The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 24, 1914, Image 11

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    COUNTY TAX, 1913 * COUNTY TAX, 1912
1 i
a E - v- ■
S c . . ± o g c - _• V
NAM US or -8 c - o 5 Shi j " c - « S 2 be
DISTRICTS COUUKCTORS "3 « « c 3 | c « " S. £ = 's°s
§ X c 1 1 c * 8 £5 i S S J £ eg •= S *
I 3 ' 1 a J, 3 = = _ l ..'¥scSES , d
r= o .c tj 3 5 a 2 5 ? -a ° *2 a 2 o £ ~
3 E 5 5 3 S I a" o S •= £ " S £ r° 5 2
< < Cj < IS £3 | Cj CQ —■ H CU < j < O < OS L, «jOQ H
H Vlr'»t b ward John H. Taylor j $7,719 821 $6,768 7oi »36J 10 ' ' 1356 241 $232 78! $7,719 S'J '• $lB 76] $375 14] sllO oo' 1 ,■ ; ••■ ■ $3 791 $278 111 $393 90
Second ward Charles U. Haas j ! 12,664 62! 11,023 78 5C.7 44 580 20 503 20 12.66162! •••• 128 11 L I $12811........
Third ward w - vv - Wallower 30,350 22 26.785 On, 1,456 23 1.409 7! 699 25! 30,350 22, S2O US 51 00 190 IS 41 S 49 i 124 <4 22 0.. : .>bj .6
Fourth ward """i: W. A. l.eech 1 15,898 36! 17.023 29 886 43 895 96 183 68 17,989 36 1 11 25 34 139 80 3= 27 OS: 4 23' 3006
Fifth ward ' Harry I>. Hilton 1 1.870 44; 10,500 00, 581 72 552 6"! 236 09! 11,870 44 3 00| 431 ,l| »9 86| .171 .0| .. 15 434 .1
Sixth ward' " •" Daniel 11. cirias'.ngor 7.461 96 6,158 20 325 10j 560 324 121 618 91 7,161 96 829 19 oa| ..68 09 lbi. u8 . .... ; 451 •;•'! 8.0 626 4..
Seventh ward. Isaiah Reese. Jr 11,090 58 8.873 78, 444 59 167 06' 1,305 15 11,090 RSI'. ... .■ • . 203 8} ..43 3n|......... . S.O - ;• i;| ijl H
BUrhtti ward I|! ' U Miller 1 1,330 60 9.180 55 498 61 16 80 483 18! 1.154 16 1 1.333 6n 1 69| 21 95 314 b.j 149 •>!> OS 40 212 41 ,8, 1 438 .9
Ninth ward - William Hughes $32 40 25,999 801 22,7-2 69! 1,246 51 814 nL 1.195 93 52 72 26,032 20 .0 164 2a .05 Su| 1.. 32 . 8,.5 S._. , !li2 on
Tenth ward " Ui'.e> I!. Adam ■ 21 88 13,883 41 11,691 05| 599 98 40 00, 615 32] 958 97, 13.905 32 39 1!; .0 1.150 .b .Sb 80 , . hB4 411 v.: 41 41 1,.4h 90
F1 evenUi ward Frank B. Mi. key 28 00 10.71 716 9. 182 87 498 87j 20 40 199 101 243 92! 10,745 1 24 S6! 12b 18 .90 ... 491. -8 •••' «»1 '• lg 241 "
Twelfth ward The... 13. Shlsler 8.153 OS' 7.649 74; 412 881 102 62 687 841 9,153 OS 18 U »3 55 0t.2 23| JbS 10! $0 .0 216 06| .J I »»« M
Thirteenth ward"!'. Rdwin C. Osman 3,872 90 3,375 49! 119 47: 2 16, 168 12 177 66 3,872 90 o.>l 10 00; 100' 9 00| 05 j 10 0..
