The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 26, 1914, Page 7, Image 7
EAST END BANK Thirteenth and Howard Streets WILL OPEN A CHRISTMAS SAVINGS SOCIETY First regular payments begin Monday, Decem ber 28, 1914, at 9 o'cloek A. M. OBSERVE HOW IT IS DONE One Cent Deposited First Week, Two Cents Second Week and Three Cents Third Week and so on for Fifty Weeks, will give J Two Cents Deposited First Week, Four Cents Second Week and Six Cents Third Week and so on for Fifty Weeks, will give tf'JC Cfk you «pZi/>i/v Five Cents Deposited First Week, Ten Conts Second Week and Fifteen Cents Third Week and so on for Fifty Weeks, will give 75 One Dollar Deposited First Week, One Dollar Second Week <C Ef| AA and so on for Fifty Weeks, will give you Or you may begin with the highest amount mid reduce your payments for the same amount each week so that your last payment at the end of fifty weeks will be lc, 2c or se. We have added another plan which is a separate payment of the same amount each week, 25c, 50c and <1 weekly. INTEREST WILL BE ADDED to all accounts paid in full at the end of fifty weeks —just in time for Christmas. i OPEN EVERY SATURDAY EVENING You can call and open your account anytime between December 18, 1914, and January 2, 1915. E. A. HEFFELFINOER President JOHN K. MAY, Vice President AL, K. THOMAS Cashier NEWS OF STEELTON CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS IN THE ROROUCH CHURCHES Three Local Churches Will Hold Annual Services To-morrow Afternoon in Commemoration of the Birth of Christ—Other Services Announced A few belated Christmas programs will be rendered in several of the bor ough churches to-morrow. At the First M. E. church, the Sunday school will render its annual Christmas serv ice at 2 p. m. At St. Mark 's Lutheran church the Sunday school will hold a special Christmas service at 4.15 o'clock in Che afternoon. The last one to be held in the borough to-morrow will be St. John's Lutheran church, where the Sunday Bcliool, assisted by the ehoir, will render an exceptionally fine musical cantata at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. The following churches have announced their order of services for Sunday: Firat Methodist—The Rev. J. H. Boyer, pastor. At 10.30 a. m., subject, "The King at the Palace Gate." At 7.30 p. m., subject, "The Heart of Christmas." Sunday school and Christ mas service at 2 p. m. Epworth League at 6.30 p. m. School for foreign speak ing people Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Junior Epworth League, Wed nesday at 7 p. m. Thursday, watch meeting. St. Mark's Lutheran—The Bev. Wil liam B. Smith, pastor. At 10.30 a. m., theme, "The Angel Song." At 2 p. m., Sunday school. At 3 p. m., Senior cate chetical class. At 6.45 p. m.. Christian Endeavor Society. At 7.30 p. m., Christ mas entertainment by Sunday school. At 4.15 p. m., Junior catechetical class. At 7.30 p. m., prayer meeting. First Reformed-—The Rev. Charles A. Huyette, pastor. Morning service and Sunday school together at 10 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "The Voices of the Past." Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. Christian En<leavor ab 6.45 p. m. Junior catechetical class Monday evening at 4.15 o'clock. Senior catechetical class Wednesday at 7 (i'clock. Prayer service Wednesday at 7.45 p. m. The consistory will meet at the close of the evening service. Grace United Evangelical—The Rev. J. M. Shoop, pastor. Sunday school at 9.15 a. ni. Morning service at 10.30 o'clock. K. L. C. E. at 6.45 p. m. Evening service at 7.30 o'clock. First Presbyterian—Morning serv ice 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9.45 a. m. No evening service to-mor row. Main Street Church of God—The Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor. At 10.30 a. m., subject, "Stirring the Fire." At 7.30 p. in., subject, "'Ashamed of Jesus." Sunday school at 2 p. m. Junior Chris tian Endeavor at 6 p. in. Senior Chris tian Endeavor at 6.30 p. m. Evangelis tic services each Sunday evening. Mt. 7. ion Methodist