The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 23, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    ; CALLB9I-ANY "PHONE, "ik"))? CAMIOQi:»WPMnKrp«*>«Jt, Jt. 3
JSMmanZ ore oses Christmas Eve-To-morrow-at 6 JSf&fffifisn'A
MAMI » PoPULJi • . J /jf» fc?! naii^
I Tomorrow Many Articles Will Be Reduced Nearly Half Price i
; *J£Z rM^SSSSir firßt> you 8180 get tbe best ,rora holiday «»♦ b «° ;
► Look 3,t These Reductions Reductions on Mt - Hartz Canaries When You Think ;
; ftTl TOVQ Wheel Goods Tomorrow at of Christmas.
: : tjliujl„i_ • ijL , utT - * , ffiß! Think of Candy ;
To-morrow is the time and Toytown is the place to secure toys h.9s «da board wagons »».a5 $2.98, $3.49 and $3.98. Good R H t u „ . ,
y that Utile folks rfpsirp * 8 s " ,e boanl w »Kons, »a.»B «nntrut-oT-« Better take ( a small chance, and lay in i
y lOlnS oes/re. $35 Toddy wagons sa.Bs songsterfe. a bounteous supply of candv from our <
► Soldier Sets—in boxes. '*""" 1 Chrtotaa, candy .hop. Yon arequit, .ore •_
J . KTI/ /SS/' - • horn #10.50 * of ° ndm K rnos t every kind from a penny
\ iob! : from i0o; from | /| X \#l H0.50 automobile with electric lights and cane to rich chocolates at 40f lb. r
► Animals. «. jr 74; k-y VT f 18.98 locomotive auto $5.50 Hil - . <
V 1|» y I 1 *9. 98 automobile »«.75 ////, TTiP STI A#* ■
► StufTed animals. teddy beara, platform animals, "iiffiiJ n'- rbl*' 1 "?*"; ", V*: J»* /7 XIIC PUUC i/CpOll <
► walking animals—all reduced as follows: At 5c 1111 Life -4 "*' 1 T *.>..o rubber tiled velocipede ftm _ iY __
-n° m J. 0c: . ,0c tt? m 19t ' ; ISo from -sc; 35.- from """ , I $4.98 rubber tired velocipede $3.93 ' LS W . W1 AH T l/fn /\— ii o
► 4 j6, j^r t vel r lpede :.:::-•is-s IkmEMI nient rresents
from'll.9S; KJ.7S from >4.98. rorn ' IU - 9S - » 1J » /""j I $6.98 tandem 'irisil mail, ,$4!»8 'wß&flk J
► „ La 4l $4.50 tandem Irish mail *3.75 I' I I llh I]h I H O 111 Kill £ iCcflllC- S
y Games. I f $4.50 desk and chair sets 93.25 V O
► du«d. r \^"fom r sV b °lo Ba iß^f~ al, ->s e ' | J -\ m Third Floor BOWMAN'S. \l\ tlOflS <
[ %&&£&&&&%& | iiTiHr Reductions on | i
: ohildien ' s Book! - " Handkerchiefs Select Gloves Here S\SfiS trtt/ST'C 3
' BiookT" ° e ° ml ° 5r ° m ° Reductions On All Will Be Welcomed /v\« » « » buckles, value $1.98, at pair.
► Bloc ks. __ _ _ _ ™ 11X UC If CXI/UlllCU ll 0 Assortments Women's fawn cloth top overgaiter but- <
► Wood blocks, stone blocks, building blocks iCinQS Ol Dolls
. "™- ; Dressed Dol l, By All A T „„„,
Mechanical Toys. A.t, from ioc: is, from iS c ; .•»« from s»e; I ®V > ,em f itched and machine embroid- iUC Ullll Third iW— BOWMAN'S. "
y I 55c from 89c: «»»• from *1.00; 7in- from 5t.25: H.V ered haiidkerchieis, at 3c. , .
$1.25 locomotive jrom %\.ao- L » l - l »f'pm $1.89 to |I.»S; *1.45 from 12VoC »TIH 1:V mnchint> pmhrnirlopoH Two-clasp OVerseam kldsin white and _ _ —— i
y «9c automatic Stationary engine" . : m„ »••<» tram »2.79 to 53.50: «3.<0 from ! .T 2 " 1 lliacnme eillDroiaeiea rrtk* j- j.i nn A • T\ J • .
