AUDITORS' REPORT OF DAUPHIN COUNTY, PA. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Arthur H. Bailey, Esq., Treasurer, in Account With the County of Dauphin, Pa., 1913 1-VIIIVTv a,nount received from Northumberland ~Ct" ' » Dr COUNTY TAX of ex P ens « repairing Inter- By amounts paid various districts $797 97 To amount assessed. 1913 in To .mo y un? r,lvVdV ' one-half ' nonlriildint V l9H. a "". hand, tr « asur " Janu "V 5 - o additional tax. Itlß> ,-152 i? hunters licenses, by county treasurer 5 00 lo outstanding tax, 191! 10,448 .>.> To amount from Paul Strlokler for directory. 3 all ' ... o additional tax. 191 '"7?? 1 To amount received from Miliersburg bor- sl,.i# 17 lo penalty 191- . 409 48 ough school board for special election, held . »OAr> iomnx'T " To outstanding, 1911 149 36 May 20th. 191.1 T 97 30 KOAD ACCOUNT To outstanding. 1910 35 s>> To amount receive*! from W. A. liecch for ex- Dr. _ . , . ... ... „ tra state tax collected from Miss Martha l). To balance In hands of treasurer, January 6. Total charges *314,859 7» Alrlcks estate and T. K. Bowman, for vear 1913 f j, 0 14 83 < - r - . wl . „ 191 - assessed 99 oo To amount received during year from various »• ooc<_inti To amount received per diem, returned bv districts 182 79 ' By lt> return. ISM* 296 08 To amount received county tax, collected by «I I;T CI l.y collectors commission. 1913 10..563 ofi Levi M. Wltmer for 1908 1 SO Or. **.««« " T» °^i s . ,an 1».9j1 SO To amount received by Levi Wltmer. overpay 4 By amount paid various districts $603 33 Hv , n o;-. 19 - •,*, bv mileage return 120 By balance in hands of treasurer January 5. [>> return, 191— 363 J4 To amount received for maintenance for pris- 1914 574 •9 I>> exoneration. 191- oners to county jail, from January Ist. 1912, " By collectors commission. 1912 n3B II 1 to April Ist. 1913 2,818 80 1< 1-7 1- B> outstanding. 191. 032 02 To amount received, returned bv J. J. Pilka%, - 7 . l-;- I" : •? for burial of body of James Campbell, de- REDEMPTION ACCOUNT I.y collectors commission. 1911 4 4.} I ceased soldier JO 00 Dr. Ri ™ii«'in, J" 8 ' Jm!i' n'i n 4 ? -c T °, an,ount , received by H. A. Sears, hav ing To balance in hands of treasurer, January ». B> collectois commission, 1910 1 *8 been twice advertised November election. 1913, $342 75 .. » Twelfth ward. Harrlsburg t 00 To amount received in 1913 Sls :,2 IOIAI credits 48.362 2S To amount received from W. .Sheeslev for old To amount outstanding orders "*79 , L, K 1 and condemned elevator cable I 00 1 I 1 asn balance $.66,527 JO ITo amount received for sale of old lumber,... 167 94 t^si STATE TAX To amount received for redemption of land. 97 19 Cr. * To amount received for overcharges of print- (By amount paid varioua districts $346 68 To outstanding. 1911 S6O 04 '"S primary election ballots of 1912 37 01 ■ To balance outstanding 2" 79 To additional tax. 1913 lon To amount paid county for printing school . By balance in hands of treasurer January 5. lo outstanding tax. 1912 58 SO loan on 25.612 city ballots, at $1.50 per M„ 38 4 1 ' 1914 311 59 To additional tax, 1913 61 00 To amount received for old linoleum, sold to ! 