cone'wajfo^ownahij! 1 '.."".'.".v.'.".".".*."::::::! k. .::::::'.".:".::*.*.*.:*.::::i...2,305 40: s.o»i si : 10? 31...... ® 81 ; *®' : 48 84i s» 79 •'22 ® toj::::::::::i::::::::::i::::::::::::::: j:::::::::::::
DBrr P y hl town»h"p— precinct'.' 1'.!".'.'.!'.!!'.'.'.".!!', i DaWd^clordon,"'!!!! iI! I!!!!'. 3 76, 8,576 08; 7,126
Kant Hanover
FHzahethvtlle boroufth, ' 1* \V.»Mattis 80 1,611 66 1,49.. 93 ,8 09 16 6 40 31 88 1,612 46
oral* borough ... .*. Harry 12. Utnholtz 2 So' 911 GO! 852 19 39 42 160 2119 914 40 , ' ! I
Hal Ifa x bo roll Eh .!. lames M. Lebo 2 80! 1.019 28! 945 01 48 34 800 20 73 1.022 OS ! 1 !
iinlifiiv tnwimhln' .... William B. Straw, 1 -0 661 2.071 001 98 94, 4 4N, N SO li» t» I L'.'Jo'J Sti
iafihspire borouah !;"! :: 1; Milton Booser X 2,639 36 2,108 73, 102 69 770 3151 (9 37! 336 33 2.639 36 19 52 392 28] 389 ; 0 180 30 oO j *U 80
1 fcJSi IS S!S 8 8 BSi s ;iS. «i S; Si::::::: I:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::
likens boroUKli—KaVt ward ' '!!!!! Cyrus Roin-burger. 1,084 52 77 1 031 25 24, 126 52 40 25 59! 206 00 1,084 52 .88 ,20 1..9 89 lu, 24 9 4,. 8 2!> ; 1.4 9.
Mken» borout.i Kast wara ; . \ , Cyrus Hombergcr 1.898 28 1.579 -4 84 81 32 23! 1.696 28, ......
I.ykens township Daniel Hartman ; *0 S.S4S ?2| 2.1712 b 109 99 10 80 600 48 27! -,|46 82 1 b,t 3? !: *.!!! ! *.! i!!!! i!!!!!! i! i! ' 3(1!! ii! i" !?
Mlddletown Hrst 111111111 1 John Waßller'. 1!!!!!!!!! 11!!!!!!!!! 11 'J 1 3!519 '76' U965 25 105 55j.'.!!!!! 1 1 !!!!40 lo|* ' 1,508' 86 3',619 76 I !
Thirl! ward John Wagner 1.875 40 1.746 00: 93 77 i 35 63 1.875 40 41 02! 1,662 4S 1,496 29 12S 4.i .8 . t> 1..0J ..0
Middle Paxton township Cyrus U. Xovlngw, I 40 2,066 68 1,829 901 79 10) 48 54! 44 60 49 581 15 38: 2.067 OS.! ; 76 95 -9 10 45 09' 11.! 103 .... v . .'I .6 9,.
Mifflin township' . '.. . ..... i John K. Henninger 1.721 00 1.596 03 80 32 8 96! 2 88, 35 811 1,721 00 ...... . •••!•••• ;i - i;
M lieriunr* borouith .... I William li. HecUert 11 20 3,4 14 S;| 2,839 80! 117 1 1 810 47 88 61 18 321 62; 3,426 "2 1. 93 3.4 64 Jj.7 .4, 16 00 Is S„ 392 ...
rKW: : . : . ne. r 22,6001 i.7»«»«, 7227 ..... so ™ 30.91 tu 00, .30. ,1109 I«IM. 00 ~ :#. 2 2
.Roy alt on "iMjrough—KVrst'w'arti, !!! !!!!'. ill Join,'.;. in'te^V.!!! [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 818 78! 524 17; 26 47 ....:...! '•••• 11 70! 256* II- SIS 7S : 12 76] 11 9ij _ 276-30] 268 «9| ; ;;;; ; 13 951 7 201 11 13; ;;;;;;; ; j 303 37
~u , h town ship Sc " lu, ..".' ,ld .'..'John ii'usVhV, 11 111 111! 1!!!! 11; 11!".!! 1!:!! i!!!!! i sii'ss iii'isi ii'iii " bs'is, i'isi s'isi is 72; as 4* 88: 2 40, is o« 47 ss 2as 1 so ik
South Hanovcr'townghip. Wm. K. Clny 1.775 40 1.633 541 . 77 22 | 15 00, 39 64, 10 00 1,775 40
S?cel on—First ward. . . .. Mark Mnma ! 5.400 81 5,028 18 270 011 ! 102 621 5,400 81 1 , 1
dtcelton ,« «a.o . Mark Mn.r.;na 4.315 24 4,017 48, 215 76, S2 00! 4,315 24 ! '
Third ward Mark Mununa 9.089 48 6.16170 330 92 17 86- 125 75; 2,453 25 9.089 4S ................ 1 ;.......
