The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 24, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    C ——
Marks & Copelin
A Merry Xmas
jj 31 N. Second Street
■v / J
Funeral of Robert Weir Held From the
Home of His Aunt
Special Correspondence.
Williainstown, Pe\ 24.—The funeral
nl' Robert Weir, was held from the
home of hi? aunt, Mrs. Joseph Tate,
yesterday afternoon. The Rev. K. A.
Baryes. pastor of t'iic Methodist church, j
had charge of the services.
I'.mma Graham spent Monday in Har
i isburg.
We.-ley Griffith. of Baltimore, is vis
iting his parents.
•fo'hn Jefferson, of Philadelphia, is
visiting Robert Baird and family.
Among the students home over the
holidays are Mary Griffith, Shippensburg
State Normal; Violet Griffith, of Mil
lersfburg State Normal; Evert Fasold,
of Blooms»burg State Normal; Mark and j
Gui.len Walkinshaw, of Carlisle.
The school's of the borough closed !
yesterday afternoon and will open on ,
Monday, January 4.
Steven Sheen ley, of I.v k ens, was a
Sunday visitor ainoug friends.
Mrs. J. J. Nutt, of hykeus, spent I
yesterday with her daughter, Mrs.
James Byerlv.
A meeting of Bhe Parent-Teachers'!
Association was held in the High school I
building Saturday evening when a fine |
program was rendered.
Mrs. Alex Thompson spent the week
end with her sister at Harrisburg.
Miss Kathleen Thompson Will Spend j
Her Christmas Vacation at Home
Special Correspondence.
•MXllerstown, Pec. 24.—IMT. and iMrs. |
John Slautterback, of Lewistown, spent
Sunday wifh relatives in this place. j
Miss Annie Thompson, of New Buf- j
falo, is visiting her sister, 'Mrs. James j
The Rev. C. F. 'Himes and Mrs. Himes '
announce the birth of a son, Kenneth
l\ II wood. on Pecetntber 20.
Miss Jessie Kipp, of Altoona, is home !
for the holidays.
Glenn Tyson, of Mifflin, spent Sun
day with his aunt. Miss Ella Tyson.
Miss Kathleen Thompson, who is at- >
tending school in Chalt'ham, Va., has re
turned home to spend her Christmas;
vacation with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. \
R. B. Thompson.
Ice 7'i. Inches Thick Harvested by
E. O. Hassler
Special Correspondence
Linglestowu, Pec. 24.—-The Em'broid-!
cry ( lull met at the home of Mr. Audi
Mrs. I'.zra Care on Monday evening.
The Christmas entertainment to be
held in the United Brethren church on i
Friday evening will begin at 7.30
o 'clock.
The first ice of t'he season was har- |
i . THE f:
Union Trust Company's
}£ Christmas Savings Club i
Wishes You Jja
W ANt) A
Union Trust Company J
Union Trust Building
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
J wish to thank mv many friends and patrons
of Harrisburg and all the suburban towns for
their kind interest manifested in my welfare.
808 BOYER, BARBER. 22 S. Dewberry Street
vested on Tuesday at the home of E.
O. Ilassler. The ice measured T/ 3
i indies.
11. (Bright and family, of Steel
ton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John llepler on Sunday.
Fox's school held its Christmas en
tertainment last evening.
Frank* Hench and family, of Pro
gress. spent Tuesday I'he guests of 'Mr.
and Mrs. Mil lei la n Bench.
Mrs. John Reese spent Tuesday with
friends at Harrisburg.
George llocker. of Peu'brook, spent
Sunday the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin 'Hoeker.
Miss Georgia Snyder spent Tuesday
with friends at Harrisburg.
Ezra Care made a business trip to
Harrisrburg on Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry .Tuillard and son, Carlton,
spent Monday with friends at Harris
Mrs. Elizabeth Ba.lthaser visited
friends at Harrisiburg on Wednesday.
Mrs. Charley Fox spent Tuesday at
Ross ( rum, of I»wer Paxton, is
spending a few days of this week as
flic guests of Mr. and Mrs. .loiin Fox.
Mrs. < Jertrude Nisley spent Tuesday
evening at Harris burg.
Three Sledding Accidents Have Been
Reported Here So Far
$P' cial Correspondence.
Marysville, Dec. 24.—Roger Eppley
was injured last evening while sledding
when his sled skidded in'to a pair of
steps. He received some bruises and a
large cut under his chin.
Ilarrv Mutch was injured yesterday
while sledding when his sled ran into a
wagon. He received a large cut on his
Chauncev Bewfer was injured yester
day while sledding when his sled run
into a wagon. He suffered a badly
'bruised leg.
Alton Lick, a so','hoinore at Franklin
and Marshall uolleige, is spending his
vacation ar t'lie home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lick.