1 To amount assessed, 1913 40,995 81 Children's Home 1 ol> • nis To amount by state. 1913 30.432 SO iTo amount received from U. S. marshal for I .. To return commission. 1913 • 409 87 maintenance for prisoners for Ave quarters. 304 00 1 nnn TAV .rwn™ To amount received, sundry sale 4 00 lA.\ ACCOUNT Total charges 7* fl"- 1 71 ™ r " Cr it ~ To amount assessed. 1913 $1,117 26 By aoatemcnt, 1913 $598 95 additional tax. 1913 5 38 By exoneration, 1913 28 26 Available cash # q S ,> s To outstanding tax, 1911 235 12 By collectors" commission. 1913 1 681 "•! General miscellaneous receipts i7r.'«"'n <>} X° P ena lty, 1912 23 17 By outstanding tax, 1913 75 9.1 *n>.»-u 81 To outstanding tax. 1911 113 6 & By exoneration. 1912 40 3,1 Less credits <>3l ft n« ~<> To penalty, 1911 61 By collectors' commission. 1912 s>» " By outstanding tax. 1912 » 07 Balance in hands of treasurer *nq cos 07 „ $1,495 18 By outstanding tax, 1911 60 04 PRKsnv lomt-vT t 87 „ Cr. By amount paid state. 1913 40,577 07 Dr. PRISON ACcOl N r By abatement, 1913 sl9 59 By return commission, 409 87 To requisition on county commissioners $25,000 00 Bv commission' 1913 2- . ... To additional requisition 9 >i) 70 nj. ,Si« Ji! 1S Total credits <3.4 74 To balance in hands of treasurer. January 6.. _ exonemtion, 1911. "!!!!!!!! I!| \\\\ \\ \ \ "50 »* Cash balance { ~ " «,' u-6 ®' By commission, 1912 g57 nr GENERAL AND MiSCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS Cl . " $26.247 67 Br «onmtlo£* lVl"* .!!!!!!! I*!!!!!!! 111!!!! I 357 ' ro i 9 Vf. lance .! n .. l,an «? s . of . t r" aßU . re . r . J - nua r?-..%i 34 .4 8 9 60 ?o ±M;, d g "Htt 11 iy mi/:::::::::;::::::;::;::;: All 1 o ainount received for maintenance of lunatic - *tate hospital. 2,OSS 4ft 26.-47 67 lo amount received for detective licenses,... ij 00 POOR To cash recpint* "77"^' To amount received from Roy C. Danner. Reg- Dr. POOR ACCOUNT To cash .. .... . . . , 5 o T° amount received from Oscar G. Wicker- " TP l9nI""? . ! . n . .'?". lU . .° f . . t . rea ' Urer - Januar >" «• ' -—~ county r pe?- r «pecial amlil'' balance fee duc To reserve for warrants 1.:.':.'".':.': 327 is By distributions to school districts $1 267 30 ,2 ' 4; " 4 " ary Ist to Siarch 14th, 1912 3 1» ? T i ...... $1,353 52 "o amount received from Uockwood B Wor- ' " cv s6u.Sll 64 from KmTm"/' it X< " eS K fe<, , s o ,'! ue count y Warrants drawn as per book $63 077 39 Balance in reserve, January 5, 1914 ] 090 90 T "recorder' a rk office, January 6th. 1913 .. mi is ' STATEMENT OF RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES, JANUARY 0 1911 To amount received from Harry F.' HoileV, " -■ oi " 08 Assets: ... „ wli-SSu &w - bV r t r t i:sSwVi"'-..:::::::::: U in'.Tnkrnrfund: 1 ' 8 :. o '. various . coun . t r. ,un . d ':.::::::::::::: •UJ-jS! To amount received by county, portion" of o,>o Total credits . „ „ X a ! ue °f Jall and Hxtures, same as last year 350i0b0 