MmS :::::::::::::::::::::::: |:om l\ moo::::::::!::::::::::. It I:??® o?;! U iii—sioM wl «l i.lSf:::::::: *-53ii7 J? Joi::::::::. s.m §5
Su^u e' la nna twp.—North precincC Thom«« w! Ueed! !!!!'.'. 5,096 80 U45 -12 254 841 iT!I! 11 j 1111!! 11 .* 11 ':»6 84! 88 \ 9 .' Soli" ' 46'73 29* 25j"
Swatara—First precinct •. O. C. Hish ( >i» 1 ••••••; ''"'.i-'Ao' i ('"'lAn'oAi V 70'
nrofiliPt O. C. BIsllOD, I 1 4,"4 7 0 I -0»» b9 100 }»b d,JI« l" ■ I I'll
Third precinct^.!.';!!!!!!!!!!!!!..<>. 2,473 os 2,110 no 113 esj. j 43 2ij -01 js 2,475 osjj a 73 332 23 is» soj | 142 4? »07 341 96
rniontownborouKh.'"?''.»• snVder. '■ ">si mo'os soe oi iii'sii.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i «»6 ii ii!: 403' .-.p ""r4il. ' 30' jo 28 201..:.: :...' 2 43] i is, 3211
1 Tone-ra "t ontownsh ip ...... .. 1 W.A.Wert 6Ss 2,913 78 . 2,705 88 12120 7 32! 13 36 69 70 3 20l 2,920 66 316 63 15 62 99 3 3.] bb.U
Washington township, P .' j Harry D. Swab 1 f« S '"J 2®! '2? s®: « °°! 2 ? ®«i IS* | !
W-ivne township !■. Ilarman ■ I 20 i.,8 IS! bB4 .S lb,. i 88 19 ..b, .39 „8 ..........
township. ... I William 1. Clay | 130! 1.983 94 1.620 71' 71 71 576 42 27 244 66 ,M 511 , 11 -6 1 231 25 230 6, !- 1 1 .. ; ] 242 81
wk.iniico—iArtrpreS^t. i J«l.m'"-V*icnVioy,»*6oi w* U 143 7r.i i si, 37 so «»30;:::::::::: 3:26s os;;:::::::::::::::::: ; ••••
I ""'klSl
Williams township—'l Cast preoinot 1 I*ne Riibendall. 732 4 411 «SI 90, 3b 62| | I tZ 92 / .32 41 • b 49. 129 83 109 92 j 8 .0 6- 136 3.
West precinct Lane Ilubendallf I 1.01 l !>- 1.141 0o bl -8i I f -3 29 41b 1,641 9-; ; I ■ ■ , ,
$155 79! $297,135 10 $256,185 64 $13,261 9l| $296 08! $1,529 20| $10,363 56! $15,951 50'; $297,590 S9j, $459 4S|' $1,205 94 $ 15,4 IS 53, $10,223 38| $0 70 1 $363 211 $5,156 50 $538 II $532 02| $17,113 95
Continued From Opposite Page
Jolui D. Bugar & Sons, lumber
at bridge No. :'o-2li. L'pper
l'axton township 12' i IJ
Stceiton Planing Mill Co.,
lumber at Trcwiek anil Con
estoga street bridges IT Do
E. 11. Kisher, labor rep-airing
bridge No. 119. li. Hanover
township B 78
Lvkens Supply and Mfg. Co..
labor and material repairing
bridge No. 6t>. Uykens bor-.
ougti, 81
"William Kline, lumber at
bridge No. Hi, K. Hanover
township «0 -'4
.1, M. Brightbill, lumber at
. Clifton bridge, Swatara
township .3
"NVrii. f. Mills, labor, repairing
bridges. No. 25 and 2$ sfi 05
AY. F. Kline, lumber at Hun-
Uiu's Mill bridge 50 .4
Penna. Ft. K. Co.. freight on
lumber, ® 72
\V. Ensign. rebuilding
bridge. Horr street. Harris- _
burg. Pa 4,51" .'0 j
(!. \V. Ensign, extra Work on „.|
lierr street bridge 4So . ,
John I>. llogar & Sons, shin
gles and plank at bridge No. !
