6 I' 4 . * i CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.*#- -&*-«• ( : ' CALL W9l-AK? 'PHONE.'*' -ft* "* ' i JSoumanX Store Open To-night Until 9 O'clock HARRIS BUSS'S POPULAR MMRTHDtT STOAI _««_/ MAIHMNUM» POPULAR DtPARTHWT «7W»* ' : A Clear Away Sale of All Holiday Merchandise Tomorrow 1 Merchandise in this sale is precisely the same from which you have been selecting during the past few weeks. There is most everything in the way of gifts for all the members in the family, 4 and the unusual reductions will clear many of the lots long before the day is over. Shop early in the morning. The Jewelry Department Will Be a Busy ftif+ Things for There's a Saving Many Savings to ; J Place Tomorrow With These Reductions Men Reduced for You in Giving Be Found To- ; v § 17.50 lti-pieee eoiub brush, mirror and I $1.50 cigarette sets, containing ease and .AlllllOSt \ Rich American morrow i „ V cu f se f s - f l»adrupfe silver :ui a beau, | matrh hox. m a silk lined box, SI.OO. 2 5c pad garters, in fanev boxes. 15*. China Department < JtS mirror ! f' 1 [■' j , |j£ tSZZ'lX"'**i Cut GIaSS Jardinieres; ...a.1., . „r ,»*, • ► g,. in dk 1M Lose, „n», .\l>j ' 1 & SOS 23 Out Ok. V M .., *1.98 to *6.90 , •"» *** { ► ' Silvo'r manicur.- >• 08«, 51.98, jgglN fjJO lUj || % "*I.OO combination sots —tie and sua- , , s i " "**-"* < ► J?' ®8 and $3.98 regularly $2.00 to penders; handkerchief tie and hose; 50 and *" *° Guernsey Earthenware Baking Set- < ► soXio - ... ififi garters, arm-bands and suspenders, Cut Glass Punch Bowl al sl4 SO and ! consisting of 7-inch covered eassei-ole, one < ► $2 .00 Sterling silver clothes and bonnet 9jSr . vffT}\ • ok u «17 i«.o-nl>irlv "> CO bowl, one pudding dish and six small ens- * brus lies, at 98<*. W t\ \ W 69c combination sets, 35* each. $17.50-regularly $20.00 and s£>.oo. tard cups, at 69<-regularlv sl-.25). $6 .00. $7.00 and SB.OO gold filled 20-year I ff AsJiJ Men 8 and boys fc>c neckwear-4-in- Out.Glass Cake Plates, at $4.90 and I Electric Portable Lamps-$2.90 to , K : c nar antee hand-carved and engraved 1 \ hands, cut silk and knit ties ' b.-acolets at $4.98. I 1 ys gauntlets, lined; m black Water Sets, at $4.50 o slß.oO — Gas Portables, complete with goose neck, J ► i'> 50 *±oo and $"» 00 wold-filled "'O-vear ,v ■ and tan. 29*. regularly $5.90 lo $24..)0. hose, mantle, etc., at $2.98 to $9.50 i ► gu Mi bracelets at $2.98. " - | regularly $3.98 t0'514.50. ■ ol> and $6.00 solid goUliavallieres, set Parisian IVOTT Men'S °d4v £ nlarl.v p. 9« to W •!«. Mor Lamps the kind th»t tarn oji, , ► With pearls and fancy stones, at $3.98. Z * „ , $169 - Cut Glass Bowls, at. $3.50 to $6.90- , J?.90 to .$3.90-regularly .$3.98 to < s3i >0 and $4.00 gold filled lockets, plain Special sale for Thursday only-all of * Main Floor-BOWMAN'S. regularly $4.50 to SIO.OO. Snorted Glass Lemonade or Water < ► and ii vncy desisms at $2.98. our one grade only Parisian Ivory, extra , Sugar and Cream Sets, at $3.50 to Imported Glass Lemonade or Water . ... ' , , , i,• i , heavy weight, comb, brush and mirror «sr on„r c ..r.iiarlv *45010 *750 Sets made of decorated colored glass; k $U ■«> cold filled, soldered link neck sets in silk lined boxes and separate pieces ; TJ A -yr\ "\T n i t «i «e «•> nn -consisting of jug and six tumblers; at i ' chain. 690. each piece is stamped. HefC AxC V CIY , ? ° g ' and 75^; regularly 98c and $1.25. „ $l.O 0 solid gold dress pins. 69c. $9.00 and SIO.OO comb, brush and mir- r\ a ■»-» j j • "„ ' J.* '1 «i«> p.a ' x% «. -. . * 500 solid sold front dress pina, 39*. ror sets; extra heavy quality, in a lined StTOtte RedtlCtlOllS OM Ote Electrolier at ?12.5<^-re s ,,. FanCT Gift ChllUl y Golt 1 filled and silver scarf pins, box, at $6.98. ® . • ' ', , t? a. Ox *1 • i : and 3 9£—regularly 25e and 50c. ! Hair receivers, 79* to $1.98-regu- itl TtrOCO I?flKrirC Basement BOW MAN 8. FeatUTeS Striking $5.00 and $6.00 men's gold filled fobs; larly SI.OO to $2.50. 