oo ! liquor licenses A ' 8"10 00 Cleans 61,343 49 Value of court house, same as last year, 340 000 J0 ! To amount received from Commonwealth To cash balance —7777- Value of almshouse and fixtures same as last year ; 165!000 00 Trust Co.. interest of sinking fund 7 501 9-, To V 2 ' 4liS 15 Outstanding county tax. 1911, 1912, 1913 i 6 527 79 i To amount received from the City of Harris- outstanding warrants 2,049 08 Outstanding state tax, 1911, 1912, 1913 ' 138 04 pri r s? n . f ° r .." mintaininS prisoner ' 8 fl t Balance in hands of the treasurer. January sth, 1914,. . * mo - ' To amount received by coun'ty"treasur'e'r"frora 1 ~ SCHOOL ACCOUNT Liabilities: .-on :.3.101 50 Appropriation*: llrnefleent and Reform atory Institution* Poor Directors' requisition,.. >60,900 00 ! Prison Inspectors' requisition. 25,920 70 Support of insane at Harris burg. I'a 21,018 75 Support of insane at Werners ville. Pa 469 29 ! Support of insane at Warren, Pa., 17 00 ! Support of insane at Norris town, Pa i; oq Support of insane at Farvlew. I .— _TAX, 1913 i| DOG TAX, 1912 DOG TAX. 1911 r>i=Tßrr'T>« NAMES OF i « | £ .i g = ii 5 '-o S £ e . k ; I » £■ DISTRICTS COLJjECTOKS » S I 3 S. o , e :! 5 » g e £c 1 ■»£ » «» d j »» a s « » s _•£ j « S >. 3 .2 .5 S g 2- § c 1.1331gCJ2=„« 2 E ■? « >. 3 .2 - a i £ a I e f s ® • "js - 2 c a -5 5 1 ' 3 „ ' a ? S I - o - I so i '■ * ; «tJ 2 J= c £ 2 _•>£■=- a a » B K I 5 ! s 5 * I = 0 £® ■ £* I 2 % s -2 2 o? g I •= £ .5 » 3 fiarrisburg— » , 1 0 I < " ° 0 * <_ a 2 O 5 £ £ J fi H fi O £ second" ward, ™; n rle H s - 1 1 ' " ' i i ! , , j 7 ; ; 1 Third ward | . . w«■ ifiiE', . 1 i , ! ! I I I I I Mfth wJrt rd ---"••••j w: A. Leech..../.:::::: j j :::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: i j : :::::::: si\lh ward Harry D - .'... :::!I"::: I i i i I i 1 i I • Seventh wird Daniet H - Orissinger ! ! | " ! i ••• ! ! , ; 1 Jlti Isaiah R»ese, Jr I ' I i I ! vS,h"u.»?; d Ira L Miller. ! ".i; i i ! I i...... L. I!!! " I ! 1 1 i Tinth wUft. I::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: E a s H .& s :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::: ::::::::: i 1 j : t weir"h h rd d : Fra,,k B. Mickey.':::::: I ! j i I , i IhirieVnth' ward: 1 %!"'«;;• c::::::::::: I . i \ , :::::: nerr.vs.burg borough. ::i::::::::::::i f d » l " g*™"" : ::::::::::: 1 ::: ! ! ! ...j... . i'onewtgo township. .A "*| u t 1 .,?.. n ® 09, 10 $0 16 }:; jij jj 30 ' j | i | 1 I " Dauphin borough. Ir' M 31 3084 161 f: :*4 30 li 58 ! ! I I ! I 1 !.. ..!.!! ! .!.!!! j Derry township—First preL-inct '"| David Gordon ? ; 'n i'• o- 11 1, ,0 jl • !8 1- 00 I 72' j i!!!'! - ! ' j j I j ...!!! predict ii:::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: luo - 0 » 3 9! 1,00 - 84 «• - a« 1 I. .. , ~ , Third precinct David Gordon ! I j I ! ! • ;;;• : -- • • •-I ; hast Hanover township wniinm « u otrif .i. W i i ! ■ S6 so 2 1-| 74 $;,4 si. Klizabethvilie borough I W Mattis SS '2 Ji' ' 2l :i s ' I 42 50' ltiTS lirau borough ! H arr'y*E Um'hoitz i? - ,? ??' 