Episcopal, Cum bler's Heights—The Rev. ,T. H. Rover pastor. Service at 9.30 p. m. Sunday school at 2.30 p. m. St. James' Catholic—The Rev. J. C. Thompson, rector, Low mass at 8 a. m High mass at 10 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Vespers and benediction at 1...0 p. m. ( STEELTON NOTES The menßible class of the Main St reet t hurch of GoiJ Sunday school will hold a Stough echo meeting at its regular services to-morrow afternoon at o clock.. The class will use the Stough song hooks, and the meeting will be open to all who wish to attend. .Miss Mary Hodgson, nurse at the steel company's hospital here, was in jured about the shoulder iin a fall at Harritiburg Thursday night. • 'reparations are being made by many of the churches for the observ ance of the advent of the New Year, the First Methodist church being the first congregation to announce a " write It night'' service Thursday. Many local people are expected to take part in the mummers' parade at Harris burg Friday. Safety Razor Blades Resharpened Gem Make, 3 cents each blade Gillette Make, .1 cents each blade Duplex Make. 3 cents each blade Star Make, 10 cents each blade Customers Get Their Own Blades Hack SATISFACTION GUARAXTBKD Return Postage Paid if Mailed J. G. H. KOHLHAAS Slrrlton, Pn. HARRISBCRG STAR-IN DEPENDENT, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26, 1911 CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES IN THE BOROUGH ARE NOTED While Sunday Schools Rendered Pro grams More Than 3(H) Children Were Served With Turkey Dinners by Churchmen and Firemen Activities in the borough on Christ-1 mas Day were,, mostly confined to vari ! ous churches and Sunday schools, op I erations at the big plant of the Penn-I sylvania Steel Company being almost I at a standstill and the postoflice ob-1 served holiday hours. Big factors in the day's observance' were the turkey dinuers served to more; than three hundred poor children, of; which the Centenary I'.nited Brethren church took rare of about 100, while the Baldwin Hose Company lia.i 200 at a turkey banquet which was supervised by the Ladies * Auxiliary of the com pany. While the Jay was yet voung the members of the company, using their' chemical wagon and s>pan of tire horses, went into the part of town lying east of Swatara* street, and'gathered in the youngsters by the wagon load, never j stopping until the spacious rooms were packed. In anticipation of the feast, 'the firemen had purchased six of the largest turkeys obtainable, and these were roasted to perfection* iu the oven of a local baker. For the first time in the history of the borough all the hotels were closed i all day aad no arrests for druukeuess were reported by the police. SMOKED MEAT WAS STOLEN Three Foreigners Are Arrested Charged With the Theft Mike Stefanic, George Vukovic and Stojan Milovie, residents of Fort Cin der, Lochiel, were placed under arrest at noon to-day by Constable Gibb and High Constable Bomgardner, charged with the larceny of a quantity of smoked meat from the rear yard of John Susie, 154 Frederick street. The latter had placed the meat in a small outhouse after it was smoked. Early this morning the meat disappear ed and suspicion rested 011 tlio inmates of Fort Cinder, some of whom Had been seen loitering aromid Susie's hdßie ear ly last eveniug. The officers recovered some of the meat which hod been hid den in a hole in the ciuder pile and it was recognized by the owner who had placed some private marks on it. ELECTED NEW OFFICERS East End Hose Company Held Annual Meeting The East End Hose Coui|>any has elected the following officers: President, Henry Wallinger; vice president, Hoyt H. Nissley; foreman, Samuel H. Nissley; first assistant fore man, Robert Kruger; second assistant foreman, William Bullock; recording secretary, George Feeher; assistant secretary, Edward M. Cooper; financial secretary, Charles Butcher; treasurer, H. M. MaOftuley; trustees, F. A. Steese, H. H. Nissley, W. W. Breckenridge, G. O. Miller, George W. Neff; hose direc tors, Samuel K. Van