofore
•old and convoyed bv the Citnal Co.! and all and
•tanlar the corporate rights and franchlsea of the
f anal Co. and generally all property whatever and
wheresoever. real, personal and mixed, thereto be
longing and In any way appertaining.
1. The several ahoye described premises will
be tlrst offered for ule separately, and then all
of the aald premlaes as a whole, to the highest
and beat bidders, subject to confirmation hy the
2. Twenty-five ner cent, of the amount of any
accepted bid shall he paid at tbe time of aale, in
cash, and the balance or the pun-hase money shall
be mid upon confirmation of the sale by the
Court, without any liability of the purchaser to
see to the vindication of the purchase money.
• II wkm
~- jdfl E
' ElLJH^B^^hhi^^^H
The Rev. C. E. Hillis
Who will launch a union evangelistic campaign in tlie United Brethren
church, at Highspire, to-morrow evening. These services will be continued each
evening by him for at least three weeks.
of the Waters;" Sabbath school at 0.45
a. m.; C. E. at 6.30 p. m.
Mt. Zion Baptist—Revival—the Rev.
P. H. Hughes, pastor, is being assisted
by the Rev. W. H. Hill, D. I)., bf Pitts
burgh. The pastor will preach Sunday
morninp on "Men in Their Places;"
3 p. in.. Covenant meeting and com
munion; 7.40 p. m., subject, Dead
Centenary I'nited Brethren, the Rev.
A. K. \\ ier, pastor. Morning service.
10.30 o'clock, by J. Edwin Kuipp, of
Dayton, Ohio. Sunday school, 2 p. m.
C. E., 6.30 p. m. The pastor will of
ficiate at the i.30 p. m. service.
St. Peter's Lutheran church, High
spire. the Rev. Frank Edward Mover,
pastor. Motning service at 10.30
o'clock. Holy Communion; reception
of members. Evening service at 7.30
o'elork. Subject ot' sermon, "The Con
sequences of Sin:" also llolv Com
munion. Sunday school, 9.30 'o'clock
Jr. _C. E. at 3.00 p. ni. Sr. C. E. at
6.40 p. m. No sermon to children Sun
day morning on account of Communion.
St. James' I'Htholic church, the Rev.
J. C. Thompson, roetor. Low mass, 8
a. m. High mass, 10 a. m. Sunday
tion, 7.30 p. m.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
( lub, will bp in her office from 8 a. ill
to 9 a. m„ from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
It Came When a New and Ugly Tackle
Broke Into the Game
One day, while the whaleship Nar
whal was tied to an ice floe in Bering
sea and the lookouts were at the mast
head scanning the open water south
ward for the appeapaxice of whales, a
party of the forecastlemeu made a foot
ball of rags and cord and went over the
bow to kick the nwsshapeu thing round
on a smooth stretch of ice a short dis
tance from the vessel.
The fun was ?t its height and the
men were just getting the kinks out
of their when the harpooner in
the crow's nest called softly down to
the deck that a polar bear had scented
the men on the ice and was excitedly
making his way toward them. No
warning was given to the football
players. Before long the bear appeared
close to the edge of the floe, and he
seemed to be in a great hurry. He
shambled rapidly along in and out
among the hummocks, and every few
feet lie would pull himself erect to
sniff the air and crane his head anxious
ly. Closer and closer he came, and
it was plain that lie grew more aud
more excited. The men on board the
ship got out their rifles to make sure
that the bear did no harm to the men
on the ice.
The gaunt ice bear eame to the last
hummock that separnted liini from the
held of play. One of the men was in
the act of "kicking the stuffing" out
of the ball, when the bear suddenly
emerged into clear view. The bull feil
on the ice, the man's leg came hur
riedly down on the ice, and the man
himself- broke for the ship like a deer,
was a succession of frightened
shouts, and the ice became alive with
running men. Never was there a
quicker change of scene. Men stum
bled and fell and yelled and fought for
a grasp of the rope ladder.