1 "'*> •' on "34 '> .... i I i ' llalif.iN borough James M Urbo " J 'J - US* " 4 2 9? " 9 1 • SU 570 ! i i 1 1150 i 7 5::, $3 57j 10; II ;,<> Halifax township wmi JmR hi™ w 1 i 0 -'0 1 75; 1 87 ! I i , ! ' ! Highspire borough .'| Mlltonßoosf. ',l -n 1 iij, 3 #« »5 18 25j 15 0611 !.. 1! K !!!|! i!!! !! .*! i I i ' ' ! HummelstoWn borough i Kiank G Wh'eeleV i* !? ]? "" 420 ;.S 18 50 728 1 . ! 1 1 Jaukson township ' Ira O Miller •- I"! - -'0 13 14, 29 25 1151 io 4 7 19 36 19 34 io is! "ii'ii ' "it'vi ' •lefferson township !!! I! I!!!!!!!' Ixjndonderry township, . . Firrier Rntt I. u . •' ®? -® 11 900 13 00 5 111 251 4qm {' t'- 'vi '"' i'l j." '" i'l; 1 l«ow*er Paxton township, ! 4W YrUtbUl 5 *) „p «* 181, 30 75 12 10 30 8 15:" "5 "si "' - 25 " "si * 1 * I ii! Ijower Swatara township "i:"""" taMC Ji J5 JJ ®? 1 «V» 2" 124 47 75, 18 79 _ i 3 S *° 5 00 , I":::::: Lykens borough East ward, Cyrus Romb^gen'! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 1! i!! i' \o oo' 11171 6u - :7 ??' 10 2 2 1 ! 11'! 111111!! 1111 I! 11!! " l-vkens ;;gm R „« a %7„ er ' x 1? » ! 2 M :::::::: ?H!| ! i j :::::::::::::::::::::: Midd.etown-Kim ward John Wagner, .!. "i "i i! i!! i!! 1 ii! i!! i!! ] "l "!? 56 "i i .. L .°° ' i',s ! ! .!"'' ' *\ I|| 12 J|lj Jf« *«' »* »j :!! " "i"«» 1 1111 ' "'« iof '' U 58' :::::: i:!!:::: ::::::: ! j Third j°hn wag"": f|J ■■■ • - "i i»i -i i;.... . 00 , :::::: i S?i 1?! Miffi'n np :. 1 » 9 S M 2 « '• 16 .... 3 . 25: ... 3 24 . 17 341 5 :::::::: w.u,.m r ::::::::::::::::::: .... o0 j?? 33 •• 18 j 0 jj fil I :::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: J 3 ?»!" "ao!::::::! j| i ss! UM...!?. 78 - ... 3 251 15 471 751 , 51 | iTdsiiidTj:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: «ush township, ... 7!"?'. ii; »i so V* j if! iIV :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wa rd Mark Mumma .... . . 3 oo' i'A' „ Jjl ,09 08 150 i 50' j 08| I 1 *SB! ' i o.i t f li, War j .Mark Mumma i 63 32 50 1 i ti ?'■! ?2i i> 15 ?? 725 7 231........ 38! | 761 494 Wa J Mark Mumma 17 00 i- tin i- in "i je 11 00; 10 97 Sg| ' 11 55 750 Hftll ward Mark Mumma 01 , '' 00 11 00 l K 6B 141 19 50 2 751 is 75 14 10 kj ti 7-1 1 Susquehanna twp—North precinct Thomas W. Ried.'.' i."40 71 " 3S' is"i '5O i'io ~ l 7i ' in .i« n 9i ' : 17 75 1 17 75 ' 17 75 11 53 ! u . „. , South precinct Thomas W. Reed J450 212 11 ''' i '.' i-i 5?? K * 1256 3 301 "751 17 ! 13 12 8 591 i-watara—Pirsf precinct O. C. Bishop 1 " 42 44 - ,o ' »»i 1 551 42 00 30 93 11 00 162 43 55 •'8 31 Second precinct O C Bishoin i i- 'nn ' 1 i i !| I Third precinct " o t - Bishop ?$! ! «•> 00! 35 00; 13 77 ! I Fourthprycinc 0 ! c. Bishop!:::::::::::::::::::::;:;• •: 4150 ; ! i 4700 47 501 is 69 1754 453 13 00""2-i it'77"'ii r- ifth precinct O. C. Bishop t , I , ! 1 niontown borough 14 V f e' kkl' 4 '' 1* <-r* * ' ill* *l* ! r t:pper Paxton township !!!!!! W K Wert ' **! ! •?? nn' oi i- 1 -5; - Hi'' ' 5 50: ' l6 '< 36 800 723 75 38 836 Washington township .. Harrv D Swah i* AA *1 ?® 95, ,3! .> 001 82- | 3100! 