The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 29, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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/ . i
Friday evening (Njw Year's) Jan- |
uarv 1, David Bispham in a con
cert recital.
Saturday, matinee and night, Janu
ary i, "To-day," with Edwin .
Every afternoon and evening, higb
class vaudeville.
Daily continuous saudeville and pic
David Bispham Coming
The famous baritone, David Bis
I'liam, a singer who possesses the [tow
er of winning the plaudits of all class
es of people—from the eonnoiseurs,
with a soul for music, to the plain
homespun, with little music in their
composition, will give a concert at the
Majestic Theatre on New Year's night.
Be will be assisted by Francis Kogers,
Bispham is a star of the first magni
tude in that tinert of all firmaments —
the human voice and lovers of tine sing
ing will undoubtedly turn out in big
crowds to greet him on New Year's
night. The sale of seats opens to-moi l
row morning. Adv. *
Coming to the Majestic for a return
engagement Saturday matinee and
night is 'To day." the vital and vivid
drama of New York life by George
Broad hurst and Abraham Schomer. j
"To-day' is described as a dramatic [
ami somewhat startling exposition of a
certain phase of New York life, the ex
istence of which has never been de
liied. It is not a white slave drama,
nor is it a "redlight" play. It is an j
intensely human document, as true as
it is human, and one which' has com ;
mamled the attention and aroused the |
interest ot' the various individuals and j
societies working for the betterment |
hi society in general. Woman's love I
of luxury and personal adornment, and j
the craze for vulgar display aud out
doing one's neighbors, form the founda i
tion upon which the authors have ;
bnijdt'd a realistically gripping story
of modern family life, which has no ,
counterpart, on the stage. "To-day"
will be interpreted by Edmund Breese.
and the same cast which appeared with
him in New York, Boston aii.l Phila
delphia. -Supporting Mr. Breese are
Kthel Yalentine, Margaret Robinson,!
Louise Sydmeth. Grace Thorne I'onlte, j
and Bernard A. Reinold. Adv. *
At the Orpheum
Kitty Gordon, whose wondrous back
has received whole pages in the Sunday
newspaper magazine section, who re
ceives a salary as high as the Presi
dent of the United States, came to!
launch Baby 1915 at the Orpheum and
who simply captivated capacity audi
faces at both of yesterday's perform
ances at that ' theatre. It is :
doubtful if in all the realm of star
dom, the Orpheum management could
have selected a more interesting ori
more glittering star than Miss Gor- 1
don. And strange to say that while
•'very theatre-goer in llarrisburg has
heard the name of Kitty Gordon, aud
has come to learn nnich about iier |
beauty, the Orpheum is the first local
p avhouse to really give the local pub
lic a glimpse of the fair Kitty.
The production is dazzling, it js a
"sight ' act of the first water, and!
they who go to the Orpheum this week '
expecting to see a good deal, will be;
aijiply repaid for doing so. L,ittle I
Mary, better known as the "Than-'
houser Kid" and the most love I I
youngster of the "screen," is at thei
Orpheum also in a very pleasing
"kid sketch: also Kobert Kmmott |
Keeiie an-i Muriel Window, late stars
of the New York Winter Garden, scor-i
i I a substantial success with their 1
bright tomfoolery and songs, and Nan!
I ' ll 'l scored as an original singingi
<■' iiicdienne, and in fact the Orpheum's!
lull is replete with talent without a
i nil moment from start to finish.
At the Colonial
A cleverly balance,l bill of Keith'
•ict- came to the "Busy Corner" yes
terday and the holiday crowds seetnel
id revel in the layout of talent from
beginning to end. The attractions em
brace such hits as Reeves and Kldon,
present ins a screeching comedy called
"His Aw ml Nightmare;'' Eldon and
<'!ifton. are a pair of clever song and j
latter entertainers; The Milaaders,
serve up something interesting and
entirely new in the way of a noval art
net. an l Major hewin, xylophone ar
tist, aud member of the United States
Marine Band at Washington, D. Ce
i-elia I .of tus in a three-part moving pic
ture film entitled "The City of Prom
ise is a very interesting attraction in
moving pictures. Adv. *
E. M. Householder Chosen Head of Har
risbitrg Republican Club
With the exception of the board of
trustees, there was no contest in the
election of officers at the llarrisburg Re
publican Club last night. A total of
143 votes was polled. The result on
trustees was as follows, the first three
named being elected: Charles A. Tress.
