The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 23, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    Xmas Suggestions
You will find our shop full of suggestions
for men in wearing apparel.
Neckwear 1 Suspender and Garter
Hosiery Sets
Handkerchiefs . Shirts, Underwear
Sweater Coats Balmacaans and Over-
Gloves coats
Umbrellas Readv-made and Tai-
Combination Sets lor-made Suits
Bath Robes Hats and Caps
Smoking; Sets Trunks, Suit Cases and
Shaving Sets I Bags
Toilet Sets | Scarf Pins, Cuff Links
Collar Boxes I Collars, etc.
Front and Locust Streets
Increased Business in Local Steel Mills
Looked for as Result of Higher
Freight Bates—No Cut in Wages
Is Contemplated
A more optimistic feeling prevails tn
the 'borough with the advent of Christ
nuistide, for it is intimated that short
ly after the holidays business in the
steel industry here will begin making
a steady improvement.
Although tiie local officials say there
are but few orders booked, for near fu
ture delivery, a representative of the
executive department of the local steel
plant stated this morning that the rate
increase given to the eastern railroads
■will undoubtedly stimulate the trade
through the placing of orders for inuuli
railroad material, and that the local
company will, undoubtedly,-come in for
a large share of the "business, but that
bids on fhis new business will not
likely be asked for until later in tlhe
"winter months.
The statement made yesterday by
Judge Gary, chairman of the United
ftates t?teel Corporation, that liis com
pany -will make no general reduction
of wages at present, but that there
may be some readjustment on a lower
basis in the amounts paid for skilled
labor or pie>ce work, has no bearing on
the wage situation «t the Steelton plant.
Po far as is known at the local offices
there is no change contemplated at this
time in the wage scale paid here.
The company has no foreign orders.
The rail mill is expected to resume oper
ations January 1 on domestic orders.
500 Turkeys for Steelton
Must be sold, regardless of cost, 500
turkeys, ranging from 9 to 20 pounds.
Must be sold by Thursday. Call and
fee C. L. Soulliard, corner Second and
Jefferson street®. Adv.
A Christmas entertainment will be
held in the First Presbyterian church
•by the primary department this evening
at 7.30 o'clock.
A delivery wagon owned by the Pol
leek grocery store. 109 Xorth Front
street, was almost demolished yesterday
afternoon when a horse attached to the
rig became unmanageable, ran off, the
vehicle striking against a telegraph
pole ou South Seoond street. The driver
escaped unhurt.
David Sourbeer, of Harrisburg, was
placed under arrest yesterday by Con
stable Gitob on a charge of indecency.
After a vacation of seven weeks, ow
ing to activities in the Stough cam
paign, the choir of the First Methodist
church will resume its weekly rehearsals
Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock, un
der the direjjfion of J. Elmer George.
The annual Christmas exercises of
the East Steelton Church of God will
be held at the church in South Front
street Friday evening.
One of the 'borough'» oldesrt business
places, the Pioneer jewelry store, on
N'orth Front street, was closed yester
day when the entire stock was sold to
the Capfa.n firm of Harrisburg.
•Before buying your Christmas gifts
for the men folks, visit our shop for
men. Gifts of Quality, at right prices.
The Quality Shop, Front and Locust
streets. Adv.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visiting
rurse employed by the Steelton Civic
< lub, will be in her office from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1 30
Eight-Reel Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
The Perils of Pauline. Two reels.
Tb« Prodigal. Two reels.
The Mysterious Mr. Davis.
The Diamond Smugglers, and others.
Christmas Gifts of Quality
A gift received from our extensive line of Men's
and Boys' \\ ear will be sure to please and be appre
ciated for the quality is assured.
You will profit by inspecting our display.
Reliable Clothier
25 South Front Street Steelton, Pa.
A Mythical Person Will Be Bealistical
ly Portrayed for the Benefit of the
Junior Members of This Church—
Story of the Play
Grace United Evangelical Sundav
school will render its Christmas can
tata in the church Friday evening at
7.30 o'clock. A great effort has been
made by the committee in charge to
make this the best entertainment ever
held in Grace church and "Mischievous
Santa" will be faithfully depicted by
a large number of members of the
The following is a story of the play
and the cast of characters:
"Mischievous Santa", story of the
play. Miss Gossip Gadabout, sister of
Santa Claus, gets angry with her broth
er and decides to "Do him good auit
right." The children have been told
in the newspapers that this Christmas
they can get anything they waut. She
goes about with a wet blanket of gos
sip and gets the children, at Mary
Louise's House party into the gossiping
habit, and they become cross and dis
Santa sends various characters to
them who bring them lessons of good
cheer, and the evil purpose of Gossip
Gadabout really works out a' happier
and brigher Christmas for the chil
dren. Her mischief making is offset
by Santa Claus' mischievous kindliness,
and as be says "nothing can outwit
-kindness especially at Christmas
Trainers—Mrs. William Brenizer,
Mrs. Edward Hershev, Mrs. James
Thompson, Mrs. Charles Nerhood, Mrs.
