The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 23, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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P v
26, 30 and 32 North Third Streot
Now showing new advanced
' Spring Models
Afternoon and Evening*
moderately priced.
Blouses — Millinery—
for the holidays Wonderful concep-
An elegant assort- tioM-takeu from the
ment of stylish models mUlta 7 f d ™ val 1 " n<!
the newest color- « e » r of thc , 0 ? world "
ings and materials. mi itarv balls-cords
and midshipmen s cap
$1.95, $2.95, $5.00, are copied also the
$7.50, $12.50, newest idea in all white,
$18.50 . $5.00, $7.50, $12.50
Furs —Evening Coats —Hosiery
Continued From First Page.
James M. Cameron, Harrisburg; Vir
ginia C. Rodgers and Rachel C. Hale,
of Washington; Martha C. Lindsey and
Margaretta C. Clark ,of Passaic, N. J.
The living descendants include J.
Gardner Bradley, J. D. Cameron Brad
ley, C. R. P. Rodgers, J. D. C. Rodgers,
Alexander Rodgers. William Clark,
•lames C. Clark, John B. Clark, Chandler
iHale, Jr., Donald Cameron Hale, Mary
Hale, Eugene llaio, 3d; Mabel B. Brad
.ley Cameron Bradley, Alicia Rodgers
and Anna B. Clark.
Within one year after the deatE of
the survivor of the above named bene
ficiaries the estate is to be distribujed
among the issue qf Senator Cameron
then living, according to the interest
the parents of each would have taken in
the estate.
Former Senator Cameron has large
real estate holdyigs here. He is the
owner of the 01/ Ogle Taylor home in
Lafayette Square, which was occupied
T>v many famous people. It was into
tfiis place that Philip Barton Key, son
of the author of the ''Star Spangled
Banner," and United States District
Attorney in the district, was carried
after he had been fatally shot. Mr.
Cameron lived there many years, and it
was occupied also by the late Vice Pres
ident Hobnrt, the late Senator Hanna
and Mrs. Thaw, of Pittsburgh, mother
xif Harrv K. Thaw.
Former Senator Cameron 'has been out
nf the public eye since 1897, when lie
Tetired as U. S. Senator "from Pennsyl
vania. He is now 81 Tears old afiil
has lived on his estate's in Donegal,
Jjancaster county. He is also interested
jn large coal and iron mines. Mr. Cam
eron was once a power in Pennsylva
nia polities, succeeding to the legacy
left by his father, and with Quay di
rected Pennsylvania politics with a
Ptrong hand. He served two years as
Secretary of War in President Grant's
Cabinet, and succeeded his father in
the United States Senate in 1877.
Children Receive Gifts Following Yes
terday's Vaudeville Show
Almost two'hundred of Harrisburg's
little orphans anil inmates of the vari
ous charitable institutions were the
guests of tiie Orpheum management yes
terday afternoon. Tnroug-h the courtesy
of the Harrisburg Railways Company
the children were taken t>o the theatre,
and after their arrival there they sa.
in a body iu the choice seats of the
orchestra circle.
It looked to 'be a regular jubiiet*roi
the children, who seldom have the op
portunity to go to a theatre, and the
occasion was an especially joyous one
to them because the bill was selected to
please the little --itrons. After it all
there was a real, live Nanta Glaus, wao
favo each of them a nice present from
is own hands. All through the bill the
youngsters shrieked witn ( delight, es
pecially at the ace known as Derkins'
Animals, an ait in whi h a tioupe of
fraiued dogs and monkeys operate a
town of their own, and those who have
seen it will admit that its some busv
town. It certainly tickled the kiddies
to see t<he had dog-man getting arrested
aud then seeing him carried away in the
police wagon to the dog |>olice station.
(He was arrested because he got drunk
and was leaning for protection against
a lamp-post.
After the performance the children
went upon the stage to receive their
■gifts from Santa Claus and after this
part of the program they were again
met by special trolleys and taken back
lo their daily scenes. But it was a
Lhappy afternoon for the children and
[they seemed to appreciate the treat im
Milwaukee Sleuth Must Stay in This
City Over Christmas to Get Man
With a wife and five children at his
home in iM'ilwaukee, Valentine C'orosky,
a defective from that place, hoped to
get requisition papers and take a pris
oner from Diguesne and get home by
Christmas time in order to celebrate
with his faunily. .lust as he entered the
door of the State Department this morn
ing a telegram reached there protesting
the granting of the papers and they
were refused until such time as a hear
ing cau"'be held.