11S; Herman Gciger, IDS; George B.
Nebinger, 112: James Thornton, 53.
The other oflicers elected without op
position were K. M. Householder, presi
dent; Unarles K. Hess, vice president;
I red M. Tritle. treasurer: Ashton I).
IVace, secretary; William A.Adams, W.
I>. Bio, k, Joseph Baumgardner, George
W. \ int, Norman C'allender, member
ship committee.
Kuights of St. George Will Initiate
Members To-morrow Evening
The German Roman Catholic Knights
of St. George, Branch No. lfiS, will
hold an open meeting to-morrow even
ing at 8 o'clock in the basement of St.
J'rands' church, to which the ladies
and men of the parish are invited to
The program for the evening will be
initiation of new members toy the presi
dent, .lo'.in "zerniski; installation of
new ofti-'ers by the spiritual adviser,
the Kev. Father Carey; address on the
workings of the order by the district
deputy organizer, Aug. j. Sell mitt, of
Heading; lecture on "European Trav
eis." bv Bernard Schmidt. The knigr.ts
assure a very pleasant evening to all.
Organizing An Additional Circuit to
Include This City—Social Features
Outside of Actual Match Add to
The Inter-Elks Billiard League lias
proven a phenomenal success and as
yet is in its infancy having been or
ganized January 22, 1914, by Rudolph
I'. L>omsvhke, of Brooklyn Lodge No.
22, and the success of the league is
due to his enthusiastic methods and
his being exceptionally well known as
an advertising man.
The league is now composed of two
circuits in which tournaments are be
ing played and the membership of the
same is restricted to amateurs only.
The New York circuit is composed ot
New York, Brooklyn, Freeport, Yonk
ers. Monte lair, Newark ami Long Is
land City ami the Philadelphia circuit
his four cities namely Philadelphia,
Chester, Norristown and Camden.
Schedule are so arranged that four
games are played each evening, two
games of 15.2 iialk line and two games
of pocket billiards which gives four
players ot each Elk lodge an oppor
tunity of showing his ability of
manipulating the ivories.
After the games are concluded a
banquet is held thereby making it a
memorial evening and establishing
good fellowship between the various
After the scheduled tournament
games ha\e been played in each cir
cuit, the winner of each circuit will
meet in a post-series championship
tournament to be hold in New York
about April 1 ? in No. I's club house,
and the winner of the post-season
•series will have possession of the
Hentherton trophy which is valued at
and donated by James M. Heath
er!on, of Brooklyn Lodge No. 22, one
ot the best known cluib men in America
and prominently associated in amateur
K(Torts are being made to enlarge
the league and three more circuits are
now being established to be known as
the Pennsylvania circuit, the New-
York State circuit and the.New Em
•I'd circuit and this city has been se
lected as one of the cities in the above
named circuit.
At the present time the Brooklyn
lolge is leading in the league and
every evening that the games have
been played in the various club houses,
have been witnessed by hundreds of
Elks and it is not an exception to
have an attendance ot' 500 in the New
York club house to witness these
All games for the Heatherton trophv
are being played under the rules of the
National Association of Amateur Bil
liard Players.
At this time an endeavor is being
made to interest the Elks in this « itv
to enter the league and should the en
terprise meet with success a number
ot enjoyable social sessions can be
looked forward to this season.
American League Fails to Follow the
Two rules recently adopted by the Na
tional League may be revised or re
scinded at the schedule meeting to be
held iu I'Vbruarv. I„ an effort to follow
economical policies the league passed
one rule which set March 1 as the earl
iest date at wliicil spring training would
!' e aI. owed; the other the 21 roster lim
it between May 1 and Septenrber 1.
Both these amendeincnts met with op
position from a small minority during
tiie meeting, but were carried on the
wave o! popular economical tendencies
which had organized baseball in its
clutches at that time. Probafolv tlhev
would remain on the books had the
American U'agu<\ seen fir to vote the
same changes. The American League
will not limit its training period and I
proposes a roster of 22 instead of 211
The White Sox plan to leave for the !
