The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 29, 1914, Image 1

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Oetclled Report* Page 6
8IT*?"«VJ. KD VOL. 77—NO. 21.
May Eventually Have|
to Pay Large Sums'
for Detention of'
American Cargoes
Mr. Wilson States Opinion in Refer
ring to American Note to Great
Britain For Better Treatment of
U. S. Commerce
By Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. 29.—President
Wilson, referring to-day to the Araeri
< sn note to Great Britain, insisting on
better treatment for Ameri in com
merce, declared that large damages
eventually would have to be paid by
England for unlawful detention of
American cargoes.
The President coupled a confirma
tion of this morning's publication of
the sending of th» note and of its con
tents with the statement that the gov
ernment could ileal confidently with the
subject only if supported by absolutely
honest manifests. He said the great
embarrassment to the government in
dealing with the whole matter was that
some shippers had concealed contraband
in the cargoes of non-contraband arti
cles, for example, under a cargo of cot
ton. So long as there were instances
of that kind, the President said, sus
picion was cast on every shipment and
all cargoes were liable to doubt and
Republican Leader Mann's Views
Vigorous criticism of the adminis
tration policy in Mexico and on-en
dorsement of the protest to Great Brit
ain against the seizure of American
neutral vessels were coupled in the
House by Republican header Mann.
"Our rights on the high seas," said
Mr. Mann, discussing the protest to
England, "must be upheld with dig
nity and firmness. I commend the ad
ministration for the position it has
taken. I do not believe that we ought
to resign all our rights on the seas to
foreign countries. England has continu
ally and persistently seized neutral
vessels carrying neutral cargoes to neu
tral ports.
"We wish to keep out of this Euro
pean war. But we do not intend, in or
der to keep out, to say to the warring
nations you may do what you please
without regard to our rights. There is
no danger of our being involved in
this war by protecting our rights. Eng
land cannot afford to go to war with
us. Neither can Germany."
Washington, D. C., Dec. 29.—Official
Washington awaited with much inter
est the outcome of the expected con
ference in London to-day between Am
bassador Page and Sir Edward Grey,
the British Foreign Secretary for the
presentation of a long note from the
United States government insisting
that the legitimate commerce of this
country should not be unduly molested
by the British fleet.
The communication, prepared by-
President Wilson and his advisers in
the State Department, reached Lon
don to-day and was regarded here as
the strongest representation on the
subject of commerce made by the Unit-
Contlnued on Mntk I'nge.
Small Steamer Sunk by Mine
London, Deo. 29, 3.10 A. M.—The
Glasgow steamer Gem, a small vessel of
about 500 tons, has been sunk in the
North sea as the result of striking a
mine. Two of the crew were rescued,
tiut the fate of the others aboard the
Gem is unknown.
Russian Cruiser Threatened Tripoli
Washington Dec. 29. Captain
Oman, commanding the armored cruiser
North Carolina, at Beirut, Syria, in
formed the Navy Department to-day
that it was a Russian cruiser and not
an American vessel which recently
threatened to bombard Tripoli.
Wilson Firm on Philippine Policy
By Associated Press.
Washington, Dec. 29.—President
Wilson told eaHers to-day that his sup
port of the Jones bill for ultimate
Philippine independence, will not be
altered by the recent disturbances in
the islands. He declared accounts of
the uprising had undoubtedly been ex
aggerated. The President intimated he
believed the reports were due to ef
forts to defeat the cause of Philippine
®)c Star- Jtdtepettkiii
Russian announcements of defeats of
the Germans are disputed to-day by the
Berlin War Office, which states that the
attacks of the invading armies in Po
land have made progress and tha v
strong Russian assaults have been re
pelled. No mention is made, however,
of the situation in Gallcia, where the
Russians are described as having in
flicted a severe defeat on the Austro-
German forces.
The French campaign for re-posses-1
sion of its lost province of Alsace, ono j
of the first objectives of the armies of
the republic after th 8 outbreak of the
war. apparently is making progress. The '
unofficial reports last night that the al-1
lies were shelling Muelhausen are sup- j
plemented to-day by the statement of
the French War Office that the town of
Steinbach, Upper Alsace, has been in
In France and Belgium the fighting
drags on, with small victories for each
side. The German official announcement
tells of the capture of a French trench
in a burned forest west of Apremont.