Sant, Frank Seid ers, Seth Gordon, W. W. Breekenridge, W. Bullock, Samuel K. Klinger; fire man patrol, Oliver Me.gary, G. (). Mil ler, Ivan Seiders; Fremen's Relief, Sam uel R. Klinger, Samuel I{. Van Sant, S. H. Nissley. SERVED WITH TURKEY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matchette Enter tained Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matchette, for mer residents of the borough, enter tained with a turkey dinner at their home, Zarker street, Harrisburg, the following relatives from the borough and oilier places: Mrs. Matchette's mother, Mrs. Mary Matchette. Steelton; Mrs. Susan Leh, an aunt, Bethlehem. Other relatives were Mrs. Bertha Baser and daughter, Miss Marian, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs! George Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright, .Steelton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Killinger, Hummelstown. STEWART PALMER ARRESTED He Is Charged With Malicious Mis chief Stewart Palmer, of Harrisburg, was arrested late yesterday afternoon by I Constable Gibb near Front street and Strawberry alley 011 a charge of ma lit-ious-mischief, which grew out of the alleged throwing of a bottle through a ■cur window at that point of the bor ough. Palmer, ad it is said, had been previously ejected from an eastbound car for being disorderly. He was charged with the infraction of the law. IHe will be arraigned before Squire Gardner. CENTRAL DEFEATED FORNEY Local Players Piled Up a Score of 32 to a The local Central grammar school defeated the Forney grammar school, Harrinburg, in a well-played game in l'elton hall Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the peore of 32 to 6. Me- Caully starred for the locals and a feature of the game was the fine paas ■ ing of Central grammar five. Fives from the A and R classes played a game i between the halves. Death of Infant Daughter Ada Helen, aged 2 weeks, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Chancer l<ewis, died j Thursday evening about 10 o'clock at ; the home of her piients, 327 Main street, of pneumonia Funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late home. The Rev. William B. Smith, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church, officiated and interment was made in Baldwin cemetery. Funeral of Agnes Sizeman Agnes Sizeman, aged 11 months, daughter of.Mr. and MTS. Nick Sizeman.; died at the home of her parents, 365 Christian street. Thursday afternoon at 1.45 o'clock of pneumonia. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at St. John's German Uatholic church and interment will- be made in Mt. Calvary cemetery. PERSONAL The Rev. C. B. Segelken, of the First S'resbyteriun church, spent Christmas Day with friends at Dillsburg. The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shoop, Lin coln street, are spendirig a week with relatives at Shamokin, and during his absence William H. Ickes will be in charge of the church services. Frank Shipp und family, of Sha mokin, are visiting his brother, Wil liam A. Shipp, and family. South Third street. C. R. Lightv, of Cincinnati, is spend ing the Christmas holidays with his mother. Mrs. Mary Lighty, Lincoln street. He has just been transferred from the Ohio city to New York City, where he will be associated with the Madam Senrbrich C oncert Company a< an employe of the Baldwin Piano Com pany. L. T. Herman, of Bressler, has re tuined from a three months' business trip to Maryland and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Harlan, Fe'.iou street, spent Christmas with their daughter. Mrs. A. J. Maybe*, Paxtung. Miss Maude Shick, 26 North Fourth street, is spending the holidays with friends ai Wilmington. Del. John Metzger, Manchester, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Lydia Carl, South Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Brnbaker, of Wil liniUF.port, are spending, a week with relatives and friends in the borough. Mrs. Jere Fink, of K'.ughton, frac tured her left wrist Thursday morning bv falling on the ice in the rear