The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, January 01, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Tke ROT. A E. Hillis and Party Will
Launch the Work, Soaday Even
ing January 8, and Efforts Are Be
ing Made to Organise Large Choir
A union evangelistic campaign un
der the direotion of the Rev. C. K.
Hillis and party will be launched in the
High spire United Brethren church, on
Sunday evening, January 3. and will be
continued each eveming for at lea*t
three weeks. The Rev. Mr. Hillis took
an active part in the Stough campaign
in Harrisburg, and conies to Highspire
highly recommended as an able speaier,
witii convincing argument scattered
throughout his addresses. The following
Committees to assist the evangelistic
purtv in prosecuting the work, has been
Executive Committee —The Rev. H.
F. Rhoad. chairman; the Rev. B. L. C.
Biter, secretary; G. E. Sisles. G. A.
Wolff. K. F. Matthias. H. Z. Roop.
Finance Committee —J. W. Myers,
H. C. Mathiae.
Music —P. H. Mozer, Anna Hoch,
Mae Sides, Harry Hoke.
Publicity—Edgar Hastings, Harrison
Partheniore, Tvrrel Poornmn, William
Ushers—H. R. l>urborrow. head
usher; A. A. McCord, Edward Chap
man. Lloyd Lehman, Oharles Shuler,
Ktaiwr Urich, William Xitrauer, Holden
Schuaini. X. E. Bingaroan, John Bom
gWdner, Harrv Manning.
Personal Work —M. O. Sides. Harry
Hoke. Charles Mozer. Ira Hoover, John
Wetzel, Cloy,l Lyter.
Shop Meetings—Frank Milier, Willis
~"A\"omen's Work —Mrs. E. J. Kniselv,
M:~. C. Coblo, M:s. W. B. Kirkpatrick, j
Mrs. H. C. Mathias.
Treasurer—T. O. S. Poor man.
importer—E. S. Poormsn.
All j<ersoi>s des-iring to sing in the
chorus will meet Prof. Reiden at the
V. B. church. Saturday nigh! at 7.30.
Great Industrial Improvement Expected
In 1913
'Hie acute depression in the steel
bdsines-s of the country was reflected
in the borough during 1914 in the 1
shape of a forty per cent, capacity of
operation of the big plant of the Penn
sylvania Steel Compenv located here.
Had it not been for the large sums of j
money spent by this company in mod- !
eruiziug its local plant, this depression j
would have been felt more keenly than 1
i< »a?. with every prospect of better
«on lit 10ns coming early in the new
The program of building operations
announced last March by the local
company has been carried out to the
letter. The chain of up-to-date mills, j
erected in the West End extension is
Hearing completion and the erection of 1
the new million-dollar blest furnace has
been commenced.
The year iust passed has seen over
4 O.C>OO square yards of streets paved
by the borough", which is a larger
amount of paViivg than was recorded in
any other previous year. Building
operations in the borough, outside that
of the steel company, is below tine
The handsome new Hygienic school
building, commenced last April, has j
been completed and is now in use. I
Are Elected By Highspire United Breth
• reu Sunday School
At a recent meeting of the Highspire
United Brethren Sunday school, the fol
lowing officers were elected to serve in
>uperintendent. J. O. S. Poorman:
assistant superintendent. E. R. Mohler;
inte. mediate superintendent. Mrs. W. B.
Kirkpatn k; junior superintendent. H.
C. Mathias": primary superintendent,'
Mrs. E. S. Poormsn; beginners' depart
ment superintendent, Mrs. H. C. Ma
tnias; missionary superintendent, Mrs.
D. L. Kaufman; teanperance superin
tendent. M:« Carrie Mathias; home de
part imn: superintendent, Mrs. P. H.
Mo7er; as* <tant home department #u
perinte:il«it. Mrs. Fred Auch; Cradle
R»>I1 supcrtnqmdent, Miss Mary Heuch
■SecmarV. Joan Hoch: assistant sec
retary. Wifcur Hoch; treasurer. K. F.