12 19 j ... , 543 475 401 =4 475 Wayne township, !!!!!!!!!!!!!! C F Harman ° S? ?? II 5 ®?| 86, | 34 50| 13 58 :!! I.!!! !!!::::!:::::::: : West Hanover township William I Cla'v r '« nni »" fi : ?-n J"-' -® 7 96 j West Londonderry township ;; A . K i m er' Ruii,' !!!!!!!!!'.!!!! i.!!!!!!'.!! !!:::: T? 75 -too! 3 ~l'''" 4" ■* r i ?? - '] 34 677 875 11l 36:::::: 7*iii 463 »»'6O ' " ij'Ai " *i" ii i iconisco—Mrst precinct lohn r KnilAv io o- A aa. *;*«; '*:*:« . 5 1 ' 4 ui> 11 '•> 4 o0 - 8 02 1 48 29 60 ...J3K S SSK-: .. "*• " M > w •» - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: «a................... ggj- s . :••••«::::::::::::: I ::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Williams township—Kast prcclnct 1 Rube'ndall. '. 1'.!!" : ?t 1 2-1 14 1 1° i.!! i!!!!!!!! I!" i —»•">»«■" " is « sili! ",'ij :::::: " " I,w " "" """r* "" " ,s '"" ! Pa 450 25 I Support of convicts in Eastern penitentiary 6.526 65 ! support of convicts in Hunt | ingdon reformatory 3,802 69 3u PP° n of convicts in Gien Mills school 3,61$ 13 Lunacy commissions 975 00 'Coroner's fees, mileage, jur ors' fees, holding inquests.. 2,113 3R Post-mortems 490 00 ! Burial of deceased soldiers... 5,250 00 I Tombstones for deceased sol diers 960 00 ; G. A. R. memorial service. ! Decoration Day 240 00 i Dauphin County Teachers' ln i stitute 200 00 Middletown Pair Association,. 100 00 ; Dauphin County Historical Society. 100 00 Premiums. Graty. Agricultural Society 555 »7 ! | Premiums, Middletown Agri ! cultural Society 440 73 'School Directors' Association.. 177 28 City of Harrisburg. Teachers' I Institute 200 00 ' ■Extinction of forest fires, ... 169 93 ! | Commonwealth of Pennsvlva- I ! HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 1914. | ni», personal property ta\,. 40,577 07 >175,688 12 4*arK»inentM and Klertion* Triennial assessment appeals, $-1,542 50 Annual assessment and mili tary roll t.319 74 May registration 1.441 79 September registration 2,0:5 94 Births and deaths registra tion 1,377 00 | City Registrar's registration, 1,920 00 September primary election,.. 6,316 S7 |November election officers, ... 3,736 "1 [Election supplies 199 00 Room rents and storing | booths 1.52 C 00 November election ballots for years 1912 and 1913 1,260 91 Millersburg special election... 78 30 Election booths, tables and i ballot box's, Ij9 51 Delivering assessment books. ballots and supplies. 6.S SI [Computing November election. 3UO 00 Constables posting notices of November election S6 00 >26,408 71 Book*. Hlankx and Stationery | Register of Wills office >132 25 ] Protlionotar.v's office 366 10 District Attorney's office 229 20 [Recorder's office 614 35 (County Commissioners' office, BS3 78 ■ County Treasurer's office .... 17 50 .Superintendent of schools, ... 57 83 Coroner's office 11 05 | Judges' chambers 24 65 Sheriff's office 25 75 I 'lnspector weights and meas j u '« 16 50 $2,379 06 Aldermen, Juatlfm' nail ( onstaltlm' Fee» J. William Bayles, alderman,.. |974 10 IK, K. Spaycl, alderman S'.O 20 j [George A. Hoverter, alderman, 467 60 [William 1* Windsor, jr., alder- I man Sl4 60 1 iS. Brady Caveny, alderman,... 