12 §Xt^ c^rmiAT\^ c b\,uvar\ Dress Skirts in Navy and ! Women's Hosiery in the One-Day Men's, Women's and Chil- Black in the End of the Sale: Exceptional Values Mark ciren s Rubbers at Low * 03.r ClcsrflncG rpi • -w < orod Prices Skirts of which we have only one, two or three of a kind have A 1110 I Vyfl,l'"l_/lIQ IGcLI M»nw i 1 t 11 1 * . been detached from our regular stock, in the Outergarment See- _ cia l 7 t members of the family at spc tion and given prices that show decided reductions. In navy >'oc black silk lisle hose; fashioned feet. In the last-day-of-the-year sale, ' l in< es "nioirow. blue, black and waffle checks of subdued tones. Fast black silk boot seamless hose. In the last-day-of-the-year sale, 25£ h Jlo "' s *t.25 one-buckle arctics with heavy roll edge soles and |>q $4.95 black skirts, in a half dozen sizes. Reduced to . .SI.OB Fast black lisle hose ; fashioned feet and double tops. In the last-day-of-the-year sale, ..!! .25tf "fen'sV„"T i" V "OC *7.50 blue and black poplin skirts. Reduced to 85.00 Heavy cotton hose, fashioned feet. In the last-day-of-the-year sale, 25< row toe iaYts Clearanco prTe . 8 mod,um """ 7Sc ttniln M Ue i, an -i l J ,l ? ( '- k + Sk o tS i R ® dueed t0 S2'£2 * J > ITTT t TT 1 • 1 Women's 60c rubbers, opera toe last for' l'ow 'h'e'eis'.' Clearance -j Q $10.()0 black silk skirt. Reduced to $7.50 p*f"l Q flnri W/C I lnHor\r;oor i *-» pnce JoC $8.50 black broadcloth skirt. Reduced to $6.50 Itlv/11 O CI 11VI VV vylllvJll O V./ IJAJ.C/1 W V3>ClI 111 lilt/ Women's 60crubbers, storm and croquet cut on three styles of SIO.OO navv and black poplin skirts. Reduced to $7.50 _ _ . las H'. ( 'Jeajance price, 43C r X T f—' f .Misses 60c rubbers, storm and croquet cuts. Clearance Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. Y T\—I -1 fl I price .iVC 1 Cal I—/ilvl Children's 45c rubbers, storm and'croquet" cut9." Clearance price, /Up Mens heavy wool fleece lined shirts and sale; each, 25«£ Men's and Bovs' drawers " Women's heavy white cotton ribbed vests and , CH " iDREN s RUBBER BO °TS IYICII oauu Ljyjy/O iVIdL/I\»lIlcl Wb 7o£ pants; fleece lined. In the last-day-of-the-year Children s $1.20 rubber boots, knee high. Clearance | /-vfv ~ ... i-v 4 .. Men's heavy natural wool shirts and drawers. sale; each, 39£ pri Mi.J.'- «V nn'' ki,'' V' 1' •: • ••.••• «P 1 .UU Specially Reduced In the last-day-of-the-year sale; each 75les, representing many nf our for the Last Dav of the Year handlmg - Many styles are affected ' including Bome that are daiut ily embroidered year'sale^ oiriginal^price. 10 J The savings are too important to miss on these items: f °J . the t s tock is mussed and some finger-marked-choose $1.39 hemmed crochet bed spreads; large size. Special "8100 - ! at instead ot 50c. 50c linens for dresses and fancy work, 36 inches wide', mostly 00 handkerchlefs- In the Last Day of the Year | gal lsc handkerchiefs. In the Last Day of the Year t*r Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. cream shades Special, yard, 25r handkerchiefs. In the Last Day of the Year 23c' handkerchiefs. ' in'the Last Day 'of the' Year 39c guest towels with blue and red embroidered borders. SaJe Sale .. . ,5c Special, ViO handkerchiefs. In the Last Day of the Year Children's boxed handkerchiefs, regularly 15c. Re- All TV a I—'1 —' * -j- 1 * "" ,m. ioc All Pictures rrom Our Hoi- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Year-End Specids in $12.50 tos2oSilk Dresses, Tomorrow, $3.75 iday S,ock toGo T' ou can ' Jli y -tl---J pictures for l>3c and $2.->0 Remnants of table linen and white goods at a third'less prices aD(I skirt trimmings of figured messaline; lace $20.00 crepe d'e chine dress in 'oid rose "ma- pictures for $1.25. marked on tickets. vest and collar, size 3(5. Last-day-of-the-year hogany, tan and ( openhagen; high neckband An unußual °PPortunity. tr Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Sale ' '' l $3.75 long sleeves; net yokes. Sizes 18, 34 and 36. 