1.1. Uykens township 81 si
11. !•'. Malich. lumber at Tre
wick street bridge. Steel- , 1
ton 4S 4o i
Joseph A. Koons. riplanking
Trcwi' k street bridge -■> -»0
C. M. Hers'.iey, services as en
gineer, bridge work 82 68
J MII >l. Harmaii. lumber at
bridges. No. :!7 and SS,
Washington township _H .t>
J.»hn M. Ilartnan, labor_ re
pairing bridges No. 37. 38
and 80 I" 1 ' *-
1". 1\ Fecser. labor and ma
terial. re-pairing l'axton
street bridge, Harrlsburg,. • 11 90
G. W. Ensign, steel beams at
bridge No. -'.B, No. *>o and
No. ti 1, Halifax township...* -OS .>0
.1. 1-:. Bboads. renient at Tax
ton street bridge 0 10
Joan l». Boffnr <v* Sons, lumber
it bridge No. HI and No. f»2,
Jarkson township 33 62
y.. Koppen haver, labor and
! STATE TAX, 1913 STATE TAX, 1912 State Tax, 1911 j LIQUOR LICENSES, M 3
•o I I . I ! >3 . -g I m I
S.js„sj a S 11 • |
s c e 2 - 5 " £ ci 2 > 8 • j '5 2 2 2s„- ,
NAMES OF i • ! S e jo SJ 8 So 8 a iJ, I ■Si * S *?2, • ►
DISTRICTS COEEECTOrtS rt; a t, ? '-5 £ c G c «>". « >, w £ e ° c 11 °c «• & a s ; f "o!c *
; § i C I s 2 S| gs 15' C t 5 2| S=3 3 8f j! C Si cS 5.3
2 * C C - 3 £ 9 K Cg J 3 Cg •- < 3 3 3 33
3,0 •= rt a CQ £3 OJ S 4> o X s ,2*2 «£ d o Csj2 «« O O*- Oo °.-o 5
/ lie § 3 S £ S ° o S «" S S «» 3 , S E w 3" s«2 3
< \ < o < W O tt f- < -aiowoffi h •< CO H;' «<! | ■< < «! f
-1 larrisb u rg*— I • * I II I '
First ward John H. Tavlor $55 08' 152 33; $2 7.".! $55 OS 1 ! 1 ! ' S6O 01 S6O 01 S6O 01 j
Second ward Charles E Pass t'-l II 100 37 21
Third ward W. \V. Wallower 12,096 yii 11,192 11 604 85 12,096 !»6 ! : i I
fourth ward W. A. Leech $24 00 5.2716N 7.*(83 7T. 114 93 8,298 68 ! , i ! a 1 '
Fifth ward Harry I>. lllltoi 2,441 no 2,321 SO; 122 2" 2,411 On $34 00 *3l 00 s3l 00: |i 1
ward iDanlrl H. Grisainger 29S 50i 283 57j 14 93 298 50 ! I '.-.1 1 I n
wchth ll wa"J"'l?a" l i I Miner. Jr .".::::.*:; "IO'OO £si HIM s»j :::::::::::::::: 36 A?; lit 4gi::::::i:I:::::i": IIII ::::::iwjoo oo viv,2do oo'v«*.»66'6oivav.eod'66 *48.706 66
Xinth ward. William Hushes, 817 011 755 61' $22 26 39 77 1 ! 817 61! j j ! ' ! !