He therefore will 'be stuck in 'Harris-
Iburg over Christmas, with his wife and
family in Milwaukee. He was a very
unhappy policeman when he received
the news this morning.
Berlin Bate of Discount Beduced
Berlin, Dec. 23, via London, 2.50
p. m.—The rate of discount of the
imperial Bank of Germany was re
duced to five per cent. Thfs puts the
rate of discount back to what it was
July 31 previous to the outbreak of
hostilities in Europe.
Women's Circle and Clubs Doing Vol
unteer Work For Home and War
Belief Will Be Furnished With In
structors in Any Branch
Instruction in the art of rolling
bandages, knitting scarfs or mufflers,
or even handling plain sewing, will be
given to sewing circles, clubs, societies
or similar organizations which may de
sire to do volunteer work for the Home
and War Relief Association, which is
aiding the European war sufferers.
Announcement of the plan was made
by Miss Anne McCormick, chief of the
Red Cross division, at headquarters, 7
South Front street, to-day. Associa
tions willing to do the work should ap
ply to the Red Cross division and an
instructor in any bnan«Ji of work,
either preparing suftgical or medical
supplies, or knitting, will be furnished
Illustrating what may be accom
plish by individual volunteer work,
Miss Jennie Dull, a visitor to Red
Cross headquarters, brought five scarfs
and a package of wristletta she had
knitted during leisure moments. There
is no end to the demand for such sup
plies for the freezing soldiers at the
front, and the division workers are
anxious to have this plan taken up by
many organizations throughout the
city or county.
The methods of handling work at
headquarters leaves at least two of the
lied Crpss committee on duty constant
ly. Information or instruction in any
detail of the work may be had bv vis
itors or volunteers.
Additional contributions to the fund
to buy condensed milk for the starving
Belgian babies were received vester
day, when Mercer B. Tate, Jr., brought
a check for sll from the Tadpoles, a
class of the Pine Street Presbyterian
church, which will some, of its
Christmas treat to aid the little suffer
The entire staff of nurses at the
Harrisbiirg hospital has volunteered
to give two' days time each week to
the preparation of Red Cross supplies.
Al. K. Thomas sent a donation of flour
and groceries for use of the Home Re
lief department with needy workers,
while clothing and toys were received
from the Campfire Girls of Camp Hill.
All departments close to-night for
the Christinas holiday. They will re
sume activities Monday morning at 9
o 'clock.
Scenes to Be Shown on Market Street
Will Be Repeated Sunday Night
The stereopticon pictures to •b' l used
to-morrow night in tfiie niunicipalChrist
mas tree celebration will again 'be
shown at Christ Lutheran church, South
Thirteenth street, on Sunday evening.
The pastor, the Rev. Thomas Reisch,
will preach a sermon on the "Nativity"
while the pictures are appearing on the
Christ Lutheran Sunday school has
been to the forefront in the way of
relieving distress and need among the
poor. A large nuiwber of poor families
are now assisted from the many
gifts brought by the school last Sun
day afternoon.
Worked in Pennsy Shops at Lucknow
for Last 17 Years
•L A. 0. Germer, 43- Harris street,
a Civil war veteran who fought in the
'battle of Gettysburg, but for t)he last
forty-seven years has been in the em.
ploye of t'he Pennsylvania Railroad
Company at the Lucknow shops, will re
tire on the 31st of December.
Yesterday fellow workmen pre
sented him with a gold watch and a
leather pooketfooo'k and emblem fob,
t'he present coming at this time serves
as Christmas present and as a suitable
token of the good will of the men.
R. Boyer's Barber Shop
■Bo 1 '!) Boyer's barber shop, Blackberry
and Dewberry streets, "has 'em all
goin ' some," as a patron said when he
saw the Christmas decorations. Having
the finest Christmas decorations is a
ho'bby with Botb, and his efforts are
certainly well worth seeing. Last year
his shop attracted a great deal of at
tention on account of the profuse a>nd
unique way in wliieli it was festooned
and otherwise beautified. This year ten
big bags of greens have been used and
four barbers have 'been busy fixing up
for three weeks. Boib is so proud of the
result that he invites everybody to call
and see 'how pretty his shop looks.