19c dynamobiles 12c I S O - 98 > from J10.98; *t.os from $7.50. ] liaudkert'hiefs, many all linen, some in- N grey at 79< pair; from SI.OO (TITT KPniir+IATIQ II
Jointed Dolls. *tial, 3 for 25*. Two-clasp ov.erseam French kid gloves VJXXW IVvUlivllUllO <
► nOc jumping- dogs lui c Three children's hnndk-pri'hi<at'« in bnhhv ,n wl, ite, black, tan and grey, at <pl.Zs i «_ •mm* « i
y 10c and 15c attachments and shaftings 7«- At ITc from 25c: 80c from 50c 311,- from «9c- I ,• , naimkercnietS lIOOOy . TUT--
► as=asß«i?wsr«-^« wea r Department :
► ! iMßodyDoiu R e».i "»<•«» i«nd-™bi3ered hand- «^!?'U , 5Ki*P c * pesltln gloves " w c<ti uepai uneui
► »<=-» ««■»,», te » iwilkw'*i.»«^ith«uketmrMtat o~ <* -wt. aprons, round «.d ,
y SI.OO stables. f. from 98c: «>c from $i.25; * from $1.50; *1.35 ... 0 ~l° >K^ ' stitching, at $2.00 and .82.25 pair. fan cy shapes: trimmed m lace and em
y 98c mechanical tova. kv' lahrrakaMe Komprr u«u. 49rs extra large 00r " Washable doeskin gloves at $1.25 and broidery, 5Qc to 69c values. Special at 39^
!'?- lot $-.98. $3.98 and $,.98 Kid Body ind fii'-ff Tliiiiffe i«
ioc huriy twiriy [ •'<?'"ted Doiis —these are soiled from handling, j ulli lIIIII2S 111 JX oXlon and 16-button length French kid with neat white figures: turn-over collar
Trains. 9 n » e JJoti ot ot Doll Furnltu '« sets—four chairs i T\ j, i r* •* + gloves at to $4.50 pair. and belt; all sizes. At i
► and table in neat hoiiy box, 25c value at isc. i ft Tit RedUCCU Kayser's chamoisette and leatherette Women a cambric and nainsook drawers, 4
► l":" Si'c tni J r r 2ct' :::::: SJJJ Doll Furniture, Boxed. 4,nnn t gloves in all shades and sizes, at and open and dosed; ruffle of wide embroid- ,
, oOc railroad sismaif $l().0u white onaniel desk set, ... •SGvOO pair cry. At 25^7*
At ,I>r from 25c: 30 " from 50 " f " ra Wl; - I brass desk sets, #3.00 Main Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
SI.OO braes beds, nued Aluminum, China and Tin Tea Sets $3.00 Ormolu-gold easei mirrors, .00 : «
98c Iron raUroa'd a 'trains " bS ,$2.50 jewel boxes i $1.50 m —_. __ >k - _ - t 4
: *iassaaa To Men Who Have $6.00 to , <
;f Brassieres To-morrow IS SSJMt.::: Spend on Their Comfort ;
: AU Nuts (Excepting Will Be 65c <
; Almonds) Will Be Sold $, o ° to si - 25 1« an d sS ™£%d£vX'::::::::::: ii? you $7 - 50 - Your ehoice of green ' grey ' brown and blue plaids and mixtures
: All Day To-morrow at | ESSSSStSS:::::::® . Form Fitting Overcoats at SIO.OO •
Ji."l&£2!..TS*72i WvJyZZU: 3S "o'vct'S B ™.; haJ™ *12.30. Come in grey, bine and mixtnres; with velvet Milan. J
; 1254 c 1h SXdTAJ' 1 ™... , , 3s< Boys' Balmacaans at $2.00 v
► -L 1M Odd lot corsets in medium and high bust, long $2.9 a white enamel extension book racks, J v
* "" Z - es " 8 to 30: 59f to G9l> va,ue9 - s r e - .«$1.95 Styles that sold for $2.98. Grey, tan and blue mixtures. 2i/j to 10 years.