Free Bricker; B. C. Westbrook, ac
| Characters—Mary Louise, hostess,
Thelmas Maginnis; her guests, Ruth,
Helen Capello; Irene. Elsie Howell;
Georgia, Myrtle Deigle; Harry, Roy
Bloser; Elizabeth, Alma Couffer; John,
Frank Troup: Catherine, Savilla Capel
lo; Miss Gossip, Anna Smeltzer: Miss
Make Believe, Marion Hoch; Washtub
Susan, Mary Ickes; Santa Claus, A. V.
Barr; Letter Carrier, Theodore Brown:
fairies, infant department; Brownie
Cops, Goggle Gazers, Little Shiners,
classes from intermediate department.
Shop for men at Che Quality Shop,
'Front and Locust streets, Steelton.
Two Hundred Poor Children to Receive
Gifts To-morrow
Practically all arrangements but till
ing the gift boxes at Trinitv parish
house are completed for the entertain
ment to be given by the local Civic
Club to 200 poor children of the bor
ough to-morrow afternoon. The com
mittee of arrangements desires all such
children, whether white or black, to se
cure admission cards from Miss Marie
Wizeman, the Civic Club nurse, at her
office in the Trust Company building.
These bits of pasteboard will admit the
bearers to Trinity parish house and a
gift of candy, orange and other things.
Your gifts from the Quality S'hop
will mean satisfaction to tfhe receiver.
Sixty-seven U. B. Families Will Be
Hosts to Little Folks
The committee in charge of furnish
ing poor children with a turkey Christ
mas dinner reported this morning that
the names of 131 such children have
been handed in. This number will be
divided among 67 homes. Written in
vitations have been sent the real young
foiks to meet at the Centenary United
Brethren ehurch Christmas morning at
10 o'clock, at whicn time memlbers of
the Centenary C. E. Society will render
a program lasting half an'hour.
At 10.30 o'clock a committee of
church members will escort the children
to the various homes to which they
have been assigned.
The Centenary Sunday achool and
choir will render the Christmas pro
gram, consisting of literary and musical
numbers, Friday evening in the church
»t. 7.30 o'clock. A collection will be
lifted at that time for the Quiucy Or
phanage- Last year the collection for
this orphanage amounted to $199.89.
At the close of the prayermeeting
this evening the C. E. members will re
hearse a number of Christmas carols
to be used in serenading 011 Christmas
morning. All members who are taking
part in rendering the carols are request
ed to meet in the church Thursday
evening at 9.30 o'clock.
Local Camp Will Hold Lecture and
Have Installation of Officers
All th'e details have been complete.!
by the committees of Steelton Camp,
No. 5'689, Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, for the annual installation of of
ficers for 1915. This ceremony will be
of a very elaborate character and will
be held in Red Men's hall, Second ani
Walnut streets, Friday evening, Jan
uary 8. 1913, at 8 o'clock. All Wood
men and their friends are cordially in
* Following the ceremony of installa
tion of officers a very interesting il
lustrated lecture pn the Woodmen Tu
berculosis Sanitarium at Colorado
Springs, Colorado, will be given by
State Deputy Head Consul M. H.
Wyckoff, of Harrisburg. who will show
several hundred colored views of the
sanitarium made from actual photo
graphs. Many thousand Woodmen have
been cured at this sanitarium from the
ravages of the great white plague, and
this promises to be a very interesting
feature of the program, which will also
include selections by the Oberlin Glee
Club and other musicians. The com
mittee in charge also hopes to secure
the Kev. Dr. M. P. Hocker, of Midd'le
town, who is a charter member of
Steelton Camp, to deliver a short lec
ture on "Fraternity.''
Baldwin Hose Will Provide Christmas
Dinner in Their House
'Men, women and children of Steelton
who are without means to enjoy a
Christmas dinner on Friday will find
food provided for them at the Baldwin
hose house. Diuner will be served there
to tiie worthy poor from 11 to 2
o 'clock.
