2 BOTIIIi; OF STEEL RAILS 111 1915 BY ROADS UNCERTAIN Thus Far There Is No Sign of the Ex tent to Wklet They WiU Depart .From Policy of Buying Only For Urgent Needs New York, Jan. I.—"The Iron Age,'' says the main development of the last week of 1914 is tho action of a number of m»nuf*etur«w of bars, structural shapes and plates in advanc ing prices from 1.04 c., Pittsburgh, on earlv deliveries, lo I.loc. One inde pendent bar inter»«t mad« the ad\ame week. On Wednesday, December 30 tho Carnegie Steel Company with drew 1.05 c. quotations and announced as Ms minimum prices on the three pro ducts, I.loc. for ilsTst quarter and 1.16 c. for -second quarter. Two independent producers in these, lines are reported to have ta'ken a. simj. lar stand this week, and the indications* are that the 1.06 c. price is not being carried into the new * The amount of first quarter contracts booked at 1.10 c.. on which readjust ments would 'bo accessary if any lower price prevails on current business is « strowg- incentive to sellers to hold the new minimum. Interest has naturally centered, apart from that taken in this price movement in three market staples, in the outlook for railroad buying. Thus far there is no sign of the extent to .which rail roads will dejrart from the policy of 'buying for urgent needs. Kail orders were placed early this year; Sim ilar orders are likely to come out early in 1'915. The Pennsylvania and the B. and O. are expected to buy soon. Some Eastern lines gave 1914 rollings on rails that will not be needed until next spring. The aggregate of track supplies soon to be required is considerable. One Eastern rail mill has 'booked 8,000 tons in the past week and other Eastern rail inquiries are pending, including 4,500 tons for the 'Boston and Albany. Due to the -reduced state of -railroad traffic and the fact that new ears can be had in six weeks, there is no hurry to .piaco car orders, but a few roads are looking up their needs. Prominence has been 'gtiven in this connection to the Pennsylvania raiiihroad's probable re quirements of 9,000 cars of various types. The Illinois Central is Still nego tiating for 1,000 refrigerator cars. Deceiriber bookings of all independ ent steel companies have been consider ably larger than those of November, though few reached the 100 per cent-, rate of gwirn reported by the Steel Cor poration for the first three weeks of this month, that being apparently due to the inclusion of some special con tracts with extended deliveries. The -rate of mill operations in early January will show a moderate increase upon tne December average. Steel con sumption is little changed, but spec ilia eaitions have come in /better of late on low priced contracts running out with [December. Predictions range from 50 to 65 ceinit. as the probable operation by the end of the first quarter. foreign barb wire demand is hard to measure. Probably 75,000 tons of what is talked about is actually wanted, much of it for Great 'Britain. TTurther large inquiries for shrapnel bars huve also come up. Russia is in the market for :2,300 tons of cold rolled strip. Tin plate works are exceptional in running at nearly 70 .per cent, of ca pacity. Since shipments for Pacific coats canneries are to be by the Pana ma canal earlier rollings than usual are required. The Standard Oil plate con timet, 20,- 0-00 tons for shipment in the first half of 1915, has gone into an eastern Penn syhania mill. December inquiry for east iron pipe coining from gas and water companies and other private buyers has been the largest for that month since 1906. Low prices have been the stimulant. Balti more has just bought 7,400 tons and Chicago 7,500 tons. Cincinnati will take bids on 2,400 tons and Boston on 3.500 tons. The first compilation of statistics of this product shows the country's output to have been 1,266,- 2 15 net tons in 1913. Pig iron buying is still going on in the Central West alter subsiding first in the Wist and then in the South. A Vra lunl increase in bfcist furuaee opera tion is probable in the new year. Wher ever furnaces have taken on tonnages filling tHem up for several months, they •have advanced prices, but tho gain has not been general. Most Middle Western furnaces will run tlurough the first quar ter on sales barely showing a profit. KILLED TRAPPED BEAR But Not Until He Was Badly Bitten and Clawed Kane, Pa., -lan. I.—Abraham Per sing, of Oil < itv, had a narrow escape from death as the result of an encount er with a large black bear near Chapel Pork, eleven miles south of this city. Persing was walking through "the! woods with his dog, ,vhen he discovered a bear with its front feet caught in a trap. The animal attacked Persing, who plunged his knife into the bear live times. Theu the bear succeeded in getting Persing's face in his jaws, at the same time throwing his paw around Persing's neck. When the bear closed his jaws on the left side of Persing's face the man gave a desperate thrust with his knife and pulled away. The llesh was torn from his face, and he had sustained a bad scalp wound. In spit of his injuries, Persing was able to return to his camp, where thirty stitches were taken in the wounds by \ a physician. Persing later found the bear dead. Lebanon Marriage Licenses t Jan. I.