The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 24, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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The Store Will Be Open Until 9 O'clock This Evening
Beginning Saturday: Our Annual After Christmas Clearance of Suits and
Coats: A Sale That Clearly Points the Way to Splendid Economies
150 Suits for Women and Misses 350 Coats in Black
In Late Season Styles Navy and Imported Mixtures
If is the annual custom of the Dives, Pomeroy Stewart store to provide out of the ordinary savings immediately after Christmas
1? °y ter 5 arments tor women, misses and children and so the sale scheduled to open on Saturday morning will be welcomed by hun
dreds ot \\ omen who have delayed filling their own wardrobe requirements during the gift buying season.
tinedon in snTe'wiU at''lower' the %£ auatchable cha ™ tel "> suits ' coats and dreßßes ' from makprß «»»» sta *< l ** *+
The Items Given Here Are Representative of the Values That Go Into the Sale
Suits From $lB.oO to $65.00 Coats of Fine Quality Materials Are
r $20.00 Reduced for Early Clearance
tailored coats; yXe skirt ' "\i"t ['bJiJunas''-tar witV tX '''vftJWhrirfmai CiLS? s "° °° MV - V " ml broW " fi,, ° fum ' v woave * ,o » ts with $23 0 ° m,v . v an d black heavy eponjre coat with velvet
"$32 Velvet plum ' 'hi iV ' . black velvet s;utiaoko. mado^th'snrpiice "i-.a j hr hv " i,nd volvo , t C ° r ' l " nd buttons ' J "» de in j i " ,nW and n,ilitar >- collar; plain tailored model. After Christmas
J, ImLri w! t rCadta'h%STl' ,aiu »***- After Arirtmu Clearance. *8.06 ! r, -" lar Att " r ( ****** < "oaranee ! Clearance »,8.50
fiV t, r / hris,nll,s ranee W-i">o AfteV lVrirtnlasi ''"earnnoe coi!iir aad
jacket' trimmed 6^ 1 hro»ST a nT' '7 'Tf . < , kirt ? nJ $ - 5 " 00 «-hiffon br.-a.K.loth .nits' in'ravv.'arm,'«id bliek: '.'".at l ' ,w " t0 thro!,t - After Christmas Clearance SIO.OO and bufton trimmed. After Christinas Clearance $15.00
Christmas Clearance. ... . ...... ... | pSV' 0 'ftaJET " g"« an imported ON ford mixture with velvet collar ! sl>r,o ° -l<inchilla coats, with marten fur collar; in
• V D 8( - ? u d ». bla j k S,>rl: ' , Sluts with velvct '■oUar; long ,p:\t> $:'5.00 chiffon broadcloth' in 'Teen raw Via -k anil i.' -in • :lnc ' '""-nvish pockets. After (,'hristmas Clearance 818.50 tai,ore( ' ">odel. After < hristmas Clearance $20.00
mas .Se!" ' on, • 1 length tfaisheJ with vclv'et buttons; skin oV fnii $22.50 fancy plaid coat with velvet collar and ripple back. , '"'J 0 '* c 01565.00
$65.00 duvetyne suits: long coat with the vokc ut K'oi'i-1 ! V To o*'V, After Chri*»U Clearance flfl.OO l;,r - «W®« hnished with wide bands of broadtail. After Christ
»kin collar- skirt m-ide with„ i, t ' os ;, lf# P ar '' | $30.Q0 clnffon nits in gr«M and* black; foil length I * ,uu mas Clearance SKI no
Clearance of Trimmed and Silk and Cloth Dresses Reduced AClearanceof Slightly Soiled
IJtn t" f"l fT) rn p j-Jnt-o $12.."0 taffesta drosses in smail $15.00 blaik satin niessaliuo $lS..">O lark blue and black tai- T • \\T ' O 1
VilllliiillUJU 1 Idlo WJd.l tirClciV si/es .ulv; dark blue and green, lace dres-es. lone box pleated tun.; dresses; basque effect; silk I IflFTl W PIIQtQ NptttrHflX/
mv • , . . J vests and collars. After Christmas shirred basque effect; wire organdie trimming finisluM in the hack , V V dlOlO Od I UlLld.y
Tns atter hnstmas clearance of millinery briiicfs ciearani-v- cellar and cuffs. After christmus iiu'ce'.. /. ~' r ... n ! !'.'"sio.o» Ci Q(T <ro 7c
\alues in trimmed and untrimmed hats that will be ap- $22. _ o to $25.00 i-repe <ic .-hine. clearance . ( tO / O CJm
preeiated bv women needing new hats. The savings ,Hffeta "»;• llrp,sos ' aU $22.50 black ere,>e meteor dresses, i, ia cL ~ i n ,J' an,i Waists Reduced to i/JC
are unusually large, because we wish to clean-nn rim M 1,1 1 ro<ft navv ' :< " 1 *»»<>■ b3 '-i ,:e with Rus - P ,patcd tunic, white pique iw
Stock* rPfrai'HlpSS nf lii« Tlw.> x. .. .■ 1 ' hagen. green, black and figure!. ,; an tunie. waist finished with wide collar, cuffs and vest. After Christ- (T C J /iTkS~\
Ine sale opens Saturday. After C , ST.™ mas Clearance 810.00 and s>/.OU kl)
Toques, turbans, tailored and dress hats in silk, velvet and -I v " $18.50 navy and blaek poplin I WflKtS RpHtlPpH to V/V
few ... .... 16.50 |B. .t] ' t ,. /'ap • ISWS ° » kirts »»d "leflvea; V V I\CUUUCU IU T ,Vf V
tt&Ofc * it-aranee Price. !h4.95 . verta. ud
l re>> ana walking hats in black and colored velvet r\c iprdles. After Christmas clearance, chine dresses; long Russian t.mic; Clearance 9ts.sp mussing have been taken from stock and reduced for a clearance
that were formerly $4.95 to $6.50. Clearance Price.. Si'.oo basque front and coat effect on back. $lB jo n-iw biuk >o din ires p.- Saturday.