The treat has been arranged by the
members of Baldwin Hose Com any No.
i. in conjunction with the ladies' Aux
iliary of the company.
Notice our ad of suggestions 011 this
page. The Quality Shoip, Steelton. Adv.
The Perils of Pauline—l:!th Episode
Pauline is very angrv with Harry
because he has prevented her from at
tending the Mi'Callum weddiug. and
blames him tor causing her recent auto
mobile accident. Harry, however, shows
her an account of what happened at
the wedding where the lion tamer, true
to his promise to Oweu, let the lions
escape, endangering the guests. Paul
ine's experience with a band of Gypsies,
which followed closely on her automo
bile accident, is realistically portrayed
in motion pictures at the Standard The
atre to-night.
Saiem Lutheran Sunday School Will
Render Cantata Christmas Eve
Special Correspondence.
Ofoerlin, Doc. 23. —The "Nativity
of Jesus the Messiah." in a tableaux
wiii be used to entertain the members
of Salem Lutheran Sunday school, of
Oioerlin. Christmas evening, December
-4. at 7.30 o'clock. The program will
be interesting from beginning to end
and will ibe featured with an nddress
ibv Prof. George F. DuukMberger, su
f>ervi«ii«/» principal of the Swalari
township schools. The following is a
list of characters:
Marv, Miss Frances Jaason; Joseph,
•'ohn B. Ruplev: Guardian Angel, Miss
liena Brehni; Shepherds, Paul Dickey,
William Janson. Karl Brehm, Ralph
Bishop: King Herod. Prof. Carver;
Wise Men, Samuel Wilson, Edward
Brehm. John Shaffer. Tr.; Soldiers, Jo
seph Janstm. Jr.. George Shatter:
Priests. William Eshcnaur, Hilton Ben
nett; Heavenly Hosts, Misses Helen
Brehm. Mildred Eshenaur, Helen Ben
nett, Helen Beck. Mary Alice Cham
bers. Harriet Carver, Grae Ruplev;
lecturer. Prof. George F. Dunk'leberger;
mixed quartet, Mrs. Cut her Reigart,
Miss Eftie Ruplev, Robert Batdorff,
Webster Kohlaas; pianist. Miss Eva
Special services will be held in Sa
lem Lutheran church. Christmas morn
ing ax 6.30 o'clock, which will be led
by the Rev. John B. Ruplev, of the
Gettysburg Theological Semiiiarv. The
latter will also deliver an a Idress.
Keainmerer, of the Susque
hanna University, is mending the
Christmas holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Koaanmerer.
Kephart and Russell Boughter. of
Syracuse, X. Y., are spending the holi
d-ays with their parents, the Rev. C. E.
and Mrs. Boughter.
Earl Edehefiberger and Fafoer Sten
gle, students at Lebanon Valley Col
lege, are enjoying the Christmas" vaca
tions a* their respective homes in
The Rev. John B. Ruplev. a senior
of the Gettysburg Theological Semi
nary, i 9 the guest of his parents, the
Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Ruplev.
Susan A. Yeager, wklow of Ira W.
Veager, died yesterday afternoon of
diabetes at her home in Oberlin. She
was 57 years old. Funeral services
will be conducted at the home Satur
day afternoon art 1.30 o'clock bv the
Rev. C. E. Boughter and the Rev. Mr.
Keiper, of AJ lent own. Burial will be jn
the Oberlin cemetery.
PIES? yum
Caatiaued From First I'a«a.
splendor was decorated with multi-col
ored' electric lights to-day. Curbstone
merchants with holly and mistletoe and
other greens report "business flourishing.
The faker with the fetest mechanical
toy abounds on the streets.
Christmas shoppers are now on the
home stretch and the last remaining
purchases are being made. In no bet
ter place is the extent of the Christ
mas purchases reflected than in the re
port of the parcel post stations. Christ
mas sending has increased the normal
business more than seventy per cent.
7c a Day far Tkin
The Witch and the Price Defy
All Competition
Women's and Men's
Open face or Hunting case.
These watches fully guaranteed,
Elgin or Waltham movement, ex
pansion balance, polished regu
lator, display winding works, pat
ent self-locking setting device,
and rustproof case guaranteed
for 26 years. Perfect in' every
Only $14.00
50c a Week—Can Yen Beat It?