111 1/ICCIO i auiil/O •guarai iteed for 20 years, at 3.98. Hair brushes, to $2.98 —regularly 500 yards SI.OO 36-inch Wash Silk Hab- TlYlflkflQ Ht\f\ WTllf fi XvCUllv wIOHS 1 $2.5< • and $3.00 women's gold filled fobs, $1.25 to $3.50. utai —pure silk, heavy quality, in pink, ► guarat teed for 20 years, at $1.98. Clothes brushes, 89* to s2.9B—regu- j lilac, blue, green, grey, tan, black; pin, gold handles, regularly $1.39, at ... .890 ► sl.o(' gold filled bangle bracelets, extra ! 'arly SI.OO to $l5O double and space stripes in,white; beauti- ftnodft Choice at 98 <—» a,ad ,lishes - ( ' ake ' ► quality . 79*. Trays at 89* to $1.49 regularly f t „l for waists and men's shirts; great VI wUUv) J.A.CL V plates, chop plates, bread and roll trays, ► r» * ... ..ii «n„j u ' SI.OO to $2.00'. value. Special at 39* yard. _ . 4 m . . jugs, fruit, bowls, sugar and cream sets; < 50 c j .uaranteul •> years gold filled ban- PuflF boxes, 79* to sl.9B—regularly 75e 42-inch Silk and Ootton Crepe de CflTlfTl Villi* Pfl TTllMt* regularly $1.49. . k gle bracelets 39c. | sl .oo to $2.50. Chines-neat figures in rose, brown, taupe I V/UULIIUUtCU XIICII Choice at 69*-ehop plates, celery ► $,t.00 and guaranteed German sil- j to. ver vai ioxea, SJc. $2.50 to $5.50. SI.OO yard-wide Silk Crepe de Chines— OxicilTC Ot wD6CI£LXS malade jars, nut howls, cracker jars, salad < k »0c and 75c German Silver vanity boxes, 50c manicure pieces, files, cuticles, in Copenhagen, royal, navy, Russian and * dishes, spoon trays and relish dishes; reg- i k .39*. i kni\es, butt oners, shoe honis. etc., 39*. plum. Yard, 79*. Linen towels that have been slightly | ularly 98c. Basement—BOWMAN'S. —oc bi llliant stono flncl sold plfttcd i Ntiil buffpps, cind S —light soiled from handling—h very tine cjiifllity j r~ ■■ • —■ ■■ broocjias, each in a silk lined box, 19*. i .vOc and ! and dark stripes and figures. Yard, s*. of linen guest towels, at 49^—regularly j $2.00 solid gold baby chain and locket, tombs, 39c to 79<>; regularly .>oc to $1.50 42-inch Brocade Silk and Wool 59 e Large size linen towels at 59*— JtipdllCSC IMippUll V/llllia . . , , $1.49 SIJOO. Tussah -shades of wistaria, Copenhagen, regularly 75c; scalloped and hemstitched Hand-painted Japanese ehina—beautiful * k Formerly SIO.OO hand engraved, extra so.ao Kaiser grey finished comb, brush ! brown, putty and navy. Yard, 39*. at 69*—regularlv 89c. decorations. . heavy, erling silver card nurses, special and mirror sets; each set has a keep-clean ! .. . ... umvMAvc ._ . , , . t . . __ ; at . $3.9^-only have a few'at this brush. 81.98. Mam tloor-BOWMAN-S. ja-inch white vode, at 19* yard-regu- | JJ bowls, joo; «*«£., *■ Pr .HOO, $5.00 and $6.00 German silver CIOCkS OH Paintings Reduced Turkish face cloths, good size, 36* "ra,Ue.'t"ie'etowVutlolart.v I " ™^^'Ji°lr lunlin( : d^2 - 4 ?; $7.00 to $?.00 mahogany mantel clocks; j Genuine oil ^ n ' ards lon loth full perfcet icees , I | 3 .M. y $2.00 and $3.00 German silver mesh bags, different styles; every clock has our guar- beautiful gilt Irames; regular price sl.b9. . • 6 > {.. , f Fern dishes, s:s.so; regularlv Ss.no. 4 . $1.19. antee, $5.98. 