12 i>~ The Annual Mid-Winter Clearance of Suits and Kf|!jS $25 Suits sls and $16.50 \ sls Diagonal Coats. $lO Efo^ «outergarment clearance that we have announced in many months, \ A 71-* *-4-4- 11 T") ,rp • O * and if the reductions are to be taken as a criterion the entire day VV rlltX£Lll j\VIC£S £LI 1 offl.ptinC£ will be marked bv enthusiastic buying. IT o D i„ Becauseof Discontinued Patterns the Makers vou will not care to miss. i r j T***l /* T • i~\ • 0 1f 1T ~r v Oive Us the Privilege of Lowering Prices o uits tor omall and Large Women o 1 a* Every Garment Radically Reduced Sale 0f* 5115 Saturday Morning , Wk , . ~ _ , „ , hittall Rugs are the finest domestic rugs made and such reductions as are here listed are collar and cuffs, yoke skirt, 8 ...! ls'oo long back; Zitt and 1 jacket Jf e result . of , the "j! 11 '. 8 discontinuance of certain patterns, which we are permitted to sell for less yao.oo chiffon broadcloth suits in greon broad bands of self-colored broadtail, $23.00 than regular for a limited time, and black; full length coats with simulated *»7.80 gabardine fuits in green and brown; $60.00 Anglo-Persian rugs, Rxl 2 feet. Special, #47.25 >37.50 Teprac Wilton rugs, 9x12 feet. Special, S:M.OO belt of velvet $20.00 full length plain tailored coats; yoke skirt $:!6.75 Anglo-Persian rugs, 6xl! feet. Special, $2».25 $40.00 Peerless Brussels rugs, 9x15 feet. Special, $25.00 chiffon broadcloth suits in navy, wit " Pleats, $20.00 $50.00 Anglo Indian rugs, 9x12 feet. Special, siio.sO $i12.00 creen and black; coat with wide velvet belt $W5.00 duvetyne suits; long coat with the $45.00 Royal Worcester Wilton rugs, 9x12 feet. Spe- $28.00 Peerless Brussels rugs, 9x12 feet. Speeii.l, finished with braid and buttons; yoke skirt yoke front, leopard skin collar; skirt made eial ~$;<(!.OO $25.00 with pleats, $16.50 with gathered back, .. .* $20.00 $69.50 Royal Worcester Wilton rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet. $26.00 Peerless Brussels ruga, 8.3x10.6 feet. Spe s2s.oo chiffon broadcloth suits in green, $32.50 velvet suits in plum, green, black Special $55.50 eial $22.00 navy, black and plum; three-quarter length and navy; collar and cuffs finished with broad- $32.75 Childema Brussels rugs, 9x12 feet. Special, $43.00 Peerless Brussels rugs, 10.6x13.6 feet. Spc coat finished with velvet buttons; skirt of tail; wide satin stole sash, plain tailored $20.25 eial $30.00 i fuN Pleats, $15.00 skirt, $22.50 $30.00 Childema Brussels rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet. Spe- $17.50 Peerless Brussels rugH, 6x9 feet. Special, S2O Coats in Staple Colors $16.50 j $25 Coats in Beautiful Styles S2O tiS" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor —Three Elevators. i 920.00 navy and brown fine qual- I $25.00 navy and black heavy I throat. After Christmas Clearance, Genuine Salt's plush coats in full -v v-r • ■* i —i u M __ „ - —. ity fancy weave coats with broad weight eponge coat with velvet in- ; SIO.OO pleated back style; belte black broadcloth coats . . . 7 J Y Y J.I.J.X -■— l Y VyX V W A X V/ilUUVy and buttons; made in regular sleeves. ance s|B , 0 wlth velvet collar and siik button s2s.(m> coate in an imported ox- «/ T Satiirrlflv inihcOr*nnlflt#*rl Snrtar 4Qr , 6 .. BC .'.sls f m) »IH.RO broadcloth coats with $25.00 imported chinchilla coats, O&lUrCuiy 10108018.111113.100. OUgBT, St.n r!