Printed at this office in best style, at
lowest prices and on short notice.
General Educational
Board in Donations
Gives Slight Advan
tage to the West
List of Contributions to Educational
Institutions in the Several States
Since the Inception of the Plan—
Adopted by the Board
New York, Dec. 23. —Western
States have been favored slightly above
Eastern and Middle Atlantic States in
the general edueation board's donations
of $10,582,591 to the cause of eduea
tion according to a fourth installment
of the board's report, made public to
day. Southern States rank third, al
though all three groups are close.
The Western States, the report sets
forth, have been given outright $3,-
96 7,781, and partial contributions, the
exact amount of which is not stated,
have been made to a supplemental
sum of $15,406,741. To Eastern and
Middle Atlantic States the sum given
outright was $3,562,185; the supple
mental sum to which the board sub
scribed an amount not designated was
$15,247,939; Southern States received
outright $3,052,625; the supplemental
sum to which the board contributed iu
this case was $9,147,132.
Following arc the donations made
to educational institutions in tho vari
ous States by the board since its in
Southern States—Maryland, $250,-
000; Virginia, $490,000; North Caro
lina, $379,416; South Carolina, $154,-
176; Georgia, $232,233; Alabama,
$21,700; Mississippi, $150,000; Ar
kansas, $175,000; Tennessee, $625,-
000; Kentucky, $125,000; Texas,
$400,000; Florida, $50,000; total, $3,-
Western States—Ohio, $760,000; In
diana, $230,160; Michigan, $16,104;
Illinois, $300,000; Wisconsin, $290,-
000; Minnesota, $350,000; lowa,
$596,515; Colorado, $200,000; Kan
sas, $275 ; 000; Missouri, $525,000;
South Dakota, $150,000; Washington,
$125,000: California, $150,000; total,
Eastern and Middle States—Maine,
$50,000; Vermont, $150,000; Massa
chusetts, $750,000; Connecticut, $400,-
000; New York. $955,000; Pennsyl
vania, $757,741; New Jersey, $349,-
44 4; Rhode Island, $130,000; total,
No Appointment Yet Made, However, to
Insurance Department Clerkship
Following the puMication of a story
this morning to the effect that a posi
tion in the State Insurance Department
had been offered to Jury Commissioner
Edward Dapp, who has been regarded
as an independent Republican, in the
hope that he would then quit the field
for the Republican nomination for
County Commissioner, Insurance Com
missioner Johnson was asked whether
ho had appointed Mr. Dapp to the clerk
ship in his department made vacant by
the resignatioi uf Alexander Cooper,
who was made Assistant State Librar
ian. Mr. Johnson said he had not
made such an appointment.
"The place L virtually filled," said
Commissioner Johnson, ''but I will not
make public the name of the person se
lected until the appointment is made."
It is thought that the appointment
will be announced soon, and that it will
be Mr. Dapp. A month ago Mr. Dapp
announced himself a candidate for
County Commissioner but to-day he
said he is not financially able to make
a vigorous campaign.
"Are you going to be appointed to
a clerkship in tue Insurance Depart
ment f" was asked'of Mr. Dapp to-day.
"I don't know," he answered. '"I
would like to have a clerkship in that
department, just as any man in my po
sition would. It would be a decided
help to me."
Relatives of Alleged Panhandler Come
Here and Claim His Rody
Relatives of Harry Chambers, of
York, who was found dead last- night
'by Policemen Parsons and M-urphy, ih
Short and Arable streets, to-day claim
ed the body. It will 'be taken to York
for burial.
Chambers has been known to the po
lice as a panhandler and drug fiend
and has been arrested a nuanlber of
times on charges of panhandling. His
death was due to an overdose of mor
phine, according to Coroner Bckinger.
Confer With Dr. Dixon Abou Installing
a Sewage Disposal Plant
•lames Kllis McClure, Mayor of Bea
ver Falls; Leo Hudson, a consulting
engineer, and W. W. Piper, a city com
missioner from that place, came to Har
risburg to-day for a consultation with
Health Commissioner Dr. Samuel G.
Dixon, relative to the installation of a
sewage disposal jlant in Beaver Falls.
