ANNOUNCEMENT OUR AFTER-CHRISTMAS SALE IS A WINNER The rain to-day checked it only slightly. Come to-morrow. The sale will continue all week. Hundreds of COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, WHITE NET DRESSES, WAISTS, FURS, etc., at bargain prices. WITMER, BAIR & WITMER, 202 WALNUT STREET SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS MISS COE INTRODUCED TO SOCIETY THIS ftFTERNOON Makes Her Formal Bow at Tea and Dinner Dance at the Home of Mrs. William Henderson —State College Alumni Hold Dance Miss Dora Wickersham Coe, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Sanford lie Witt Coe, is making her formal bow to society to-day at a tea and dinner dance given in her honor by Mrs. Wil liam Henderson and Mrs. Santord De- Witt Coe at the former's residence, 25 North Front street. Christmas greens, pink roses and a profusion of beauti ful 'bouquets sent to the debutante, form the decorations. Receiving with MTS. Henderson, Mrs. Coe and Miss Coe, are Miss Lea \ itte Wickersham, of Lancaster; Miss Alice Teackle Wallis, Miss Mary Eliz abeth Meyers. Miss Louise Carney, Miss Eleanor Neal Clark, Miss Kathe rine fitter and Miss Constance Ferri d&y. Mrs. John Kinley Tener. Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders, Mrs. Harold Wickersham, of Lancaster, and Mrs. Harry Calvert, of Pittsburgh, are pouring tea, assist ed by Mrs. James Irwin Baker, of Lan caster; Mrs. Wickersham Crawford and Miss Crawford, of Philadelphia; Mrs. John Wickersham, of Lancaster; Miss Alberta Weber, of New York; Miss Josephine Gloniger, of Lebanon; Miss Margaret Kennedy, of Chamibers burg; Miss Harriet Nauinan, of Lan caster; Miss Montandon Xorris, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Miss Elizabeth Peale, of New York; Miss Margaret Staekipole, Miss Elizabeth Bailey, Miss Mary S]>onsler, Miss Mary Calder Mitchell, Miss Virginia Hargest King, Miss Sus anna Fleming, Miss Margaretta Flem ing, Miss Frances Bailey, Miss Emily Bailey, Miss Helen Hammond, Miss Eleanor Darlington, Miss Myrvinne Leason, Miss Sarah Hastings, Miss Mary Williamson, Miss Emnialine Wright and Miss Marv Elizabeth Det nreiler. The guests for the dinner dance to follow the tea will include those who assisted during the afternoon and the following men: Governor John K. Ten er. W. J. Bryson, of Chicago; Harold Wickersham, of Lancaster; John Wick ersham, of Lancaster; J. K. Wicker sham Crawford, of Philadelphia; J. V. W. Reynders. Frank D. Oainey, Harry Calvert, of Pittsburgh; Dr. George R. Moffitt, George Kunkel, Jr., John Eric sson. William" Calder, Jr., Richard Gif ford, Thomas Baldwin, Mr. Lindemuth, Spencer Nauman, of Lancaster; Win slow Williams, Mr. Redus, Ehrman B. Mitchell, Jr., Henry M. Gross, Edward J. Stackpole, Jr., Albert Stackpole, John Herman, Herbert Wallower, Archibald Knisely, Richard Kni'bloe, John Magoun, .1. A". W. Reynders, .Jr., Vance C. McCormick, David Fleming, Ceorge Shotwell, Robert McCreath and William McCreath. In Honor of Misses Stamm's Guests Members of the younger set are en joying the many delightful affairs giv en by the Misses Stamm, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, for their twelve house guests. The dance Inst evening at the Harrisburg Country Club was a delightful affair and the beginning of a round of gayeties that will continue throughout the week. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Stamm will chap erone the voting people on a sleighing party to Fishing Creek Valley stopping on the way back at the Colonial Coun try Club where supper and dancing will be enjoyed. To-morrow evening they will chaperone a theatre party of six teen at the Orpheum and on Thursday STEAMSHIPS ftfternuxaoT TeimiM, llontiiift, liutlilnji, find Cycling lour* I nr. Hotels, Shore Exrurilons. Itoucsl Itnfen. Twin < c Tons Screw "J- UCH.nUUian displacement. I'antext. nrnrat anil only ateaim-r limit ing i>HNN«-nK<'r» «t the dork In Hermnda nllhuul Iriinnfer liy tender. WEST INDIES S. S. Guiana and other Steamers every fortnight for St. Thomas, St. Croix, St. Kitts, Antiqua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bar