The French statement admits the tem
porary loss of this trench but adds that
it was retaken later after three counter
attacks. Both Paris and Berlin mention
minor gains, with violent fighting at
Continued on Ninth I'nve.
Men Accused by a Middletown Livery
man Are Remanded for Court
on Bail, Each
(Special to the Star-Independent.)
Middletown, Pa., Dec. 29.—'Harry
Sheet/, and Morris Mellott, at a hearing
before Squire T. C. Smith late yester
day afternoon, were declared by D.
Miles Sherrick, a Water street livery
man, to be the men who on October 10,
last, failed to return a team which
Sherrick alleges they hired from him
early that day. Both were remanded
to jail in default of $2,500 bail, each,
to stand court trial on the charge of
horse stealing.
Both horses have been found. One
was returned to the liveryman several
weeks ago and the other will be brought
back in a few days. It is charged that
the defendants disposed of both the
horses and a phaeton wagon. Sheetz
and Mellott were brought to town from
Kittanning where they were arrested
by C. C. Sturm and W. H. Schmuehl,
State policemen.
When taken before Squire Smith the
defendants said Ihey wanted to waive
a hearing, but the Justice questioned
the witnesses. Among Shorn was Fred
Myers, another Middletown liveryman,
who identified the accused men as a
pair who, on October 10, last, sought
in vain to hire a team from him.
Sues Railways Company for Death of
Husband Beheaded in Subway
Amelia Walters, widow of John Wal
| tors, the workman who was beheaded
j by a falling rail at the Second and
I Mulberry street subway excavations on
i December 10, last, this morning filed
: suit against the Harrisburg Railways
I Company, claiming $5,000 damages.
| The papers were filed by W. L. Loescr,
I as counsel.
It is charged that Walters came to
! his death through negligence ou the
part, of the company. Workmen had
| been distributing rails preparatory to
: extending the Second street trolley line
i in the subway excavation, when' Wal
, ters fell down an embankment and was
| rendered unconscious. Before work
i men could rescue him another rail was
dropped, striking one that had been
| dropped a moment before, and, acting
like a shear, cut oil the top of Wal
ters' head.
| Mrs. Keane Accused of Involuntary
Manslaughter in Automobile Accident
Mrs. Alma Keane, 524 Maclay street,
whose'automobile struck and fatally
injured John McCormick, 5 years old,
j son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McCormick,
834 Harris street, on October 31, last,
j was to-day charged with involuntary
manslaughter, information having been
[made before Alderman Bolton. Mrs.
j Keane was taken before the Dauphin
I county court this afternoon when bail
was fixed. She will have a hearing be
-1 fore Alderman Bolton Thursday morn
ing at 10 o 'clock.
Mrs. Keane, it is- alleged, was driv
j ing north in Third street when her car
j hit the boy. The child at first was ear-
I ried to his home nearby and later taken
Ito the Polyclinic Hospital where he
! died from a fractured skull the same
j afternoon.
Man Injured When Train Hit Chemical
Apparatus Sues Railroad
A claim for $5,000 damages was
filed in court to-day Dy W. L. Loeser, as
counsel, for Charles B. Sharp against
the Northern Central Railroad Com
pany. Sharp was struck by a North
ern Central train at Second and Mul
berry streets 011 December 17, 1913,
it is alleged, while driving up Second
street with the chemical wagon of the
Paxton Fire Company. His shoulder
blade was broken and he was other
wise injured, he alleges.
It is charged tint he was not warned
of the approach of the train and that
the grade crossing watchman did not
put the gates down in time to prevent
the collision.
Infant Daughter of Mr. Holton Dies
Isaibelle Hershey Holton, the infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.
Holton, died of pneumonia yesterday
afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home
of her parents, 1 North Harrisburg
street, Steelton. Mr. Holton is private
secretary to J. V. W. Reynders, vice
president of the Pennsylvania Steel
Company. The funeral will be private.
Governor Appoints His
Private Secretary a
Member of Public
Service Commission
Pennypacker Becomes the Chairman
and His Term of Office Is Ex
tended Two Years—Extensions of
One Year for Other Members
Announcement was made to-ilay by
Governor Tenor that he has appointed
Walter Htigus (iaither, for the last four
years his private secretary, to be a
member of the State Public Service
Governor s Private Secretary Appoint
ed To-day to Public Service Board
Commission to succeed the late Judge
Nathaniel Ewing. The salary is $lO,-
000 a year.