Fire Company Elects Officers
Officers were elected by Pleasant View
Fire Co. No. 15, last evening, as'fol
lows: President, L. G. Orr; vice presi
dent, Arthur H. Kaipp; recording secre
tary, Roy C. Dauaier; financial secre
tary, William R. Danner; treasurer, Wil
lard F. Keiser; trustees, John 'H. Prantz,
3 years; Henry Fox, 2 years; Levi Dec
tling, 1 year; foreman, Frank S. Ellis;
assistant forernem. C. !M. Itauch George
F. Lunrb; house directors, Amos IMack,
liiflhard Rutherford, Jacofe Uriich, Jr.,
C. M. Rauch, Levi Dettling and Amos
Flower Guild Places Christmas Trees
The Flower Guild of ttoe Harrisburg
hospital to-day placed gaily decorated
Christmas trees in all the wards of that
institution, the apartments of the resi
dent physicians and the nurses' home.
Flans have been completed to hang
stockings on the cots of the kiddies in
tfhe children's ward at midnight Christ
mas eve. Candies an*! toys wil ltie in
the stockings.
Many Converts of Stough Campaign
Will Enter Places of Worship for
Prayer the First Time in Many
To night trail hitters of the Stough
campaign will gather at the various
churches for which they expressed pre
ferences on their cards. Many of them
will attend a regular church service for
the first time in many years.
Epworth Methodist church announces
a rally and get-acquainted meeting for
everybody at 7.30 o'clock to-night.
There will be Holy Communion on Sun
At State Street U. B.
•State Street United Brethren church,
Eighteenth and State, one of the
churches which has been fully co-op
erating in the Stough campaign, even
to the extent of closing all its services
except Sunday school, will now resume
its usual activities. The mid-week
service of prayer and testimony will
be held this evening at 7.150 o'clock, at
which a large attendance of the mem
bership is looked for, and to which the
trail-hitters of the Stough meeting#
who have expressed a preference for
this church are specially invited. The
one service on Christmas day will be
the Christmas service by the Sunday
school at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Next Sunday will be Ingathering
Day in the chuirch and Sunday school.
The Sunday school ingathering service
will take place in the morning at 9.30
o'clock, which will consist of rally day
features, and the ingathering of funds
to be applied on the parsonage debt.
The church ingathering will take place
in the evening at 7.30 o'clock, at
which time a large number of Stough
campaign trail-hitters and others will be
received into the church and baptized.
At Harris Street Church
A home-coming service will be held
in Harris Street Evangelical church
this evening at 7.45 o'clock. The serv
ice will be an informal one of prayer
and confe*sion with a talk from the
pastor. All trail-hitters who signed for
Harris street church are especially
urged to attend.
A good friend of the church has
made it possible to supply a number of
families with Christmas baskets. This
distribution will be tnade on Christmas
On Saturday evening at 8.30 o'clock
the quarterly conference will be held
in the prayer meeting room with the
presiding elder in charge.
The service next Sunda.f morning at
10 o clock will'be in charge of the
pastor. New members will be received
and th e Lord's supper will be admin
istered. A large attendance of the
members and friends of the church is
expected. The evening service will also
be a busy one as new members will be
received and communion administered.
The Rev. F. E. Erdman, the presiding
elder of Harrisburg, will preach the
Coallnuril From Firm Pace.
fighting in Poland to the west of War
It Is announced in Lisbon that Ger
man forces have invaded the province
of Angola. Portuguese Africa. A Ger
man invasion was said to have been de
feated in October, although this report
was denied in Berlin. On the present
occasion the Portuguese government
admits that the troops at the military
post of Naulila have been compelled to
Latest Standing of Contestants in the
Players' League
New York, Dec. 23.—The standing
of the contestants in the billiard play
ers' league was announced to-day as
Grand Per-
Aver- cant
ream. v\ on l.ost age age
Sutton 50 18 17 .737
Demarest, 4." 25 111 ,63a
Xline 411 24 25 .625
Nation 7 5 12 .553
Sutler 29 37 12 .439
I'amada 44 1 4 .343
ichafer 17 50 12 .254
Cochran, 12 51 12 .190
Colonel's Daughter Was a Red Cross
Nurse in Paris
By Associated Press.
New York, Dec. 23.—Mrs. Richard
Derby, who was Miss Ethel Roosevelt,
is a passenger on the liner Chicago,
which is due to arrive here to-day.
Mrs. Derby will spend Christinas
with -her parents at Oyster Bay. She
was a Re.l Cross nurse in Paris, where
her husband, Mr. Derby, has been first
assistant to Dr.' Joseph Blake, of the
American Ambulance Hospital.