The men on deck were so convulsed
with laughter that they made no effort
to shopt the bear. And after the first
whoop the bear became so thoroughly
alarmed at the consternation he hail
caused that he turned tail and fled in
a clumsy gallop the ice floes.—
Youth's Companion.
They Allay the Tnnst Quickly, but the
Effect Is Not Lasting
The reason why we like effervescent
urinks is that the slight stinging or
pricking of the (.alate that follows on
dr nking liquids charged with carbonic
acid gas produces immediately an in
creased flow of saliva and "thus di
minishes for the moment the seoantion
of thirst,
But the relief they bring is only
temporary and is followed by a reac
tion in which the thirst is actually in
creased. The salivary glands are no
more susceptible to perpetual stimula
tion than any other, and after each pe
riod of excitement one of depression
supervenes. Young soldiers on route
marches quickly come to understand
this and to discover that the more wa
ter they drink the more thirsty they
get and that it is best, therefore, to
limit the quantity swallowed. More
over, the saliva contains matters of
great importance for the digestion of
food, particularly of starchy foods, and
if it all be washed down the throat
into the bowels as soon as it is secreted
a great part of itff usefulness is lost.
It would, therefore, seein that a less
wasteful way, physiologically, of pro
moting the flow of saliva "might be
adopted witn profit. The consumption
of fruit containing subacid juices is
about the most excellent way.—St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
I ' 2
' - - V •:
r■ > I
i . . ' -
Who will assist her husband, the
Rev. C. E. Hillis, in launching an
evangelistic campaign in Highspire to
morrow evening.
He Got the Cheapest
Old Hiram PinUion was a born tra
der and a penny pineher besides. He
was never willing to pay the price of
anything he wanted, and all the shop
keepers at the village dreaded to see
him enter their stores.
One day he did a little trading at
Nelson's shoe store. He tried on a
dozen pairs of boots, but could find
nothing that was not too expensive.
Then lie guessed he would get a pair
of rubbers. He rejected a pair that
cost a dollar and another that cost 65
cents. Finally the clerk brought him
a pair for 50 cents. They seemed to
fit well enough* but Hiram was still
"Hain't ye got any rubbers that are
cheaperf" he askeil.
"No, air,'' declared the irritated
clerk, "we , haven't. That pair
you've got on is the cheapest, poorest,
most no account rubber there is made!"
So 'Hiram bought them. — Youth's
Got Them All
Golfer (playing his second round in
the day)—lnto this beastly bunker
again, t addio! Caddie—No, sir. This
is the one you missed this morning.—
It is IMPOETANT that you should
have your eyes scientifically tested if
you suspect there is anything wrong
with them.
It is IMPORTANT that you give
them attention at once, before serious
trouble develops.
It is IMPOETANT that your glasses
should be accurately fitted to remedy
the trouble, if any.
It is IMPOETANT that you should*
not trust the fate of your eyes to any
one but an eyesight specialist of rec
ognized ability and integrity. The hope
of saving a dollar may prove costly in
the long run.
It is IMPOETANT that you should
have new glasses if you are
wearing do not seem to be .just right.
I have fitted 20,000 eyes In Har
risburg and vicinity with glasses.
T guarantee satisfaction and my
prices are as reasonable as you can get
reliable service for anywhere.
With H. 0. Claater, 302 Market St.
FOR 1915
May be had at the business office of the Star-Independent for l(ty or will be
sent to any address in the United States, by mail, for 5 cents extra to cover
cost of package and postage. 4
The Star-Independent Calendar for 1915 is another of the handsome series,
featuring important local views, issued by this paper for many years. It is 11x14
inches in size and shows a picture, extraordinary for clearness and detail, of the
"Old Capitol," built 1818 and destroyed by fire in 1897. It is in fine half-tone
effect and will ba appreciated for its historic value as well as for its beauty.
Mail orders given prompt attention. Remit 15 cents in stamps, and ad
dress all letters to the
18-20-22 South Third Street Harrisburg, Pa.
Culliotil From First I'age.