Black and colored velvet and plush shapes only recently irj , .. f ,k erepe dresses, After Christinas Clearance, *13.00 eoat o ffect" bound' ttith'«i?k "braid,' i These are tine linen waists in tailored and semi-tailored styles,
reduced from to fv-. Clearance Prii-e T"VC • n p "-'''V •• 10 $25.00 corded -ilk crepe dress, | long box pleated tunic, pique collar None will be sent on approval or none will be exchanged.
- 98c "■ >Vt l:-r s£."":.. Aft ". c, ' H ' , T,SSS Blouses SOr
uuced trom to >J.9o. Clearance Price, yot $ 16.60 black messaline dresses, (, $18,30 1 ~0-0 tllm , k v „. vmt . . DIOUSCS 31 OUC
tio'n— et C| reS> 8 laP !'S. —tl,e ' r firßt re(^UC * $2 95 Mtin collar and • ;iffs, basque 5 1 1».50 old rose wool crepe ingote style, skirt and F «> l| r stvles voile blonses, all-over embroidery front or front trimmed with
won allies to sß.no. learance Price effect, wide beaded girdle, stole Iresses, Persian silK g rdl and col- black messaline, collar, cuffs and lace insertion and embroidery scalloped edge "SOc
l* Dives, Pomeroy A: Stewart. Second Floor Front Three Elevators Sa " t hristmas Clearance, lar; lace vest. After Christmas j vestee of white satin. After Christ- Black satinc petticoats with pleated flounce !. !!! ,-,Oc
' " * loo ° t,lear!tD ' ,e $7 "- > ° mag '-'learanee 5i2..-,o I tr Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor—Three Elevators."
All Broken Lots of Clothing From Regular Stock Comprising 200
Suits Reduced From $20.00 and $25.00 to $14.75
0k Styles and Sizes for STOUTS /Is
VMT I„_ 4 SWOepins: atter " ( hristmas sale of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats commences Saturday moraine with prices far below ro<ni- {
7 ffarment ™ Ta , k . en ric:llt from re «ular stock and these special lots represent all broken lines and odd sizes. This lias been the busiest »/£ V
Pf' naturallv there is "" aCTU '"" ,atlon clothiuß that must be hurried out he- M
s The Sale Opens Saturday Morning 1 *7^
$20.00 and $25.00 Suits GTI A HC $20.00 Overcoats and ffl/l 7C - f
In the Clearance Sale at 4>lx./ O Balmacaans Selling at r./ O |
There are two-button English sar-k suits with soft roll lai)els e gone through our stocks thoroughly and removed f / ""IJflli
and three-button sack suits in sizes for regulars slim builds and a including the popular Balmacaan stjies whose lines f / : ._JI I
stouts—these are.our finest grades of clothing and represent the are ellt u , p . om l t . ie ,)US - V se,lln ff °f the past month. There are 111 H I
best of hand-tailoring. The patterns include- many styles in this clearance group in sizes from 33 to 40. In- . IJ ' I I
syn? eluded are convertible collars, lined vokes and sleeves, vertical /_/ U II I
|if ,1 Green and brown Tartan checked cassimere suits and patch pockets. Here are some of the stvles:— I * 1
r~ri '/ Farrv^ri^h 6 i« u i ts Grey Scotch mixture overcoats Oxford worsted overcoats ttSm
2 'L Finest S bIT eSe B SI S ank'uXh 10 ? SSUi t h ♦ Heavy grey cheviot overcoats Dark grey frieze overcoats H W[
ChSZ ■ Black J unflni ® h ® d suits Brown, grey and blue storm cloth overcoats MfJ TA ~
* ■ SS?™ wLS^ CaSSUnerC and , worstcd BUlts Brown and blue Vicuna overcoats ff Ml
7nH Smt3 ■ Blue and W beavercioth overcoats jffl M
BSs y w"t w is?Su™«r ere ' ,u,s i ~D . , b,u : r M
1 *■* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men a Clothing, Seeond Floor, Rear—Three Elevators. £&*