vaid of her home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Frank Well, North Front street, are spending the Christ mas holidays in William,sport. Miss Edith McGovern. South Second street, is the guest of Mrs. Charles K. Ondd in Lebanon. Mrs. M. B. Liteh, Lincoln street, spent yestcrdav in New Cumberland. Mrs. Richard Aiken, of Pittsburgh, is visiting her home here. Clyde Prosser. of Philadelphia, spent yesterday as the guest of relatives here. Among the many holiday visitors in the borough are a ijroup of former resi dents who now li*'C in Midland and are connected with the big steel plant there. They are John Callaghan, Wil liam Bowen. Martin Shanuon and Thomas Dempsey. Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting nurse employed by the Steelton Civic I Club, will be in lier office from 8 a. m. [to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30 MILITARY MESSAGES Some That Were Made Famous By Their Pith and Brevity Of famous military messages there arc scores, beginning with the never j to be forgotten "Veni, vidi, vici" of i Caesar and that equally fain wis dis | patch of Commodore Perry, "We have met the enemy and they arc ours,' but r both were hasten for brevity bv Gen oral Sir Robert Boyd, who while gov !or nor of Gibraltar, being in need of 'beaf for his troops wrote to the agent in England this laeonic dispatch: "Browne, beef, Boyd," Browne sent the stores with the reply, "Boyd, beeil', Bro wne.'' And this in turn recalls the story of Peter de'Dieux. the celebrated fighting bishop o!' Beauvals, w'ho, being taken in arras by Richard (Joeur dc Lion, was imprisoned and fettered. Pope Celes tine 111, renionsrtra<ted in behalf of the prelate, and in reply the king sent the bishop's helmet and armor to Rome with this neat dispatch taken from Genesis xxxvii, 32: "Know now whether it be thy son's coat or no.' 1 The po(>e declined further intercession and replied that the cont the king had sent did not belong to a son of the olmrch, but of the camp, and the pris oner, therefore, was at Richard's mercy.—Detroit Free Press. Every Woman a Nurse Every woman, or at least almost every woman, has. at one time <★ an other or her life, charge of the personal health of somebody, whether Child or invalid—in other words, every woman is a nurse. Every day sanitary knowl edge or the knowledge of nursing, or, in other words, of how to put the con stitution in such a state as that it will have no disease or that it can recover ifrowi disease, takes a higher place. It is recognized as the knowledge w"hich every one ought to have—-distinct from medical knowledge, which only a profession can have. If, then, every woman must at some time or other in her life .become a nurse—namely, have charge of some body 's health—how immense and how valuable would 'be the product oif her united experience if every woman woirld think how to nurse.—Florence Nightingale. Deserved a Reward 1 ' Daughter, I saw you last night." "Yes, ma." "What induced fou to give that young man a kiss?" "Well, lie had listened to my sing ing patiently for an hour."—Kansas City Journal. • CITY'S CHRISTMAS TREE WILL REMAIN A WEEK It WUI fie Lighted Each Evening Un til and Including New Year's— Charities Take G«od Cars of the Poor—Postoffice Force Praised A Christmas celebration as complete as any ever held in Harrisburg marked the holiday yesterday, but the Yuletide festivities did not end. It will take a week or more to get back to normal ex istence. The city's big tree at Front and Market streets will be lighted each night up to and including New Year's night. The platform from which the speeches were made on Christmas Eve will be torn away but the tree will re main. Mayor Royal officially conveyed the greeting of the season to a crowd that assembled at the tree on Thursday evening. The crowd shouted back: "Same to You!" and the ceremony was on. The great choir rendered hymns and Christmas carols and there were selections by the Commonwealth band, which escorted the singers from Market Square to the tree. Pictures