Full Line of Xmas Goods
Now on Display
Amaricaa Watch t
Diamond Campaay
Open Evenings
according to a report made to Post
master Sites.
While the principal business to-day
was the laying in of supplies for
Christmas dinner there were hundreds
of shoppers on the streets. The Yule
tide spirit was everywhere. It seemed'
that 110 matter how full of bundles the
arms of shoppers were there was still
room for a bit of holly or other green,
lu the outskirts wagons thronged car
rying tree for home decorations. Boys
at the market houses to-day reaped a
harvest delivering trees.
Celebration in the Churches
Plans for the celebration in church
es have ill! been made and final re
hearsals are now scheduled for most
entertainments. The eyes of the city
are centered on the municipal celebra
tion which promises to eclipse the one
of last year. I'rot'essors Decevee and
Rose, in charge of the music, held an
encouraging reiiearsal last evening.
Charity organizations are busier this
year than ever before in preparing for
the of the poor of the city. The
increased demand on the charities of
the city prevents the giving of the
high grade of foodstuffs but substantia!
gifts will be given tu all worthy fam
ilies through the organization of the
Associated Charities as a clearing
house. Tlu names of more than 300
deserving families have been turned
over to persons who will supply their
wants over Christmas.
Salvation Army Busy
The Salvation Army, 522 Race
sstreet, wi(l distribute at 10 o'clock,
Christmas morning, sixty baskets of
foodstuffs. Each basket will contain a
roast of beef, a can of corn, a can of
tomatoes, potatoes, 'bread, coffee, sugar,
of milk, celsry, oranges. Other
b&skets will be distributed by the
American Rescue Workers, whose head
quarters is in the Ver'beke street mar
ket hall. This organization is not con
nected with the Salvation Army.
The intimate home scenes will begin
tomorrow when the tissue paper wrap
pers with Christmas stickers will take
the of pro-ire manila paper and
twine and by to-morrow evening the
distribution will start. Red Cross
Christmas seals make admirable stick
ers for fastening Christmas bundles
and hundreds are being use*! for this
Two Days of It At Almshouse
Through plans perfected by Mrs. A.
Carson Sfcamin, a two-day program has
been arranged for the entertainment
of the indigent innvates of the Dauphin
county almshouse. C. Floyd Hopkins,
nranaijier of the Crphetun," will send a
dozen cr more a tors and actresses,
who th:s week ure playing in the city,
to the home to-morrow afternoon, at
which time a vaudeviMo performance
will be given. On Christmas Day for
mal exercises and a turkey dinner will
be given.
Two well-trimmed Christmas trees
haive been set up and the home has
been otherwise decorated. The trees
were donated by the Holmes Seed Com
pany. Roiss Brothers will give twelve
•gaMons of ice cream, which will be
served to the inmates at the Christinas
dinner. The inmates all will get Christ
mas presents, including cakes and
candy, and the men will get a suninly
of tobacco.
Postoffica Christmas Hours
On Christmas the main
an I Hill and Miaiclay stations, will be
closed froan 10 a. m. to 12 p. m. All
' -"riers will make their 7.15 a. m. de
livery and colle tion, ami the 5.4 0
7.30' and 10.20 p. m. collections. '
Harrisburg's schools, churches, fra
ternal organizations, public utility
companies, merchants and business men
are co-operating with the Red Cross
Christmas seal campaign committee%in
the sale of thousands of the stamps.
The boroughs and smaller towns within
We Have Just Re
ceived a Carload of
Turkeys, Live Weight, 24c Lb.
All Turkeys dressed and delivered
free of charge.
a radius of fifty miles of the city are
co-operating, too, by winding up what
will probably be the most successful
suburban crusade in th« history of the
fight against tuberculosis.
Just 62,000 of the Bed Cross seals
have been distributed! in at least a doz
en towns for sale and according to re
ports rbceived by Dr. Galen Hain, the
chairman, the Yuletide stickers are be
ing disposed of with remarkable rapid
« Dr. Hain. who has handled this work
, for the last four years, said to-day that
sub-committeemen in every town are
co-operating splendidly.
"For four years now we have han
dled this caihpaign in the town round
about here," said Dr. Hain, "and
while it still requires a lot of careful
work and study the early efforts at
organization are bearing fruit in the
shape of good sales. We have gone
much further than usual this year. The
work is much more extensive. Too
much credit cannot be given the chair
men of the various small town commit
tees. It is du# to their efforts that the
sales are progressing so well."
