The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 31, 1914, Image 8

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Arthur H. Bailey, Esq., Treasurer; In Account With the County of Dauphin, Pa., 1913 c
To amount received from Northumberland Or. j
COUNTY TAX county, share of expenses repairing inter- By amounts paid various districts $797 97
Tr. . . ...| ~, ~ county bridge. J " 595 19 " By balan <'« In hands of treasurer January 5,
To amount assessed. 191S $-9T.43i 1# To amount received, one-half non-resldenl 1914 472 20 I
To additional ta\, 1913 155 .9 hunters licenses, by county treasurer 5 00
lo outstanding tax. 1912, 15.448 53 To amount from Paul Strlckler for directory, 3 50 $1,270 17
To additional tax. 1912 1,.05 94 To amount received from Mlllersburg bor- »
-o penalty. 1911 459 48 I ough school hoard for special election, hold ROAD ACCOUNT
outstanding, 1911 149 3k May 20th. 1913 97 30 .
lo outstanding, 1910 35 55 To amount received' from W. A. Leech for ex- „ ,
tra state tax collected from Miss Martha O. To ,„^ tanc * ,n han<l ® of treasurer, January 6,
lotal charges S3I4.SSJ Alrlcks estate and T. K. Bowman, for year 1913 $1,014 S3 .
Cr. 191 l assessed 99 00 ro amount received during year from various
By abatement, 1913 $13,264 91 To amount received per diem, returned by districts, 162 79 ,
By exoneration. 1913 1,519 20 Levi Witmer, assessor 100 00
By return, 1913 296 OS ,To amount received county tax. collected by _ $1,177 G2
By collectors' commission, 1913 10,363 56 i Levi M. Witmer for 1908, 1 80 cr. |,
By outstanding. 1913 15,951 50 <To amount received bv Levi Witmer. overpay B . v amount paid various districts $603 33
I>y abatement. 1912 70 by mileage return, ' 1 20 By balance In hands of treasurer January 5,
By return, 1912 363 24 To amount received for maintenance for pris- 1914, 574 29 1
By exoneration. 1912, 5,456 50 ! oners to countv jail, from January Ist. 1912.
By collectors' commission, 1912 538 11 > to April Ist. 1913, 2,SIS SO $1,177 62
By outstanding. 1912 532 02 ,To amount received, returned bv J. J. Pilkav. 574 29 i
By exoneration. 1911 15 93 | for burial of bodv of James Campbell, de- REDEMPTION ACCOUNT
By collectors' commission, 1911 4 45 | ceased soldier 50 00 T>r.
By outstanding. 1911 44 27 jTo amount received by H. A. Sears, having To balance In hands of treasurer, January 6,
*>> collectors commission, 1910, 1 7S been twice advertised November election, 1913 $342 75
j Twelfth ward. Harrisburg 600 To amount received in 1913 £ls 52
Total credits 48.362 25 jTo amount received from W. Sheesley for old To amount outstanding orders 22 79 11
_ ... —— 1 and condemned elevator cable, .. 1 00 ——
Cash balance. $166,527 50 To amount received for sale of old lumber,... 167 94 $5St 06
STATE TAX i T ° amount received for redemption of land. 97 49 _ cr. . - |<
Dr. To amount received for overcharges of print- By amount paid various districts. $246 68
To outstanding, 1911 S6O 04 in S primary election ballots of 1912 37 01 To balance outstanding 22 79
To additional tax. 1912 1 00 To amount paid county for printing school ' B . v balance in hands of treasurer January 5,
To outstanding tax, 1912 S8 80 loan on 25,612 city ballots, at $1.50 per M.. 38 41 1914 311 59
To additional tax, 1913 64 00 » To amount received for old linoleum, sold to
To amount assessed. 1913 40.995 St Children's Home 1 00 $5Bl 06
To amount by state. 1913 30,432 SO :To amount received from U. S. marshal for 311 59
To return commission. 1913 409 87 maintenance for prisoners for Ave quarters. 304 00 DOG TAX ACCOUNT
To ainonnt received, sundry sale, 4 00 -p r
Total charges 72,022 34 j ....... To amount assessed. 1913 $1,117 25
Bv abatement 1913 toe o- . To additional tax, 1913 r. 3.8
By exoneration. 1913, i°i'B '6 Available cash $470,696 25 To penalty 19?' ta *' 1913 2 ?>" !»
By collectors' commission, 1913 1,681 21 Genera! miscellaneous receipts 175,620 91 To outstanding-tax' 1911 11! J.
By outstanding tax. 1913 75 93 ! •{•„ nenaltv 911
B- v exoneration. 1912 40 30 credits 331,002 28 Penalty, 1911 bl
By collectors' commission, 1912 S6 ®~ ~ ... ~
By outstanding tax. 1912 2 07 I Balance in hands of treasurer, $139,693 97 Cr is j
| MSia-Jitf'te'::::::::::::::::: ,«;;!? D , ""»"«« B Stes&.'HK.'::::::::::: 'BB
> return commission 409 ST To requisition on county commissioners $25,000 00 By commission. 1913| ' "5 !« 1
Tnfai Z° additional requisition 920 70 By outstanding. 1913 279 38
WUI creaua, 43,474 59 . To balance in hands of treasurer, January t>, By exoneration, 191 L, go 25
Cash balanr* . 1913 326 97 By commission. 1912 !!!!!!!!!!! 8 57 '
balance 2g 54T ;9 By outs tandingr. 1912 6 55
GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS $-6,247 t?7 By exoneration, 1911 3 57
J";- . I Cr. _ . . ... By commission. 1911 4 86
In ' la "ds of treasurer Januarv 6. i £>' orders paid. 1 to .il7, $25,142 59 By outstanding, 1911 13 6">
'913 "...$134,489 60 outstanding orders 805 08 !•
To amount received for maintenance of lunatic 1 vt<t as
state hospital 2.OSS 49 26,247 67
amount received for detective licenses.... oo POOR ACCOUNT To cash receipts $o:,« :jo I'
To amount received from Roy C. Danner, rcg- Dr. To cash in reserve, 1912 1,501 12
~ 2 - :1 09 ilo balance in hands of treasurer. Januarv 6. • '■ —-
To amount received from Oscar G. Wicker- 1913 $741 <l4 $2 457 42
r ® cor " er , 0 ' deeds, balance fee due iTo reserve for warrants 3'7 is By distributions to school districts $1,267 30
Tn .JK« e .fi2 1 . aud,t ' r ■ ; , 937 93 ITo requisition 58.000 00 By damages paid for. tags, expressage, and for
1 . . d from Lockwood B. W or- To additional requisition 2,000 00 kiting sheep by dogs 99 22
thon.?tlr\- ™ la i or i/ > mes . ' w ", ortle n. pro- To amount received from T. S. Manning, agt., 2,742 52
tnonotarj, one-half excess fees from Janu- __J ti it:
ary Ist to March 14th. 1912 3,122 71 s«!<tu si * '
.™ mo n° h »rhl t !.' ved from I ' o J kw0 °< i B. Wor- Cr. Balance in reserve. January 5, 1914 1 090 90
from Urn Til . T ? xees ® ' ee A.<! ue County ' Warrants drawn as per book $63,077 39 -
To amount receives «"i L" 'V ' ' :,S7S 97 I i^ ss cancellfd orders sl2 00 Cash balance in treasury January 5. 1914 $142,562 02 h
' j 1 I fron ickersham. To outstanding orders, 2,045 OS
office, Janua% « e th.'l9l3. XCe9S feBS ' „ STATEMENT OK RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES. JANUARY 0. 1914
To amount received from Harry V, H oiler, "" 01 S ' oS| 08 Assets:
cess n ?ees°over t alwi amount ex- Warrants paid by treasurer. 1913 $61,020 31 Balance In treasurer's hands, of various county funds $142,562 02 j
penses salaries and ex- _ Warrants paid by treasurer. 1912 313 18 Amount tn sinking fflnd 2341985 2C I
To amount ; „ Value of jail and fixtures, same as last year 350,000 00 i
liquor licenses count}, portion of Total credits 61,343 49 Value of court House, same as last year 340,000 JO 1
To amount receiver! '' 8, ,30 00 . , , Value of almshouse and fixtures, same as last year, 165,000 00 I
Trust Co, Interest^of Zkin. ta L To cash balance 2.46515 Outstanding county tax. 1911, 1912, 1913 16,527 79 |
To amount recefved from the City of Harris- , " ,019; ' To outstanding warrants 2.049 08 Outstanding state tax, 1911, 1912, 1913 138 04
prlson, tor main | a ' nin s prisoners at county Balance in hands of the treasurer. January sth, 1914,.. 413 07 $1,249,213 11 i
To amount received by county treasurer froin 6,40: 53 SCHOOL ACCOUNT Liabilities:
the various banks as interest on dailv bal- , Bond issue of January Ist. 1901 $269,000 00 !
ances , ... To balance in hands of treasurer. January 6, ' 1 Bond issue of December 1. 1902 51,000 00 I
To amount received for .Ines paid bv various 19, ' > ' •••••••••••••• SI.»S6 11 Bond issue of April 1, 1903 125.000 00
aldermen and justices of peace for a* amount received from various districts,.. 184 0B Resources in excess of liabilities, 804,113 11
1o amount received for scrap iron. .. *
We '
r.lS'll",' ' a „d -.'he'couiUv cSm"n P ,!V'Vh« ta .L! .° f Pe " ns >' lv uly qualified according to law. do certify that we have audited the foregoing account of Arthur H. Bailey. F,sq„ Treasurer of said County of
i ? J. 4 '• an<l due the Poor Account four bund rod n mpValm anc J dnd said Treasurer Indebted to said Commissioners in the sum of one hundred thirty-nine thousand six hundred ninety-three dollars and ninety-seven cents
se\ ent> -four dollars and twenty-nine cents i 574 «nr? an ♦? eve ? cents ($419.05), and find due the school Account four seventy-two dollars and twenty cents ($472.20). and find due the Road Account five hundred and
Cash Balance to be accounted. Januarv ">th 1914 bv tr«aQiir»r ti!? •«•»«<? m p Account three hundred eleven dollars and fifty-nine cents ($311.59). and due the Dog Tax Account ten hundred ninety dollars and ninety cents ($1,090.90);
AU.St': ,neBS Wher#< * We have he:e " hto our hands Veal at'mir office, in the City of Harrisburg. this 4th day of December A D 1914
and Printing
Publishing annual statement. $1,605 70
I üblishing court proclamation 988 40
Publishing election proclama
tion 300 50
Advertising notice to bidders,
bridge repairs 37 20
Advertising road viewers' no
. , tlc V- 99 SO
Advertising notice to bidders.
almshouse repairs 15 SO
Advertising primary election. 54 30
13,101 50
Appropriation*: Rfnrflrfot and Reform
atory iDNtitutioas
Poor Directors' requisition,. -1(0.000 00
Prison Inspectors' requisition. 25,920 70
Support of Insane at Harris
burg. Pa 22,018 75
Support of insane at Werners
vllle. Pa 469 29
Support of insane at Warren,
_ Pa 17 00
Support of insane at Norrls
town. Pa 17 oo
Support of insane at Farview,
DOG TAX, 1913 DOG TAX, 1912 DOG TAX 1911
t i ■ I, i - R y \ I 1 ~~
DISTRICTS * I c' J I I g S I I t n 11 1 | § 4 g
Scg*c2 S 1 ~ j} 5
« £ ft £ g i 2 ?•= c e, „ - g . «.c £ e 1 ~ .2 5
- 2 5 « 0 s 2 5 c* 2" ® • 5 O I « « u s a = •3
H 5 - S \ < U r° £ v £ I* « S S 3 ,1 i 3 o £2 g | I ° C 3 3
faarrisburg— -1 ! 1 w ' ° H < O " U C H 0. % 3 5 5 S H
ThS2 Charles E. Pass I I j I
Third ward. w. W. Wallower ! ' i :
fourth ward w a i ;..., i
si'vu! Harry D. Hu'ton."..:.i::;i:::;;;; ■;;; , ! ! j :::::;;:ii:::;;■;
SLvinth Daniel H. Grissinger , : I j ' I
war . d Isaiah Reese. Jr., i ! 1 I i ...