Receivers for Big Brewery
Columbus, 0., Dee. 23.—The Hoster-
Coluinibus Breweries Company, a $12,-
000,000 corporation went into the
hands of receivers to-day on order of
the United States District Court. De
creased demand for beer, adverse leg
islation and the voting dry of many
States and counties in the' last eight
years, was given as the cause.
Hurt in Coasting Accident
John Shearer, 115 Hanna street, was
struck by a sled on the Dock street
bridge early this afternoon while roast
ing, suffering a severe laceration of the
left thigh. The muscles of the leg were
exposed, the cut was so deep. Fifteen
stitches were used to close the wound
at the Harris'burg hospital.
Fire Drivers Give Turkeys Away
Tile drivers of the Harris'burg fire
department made handsome presents
to-day to Mayor Royal, the City Com
missioners and Chief Kindler and As
sistant Chief llalbert, each one getting
a fat turkey for the Christmas din
Breaks Arm on Icy Sidewalk
Joseph Hurst, 629 Reily street, a
brakeman in the yards of the Pennsyl
vania railroad, fell on an icy sidewalk
near his home this morning, fracturing
his left arm near the shoulder. He
was treated at the Harrisburg hospital.
Donation for Belgian Relief
The Star-Independent acknowledges
the receipt of s2_from "M. E. F." of
Penbrook, for the Belgian relief fund.
This morfey has been forwarded to the
proper persons.
Congress Takes Holiday Recess
Washington, Dec. 23.—80 th houses
of Congress adjourned to-day until De
cember 29 for a Christmas "holiday re
Politics Supposed to Be Behind the
Changes—Director* Ask the County
to Grant an Additional $8,500 for
Expenses of Current Year
After passing a resolution asking the
County Commissioners to grant them an
additional requisition of $3,500 with
which to carry on the department until
the close of the present fiscal year, the
Directors of the l'oor this morning dis
missed three county physicians, appoint
ed substitutes, filled a fourth vacancy
caused by one doctor resigning and re
appointed all other county physiciafts
for another year.
Dr. W. M. Shull, formerly physician
at the almshouse and who, during the
last year looked after the poor in
Hummelstown, was removed in favor of
Dr. 8. F. Earnest, by a vote of 2 to 1.
The change was suggested by Harry
A. Walters. Director C. IJ. Buyer coin
cided and Thomas S. Manning, Repub
lican und minority member, asked that
his vote be recorded in the negative.
"This is not a political move," said
Mr. Walters. "It simply is to eft'ect a
change. I think Dr. Shull lias had thte
long enough." The general impression
in political circles, however, was that
the removals were due to politics.
Two other removals suggested by
Director Walters were confirmed by
both his colleagues. Dr. C. U Carter
will succeed Dr. A. Ijeslie Carter as
physician to the colored poor in the
city district, west of the railroad,
while Dr. C. S. Martin, Elizabethville,
gives up his post to Dr. F. F. Romber
ger. Dr. C. I. Trullinger was appointed
successor to Dr. E. E. Darlington, phy
sician to the poor of the Tenth and
Eleventh ward. Dr. Darlington resigned
No change was made in the phy
sicians' salaries. The Harrisburg men
get $25 a month. Dr. Romberger will
receive $lO a month and Dr. Earnest
sl2 a month. A general resolution re
taining all other county physicians was
unanimously adopted.
The request for additional money,
made to the County Commissioners, was
explained by the members of the Poor
Board as being necessary in view of
the increased number of requests for
aid and also because $12,000 of the
$60,000 appropriation received at the
beginning of this year was used in mak
ing improvements and repairs at the
Improvements made to the home
during the year included a new heating
system, costing approximately $6,500;
a new roof on the barn, and new floors
in the almshouse proper. The appro
priation made to the Poor Department
at the beginning of the year was the
same as that granted the year before.
At the time of noon adjournment the
County Commissioners had not acted
on the requisition.
Mrs. Susan Wolfe Begins Suit Against
Henry M. and Jacob Shade
Claiming damages in the sum otf
SI,OOO, Mr?. Susan Wolfe, of Lykens
township, through her attorney, Wil
liam M. Hiain, this morning begun suit
for t'hat amount against Henry M. and
J a cob Shade. John Wolfe, husband of
the plaintiff in this suit, held a quali
fied title to a Lykens township farm
up until the aprinig of this year. This
his wife issued execution on a $1,600
judgment note, which she held against
him—presumably an amicaible pro
ceeding—and his personal property, in
cluding growing crops of wheat and
rye was sold by the Sheriff. The wife
became the purchaser.
