"The Quality Store" End-of-the-Year Bargains For To-morrow Only Our usual Friday attractions will occur this week on Thursday, to-morrow, owing to the fact that this store is closed Friday, New Year's Day. Ladies' Black Astrakhan Coats Ktx»o Bleached Seamless Sheet*. —lined throughout—beautiful mod hand torn, mr.de with ;»-ineh hems— els—exceptions! values at $lO Stir splendid quality sheeting—worth cial for Thursday at $6.98 KOc ' SP**' Bl for Thursday at Ladies' Dress Skirts in Na»*y Short lengths of ail our test qual- Blue and Black Serge—aU late il s' Prints in black, gray, blue and ftyles—unusual values at $5.00 and !1 S ht colors. Special for Thursday S«>.."o. Special for Thursdav at a y® r< * ONE-HALF PRICE. Extra charge * for alterations. -BEACON" Conuortablea slightly _ .. I, ~ ——■ soiled from handling during the Hoi- Ladies Messs.ine Petticoats—iu iday rush—colors absolutely fast— a variety of beautiful shr.def—regu- perfect in every way—only a few l'rly SI.!W. Special for Th"r- 0 f them. Special for Thursday— <"ay at kinds for. each, gf) -T7! $8.»8 kinds for. each, C'> TO Oue Old Rose Eiderdown Bath t«' Robe—size 34. worth 95.00. Soe cial for Thursday at ... CO "A Turkish Towels, individual sue— - t extra nice quality—plain white and One Red Eiderdown Bath Robe— with colored borders —l.Tc quality, size ;!H worth Special for Special for Thursday at. each, 11 /> Thursday at •' •'sl 75 _ . _.T~T _ _ Extra large gray Cotton Blankets, Fed Eiderdown Dressing Sacques vrith neat pretty colored borders— aU su.-ul sires—nicely made— perfect iu every way; Sl.:st» qual regularly special for Thurs- ity. Special for Thursday at. the dRy at V 75c pa* $1.19 Flannelette Kimonos all well Brocaded Silk Petticoats with deep covered low necks and pleated flounce and trimmed with short sleeves—some in Empire style, neat r in tucks and ruffle—iu dark ««**»» P" 1 . 85, — blue and green only—regular SI.OO values at S9c quality. Special for Thursday at, 81.00 values at 69 C Mcl1 ' 75f Four 9xl '2 Body Brussels Rugs 61-inch Mercerized Table Damasks very highest grade—every one per in hal - 3 dozen good patterns—*»oc feet and worth $27.50 easily. Sue value. Special for Thursday at, cial for Thursday at . . Qg * yard 29^ Mission-finished Oak Taborets, Men's and Boys' Bath Robes will well made and perfect in every re- l,< <"losed out Thursday at just ONE soect—regularly SI.(MI. Special for HALF PRICE. Thursday at r.A. OUC WARNER'S and SPIRABONE ~ "7 T~ Corsets in nearly all sizes—sell reg- Silkoune of the very best quality ularly for St.so. Special for Thnrs —excellent for comforts, screen dav at ... filling, etc.—figured or plain— * worth 12 l jC. Special for Thursday at, per yard Ladies' Black Silk Lisle Hose that have slight imperfections which are e. , " ~ 7~r _ scarcely noticeable—;»7*ic and 50c / ° f , Flu " ed ° t ak — qualities. Special for Thursdav at. only .$ of these left. Special for a pair. nri Thursday— mOC $8.50 value at ei o; . .. , —zzr~, —* Ladies White and Gray Knit $4.iM) value at §2 00 Skirts that seil regularly for UWc. «M.OO value at SI 50 Special for Tlllu ' sday at ' * ach '25r ii», _„,T|ZrrT" ~. , , _ Ladies' —"> c and 50c flare and roll t ' T unbleached Can Cellars made of organdie and Swiss ild thtk ii w r ! at ' * >ard t C ONE-HALF PRICE. Good serviceable Apron Gingham. our Holiday Novelties, such fast colors, iu all the staple checks, a 5. rass S°ods. smokers' articles, worth Tc. Special for Thursdav at Pictures, baskets, picture a vard '-• frames, etc.. will be sold Thursday OC* at ONE HALF PRICE. L. W. COOK ggg ■ "f 1 ■ I — W.LX. ... - S OCIA L and DANCE FAR MISS CAE IS SOCIETY FEATURETB-NIGHT It Will Be Given at the Harrisburg Country Club by the Parents of the Debutante —Mrs. Meade D. Det weiier Gives Luncheon Mr. an,l Mr.