1 Thursday only, $1.19. at oo f P ,ece ' ' oc quality-only two Fruit l,owls, sti.iiH; regularly $5.00 anit $6.00 silver cigarette cases, $2.00 to $3.00 bronze, mahogany, brass 1 Many other pictures at special prices; to a cummer. _ , , Fenwlishos, regularly sr,.9s. Plain and engraved patterns, $3.98. and other finished boudoir and desk clocks. I suitable for gifts; arranged for your con- ; 1° « °n»«'o a ■ 1.00-i«egularly Fru.t bowls, #4.50; regularly Ib.oO. 25c gold jxfated dress pins, 19*. at $1.69. , venience; to-morrow at 21* to $2.75. j $1^0; put up in sanitai> bags i « : $3.00 gold plated vanity boxes, contain- $1.50 marbelized boudoir and desk ; Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S. I "ft rISLI StrOllg ReGUCtIOIIS * ing place fosr coin, puff, mirror and bill clocks, 79*. I 7~TZ. beautitulfor children s dresses. II bought j . 0 _ ~. , ► 1 t Special To ?g«ti.n«yXh* in Bedding ! K Serving I rays size 9*4x15 inches; , enables us to offer it at less than one-half White Crochet Bew tahhjd fc.rn.wttl^braaajan. dlca; 72-i.ch bleaohad a.tin d.»aaK h.nd. "liuak^fa!. k - o nanha rr- . nought to sell ror 401. tnurstiaj, some assor ted |)atterns, at sl.oO—regu- Handsome all wool Steamer Bugs, at $7.00; J _ seais. -pa s, oc . (Excepting almonds) —including pecan, 1 ea „V . larly $1.39; with napkins to match, 22x22- regularlv $10.00; at SO.OO, regularly $12.00; --d ltlc booklet., 2* each mixed, pili, Brazil and English walnuts Mirrors-size with small pic- inch size, at $2.98 dozen; regularly $3.25. at $«.»«, regularly $9.50. 10c to lac ( hristmas booklets, 5* each. Reeularlv 15e to 2Sc ' turc at top; pretty gilt, frame; regular ! Huck towels—scalloped edge, at $1.90 Single Baby Blankets, with pmk and blue , K Christmas cards, 3* dozen. hegularly oc to -be. price 69c. Thursday, 45*. dozeri . regularly ' b °£i ftf bathrobe blankets, at $..08; reg. < P Mam FIoor—HUWMA.N b. I Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ularly $2.50. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S < : There Arc Only Ten Shopping HoursTo=morrow==B a. m. : For Real Savings Silk KimolloS at $1.98 A Sa,e of Women's Coats That Will Crowd ; k •»Tio'" Tn-mnrrnw Cheney Bros. Silk Kimonos at S2.SO—A big variety of pattei ■ns to select from. The the Department From the Minute the Store J y ing Oclllull lu-murrow prices are about a third less than usual. i A f\f I I ' , Japanese Quilted Full Length Bobea at $5.98 —silk oulaide and inside. QuilteJ with i UDettS Until It UOS6S at 6 { " "ai l' 00. fine cotton. Stitehed as only the cunning Jap e.n stitch. Just $2.00 less than they were I *" . _ . * Fire-proof Bean Pot in nickel-plated yesterday. One black; two Copenhagen; one green and one navv. 00 "Plll qli ml SOO < ► copper receptacle. 98£—regularly $1.49. $1 00 anrf HI 50 Hmr nro f n- v . , ~ , XiUoil V/UCILO CtL J\J ► Tea Ball Percolator nickel nlated " * House Dresses at 69* —Gingham, ehambray, fleecpd; light, medium , $1.50 to s2.2s—regularly $2.25 to an. an ° ~'® 8 ~ ne and Lace Waists, at #1.98—-They you're here you'll see how they go. All colors nhildren'a floats Btn 14. vnn.ro at. Ufi 4 90c aluminum tube cake pans, .10c. "T Ward , 8 , befor ®' 'i IHn - y were S'"' 00 are among them and blacks. The messaline is ~ , d -na IZ-n , a. JTa T7~ . / ► $2.49 triplicate sauce pans sets, $1.09. a A really wonderful assortment of good messiilifte and the Jersey Silk is like that a '' coats that were SO.OO, Spo.oO and SB.OO. Coats of ex- 4 y $::!a0 aluminum cotfee ]iots, #a.3o. styles and colors. Some of them are belated you've seen in much higher priced petticoats. eellent materials in all colors. There are about fifty 4 91.98 aluminum dinner pail, #i.oo. ™. k " ™ a^l I . , i beral And all of them are the styles that are wanted CO ats in all—none were less than ss.oo—most of them 1 ► 92.39 and 92.69 aluminum tea kettles, #1.09. rather than have them returned. >,OW. higher i ► Basement—BOWMAN'S. Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. ' Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S.. N( i HARRISBURG STAR-INDEPENDENT, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1914.