bados, and Demerara. l'or full information npply A. E. OI TKR Bit I DC* K »V CO., Aftentn Quebec >. S. Co.. Mtl., 2l> ilromUvHj, York, or nn.v Ticket Agent. Winter Cruises from New York to the American Mediterranean HAVANA a ? n d c p X ts Savings Thursdays and Saturdays. NASSAU Weekly service from New York and direct connections with Havana. JAMAICA Fortnightly Service Separate or combined tours of 10 and 23 daya, $70.00 and up. Steamers built I? America and saiiing under American Flsg. Excellent service, spacious pas senger quarters. Booklets, rates and schedules will be promptly supplied on application. NEW YORK aW CUBA MAIL S. 8. CO. (Ward Line) GENERAL OFFICES. Pisr 14. E. 1., N. T. Or any Railroad Ticket Office or Authorized Tourist Agency i ————————————^ evening the Misses Stamm will enter tain at an informal dance and New Year's Ere party, playing old-fashioned games and dancing until the New Year comes in. Miss Ensmlnger to Entertain Miss Grace Kiisimngef will entertain at cards this evening at her home, Sec ond and Chestnut streets, in compli ment to Mrs. Thomas Allen Bayard, of Canada, and Miss Maude Smith, of New York. The rooms will be prettily decorated with Christmas greens, small evergreens and poinsettias predominat ing. Luncheon will be serve! at small tables. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar G. Wickersham, 2841 North Front street, have issued invitations l'or a dance at their homo Thursday evening, in compliment to their house guest, Mrs. Harry A. Avers, of Philadelphia. State College Grads Dance Winterdale ha" was prettily decorat ed with college Hags, colored lights and evergreen trees lor the fifth annual dance of the Harrisburg Club of Penn sylvania State College, held last even ing. Loeser's orchestra played for the dancing. Among the guests were Miss Marie McCalley, Miss Beaciice Shearer, Miss Marie Melville, Miss Annie Nissley, Miss Gertrude Berry, Miss Charlotte Kister, Miss Esther Adams, Miss Helen Vener, Miss Blanche La Fever, Miss Anna Bacon, Miss Louise Fisher, Miss Dorothy Spicer, Miss Ruth Erb, Miss Esther Shope Miss Katherine Keller, Miss Katherine McCloskey, Miss Helen Rinkenbach, Miss Edith A. Troup, Miss Dorothy Chubbeck, Miss Olive Singlev, Miss Frank E Rice, Miss Emeline Stevens, Miss Joyce. Hlen Jones, Miss Margaret Hoffman, Miss Helen Gerdes> | Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Myrtle A. Dornbach, Miss Grace Ramer, Miss l Katherine Jackson, Miss Middleton. ( Miss Carrie Tunis, Miss Eieanor Cope | lin, Miss Mary Cunimings. Miss Elsie : Evans. Miss Irma Bird, Miss Alice lie j Compte. Miss Carrie Reily, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cumbler. Dr. J. C Reed, George F. Wiegfield, Dr. Gilbert L. Dailey, C. R. Denny, C. L. E. Dunmover, G. R. Windsor, Benja min F. Brandt, C. B. Shelley, C. L. Miller, W. Kennedy, B. Horner Enger. R. E. Hoffer, Samuel Rail, Robert Hutchison, R. L. Hoffman, W. P. Rick ert, F. 8. E. Randall, A. Earl Fiser. C. L. Rice, F. L. Spooner, J. G. Swartz, Clarence E. Zorger, Edgar Clark, E. L. Rinkenbach, Ralph Hutch ison, Stewart Kishpaugh, William Kish paugli, A. E. Fisher, W. H. Johnston, C. B. Patterson, Carl R. Denny. J. 0. Handshaw, N. G. Book, F. B. Wicker sham, C. F. Coleman, W. P. Rickert, Vance C. McCormick. B. H. Engle, Rob ert Rinkenbach, Harry R. Leonard, James Mcßeiley, Edward P. Keifer, J. R. Holl, H. D. Buckwalter, Albert Rhoades, Mr. Raiber. G. 1,. Reinert, F. L. Benedict. David H. Witmer, Jr.. P. E. R. E. Hoffer, Dr. F. E. Bowman, E. C. Opperman, Harold Clark, E. R. Kulp, G -orge N. Williams C. B. Dowd, O. H. Gipple. Leo A. De- Lone, J. F. Snyder, J. E. Donmoyer, Thomas Johnson. S. M. Middleton, Ed ward Kerper. Josepn Snyder, Ned Rink enbach, Mr. Coleman. MR. AND MRS. FROELICH HOSTS Entertained at Dinner in Compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Shellehamer Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Froelich entertained at dinner on Christmas Day in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Shellehamer. who were mar ried December 18 at the parsonage of the Pine Street Presbyterian church by the Rev. Dr. liewis Seymour Mudge. Mrs. Shellehamer prior to her mar riage was Miss Mary I. Laskey, a trained nurse of this city. She was a graduate of Chautauqua School of Training, Jamestown, N. Y., and of the Worchester Hospital, Worchester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Shellehamer will re side at 2029 North Cameron street. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS PARTY Mrs. Clayton A. Smucker Gave an "At Home" to Members of Class Mi's. Clayton Albert Smucker, 1311 Vernon street, gave her Sunday school class a party last evening iu her home. Fifty-two of the one hundred members attended. New officers for the year, 1915, were elected. The program of the evening was crowded with good things. The members had a very happy sur prise for the class teacher, in the form of a loving gift. The outlook for the New Year in this big Sunday school class is very bright and full of vic tory. Anderson-Wilson Wedding Abbeyville, Dec. 29.—Miss Mamie Wilson and Leroy Anderson, of Smith viUe, were married yesterday at the home of the bride by the Rev. Charles Steward, pastor of the Mount Joy Methodist church. They were attended by James Wilson, Miss Stella Navercs and Miss Ruth Yellets. A reception fol lowed the ceremony. Married by the Rev. Dr. Meminger Ronk's Station, Dec. 29.—Miss Minnie C. Haldcman, of this place, and William H. Althouse, were married yesterday by the Rev. Dr. Meminger, at the parsonage of the Faith Reform ed church, Lancaster. The ring cere mony was used. A reception follow ed. Married at Columbia Columbia, Dec. 29.—Miss Bessie Kuhns was married yesterday to Charles E. Barrimger, of near Marietta, by the Rev. Joseph Daugherty, pastor of the United Brethren church. FTARKTSBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT; TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 29, 1914. ALRICKS CLUB TO MEET Christmas Program to Be a Feature of Meeting To-morrow Evening Christmas festivities will feature the monthly social meeting of the Al ricks Association to-morrow evening in St. Andrew's parish house, Nine teenth and Market streets. The executive committee is arrang ing a general Christmas program, the i feature of which will be a paper by the Rev. James F. Bullitt oil "The De velopment and Religious Significance of Christmas." This is the historical study of the Christmas festival which the Rev. Mr. Bullitt last year prepar ed and read before the Ministers' As sociation of the city. Other items on to-morrow's program will include laritern slides, illustrated hymns, etc. Refreshments will be serv ed at the close of the meeting. WILL HOLD NEW YEAR'S PARTY Members of Class Taught by Mrs. E. F. Doehne Will Be Hostess The class in St. Andrew's Protest ant Episcopal Sunday school taught by Mrs. Edward F. Uoehne, will hold a New Year's party in St. Andrew's parish house, Nineteenth and Market streets, next Saturday evening. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the Sunday school piano fund. No set program has been arranged, but amusements will be provided for all wiio attend. Refreshments wili be served. Entertained for Baltimore Guest Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shook enter tained the following guests at dinner at their home in compliment to their house guest, Mrs. Edward Touhey, of Baltimore, Md.: Mrs. Edward Touhev, rs. Lillie Ryder, Mr. and Mrs. A. i) R(Adman, Jr., A. D. Redman, John Smith, Charles Shook. Miss Lillian Saul, Miss Sarah Soul, Miss Lillie Shook and Mr. and Mrs. John Shook. Will Hold a Masquerade Social The Ladies' Aid Society of the Christian church al Lemoyne will hold a masquerade social on Thursday even ing at 8 o'clock IU Witman's hall. 1 I'nzes will be awarded for the b st costumes and an interesting program has been arranged Dr. and Mrs. Smucker Entertain Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Albert Smuck er, 1311 Vernon street, will entertain this evening at their home, the mem bers of the church choir and the male chorus of the Stevens Memorial Meth odist Episcopal cliurch, their husbands, wives and sweethearts. Mowrer-Reickerd Wedding Paradise, Dec. 29.