from the life of Christ were flashed on a big screen before the close of the ceremony. Then the crowd melted away to their homes for further cele bration. So well had the charitable organiza tions provided for the city's poor that there were few heartaches. Everybody, so far as the officers of the Associ ated Charities could learn, was taken care of. Food and clothing was given by many organizations aud individuals. The Fraternal Order of Moose gave Christmas dinners to many at. their home, Third and Boas streets, and many baskets of food were delivered. Baskets of food were given also by the Salvation Army and the American Res cue Workers. At the home of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, between the hours of 9 and 2 to-day, candy, nuts and toys were' given to many children. Tn all the charitable institutions in the city there were Christmas trees and Christmas greens for decorations. Among these surroundings appropriate ceremonies were held. There were presents for the children iu the-.e homes and in the liospitals. A full turkey dinner was served at the county alms house. Presents were given ta the in mates and a vaudeville show enter tained them on Thursday. A sauer kraut dinner was served at the county jail. Owing to the efficient work at the po.-toffice and in the parcel post de partment there were no disappointments due to delayed packages sent through the mails. Although the business in the parcel post department increased almost 100 per cent, there was no un due crowding and by 4 o'clock on Christmas afternoon the last parcels were loaded in the wagons for local delivery. Postmaster Frank C. Sites praises the loyalty which the employe* showed despite their increased labors. There was an increase of but thirty clerks and carriers to handle the rush. VICTORIA WAR FEATURE One of the most wonderful motion picture films ever shdwn iu tihis coun try is "The War of the World," a spe cial feature in multiple parts, which head* to-day's bill at tlh« Victoria the atre, 223 Market street. The pictures were taken at the battle front in Eu rope and comprise actual ai-tion scenes amid bursting shot and shell. They are immensely interesting and thrilling throughout (he entire program. These are t'he pictures that were scheduled to appear at tihe Victoria on Wednesday but were postponed until to-dav 'because oue of'the reels was damaged in a New ork theatre, where it was being shown. usual to-day s Victoria bill will have its special comic attraction. To day s will be llogau's Annual Spree," a Keystone comedy in one reel. Another headliner at the Victoria to-day is "A | Political Feud," a strong photo-drama | in two parts. Adv.* HALIFAX j Miss Iva Gemberling and Claude G. Ryan Married 1 Spe'-ia! Correspondence. Halifax, Dec 26.—Claude G. Ryan. ! son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ryan, and Miss Iva Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. S. Gemberling, were united i in marriage at the home of the groom's j parents on Second street Thursday : evening at 8 o'clock bv the Rev. A. i. ICollom, pastor of the M. E. church, iu the presence of a :.umber of relatives and friends. The baud gave them a good serenading. The Rev. George M. and Mrs. Rich ! ter, of Coatesville, are spending a few 1 days at the home of his mother, Mrs. I Anna Richter. Ralph Harper, of Philadelphia, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Valentine UJarper. Mr. and Mrs Charles Bover, of Al toona. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Boyer over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Westfall enter tained their children over Christmas, as follows: Mr. and Mrs. John C. West fall and son, George; Miss Helen West fall and Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Keiin, all of Harris burg. Stanley Uri'ch, of South Bethlehem. ■ is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Urich. ' , Extremes | Cham, tlie French caricaturist, was I talking oije day with a Gascon, who I bragged that his fathers ancient baro nial dining ball was the wonder of tho world. Jt was so high you could hard ly see the roof. "My. father had a dining room," said Cham, "which was just* as re markuible the other way. It was so low that the only fish we could serve at table was flounder!" SOLD i ON THEIR SB Doses 35c MERITS ft i.c—.... V* tumict 1 rJ II l " £Ow~l n A All Druggist j For Headache, Neuralgia Quick, Sure, Safe WHIMS SMS OF BIFF New York's Governor- Elect Is Determined to Bring Murderers to Justice EAST SIDE CRIME YETUNFATHOMED But District Attorney Is Certain of Sufficient Evidence to Run Down Perpetrators of Dastardly Deed in Which Foultryman Was Slain Bi/ Associated Press, New York, Dec. 26.—Carl Rettick, the Hoboken bartender, who was em ployed in the saloon where the police believe the plot to kill Barnet Baff, the wealthy poultry dealer, was planned, and another witness whose name is withheld were to testify to day at the resumption of the grand jury investi gation of the Baff murder. Governor-elect Charles S. Whitman, who relinquishes his office of District Attorney next week, hopes to have the case ready for presentation to the jury ion Monday next, when several indict ments are expected to be returned. In spector Kaurot and several detectives j who have been working on the case oon timed the search to-day for evi dence that would throw more light upon .the murder by two gunmen of Baff iu the West Washington market November 24. Word was expected to day from Buffalo, where two detec tives are reported to have gone last | night, that an important arrest in con- I nectiou with the Baff casa has been j made. Now that the Baff case is almost ! cleared up, iu the opinion of the Dis trict Attorney, it is known that witljin twentv-four hours after the mur.ler was committed the police were practically jcertaiu of the motive for the murder and the men who had the motive, and j yet were unable to take positive ac- I lion. In West Washington market a reign of terror existed, and it was alnudst im possible to convince poultrymen, who were needed as witnesses, of the final authority of the police. HIGHSPIRE U. B. C. E. Society Elects Officers for the New Year Soooial Correspondence. Highspire. Dec. 26. —The following officers of t'he C. E. Society 'of the Unit ed Bret-liven church have been elected to serve for six months: President. Ralph V. Farther; vice president, Raymond Duncan; corresponding secretary, D. W. Yeager; recording secretary, Mildred Harvey; treasurer, Cloyd Leiter; choris ter, Arthur K. Poornian; pianists, Anna 'Koch, Martha I'TU tiger; intermediate superintendent, Mrs. <H. C. Mathias; junior superintendent, Anna lloch; watch wont agent, Tyrrell Poorman. 'Mrs. Li Hie 'LichtenJberger and daugh ter, Ora, Harrisburg, were recent vis itors with friends in town. At the United Brethren church to morrow t'he Rev. H. P. Rhoad, pastor, wiH conduct t'iie morning service at 10.15. Theme, "The Value of Perse cution." Kvenitig service at 7.30, theme, ''What Hast Thou Done?" Hun day school at 1.30 p. m. Y. P. S, C. E. at 0.30 ji. m. Mrs. Sarah Kline, residing at Penn a.nd Lum'bcr streets, fractured her right arm near the wrist Thursday afternoon a'bout 1 o'clock by falling on the icy sidewalk in going tv, Penn street. Washington lamp Xo. 505, I'. O. vS. of A., elected the following officers at its last meeting: President, Lloyd Hein hauer; vice president, Eluier Duncan; M. of I'*., Paul Dinterman; recording secretary, "Charles E. 'Householder; li nan'cial secretary, R. V. ParthMnore; treasurer, 'Uharles' W. 'Baker; conductor, Fred Xeff; inspector, Walter Alleman; trustee, .lacob Mathias. The new presi dent announced the following appoint ments: R. S., Roll in (Mathias; L. S., George Baker and 'Merle Gallagher; R. 8., William Runkle and Theodore Lon hard. Four candidates were initiated and at the close of the 'busiuess session refreshments were served. Visitors were preseut from En'haut and -Steelton. 'Mrs. Kiuley and daughter, Florence, of Lykens, spent the week-end with her sister, IMTS. George W. Cover, Second street. 