48 ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor—Three Elevators. $18.50 and $20.00 taffeta dresses in black and Last-day-of-the-year sale, $3.75 reseda green and sold changeable; skirt trim- $20.00 taffeta silk dresses in dark blue, Co ■\ r p loi /*r • med with circular flounce or swirl ruffles; wide penhagen and green, tunics trimmed with' ruf- P J C *1 , , 1 Year-t/ticl oale OI JNotlOrm ribbon girdle. Sizes 36 and 38. Last-day-of- fles and edgings; long sleeves and low neck, Year-C/lia OOeCialS at the 1 the-year sale, $3.75 lace collars. Last-day-of-the-year sale, $3.75 25c stop-run hose loops. Special, set, 100 **" Dives, Pomeroy &• Stewart, Second Floor —Three Elevators. -Irf in for 25c ribbon hair ornaments for children'. Special," set, ... LJTWQ V^OUlliei Fancy colored beltinpr. belt 'length, H Gold and Silver Jewelry at Very Material 19c bottle Peroxide. Special, Icial, 3 cakes for Fancy silk belting, 25c to SI.OO values. Special yard* i.O£ ' J *J 17 39c and 49c Rubber Gloves. »-m,„ P..,™, * sttcet ■ • Savings in . the Year-End Sale To-morrow s^^;s^.viK — | 50e. size Beef, Iron and AN inc. 15c shaving stick in nickel _ . . J!Oc and 39c gold and silver jewel cases. Year-End Sterling silver hat brushes. Year-End Sale Special, box. Special, 0£ 1 CIIC T OQ Sals Prt ° e ,0c price si.oo 25c. Purity Cold Cream. Sp<;- 25c wood back hair brushes. nr. „„.i d-i (V\ T ' n . Wl ', ritiC .>oc beads, all colors. Year-End Sale price n»r an • Di»«, ssl „.„ t . st „ elFlo „. Plonl ; j , ; - —— Clearance Broken Sizes Faney Linens at Half Pnce Y f r " End S P eCla ' S the Basement $5.00 Corsets at $2.95 X J— a I 1 Idll I lice All games and toys remaining from the Christmas stock at just one-third the holiday prices. d4Ui "'-"rs; 9K ' " 1 81 ance P nce , to SI.OO 25c dust absorbing long handle mops. Year-Knd $1.25 water coaster sets, 7 pieces. Year-find Bne Lady and Frolaset front-laced corsets. Special, $2.05 t* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Rt-ar i Special price 15c cial price, tin. . . _ , 0 . ™ rpl _ ' ,19c granite cooking kettles., Year-End Special 98c lipped aluminum sauce mns. Year-Knd' w Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Hoor hree I',levators. l lr!,c ,0c P - **" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. (f _ Boys' SI.OO Cow Boy Suits, 69c SI.OO Khaki Blouses, 50c The end-of-the-year clearance in the Men's and Boys' Store carries a message of economy in many staple lines for winter wear, including: Boys' SI.OO Cow Boy and Indian suits, with com- Men's 25c silk four-in-hand neckwear. To-morrow plete equipment. To-morrow «»c Boys' SI.OO khaki flannel blouse waists. To-mor- .. .. . -He row, . 50c '"' c combination suspender and pad garter sets. To- Men's 10c and l»Hc linen and cambric counter morrow, ;jsc; 3 for SI.OO soiled handkerchiefs. To-morrow 7c; 4 for 25c SI.OO dark grey wool shirts. Tomorrow 73c - " HARVEY H. KAUFMAN DIES Three Weeks' Illness Fatal to New Cumberland Citizen Harvey Haines Kaufman, aged 31, of Third street, New Cumberland, died this morning at his rioine of typhoid fever, after an illness of three weeks. Mr. Kaufman is survived by his moth er, Mrs. Sophia Kaufman, ami one sis ter, Mrs. B. P. Meyers, of Mount Ver non, N. Y. The funeral services will be private and will be conducted by the Kev. J. V. Adams, of the Methodist church, New Cumberland. The services will be held Friday and interment will be made at the Mount Olivet cemetery by the side of his father, William Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman was a native of New Cum berland, where he had a wide circle of friends. George