—Marriage Clerk John D. Boger up to noon yesterday had issued to aspiring couples 494 mar riage licenses for the year, 1914, In 1913, 490 licenses were issued with I 1913 leariSng off for the tho three i years, with a. total of 523 licenses. ! | HwJ ATLANTA. 254 ia. M«fc WWTBT. tX ia. bl«h HmMcni, Qn, * C... Uc. g.t.„ I ASTRir.FPS GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE"SFI 1 mvii J MILLINERY, COATS and SUITS Entire COAT STOCK Slaughtered GREATEST SLAUGHTER IN I Every Garment Must Be Sold HIGH CLASS TR The great... Co.t and Sail Sal. ever maagurattd open, Friday Witt 800 CoaU and Suits, EVER IN THE HISTORY OP OUR BUSINESS distinctive of style and of unquestioned high quality, now sacrificed regardless of profit or cost to 500 elegant, classy and up-to-date hats of every description—including all our French ro»m insure at once the complete clean-up of our entire Fall and Winter Stock. Each one represents, models, go on sale, beginning this Thursday and continued all day Saturday, January 2, 1915, at beyond doubt, a very great bargain. prices which in many instances are one-third of the original prices. Neither cost nor value hare been considered in this mark-down. THE HATS MUST BE SOLD. All $6, $7.50 and Qft Some of Our Best Trimmed Hats Misses' Black Silk Velvet Hats COatS . . . Formerly sold up to $12.98. Must A (\Q fur8 ' fl °T^ '. * Not only warm, but very swagger looking; made of choice goat f $6.98. Must go QQ jjfiL materials in plaids and plain colors. at All $8.50, $lO and (D>»7 QQ Finest B,ack L J ,#ns ' Velvet Close Medium and Small Silk Velvet » tio Pnat« Jtt) / ,7U Fitting Turbans Hats and Sailors m Coats that have withstood the test of the mo3t rigid com- Sold up to $10.98. Must go (T»yl QQ go at SOO is bequeathed to the trustees of the Lutheran church, at East Petersburg. There are a num ber of other bequests. Have You a Good Hot Water Bottle ? You need one. Every home docs. The seasou for Cold Eeet,' Neuralgia, Backache, Rheumatism and Lum bago is here. A Hot Water Bottle- Is useful in forty ways and a good one will give you long service in the forty ways. Come here for a water bottle and select from our large assortment of best quality goods at prices rang ing from 65tf to $2.00 according to size. We have them from 4 ounces to 3 quarts. Forney's Drug Store 426 Market St BLOOI) TRANSFUSION SAVES Grand Opera Singer Now Said to Be Out of Danger New York, Jan. I.—The operation of blood transfusion has been perform ed upon Mme. G-ctrvil'le-Reaebe formerly leading contralto at the Manhattan Opera house, who is ill in Roosevelt hospital. She is said at the hospital lo be out of danger bait the nature of lier illness was not made known. The oper ation was performed Wednesday even ing. Mme. Gerville-Reache is the wife of Dr. George C. Ramibaud, director of the Pasteur Institute. At the Ramibatul home, 361 West Twenty-third street, it was xiiil she was suffering from some form of blood poisoning. The o]K v ration is reported, to have been a last resort. .She ami Dr. Rannbaiud were married in November, 1910, in New Jersey and kept the marriage a secret, except from intimate friends, until\late in January following. Mme. Gerville-Roachc studied heT grand opera at Calve's sug gestion and won fame 011 both the oper atic and concert stage. OUT OF MOUTHS OF BABES Little Miss Fell Tells Experts Much They Didn't Know of Turkeys State College, Pa., .lan. I.—After solemn, spectacled experts had deliv ered long lectures to a group of at tendants upon "Farmers' Week" hero yesterday, Miss Aileen Fell, who is only twolve, got up and told them all sho knew about turkeys, which is a lot. She said that the habits of the ■wiM l fowls should be studied by those who wish to raise them in captivity. Tbey ought to live in the woods and have plenty of room. The best brood she over raised wae when she allowed a turkey hen to conceal its nest in the foreft. The hen brought hom» her brood in splendid shape. "I believe," said little Miss Fell, "that turkeys can be raised with profit, on any farm where they" have a small boy, or a small girl like myself, to run after them." The youngster lives in Transfer, X. J., and is a niece of Chief Justice D. Newli'n Fell, of Philadelphia. She re ceived more applause than all the pro fossors. Why ia I. AX ATI VK IIROMO QII.MNB Better Than (he Ordinary Qulnlarf Because of Us tonic, and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE will ha found better than the ordinary Quinine for any purpose for which Quinine is used. I>oes not cause nervousness nor rliißiiiff in the head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE on bo?,. Price 25c. SHOOTS FORMER EMPLOYER Discharged Laborer Wounds Do mi nick Ricco at Pittston Wil'kes-Barre, Jan. I.