Mr. Gaither is forty-five years old,
a resident of Pittsburgh, and has been
in public lifp for the last eight years,
four of which were with Governor Tell
er as his Congressional Secretary in
Washington. Previous to yoing to
Washington Mr. Gaither was an active
newspaperman in Pittsburgh, having
been connected with several prominent
dailies as political reporter and cor
Mr. Gaither upon receiving the ap
pointment this morning at once resign
ed the positions of private secretary
Continued on Fourth I'aicr.
Miss Marie Tailer to Become the Bride
of S. Bryce Wing
(Special to tli- s.a -In nc'ent.
New York, Dec. 29.—The engage
ment of Miss Marie Tailer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Tailer, 16 East
Seventy-second street, to S. Bryce
Wing, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stuart
Wing, West Forty-eighth street, was
announced yesterday.
Miss Tailer made her 'debut last
year. Grand Duke Alexander Michael
ovitch of Russia, a cousin of the Czar,
I declared when he saw her in Newport
j last year that she was '-the most
| beautiful girl in all the world."
She has been prominent at the race
; meets and horse shows and has taken
| part in numerous charity enterta'in
-1 merits. Mr. Wing is a member of the
i Piping Ro-ck and New York Athletic
j Clubs.
Rain Freezes to Sidewalks—Traffic Not
A heavy rain which started falling a c
10 o'clock this moruing made walking
extremely dangerous. A "thick coating
of ice formed on the sidewalks. The
temperature was above freezing, but
the pavements were cold. No ice
formed on wires so as to hinder lines
of communication nor waS it of suffi
cient strength to hinder trolley or rail
road traffic.
There is no prospect of any immedi
ate change in the weather, as it is the
result of a storm which is traveling
southeastward from the western lake
region, its center was in Indiana this
morning. The rain will probably cause
a slight increase in the river stage, but
no important change in the ice condi
tions are likely to occur. The lowest
temperature fixed for to-night is 36 de
Trampled to Death by Horse
Philadelphia, Dec. 29. —tili|»pery
sidewalks and road-ways, caused by
rain which froze as it fell, caused one
death and numerous accidents in this
city to-day. William Munp'hy, 57 years
old, walking in the street, because of
the icy -pavements, slipped and fell di
rectly in front of a horse and was
trampled to death.
Aged Man Injured by Fall on Ice
New Holland, Pa., Dec; 29. —R. M.
Storb, proprietor of the New Holland
marble yard, fell Sunday while on his
way to church and was badly injured.
The icy pavement threw him violently
to the ground. He is 82 years of age
and the injuries may prove fatal.
City Commissioners
Fix It at 9 Mills for
1915, and Approve
Budget of $552,162
Says in One Year Under Commission
Form of Government City Has Paid
SID.KOH for New Jobs, Increased
Salaries and Improvements
The ordinances fixing the city tax I
rate for 1915 at nine inula and mak
ing deprtmental appropriations total
ing $.">62,162.73 were passed finally
by the City Commissioners this after
' noon.
Immediately before final action was
! taken on the tax levy measure Mayor
Royal declared that in his opinion tho
I city cannot take care of the increased
i appropriations with the decreased tax
j rate, announced that the tax rate for
| 1916 cannot possibly be fixed at less
j than nine and one-half mills and added
j that it may go soaring to ten mills,
i The mayor further remarked that
; the Clark commission form of govern
ment, under which the city is now
j working, is not the means of running
i the city at less cost than when the old
two-council system was in vogue, and
i wound up by saying that. since the
five-member Commission has been op
| erating the affairs of the city, new po
sitions have been created, salaries
i raised and improvements made costing
| the city no less than $49,808.
However, when it came to voting on
j both the tax levy and the budget, all
five Commissioners, including the niay-
I or, cast their ballots in the aftirma
j tive.
| Not Economies, Says Mayor
I Denpite contradictory statements from
| all his colleagues, the Mayor insisted
j that while some increases come natur
ally with the growth of the city, "it
| is not fair that the people should be
i made to understand that the decrease
j in tho tax rate is due solely to an eco
; nomical administration of the City's af
, fairs under the Clark act."