Tenth ward itilev B. Adams 1.101 26 1,049 05 1 1 55 2! j 1,101 26j 1 1 I I I
Eleventh ward Frank H. Mickey 1,683 60 1,598 281 84 12| $1 20 1,683 fiu, 4 80i I 480 480
Twelfth ward Theo. E. Shlsicr 811 82! 765 53 | 6 00! 40 29! ! 811 82 I j
f s?? ?«i ? »J Sil* I :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •""moo aa'aa ww --now —m*
Dauphin* bo roVsVi!''!'. 11K^nU' 1 "^.'.V.!~95 90 [is 38: 'J 7a jl 11111111 2 T:! 111! 11! !' *95 90j!!l!.'! 111! I! 11!!! 11!! j! I! »'■::::::: 200 ooj 50 00: 30 00 120 00 200 00
Derry township—First precinct David Gordon I 637 80 593 781 31 89 ! 12 13 | 637 80 fh'nni in'nn!" " iin'i'ii'i '"'inn'nA
Second precinct David Gordon j I i I I ! 200 00 u0 o, \ 0# 00 uo 1,0 - 00 00
T hlrd precinct David Oordon - ' 1 ' ! ' 1... I I •• • • ■• •: •• •• • •
Euat Hanover township ! William R. Hefrick 229 76 21 11 7 10 81 4 78! 229 76 ! ] I { 1 "o nni «?i no i S coo oo
Eliaabethville borough I. W. Mattis 479 oi: 415 99 23 9..; 910 479 04 1 1 1 ; ?' ® " !i " rj "j ®"f. ''''
Urutz borough Harry B. I'mholts IXB 60 175 78 8 9:: I 389 188 60 1 | I 1 - 2 :l 5 5 X H?,
Halifax borough Ijaraet M. U-bo 253 201 235 73 12 66 ISI 258 20 1 ' ! I ! ! 200 00 ~0 on 30 00 ISO 001 .00 00
Halifax township William B. Straw 239 20! 222 '.O. 11 96: 454 ; 239 20 I ] ■ ! i •• • • nVan ' '''' V iin'nil
Htghsplre borough Milton Boosur 163 20 151 91 8 16. 310 163 .20 ! I 1.8-.0 00 *OO ."! "
Hummelßtown borough I'rank G. Wheficr 1.082 30! 9SO 00 -3 12 20 is 1,062 30 i V, v.?, ?,?„ o
Jackson township. . IraO. Miller 167 36 155 SI 8 37 3 181 167 36 | ! ! 200 00 ..0 00 120 00 .00 00
Jefferson township <Jeo. l£ystcr .j ; H 7»V 10 14 5.> 311 3 7b 11 70; |. I
township A. Klmer kutt j I - - •"> -- - ' ; ' mi i'.'on ' ''' iiiViii'i 'iiift' nn
Ijower Paxton township |>S. W. Brlgrlitbill 1 1 4?-' 22! 4T.8 26 24 bl » 492 22 ! 00 •" ~u 180 00 300 00
Txiwer Swatara township Aaron M. ICngic 2«S 24 240 4b 12 82 496 2.»K 24 j ! i ••• ** : • * n v '-iaa iwi ' ' i'im ' * V«>n/i 'nri
Lykens borough—Hast ward Cyrim Rom-berger 127 20 118 42 b3b 21: 127 20 1 3,200 00 I,ioo 00 .100 00 1,200 00 3,200 00
West ward 'Cyrus Roinbergor 211 08; iHb 5:1 10 55' 400 21 1 08' I i •• • ;••••• ;-* "A ""u\a'n,\
Midteto^-Fir p ß t ward; - ::::::::::::::::::::::::;i^i e wagn^' ,n :.::::::::::::|:::::::: ; 2 i? ii 9 ?i S? if;:::::::: a i? «!"ii-iii-i-iii-,3 20::::::: ,6„ ; ::::::::::::: xiSS« uoS: 2!;;:: ~«!! XS 2.ISS 52
Second ward, John Wagner, -142 71 .»1!) 09 17 14 b 01 .»12 *4l
Third ward John Wagner ! 231 04' 215 10 11 55 4 39 ........! 231 04 1 ! j j
Middle Paxton township «'yrus D. Novinßer 400 34 362 28 19 lb . .19 1 1 21 400 34 j
Mifflin township lohn K. llenninger 217 04 202 07 10 8»l ,i -\( 04 | J j IAA'Aa '* ' imi'i'ii'. A .mA'AAi iAA'AA