Pa>itic coast as early as February 12. :
Other American League teams will S o j
South the middle of February. Spring
exhibition games among teams of the
rival leagues have become popular dur
ing the past few years. Often these
exhibitions are played earlv in the train- i
ing season when rival camps happen to
be within easy reach. An earlv start
by the American League clubs' would !
give the Johnson circuit a big advan
tage in these trials.
It would not be surprising if the
National league should .eto the limit
to spring training for this sea,on at
Says Fifty-Six High Schools Are In
State Association
Charles S. Davis, principal o£ the'
>teeiton High school, and chairman of j
the e: vutive committee of the Penn
»y .\ aina inter-cholastic Athletic Asso
ciation, reported at the opening session ,
ot the High School Department of the i
i ennsylvania State Educational 'Asso-!
ciation that forty-six Hig-h schools!
have aHi hated themselves with the or
ganization which will control all Utah i
school athletics in the State.
There is interest in the new associa-!
tion and it will rapidly increase from ,
this start. None of the local schools
are affiliated with the association. The
hteelton High school is a member. !
P. R. R \. M. C. A. Match
I he hagles won from the Athletics
■•• the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Bowling |
League last night bv a margin of 108 !
pins, tireen had high jrame score for!
this match with a mark of 220 for the !
second game and second honors went I
to Hitner with 212 Bifner 's mark of I
.100 for match total was high in the
match. The scores:
Mimma ... 156 174 163—,- 493
Hoffman .. 156 145 124 425
*»"' 119 84 126 329
Green 134 220 143 497
Alathias ... 190 5^9
Totals .. 757 812 704—2273
Hart/.ell ... 171 IS6 157 511
DiefTenbach. 120 14 1 130 371
Bitner .... 154 21 2 IS9 55r>;
Diller 143 170 141— 45 4 i
Pauli 127 IGR 174 467 I
Totals .. 715 575 791 —2 3SI !
Tuesday 's schedule: Federals vs. |
Senators. I
Bad Form to Bite Opponents' Ear, He
Is a Friend—Do Not Play to the
Qrandstand for Applause or Pub
licity—Others Too
Chicago, Dec. 23. —An amateur ath
lete should pay 110 attention to applause i i
from the grandstand, according to ft !
, code of ethical ruies laid down here!
yesterday by a special committee of the t |
Athletic Research Society, in annual!
session here. The rules say:
"Contestants will not attempt to
play to the grandstand for publicity or
applause. Appreciation from the spec
tators will lie 'alien for granted but
uut acknowledged."
Further ideals of conduct were laid
) ilow 11 as follows:
"Opponents will be treated as
1 friends and honored guests even if they
do not reciprocate. \o unfair advan
tage will ever lie taken of them. UooJ
plays wilt be suitably acknowledged.
"Official* will be considered as im
partial and competent arbiters. Decis- j
ions will be accepted without dispute, j
even when tliey apparently are unfair. |
Advantage will not be taken of lax !
rule enforcement. 111-feeling of an\ .
kind will not be publicly manifesto.! |
even when an official is palpably incom
potent or dishonest.
"Athletic rules will be considered
as mutual agreements between con
testants lor the pur|H)se of providing
a basis of honorablo competition be
j tween gentlemen. The letter or spirit
Jot' the rule will no more be ignored or
; evaded than will a gentleman's word
' of honor.
] '' Kvery honest and earnest effort
will be made to win a contest, but ft
I dishonorable victory will not( be a
| cepted.
"An amateur will always be loyal
jto his teammates in every concoiv- I
able endeavor and will do his utmost j
to prove a worthy representative ot |
j his institution or club."
Concerning amateurism, the code i
"A true amateur athlete will never .
intentionally make any misrepresen
| tation regardiug his eligibility, abil- j'
1 itv or intentions, nor will lie continue i '
: competing as such after he lias ceas |
i ed to be in sympathy with the spirit I
of amateurism."
\\ illiam Ball, of New ork City, was |
chairman pt' the committee of ethics
which drafted the code.
Robert Mi Lean International Skating;
Champion Owns Up
Ohicago. Dec. 29.—Robert M-cLenn. |
international ice skating champion.
I ''older of all amateur records from
--'0 yards up to two miles, last night
acknowledged that he no longer was an
amateur. McLean admitted t'hat he re-
I ceived $75 a week and other perquisites
' for exhibition skating on an artificial
j pond in a downtown cafe.