To Hint he ndde»l: "The only reason
1 you could decrease the tax rate this
j year was 'because we did not make an
appropriation to certain of the sinking
| funds which had previously been taken
j care of."
| In response to a remark from Com
; missioner Taylor to the effect that the
| City Solicitor rendered the Commission
i an opinion to tihe effect that it could
j not appropriate money to the sinking
fund, since the moneys which must be
i available in that fund already have
| been appropriated, the Mayor remarked
I that he could not understand "why we
can't make the appropriation this year,
Continued on Fourth I'njfc.
Introduces Ordinance That Would Bene
fit Both Large and Small Consum
ers—Would Mean $25,000 Less
Revc n ue Annually to Department
Another cut in i he city water rates—
one that will mean a reduction in the
City Water Department revenues of
from $25,000 to $26,000 a year, equiv
i alent to more than half a mill on the
j City's present realty valuation of $49,-
000,000 —is planned by Harry F. Bow
man, Commissioner of Public Safety,
• under an ordinance he introduced at
the meeting of the City Commissioners
this afternoon.
The measure passed first reading and
! will come up for second reading and
: final passage at next week's meeting.
I Unlike other reductions Mr. Bowman
i made in the wate: rates, both this year
| and last, this cut will affect generally
, the private families and the hotels and
j restaurants. Under the present rate of
,12'/, cents per 100 cubic feet—7so
; gallons—the consumer is allowed to
I utilize 4,000 cubic feet of water for the
annual charge of $5.
The reduced rate will be 10 cents
I per 100 cubic feet, so that for the mini
i mum charge of $5 the consumer will
| be allowed to use 5,000 cubic feet of
! water. In a letter which accompanied
! the ordinance reducing the rates Mr.
! Bowman said:
"This new rate also benefits the
small manufacturer, hotels, restaurant
keepers and all users of water who
heretofore have paid the 12Vi-cent
This reduction alone, according to
Mr. Bowman, will mean a cut in the
annual revenues of the Water Depart
ment of something like $22,810.10.
However, that is but one of three
rates that will be reduced. For those
consumers—principally the large ho
: tels —now using less than 5,000 gallons
j of water daily the rate will be changed
from 10 cents per 1,000 gallons to 9
Half a cent, it is proposed, also will
be deducted from the rate charged con
sumers whose daily average is not less
than 5,000 gallons and not more than
10,000. This rate heretofore has been
BVj cents per 1,000 gallons, whereas
the ordinance provides only 8 cents
shall be charged.
Mr. Bowman informed his colleagues
that the Water Department is entirely
aible to stand the reduction in its reve
nues, since the unexpended balances
and excess revenues this year will
amount to something like $80,216.45.
k. BHL
l V i,\sr i rrrr -* a* •>»»>»
w uncord
Washington, D. C., Dec. -fc. —The [
| wedding of Mass Genevieve ("n:k ami j
j James M. Thomson, whose engagement
j has just been announced by Speaker of
the House and Mrs. Champ Clark, par- j
j ents of t'he former, will be an event I
' of the spring or early summer at Honey- \
shuck, the Clark home at Bowling
j Green, Mo., and will culminate a ro- j
. v. • I
Police Redouble Efforts
to Land Man Who
Has Assaulted Three
Dozen Bluecoats Engage in Hunt After
He Knocks Down North Tenth
Street Woman Who Is Taking
Clothes From Line
The Harrisburg police are redoubling
their efforts to ca'.cli the negro who
three times within a week has assaulted
white women. Last night and the night
before a dozen policemen scoured the
sections of the city where he has ap
Last night he scaled a fence at the
rear of a North Tenth street house,
where a woman was taking some clothes
from the line He struck her on the
side of the face with his fist and felled
her to the ground. Her screams at
tracted her husband, who was inside
the house, and the negro mado good
liis escape into an alley at the rear of
the yard
His appearance was reported to the
police, who searched the neighborhood,
■but he could not be found. Two other
similar cases have been reported to the
police and in each case the descriptio ll
of the man was the same. He is of
slight build, light complexioned and
wears a little mustache.