Subsequently Henry Shade, one of
the defendants in to-day's suit, issued
execution on a $2,500 judgment note
which he held against Wolfe and the
farm was sold by the Sheriff. Shade
was the highest bidder, and he took
over the real estate while Mrs. Wolfe
held title to the personal property, in
cluding, of course, the growing crops.
When she attempted to sell the
wheat and rye, in Ju+y, and before it
was harvested, Mrs. Wolfe alleges
Henry Shade discouraged prospective
purchasers to bid, saying: "I will not
permit the purchaser to go on my farm
to remove the grain." Shade put in a
ibid on the grain, hoover, but she al
leged it was an amountmothing less of
being ridiculous.
When she attempted to get the
grain and even demanded it, Mrs.
Wolfe, declared Jacob Shade, a party
defendant, ordered her from the farm
—the Wolfe family vacated the farm
when it was sold 6y the Sheriff—and
he threatened to "do her up." All of
this adie claims resulted in her being
damaged to the extent of SI,OOO.
Alienation Is Charged
A damage suit, alleging alienation ot
affections, this morning was begun l>y
O. G. Wicker&iham, counsel for liUther
Yingst, against Joseph ißaddorf.. No
statement was filed and the amount of
damages claimed is not mentioned. The
Yingsts recently were in desertion court,
the wife complaining that her husband
refuses to work. .
Woman's Will Probated
The will of Elizalbeth Demuth, late
of Derry Church, was probated this
moruing and 'letters 'testamentary wero
issued to Israel IMoyer. On the estate
of Kirk 'Livingston, late of Fort Hun
ter, letters were issued to-day to Eliza
beth Livingston, a daughter.
County Employes Paid
The county emydoyes to-day received
a half month's salary, the payment,
something like $2,00'0, being made With
'brand new notes.
Marriage Licenses
John S. Fordney and Anna E. Good
year city.
Clair E. Anderson. Lemoyne, and
Carrie V. Wentz, New Cumberland.
Frank A. Kiner, Hershey, and Es
tella Lutz, Palmyra.
'Benjamin W. S. Bbersolc, Campbells
town, and 'Mary Patrick, Hershey.
Pau'l K. Huhl, Eliaalbet'hville, aid
'Beruice B. Bingaman, Millmont.
The Klines Are Divorced
Judge McCarrell this morning signed
a decree granting an absolute divorce
to Mary Kline from her huuband, Wil
liam B. Kline.
Wrist Fractured by Fall
George Pcfters, 1336 Fulton street,
a 'barber, fell on an icy sidewalk near
his home this morning and fractured
his wrist. The fracture was re
duced at the 'Harrisburg hospital.
Tener To-day Gets Official Copy of the
Charges Filed by Commuters
Against the Public Service Commis
Counsel for Philadelphia commuters
and business men's associations last
night mailed charges to Governor Ten
er against t'hc Public Service Commis
sion of Pennsylvania, alleging "ineffi
ciency, neglect of duty and misconduct
in office," in connection with the re
cent review by the Commission of the
passenger commutation rate case.
A list of formal indictments was for
warded to Governor Tener, in which
the six members of the Commission
were asked to show cause why they
should not be removed from office.
The main contention of the indict
ment is that the Commissioners violated
that provision of the public service act
which says that "all hearings before
the Commission <<r Commissioners shall
be public." It was alleged in the bill
of complaint that the >Jommissiou had
granted a "private hiring" to the
railroads before it announced its deci
sion on December 12.
Former Governor Pennypaeker, when
asked if he had heard a/bout the
charges, said he had not, and added:
"Let them filo charges and be
William N. Trinkle, counsel for the
Commission, said a tull statement would
be made after Governor Tener had offi
cially received the charges, "which
would bring out the true position of
the Commission."
The petition, accompanied by a let
ter of transmission from Edwin 8. Ab
bott, counsel for the complainants,
reached the Executive Department this
morning. Governor Teller did not indi
cate what disposition he will make of
the petition.