20 10 |A. 11. Landis, alderman 2*B 20 H. A. Hoopes, alderman 158 53 j.J. K. Royal, mayor 1,568 42 Thomas V. Gardner, justice,.. 1,481 88 U Dickinson, justice,.. 1 76 50 W. J. Kennard, justiee 160 75 i li. Bowers, justice 11l 50 I iAlinor aldermen and justices' I fees, not hereinbefore men- tioned 566 17 I I. J. Grove, constable, 1.006 79 i Charles H. Smith, constable,. 836 95 j Harry .1. Emanuel, constable, 760 34 I J. B. Hutchison, chief of po lice 727 71 I Joseph H. Gore, constable, ... 704 79 John H. Gibb, constable 602 75 [Joseph P. Thompson, consta ble S7B 28 I. M. Durnbaugh, constable.... 577 64 | lames W. Haines, constable... 451 21 LSeorge W. Charters, constable, 436 75 ] George W. Sliuler, constable,. 390 75 Thomas K. Stipe, constable... 387 32 | W. J. Hippie, constable 334 71 | I David Challenger, constable,. 277 1 7 (Richard Reese, constable 243 68 James H. Johnson, constable,. 214 27 Matthew tengel, constable, ... 152 51 John D. Delhi. constable 149 96 U M. Miller, constable lift 20 I Minor constables' fees not I hereinbefore mentioned, ... 1,529 95 $18,352 59 Bridge*. Road*. Bridge and Road V lena John D. Bogar & Sons. T734 | feet oak plank, at bridge No. I 65. Halifax township $52 02 ' H. O. Chubb, repairing bridge H j Xo. 55, Halifax township,.. 12 50 I 'S. I* Orolf. repairing bridge | Xo. 123, S. Hanover town- 'J ship g 6 j ,J. W. Gerlaeh, 5503 feet lum | ber for bridge at Bovd's 1 ] Station 232 11 jW. G. Strickler, repairing | wing walls and guard rails. (<■ bridge Xo. 77, Dauphin bor -1 ough 58 94 j , | John D. Bogar & Sons, oak J plank at bridges Xos. 66 and 1 «».•••• 14 2$ ! < Jos. A. Koons, repairing Ma clay and Trewick street bridges 7 '0 ' John D. Bogar & Sons, plank ' I, at bridge So. 69, Wavne township 6 84 John H. Hoffman, labor and \r material, repairing bridge No. 8, Lykens township, ... 6140 John D. Bogar & Sons, lum- r ber at bridge Xo. 64, Reed township 43 Harry O. Chubb, labor repair ing bridge Xo. 64,866, Reed and Halifax townships, 13 lo Steelton Planing Mill Co., lum ber at Trewlck gtreet bridge <• 2 I J M. Brightbill, lumber at bridge No. 101, S. Hanover township g3 John D. Rogar & Song. 14il feet plank at bridge No. 66, Halifax township 42 6.1 Curt. 8. Shoop, labor repairing bridge No. 101, South Han over township !7 05 H. E. Matter, labor and mate rial. repairing bridge No. 56. Halifax township » 16 John D. Rogar A Sons, 361 feet plank at bridge No. 63. Reed township 12 64 Joseph A, Koons. labor repair ing Maelay street bridge... i 30 «hlttenmyer Lumber Com pany. lumber at, Maclav street bridge « 96 Joseph A. Koons. labor reDair «jr Het ;' street bridge T W William Fetterhoff, lalior re pairing Peters mountain . tu ™P' ke 10 00 Brlßhtblll. shingles at Clifton bridge, Derry town siiip j jo M- Brightbill, lumber at Nineteenth street bridge. , H » r '"i»burg 100 50 Brightbill, lumber and labor repairing Sand Beach and Lyonsville bridges 45 25 