McLean's announcement preceded by
I one day a meeting of the Western Skat
ing Association, w-hich has investigated
his standing as an amateur. The skater
recently was pronounced a professional
by the International Skating Union,
which 'asked the association to suspend
The officers of the association held
that .'McLean's professionalism had not
been proved and declined to suspend
him pending an investigation. A report j
o!' the investigation will lie made to
All-Nationals Won -!> of That Number :
From Al!-Americans
San Francisco, l>cc. 29. —Willi the
I laying of Sjnday's game at San Diego,!
Cal.. tlie baseball tour of the All-Na-j
tionals and All-Americans came to an
end. The tour, which was arranged toy
Prank Bancroft, business manager of:
'he <in innati Reds, was a success in;
every way, and each player will carry !
home several hundred dollars for .his j
work. The All-Nationals-were in charge
of Bancroft, and the All-Americans were j
managed by Ira Thomas, who accepted
the place after Connie Mack had «lc-1
eided not to make the trip.
Fifty games were played by the tour
ists, the same number as liie Uiants and
White Sox played on their world's tour
a year ago. The All-Nationals carried
off the honors with a total of twenty
nine victories. The teams assembled at
Chicago for a few days after the
world's series and played at various
cities en route to the coast. Late in
November they sailed for Honolulu,
pinyifig their first game there on De
cember 3. Several games were played
at Honolulu and the tourists were
royally entertained..
The teams disbanded yesterday aud
the players scattered for'their homes.
Curley Says Ju?rez May Be Picked for
Johnson-Willard Battle
K1 Paso, Texas, Dec. 29.—lack Cur- 1
ley, promoter of the .lack Johnson-Jess
Willard heavyweight boxing contest,
yesterday said t'he date and place for
the bout" had not yet been selected. He'
denied a report tiiat the fight had been ,
set for Juarez, Mex., March 17, al-i
though he said the Mexican border town
might he selecti I. lie thought the date
probably would be March 6 or 8.
According to Curley ring followers in
t'he West are enthusiastic over Wil
lard's and the fight will attract
large numbers from that section of the
country. Out on the coast where Wil
lard met defeat at the hands of Gun
boat Smith, the giant Kansan is looked
upon as a false alarm. Around Mil
waukee and Chicago Willard is regarded
as a joke fighter pure and simple. In
fact, the big fellow has ben dealt with
more kindly in New York than any
where else. But with Jack Johnson on
this side of the Atlantic and actually
in training his match with Willard will
attract more or lesS attention from now
We should never be too anxious to
see ourselves as others see us. It might
hurt our feelings.
> T T T T TTT T T V W T V ▼ G^|L !
: ~ ~ s CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. IMPORTANT ' i
: st ;; A °r /P / ™ :
: Closes, 5.30 P. M. J3X}LL'7LLU4L4 "SEE" J
j ► \ ——— #
!► The Last Two Days in the Year—Wednesday and -
; Thursday, Will Mean a Great Saving to You on
!j> Every rag in our entire stock-a large stock, by the way—has been i
!; remarked just about ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICES.
-HW It Will You to Purchase <|
: From This Sale •
| ' '•*'''' ; IX,iV " ii ". j
_ _ , Kermanshah Rugs—average size, 4.3x6.7 ft.; regular price, <
|[ Lots of Fresh Air and j
r\ •* ■*"> j r\ • $50.00. Sale price, $29.50
k VJOOQ JSCCL V/OV6riH9!! Mahal Rugs— ft.; regular price $198.18. Snlc i
' ► O price, 8112.00 A
k Is a good recipe for a healthtul sleep. This kind of weather Mahal Rugs- size li.SxIO.I ft.; regular price $147.88 Sale 4
j k Ihe covering cannot be too warm, and we suggest a pair ot' price SB2 50 <
► good heavy blankets. Kermanshah Rugs—size 8.9x11.7 ft.; regular price $450.10. 4
\\ DOI .Nap Blankets in grey with pink or nine border; null Sale price $253 00
hurts; regular $2.50 value. Special at $2.25. Kermanshah Rugs size 9.7 xi i .!) ft.';' regular 'price $450 42 '
Homespun Blankets in brown with brown and dark blue y H j P price $255 00 i
I k borders; heavy weight; $1.50 pair. Sarook Rugs—size 8.7x11.6 ft.; regular price $475.00. Sale <
| ► Cotton Plaid Blankets in bine, pink and grey; large bed price $255 00 4
► s' zp = gooil" heavy quality; regular $2.00 value, at $1.49 pair. Sarook Rugs—size 8.7x12.0 ft. • 'regular price $475.00. Sale <
► Real Indian Blankets in beautiful colors; all wool; at. price, $257 50
► $6.00, $7.50 and SIO.OO. Guenji Rugs—average size 11x4 ft.; regular price, sl6*oo.