Con tinned From l v as;c.
deals of two skin-grafting operations,
but he has now so far recovered that
his physician has promised that he will
be able to enjoy his Christmas presents
seated in a big cozy chair.
Aldermau Sends a Present
In reality Christinas for Paul began
several days ago, for he has friends in
mauy parts of the country who are par
ticularly eager to make the season a
happy one for him because of the great
suffering he has borne so cheerfully.
A heap of oranges from Longwood,
Pla., in the hetrt of the orange coun
try, was the first present to arrive at
the Erb home. Soon another present
of tasty preserved fruits came from
Pen Yan, N. Y. A woman in Guide
Kock, Neb., who made Paul's acquaint
ance through the newspapers, sent him
a book. He is very happy over all these
presents, Ibut his" Harrisburg friends
did not forget him.
Alderman Charles E. Murray, the
magistrate who presided at a hearing in
which Paul was a star witness, having
been carried into the court room on a
stretcher, along with Constables Grove
and Mains, attached to Murray's office,
made Paul a present f a real up-to-date
electric locomotive and train of cars,
including stations, signal lights and all
of the equipment el a toy railroad.
This will be the central attraction,
aside from Paul's Christmas tree. The
locomotive operates by the turning of
a switch and the little fellow can reach
out and touch off the operating mecha
nism with little trouble.
Friend Sends Him Crutches
Mrs. Krb hail planned to purchase
crutches for Paul as soon as he was
able to be off his cot. Her plans, how
ever, were anticipated, for a few days
ago a new found fr'end of the boy
sent him a pair for Christmas. He
has everything ready now to get out
into the open and after his first trial
of the crutches on Christmas Day his
mother will, under the direction of the
physician, make an effort to get him'
up for a short time daily. Paul's re
covery will be greatly hastened when
he is able to mase short trips on
crutches in the open air.
A score of books already have been
received with other presents of fruit
and candy. Mis friends are determined
that he shall have a merry Christmas,
despite his weakened condition, and few
bovs will have as many Christmas pres
ents as Paul.
Joseph N. Pye Expires Eleven* Days
After Beceiving Stroke
Joseph N. Pye, 66 years old, who for
many years was the daylight custodian
of the Market street bridge, died sud
denly last evening aibout 6 o'clock.
•Death resulted from a stroke 'Mr. Pye
received eleven days ago.
For many years IMT. Pye was con.
nocted wit'h the Adams Express Com
pany anti was one of the oldest members
of t'be Pine Street Presbyterian I'hnrch
and a member of the James MuCormick
Bible class. He leaves his widow and
seven children. Puneral arrangements
will be announced later.
Cwtral Figure WUI B«'Tre« Bearing
Gifts for the Children
A Christmas tree loaded with gifts
for the Sumlay school children will bo
the central attraction at the Camp Hill
Church of God t'his evening, the occa
sion of the annual Christmas exercises.
A program lias been prepared, consisting
of recitations, dialogues and special mu
sic 'by the choir. The auditorium is
decorated with green and red festoons.
Christmas Nuts Cost Less
Christmas nuts are lower in price this
year than last, according to a statement
made this morning 'by a prominent Hnr
risburg dealer. The scarcity of wal
nuts has raised their 'price five tents
a pound. Almonds and Brazil nuts are
lower t'his year than last, selling at 28
and 15 cents a pound,' respectively,
wliile last year they sold for 30 and 20
cents a pound. All of the nuts this year
are said to be of a much better varie'ty
than last year.
Or. Hamilton's Christmas Verses
DT. 'Hugh Hamilton is sending to
some of his friends to-day an usual
Christmas greeting in the form of a
poem, "The Rain-Bow of Seven Good
wills." There aYe seven stanzas, ap
propriate to the season, each of which
is printed in a different color of ink,
all of them together constituting the
seven colors of the rainbow.
Keystone Structure at Panama-Pacific
Exposition Said to Be One of the
Finest on the Grounds at San Fran
Ihc executive committee ot' the Pena
syh ania Commission to the Panaina
-1 atilic hx,position met with Governor
Tener this afternoon to hear reports on
the condition of the Pennsylvania State
building, which is said to be one of
the handsomest on the expositi-m
grounds, reported that it is virtually
completed and ready for occupancy and
will be thrown open to the public when
the exposition opens in February.