J. M. Brightbill. lumber at Fromm's bridge. S. Hanover township | Ensminger Lumber C 0.," lum ber at Nineteenth street bridge, Harrisburg, Pa 10 It b. G. Countryman, labor re pairing Clifton bridge, Der ry township I go John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber at bridge No. 28, Mlllers , burg. 1, 40 John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber at bridge No. 66, Halifax township gp 42 Joseph A, Koons. labor repair ing 19th street bridge, Har risburg, Pa 45 60 William C. Mills, labor repair ing bridge No. 28. Millers burg s , 1T VV hlttenmyer Lumber Com pany, lumber at Maclav street bridge g 55 Harry O. Chubb, labor repair ing bridge No. 66, Halifax township U 50 Henry Gilbert & Sous, spikes. Nineteenth street bridge, T John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber at bridge No. 54, Halifax township 54 43 John p. Bogar & Sons, lumber at Maelay street bridge 186 31 John D. Bogar & Sons, lumber at bridge No. 69, Wayne r l ow £ sh ' p 14 86 John D. Rogar & Sons, lumber at bridge No. 63. Heed town ship 45 22 i Joseph A. Koons, labor repair- I ins Maelay street bridge... 31 50 iPenna. R. K. Co.. freight on I plank, Maelay street bridge. 20 10 \\ hlttenmyer Lumber Com pany, lumber at Maclav street bridge 5 Washington Sheetz, labor and material, repairing bridge r, L 4 Wayne township,.. 6 <>S G. \Y . Ensign, rebuilding wing walls, arch bridge. Fort Hunter, 1,753 no The Good Road Machinery Co., culvert pipe for Peter's ; Mountain turnpike 262 .'0 John D. Rogar & Sons, lumber I at bridge No. 59, Jackson | township 12 Wm. Fetterhoff, labor repair ing Peters mountain turn pike, .. 198 J8 C. M. Hershey, plans, specifi cations and inspections, . . . 109 05 G. W. Cumbler Est., crashed j stone at Maelay street I bridge 43 jg Wayne Paint Co., 50 gallon paint and 10 gallon oil for painting bridges 57 91 J. M. Brightbill. labor and material, repairing pike bridge, llummelstown. Pa... I.IS 38 J. M. Brightbill. labor and material, repairing Fromm and Fiddler's Elbow bridges 41 85 J. M. Brightbill. labor and ma terial, repairing Manada and Sand Beach bridges, ... 102 38 Aungst & labor, painting Nineteenth street bridge, Harrisburg, Pa.. .. 1(0 00 Jacob Messner, painting and reroofing 3 inter-county bridges over Mnbantongo creek ' 55j g3 H. O. Chubb. labor and ma terial, repairing in Wayne. j Reed and Halifax townships, 71 05 Joseph A. Koons, repairing Trewlck and Conestoga I street bridges 5 ,-,0 [Henry Gilbert & Sons, harrl | ware and spikes, Maclav street bridge ij 15 C. S. Shoop, labor, repairing j Rhoads and Hanover bridges . 207 60 J. M. Brightbill. lumber at ' Rhoades and Hanover I bridges 276 4 2 ;S. G. Countryman, labor re | pairing Clifton bridge 31 00 |J. J. Baker, labor repairing Peters mountain turnpike,. 404 (' William FetterhofT, labor re pairing Peters Mountain 1 turnpike lUj ;<•, C. E. Sheetz, ly.bor repairing bridge No. 83, Middle Pax ton township 6 10 D. E. Runkle, lumber at bridge No. 83. Middle Pax ton township 27 27 Continued on Opposite Page