Mutiii-is; lib arian. Lyman G. Biiua
man; a-ei-fynt librarians. Clifford
Ehrisman > *lton Cover, Arthur Poor
man. Pau, Hieker, Ruseeli Ehrhart,
Lloyd Hei chorister. J. O. S. Poor
ntau; pianist,j-ipniar department. Miss
Anna Hoch; pknist, junior department.
Mis? Mart 1a Irutiger; assistant pian
ii*. Miss Mab* Hoch: executive com
mittee. H. J. ■ k> : . Ira W. Hoover,
Balph V. Parthknore.
EleotedNew Officers
The congreigatbn of the Central Bap
tist church on *V«lnesday night ejected
the following ifficers": Moderator.
Oevrge E. Good; secretary, Xevin J.
Gilbert; assistant -e retarv, Esther M.
Raver; treasurer, Frank S. Wells:
trustee. William i. organist,
Lawrence Good: asutant organist. Mrs.
W. R. Ije.vis; Outlay school superin
tendent, George E. tood.
Pat Regan. North>eeond street, has
returned from York, chere he refcreed
a game of basketball .otween two girls'
teams of that city. Itt evening.
Bryan Hiler, Hamburg street, is
suffering with a badl. lacerated right
hand received early tis morning in a
coasting accident do'a the Lincoln j
•treet hill.
Charles Krout is il at his home,
South Second street.
Mrs. Ida Levitz, is the !
guest of her son, Jacol Levitz, North
Front street.
Glenn Hiler and Jam* Crowley are I
announced to have acc«ced positions 1
with the National Brewin Companv, of
the borough.
While visiting her dauhter in Mid- [
dletown yesterday morni*. Mrs. Pru- !
Jence Shelley, North Froi street, was
evertakf n by two pa rait ic strokes, !
which occurred only aboi two honrs 1
apart. Mrs. Shelley was iportcd in a j
serious condition this monbg.
Artistic Printing at Star-idependent '
Mrs. Herman Polti, Director of Aux
iliary Choir, Is Presented With a
Fine Bouquet of Pink Carnations
Hall Crowded All Evening
The Year entertainment ami
da ore held by the (.ierman Quartet Club
and its friends in the hall, Front and
Washington streets, last evening, was
one of the most elaborate events hekl in
fhaf ball which was crowded ail even
ing. A feature of the musical program
was the singing of a choir composed of
members of the Ladies' Auxiliary,
which rendered two selections nmler the
able direction of iMrs. Herman Poltl,
wife of Prof. Herman Poltl. who direct
ed the Quartet Club cfoorus of male
An unannounced nun»ber 011 the pro
gram was the presentation of a hand
some bouquet of pink carnations to Mrs.
Herman Poltl. director of the female
choir. The presentation was made by
Mrs. Steve Moder, president of the
Ladies' Auxiliary, in which she referred
to the appreciation of ttbe members of
her organization for the efforts made
by Mrs. Poltl in perfecting the singing
of the various members of the female
The hit of the evening was the pro
duction of a one-act musical comedy,
entitled ' The Two Vagabonds." The
proceeds of the evening were devoted to
the di*b fund.
Tony Effanow Has Both Thighs Pierced
With Bullet
U ibh a bullet imbedded under the
skin, after the leaden pellet had
pierced both thighs. Tonv Effauow, nge<l
23 years, and residing at 227 franklin
street, was admitted to the Harrisburg
hospital early this morning.
The injured mau was wounded by a
fellow countryman who, in celebrating
the advent of the new year, was dis
charging loaded cartridges from a re
volver. one of the balls finding a target
in Tony's body. Although the -bullet
will not be removed for several da vs.
Ihe hospital surgeons anuouured tliat
the injured man will recover. Kffanow
is a veteran of tfoe Balkan war, during
which struggle lie escaped unharmed.
i Miss Marie Wiseman, the visitini
nurse employed by the Steelton Civi
Club, will be iu her office from 8 a. m
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to l.Si
; p. m.