Walter Wlii'te, a student at the Har
risiburg Academy, is spending 'his vaca
tion at the home of his parents, 'Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. White.
Linn Lightner, a freshman at Frank
lin and Marshall College, is spending
''lis vacation at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Lightner.
Edna Bel man, of Milton, spent some
time visiting Romaine Oleudcnin.
Claude Ryan and Iva Gemberling to
Be Married To-night
Spo"i-> t mri <;si)uii'lunce
Halifax, Dec. 24.—Mr. and Mrs.
Percivul s. Hill and two children have
gone to New Bloointield to spend
Christinas with Mrs. Hill's brother, .T.
T. Alter, and family.
Professor .1. Wesley Potter, of
Wilkes-Barre, is the guest of his broth
er, 11. Stewart Potter, and family.
Cornelius lleisler is home from
Philadelphia to spend the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Heisler.
Claude Ryan and Miss Iva Gember
ling will be married this evening at 8
o'clock at the home of the groom's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Ryan, on Mar
ket -treet.
Harry L. Miller, of Harrisburgi is
spending Christmas with his mother,
| Mrs. Jane Miller.
| Borough Christmas Tree on Centre
Square Decorated To-day
/ i i.r •■ . in-
Hummelstown, Dec. 24.—The bor
i ough Christmas tree was placed in posi-
J tioi. in Centre sqaare yesterday and to
day was wired for electric lights. Oth"
e.- decorations were also placed on the
I tree, which is about 30 feet high, and
it presents a handsome appearance. The
• local electric, light company will furnish
the light for the tree and the decora
| tions were purchased from a fund so
! Hcited from residents of the borough.
Mrs. il. K. Luucks entertained the
| members of her Sunday school eliiss at'
i her home on South NVater street on
i Tuesday evening. The home was pret
! t.ily decorated with evergreens and
laurel and the young ladies spent the
evening with games and music. Re
freshments were served. Those pres
ent were Misses Margaret Mullin,
Kat'herine Gerber, Mary Ella Hartwell,
Mildred Fronnn, Alice Snyder, the Rev.
lii.ber-t A Bausch and Mr. and Mrs.
Laucks and son, Oscar.
George Zerfoss, of Clearfield, is vis
iting his mother, Mrs. Samuel Zerfoss.
Mis* Irene Motter, teacher in the
High school, left yesterday to spend
the holiday vacation at her home in
Miss Ruth Kilmer has returned from
the Millersville State Normal School
and is spending the Christmas vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ur
ban Kilmer.
Mrs. Harry Gresh was a visitor in
Philadelphia yesterday.
The Rev. H. E. Games spent yester
day afternoon ii> Harrisburg.
Municipal Christmas Tree Is Erected
In Centre Square
Sp<*c'n 1 < 'Mrresp'nir!
Pee.'24. —Misses Rheiba
and Olive Jury have arrived at their
home aifter spending the past three
mouths with relatives in Kansas.
George Shu maker received a stroke
o't paralysis on Monday evening, his
left side beiug affected.
Misses Edythe and Bess fcipong spent
Tuesday in Harrisburg.
Millersfbung's municipal] Christmas
tree was brought to town on Saturday
afternoon and immediately erected on
-Market square. The tree 'is decorated
•with three hundred different colored
electric lights. On Christinas evening
a praise service will be held around
the tree.
Gordon Brubaker, a student at
MercerSjurg Academy, arrived at his
home to spend the holidays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brubaker.
Calvin Miller spent Mondav in
.Mrs. A. J. Raubenhold and Mrs. J.
Edward Miller, of llarrisburg, visited\
their aged uncle and aunt, Mr. and!
Mrs. Peter R<unuich, on Friday. They!
made the trip by auto.
Miss Evelyn Bogar, who is attend-1
ing Bhip.pensi>ur® Normal whool, is
spending the Christmas season with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E Bogar i
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lark left to-day
lor New \ ork City, where they will
spend the holidays.
Winer Cnl,p, of Klizabethville, spent i
iuesday in town.
Returned Missionaries Have Resident
of China as Guest
Special Correspondence
-Ncwviiie. ]>ec. 24.—The Sunday I
school of the Church of God will render
a Christmas program at the church on I
the evening of Christmas Dav at 7 1
0 clock.
Dr. .1 ohi! and Mrs. Snoke. returned'
missionaries from Sio Kiie, China, who
are spending the Christmas season in j
this place, liave „s their guest Kok ;
1 hiang, ol sio Khc, China, who lias'
been attending a Bible school at North
field, Mash.
The engagement of K. Clover Koser i
ami Andrew McElwain has been an
r ounced. Miss Koser is a saleslady iu
the department store of Paul E. Spang-1
lor. Mr. McElwain is a real estate and j
insurance agent.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Randall are!
spending the holidays at the home of!
their daughter, Mrs. Godwin Bjard, at I
rho public schools of town have j
cli sed for (lie Christmas vacation. j
Very interesting exercises were held
at the High school on Tuesday after- j
noon and a tree, attractively decorated, j
added a touch appropriate to the]
Christmas season.