—Discharged from his .position as a laborer in the mines of the Pennsylvania Coal Com pany at Fort Blanwha>rd, a week ago, Charles Borlen, of Pittston, lay in wajt for his former employer, Dominick Ric co, of Pittston, yesterday and at the appffach of the latter opened fire at him with a revolver. Five shots were fired, one taking effect in Ricco's neck, lodging at the base of the brain. He is in the Pittston State hospital in a se rious condition. Borlen made his escape, anil no trace of him has been found. The shooting occurred in daylight on one of the main streets of Pittston and hundreds of men on theiT way to work were attracted to the scene, but none attempted to capture the enraged as sailant. STILL COUNT BONI MUST WAIT No Decision Yet in Suit to Annul Gould Marriage Rome, Jan. I.—The Rota tribunal met to take up the suit brought by Count Boni de Castellane to annul his marriage to Anna Gould, now the Duchess do Talleyrand. A decision in the case, which was ex pected at this session, wa« agaiit post poned pending further inquiry. SOCIAL AND ENCAGEMENUNNONNCED Mr. and Mrs. David Frederick Enter tain in Honor of Mrs. Stewart and Mr. Alien Mr. and Mrs. David Frederick en tertained at their home, 1726 Mar ket street, last evening. During the evening announcement was made of the engagement of Mrs, Elizabeth Frederick Stewart to Muriel White Allen, of Chambersburg. The guests present included Mrs. Elizabeth Frederick Stewart, Miss Sara Heiser, Miss Rambo, of Philadelphia; Miss Dorothy Smith, Chambersburg; Miss Adams, of Reading; Miss Florence Bankus, Richard Smith, Charles Burns, Henry Lancaster, Mr. iltroub. Uimrti bersburg; 'Mr. Light, Reading, and Mr. and Mrs. David Frederick. Blocher-Gibbons Wedding East Lampeter, Jan. 1. —Miss Lucy A. Gibbons, of this place, was married yesterday to Elmer E. Blocher, of New ark, Del., by tho Rev. E. A. Bawden, pastor of the First Methodist Episco pal church, Lancaster, at the parson age. The couple was unattended. Hair Dressing Little Julia's mother had just re turned from a visit to the hairdresser with her hair all fluffy. "Oh, mamma," cried Julia, " wiio fricasseed vour hair?"— Chicago News. ' COUPON Guaranteed Sterling Silver Initial Glassware This coupon when presented or mailed to r ft THE STAR-INDEPENDENT uT—T3| « With 48 cents, is good for Six (6> Tumblers—jll cents ill * * ° Xtra ma " : on J I J* Jra a I with 73 cents. Is good for One (1) Lara Water \ 'lllllll I'ltcher —15 cents extra by mail; OR 1 1 ' I I with 48 cents, is Rood for One (1) Sußar Bowl And | One (1) (.'ream Pitcher—lo cents extra bJ mail; jl 11 I [||] j von can get the entire set of Nino (9) lyces with il i i I the amount specified above, or any two se» witii tiio PI I |!|mi I advertised price, if you have one of thcJ coupons. 11l I II |[| | Sets now on display at IL,—' mm THE STAR-IN DEPENDENT Lb^ — wmmm^ f —mm—mmm ——i«■ Does Your Coal Burn Too Fast? Does your furnace fire burn too freely duing the day? Can you regulate your furnace at nightso that all the eoal will not he consumed by mornjg? Or, in other words, does your eoal burn to fast* If such is the case it is advisable to usia larger size. If Pea €oal won't give a long, lastiu tire; use Stove Size next time, and if Stove Size dfl't satisfy you the thing to do is to burn Egg Coal. One kind and size of coal will not giV the same results under every condition. United Ice & cJoal Ci Fonter t Oowden Third Sou 16th * Chestnut Hum*! * Mulberry ALSO BTEELTON, Pi. ■- MARHIEI) AT OBERLIN Ceremony Performed by the Rev. C. E. Boughter, of the U. B. Church A pretty wedding was solemnized lit, the Neidig Memorial U. B. parsonage iit Oberlin early yesterday morning, when Miss ]da S. Livingston, of Enhaut, hr came the wife of Hiram E. Bishop, of Swatara township. The ceremony WM performed by the Rev. C. E. Boughter, pastor of the church There were no attendants ami immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Bishop left on an eastern wedding trip. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Livingston, Front street, Enhaut. Frobst-Kunkle Wedding Marietta, Jan. 1. —Miss Stella Kun. kle, of lidan township, was married last evening to Amos "Piobst, of Bart, by the Rev. Mr. Barden. The attendants were Miss Bertha Kunkle and Earl Kunkle, brother and sister of the bride. A reception followed. WHALEN GOES TO OMAHA Shortstop of Local Team Fourth to Go Since Season Closed Fenton Whalen, butter known as "ißcd," fhortstoif* of last year's 'cliam pioudhip Tri-State team, has ibeen sold to Oma'ha. The price paid for the former American Association player was not) made public, 'bv the local owners. Whalen is the fourth player on last) year's 'team 'to be sold since t)he clofe of the season.