Carlo Alberta Society, Harrisburg;
Mutt and Jeff, with Japanese, S3O.
Team, Earl Bender, wild west entry,
$10; aid. Amos Drabenstadt, $5.
Individual—Character, Francis Gla
ser, $5; most elaborate costume, first,
prize, $lO, George Ellis, Indian; second
prize, Albert Gonzell, $5, Belgium Scout
Floats—Finest. Orpheum, S4O; most
original, J. B. Montgomery, $25; most
historical, B. F. Hoffman, S2O.
Motorcycles Or Bicycles—Finest
decorated, Heagy Brothers, Old and
New Year, $lO.
Most original, Heagy Brothers, mon
oplane, $5.
Most historical, John Palmer, Fath
er Time, 2 wheeled bicycle. $5.
Organizations, Most In Line—From
Harrisburg, Keystone Motorcycle Club,
Visitiug. Triangle Club, Steelton.
Best Drilled—Union Hose Comp&nv
(drill team) Middletown, $25.
The judges were: Edward Hal
bert, Walter Keister, J. Harry Mov
sersmith, Fred Tritle, Augustus' Kreid
ler, K. Feferee, Wellington G. Jones.
The checks were delivered to the
proper persons at the mayor's oftice last
evening. There was considerable
ble because a number of the entry
blanks were not filled in properly but
the .judges turned detective and lw-atel
the prize winners. The Orpheum man
agement announced last night that the
officials of the Harrisburg Mummers'
Association will be entertained at a
box party at the Orpheum on Mondav
night. J
Sister-in-law of Jury Commissioner
Dapp Was in Her 20tli Year
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Jan. 2. —After
suffering for more than a year and a
half from diabetes, Mrs. Bruce Klugh
died at her home in Dillsburg yesterday
morning at 3 o'clock. She was 25
years old. Before her marriage three
years ago Mrs. Klugh was Miss Helen
Sperow, a daughter of the late Jacob
Sperow and Mrs. Emma Sperow, of
Dillsburg. Her survivors include her
husband, her mother and two sisters.
Miss Maud Sperow, of Dillsburg, and
Mrs Edward F. Dapp. 1732 North
Fourth straet, Harrisburg. Mr. Dapp.
a is one of the Jury
Commissioners of Dauphin county.
The funeral services will be held at
the home on Monday afternoon at 1
o'clock and at the Dillsburg Lutheran
church, of which Mrs. Klugli was ;i
member, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. George
Eveler, pastor, will officiate. Inter
! ment will be made in the Dillsburg
Company Makes Remarkable Statement
Covering the Year 1914
"Not a single passenger out of the
188,41 1,876 carried in 1914 on all of
the 26,198 miles of track of the entire
Pennsylvania railroad system was killed
in g, train accident.
"Reports compiled for all the lines
of the system, with figures for the last,
month estimated, show th»t Pennsylva
nia passenger trains traveled 67,389,-
381 miles in 1914. More than 3,000
trains were operated every day—more
than a million trains in the year.
' 'The Pennsylvania railroad lines
east of Pittsburgh in the last two years
carried 311,675,794 passengers and
not one of them was killed in an acci
dent to a train. In four of the last
seven years, 1908, 1910, 1913 and
1914, more than 558,000,000 passen
gers —five times the population of this
country—were carried by Uhe Pennsyl
vania iines east of Pittsburgh without a
single one being killed in a train ac
The Rev. Or. Bullitt Will Again Teach
Beginning To-morrow
Sessions of the men's Biible class of
St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal
church will be resumed to-morrow at
the regular Sunday school hour, 12
This class is taught by tihe Rev.
James F. ijlullitt, rector of St. Andrew's
church, an'd its sessions were suspended
during the illness of the Rev. 'Mr. Bul
litt in tlhe fall. With the resumption,
of the meetings to-morrow they will
be hekl every Sunday at noon.