-. Sanford DeWitt Coe \v i> ; vo a Christmastide danee at the I'-irrisburg i omit: v Club this evening, • «i:ii;>r.iiuvitarv to their slaughter. Mi-- Dor;> W kersham < oc. who was formal- It- introduced to society at a tea i\en at the home of Mrs. William HecJers. n yesterday afternoon, an.i her . mse -'nests, Mis- L«eavitte Wicker siam. o - Uui lister; Miss Alberta Web now. Mrs. Harold Wiekersham, of Lan aster; Mrs. Har ry C. .ilvert, of Pittsburgh: Mrs. James Irv. in Haker. of I ancaster; Mrs. Crawford, of Phila lel ]ihia: Mr«. .| o hn Wiekersham. of Lan • -s Crawford, of Philadel iiia; Miss Kennedy, of Chambersburg; Miss Nauman. of Lancaster; Miss Nor • -. of Bt. Joseph, Mo.: Miss l'eale. of Nen Vo k City: M s- Margaret Stack too, Miss Elizabeth Bailey. Miss Mary spollster. Mi«s Virginia Hargest King. Mis- Mii:y (aider Mitchell, Miss Su -anna Fleming, Miss Frances Bailey, M - Margaretta Fleming. Miss Emily Bailey. Miss Helen Goodwin Hamilton I Miss F.leanor Town-end Dariinaton Mi— Mvrvinne Leason. Miss Sarah | .'lasting-. Miss Mary Williamson. Mis Emnieline Wright and Miss Mary Eli/ abeth Detweiler. W. J. Bryson. of Chi-ago: Harol. W ickersham and John Wickersham. o J Uni'dster; Dr. I. P. W ; *'-»r Crawford, at Philadelphia: the Rev. James Crawford, of Philadelphia; liar sv C. Calvert, of Pittsburgh; Frank D. • < arney. of stoelton: Donald MeOor miek. Daniel M. Dull. Dr. John F. Cul' Mr. Williams, of Yantie, Conn.; Sper .-er Nauman. of I>ancaster; Mr. Bald win. Mr. Lindomuth, Frank Brady. Mr CifFord. William Calder, Jr.. ' Jo'i Erieaon. George Kunkel, Jr.. Dr. Geor„ J Keily Moflitt, William McCreath. Kob ert Me* reath, George Porter Shotwell.' David Fleming. ,lr.. Vance C. McCor-1 i ini -k, .lohu V. W. Revnders. Jr.. John Mag un. Richard Kuibloe, Ehrman B. 'Mite.'iell, ,lr., Henry M. Gross. Edward J. >:ackjK>le. dr.. Albert Hummel Mr. Boms. John C. Herman. ■ Jr.. Herbert Wallower, Arch Kniselv. I Jr.. and William Henderson. Mrs. Detweiler Gives Luncheon Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler gave a luncheon of forty-five covers at her ' home. 22 South Frott street, this aft ernoon complimentary to Miss Mary I i. aJ.ieth Meyers, on," of the debutantes of the season. In the decorations, fa vors and ices a pretty eolor scheme of green and red was carried out, with holly, poinsettias and Richmond roses predominating. Du.ing the luncheon j the orchestra ren iered a program ot classi.-s. Stamm Dinner Party This Evening This evening the Misses Katherine. •Juiia and Maud Stamm will give a din ner at the Colonial Country Club for their house guests. The decorations in the dining room will be of Christmas greens and poinsettias and covers will be laid for Mis S Elizabeth Pennick. of Lynchburg, \a.: Miss Marian Wester veit. Miss Noe'.ine Westervelt, of Eng.e wood. X. J.: Miss Pauline M. Brook, of Detroit: Miss Ruth Anna Johnson, of Rosemont: Miss Pauline Light, of Leb anon; Messrs. Fred P. Steif. Jr.. of Bal timore: Coleman Nicholson, of Pitts burgh: Donald Watt and James Shand. of Lancaster; Carl Bretz, of Buffalo, and Malcolm Lowe, of Englewood, X. J. Mr. Brady's New Year's Dinner John T. Brady will give his annual dinner at the Harrisburg Club oil New \ ear s I)ay. Mr. Brady has given a New Year's dinner for a number of ears. Cove>s will be laid for one hundred or more guests. Colonial Club Dance January X A subscription dance will be given Tuesday evening. January 5. at the Co 'onial Country Club. During the even ng M:ss Kathreen Weafbrook. of this -ity. and A Frederick Spies, of New i ork. will demonstrate the late dances, ; n -lu ling the fox trot, maxixe and tan roes. explaining the difficult steps and iancing one of the dances in costume. r n» will be for members of the lub aud their friends and during the veiling refreshments will be served. Camp Hill Civic Club Meeting A meeting of the board of