Millersbursr borough William H. Heckert 92: i 9b 860 20| 4b 20 1$ »b; 923 96 1 ; 100 00 100 00 bO 00 -40 00 400 00
Penbrook borough C. Reese 488 02! 454 35 24 40 ! 9 27 r 488 02j ' :
Reed township, cieo. M. Cooper, 3 .»b 3 28 18......... 10 3 «>6 _• •_ • • • • • ( •
lloyalton borough—First ward lohn ( \ Mite 75 78, 28 23 15i 581 45 4b to 7S| 711 14 2C 12 71 1 «»0 6«| 14 Jl
Second ward, .lohn f. Uite 1 t j .1 ! j j ! | j
? 0 u ut h h Hanover'to wn s liip,':: i: i i:: Ii: i:::::::: i i:: !wn" i«« i2t •i6oo'::::::::j *;• :j i»a"6p::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::""i60 , «6r ,, '55w 1566
MumiUS:::::::::::::::::::::::: 250 70 ali 'iJ 12t250 70v.a00 oo!''v.ioOoot 66■■"moorMM M
:::::::::::::::??] IZ\ SsSSSI !S?i::::::::! l j n\ II::::::::::
«watara-First P rec^ h .^ 1^^:::::::::::::::o!T^^1^.:::::::::::: :::::::: ....:r s .!°L...: JS . 9 :!... 1 :. 6 ::::::::: 4 . 81 ..: A3 . 40 ::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::: *-i66-66i «-yo Vo6|--iww
He. ond precinct O. ('. Biaho.p 493 16 452 71 24 31 1 924 690 493 16 ' ! I.
Thi"d p?;ein"t..;o. bi«i.o» »9 so) ss 32 4 1701 «> 50 u. i j j ; 1 :::::::::::::::::::
uniontown'^?S l " , ; t, .:'::::::::::::::::::::::::|H: 'it^nySSr."::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: is 6 i6:::::::::::: j:::::::j:is 1 )'ss! ."ig'gsi"" -""i"®"! iao"66j* 200'w
«t^? O S! p '.::::::::::::::::::::::::: » a v;::::::::::::::j::::::::! lit JSi U| p \ SJ:::::::: i Iti «:::::: :::::: | ..j 350 ««i 30 00, -,i6-;oj i3S «•
wesV'Ha^-er^ownship.::::::::::::::::::::::::: W«^u,^TV^;v. Al 5; 2 , 2:::::::: :::::::: 2 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::
Kn%c n 92 Vi\ 86 is! J :::::::: 172;:::::::: 02 K:::::::::::::::::: :::::::i::::::::::::::::::::: - mw--i« w ii«o "-wiw ••"56006
winia m stow^^t n w;rd.-::::::::::::::::::ctMe S^ta?,w:::::::::::: :::::::: f• • - Mo-AirMsA-oorviii-oo
West ward (Charles W. Rank I bl 901 5i 63; 3.10 1 17 ........ 61 90 I
Williams township—East precinct Rubendali 3 00; » -i! ■ iii"'i'ent «r
West precinct, l>anc Rubendali 1J 40! 838 4»> In 44 0, 13 10 13| -b0 ho •* 1 •*,' j • ,'' j I
1 $64 00! $40,995 84) $38,675 491 $598 95 S2B 26 $1,681 3l| $75 93iT11,009 84 ~sTw'| SSB 80| sl6 57| S4O So| $0 86| $2 07| $59 80| S6O 04| S6O Oil S6O 04' $67,075 00 $23,425 001 $8,730 001 $31,920 001 $67,075 00
! material repairing bridges
No. 30 and No. 33, S 22
John I>. Bogar & Sons, hau-Ung
steel beams to bridge No. <"«£>,
No. 60 and No. 6-, 16 96 !
j Charles Batdorf. labor and
i material, repairing bridge
: No. 15, Lykens township... 36 36 |
L>. c. Ilunkle, 926 feet lumber
I at bridge No. Si, Middle
Paxton township '27 7S •
G. W. Ensign, rebuilding
bridge over Jron Mine Run,
Londonderry township, ... 1,268 50 j
John Hoffman, labor and ma
j terial, repairing bridge No.