Employes of Local Firm and Carlisli
Branch Feast at Senate
The J. H. Troi ip Company, No li
South Market square, held its aunua
banquet last uight aboirt 10.30 at thi
Senate. The employes or' both the 10-a
firm and the Carlisle branch store wen
I present and in all about fortv guest:
were entertained by the firm." J. H
i Troup was toastmasrer. The work of t hi
past; year was reviewed and method
for im-r-rovement were taken up and dis
, cussed. Among those present were thi
j following:
Atbram Fortewbaugh. J. E. Nell, H
Parson. Beniamin Parson. Clovde En
ders, Joy Sicar. formerly a resident oi
Calcutta, India; Oscar Stager, Harvey
Lambert. Walter Pentz. William Kohler
Xoah Gosnell. all of Harrisburg; Josepft
Fry. Harvey Fry. of Carlisle; E. E
Strominger, Mtvhaniosburg; Williair
and Frank Siike. John Niekev, Ec
Heigee. Arthur Ebv. J. B. Cannon. An
tony Petrasie, J. L. Groom, of Steelton
Ralph Tomlinson. 0 f Carlisle; Dame
Ommert, .T. Leßue Hess, of Duncajinon
Misses Carrie Wise. Ruth Rexroth
•Sarah Kell. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Troup
J. H. Troup, Jr.. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert
; W. Troup. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Troup an.
j Harry Troup.
Decrease in 1814 Output Compared
With the Previous Year
By Associated Press.
Indianapolis. Jan. I.—lndiana mines
produced 16,635,1TS short tons of coal
in 1914 and gave employment to 22,-
110 miners, according to the reporl
wbi-.-h Frank I. Pearce. State mine in
1 spec tor, has just made public,
j Indiana miners earned $15,067,
984.67 during the year, the report
! S tates. The production reported foi
! 1914 represented a decrease of 611,-
I 387 tons in comparison with tihe pro
! duction in 1913.
Charged With Bobbing Roommate
i William Marsili was arrested bv De
. tective Ibach this morning. He is
.charged by 8. B. Lewis with the lar
: ,en . v of from the latter s room
| where Lewis had taken him to spen.
j the night.
Philadelphia Division—l01 crew to
go first after 3.40 p.' m.: 110, 107
i 124, 118, 127, 115, 117, 114, JO9
! 128. 120, 125.
Engineers for 101, 110, 118, 115,
114, 128.
Firemen for 101, 107, 118 I*7
128. " '
Conductors for 101. 115, 128, 120.
Flagmen for 110, 107.
Brakemen for 110, 107, 118, 113
114, 109, 125.
Engineers up: Earhart, Streeper. Bis
singer, McCauley, Seitz, Sellers, Hnbler,
Firemen up: Naylor. Lantz, Shive,
Kegleman, Myers, A'-hey, Grove, Wag
ner, Sheaffer, Brenner, Yentzer,
Whichello, Khoads, Barton, Libhart.
Wagner, McCurdy, Packer, Weaver!
Reno, Penwell, Huston, GHberg, Gel
singer, Manning, Arnsberger.
Conductors up: Ropp, Fink, Fesler.
Flagmen up: Mellinger, Sullivan.
Brakemen up: Allen, Brownewell,
Kochenouer, File. Dugler, Page, Fer
guson. Sweigart, Dearolf, Descb. Bus
ser, Morris. Brown, Mummaw. McGin
nis, Stehman. G. H. Mummaw, Gouse,
Middle Division —2 29 . rew to go
At .T .satatssasmttm
We appreciate that ever-increasing measure of
j public confidence in this Live Store which has helped us ]
| make a new high record in volume of business for this year. We never abuse
| that confidence through make=believe sales or something-for-nothing offerings.
But at the season's end we make a clean sweep of every Suit and Overcoat in
the store at legitimate price reductions, for we never carry goods over from
one season to another.
Having done a straight business with straight mer- J
Ichandise at straight prices every day of every week, these January 1
reductions on all clothing on hand involves not the slightest question or doubt as I
to the quality of the merchandise nor the exact amount of real money you can now 1
save. II
This DOUTRICH event has nothing in common |
with other so-called reduction sales. It is not the result of t
* bad merchandising judgment or anybody's mistake. It is simply a stroke of
good business—a method'of keeping the pledge we have made to Harrisburg
people, and we say it sincerely and in all earnestness; profit is a secondary
consideration with us now. For what we lose in money, we more than make
up in the measure of good will which such events as this have won for the f
Live Store.