directors in.l officers of the Camp Hill Civic Club will be held to-morrow afternoon at >•3O o clock at the home of the presi lent. Mrs. J. W. Millhouse. Important lUsiness will be transacted. Guest of Miss Lenore Graber Miss Irene I*. Graber, of Shamokin,' spending the holiday season with lis" Ignore M. Graber, 923 North! "bird street. i HARRISBI7RO STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, HKCKMBKR :jO. 1914. ! MYcMARJIN WEDDING Ceremony Will Be Performed by the Rev. Charles F. Baach, Pastor of Church of God The wedding of Miss Alma Lucille j Martin and 8. Harper Myers, both of Mechaaiesburg, will take place this 'evening at 6 oYiock at the home of' the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr*, j Charles Martin, West Keller street.! i The ceremony will be performed by the! 'Rex. Charles P. Raa.h, pastor of the i Church of Ui.il. in the presence of the i immediate members of the families. The bride will wear a gown of Ivory satin with touches of shadow lace and tulie and a tulle veil caught up by orange blossoms. She will carry a shower of v alley lilies and bride roses. Miss Marie Myers, a niece of the bridegroom, win plav the wedding marches. There will be no attendants. Immediately after the ceremony Mr.' and Mrs. Myers will leave for an ex i tended wedding trip to Buffalo. Ne.v ork and other Ens-tern points. The; bride's going away M»it will be of brown cheviot, with touches of t'ur, an! a picture hat trimmed with black plumes. t)n their return they will be! "at home" after January 20 n their I new home, 124 East Main street. Miss Martin is a talented musiriau and was organist in the Church of God I I tor some time. She attended Irving I College. Mr. Myers is a prominent i | young business man of Mechanicsburg. WILL SING THK "XAZARKXE" I Members of C. E. Choral Union Plan Work for Coming Season A meeting of the officers of the 11a r risburg C. K. Choral Union was held i:ist evening at the home of ,1. Frann u aimer. Members ot the coming se.i son were enrolled, sixty six new mem- , t>ers enrolling and making the member- i ship over one hundred. Tlic chorus this years will be uccom- '< ; panied by a volunteer orchestra, iu- j eluding the following: Violins, Claude ' j Kngle and Arthur M. Bushman: cello.' J. M. Rider anl \V. .1. Dun lap; double bass. >i. H. Mulligan; flute. Miss Dun j lap: tirs-t cornet, 11. D. Sollenberger; 1 second cornet, \Y. l>. Reed. Frank ,1.1 McCarrell. organist and choirmaster of Pine Street Presbyterian church, will | diieet the members and rehearsals will ; be held every Monday evening iu the ; j social room of the Pine Street church, i The cantata will be "The Xa/.a- | rene." written by William A. -Madoe and * W . Rhvs Herbert. Special permission j ; has been granted by the publishers to ' use this cantata. MISS DEYOI'T EXTERTAIXS Gave Charming Afternoon Party Com plimentary to Miss Bell M-.ss Dorothv Devout entertained yesterday afternoon from 3 to G o'clock at her .home. 1220 Chestnut street, complimentary to her guest, .\1 i-s Mar garet Bell, of Lebanon. The rooms ■ were prettily decorated with holly, f mistletoe and poinsettias and the guest. ; spent a pleasant afternoon with games : and contests. A b.iffet luncheon was (served to the following: M:s« Hell. Miss Florence Rinkenbaih, Miss Katherine Heidleman, Mi-s f'ran oes llause. Miss Katherine Keene, Miss , Adeline Kline viiist. Miss Katherine' Klinedinst, Miss Helen Hamblin. iliss Katherine Hamblin, Miss Martha Moltz, Miss Klida Buckaioo, Miss Ag nes Albright. Mi>s Ella Marie Kreidler. Miss Mary Khzabeth Deitrich. Miss Helen Ferguson. Miss Elizabeth Rainier, j Miss Mildred Bur'.;e. Miss Siisanne De ! vout and Miss Dorothy Devout. MISS STKOTSE HOSTESS Entertained at Dinner in Compliment to House Guest Mi-s Marian strouse entertained at dinner at her home, 1G32 N\rth