The interment of Robert, the 3- ;
month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank i
Melott, Vine street, was made Saturday
morning in the Xewville cemetery. j
Mrs. James E. Skillington am) daugh-1
tor, Susan Virginia, of Hazleton, are j
guests of her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. C. j
D. Hartzell.
It is expected that the Rev. W. IH. i
I'ike, dean of the Practical Bible Train- I
ini; School, Bible School 'Park, X. Y„ j
will occupy the pulpit of the Church of j
God next Sunday, morning and even- 1
Mrs. Bella Thompson, who has been ;
with her daughter, Miss Mary, at Pas
saic, N. J., has returned home.
The Rev .T. Walter Skillington. of j
Austin, has joined his wife and chil
dren. who have been victim; her par-1
cuts. Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Mickey. Par- i
soilage street, and will spend the Yule
tide here. Bays Mickey, of Philadel- ]
phia, is also home for Christmas.
Church of God Christmas ' Entertain
ment To-morrow Night
Special Correspondence.
Middletown, Dec. 24.—Thb Church J
of flod will render the following Christ- j
mas entertainment in the church to- >
morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock: Pre-1
lude, organ; invocation, pastor; selec-1
tion, choir; recitation. Marian Brown;
recitation, Helen Rodfong; exercise,;
"Christmas Wreath;" duet, Maurice
StaufTer and sister; recitation. Grace!
Brown; recitation, Louis Murray; song,!
choir; recitation, Alta Gibe; recitation,,
John Rodfong; duet, Helen Weidner!
and Viola Paryer; exercise, "Christ
mas Newboys;" recitation. Ruth |
Christ; recitation, Harold Crick; reci
tation, Myrtle Gibe; duet, Evelyn Mey
ers and Maud .VleCammon; song, choir;
exercise. "Stepping Stones;" dia
logues, "Salita's Speech," Ruth Don-'
A I > >! , ipht and Merry (liristmas To All.
In a sense of gratitude, we thank our many
Cl° se Our Doors at 6P. M.
spirited shoppers who have favored this move",
clly, Ralph Myers; exercise, "Christ
mas Marketing;" duet, Misses Brestle
and Wood; recitation, Florence Leon
ard; recitation, Anna Hoover; recita
tion, Sella Christ; pantomime, "Cradle
Song;'' selection, choir; exercise,
"Fud's Preain," by class of boys; solo
and chorus, Ruth Ponley and Primary
Class; drill, ten girls; address, super
intendent, J. B. Martin; offering; bene
diction, Pr. .H. F. Hoover.
Mrs. Emma Schwan, wife of Augus
tus Schwan. Jr., State street, died at
her home yesterday afternoon after an
illness of several weeks from a com
plication of diseases, aged 33 years. Be
sides her husband she is survived by
one daughter*, Hilda, and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Clouser, Sus
quehanna street, and three brothers,
John and Charles, of town, and Wil
liam, of Allentown. The funeral will
be held from her late home on Monday
afternoon at 1.30 p. m.
D. B. Zorger will spend the next,
three days at Altoona as the guest of
his son, Charles, and family.
John 15. Dolson died at his home on
Fast Main street on Tuesday night
from typhoid fever, aged 22 years,
after being ill for the past few months.
Besides his wife he is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. ' Dolson,
Adelia street, Hoft'er's Extension, anil
is also survived' by two brothers, Al
bert, of Rutherford, and Benjamin, anil
one sister, Mrs. Mayme Hoiges, of
town. The funeral will be held on Sat
urday afternoon from his late home at
1.30 o'clock and 2 o'clock in the Pres
byterian church of which he was a
member. The Rev. T. C. McCarrell
will officiate. Interment will be made
in the Middletown cemetery.
Charles Fratts, of Zanesville, 0., ar
rived in town on Tuesday evening and
will spend two weeks as the guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fratts,
Catherine street.
The Christmas entertainment held
by the Presbyterian Sunday school last
evening in the church was largely at
tended and many packages were re
ceived at the door which were taiken
this morning to Samuel Irely, of the
Free Mission, who will distribute them
to the needy.
Fred Haesler, clerk in I. H. Dout
rich's store, is assisting at the store of
Mr. Doutrich's at Harrisburg during
the Christmas rush.
Miss Rebecca Croll, of State Col
lege, is spending two weeks in town
as the guest of relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Drabenstadb
and son, of Philadelphia, are spending
two weeks in town as the guests of the
latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
Hawk, of Koyalton.
The public schools closed this after
noon and will remain closed until Mon
day, January 4. In several of the
schools appropriate exercises were held.