A New Year's party will 'be 'held
at St. Andrew's Episcopal parish house
to-night by the class of St. Andrew's
Sunday school, taug'ht by Mts. Edward
P. Doehne. Those who attend will en
joy numerous games and souial diver
sions. Refreshments will ibe served. The
proceeds o>f the party will 'be devoted to
tihe Sunday school piano fund.
Philadelphia Division —l2B crew to
go first after 3.30 p. m.: 120, 125, 112,
111, 104, 126, 121, 113, 105, 114,
104, 10'3.
Entgnneers for 104, 105, 114, 121,
Firemen for 116. 126.
Conductors for 112, 120, 126, 128.
Flagtmen for 111, 118.
Brakemen for 104, 112, 114,
Engineers up: Hnicbiaker, Bissinger,
Tennant, Kennedy, Ijong, S tattler, Mc-
Caulev, Albright.
Firemen np: Reno, Fewwell, Huston,
Gilberg, Gelsinger, Manning, Arnslberg
er, llouser, Behinan, Mu'lholen, David
son. Bushey, Kreider, Parmer, Cover,
Hartz. Collier.
Brakemen up: Morris, Brown, Mc-
Ginnis, Mumma, Gouse, Knupp, Wiland,
Hubbard, Collins.
Middle Division— R crew to go first
after 2 p. in.: 224.
Five laid off at Altoona.
Twenty-four Altoona crews to come
Front Eud: 20. 21, 19, 23, IS.
Fireman for 19.
Conductor for 21.
Brakeman for 19 (2).
Firemen up: Gross, Pofcteiger. Shees
ley, Wright, Stouffer, Seiagrist, Sim
mons, Zeiders.
Conduictor up: Keys.
Brakemen up: Henderson, Kane, Ris
sdw.jer, FraUn, Troy, Reese, Spahr,
Kohli, Kieffer, Bickert.
Philadelphia Division—2o4 crew to
go first after 3.-15 p. m.: 246, 221, 224,
243, 226, 225, 244, 235, 236, 215,
201. 229, 234, 217. 203.
Engineers for 203, 207, 214, 221,
22G, 246.
Firemen for 204, 225.
Conductors for 206, 207, 224, 233.
Flagmeji for 221, 228, 244, 246.
Brakemen for 201, 214, 224, 234
Krakemen up: Felker, Fenstemaoher,
Shuler, Taylor, Jacobs, Stinieling, Mum
ma, 'Myers, Sliaffner.
Middle Division—4s2 crew to go
after 1.30 p. m.: 250, 451.
Front end: 109, 110, 113, 106, 104,
119, 108, 111.
Kngineers for 109, 103, 10S.
Firemen for 110, 113.
■Conductors for 109, 110.
Flagmen for 110, 113, 106.
Brakemen for 113, 108.
Yard Crews—Kngineers up: Beck,
Barter, Biever, Hoheoshelt, Brenemian,
Rudv, Mousey, Meals, Sit a h'l, Crist,
Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder, Pel
ton, Shaver, Hoyler.
Firemen up: Hevie Ulsh, Bostdorf,
Raudh, Weig'e, Lackey, Cookerly,
Maeyw, .Sholter, Snell, Bartolot, Bar
key, Sheets, Bair, Evde, Ney, Ney, My
ers, Boyle, Shipley.
Engineers for 1869, 1454, 707. 322,
90, 1820.
Firemien for 1454, 70", 14, 885.
§; •
19&IXZ& these lip ( >
I | The above Certificate
;; Entitles bearer to this $5.00 Illustrated Bible!!