Swartz George Swartz, who died .Sunday at Jhe Dauphin county almshouse, "was tmried this afternoon at Carlisle. Mr. Swartz was 68 years old and is sur vived by one son, Clarence. DIES WHILE HERE ON VISIT Mrs. Verna Sinniger Smith Expires at the Home of Her Brother | Mrs. Verna Sinniger Smith died at the home of hoi brother, Clarence Sin niger, 542 South Seventeenth street,! last evening of tuberculosis. Mrs. j j Smith was here on a visit when she took I j seriously ill seven weeks ago, from I j which illness she never recovered. She was 24 years old and is survived t by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. I Sinniger; one brother, Clarence, and one sister, Pearl Th« funeral services I will be held at the home of her broth er on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be in the East Harris burg cemetery. Funeral of Andrew J. Mcßeynolds The funeral of Andrew .1. Mcßey nolds, who died in a Philadelphia hos pital on Saturday, took place yesterday from the home of his son, H. Frank | Mcßeynolds, in that city. Mr. Mcßey noJds was in his 68th year and was a I native of Harrigburg, a son of H. Frank ' Mcßeynolds, at one time prominent HARKTSBFRG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENTNO. I in newspaper circles in Harrisburg be j ing one of the proprietors of the " Pa- It riot." Mr. Mcßeynolds is survived by I his son and the following sisters: Mrs. I Sally J. Ziegler, Philadelphia; Mrs, George S. McGowan, Miag Mary Y. Mc ' Reynolds, Jlarrisburg, and one brother, H. Frank Mcßeynoldto, of Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Mary A. Koons The funeral services of Mrs. Mary , A. Koons, who died at the home of her stepdaughter, Mrs. Kay Karpcr, 355 Hummel street, were held this after noon at 4 o'clock at the home. Mrs. Koons was 83 years old. The Rev. Thomas Reiseh officiated and after the services the body was taken to Sul phur Springs for burial to-morrow. John M. McClure John M. McClure, 74 years old, iv number of Post 58, G. A. It., who died yesterday at his home, 207 Say ford street, will be buried Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock from his homo. Tlio services will be conducted by the Kev. Edwin Curtis, pastor of the Westmin ster Presbyterian church. I Gabriel Stager Word has been received in this city of the death of Oabriel Stager, a for mer llarrisburger, who died Monday at the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Home, at Erie, Pa. Nothing is known of tho funeral arrangements. Lebanon's New Tear's Celebration Lebanon, l)ee. 30.—•Lebanon's New Year's celebration will be one of the largest in the history of tho city. The midnight revel with the fantastic pa rade, in charge of the Red Men, with all of the fire companies of the city participating, will oe the two big fea tures. The celebration will start New Year's Eve with a war dance in Mar ket square. Dead Man Found Near Kane Kane, Pa., Deo. 30.—The partly frozen body of Piacer.tiuo Piazini, aged 35, was found yesterday morning ono mile east of this city lying in a snow bank near the Pennsylvania railroad tracks. NoJ a bruise was on the man's body, although it is thought that he was struck by a train. Beading Divorces Increase Reading, Pa., Dec. 30.—One out of every four marriages tint took place in Reading and Berks county during tho year just ending proved a failure, ac cording to the annual reiiorts of the courts, issued yesterday. During 1914 the court granted 12l"divorces and 50 more cases that had bean started are still pending. The-e were 96 divorces in 1913. Dr. G. R. Moffltt Reappointed A resolution was adopted by the City Commissioners late yesterday re appointing as City Bacteriologist, Dr. fleorg (! K. Moftitt and, as his assistant, Thomas R. Slvuey. The salaries were I not changed.