THE WEATHER FAIR TO-NIGHT OOIaDEB TO-MOBBOW Ofttlled Report* Pave I VOL. 77—NO. 25. ESTABLISHED DEC. 4. 1«T«. GIRL DIES, VICTIM OF AUTOCRASH Miss Maugans Expires Early To-day as Re sult of Accident at Frontand Walnut Sts. THREE OTHERS OF PARTY INJURED Coroner Eckinger Starts Inquiry to Fix Responsibility for Machine and Trolley Car Coming Togetl ■ r —Rail way Crew to Be Questional Miss Grace L. Maugans, a years old, 310 Forster street, died . arly this morning in the Harrisburg hospital from injuries she received when an au tomobile driven by John J. Hargest, Jr., crashed with a Valley Railways Com pany trolley car at Front and Walnut streets at 1 1 o'clock last evening. Three other occupants of the auto were seriously hurt, but ail are expected to recover. Miss Maugans was picked up uncon scious and hurried to the hospita! in the police ambulance. She was operated on immediately to relieve a depressed fracture at the base of the skull, but sli • ta led to respond to treatment and her walk to a ward in the hospital aftrtnummt ment. She is suffering from a badly wrenched right hip and a sprain of the back. She suffered a great deal of pain, but her injuries are not dangerous. Cleckner suffered a sprain of the back and an injury to his left knee. An X ray examination was made at the hos pital late this afternoon to determine if the knee was fractured. Samuel Weber, 160 Sylvan Terrace, who, with Hargest, was riding in the front seat of the machine, did not go immediately to the hospital following the accident, hut when he began suffer ing severe pains in his right side he hurried to that institution. On exami nation of him there it was found that four ribs on his right side were injured. An X-ray examination was made this afternoon to determine if any were broken. Hargest, who is proprietor of the Rex garage, was the only other oc cupant of the auto and escaped injury. Coroner Starts Inquiry Coroner Eckinger started an investi gation of the accident as soon as the death of Miss Maugans was reported to him this morning. The diagnosis of deith from a fractured skull, as given out by the hospital physicians, was ac cepted by the Coroner, who immediate ly released the body to the girl's moth er. Ooroner Eckinger will hold an in ants, two men and two women, beneath it only a few feet from the ice of the river. The occupants were not seri ously injured, and after they were res cued were able to walk with support. They made every effort to conceal their identities. They do not live in this city. Tine accident was witnessed by but one person, a woman walking on Sene street. The occupants of the car, it appears, mail® no outery. The wom an, as soon as she saw the automobile plunge over the bank, ran to the near est house, the residence of Attorney Horace A. Segelbaum, 2401 North Front street, and summoned help. Mr. Segelbaum First on Scene Mr. Segelbaum, Dr. D. J. Reese and other men in the house lost no time in reaching the scene of the accident, Mr. Segelbaum arriving there first. The riv er bank is so steep at Seneca street that descent is difficult, but the men slid down as best they could, and set to work to right the overturned car. The head of a man protruded from beneath the machine, and he told the rescuers that if they lifted his end he could work himself out. There was no movement or sound from the other vic lonttnurd <■■■ Ninita I'hki-. GIRL. 11. TO BE A BRIDE She Is One of Half a Dozen Minors Who Obtain Marriage Licenses Here This Morning This was "children's day" at the marriage license bureau, half of the | dozen applicants for licenses being mjnors. One of them Annie Scarchello, who has consented to wed Linge De Lutiz, 22, is but 14 years old. She will not celebrate her fifteenth birth day until May 9, next. The clerk in j the marriage license ' bureau hesitated I somewhat before consenting to grant tho license and the necessary consent | of the parents was given and he was ; obliged to issue the papers. The young lire )rr Harrfsmrrg-. j William H. Cain, 20, and Sarah B. | Sihoop, 16, both of MiddletoWn, ob tained a license, as also did Josef Dres ! nor. 20, and Verona Verner, 17, both of Billmver. Other licenses granted this morning included these: Mervin J. Souders, Churehtown, and Lida Shindel, 21, West Fair view; Wilbert Bollinger, 23, ami Emma Geesey, 18, both of this city; Josef Toth, 26, and Vera Kovacs, 22, Steelton. MANY MpMITS Five Boys Seriously Injured at Walton ville by Being Hurled Against a Stone Wall (Special to the Star-Independent.) Hummelstown, Pa., Jan. 2. Five ; aKonville boys were painfully in-j : jured in a coasting accident which occurred at that place on Thursday aift -1 oruoon. John LafTertv, who was guid ing the bobsled, on which the boys were coasting, turned the aled to.the side of the road to avoid running down two children and when the .sled struck the railroad tracks at the foot of the hill, the occupants were thrown against a stone wall.