! 58. No. 60 and No. 62 126 02
A. H. Zeigler, labor and ma
terial, repairing inter-eoun
-1 ty bridges over Malum tan go
j creek 196 61 I
IG. W. H. Langletz, lumber at
i Merr street bridge 13 20 |
Northumberland county com
missioners. repairing inter
| county bridges 16 13
Wayne Paint Company, 2 5
gallons paint and freight... 25 fl 1
Annie H. Raum, attending
danger light at Round Top
I bridge 10 50
•D. C. Hunkle, lumber at
bridges in !•'. and \V. Han
i over townships, 09 45
iJ. M. Bt fghtbm. lumber at
I Sand Beach bridge 48 60
, Aungst & Keiehert. painting
I Boyd's Station bridge 66 30
. C. M. llershey, inspection, re
pairs of county bridges,... 79 25
! Perry County Commissioners,
• one-half amount of repairs
! of inter-county bridge 1,265 40
i Calvin Cassel, labor hauling
! steel girders 13 00
1 Addison Geesman, labor haul
ing steel girders 38 50
I Geo. M. Kby, labor hauling
i steel girders, 35 00
! Earl B. Look, labor hauling
steel girders 25 50
E. N. Cooper Co., steel gir
ders for various county
bridges 918 00
) G. W. Knsign, steel girders
I for bridge over Spring
Creek 140 00 '
>1 C. M. Mershey, inspection of
Cassel's bridge, 20 00
> j A. L. Rrb, labor and material
! tilling approaches at Clifton
bridge 45 25
! G. W. hnsign, on account of
| contract rebuilding bridge
1 over Manada Creek 1,889 50 ;
J. M. Brightbill. labor and ma
terial repairing Sand Beach
bridge, 35 11 1
Minor bridge repairs not here
: inbefore mentioned 105 59 ,
i Harry Wright, tees and ex-
I penses bridge and road
I views 26 80 !
llarry Kahnestock, fees and
expenses bridge and road
| views, 65 00 j
William Sheesley, fees and ex
penses bridge and road
views 20 00 j
K. Clark Cowden, fees and ex
penses bridge and road
views 9- 00
Paul G. Smith, fees and ex
penses bridge and road
i views 189 34
;B. Karl Graeff. fees and ex
! penses bridge and road
views, 35 00 i
Joseph Umbergcr, fees and
expenses bridge and road
! views, 5 25 j
James D. Saltznian, fees and
expenses bridge and road
views 30 00 ,
.Rimes T. Walters, posting no
; tices. serving subpoenas,
grading of streets 67 82 i
I£. Bruce Taylor, qualifying
viowers 19 00 |
Total - $20,813 42
t'ouuty OftteeN and Court House
County Commissioners' salar
ies 15,400 00
Traveling expenses of Com
missioners 148 83 1
Clerk's salary, 1,214 06
Assistant Clerks' salaries, ... 3,336 21 •
County Solicitor's salary 1,320 00 i
Janitor's salary 1,020 00
Law librarian and eourt crier, 1,200 00 '
Klevatorinen's salary, 1,337 S7
District Attorney's steno
grapher's salary 700 00
| Lockup keeper's salary 207 19 ,
I Detention officer and matron's
I salaries 91 I 9J
| Messenger's salary 551 25
Assistant janitor's salary, .. 558 75
Night watchman's salary, ... 689 28
Probation officer's salary and
expenses 1,287 71
Sheriff's fees 7,22'- xs
District Attorney's fees 1,000 00
Assistant District Attorney's
COUNTY TAX, 1911 I County Tax, 1910
T3 0>
? c .• 2
m c e 5i c .If
w £ .2 © c »?Eo
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# ErtXoaoEwoo
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I Dcrry township—First precinct David Gordon $73 87 S7O 18 $3 09! $73 87 ! !
I Fli/.abethville borough hW. Matt is 15 9." 1 $l. r » 93 ! lf> 91!!
| YVilliamstown borough—Westward,.... Charles W. Hank 59 561 14 53| 76 i $44 J7i 59 r»6 i $35 55| $33 77' $1 781 $:!•*»
fees 2,400 00
Inspector of Weights and
I Measures, salary and ex
i penses 115 S3
Commissioners' and clerk's GN-
I penses, attending: conven
| tion 10 86
County Detective's salary,... 600 00
iCounty Treasurer's salary,... 2,500 00
{County Auditors' salaries. ... 1,388 59
Recorder's office, certifying
I mortgages L'fiS 90
■ Day watchman 143 07
Prothonotary's fees. . 939 65
$39,835 90
Courts mid Jururn
Grand jurors* pay and mile-
I age $1,472 36
Petit jurors' pay and mile
age 6,680 96
Traverse jurors' pay and mile
l age 4,682 78
j Court crier and tipstaves, ... 2,35.*) 9.")