—Miss Barbara Reickerd, of this place, arid Milton Mowrer, were married yesterday by the Rev. Dr. Hairpt, of Grace Lutheran church, Lancaster. Division of Profits at Hershey Lebanon, Dec. 29. —The Ilershev Chocolate Company, of Hershey, New Year 's Day will make its usual'annual division ol profits with its emploves. Milton S. Iferphev, the well known founder of Hershey and millionaire, for some years lias been giving each employe one-tenth of his annual salary at New Year's time. Oldest Active Jail Warden Lebanon, Dec. 29.—Samuel B. Traf ford, of this city, has, perhaps, the honor of being the oldest jail warden in Pennsylvania Yesterday lie rolled out his seventy-fifth milestone in life. He has served for about twelve years as warden at the Lebanon county jail. It is IMPORTANT that you should have your eyes scientifically tested if you suspect there is anything wrong with them. It is IMPORTANT that you give them attention at once, before serious trouble develops. It is IMPORTANT that your glasses should be accurately fitted to remedy the trouble, if any. It is IMPORTANT that you should not trust the fate of your eyes to any one but an eyesight specialist of rec ognized ability and integrity. The hope of saving a dollar may prove costly in the loug run. It is IMPORTANT that you should have new glasses if the ones you are wearing do not seem to be jiist right. I have fitted 20,000 eyes in Har risburg and vicinity with glasses. I guarantee satisfaction and my prices are as reasonable as you can get reliable service for anywhere. With H. C. Claster, ;!<>!£ Market St. News of Persons Who Come and Go Vlr. and Mrs. Harry Goldsmith, of New York City, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. B. Handler, 1219 North Second street, en route to Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. S. M. Gilman, 141 North Thir tefnth street, has returned from Phila" delphia, where she spent the holidays with Mrs. Charles Imbrie Kent, Jr. Mr. and Mrs O. Landis Rudy, who sptnt the Christmas season with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Imbrie Kent, Jr., at Philadelphia, have returned to this city, where they are spending the win ter with Mrs. 8. M. Gilman, 141 North I Thirteenth street. Robert Arnold, Of Pittsburgh, left last night for his home after spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Lura Arnold, 313 Blackberry street. Mrs. Helen Reed-Alexander and brother William, of Philadelphia, are spending the holidays with their sis ter, Miss Marv Reed, of Herr street. Harry Norwood, of North street, has i returned from a visit to Now York. Miss Helen Wall, 27 North Fifteenth street, left yesterday for a week's visit with 'Miss Rhe'a Basch, in Philadelphia. Mrs. Annie Douglars, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her son, Robert Douglass, 1840 Regina street. Raymond T. McCann, Uni versity, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James McCann, 512 Rate street. Miss Sara E. Mardorf, 116 Vine street, is the guest of relatives in Bed ford and Cumberland, Md. J. Russell Graham, of Philadelphia School of Pharmacy, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Graham, 98 Tuscarora street. Miss Ruth Baker, of Lemoyne, return ed from Greenwich, N. C., after a four months visit with relatives. John Newton McCulloch, Jr., 23 South Third street, has gone to Rich mond. Va., to spend the rest of his vacation. Dr. Robert Parvin Williams has re turned to Cincinnati after spending thlo week with his parents, Captain and Mrs. Robert C. Williams, 1616 North Second street. Miss Ruth McCulloch, of Port Royal, i is the guest of Miss* e-lla K. McCul j.ioeh, 1202 North Second street. David Rittcnhouse Shotwell, 1613 i North Front street, is spending several I days at York. -Miss Mary Gurney, of Poughkeepsie, | N. Y„ returned homo to-day afier spend- I iug a week with Miss Arta Williams, 1 1616 North Second street. Miss Margaret Walker, of Philadel ! phia, is visiting Miss Ellen K. MctCul ; io<*h, 1202 North Second street. Linn Wheeler Barr. of Reading, lias I returned home after a holiday visit with iiis parents, Mr. anil Mrs. S. A. D. Barr. 262 Herr street. Mrs. Annetta McCahan, 2300 North ' Sixth street, is home from a visit with I her daughter at Carlisle. I William Miller, of Philadelphia, has : returned home after a visit with his j parents. Mr. and Mrs C. Miller, 425 I Verbeke street. i Miss Martha Xeise, 15 North Fif teenth streel. is the guest of relatives in Washington, D. C., and will remain for the New Year. Miss Maud FettePhoff. 