«, , ~. lar 8® velvet coUar, fancy back and with marten fur collar; in plain tai ance ' sio 5o larefi'riiinh 'IK ft T*? "'f I button trimmed. After Christmas lored model. After Christmas Clear- This combination grocery and sugar sale Saturday brings economies that cannot be enjoyed 0 Juicy Grape Fruit, sc; 6 for 25c LAUNDRY GOODS Sweitzer Cheese, lb 33c SI.OO silk and cotton poplin ; ;(b' inches wide* half silk' self- Small- fur heads 15c Russian fitch skill $4.00 New Potatoes, % peck 15c Laundry Starch, 5 lbs. for ..24c Kaiser Liinbtirger Cheese, lb., 28c colored figures. Yard . ' ' QQJ, White fur bow knot fancy with j Black coney skin »8c Waldorf Pork and Beans, 3 cans Household Ammonia", bottle, . .Oc Longhorn Cheese, lb., 25c ' ''"V whip quills 08c Skunk opossum skin, $5.00 for 25c Boss Soap, 10 bars, 20c Camembert Cheese, each, ...28c ; January Clearance of Our Entire Overcoat Stock at Big Reductions (This Important Sale Opens \wm ' ° vercoats Overcoats Q A $35 S4O Overcoats 1 \ Reduced to . . Reduced to . . Reduced to ... . », | j S3O Overcoats s2ss2BOvercoats O S3O Chinchilla , i Reduced to . . Reduced to . , . Overcoats Cut to ( j | Jj hUI/ Here is the biggest kind ot' an inducement to outfit yourself with a good warm overcoat at a substantial saving on Saturday. Jffs'j£ vVW from the cold weather records that have been broken during the past two weeks, you'll need the warmest gar- i j / VvV !/ Vf V'• ments you can buy—and need them for months ahead, for Winter is only a fortnight old. 'J/ 1$ /' \ ' y j } ?Why not take advantage of the January Clearance savings and buy that overcoat from the best, worthiest and most up-to- /i / \ ate Harrisburg? / Y P-lfl Overcoats of Imported Beaver Cloth S2O Overcoats 7C $lB Overcoats CA sls Overcoats (Tift \f °" JrkA \ Camel's Hair Cloth Overcoats Reduced to .. Reduced to .. W.3U Reduced to. W \\ VMiX r I I ' Ke^s^^^vercoats° atS ' 10se three groups of reduced overcoats include oxford cas- '( /Jj mSf I r*?'> simeres and worsteds, grey diagonal worsteds, brown storm cloths, / Boucle Overcoats blue vicunas » grey Irish friezes and black kerseys with self or / / [ \ f s, l' Fine Chinchilla Overcoats velvqt collars, single or double-breasted, form-fitting or box, reg- I V,.' J | ff I [• Blue, Black, Grey, Brown Fancies S2O and $25 Suits in the January Bj| Clearance at $14.75 /nA 1 \ $35.00 and $40.00 Overcoats reduced to $25.00 There are two-button English sack suits with soft roll lapels v/( M fyl I jr\ $30.00 Overcoats reduced to $20.00 and three-button sack suits in sizes for regulars, slim builds and t / / V ' hand-tailoring. The patterns include: - -LJ °j° yKy S3O Chinchilla Overcoats Re- ; Blue unfinished worsted suits. I Plain grey worsted and cassi- ['j Blue storm cloth suits. mere suits. ' ' ¥ if\ duced to $17.75 ST gr fl ad \ b ' ue 3er fr its ; Fa Smere ™fte White fltriped l,f |\ 1 Ly - Black unfinished worsted suits. ... . . * | U I jl\ !■ Blue, Grey, Brown and Fancy Weaves. Shawl collar— Fancy Scotch mixture suits. suits Ure j j I \ m fA \ L and Rouble breasted styles, quarter or fuH lined- Chalk and pin stripe cassimere Oreen ' and brown tartan M / I ]| / f: \ \ fi ' S ' and worsted suits. checked cassimere suits. m \ '" ' 1 ' J— *** Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor, Rear —Three Elevators.. '' : lf I I 1\ ,■ HARRISBITRft STAR-INDEPENDENT. FRIDAY EVENINO. JANUARY 1, 1915.