Ivinus lleagy and John Noon were
appointed Wednesday morning by Bur
gess Thomas Jordan ns special police
d'uring the holiday season.
Mrs. Charle« Schiefer, of Falmouth,
spent Wednesday in town.
John Coyle, of Falmouth, is visiting
relatives in town for several days.
Miss Eddie McCord has gone to
Lancaster, where she will visit rela
Borough's First Municipal Christmas
Tree Erected in Market Square
Special Co; io»|ionrlpne>"
Newport, Dec. 24. —Newport's first
municipal Christmas tree has been set
in the center of Market square and
is now read}' for the Christmas serv-
Arthur Kider, of Ewing, 111., is vis
iting his mother, Mrs. Samuel Beasom.
Miss Viola Redmond, of Knola, is
visiting Misa Pauline Bortel.
K. S. Trout is spending Christmas
with his daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ball,
at Chicago.
K. K. Snyder is spending Christmas
H. M. F. WORDEN, Proprietor.
Slag, Slate and Tile Roofs,
Damp and Water Proof
ing, Paints and Roofers'
Genuine Pen Argyl Inlaid
Slate for Flat Roofs.
v.. | —^
with his daughter, Mrs. J, W. Morth
land, at Hammond, I ml.
Mm Marian Kough, a trained nurse,
of New York, is spending Christmas
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Paul Gantt, a student at Franklin
and Marshall College, is spending his
vacation wit:, his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Gantt.
Miss Gertrude Brandt, a student at
Shippensburg State Normal School, is
spending hor vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Brandt.
Checks Croup Instantly
You know croup is dangerous. And
you should also know the sense of se
curity that comes from always having
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in
the house. It cuts the thick mucus and
clears away the phlegm, stops the
strangling cough and gives easy
breathing and quiet sleep. Take it for
coughs, colds, tickling throat, hoarse
ness and for bronchial and la grippe
coughs. Contains no opiates. Every
user is a friend. George A. Gorgas, 16
North Third street, and P. R. K. Sta
tion. adv.
Delivered All Day. Any Hour
Never Been Fined For Impurities in My Ice Cream
Factory 1932 North Third Street
Both Telephones E. W. CA.SE, Prop.
; Crying in Austin Home Disturbs Them,
Nearby Residents Say
Albany, Dec. 24. —Crying babies in j
1 the Frances Elliott Austin infant Home, 1
j founded by the late Anthony N. ■
| Brady, not only disturb the residents in j
the vicinity of the home, but tend to;
i decrease the value of the property, ac- j
; cording to (i cor go H. West, superintend- j
j eii't of the law and order department
sof the New York Civic League. Bu-1
| perintendent West made this complaint j
! to the Right Rev. Bishop Burke yester- ]
j day and asked that a remedy be found
i to stop the crying.
"Babies have been crying since the
j world was created," the Bishop is re
i ported as replying "and 1 believe that
| I will have a mighty difficult time in
j putting a stop to such an ancient CUB-
I torn."
The home is a hobby of Bishop !
j Burke. He recently turned over to it j
$20,000 which the "lergv of Albany
| presented to him upon the fiftieth an- i
j niversarv of his ordination as a priest. I
| Reserve Board Won't Prohibit Your
Christmas Bonus
i Washington, Dec. 24. —The Perioral
Reserve Board announced yesterday |
[ that "payments of additional coniipon- I
j sation " to national lank employes at j
: Christmas time would not constitute a;
j violation of the reserve act.
The opinion was awaited with keen j
| interest by bank employes in all parts j
of the country, for they had been riis .
; by a report that the board j
| would prohibit the Christmas largesse ,
j annually distributed by the banks.
After formulating this opinion the
board adjourned over the week-end.
Big Decrease in Railroad Dividends
Augusta, Me., Dec. 24.—A decrease j
Non-greasy T»llet Cream—Keeps the
Skin Soft and Velvety in Rough
Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep
aration, 25c.
10 N. Third St.. nml l>. It. It. Station
»■ >
of $1,224,705 in dividends paid during
the past year was shown in the annual
report of the steam railroads operating
in the State, filed here yesterday. Nino
roads paid no dividends.
Elizabethtown Poultry Show
Klizabethtown, Dec. 24.—The Kliza
bethtown Poultry Association i> making
extensive preparations for their annual
tilir, to be liehl January ti-ft in the
market hall. Many States will l>" rep
resented at the show anil more valuable
prizes t! an ever will lie given. The
judges will be George Brown, of Bal ti"
more, and Charles Nixon, of Washing;
Staging a Trial
"Do you think you have sufficient
counsel for my boy "
"Yes; we have a .spread eagle ora
tor, a sob specialist, an insanity ex
pert, and a little cuss who knows the
law if we need any law.'' —Louisville
(on rier-Journal.