On Sunday a man answering
this description rapped on tho rear door
of a North Seventh street house and a
little boy answered the rap. The ne
gro inquired for the boy's father. On
being informed that his father was up
stairs he left, saying he would see him
again. The father immediately noti
fied the poliee, but a close search failed
to locate him.
Chief of Police Hutchison is anxious
to land this man ar.d asks the co-opera
tion of the citizens in general for their
Charcoal Fire Starts Blaze
When a charcoal fire was built in
what appeared to be a fire place in
the front room on the second floor of
the Hotel Detroit, 422 Market street,
the flue caught fire. The fire was con
fined to the room in which it originated.
The Aaronson store on the first floor
suffered a trifle by water. The loss
will not exceed S2OO.
Arm Fractured in Coasting Accident
James Cooper, 7 years old, son of
Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cooper, of Camp
Hill, suffered a fractured left arm in a
coasting accident noar his home yester
day afternoon. He was admitted to
the Harrisburg Hospital for treat
man begun at the National Demo
i ratio convention at Baltimore, in
1912, where 'Mr. Clark was one of the
leading aspirants for the Presidential
nomination. Mr. Thomson was born in
13 7S and is a New Orleans newspaper
man. His fiancee, who is remarkaible
for her charm of manner and a fair
girlish beauty, recently celebrated her
nineteenth birthday.
Wormleysburg Borough Council Goes
Unanimously on Record as Opposed
to Alleged Plan of the Pennsylva
nia Eaiiroad Company
(Special to tlie Star-Independent.)
Wormleysburg, Pa., Dec. 29.—There
is a spirited contest on regarding the
closing of Ferry street, in this borough,
at the Pennsylvania railroad crossing.
I'ersons alleged to be looking in the
interests of the railroad circulated a
'petition to the court asking that tho
road, which has been a public high
way for many years, be closed. The
purpose is said to be to close tho
crossing which is at the foot of a long
hill so the railroad company will be re
lieved of the responsibility of the trav
el over its tracks. Some signatures
were obtained in favor of having tho
roaid closed.
Yesterday a counter petition was
circulated and numerously signed by
the citizens of Wormleysburg and vicin
ity. It was planned to present it to
the court in Carlisle to-day.
Those opposing the plan to close the
j road say such a change would cut off
several large farms back of Worinleys
j burg and compel those desiring to go
jto Fort Washington, Washington
I Heights, or Camp Hill to go by the way
! of Lemoyne which is much further and
I more inconvenient. Furthermore, it is
| set forth, it would cut off the Heights
back of Wormleysburg from the town
laud prevent the Heights developing into
! a residential section.
There is much feeling in the matter
and a decided effort will be made to
keep the road open. The borough
council unanimously passed a resolution
protesting against closing the road anil
instructed the borough's attorney, in
Carlisle, to take any legal measures in
his power to prevent the plan being
i Just 101 But City Electrician Diehl
Is in a Quandary
It having been duly proclaimed and
spread broadcast that the Court House
bell would boom forth with "1-9-1-5"
at midnight. City Klectrician Diehl,
after trying to find the man who first
said it and being unsuccessful "is now
doping out a plan whereby be can sat
isfy the demand.
Assistant Fire Chief Edward Halbart
advanced the idea that a man be sta
tioned at fire alarm box No. 19 to pull
it at that time, to be followed closely
by a pull from box No. 18, but that was
not feasible because four rounds of each
■figure would ring and not only from
the Court house but from every other
bell in t'he fire house, hence the result
would be " 19-19-19-19 15-15-15-la."
"Besides," argued 'Mr. Diehl, "that
would tie up tihe fire alarm system for
some time, and we can't do that. So
he is now engaged in doping but a sys
tem by Which he can strike the nu
merals representing the new year with
out interfering. It is some .job.
Confessed to Killing Little Girl
Bp AssoiHatcil Press.