► ' 'second Floor R.»w\r IVfMi TT i 1 Boys' Mackinaw Coats at—in red, blue, green and grey plaids; reduced from
► Second Floor-BUVV.MA.NS. $2.00 white enamel book racks, . .$1.50 $4.45 and $4.9*. Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. "
: Come Early To=morrow^Make Ev
; Children's Wear^
j Embroidered Pillow The "Gift" Depart- ) Give Him a Bath Robe I
► Suitable for Gifts Cases Reduced to ment Invites You to A c , A Ll
, rials: sizes 410 l+.veais. Price to™. !st9# IHiO)™ 'ifln 1 1"| d . usua ' l /» el ' [ » r WdfCS duced tolpilsß fnfm"t2.9B "i^.te'fronl
► $2.50 to $3.50 children's coats, in serge, inches'wide^ e qualit> tubing, 4- atid 4o Golden oak smoker stands, $2.49—l eg- $3.50: $3.25 from $4.50; $3.75 from ' (
cheviot and matures; colors are white, io,/ a n,M%i ( L„„ 0 I „ ♦«, , ularlv $4.98. Two only. $4.95 ; $4.75 from $5.98; $4.95 from pV *
blue, brown and grey; low waists, belted nnbnv J tlannelette at yard Smoker stands,—regularly $3 89 $6.98; $6.75 from $8.50; $8.25 from /k < '
► and Balkan styles; trimmed in velvet, ~?oi/! ?\ • , , . U1 , Two onlv. SIO.OO. 1 >#V <
► braid and fur; sizes Ito 6 years. Price k 2 cretonnes, in lengths suitable for j Solid brass smokine stand 8149 If /• , r . I /$ >\ ,
►to $1,75. bOX Mv,„n ! ,, t.nej ; bags,.te,ats*yd. resul.riyVJV ® ?1 ' 49 V-* # X
! Jg&niS**'*'**'-'"* PnmtnUnrtu In #fcl ITVA «
«Pg|MMf j US"""'' Sm ° l "' r ' »»o.7s_regnl.rly PrOmittetttfy HI fa JW UfV <
t skirt patterns at 45#. ' ««binet, ?M.50-reg. RedUCtfollS C-HL
liHRII sou- ! Jti" «'«W9.75-regul.rly T ]
7:l '' Arcadia sheets. Tlixitfr inches: soiled, j ReSt Chalr8 ' ? 13 - 4 5 regularly $3.50 from $4.50; $3.95 from $o.00; Christmas Novelties 11
' Reductions in Oift "'f lengths, ! ? i'l^ r e g ™i,H™:«i4 J M " be '° Islm /rom'»fof" In the Upholstery De- <
aa®SCr-~ I JSt*#-**"- Traveling Sets partment-Rednced !
Rippers for . „ jesSSCMrBSJS :
To-morrow 50c Moire Hand 9 ju»JZi£g nbme "' t,C h dt $,.75 reil lea,h "- Prifed '
r Hen's black and brown kid slippers, tine n_ _ _ <*/>- "amboo shaving cabinet stand, ?1.85 from $2.50: $2.10 from $2.99 ; $3.25 »3 23 «2 jolmd i 2 25 white .erin, hed '
f good, that have been.,1.19 to »S. Pair, 03 05, 29C W- » , „ . h , , *£ »g, $3.85 from «*,)*»
: pi ay suits for b O7S :
ors. Pair. 98<. tl 00 Handßwi it Gift NOVeltieS FIOBQI Policeman, Indian, baseball and cowboy. 25c and 30c mercerized cords for cush *
' bc^Z-^i^ ?= .Sp.nafe%sS; the Art Shop 1
y r -n c i n 000 centers - with cotton Cluny insertion «*• I » , - and 25< pair. <
► Cliff Scarfs Reduced to $1.25 Partv Boxes and lace. 29-inch size. Special, 35<. Women S UmDr€ las. $2.38 to $4.00 white lace curtains; fine <
► Pretty crepe de chine scarfs that retail- j,o n- . (U1 (0 e Battenburg covers, linen center with » Cnopial <i4 a lace, all new patterns. Special at $1.59 ,
, f rom $2.00 to $2 50 $-.9 a to sb.oo jiarty boxes in green, drawn work, 30-inch size. Special,
, $1.50 maline ruffs,"sl.oo. black and rose, all fitted; many are gold- 49c linen drawn work squares, 18-inch Paragon frame with American taffeta loc cords, in pretty mixed colors, for 4
SI.OO maline ruff«, p ated. Prices are to $3.00. size. Special, cover; tape edge. Mission handles. bathrobes or cushions, vd. /*
M«m Floor BOWMAN'S. Second Floor BOWMAN'B. * Floor-BOWMAN'S. Fourth Floor-BOWMANU
+ 4