1601 Zarker street, is visiting in Williamsport with relatives. Miss Mary Glass, 4 0 North Seven teenth street, is the guest of relatives ! in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Roy S. Diller and son, Donald, | 1909 Green street, returned from Bal | timore. j Dr. Shelvey and daughter. Miss [ Helen, of West Chester, are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hefl'elfinger, 48 | North Seventeenth street. ! Mrs. Campbell an I daughter. Miss ! Elinor, ot' Miliersburg, are guests of ! Mr. anil Mrs. Jacob Shuemaker, 23 ' North Fifteenth street. Gerald Moyer, who is attending school in Baltimore, arrived home yes terday to spend two weeks with his j j areuts. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moyer, 402 I Crescent street. 'Mrs. Francis E. Bo'b, Cres cent street, has returned from a visit I to Carlisle. Mrs. S. Walter Dolfman relumed to her home in Philadelphia after a week i end visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Logan, 1120 Green street. Prof, and Mrs. Cecil A. Ewing and daughter, Miss Edith Muriel Ewing, of I Port Deposit. Maryland, left yesterday i for a visit to Carlisle after spending i a few days with Mr. Swing's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Ewing, 1500 North Sixth street. Melvin Parks, of Colver, returned j to-dav after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Parks, 1342 Nortli ; Sixth street. Mrs. George S. McGowan, 220 Emer ald street, ,aiid M'iss Mary Y. Mcßev nolds, 201 State street, have been called to Philadelphia on account of the death of their brother, Andrew J. j Me Reynolds. Mrs. H. Herman and daughter. Miss j lua Herman, of Readiug, have returned j home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. D. Barr, 262 Herr street. Miss Mary Hoover, of Philadelphia, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary j Hoover, 224 South street. Miss Vera Opal MeCans has re j turned to her home, 36 North Eight | eenth street, after spending the Christ | mas holidays with friends and rela tives in Shippensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge J. Danner | have returned to their home, 36 North ' Eighteenth street, after spending the I Christmas holidays with friends and | relatives in Gettysburg and Bigler- J ville. Paul Deck, 1348 Vernon street, re turned from Palmyra. Mrs. Emma Muir, of Port. Jervis, N. , Y„ is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8011, 2029 North Second street. Miss Estelle Smith, 2350 Ellerslie street, returned home from Philadel phia and Atlantic City. W. Ross Kimball, 422 South Thir teenth street, returned from Connells | ville, after spe'nding Christmas with j his parents. Karl and Jack Waidlick, 1429 Kit | tatinny street, have returned from Mer i cersburg. Miss Alice Ellen Me. K. Choate, ! State street, returned from Altoona after spending Christmas with her par j ents. R. Randall Kiernan, 432 Hummel street, returned frotn Philadelphia. Miss Mae Hope, 1641 Market street, returned from Girardville, after a holi day visit with, relatives. I Mrs. Irdman Perrine, of Philadelphia, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Rudolph, 221 Emerald street. Miss Laura Hetr.el, of Lewisburg, is spending the holidays with Mrs. J. W. Walze, 1803 North Second street. Miss Yohe has returned to her home in Chambergburg after a visit with Mrs. William Tomlinson, 1619 Regina street. Mrs. Elizabeth Newcomer, of May town, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Elizabeth Hant/.man, 422 