Millville, N. J., Doc. 29; The mys
tery surrounding the killing last night
of Beatrice Bailey, 6 years old, who
was struck by a bullet that came
through a window at the home of her
grandmother, was cleared up to-day
when George Hanti, 29 years old, was
arrested and confessed, according to the
]>oliee, that he had accidentally shot
the Child while trying to kill his sweet
Tells State Teachers in
Session Here Why-
Pupils Should Learn
the Language
Meeting of Classical Language Section
Preceding General Session—Speak
er Explains How History of Cae
sar's Time Is Being Repeated
Governor-elect Martin G. Brumbaugh,
in an address at. Technical High school
this afteruoon at the first general ses
sion of the State Educational Associa
tion convention, spoke briefly of the
aims of the association, and as his only
recommendation, strongly urged tho
study of the Spanish language in the
pr.'blic schools. He made no reference
either to Pennsylvania or to national
politics. In his audience were element
i ary and high school teachers, normal
| school, college and university professors
and presidents, county, city and bor
ough school superintendents aud many
visitors. His address follows:
"For this great organization of my
co-workers in the dear old Keystone
i .State I have a deep and abiding affec-
I tion. I attended the sessions here in
t I.'■So, when the late and much loved
| John Q. Stewart was president. At.
I Mnuch Chunk soon after I became a life
. memiber and in 1 898, at State College,
; I was your
"The record of the association '*
services to education iti Pennsylvania
is a lengthy and honorable one. It has
wisely kept from advocating extreme
and sensational things. If has steadily
and sturdily stoi;:l for the truly pro
gressive things in our educational ad
\ ance.
Schools Aie the People's
"The public schools, supported by
law, are the people's schools. The peo
ple provide the fund by taxation and
appropriation for their maintenance.
They justly, as well as legally, demand
large consideration from our citizens.
They exist to make democracy possible.
More potent than armies and navies are
schools. The soldier and tin sailor
must shave with the teacher the honor
able and patriotic service of preserv
ing our national life. For the schools
exist primarily to make our civilization
and our civic, progress possible. To
them is given, with the home and the
church, the honorable task of making
the life of the republic secure. These
are the institutions m our social order
to which we must, always turn for the
making of the citizenry we would have
the republic possess.
Need for Knowledge of Spanish
".lust now, we have a striking il
lustration of a great educational need
in this country. Almost ten million
Continued on
Governor-elect, Here To-day, Says He
Has Not Made His Cabinet Selections
Dr. 'Martin U. Brumbaugh, Governor
elect of Pennsylvania, was in Harris
burg to-day, the first time since the
election that gave him a majority vote
over the combined vote of all the other
candidates. Dr. Brumbaugh was hero
to attend a meeting of the State Board
of Education, his last before he assumes
the position as Governor, as he has ten
dered his resignation to take effect Jan
uary 1.
Accompanied 'by James P. Hyatt, hi»
personal secretary, Dr. Brumbaugh ar
rived here at 11.30 o'clock this morn
ing and went at once to the board meet
ing. Later the entire party registered
at the Commonwealth, anil after lunch
eon the board won't to the Technical
High school where the State Educa
tional Association was 'holding its an
j nual session.
Later tho educational board mot
I again and took up its unfinished busi
This evening Dr. Brumbaugh will bo
the guest of Governor and Mrs. Tener
at the Executive Mansion, and will
leave for Pittsburgh about 11 o'clock,
where to j morrow he will meet Kopubli
can County Chairman Walter .1. <'liristy
and Republican City Chairman Charles
H. Kline, to confer on the political sit
uation in Allegheny county and discuss
Western Pennsylvania appointments un
der liis administration.
Dr. Brumlbaugh was questioned while
here on the subject of his cabinet ap
pointments but said he had not as yet
made any selections for any of his
calbinet positions. He intends to tako
t'he matter up after his return to Phil
adelphia from the west.
"I have not told anybody about the
make-up of my calbinet," said Dr. Brum
Just who of his immediate family will
accompany the new Governor to Har
ris'burg when be takes up his homo in
tflie Executive Mausion is as yet un
decided. Dr. Brumbaugh said his daugh
ter, who is a school teacher in Philadel
phia, prefers'to teach school rather than
come here, but his domestic and Eocial
affairs have yet to 'be arranged.
By Associated Press.
New York, Dec. li».—Liquidation
of Rock Island collateral Is and Deb
enture 5s which fell from 2 to 5 points
was the sole feature of the final hour.
The closing was irregular. The situa
tion growing out of Washington's pro
test to England over the detention of
this country's commerce imported some
heaviness to to-day's market. Most of
the leaders were under yesterday's
best on a small overturn.