The 62,000 seals have been distribut
ed in nearby towns as follows:
Steelton, 30,000, Mrs. L. E. John
son, chairman of general committee;
Hershey, 7,000, Miss Alice M. Elder;
i Middletown, 3,000, Dr. Collin S. Few;
| Hummelstown, 5,000, Homer U Striek-
I ler; Millersburg, 6,000, C. W. Ruben
I dall; Mechanicsburg, 5,000, Miss Mary
Clark; Williamstown, 2,000, J. R. Han
cock and Patrick Meehan; Camp Hill,
2,000, Mrs. Edlward Pardoe; Lvkens,
3,000, John H. Ebv; West Fairview,
1,500, Mrs. A. Hoover; Duncannon,
500, Miss Irene Kent.
The other towns which took 1,000 al
-1 lotments and the chairmen in charge
I of the committees, follow:
1 Halifax, C. W. Heisler; Highspire,
L. Kaufman; New Cumberland, Mrs.
George H. Rife; Linglestown, Postmas
ter John S. Shatter; Penbrook, Robert
I Hoover; Dauphin, Miss Ella McNeeley,
and Kockville. Miss Oelia. Hoffman.
| Miss Celia Hoffman disposed of the
thousand through the small pupils of
| the Rockville primary grade and the
J number established a new record for
! seal sales there.
The public schools to-day closed for
the Christmas vacation and will not re
open until Monday, January 4. Inci
dental to the closing of the schools/en
tertainments were held by most of
The students of both Technical and
I Central High schools held novel char-
I itable entertainments,
j When Tech r s entertainments started
| there were 77 fidgety, expectant open
air kids in the front seats, staring with
i open-eyed joy at the beautifully dec-
I orated stage, with its open fire' place
: and two big Christmas trees loaded with
| 77 well-filled stockings and large piles
jof gifts. However, the children were
j somewhat disappointed, for they had
been promised that the real Santa was
I to be on the job to distribute the stock
; ings and presents, and he was nowhere
|to be seen. Suddenly there were whis
pers of "There he is," "Oh, I see him"
and "I told you so" from all over the
room as Santa stepped from the cliim
ney, which the Tech boys had provided
for him. After giving a short talk,
Santa had each of these 77 children
from the open air schools of llarrisburg
j come up on the stage and get their
The children, however, had their
part of the program to fill. They did
this by giving recitations and singing
their school songs, the music being fur
nished by the Techuical orchestra.
After the Central High students had
: all taken their seats in the chapel this
; morning and their 65 little guests were
! arranged in the front seats, all of the
lights were extinguished with the ex
i eeption of those on the Christmas tree,
[ which was on the stage, and the foot
i lights. This gave the platform a most
! beautiful effect. In the midst of the
I entertainment Santa Claus stepped out
on the stage. His appearance, nf
course, put a stop to the rest of the
entertainment and from that time on he
| had the stage. After joking with the
children for a while, just long enough
to get his breath back from his hurried
trip from Tech, hs started right in to
business, which was of great interest to
the anxious children. Every child re
ceived several gifts, mostly useful
things, such as clothing, although there
was plenty of candy, pop corn ;in<l
fruit to leave them "enjoy" a good
Christmas stomachache.
The Senior Girls' Glee Club also took
part in the affair and the orchestra gave
several selections for their little guests.
When ttie children left the building
they could be seen peeping into the dif
ferent packages with happy, satisfied
Aral Fractured in Fall
'Mrs. Sarah Cofaen, 926 North Jiistlj
street, suffered a fracture of hor left
arm in a fall in the rear yard at her
home last evening. She was taken to
t%e Harrisburg hospital for treatment.
Philadelphia Division —105 crew to
go first after 1.20 p. m.: 121, 126,
106, 103, 116, 104, 112, 113, 101,
108, 127, 102.
Engineers for 104, 113, 121.
'Firemen for 101, 102, 104, 106,
108, 109, 112, 113, 126.
Conductor for 127.
'Flagmen for 104, 106.
Brakemen for 113, 103, 116, 108.
Engineers up: ®rubaker, Young, Fos
ter, Welsh, Geesev, Statler, Hennecke,
Crisswell, Kissinger.
Firemen u.p: Copeland, Kreider, Her
man, W. B. 'Myers, Everhart, €ollier,
Rushey, Rhoads, Whichello, Libhard,
Kocheuour, Shaffer, Barton, Huston,
Conductors up: Hopp, Fesler.
Flagmen up: First, Banks.