South Thir teenth street. Roy Herst, 1417 Berrvhill street, returned from Lewistown after a visit with his parents. Miss Marv Cleveland Kulp, 1404 North Second street, has returned from Mifflin. Mr. and Mrs. William Binklev, 1626 barker street, returned from Lancas ter, where they spent a fortnight with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Whistler and sou, Charles Whistler, 322 South Thir teenth street, are home from Shire manstown. Elmer Ehlcr, 1923 (ireen street, re turned from New York, where he was the guest of relatives. Miss Margaret Huling, of Williams port. is the guest of Miss Katherine Leas. 320 South Thirteenth street. Harry Harter returned to Philadel phia after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mfs. Aaron Harter, 49 North Sixteenth street. William Henderson, 2000 Green street, has returned after a business trip to Philadelphia. J. C. Buck waiter, of the Public Service Commission, has returned from Royersford after spending the holidays with his parents. Miss Anne Moran, 1111 Green street, has returned from Carbondalo after spending Christinas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shreiner. 1624 Zarker street, returned from Lancaster after spending n week with relatives. Y . in. c A. BTBLE CONFERENCE WILL STARTJOT SUNDRY Great Interest Centers in the Big Event to Be Held From January to 10 in Fahnestock Hall—Dr. Scofield Will Be in Charge / The annual Bible conference under the auspice! of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, which will be held I January 3 to 10 in Palhnestoek hall, is I bound to be one of the religious events ' of the season. The fact of the engage ment of that notable teacher, Dr. C. I. Scofield, and his most excellent snb- I ject to be continued throughout the ! week, "Prom Genesis to Revelation,'' a panoramic view of the Bible, illus trated by charts, has stirred up unusual interest. Dr. Scofield is a great favorite ! in this city with both the clergy and the laity; this because pf the fuct that ; lie is a great Bible teacher, and not the least part of his greatness lies in the fact of his beautiful simplicity in i imparting his knowledge to his hearers. [ Dr. Scofield will occupy the pulpit, j of the Fourth Street Church of God ion Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock. The first session of the conference open to the public, both men and women, will be helii in Fahnestock hall Sunday aft ernoon at 3.30 o'clock. During the week meetings will be held in Kalhue stock hall every night at 7.4 5 o'clock I except Tuesday, and that of Tuesday ! will be lipid in Grace Methodist Kyis- I copal church. State street, at the same I hour; Fahnestock hall having been en gaged by the Harrisburg Choral Society ! for this date. On Sunday morning, January 10. Dr. ; Scofield will occupy the pulpit of Grace I Metiiodist Episcopal church, and the closing session of tfhe conference will be held in Fahnestock hall Sunday aft ernoon at 3.30 o'clock. Everything now points to the fact that this will be one of the greatest Bible conferences ever held under as sociation auspices since their commence ment twenty-four years ago. New Discoveries About Stars A popula- account of some recent, important advances in the astronomy of the stars will be given to-night at 8 o'clock at the December meeting of the astronomical section of the Natural History Society in the Willard school building. The speaker will be John Stewart. Jr., of this city, now a senior at Princeton Univ -rsitv, arid his sub ject will be "Some New Discoveries About, the Stars." The talk will be illustrated and open to the public. Lebanon Officials Will Be Heje Lebanon, Dec. 29. —Members of Lebanon's City Council and City Clerk Daniel M. Sharp, will go to Harris burg to-morrow to attend the special meeting of the League of the Third Class Cities. The delegation will in clude Councilmen Edwin U. Sowers, James E. Fisher, George T. Spang, George F. Krause and probably May or Longenecker, and City Solicitor Graeff. 