Sec ond street, last evening in compliment to her house guest. Miss Henrietta ' Bloch, of Philadelphia. The rooms were prettily de orated j with Christmas greens and flowers. The guests included: Misses Henri etta Arouse. Jeanette C'laster. Reta ' Buxbaum. beouore Rosenthal. Marie Vount, Henr'.ettn Jesse's.n. of \t , lantic City; Alva Romberger, Heien 1 Hoffman. Elizabeth Koons and George 1 Widder. XeJ-on Strouse. .lohn Hart, ; Charles Dunkle, George Jeffries. Clan ie St roup, Albert Astrieh. John Morgan thaler. George Sheider, Robert Sheider and Uine S. Hart. Walter Kuouae, 1331 Vernon street, has re:ume-i from Reading af:er a ' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Edward Knouse. i What We Say It Is, IT IS Your Gifls of Money Don't you think the best way to use the money you received for Christmas would lie to buy something with it that you desire very much, but which in all probability you would not buy for your self if this opportunity had not come to you? Drop into Diener 's. You are sure to sec some dainty piece of Jewelry, Cut Glass. Toilet Water-or 1 Silver which will delight you. Whatever you select you ' know the quality will be ex cellent—and you will be do- ; ing just what your friend in tended you should—secure a much desired article which exactly meets your ideas of ! good taste. < DIENER TUE JEWELER 408 Market Street 'v f . I t | ■f > ■ >■■ ' l M«»Mi, H, mi-Ki* niw *o«*. ! MYRTLE ELVYN COMING Myrtle Klvyn, tlie renowned pianiste. will appear in Harrisburg at the Tech nical High school auditorium, Wednes j o clock MI S* Paul's Reformed i church Miss Olive A. Reynolds, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Reynolds, | of *this place, ana Harold M. Rose, of Milwaukee Wis. were married. The j ceremony was performed by the Kev. M. j stoncbraker. Immediately following! there was a re option at the home of' the bride. The bride is a graduate of . the QuarryviHe High school and of the j Shippen School for Girls. Lancaster. ' The bridegroom is a graduate of State j College and is high in electrical engi- j neering, and has been in Wisconsin for 1 some time. Guests were present from ' all sections of the otate. W HISLER-LESHER WEDDING | Solemnised Last Evening at Parsonage of Redeemer Lutheran Church Tne we lding of Miss Gertrude Lesh- j er. 1909 Swatara street, ami Elias K.I Wlusler, 74South Twenty-third street, was a quiet event of last evening, tak ing piace at the parsonage of the Re deemer Lutheran i hutch, the Rev, K. j Victor Bolaiid, the pastor, officiating. | The bride wore a gown of white mes- ; saline with touches of lace an 1 carried i bride reses. There were no attendants. I Mr. and Mrs. Whisler will reside in this' city. News of Persons Who Come and Go Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rvan and lit-' tie daughters. Nora and .lane, of Chi cago, 111., are visiting the former's! mother, Mrs. J. P. Ryan, 515 North; Fourth street. Mrs. Carrie Miller, of Chambersluirg, who has been spending the past four months with her sister, Mrs. K. G. Bla scr, 32t> South Thirteenth street, has returned to iier home. Mrs. Catherine j dements, of Philadelphia,-—is visiting | her -ister, Mrs. Blaser, over the holi- j day season. Mr. and Mrs. Tennis left for Madi son. lnd., alter a visit with the lat-1 ter's sister. Mrs. Frank Hil>bs. 324 | South Thirteenth street. Paul Rodgers, Dickinson College, is! the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duvid Rodgers, 709 South Front street.) Miss Carrie Swavelv, 1423 Market: street, has returned t'rom Camden, | Reading and Philadelphia. Harry Gulbrandson of the Fniver-1 sitv of Pennsylvania, is spending the j holidays with liis parents, 1410 State! street. Harold Clark. 23 South Nineteenth j street, has returned from Reading. j Mrs. Robert Filbert, 316 South Thir- | te:nth street, has returned from Liver-' pool. Miss Marae Hartnett, Philadelphia, I is the guest of Mrs. Georje Remine, j 241 South Thirteenth street. Miss Margaret Crowl has returned to Paila lelphia. atter a visit with her aunt. Mrs. T. D. Ma-Avoy, 1938 North Sixth street. Mrs. J. E. Gutman and daughters,; Mildred and Evelyn, 1937 North Sec-, ond street, are in Baltimore, Emmctt Kuhn has returned to Cham berdburg, after a visit with his son, Charles Kuhn. 134S Vernon street. Mrs. Teresa Laufle, Johnston, is the •guest ol Mrs. Elizabeth Bollinger, 23 1 South Third street. Miss Mary Stark, 206 Kelker street,! is the guest of relatives at Altoona. Mrs. G. D. Sellers and Miss Lizette j Sellers. 540 Mac lay street, are (guests j of relatives in Pittsburgh. Miss Lucy Crawford, F,nha.ut, has re- ' turned from Pittsburgh. v j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown, 332 Pef-| fer street, arc home from Allentown. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hibbs and son, I George, 324 South Thirteenth street, | are home from Thompsontown. Benner Kelly, Waynesboro, is the j guest of Mr. and Airs. George Re-j mine, 241 South Thirteenth street. Lloyd Nye, of the Philadelphia! NOW FOR A ROUSING SALE Of Extraordinary Values Items Offered Are For Thursday Only : Human Hair in light, medium and ; 50c Infants' Kimonos ! 25c Large Btze Blue Enamel Pre and dark brown in strands Thursday only . . . 25c I serve Kettles ! 50c values Thursday only . .850 j Thursday only, -j lor ,25c | ! _ _ r , _ j 50c Ladies' Embroidery Flannel- I i § Ladies 50c Hand Bags ette 10c Sltoet Iron Broad Pans !v Thursday only 25c j Thursday only 25c j j Thursday only, 6 for ...... 23c | I Ladles' 25c Fancy Bos Garters • 'Joe Ladles' Embroidery Bras- .->c Grey Enamel Pic Plates | Thursday only. 2 for 25c siers Thursday only, o for 25c I I j Thursday only. 2 for 25cJ | Ladies' Ribbon Trimmed Shoe > j |o c Mixing Bowls Trees 25c value, lOc Children's Flannelette Diaper „ R ! Thursday only 2 for 25c Drawers Thursday only, a for 25c | J j j Thursday only, 0 for 25c ' I 10c Large Glass Nappies I B < 50c Satin Ribbon, all colors I ■ Thursday only 25c j 5Hc Children's Rompers | Ttnrsday only, ,t for 2., c I I Thursday only 25c Q 50c Roman Stripe Ribbon |~~Toc Large Glass Cake Plates l| Thursday only, ;t for 25c US Thursday only -<> c 10c Children's Flannelette Sac- L. ques, Thursday only ;t for 25c : i 0 , . T 'Children's Aluminum Plates I 50c All Over Shadow Laces _. . , . „ H , ... —• Thursday only, 3 for 25c I Thursday only 25c _ , > H ' tOc Ladies Aprons ! 1 IZZZHI - !!!!! Thursday only, 2 for 25c ! i I _ „ , I I 50c Readymade Stamped Chemise I 50c Persian Trimmings, bands , I and edges - Thursday only 25c | j Thursday only 2.> c Ladies' Silk Velvet Hats, $1 to Thursday only 25c ®® B Stamped Pillow Cases 50c to $1.50 Oriental Laces i Thursday only 25c j I Thursday only 25c I ~ Fanc y ostrich Trimmings. *i 50e Children's Readymade I T _ , value, Thursday only ...25c I Stamped Dresses, White Lace Bands J Thursday ollly 25c I Thursday only, yards for. .36c • J -,c Ladies' Boxed Ne-kwear slightly soiled, «0C Stamped Children's Crepe -,> c Boxea we.Kwear Thursday only 25c Kimonos Thursday only, 2 for 25c Thursday only, 2 for 25c IJ— L I 50c Ladies' Boxed Neckwear "^ c Novels 25c Stamped Drawers Thursday only 25c Thursday only, 2 for 25c Thursday only, 2 for 25c 25c Fancy Boxed Stationery Cotton Crepe Plaid 30c and 50c Stamped Waists j (Thursday only, 2 boxes for. ,25c Thursday only, 2 yards for . ,2."c Thursday only, 2 for 25c ' 25c Initial Correspondence Cards -•'» c Colored Ratine, all colors Inside Cushions, 18x18, 20120, Thursday only, 2 boxes for. .25c I Thursday only, 3 yards for. ,25c ! 22x22 and 18x21 j I Thursday only 25c | 25c Gent's Neckwear, knitted ! ,0c Hill 36-inch Bleached Mua- I i and silk lin, Thursday only, 4 yards . j Stamped Corset Covers Thursday only, 2 for 25c lor 25c i Thursday only, 2 for 25c 5 ! 1 1 ' lOc Gent's Colored Hose 30c Wool Crepe, evening colors i j 10c Cushion Cords Thursday only, 3 pair for. . ,25c Thursday only 25c ; I Thursday only, 3 for ...... .25c j;I I j Men's Wool Hose 17c Silk Moussellne, all colors ! 50c Stork Embroidery Scissors | Thursday only, 2 pair for .. . 25c Thursday only, 2 yards for . . 25c i Thursday only 25c i I ! J i I Ladies' Dressing Sasques, r>Oc 50c Fancy Crib Blankets Stamped Luncheon Sets value, Thursday only ...,25c Thursday only 25c Thursday only 25c j lc to 25c Dept. Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St. Opp. Court House •"vhool of Fine Arts, is the truest of his parents, 400 South fourteenth street. MTS. Robert Huling, Williamsport, is the guest of Mrs. Charles Leas, 320 South Thirtenth street. Miss Mildred Williams, North and Capital streets, has returned from Everett. Mr. and Mrs. George Holcombe have, returned to Philadelphia after a visit , with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J William Johnson, 508 South Thirteenth! street. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mumma, of | Pittsburgh, and Luther D. Z. Mumma, of Wilkes-Barre, are visiting their par ents, at Paxtang. Miss Margaret Turner, 431 Hamilton ! street, is spending a week in Philadel phia. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stille, of this: city, are registered at Craig Hall, At- 1 lantie City. Miss Dorothy Shook, of Greencastle,! is the guest of Miss Anne Young, U32-iJ 1 Xorth Third street. , Miss Gavle Zeigler, Carlisle, return- | ed to her home after spending some time with Misses Sara and Miriam Mc- Caskey, 1927 Kensington street. Frank McCa»kev, New Bloomlield. is j spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. Mo Cask ev, 1927 Kensington street. Mr. anil Mrs. C. E. Williams, 1501 1-2 North Sixth street, are home from a holiday visit to Liverpool. Miss Grace Snyder, left to-day for her home in Philadelphia after a visit with her sister. Mrs. Walter Cleland, 2 41" Reel street. John Little, 607 Reily street, has re turned from a visit to his home, near Saxton. Huntingdon county. Russell Graham, of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, has returned aft er a visit with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Graham, 98 Tusearora street. W. H. Pomip. 130 Locust street, has returned* from a week's visit to Easton, Pen Argyle and Bethlehem. Mrs. Edwin Bowers and Miss Jessie C. Rowers, 318 Cumberland street, left to-day for a few days' visit to Phila delphia. Miss Carolyn Stubler, of Williams port, is a guest at the home of the Rev. A. 8. and Mrs. Williams, 233 7 North Sixth street, while attending the Teachers' State Association. Miss Stab ler is the daughter of the Mayor of William import. Mrs. Ida Patton Smith, an instruc f ' JS. | tor in the High school at Tyrone, ta ; spending this week with local friends."' Miss Ida King and Miss Anrvsl Smith, of York, were week-end visitors at the home of the Rev. A. S. and Mrw Williams, 2337 North Sixth street. « Mrs. Cora Trouip, of Washington, ! C., left to-day for her home, after holiday visit with Mrs. Mary Huston. 607 Reily street. Miss Teresa Nueipert, 917 Grc^J street, has returned from Railway? iN Y S I w W. G. Conklin, 130 Locust stree® 1 returned from a visit to his home m | Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Weiger returned A Philadelphia, after a visit with MB and Mrs. A. M. Spot?., 1303 Verm* I street. Ralph Springer, Philadelphia, is tl& guest of his cousin, Herbert 1331 Vernon street. WINTERDALE I 15 North Market Square ,1 .Vs many plain waltzes and twjj ,ste;« as new dances. Every Tuesday; I Thursday and Saturday evenings. Thur» | day evening, December 31, masked <>i unmasked. Adv. 3