~ Romeo Sevastio had his left leg broken, James Rodney and Louis urth street, had his little finger cut off. He was thrown from the si' I and it ran over his 'hand. Rotary Belgian Relief Fund It was unofficially announced that the proceeds for the Belgian relief fund from Rotary Club week at the Orpheum Theatre during the week of December 14, were $462. An official announcement will be made at a noon day luncheon of the Rotary Olub next Tuesday. HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1915 12 PAGES. 3 SPEAKERSHIP DSP BAITS HERE Baldwin and Wilson Confident of Victory -Habgood Admits He Is Only "Receptive" AMBLER COMING HERE TO-NIGHT Headquarters Are Opened In This City by the Various Candidates But Few of the Law-Makers Have Yet Ar rived for Monday's Caucus Three candidates for the nomination j for Speaker of the House in the Re publican caucus to be held on Monday night are now in the city and it is ex pected that by this evening all of the aspirants will be on the ground. What is more to the point, all of them "have hopes.'' Despite the efforts of the adherents of one or another of the candidates to j make it appeal that each is supported ;by Governor-elect Brumbaugh or the Republican State organization, when pinned down to solid fact none of them can point to any particular declaration for any particular candidate on the part of either Dr. Brumbaugh or the organization. The candidates here at present are Richard J. Baldwin, of Delaware, who came in last night, accompanied by Chief Clerk Thomas H. Garvin, and was joined to-day by several county officials from Delaware, Henry I. Wilson, of Jefferson, and Robert P. Habgood, of McKean. Mr. Wilson was accompanied by Senator Kurtz and Congressman eiect North, from bis county, and Mr. I Haiigood had with him former Mayor Hoffman, of Bradford; Dr. W. A. Os trander, C. Scott Smith, of the Melvean "Republican," and Fred Newell, of Canton, all of whom are substantial citizens or' McKean county. The candi- Continued on \lnth race. BRUmUCHJOR AMBLER Governpr-Elect Declares HimseU Wlth- in the Speaker ship Fight By Associated Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.—Governor-elect Brumlbaugh to-day announced that he is in favor of Charles A. Ambler, of Mont gomery county, for Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Governor said: "I agree with Mr. Lane that the Speaker should be in sympathy with all the measures to which I pledged my self in the primary and fiuni contest. Mr. Ambler is such a man. His long consecutive service and his clean Re publicanism appeals to me and I am for him for Speaker." >lr. Lane referred to by the Gov ernor-elect is David A. Lane, of Phila delphia, a local leader, who had made a statement that Amlbler typified every thing that Mr. Brumlbaugh stood for and had had his support. PRIESI BURNEpIo DEATH His Housekeeper Also Meets Similar Fate When Parish House Is De stroyed By Fire By Associated Press, t Cleveland, Jan. 2. —The Rev. Steph en Makara, 42, pastor otf St. John's Greeik Catholic cliuireh, and his house keeper, Mrs. Fedor, were burned to death early to-day when fire practical ly destroyed the parish house directly at the rear of the churoh. Police believe the fire was of incendiary origin. Mr. Makara was found dead in his bed to which firemen finally fought their way through the flames. The housekeeper was lying in the hallway near Mr. Makara's room where she is believed to have been overcome while hastening to arouse the priest. He came here from Philadelphia two years ago. Mrs. Fedor had been housekeeper only since Tuesday. Police to-day learned that the Rev. Mr. Makara, on November 19, was as saulted by two men and that he was released from a hospital only a few days ago. These two men, according to the police, beat the priest wi/th clubs and roibbed him of $147 and his cit izenship papers. The attack took place in front of the parish house. That the men who attacked the priest robbed him to conceal the real motive of the attack, is the belief oif the police. Injured in Fall at Round House William Stine, 1952 North Seventh street, a machinist for the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, fell five feet in round house No. 1, this morning, I badly wrenchinig his right side and back. He was admitted to the Harris burg hospital for treatment. Burglars Make $l5O Haul Lebanon, Jan. 2. —Burglars entered and ransacked the hom e of William Freshley on Forge street at an early hour yesterday morning and got awa-, with jewelry and other articles valued in the neighborhood of $l5O. Carranza Takes San Luis Potosi Washington, Jan. 2.