Reductions Begin To-morrow, January 2nd. j
v AH sls Suits & Overcoats Ail S2O Suits & Overcoats jjj|
Ail $lB Suits & Overcoats j|j| f1.50 All $25 Suits & Overcoats s2l*s' |
Boys' Suits and Overcoats at January Reductions 1
Purse-wise mothers and fathers won't overlook an opportunity to fit out the I
"master" of the family at prices like these. r
All $3.50 Suits and Overcoats $2.75 All $7.50 Suits and Overcoats $6.25
All $5.00 Suits and Overcoats $3.95 All $0.50 Suits and Overcoats $7.25
All $0.50 Suits and Overcoats $5.25 All SIO.OO Suits and Overcoats $8.50
Similar Price Reductions On
M tr
9 v B ■! H ■ vAi m M
304 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. j
' first after 1.30 p. m.: 205, 15, 24, 26.
25. 22, 20, 21, 19.
Engineer for 15.
, Firemen for 15, 26.
Conductor for £4.
Brakemen for 19, 22.
Engineers up: Hertzler, Moore, Beu
' nett, Kugler, Carman, havens, Free,
i'Webeter, Smith.
- Firemen up: Kuntz, Fletcher, Born
•' man, Sehreffler, Liebau, Arnold, Drew
-1 ett, Davis, Heeler, Potteriger, Gross,
,; Sheesly.
I Conductors up: Paul, Disaingor, Pra
j lick, Oant.
>1 , Flagman up: Miller. .
,j Brakemen up: Bell, Kauffman. Kil
gor, Pritz. Wenrick, Pipp, Boian, Baker,
Schoffstail, Ppters, Kobli, Kieffer,
Plack, Roller, Putt, Mathias, McHenrv,
Yard Crews— Engineers up: Shaver,
> Hoyler, Beck, Barter, Biwer, Hohen
' shelt, Thomai. Rudy, Houser, Moals,
Stahl, Crist, Harvey. Pe+fcon.
Firemen up: Weigle, Lackey, Maeyer,
■ Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Hart, Barkey,
, Siheete, Bair, Eyde, Key, Myers, Boyle,
' WhiiJey, Croiw, Revie, Bostdorf, Sch'ief
• I fer, Rauch.
| Engineers for 1869, 1454, 707, 322,
90, 1820.
Firemen for 1454, 707, 885.
Philadelphia Division —22o crew to
go first after 6 p m.: 248, 208, 231,
227, 212, 219, 223. 242, 222, 245,
232, 239, 202, 209, 247, 241, 228.
Engineers for 220, 208, 227, 212,
223. 239, 241, 228_
Firemen for 22(048, 208, 242.
Conductors fo.' 208, 216, 219, 222.
224, 227.
Flagmen fo> 208, 231, 233.
Brakemen for 208, 214, 22*0, 222, i
224. 227, 231, 246, 247. 248.
Conductors up: Lingle, Penuell,
Flagmen up- Snyder, Ford, Camp.
Brakcmen up: Twigg, Long. Al
bright. Arment. Wertz, Crosby, Camp
bell, Waltman, Musser, Goudy, Malseed,
Middle Division—2lß crew to go
first after 12.30 p. m.: 107, 120. 103,
112, 17, 117, 101, 118, 115, 114, 105,
116, 102, 109, 110.
Engineers for 107, 1 12. 117, 105,
109. 110.
Firemen for 120, 17, 110,
' Conductors for IJ7, 120, 117, 118,
114, 109, 110.
Flagmen for 120, 112, 114, 105.
Brakemen for 117,
P., H. ft P.—After 11.45 a. m.:
6. 2, 7, 1, 5, 18. 3, 15.
East bound—After 2.45 p. in.: 6;",
56, 51, 61, 59, 53, 71, 60, 57, 58, Til.
51. 67.
Conductors up: Hilton, Sipes, Phil
baum, German.
Engineer up: Woland.
Firemen-up: Bover, Nye, Binganm ■
VVynn, Kumitaugh, I*ex, King, Bow<)f.
Brakemen up: Hinkle, Kapp, Hel'
man, Mumma, Hartz, Martin, Greage .
| Shader, Ely, Shearer, Page, Ayres, Dun