V' K II TH „.RIS. RD IRA U MILLER, : 1 !I:::I::::::
xintV. William Hughes ! | .1 ; I I !!!!!
Tentl> * a [d. Riley B. Adams , il
Eleventh Frank B. Mickey ' i j 1 ! ;
Twelfth Ward Th«n F •••••••• i ••••♦• ; |........ ;l
Thirteenth ward Edwin c. osman. 11; n;::; 11 n; i::: 11: i: i •■•••! i *.::: *.;:; *.;i:ni iii:::::::::::
l< »««' o is io i^:::::::: -,i-3 S j :::::::::::::::::
Dauphin borough G* M Kinter ' «n' ; n ?? "iA'i; i I Si *" > 34 Bo| 13 58 j ,
Derry township—First precinct David Gordon," ... 111111111111111111111 150 66*5 53 91 I'ii'oo " 84 : ! 1-221 ,i IH ! 11111 11111111 1111111! !1111! 1111
Second precinct David Gordon ! ...... 11 00 .84 | t>, ,5 2# b6 f
. Third precinct. David Gordon , I $54 86 $52 li $2'74 isi'sr.
5?, 8t J5X I °.Ti er K ,ownß K ip William R. Hetrick, ..• 1 i»'so'" ' *»'" i" i'»i" ii'"s ''''ai i" " : »i " I
Elisabethville borough, X \\* Mnttis XZ. ". zz Ilm 1 } r" 51' I 4 - o0 !♦> « 3
orat ; borough. Lrry E" rmhoitz,'::::::::::::::::::::! 25 ,j ?g , \ » % ; »®»i o —7'B»!'*3'BT —«6 HM
Ha fax borough lames M. Lebo . . ° ■ 3oA 04 2 2? , s?i a ' Q .
Halifax township William B. Straw ... -J i? s??s 'i'si lao 5r iJ i- ii n'- ... .
Highsplre borough Milton Booser Vi : n ?I .. « .2" 2? 38 Jo! lu »b
Hummelstown borough Frank G Wheeler ... S- ; 1- J! 0? " u ? 18 • ,0: '- s
Jackson township Ira O Miiler •>-; ?? 8 -? 13 !4i 2 ? 25 | 11 51 ' 4 "' * 9 36 ' 9 34 JO 49 »9 83 $6 39 1
Jefferson township Geo Kyster ' Vi nn ; ": k .. .■••••••■ 3i 2o| 14 6ti | I
Londonderry township \ Flnier iiutt 'n 2? ,? ;® J' 990 13 00, 511 1 1.5 4 99: 24 524 34] I i "•
Ijower Pax ton township s.' W. Brightbili. 1!' i ""' 477% Jl 5o 16 loo' 1-4 181 I? J 2 i" 30 8 1 5| 589 225 31 1 845 550 !! 1!!! !!!!! Ii! !!! 1!!!! i!!!!! !!! i i
Ijower Swatara township. Aaron M. Engle, *7 ,5 }.! j,? I Si :] 2? 1 : 4 i i 9 ! 1 1 1 J.
Cyrus Romberger i"; 00l it 17 60.... S3 1 ::":::: ii Ooi 572 !!! "' *! i I ! - 1 i!! i!!! 1 1 i!!!!!!
I»ykens township 1 i Daniel f ii -- la ?,? 16 X? -\ " 3 " 5 ' 9 1 !... J .!!.!!! . !!!!!! i!!!!!! !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! * i i
Mlddtetown —First ward : .) o h n Wagner i --i i, 00 1 31 Z- 1 32 40 180 3fi 00 35 911 189 37 80 24 58 i
Second ward ...' John Wagner I '■?, 2 14 0«... 2 75' 108 1 38; 250 274 100 14 388 253 *
Third ward " . John Walner ? sni''' 'i 'jn ''' "a- •••'Xo 1 Sr, ° Sr, °l 255 16 3 2* 3 - 4 17 ' 3 41! 222 i
Middle Paxton township, ! ovrus D. Novinger, ..II.!!!!!! tl J2 , Jj. 'i'sn i,l ! .1 J2 l ? 9 16 325 3 - 4 IT 3 411 21 1 III!"