—Capture of San Luis Potosi by Carranza forces was re ported in adviceß to-day from Galveston to the agency here. INDIVIDUAL EFFORT MADE TH YEAR'S PARADE A DELIQH7FUL SPECTACLE WRg & JUDGES ME AWARDS IN FINE IMMERS' PARADE Was Hard Job to Decide the Winners, but the Schnitzel Bum Band, of Elizabethtown, Carried Off the First Prize That th clubs and organizations who took pare in the mummers' parade yesterday went to the trouble and ex pense they did has made the way for the celebration next year a compara tively easy one. The parade was not a long one, but it was so good' that even the officisls of the Harrisburg Mummers' Association were surprised at the showing. It was a hars; second prize. Continued on Seventh Pace PARADED IN ANOTHER'S COAT City Defective Harry White last evening noticed D. B. Peek walking on Market street with an overcoat and realizing that Peck did not wear one usually, investigated. It was later identified, the police say, as one taken from the Y. M. ('. A. and belonging to Edward Rinkenbach. The latter identified the gloves Pec'k was wearing as his property and a handker chief in the poeket of the coat. Peek was sent to jail, changed with larceny. f Star-Independent Calendar for 1915 May be had at the business office of the Star-Independent for lOc, or will be sent to any address in the United Slates, by mall, for 5 cents extra to cover cont of package and postage. The Star-Independent Calendar for 1915 Is another of the handsome series, featuring Important local views, issued by this paper for many years. It Is 11x14 Inches ln/felze and shows a picture, extraordinary for clearness and detail, of the "Old Cap itol," built 1818 and destroyed by Are In 1897. It Is In fine half-tone effect and will be appreciated for Its his toric value as well as for its beauty. Mall ordera jtlven prompt atten tion. Remit in eenta In Ntumpa, nnd nddreaa all lettera to the Star-Independent 18-20-22 South Third Street. Harrla hur*. Pa. Keystone of Motorcycle Club Born by Score of Members Steelton Loyal Order of Moose Entry SOLD TO THE DEAD 1101711 "B. F. Brown," Charged With Odd Swindle. Arrested Through Ef forts of Local Police MOURNERS WERE MADE VICTIMS Prisoner, After Beading Obituary No tices, Said to Have Collected Big Prices for Cheap Trinkets From Relatives of the Deceased Charged withi sending "C. O. D." packages through express companies to dead persons and depending on bho relatives of the dead, through senti mental motives, to pay for what event ually turn out to be almost worthless trinkets, a man who styled himself as "B. F. Brown" and is allegeM to have operated from Harrisburg under the firm name of B. F. Brown & Co., was arrested in Lewistown yesterday On a tip furnished by the police of this city. Brown is said to have reaped a finan cial harvest. His method of operation was, the police say, to read obituary notices in the newspapers and from addresses obtained in that way to send out the trinkets on the "cash on de livery" plan. Usually he would get $2.50 for a twenty-five cent trinket, the police say. Relatives of a dead Continued on Ninth Page. SHERIFF CLOSES 4 HOTEL Middletown Hostelry's Fixtures Will Be Sold to Meet Debts of s»,<>oo The 'Ann Street hotel, Middletown, which for moie than a year has been conducted bv John A. Haas, was to-day closed by Sheriff Wells and the bar and fixtures will be sold by the Sher iff at 10 o'clock next Thursday morn ing. The Sheriff's action was the re sult of the issuance of an execution on a $9,000 judgment note which, it is said, Haas gave one of his backers who aided him financially at the time he took over the hotel. On the afternoon of the day Haas' hotel iB to be sold the Sheriff will put eleven parcels of real estate under the , hammer at a sale to b# held in the Court House. PANIC EXISTS IN TURKISH CAPITAL; ITS FALL FEARED London, Jan. 2, 3.25 A. M.—The cor respondent of the "Express" in Athens reports that a state of panic exists in Constantinople and that the Turks have aple has been practically evacuated and the heavy guns thero re moved to Tchatalja w'hiu> is near tho Turkish capital. Frenzied entrenching is in progress along the shores of the Dardanelles ami the Bosporus and prep arations are being made to resist the passage of a hostile fleet. "The attack on Egypt has been defi nitely abandoned and the troops have been recalled to defend the Asiatic side of the straits and Brusa. Everything points to Constantinople being the first enemy's capital to fall." marine. SIX GERMAN ARMY CORPS TO RESIST ATTACK BY RUSSIANS London, Jan. 2, 4.J 8 A. M. The Warsaw correspondent of the "Times" sends a report that six German army corps have withdrawn from that front supposaMv to guard against the rumor ed plans of the Russians to make an at tack on the German line of communi cations between Lowicz and Thorn. LATE WAR NEWS SUMMARY The German attack In France and Belgium, Initiate! in reply to the of fensive movement of the allies, has de veloped to such a point that the allies now are on the defensive along the greater part of the line. The extent of the German movement is shown by to-day'B French statement, which speaks of a series of night attacks against the along the front. These onslaughts apparently were not in great force however, and the asser tion is made that they were all repulsed with ease. As to the results of recent fighting in Alsace and the Argonne, along the east em portion of the front, there is a sharp conflict in the statements from Berlin and Paris. The German state ment says further gTound has been gained in the Argonne and specially de nies the claims of the French War Of fice that half of the Alsatian village of C«tl»ad OB Math Pass. POSTSCRIPT PRICE, ONE CENT. 700 DIED AS FORMIDABLE WENT DOWN British Battleship Sank Almost Immediately After Attack by a German Submarine SURVIVORS - LIST NOT INCREASED But Captain of Trawler That Rescued Seventy of Ship's Crew Thinks Other Boats Close at Hand May Have Saved Some More By Associated Press, Ixjndon, Jaa. 2, 3.42 A. M.—lt is now believed that more than 700 lives were lost when the British battleship FormidiaibJc was torpedoed by a German submarine yesterday morning. The "Daily Chronicle" staAea that survivors of t>he battleship Formidable report that the vesel was torpedoed 'both fore and ait curly Friday morning and sank almost immediately. The "Chronicle's" Brixham corre spondent, who is authority for the above, aays the of the trawler Providence, which rescued seventy sur vivors who had escaped from the bat tleship in a cutter, states that other shipping boats were close at hand. The caiptain expresses the belief that other survivors have beem rescued and take* to Dartmouth. He s»w no otfher boats belonging to the Formidable, however. The "Chronicle's" Chatham corre spondent says that the Formidable left that port on Thursday morning. London, Jan. 2, 3.45 P. M. The British Admiralty to-day issued a Ikt containing the names of Captain Ar thur N. Loxley and 34 other officers of the British battleship Formidable, which was sunk in the English Channel yesterday who, it says, must be pre sumed to have been lost in the d.S: aster as they have not been reported among the saved. The list includes nine midshipmen. Brixham, Devon, England, Jan. 2., Via London, 4.50 P. M.—Survivors of the British battleship Formidable, which went down in the English chan nel yesterday after having struck a mine or been torpedoed by a German submarine, have been brought ashora here. They \ late that the warship was struck aibatit the magazine. The ex plosion was terrific, but the magazine Was not reached. Hnd this also been blown up, the ship would have foun dered without there being time to save anybody. As the water lushed in the men of the Formidable hurried to the deck. They found that the vessel already had a heavy list to starboard. The small boats were sent out. A cutter foun dered and the men in her were drowned. CMllninl on Ninth Pace. RUSSIANS INM HUNGARY AT FOUR DIFFERENT POINTS London, Jan. 2, 3.29 A. M.—The "Daily Mail's" Rome correspondent sends a telegram received there from Budapest whie.h says that the Russians are invading Hungary from four points. "Refugees are flocking into Buda pest," the dispatch adds. "There is a panic throughout Hungary a« a re sult of the rapid reitreat of the Austri an army before this new Russian ad vance. All public meetings have been prohibited in Budapest." STRONG TURKISH FORCE ENTERS RUSSIAN DOMAIN »-j ■ ■ Petrograd, Via London, Jan. 2, 3.15 A. M. —The "Novoe Vremya" states that a strong Turkish force has succeeded in entering Russian territory in the Caucasus near Kara and Arda han. The paper adds that the plan to en velope the Russian rear, however, was upset by the Russian artillery.