'Commonwealth witnesses, ... 9.832 13
i Constables' returns 1,075 16
Police returns .">ls 00
Court stenographers 2,609 89
i Jury Commissioners' and
; Clerk's salaries 381 46
'Livery hire, conveying grand
i jurors to almshouse X 2 00
Meals for Jurors 305 90
i Court interpreter 250 50
Counsel feus, defending Pas
| cal Mall 100 00
iCounsel fees defending Alar
tin Fleming, 100 00
| Investigations ordered by Dis-
trict Attorney, 270 86
$30,744 95
Hrnt. l.iKht and l'o.itn»
Heat for Court House $1,200 00
Electric light for Court
House 1,447 94 i
Electric power for Court
•House 30 46
Rental of telephones 1,017 21 !
Extra telephone messages, ... 60 j
Postage for various offices,.. 443 63
Electric light for District At
torney's office 24 67 j
Rent for District Attorney's
office 260 00
! Rent for County Solicitor's of
! lice 145 00
Rental auxiliary fire alarm,.. 27 00
I'ostofflce box rent, 6 00
$4,668 14
Soapine, ammonia, buckets,
mops, dustdown, etc., $176 12
Disinfectant 121 17 1
Dry goods, office chairs, etc.,. 102 06
Plumbing repairs 269 92
Hardware, oils and paints, .. 131 10
Renovating county offices, ... 121 r>o
Refunded taxes 160 28
Repairs in offices, including
alteration of law library,. . . 861 55
Washing for house of deten
tion, and towels for Court
House offices 61 49
Notary's fees 19 25
Bar Association, one-half tines
paid 1912 1.596 00
Reward paid, apprehension
I and conviction of horse
thieves • 40 0^
Auditing county fee offices,.. 350 00 i
lice for various offices 265 40 I
jDainagc claims 875 00 |
Repairs and furniture, house
of detention 155 02
In full of contract and addi
tional work, new buildings
at almshouse 863 4 5
New elevator, complete, at
I almshouse, 4,140 70
Freight anil expressage 16 12
Adding machine, typewriter
! and typewriter repairs 400 39
lone multigraph, county super
! intendent's office 308 70
I Hook case for law library, ... 31:5 00
Counsel fees defending l^uko
Zoreovic, 1908 ) '-•» 00
Counsel fees defending: Wil
liam Jones, 54 50
$11,545 SI
Sinking nnd Inform!
Jlnterest paid on county bonds, $1!!,645 00
] Redemption of county bonds,. 2,000 00
Sinking fund for 1901 iustio... 8,443 111
Sinking fund for 190:> issue,.. 1,309 St»
Sinking fund for 1003 issue,.. 8,333 :>.•
State tax on county bonds,.. I,Bt> 1 33
$35,592 68
Advertising and printing, . . $3,101 50
Appropriations, benefteen t
i and Reformatory institu
tions 175,688 12
jAssessments and elections,.. 26.40K 71
I Books, blanks and stationery, 2,379 06
I Aldermen, justices' and con
i stables* fees 15.352 59
I Bridges, roads and bridge
and road views 20,813 12
I County offices and Court
House employes, 39,835 90
Court and jurors, 30,744 95
Ileat, light and postage, ... t,668 m
Miscellaneous 1 1,545 81
Sinking fund and interest,.. 35,592 68
$369,130 S.S
notified liidt'lilrdnoM, .Innuitry slh,
Bond issue of January Ist,
190 $269,000 00
Bond issue of December Ist,
190 51,000 00
Bond issue of April Ist, 1903, 125,000 00
$145,000 00
L«ess sinking fund in Com
monwealth Trust Company, 234,985 16
Net amount of bonded in
debtedness $210,014 74
Interest accrued from invest
ment of sinking fund dur
ing year 191.'!, and paid in
general fund 7,501 95
We, the undersigned Commissioners
of Dauphin County, do certify that the
foregoing is a full statement of the
expenditures of the County for the year
ending January sth. 1914.
Commissioners of Dauphin County.
D. F. lACBO, Clerk.