Brakemen up: McNaughton, Brouw,
Hippie, Humer. Desc'h, 'Mclntyre.
Middle Division—22 «rew to go first
after 1.40 p. in.: 114, 23, 108, 18,
247, 232, 230.
Engineers for 114, 108.
Firemen ifor 114, 18.
(Brakemen for 108, 18.
Engineers up: iFree, Webster, Hertz
ler, .Smith, Kugler.
Fireman up: Drewett.
Flagmen up: Cain, Smith.
'Brakemen up: Roller, Kieffer, Plaek,
S'trouser, Bell, Heck, 'Franfk.
♦ 1 ' "■ 1 1
Yard Crews—Engineers up: Rudy,
'iiouser, Stahl, Strmb, Crist, Saltsman,
Made bv JOHN C. HERMAN & CO.
6-•K*fr*4"S> •{••{••(• »>s++•#
j *
I If You Are Looking!
For a Pure Beer—
'* f
* Made of the finest Malt and Hops—Sparkling Fil- *
% tered Water —and Purest Yeast—bv t lie best Sani- ♦
% tarv Methods. Order DOP]HNE Beer. *
•> mmmmmmmmm *
£ Bell 826 L Independent 318 X
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•> *<• * »>+•> <• » +*<* <• <• *♦ <• •> •> •>♦><•<•❖♦♦♦<••{«♦ +
Why Not Coal
For a Christmas Gift ?
: It is an easy way to give an acceptable
gift and will be sure to cause much rejoicing.
Coal is an article anyone can use to good
advantage. It will not be discarded the day
after Christmas as many useless gifts are.
Phone us an order for 500 pounds, 1000
pounds, 2000 pounds or more and we will
deliver it any time you say.
Give a poor family coal for a Christmas
Gift and they never will forget your, kind
United Ice & Coal Co,
Fonter ft Cowden Third ft Boas
15th ft Chestnut Hummel ft Mulberry
Ku'liu, Pelton, Shaver, Hoyler, Beck, j
Harter, Reive, 'Blossor, Brennoman.
Firemen up: Kesig. IMyers, Bovlc,
Crow, Revic, 'Botrfcdorf, tic'heiffer, Ranch,
Weigle, Lackey, iMaeyer, Sholter, Hnell,
Getty, 'Hart, ©arkey, Sheets, Bear,
Engineers for 1404. VOT, 14, SSS,
IS2O, 2393.
Firemen for 1454, 707, 1831, 1770,
Philadelphia, Division—-SOB crew to'
go first after 3.45 p, in.: 2 19. 242,;
227, 245, 212, 238, 208, 209, 202,!
232, 239, 222.
Engineers for 208, 211, 219, 223, |
Firemen for 208, 216, 222, 223,1
246, 242, 245. ' j
Conductors for 208, 219, 227, 245.:
Flagmen for 205, 208, 211, 239,:
Brakeanen for 205. 208, 227,1
245 (2).
Conductors up: KelleT, Logan, Btauf-j
® i::
iI $* ABRAHAM lTncoLn sai'o! 1 o> li"bW ary Si ! !
' ' AT C |S'NOT E TAKW L t OfTc^° N THEse'WOR eBATUBE j j
J I The above Certificate ] 1
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el«rk hire, cot at packing. checking. upHD fraaa factory, «*c., ate ( I
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1 » MAGNIFICENT CHWe illustration in announcements from day to day) is < >
I 1111 IICTDITrn bo " n< * ln ' flexible limp leather, with overlapping covers ' •
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j fer, Koigle.
Ragman up: Ford.
Bnakemen up: Felker, Malseed,
Hoopcs, Quigg, Long, Bair, Albright,
Arment, Goudy.
Middle Division—ll9 crew to jjo
| after 3.20 p. m.: 103, 110.
Fireman for 103.
conductor for 110.
j Brokemen for 103, 110.
P., H. and P.—After 4 p. m.: 20, 1,
23. 5, 18, 15, 14. 16, 24.
Eastbound—After 3.45 p. m.: 56,
! 62. 53, 51, 69, 61.
Conductors up: Ginghar. German.
Engineers up: Martin, Tipton.
Firemen iu>: Fulton, Coil, Bowers,
1 Sullivan, Kelry, Lex, Boyer.
Brakemen up: Troy, Hart/, Shader,
Taylor. Strain, Cook, Painter, Garden
er, M®einner, Maurer, Kpley, Mumma,
| .Miller, I *unkle, Hoover.