11 How To Get Rid of a $ o Bad Cough J J A name-Made Remedy that 'Will | < > »o It Quickly. Cheap and | < | Easily Made ife If you have a bad cough or chest cold which refuses to yield to ordinary reme dies, get, from any druggist li'/ 2 ounces of I inex (.>0 cents worth), pour into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Start taking a teaspoonful every hour or two. In 24 hours your cough will be conquered or very nearly so. Even whooping cough is greatly relieved in thiß way. I'he above mixture makes a full pint a family supply—of the finest couch i svrup that money could buy— at a cost of only 54 cents. Easily prepared in d minutes, tull directions with Pinex. I Ibis Pinex and Sugar Svrup nrena -1 ration takes right hold of a cough anil gives almost immediate relief, ft loos ens the dry, hoarse or tight cough in a way that is really remarkable. Also quickly heals the inllamcd membranes which accompany a painful cough, and stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough. Excellent for ! bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter ——ofi ld K *flk >? t erfeCt ' y alU * taßtes K ° o( * Pinex is a special and highly concen : trated compound of genuine Norway pino extract, rich in guaiaeol, which is so healing to the membranes. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2% ounces of Pinex,"—do not accept anything else. A guarantes of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly. refunded goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co.. Ft. Wavne. lnd. preEP®®^ 1U BETTER M«MR LESS MONLY U I Special Hour Sale 1 ' Wednesday, Dec. 30th gf £££ Positively no goods sold after specified hour. H JT| No goods reserved or sent C. O. D. f?; UJ No goods sold to children. , , D From 8.30 to 12.30 From Ito 5 ijj a Petticoats Waists y ■»■ T ii n .i Crepe tie Chine, ttonnti 1 u 11v ■ j|l Jersey Top, all silk. the Pl , lbr oi.i..rc.i. soils everywt,f&J fcg kind you pay elsewhere for $".oo. Positively t<> mor- si H $3.00, row only, [Ti SIA9 $1.89 H □ „ 0 53 - Suits Coats ni rq Velvet Broadcloth and M Serges, till trinilliou, Litest thin season's styles; all sizes. Bs |jj in fashion. The kind you Bolted ami flare bottom. Von I jj| IJi cannot buv anywhere under can't duplicate them under aJfii ill $30.00, » 25 - 00 - B $15.99 | m Coats Suits |yf &SI f Serges. Po;'ics. Corduroys, Li 171 1& 0 ( oals, consisting oi Gaberdines urn! nil other ma jr;"* 11| Zihelines, Chinchillas, Mix- tenuis; Skinnor's satin lined; .-ill B r=| tures, etc., thai sold Up to this season's styles; |,.u;; or La $i j.oo, sh ° rt i'! 1 siz,,s - e T . 1,,,w La E ' suits have soi l 111 >lo $2.i.00 SSffl .OO. Vol\ets. ( hinciiillas, Ua ~ , ~ ... . Broadcloths and for- IKb j«*sj sizcs - a " '-"lors; lositnely to-moriow (Jllrov st! | li|)} , SS MB worth up to $ll.OO, only, $5.00, ,j | $1.19 54.99 g □ ■ GlEEClflSl ■ BE ■■ VMUSEMENTS I AMUSEMENTS EfIajESTic~fHEfIfRF WILMEB NKW YEAR'S EVENING—ONE CONCERT ONI.Y LECTURE-RECITAL in THK I'AMO! S IIAItITONE (iHKATKST SI\(.MH PRICKS) -•"><•, fiOc, 7fic nml sl,llO SKATS TO-MORROW 'J Saturday, Matinee and Night, January 2 Triumphant Return. Direct from the Ailetphla Theatre, l*liilul|iltin PRlCKS*—Matinee, 23c, 30c. 73c nml *I.OO. HvrnliiK. .r.e, fine, 75c. mi.nil mill SI.SU SEATS THURSDAY ORPHEUM *!!¥,. £°!l 0 " Hotel Turnover llarrlMliurK Kver Saw ANI) \N EXCIOI.I.ENT SHOW Keane & Window n - n * n* Direct fro... VV. Winter Htmlc. Q|g JJ Q|J|] | \ otOTB !!?si?5 ine To-morrow Night Children'* l*arl> on the Stage \\ eilnrmlny Aftnnonn In llouor of IXIVT «IXS THIS SHOW Mnrlr nml H»r l.ltdc Partner, Klnn- „ n ,| lf S)| (hp ilon Brown. Country storr. CAMIM nml A <.OOI» TIMK FOR Al.l. \ HAItRBI. Of IT X I™™""™™""———— Doesn't Like Water Mrs. (irogan (chatting with neigh bor) —I had this waist dry cleaned last I week all' now it's as good as new.! ljitilc Johnny Grojjan—Ma, kin t'hey ! clean faces that way?—l'uck. Artistic Printing at Star-Independent 1 3 PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY THE HOW it—2-nrt l.llhlll THE HATE THAT WITIIKHS—S-ai'i Knlrm TWO POI'-ll» KMI I,US—S. A A (ivoi'Ke \ilc | THK K(iU'H\N —\|ta. i Krttph romodj