Mifflin township. I John El Hennhfger, 111111.111111111111 50 Ii °7V J 9 , 9 3 1 I \\ ill 1 U Vr - 1 , 18 c ' ! II lill I I 1111 111111 I 111 II I"
Millersburg borough William B. Heckert . >4751 J 4 g 2,2 " f? 22? 1 1 !
Penbrook borough I <- Keese ••»•••• •» _<0|....... ,\ 6 .0j......; 18 .>0 .4 .o, 9 i 3 1 1 .
Heed township. ! Geo. XL Cooper, .... IIIIIIIIIII'. 111111. 4 ooi 369 " U '°l sln T-- 13 78 325 15 471 75 81 17 031 1107 11111'■ 11111111 11111111 111111 111111 I ! ""
Royalton borough—First ward ! John C Hite 1? m o S? ii i - i:' ,i 001 1 a ' i ;
Second ward i John C. Hite II1111111III.'.'.'." !l. 1 12 00, 472 30 13 50 6 22j 725 33! 13 80 8 97' 1.... 11 11l .. 111111 111111 111111 11111111 11111 *I *
Eolith Hanover township. 111111111111111111111111 Wm" R.'c'l'ayl 11111111111111111111111111 ' 411 17 8? ® 7 |" 2 ' SI! 4 f|® "3'oo "j' 99!.' 1111 jll " " iei 111111 "" 3' if.; ""2' 05 111111 11111111 11111111 ITI 111 11111 j •
steeuon-nm ward. Mark Mujnmj. i;:;:; - ..»»;;;;;;j L' 5.... ?25! *&■ 68■•••i'50""i-5003! ::::::: ::::::;i
Third ward 11. 11111111111 k MuSma " 111 ,2 ?" ! 3 00; 3 00; 118 36 725 7 23! 1.1 38..H1. 761 4 94'
Fourth ward Mark Murnma' Sli i 3 34 13 13 43 l sr> 11 00 10 9 " » 8 11 'SO 1 _
Fifth ward, L Mark Mummal 1.1. HIH I H 1111'. ?•! 75 ij 29 ? 7 »?! § « 8 ! 14 19 50 275 16 75 14 19 64 12 77 1111 111 11 1 1111 111 1 1 11! 111111 ! 111! I 1111 111
Jusquehanna t^-p-—North precinlt Thomas W. Reed In 7si" *#fi ik«' "i rAi i'iA "A I? *5 9 17 ,a ' 17 7o ' 17 11 "»'1
South precinct 1..H1 Thomas W. Reed! 11111111111111 12 IS! 3 ?, }? 150 1 ?•••;;''ii 4 2 7 ? IS® 4 66: 12 56 330 975 17 ' 13 * 2 ' 8 5 9 !'! 11111 11111 11 "11
Swatara—First precinct. O c Bishop " 12 1 1 4 - 271 44 o0 : 17 5i 1 55| 42 00 ; 30 931 11 00 162 43 55 28 31! ' j
Second precinct ol c! Bishop! 111111111II1111111! 35' 06 1 "ii'An ik'ini' " I HUH IIIIIIH 11111111 111111 IIIHI III.':";
• Third precinct O C BishoD .. i? -2 ! 2 2 00 00 77 1 ' !l 1
Fourth precinct ' oc' Bisho-p 0 1 1 47 47 18 69 23 17 541 453 13 00 24 17 7"j 11 55 j ' ' '
Fifth precinct, o! ("! Bishop! ...... 1. 111111111111 I j 1 111111 11111111 11111111 I . 1111 11 i
Uniontown borough H. M. Snyder k' kn ""i' 1" "ii' *; *kk "*•* ;i • i '
Tpper Paxton township, w. A. Wert •>? jS IJ ;2; J22 Hi .? • > ® ! 2 1® 36 8 001 723 75 38 836 543 475 i'si '"'oj
Washlngrton township Harry D, Swab IIIIIIH! "i'oo 33 50 26 73 91 600 Ik 21 22| 15 12 1 1 I !H
Wayne townehip C. F. HannM II ii ->o -v il in S? S2 13 8 1 ' 11. I i
West Hanover township William I. Clay r,2 i? ®® *ji 3 43 -® '•« L-~i\ '
est I»ndonderrv township A. Elmer Uutt L T? -- saa ' f Zi" ** * i o 1 7? ??' 11 40, 34 67< 6,0 711 4 63 29 i>o L'B 02 148
Wlconlsco—First precinct John GKni ley 11 i-i .1 22l'*■; "ii ■' *i* ii! ,2', ! 438 11 75 462 i
second preempt 1.....!:.: johU c! k"!il>-i 11:11::1111::: 48 -°! 40 00 161 °- 0 114 ' 48 - 5 ' " 99 in ::::::::::::::::::::^::
Willlamstown bor.—East ward Charles W. Rank .I!!!!!: 'i'so'" ' is'« 7 ""87 "7'io ""ifi " " '-n '" i A ii ; !!!!!!!! '!' l!'
West ward Charles \V - r 4 ..
Williams township—Kast precinct,.... Rubendall --i ' 29 1 14 2? 5 " n ' .- 1
West precinct Dane Rubendall! !..!!..'!!!!! 11111! I.'I! .'V. 11 5u * " io" "4 55 i. sn 22 ?, :6j i'ii :: 131 i 3l 85 ' 9 ! I I!!! I!!"!!!!! 79 7« *
^ 2 __ 09 2 76| 269 lo 284 184 $0 61 12 25 j 12 86 12 S6
I»i 3S *1.117 25|' $7Ol 20|519 89|'$97 00|525 16| $279 3S| $1,122 63', $441 7s| $23 17| $235 12| $162 92| SBO 251 »S 571 $6 55i $258 29|'5167 90 Ij $0 ei| sll3 65i $92
j Pa - 450 25
support of convicts in Eastern
penitentiary 6,826 65
Support of convicts in Hunt
ingdon reformatory 3 SO" 69
support of convicts in Glen
Mills school 3,613 13
Lunacy commissions 975 00
Coroner's fees, mileage, jur
ors' fees, holding inquests,. 2,113 38
Post-mortems 490 00
Burial of deceased soldiers... 5,250 00
tombstones for deceased sol
dlers 960 00
G. A. R. memorial service.
Decoration Dav "40 oo
Dauphin County Teachers' In
■ 200 00
Middleto wn Pair Association,. 100 00
Dauphin County Historical
Society 100 oo
Premiums, Gratz Agricultural
Society 559 27
Premiums, Middletown Agri
cultural Society 440 73
School Directors Association,. 177 '8
City of Harrisburg, Teachers'
Institute 200 00
Extinction of forest fires. ... 169 93
jCommonwealth of Pennsyha-
nla, personal property tax,. 40,577 07
$175,688 12 j
tnrMmrnlii niitl Klectlonn
Triennial assessment appeals. $1,542 50
Annual assessment and mili
tary roll 4,319 74 !
May registration 1,441 "79
September registration 2,025 94
Births and deaths registra
tion 1,377 00 '
City Registrar's registration, 1,920 00 j
September primary p'»ction,.. 6,346 87 j
November election officers, .. . 3.736 31 '
Election supplies 199 00 !
Room rents and storing
booths 1.526 00 :
November election ballots for
years 1912 and 1913 1,260 91 i
Millersburg special election... 7S 30 i
Election booths, tables and
ballot hoxes 179 51 1
Delivering assessment books,
ballots and supplies SS SI
Computing November election. 300 00 j
Constables posting notices of
November election 86 00
1 : $26,408 71 |
llooka. Illauks nod Stntiouery
Register of Wills office $132 25 I
IProtiionotary's office 366 20
[District Attorney's office 229 20
Recorder's office tin 35
County Commissioners' office, 883 78
County Treasurer's office 17 50
'Superintendent of schools, ... 57 S3 I
Coroner's office 11 05
Judges' chambers 24 65 !
|Sheriff's office 21> 75
| lnspector weights and meas
i U'es 16 50
*2.379 06
Aldermra, .lustier*' and 4'onMahlea*
J. William Bayies, alderman,.. $9 74 10
R. K. Spayd, alderman sio 20 j
(George Hoverter. alderman, 467 60
{William I* Windsor, jr., alder
| man Si 4 60
:S. Brady Cavenv, alderman,... 320 40
I A. M. Dandis, alderman 228 20 j
11. A. Hoopes. alderman 158 53 i
!J. K. Royal, mayor 1,568 42 j
Thomas V. Gardner, justice... 1,481 88 '
■lames L. Dickinson, justice... 176 50 !
jW. J. Kennard, justice 160 75
|r. K. Bowers, justice 11l 50 !
j Minor aldermen and justices'
i fees, not hereinbefore men-
tioned 566 17
I. J. Grove, constable 1,006 ,9
Charles H. Smith, constable,. 836 95
Harry J. Emanuel, constable, 760 34
J. B.' Hutchison, chief of po
lice 727 71
Joseph H. Gore, constable, ... 704 .9
John 11. Gibb, constable 602 75
Joseph P. Thompson, consta
ble 678 28
I. M. Durnba,ugh, constable,... 577 64
! James W. Haines, constable.. . 451 21
iGeorge W. Charters, constable, 436 75
George W. Shuler, constable,. 390 75
Thomas K. Stipe, constable,.. 387 32
W. J. Hippie, constable 334 71
David Challenger, constable.. 277 1 7
; Richard Reese, constable 243 68
James H. Johnson, constable,. 214 27
Matthew Kngel, constable, ... 152 52
John D. Delhi, constable 149 96
K M. Miller, constable, 140 20
Minor constables' fees not
hereinbefore mentioned, ... 1,529 95
$ 18,352 59
Bridges, Hoadn. Bridge anil Koad
John D. Bogar & Sons. 1734
| feet oak plank, at bridge No.
i 55, Halifax township $52 02
i H. O. Chubb, repairing; bridge
i ' No. 55, Halifax township... 12 50
'S. U Groff, repairing bridge
j No. 123. S. Hanover (own
) ship 6 65 i
I J. W. Gerlach. 5803 fee( luin
i | ber for bridge at Boyd's
i Station 232 11 i
liW. G. Strlckler, repairing
I j wing walls and guard rails,
bridge No. 77, Dauphin bor
> ough 58 94
| John D. Bogar & Sons, oak
plank at bridges Nos. 66 and
69 14 28 i
, Jos. A. Koons, repairing Ma
! clay and Trewick street
bridges 7 20 |
; John D. Bogar & Sons, plank
at bridge No. 69, Wayne
1 township . 684 i
John H. Hoffman, labor and
' material, repairing bridge
' No. 8. IjJ'kens township, ... 61 40
' John P. Bogar & Sons, lum
ber at bridge No. 64. Reed
township IS 43
Harry O. Chubb, labor repair
ing bridge So. 64.566, Reed
and Halifax townships 13 10
Steelton Planing' Mill Co., lum
ber at Trewlck street
, bridge IS 22 4
.1 M. Brightbill, lumber' at
bridge No. 101, S. Hanover
township RH 69
John I>. Bogar & Sons, 1411
feet plank at bridge No. 56,
Halifax township 42 63
Curt. S. Shoop, labor repairing
bridge No. 101, South Han
over townshl) 27 05
11. li Matter. lal>or and mate
rial, repairing bridge No. sti,
Halifax township 9 15
John D. Bogar & Sons. 36t
feet plank at bridge No. 63,
lteed tox-nsiiip, » •«
Joseph A. Koons, tabor repair
ing Mac lay r tr«et bridge. . » 30
Whittenmyer I.umber Com
pany. lumber at Maelay
street brlflge 9 96
Joseph A. Koons. labor repair
ing Heir street bridge 7 20
William l'*etterhotT, labor re
pairing Peters mountain
turnpike 10 on
J. Al. Brightbill, shingles at
Clifton bridge, Derry town
ship 7 70
J. Al. Bright bill, lumber at
Nineteenth street bridge,
Harrisburg 100 SO
J. M. Bright bill, lumber ami
labor repairing Sand Beach
and I.yonsville bridges 45 25
J. M. Rrigiitbill, lumber at
Krotrim's bridge. S. Hanover
township 7 o>
Knsminger Lumber Co., Itun
ber at Nineteenth street
I _ bridge, Harrisburg. I'a 10 S4
S. i». Countryman, labor re
pairing Clifton bridge. Der
ry township i M
John D. Rogar .t Sons, lumber
at bridge No. 28, Alillers
burg U 40
John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber
at bridge No. till, Halifax
township so 43
Joseph A. Koons, labor repair
ing Iflth street bridge, Har
risburg. Pa 45 60
» illiam C, Mills, labor repair
ing bridge No. 28, Millers-
I burg 6 37
Whittenmyer Lumber Coin
| pany, lumber at Maelay
I street bridge (65
Harry O. Chubb, labor repaiir
j ing bridge No. 66, Halifax
| township 11 50
llenry Gilbert & Sous, spikes,
Nineteenth street bridge.