< » If prmntad at th. offic. of tSia n.w>pap«r. toolbar with the atatad amount that
( I cot.r. th. nocouary EXPENSE itama of thi. irraat dirtribution-ineluHing
w packing, checking, express from factory, etc., ate, I i
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J | oi the with six hundred superb graphically illustrating 1 '
'' BIBLE and malcin £ plsin the verse in,*!ie light of modern Biblical i [
( | . , knowledge and research. The text conforms to the#
j | authorized edition, is siif-pronouncing, with copious , I 1
marginal references, maos and helps; printed on thin L, . , j J
([ bible paper, flat opening at all pages; beautiful, |» J.l* EXPENSE'
j [ readable type. One Free Certificate and the * Itama < >
II W \ir t H»o«"» Edition for Catholk. j |
t ) ILLU9IKA■ kv the »tyle of binding. Through an exclusive arrangement we < ►
;: BIBLE which it in silk cloth; I b«e been most fortunate in securing the ■I
contain! all of the illua- Catholic Bible, Douay Veraion, endorsed i >
' tratlona and I . . by Cardinal Gibboni and Archbishop ( I
; maps. One Irrr I Ql/, fvorStr (now Cardinal) Farley, as well as by the < >
' . eerlllcals and OIC fl'v!' various Archbishops of the country. The ( I
' ' Itoaaa illustrations consists of the full-pafe tn- < •
..■ . , . . approved by the Church, with-1 I
' «ut the Tinot and tot picture,. It will be distributed in the aame bindings as the Pro- < '
j I '.eatant book, and at the sage Amount L»pcna< Items, with the necessary Free Certificate. < I
, , ~~ OBDKM—Any~Sc*k by pareai port, Ineluda EXTRA T cant, within !
, | lit mllaa; 10 eanta It* to SOS mllaa; tor |rwt«r dlataaeoa aak your Doatmaatar ' '
; I amount to Inolud, for t pound. < '
tttftftttfttttttttn miitii»iii»nniiisisis_L.
P., H. and P—After 1.15 p. m.:
17, 11, 12, 4, 1, 20.
Eastbound—After 1.45 p. m.: 53,
71, 60, 52 58, 70, 51, 67, 65, 69, 54,
62, 63, 64.
Conductor uip: G nigh or
Engineer up: Tipton.
Firemen up: Anders, Corl, Sellers,
Ohronister, Sullivan.
Brakemen up: Kapp, Strain, Heck
man, Grimes, Dunkle, Yoder.
Yet Java, With Its Amazing Crops,
Hardly Pays the Dutch
"Java has a population of more than
40,000,000. It is a Dutch possession
and the richest island on eartih," SHV»
a man who has spent most of his life
there. "The governor general has nine
palaces in different parts oif the island
and a regiment of soldiers to escort
him from one to anotheT. Two-fifths
of the sugar of the world is produced
in Java. Labor costs little or nothing.
The natives work for something liko
$2.50 a year. The principal products
are sugar, cotton, rice, cagu nuts and
citronella. Of the total population
there are probably 30.000,000 Java
nese, and the rest are Chinese and Por
tuguese. The white population numbers
about 150,000, mostly Dutch, and there
are few Americans. The immensity of
the production of .lava may be esti
mated from the fact that the internal
revenue is nearly 1200,000,000.
"Notwithstanding the big popula
tion, the richness of the soil and the
great productivity Java is hardly a pav
ing possession to the Dutch. It takes
all that Java yields to pay the expenses
of fighting the natives of the other is
lands, like Flores, where the inhabit
ants are savages, mostly head hunt
ers. Borneo is the largest island in
the south sea, but its population is
small compared with that of Java.
"Under the conditions of civilization
it is surprising, perhaps, that the
standard of morals among the natives
is high, yet it is a fact. Violation of
the marriage contract is almost un
heard of."—Washington Post.
King's Counsel
King's counsel differ from all other
English lawyers. King's counsel are
appointed by pat out from the crown,
on application from the lord chancel
lor, and can act as judges of assize
when named in the commission. They
have in many ways precedence over
other lawyers and rank among them
selves according to seniority. The
robes of king's counsel are of silk in
stead of stuff like those of ordinarv
barristers. It is . the established rule
of the profession that no king's counsel
shall conduct any case without the
employment of a junior counsel.
Vegetable Sponges
What are known as vegetable sponges
grow freely in Ecuador during the
rainj; season. They grow on vines, like
pumpkins. The poor people utilize
them for washing dishes and when
bathing, claiming they are superior to
the animal sponge.