'MTS. W. E. iMusgrove 'has returned to her home, Middletowji, after a short visit to her mother, ■Mrs. Samuel Shank, Race street. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dinterman and children, Ellwood and Evelyn, Shire manstown, were recent guests of Alfred 'Gruber and family. MTS. Albert EhVhart, Race street, is visiting relatives at Goldsboro. Mrs, J. iM. Righter, Columbia, was en tertained Monday by (Mrs. Ira Buser and Mrs. D. L. Kaufman. Mrs. Charles Pisle ami sou, Earl, Kteelton, were guests Monday 'of Mrs. H. R. Dur'borow, Second street. Photoplay To-day ''The Lure O' fche Windigo," a most vivid story eloquently told in pictures, is one of those sad, yet inevitable trage dies where brawn and muscle tip t'he scales of justice and where inherent manhood remands the \>enalty of trea son against innocence and the betrayal of a too fond love. t Among the Cree and Algonquin In dians t-'here is a superstition that when the wind sighs and moans among the tall pine trees that the "spirit of the wind" is sending a message to the way farer or wanderer which will lure him either to harm or 3afetv as the con science of the person who hears the voice shall believe. For this reason the Indians listen for "the voice of the Windigo" and perform certain cere monies whicih fchey consider suitable for the occasion whenever the "voices" are heard. Adv.* The diseased and infirm are not drafted for war. The infirm and the diseased are "invalided" home. The eugenic outlook in Kurope is about us bad as it could be. ORPHEUM'S NEW BILL WILL BB HEADED BY KITTY GORDON t; jk lElh®*' >': ■ vPHnf Wmm W' >' - .ft: .-' ' ,: a V " >x jkM ' .- v..- * * / < I ' ■ <■ *i,'i Ik .. «* Light Opera Star Will X« At Orphans! Next Week Kitty Gordon, —beau- tiful Kitty Gordou, whose face is her for tune, and whose back is -:he talk of the feidinine world —the Btar of light ipera and the new head liner of vaudeville, — will be at the Orpheum Theatre next week in ler sketch, with songs, 'Alma's Return." It needs no press agent ing story of stolen iiamondfl or royal an cestry to acquaint the public with just who iitty Gordon is, for she is well known to show going folks from one ocean to the other. In her various light opera roles Miss Gordon at tracted large audiences everywhere, and won much applause. Harrisburg well re members the night that the Majestic Theatre was packed to the roof to see Kitty Gordon, and ;hen Kitty Gordon lidn't appear, her role aeing filled by an <under rtndy -while Kitty her self followed the doc k's advice and re gained off the stage. But Kitty has no need )f a doctor now, she is veil and happy and tends greetings rhnt con ain the compliment* of -.he season. Miss Gor ion will appear herself tt thirteen perform inces in the Orpheum icxt week—t,he regular j welve matinee and evening shows that be long to an Orpheum week, and also the mid llght carnival on Thurs day evening when the Vew Year will be wel •omod at the Orpheum is usual. If you happen to iinet Miss Gordon after she gets to town, don't «ay anything about the 13 th show, because actresses are very inner stitiouu, and she might want to do a morning show on Saturday just to make it 14.—Adv.* ' CO!. BRING YOUR BIBLE" Schoolmate of Dr. Stough Will Be Speaker at Conference Here Monday and Tuesday "Come and 'bring your Bible'' is the invitation extended the public to attend the ninth monthly interdenominational 'Bible conference to be liekl Monday and Tuesday afternoons and evenings at the First 'Baptist church, (Second ami Pine streets. The speaker wiiH again be t%e Rev. William H. Pike, dean of the Practical Bible Training .School, Bible School Parle, New York. Subjects are as follows: Monday aft ernoon at 3.30 o'clock, "The Book of Ruth; Monday evening at 7.45 o'clock. ''Christ Testing Hie Will of God;" Tuesday afternoon, continuation of "Tile Book of Ruth," and Tuesday evening, "tM'an Proving the Will of God.'' I>r. Henry W. Stough, before leavh.g this city, gave uext week's Bilble con ference extensive announcement, and recommended it to his 7,000 trail hit ters. The Rev. iMr. Pike, speaker at the conference, is a former schoolmate and a personal friend o>f Dr. Stough. 