Main FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Sale price, $8.98
f V Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i
To the First-Born A „
New Year's Baby • ® UgS
► We will present, free of charge, either a pretty little j Being genuine Oriental Rugs, you'll no doubt be interested
t dress, Parisian Ivory toilet set or knit coach robe, accord- ! in knowing of the locality in which they were made. Kach <
inir to choice. j one has its own story, whether from Oriental Turkey, Persia, 4
This is following our custom of former years. Report or any of the other famous rug markets. *
* all births and the exact time to the Infants' Wear Dept. « L ZIL B U <
r \ - About the Patterns — i
m« OI X TT7 1 iTV J beaut - v ancl design as only the true Oriental taste
: ► 1116 bdl6 01 W OXH'SXI S LO&tS eau °, ri K inak '' l ; :v,,ry one is an example of art for which these
people are noted. 1
Offers von this season's styles at a fraction of the regular r 4
* prices. To-day was the first day, and quite a number disap- "* <
► peared. We advise you to select yours to-morrow. NOTE: As this sale lasts Olllv two days, i
► Coats at $5.98 —regularly SIO.OO to sl*2. >O. \\ ednesdav and Thursday, no rug may leave <
► Coats at §9.98 —regularly $12.50 to $25.00. the floor except by direct purchase. <
Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. m <
Scranton Manager Wanted to Get
Local Catcher In Trade But Sen
ators Would Not Listen—Will Re
lease Bergen
Svranton, Dee. 29. Bill Coughlin, |
leader of the local New Vork State [
league team, activity engaged in build-1
ing a winning team lor this city iu j
1910, nude what ho considers a ten-j
strike when lie succeeded iu landing l
Catcher Charlie Miller from the Har
risburg champions of the Tri-State
Coughlin tried to make a desirable I
trade for Miller, but the Harrisburg
bosses would not hear of it, and
Coughlin had to offer a tidy bunch of
cash before he prevailed upon them to
let Miller go. It is likely with the,
acquisition of Miller, that Bill Bergen,
the vetergan big league receiver, will
be surely traded or released.
In the event that the deal with the j
Klmira team for the services of Pitch-.
er "Sweet" Caporal for Bergen goes
through, Bergen may be retained as 1
second catcher.
Miller broke in with Harrisburg iujj
1912, the Hist year the local clui>
landed the pennant in the Tri-State
league. Miller was drafted by Pitts"
burgh and sent later to Toledo. During
the 1913 campaign he went to Mil
waukee. He was dissatisfied there and
when Harrisburg needed a catcher last
season it did not take a lot of dicker
ing to g'et him back here. Miller was
a valuable man to the team, his inside
knowledge of the game standing the
team in good stead. He has always
been a heavy hitter and luis won more
than one game with his stick work.
This is the third star of the Harris
burg nine to leave since the season
closed. Chabek was drafted by Brook
lyn, Adams by Pittsburgh and now
Miller goes to Scranton. Miller will
get a higher salary in Scranton. Man
ager Cockill believes that the players
deserve higher salaries and if they can
get it he is sure not to stand in their
way. Myers and O'Connor went to the
New York State League circuit from
Additional Sports on Page 0
Place Names In England
England can boast that no other
country possesses so many Scriptural
place names as it does. The name of
All Suits and Overcoats
_ 111 ii iiin
# $
Lancaster's Favorite Brew
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr.
Jericho occurs six times on the ord
nance maps, Paradise five times and
Nineveh, 'Mount Zion, Mount Ararat
and Mount Hphraim tliree tiroes eacili.
Tn Bedfordshire there is a Calvary
wood and in Dorsetshire a Jordan hill.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent