6 Qtll? &tar-3nd*p*tt&ttu (Jiltabtuhed m JX76) Published b» THE STAR PRINTING COMPANY, /" Stai -lnd»p»->d*nt Building. NJO-11 South Third StrMt. Harri»W«. Pa. ■vary I>«nla| Eioapt Sunday Ofrittr*: Ihrttfrr*. tauAMi* F. Minus. JOIN L L KCHN. President. W*. W Wallowir, _ _ Vfc« President Wm. K Mums, Sac ret art aoil Tre»«»r*r. tu W Waliowm. Wm~H WA«s*R. V. Hcmmcl Bebobacs. J* , Bunufl' Muagrr Editor. All eomujunlca-ious should ha «idr**snt to STAR I.VDEFBKDKKT, Business. Editorial. Job PnutUf or Circulation Department according to the subject matter Entered at the Post On the sidewalks. but the now liovernor' brave ly footed it up Frout to State and up State to the capitol. where he took the oath of office, delivered his inaugural speech and went over to his office and took up his gubernatorial work for lour years." And a storniv and turbu lent time of it he Jiad during his first year, with the Senate Republican and the House Democratic and everybody pulling in different directions. Paraded the Second Time When Pattison was inaugurated the second time as Governor he had gotten over the Jetfersonian simplicity idea, and in ISSI he accepted the program arranged by the Inaugural Committee, oi which Henry D. Green, Senator from Berks, was chairman, -a Democrat, be it remembered, as it wn o a Democratic Governor who was being inaugurated. Pattison participated in all of the cere monies, there being a public inaugural, with a tine parade and fire works in Market square in the evening. No one enjoyed the fireworks more than the new Governor who viewed them from a window in the Commonwealth hotel parlor. Ami the second term of Gov ernor Pottison was much more peace able and pleasant than his tirst. * O * Beaver's Inauguration Saddened A sad misfortune befell Governor Beaver within a few hours after his inauguration as Governor. A little son, a very bright little felloiv. fell ill, and die! in a short time. Some attempt was made to lay the blame for the lit tle fellow s tatal iiluess on the imper fect drainage system then at the Execu tive Mansion, but that was never ful ly demonstrated, and it was the general opinion that the severe weather, com bined with a slight illness from which the boy suffered in Bellefonte before coming to Harrisburg, was the cause of his death. Will Be Pour Ex-Governors After Governor-elect Brumbaugh takes office there will be four living ex-Governors—William A. Stone, of Pittsbu-gh. still active as an attorney; Samuel W. Pennypacker. of Philadel phia, a member of the Public Service Commission; Edwin S. Stuart, of Phila delphia. the head of a big book-soiling establishment in that city, known as "Leary's Old Book Store," and John K. Tener, of Charleroi, who will have his time fully occupiel as president of the National League of Baseball Clubs. Thomas ST. Jones. Apoplexy Fatal to Aged Woman Smithville, Dec. 2S.—Mrs. Aaron Shultz, 7 4 years old, died yesterday from apoplexy. She was among the first residents of this Lancaster countv town, her father. Siras Johnson, being one of the incorporators. She was a member of the Brethren church and. be sides the husband, a number of chil dren and grandchildren and five broth ers and sisters survive. r \ Have You a Good Hot Water Bottle ? You need one. Every home does. The season for Cold Feet, Neuralgia, Backache, Rheumatism and Lum bago is here. A Hot Water Bottle Is useful in forty ways and a good one will give you long service in the forty ways. C'onie here for a water bottle and select from our large assortment of best quality goods at prices rang ing from 65£ to $2.00 according to size. We have them from 4 ounces to 3 quarts. Forney's Drug Store 426 Market St *• ' —iM————« After Christmas Sale ATTRACTIVE MERCHANDISE MILLINERY BI Q SPECIAL SALE One lot Ladies' Silk Velvet Hats, good shapes, ! *I.OO to $2.00 values a*, ART NEEDLE WORK DEPT. J One lot Children's Trimmed Hats, 30c to #I.OO val- , . _ . . „ , , ues 25c Stamped Cushions. Special 10c One lot Trimmings, .Vic value 15c 25c Stamped White and Tan Doilies. Special. ...15c 2,1 c Laundry Bags 2.1 c Sewing Bugs !.!!!!!!.,l»c / ■ \ 33c Clothes Pin Aprons I)» c LACES 1 I Slipper Solos, satin and lamb's wool, sizes from :1 in- I ,5 fant to 1! misses'. Special » e One lot Sample Pieces Oriental Laces, 45c to $1.50 23c White Linen Huck Quest Towels. Special, . ,15c values •Air White Linen Collars toe 25c RBd 50C White Linou Collar and Cutis, 15c. One lot of Trimmings. SI.OO to $2.00 values, . . ;U»c v ' Special Sale of Package Stamped Goods N Articles with floss to finish; IQ n DRY GOODS values 25c and 50c. Sale price, AJ/C One lot 40-inch colored cotton Matelasse Imported Cushions. Waists. Drawers, Collar and Cuffs, Boudoir Ooods, 75c vfclue 14c Caps, Aprons, Corset Covers, Novelties, etc. One lot Novelty Crepe Plaids. 25c and 50c values. One lot Embroidored Flannelette Skirts, light and dark I2lgc colors, 50c values 25c i i —V a All HOLIDAY GOODS lc to 25c DEPARTMENT STORE Greatly Reduced Prices 1 215 Market Street Opp. Court House Additional Personal and Social News BLAIR-BOOTH WEDDING Ceremony Performed This Morning by ttie Kev. Dr. Swallow Dr. Silas Swallow officiated at the wedding this morning of Miss Florence D. xßootii, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ißootih, of Reuovo, to Henry D. Blair, an attorney of Baltimore. The bride wore a gown of white crepe meteor with pearl trimmings and a veil held in place 'by orange 'blossoms and carried a shower of bridal roses ana valley lilies. There were no attendants. A dinner was served, at'ter which Mr. and Mrs. Blair left for Washington, D. C. On their returu they will reside in Batimore, Md. Entertained for Miss Cohn Mrs. Charles Aaronson entertained at her home, -57 'Forster street, last even ing, in compliment to her guest, Miss Mavine Co'hn, of Baltimore, Aid. The guests included (Misses 'Mayme Cohn. Mary Cooper. Agnes Myers. Helen May er, Edna 'Mayer, Joseph Roehman, Har ry Levinson, Mr. and Mrs. Schampion, Dr. an I Mrs. Goldman. Dr. 'Broude and Mr. and 'Mrs. Aaron son. Dance at Elk's Club The Elks aud their ladies will hold a dance at the Klks club to-morrow night. The social committee has made elaborate arrangements for a big af fair. lyoeser's orchestra will furnish the music and luncheon will be served in the grill room. A large attendance is expected. Kinser-Schaetler Wedding Eiiznhethtown, Dec. 28.—i.Miss Grace E. Sc'haeffer, of this place, and Christian V. Kinser, of near Mountville. were married Saturday nig'at at the parson age of the Faith Reformed church. Lan .aster, by the Rev. Dr. .1. W. Meminger. The ring ceremony was used and the couple was unattended. NEW CUMBERLAND Trinity United Brethren Church to Organize Booster Choir Special Correspondence. New Cumberland, Dec. -f>.—The Sunday school class of Mrs. William Mathias, of the United Brethren Sun day school, will meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Hoover, Fifth street. Watch night services will be held in Trinity U. B. church. A large and appreciative audience gathered in the Methodist church last evening to hear the excellent cantata tendered by the choir. A nice -program was rendered at the Lutheran church last evening appro priate to Christmas. A booster choir will be organized at Trinity United Brethren church on Tuesday evening. Miss Ashniore, of Altoona, spent Christmas with G. B. Osier's family. Mr. aud Mrs. J.- Bitterman, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kirk, of Harrisburg, were yjuests of Miss Phennie Mover on Fri day evening. Miss Adelia Standish, of St. Louis, who spent the past ten days with Miss Stella Fehl, of this place, and friends in Harrislburg, has gone to Vicksiburg, Miss. Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Reiff and son, Lloyd, spent Christmas with Mrs. Reiff's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Apple, at Wellaville. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sliuler spent Christmas with their son, Ohester, at Enola. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rife Fox and son. John, Jr., of Baltimore, spent several days with Mr. Fox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Fox. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wright, daugh ter, Mary, and son, Augustus, spent Christmas with Robert Wright's fam ily in York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nonemaker, daughter, Hazel, and son, Diibert, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crull, and Frank Nonemaker's family in Middle town on Sunday. M>r. and Mrs. Frank Bover, daugh ters, Maud and Helen, of York county, and Miss Corl, of Harrisburg, spent Christmas with Charles Sipe's family, of Water street. Miss Byrd, of Harrisburg, was a guest of Miss Lillian Mosey, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Annie Border, of Harrisburg, called on relatives herr« Saturday even ing. HERSHEY Where Residents of Chocolate Town Spent Christmas Special Correspondence. Hershey, Dec. 28.—John Franklin, at Mt. Holly Springs; Miss Anna Doyle, at Wiliiamstown; William PfantK ami family, at Lebanon; 'Mr. ami Mrs. Har per tinnvely, at- Philadelphia; 'Miiss Vir-! u.iiiia Herahey. at Kli/.abethtown; Miss Margaret l«angworfhy, at Pittsburgh: , L. I?. Mhoap. at Shippeiisibnrjj; Allen I and William Kidler, at Pinegrove; Miss Florence Kit<'!ien. at Berwick: Arnold Skivinpfton, at Duncuniion; Mr. and • Mrs. H. fj. Everett, at Lewisilmrp; and Slntinuton; Edwin tMiwenk, at Schuyl kill Haven: Irwin .S'tarr, at Reading; 1 Walter I'ostec, at Lykeng; Mr. and Mrs. K. F. VonNeida. at Heading; Ray Xeig, at Hamburg; Harry Amond, at Xow ' ork and Boston. Mass.; iMr. and Mrs. Robert lJ«i. liler, Miss Elizabeth Glick and William iShertzler, at Lam-aster. i Mr. and Mrs. .lu.'ob Hehin and son, j Park, or l'hiludelpuia, former residents of this place, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wingaj, at Derry Cntiri'h, over Christmas. A new additiou 48 bv 26 feet is being erected to the 'HerShev Transit Company trolley barn. Two new ears will arrive early in the spring. The Christmas entertainment was OFFICE-TRAINING SCHOOL Develops Accuracy and Efficiency WINTER TERM BEGINS MONDAY, JANUARY 4 Day and Night Sessions Get the Education that will (let You the $ MONEY $ POSITIONS SECURED FOR ALL GRADUATES CO' 15 S, Market Sq., Harhsburg, Pa. / il RAMI/ THIRTEENTH and KS LIIILCnj DAim DERRY STREETS J, OPEN EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Will Open a Hi Christmas Savings Club S j Club Year Reckoned Front, and Regular Payments Begin CM Monday, December 28,1914, at 9 A. M. TO Open An Account Paying Each Week 25c 50c SI.OO m Interest will be added to all accounts paid in full at the end of Mls the rio-week club year. SB OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT BEFORE JANUARY 2, 1913. E. C. THOMPSON, Pres. S. F. BARBER, Vice Pres. jrifl C. G. MILLER, Cashier. - ! -A AMUSEMENTS j AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM ~ ' Kitty Gordon COME OVER Keawe& Window Hotel x' ur n Over Marie Eline AMD ( THKEB OTHICK BIG ACTS - The Th.-ho-.,, K.d >VED.V'BSDAV KVKMMi BIG 8.1... BKMOKS Country Store Tickets Sow SHI luk for \ „ f an „ „ „ f Cabaret Mew Eve. Fun. "T« E GAM E OF LIFE"' % To-day's Feature HAT nittfll" "When Fate Leads Trump" .J*?" In Four Parts PATHE COMEDY *■ __ / PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY^ OUT OF THE PASIV—S-nct Vtta ■craph Dram. THK VANISHING OF OI.IVK—KdI- Nun Srrlm. A SCRAP OF PAPER—i-act Rlo- Kraph. THE MAX FROM THE EAST—Sells Western. hold in the Derrv Presbyterian ihur-li | on Wednesday evening and in the Unit j eil Bret'hren and Lutheran churches on j Christmas evening. Weaver to Seek Pardon Application t'or the pardon of Milton ' Weaver, a Harrisburger, who was con ! vieted in the Dauphin county courts on a serious charge and sent to the peul i tentiary for a term of from one to two I years, will be made to the Board of J Pardons at its next meeting, January j UO, according to notices sent out to- lay iby J. Clarence Funk, Weaver's coun sel. The defendant was sent to the I pen June 13, last. Drops Dead Overhauling Auto Lebanon, Dec. -B.—Albert S. Fau ber, a well known coach maker and son : of (he late William !S. Fau ber, of this j city, was found dead Saturday morning a.t'ter he was engaged in overhauling his auto iu the garage at the rear of ; his house. Heart trouble is said to j have caused his death. Painfully Particular j "If you refuse me this time," bo said, "1 shall never ask. you to l>e my : wife again." "Oh, please," replied the girl from i Boston, "try to use 'better English, t | never have been your wife. Why should you ask me to be your wil'e | again I'' —Chicago Herald.