'He spoke in this city in the interest of the Stough campaign Ifefore it opened. The monthly Bible conferences have been interrupted because of the cam paign and are now resumed. In Harmony "Do Mr. Bliggins and his wife have any disagreements about the extraor dinary hats she wears " "No," replied Miss Cayenne, "they seem iu cheerful accord. He's ylad he doesn't hare to wear 'em, wind she's Jrkul she doesn't have to pay for 'em." —Washington Star. The Retort Courteous Mother—.lohnny, why on earth were you and Mary making those horrible faces at each other? Johmny—Oh, that's all right, mam ma; we're just practicing. Nellie Jones is coming past in a minute, and she didn't invite us to her birth-day party y ester day.—Puck. RAILROADS CREWJBOARD HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division —l 03 crew to go first after 1 p. m.: 112, 113, lO'l, 108, 119, 102, 122, 110, 118, 127. Engineers for 112, 113, 122. Firemen for 101, 108, 110, 113, 112, 118. 119, 127. Conductor for 110. Flagmen for 108, 109. Brakemen for 10-2, 110, 108, 118, 122, 1-2 7. Engineers up: Smith, Eafrhart, Ma den fort, MtfOauley, Hubler, Reisinger, M'anley, Snow. Firemen up: M*cCurdy, Spring, Packer, Manning, Mulholm, Davidson, Kehmau, Brenner, Farmer, Collier, L. C. LMdller, 'Martin. Conductor up: Looker. Flagman up: Clark. Brakemen up: Frock, Riley, Bal tozer, 'Coleman, Bogner. Middle Division —2o3 crew to go first after 2.30 p. m.: 210, 208, 204, 225, 220. 242, 228, 223. Preference: 2, 4. Slow freight movements continue over Sunday, De cember 27: Laid off: 18. No shutdown. 7 Firemen for 2, 4. Conductor for 2. 'Brakemon for 2, 4. Engineers up: Smith, Kugler. Firemen marked up: Lieiban, Arnold. Brakemen up: Reese, Bell, Frank, Boian, Kilgor, Wenriek, Bickert, Fritz. Yard Crews—Engineers up: Rudy, "Houser, Stahl, Swab, Crist. Salts man, llohenshelt, Kuhen, Pelton, Shaver, Hoyler, Beck, llarter, Biever, Blosser, Breueman, Thomas, Meals,Snyder. Firemen up: Essig, Myers, Boyle, Shelley. Revie, Ulsh, Bostdorf, Sclhief fer, Cookerlv, W'eigle, Lackey, 'Maeyer, •Siliolter, Getty, Barkey, Sheets, Bair, Eyde, Ney. Engineers for 1454, 707, 1768, 1270, 1820. 2393. Firemen for 1454, • 07, IS3I, 1278, 90, 2393. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—2 46 crew to IGO first after 11.45 a. MI.: 228, 207, 214, 233, 241, 235, 225, 204, 201, 236, 215, 229. Engineers for 208, 224, 228, 235, 241. Firemen for 208, 210, 215, 224, 229, 246. Conductors for 20 4, -33, 235. Flagmen for 221, 225, 229, 246. Brake men for 204, 214, 225, 228, 229, 241, 246, 247. Conductor up: Liugie. Flaigman up: Snyder. Brakemen up: Wei at, Waltmam, Knight, Sumney, Stineling, Miimw. Taylor, Jacobs, Myers, Fenstemacher, Wright. Middle Division — 222 erew to g;> after 2 p. in.: 245, 239, 231. Eleven crews laid off at ' Altoona, eight to come in. Laid off: 113, 10'4, 119. 23, 10S, 103. THE READING P.. H. and P.—After 4 p. m.: 1, 5, 18, 15, 14, 7, 16. Eastbound—After 3 p. m.: 62. 51, 71, 69, 64, 67, 53, 58. Conductors up: flinghcr, Sipes. Engineers up: Tipton, Wyre, Wo lanil, Martin, Crawford. Firemen up: Bowers, Sullivan. Ful ton, Lex, Hover, Ohronister, Kelly, Riunbaugh, Beec'her. Anders. Brakemen up: Trov, Taylor, Hart'., Coo'k, Stephenson, Ely, Snader, Pag. l , Bingantan, Painter. Arel'-hp WH^aAHTLY GORDONS ®Jbromosodus Why suffer? Take Gordon's "BROMO • SODUS". Quickest and surest relief for dull, splitting Headache. New Ef fervescing Headache Remedy, guaran teed absolutely pure. Much more pleasai .t to take than powders or tablets. Givt < instant relief without depressing after effects. Ask your dealer for jt and in sist upon getting Gordon's "BROMO SODUS" on sale at all first class drug gists, soda fountains and department stores. Buy a bottle to-day, your dealer will refund purchase price to any dis satisfied customer. If unable to obtain quickly, send 2<;c for large bottle to BROMO DRUG CO., Harrisburg,