Harrisburg 6 64
John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber
j at bridge No. 54, Halifax
township 54 43
iJohn D. Bogar & Sons, lumber
. al Maelaj street bridge 186 34
IJohn D. Bogar & Sons, lumber
j at bridge No. 69, Wayne
I township 14 86
j.loiin D. Bogar &. Sons, lumber
j at bridge No. 63, Heed town
; ship 45 22
Joseph A. Koons, labor repair
ing Maelay street bridge... 31 50
I Penna. It. R. Co., freight on
| plank, Maelay street bridge, 20 40
i Whittenmyer Lumber Com
pany, lumber at Maclav
I street bridge t 49
Washington Sheet?., labor and
| material, repairing Vlrige
No. 149, Wayne township,.. 6 08
G. W. Unsign, rebuilding .wing
walls, arch bridge, Fort
I Hunter 1,753 no
The Good Road Machinery
! Co., culvert pipe for Peters
| Mountain turnpike 262 80
[John I>. Bogar & Sons, lumber
at bridge No. 59. Jackson
| township 12 89
Wm. Fetterhoff, labor repair-
i ing Peters mountain turn
i pike 198 78
IC. M. Hershey. plans, speclti
] cations and inspections, . , 109 05
G. W. Cumbler Est., crushed
| stone at Maelay street
| bridge 43 ]J
! Wayne Paint Co., 50 gallon
j paint ami 10 gallon oil for
j painting bridges 57 91
J. M. Rrightbill, labor and
| material. repairing pike
; bridge, Huminelatown. i'a... LIS 38
J. M. Brightbill, lalior and
material, repairing f'romm
and Fiddler's lilbow bridges 41 85
|J. M. Brightbill, labor and ma-
Iterial, repairing Manada
and Sand Beach bridges, .. 102 38
Aungst & Reichert, labor,
painting Nineteenth street
, bridge, Harrisburg, Pa., .. 140 00
Jacob -Vlessner, painting anil
| rerootlng 3 inter-county
bridges over Mahantongo
i creek 989 s»
H. O. Chubb, labor and ma
terial, repairing in Wayne, J'
Reed and Halifax townships. 71 05 \
Joseph A. Koons, repairing ]
I Tre wick and Conestoga '
street bridges 5 50 i
| Henry Gilbert & Sons, hard
i ware and spikes, Maelay
I street bridge *, 9 15
IC. S. Shoop, labor, repairing
Rhoads and Hanover
bridges 207 6(t
J. Al. Brightbill, lumber at
j Rhoades and Hanover
| bridges 276 42
!S. G. Countryman, labor re
j pairing Clifton bridge 31 00
'J. J. Baker, labor repairing (
! Peters mountain turnpike,. 404 42
; William Ketterhoft', labor re
pairing Peters Mountain
turnpike 195 71}
C. K. Sheet/., labor repairing 1
bridge No. 83, Middle Pax
ton township 6 40
D. K. Runkle, lumber at
bridge No. 83, Middle Pax
ton township 27 27
Continued on Opposite Page