Secretary Gaither produced n number
of lettors from officers of the exposition
and Pennsylvanians residing in San
Francisco highly commendatory of the
State building and expressing satisfac
tion that the State has one so well ar
ranged for the comfort of ,visiting
Pennsylvanians, as well as their enter
tainment. Up to the present time noth
ing definite has beei. accomplished in
the way of having the old Liberty Bell
taken trom its place in the State House,
Philadelphia, to the State building in
the exposition, but A place has been ar
ranged for the bell in the exposition
building, andjt is not anticipated that
there will be- any serious opposition to
its being taken to the big show.
Water Supply Commission
The State Water Supply Commission
has approved applications from tiie
Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad
Com) any for eiyht culverts and other
changes in the Beaver river at Beaver
The Queens Run Fire Brick Company
has been given permission to make a
All along the west branch of the Sim
quehautiß river at Loi Hav.en.
Evangelist Will Not Go to Altooua
Next Sunday as Planned
That the Storigh party may hsr.\ ■ f
iicient rest during the' holiday seat-on,
tiio •campaign at Altoona will not oven
next Sunday, according to announce
ment. It will o, en instead following
f-unday. January 3, allowing the parly
an additional week's vacation. The
postponement is made tirves.-arv ;l i- 0
because of the vaccinations which Hi'.
Stougli and his associates underwent in
this city, which are how taking ciVe- .
The taoerna.-le at Altoona is not yet
near completion and will not be ready
for use by Sunday. II is now frost cov
ered, inside and outside. A number of
stoves will In. placed in tiie building
to heat it. The experiment tried here
with steam heat will not again oo fol
lowed in the Stougii taoernai'les.
Furnished by H. W. Snavely, Broker.
Arcade Building, Walnut and Court
New York, Dec. 23.
Open. Clos°.
Alaska, Gold Mines . . 25 24%
Amal Copper 52% 50
Amer Beet Sugar .... 32-14 31
American Can 24 23% i
Am Car and Foundry Co 45 45
Am lee Securities .... 20% 20'4
Amer Loco 22 22
Amer Smelting 57 55
Amer Tel and Tel .... 116- 111>
Anaconda 25 Vi 24',4
Atchison 92'/, 90
Baltimore and Ohio .. Bit 14 67%
Bethlehem Steel 45% 42'4
Brooklyn RT . . 85% 84
California Petroleum .. 15 Va 1 B'/i
Canadian Pacific 155>/ 3 153%
Central Leather 37 36%
Chesapeake and Ohio . . 4 2'/, 42%
OM, Mil and St. Paul. 87% 88
Ohino Con Copper .... 32% 31%
Col Puel and Irou .... 24 23
Oonsol Gas 112% 112%
Corn Products 8% 8%
Erie 22 21%
Erie, Ist pfd 34% 33%
General Electric Co. .. . 13ft 137%
Goodrich B P 24 24
Great Northern pfd .. 113 111%
Great Nor Ore subs... 25% 25
Interboro Met 12 12
Inter'boro Met rifd .... 50 50
Lehigh Valley .. .. . 134 134%
Mex Petroleum 52 51
•Missouri Pacific 10% 9%
Nev Consol Copper ... 11% 11%
New York Central .... 56 63%
Norfolk ami Western . ftft 99
Northern Pacific "9% 97%
Penna R R 106% 102',.
People's Gas and Coke . 116 116
Pittsburgh Coal 15 15
do pfd 80% 80
Press Steel Car 35 34
Ray Con. Copper 15% 15
Reading 144% 140%
Southern Pacific 82% 81%
Southern Ry 15 15
Tennessee Copper 30% 29%
Onion Pacifit; 116% 113%
11. S. Rubber 53 '/j 51%
IT. S. Steel -. . . 48% 48
do pfd 104% 104
Utah Copper 4"% 46%
Western Maryland .... 16 15%
W. 11. Telegraph .... 56% ' r >6%
Westinghouse Mfg .... 69% 66%
By Associated Pram,
Philadelphia, Djc. 23. Stocks
closed lower.
Cambria Steel 41%
General Asphalt 32
do pfd 07%
Lehigh Superior Corporation . . 10
Lehigh Navigation "<%
Lehigh Valley .... 65%
IPenna R R 51%
Phila Electric 2"%/
Phila Company 33%
Phila Rapid Transit II
Reading 70%
Storage Battery 47 %
Union Traction 38%
United Gas Improvement. X 2%
U 8 Steel v ; 48 -
Chicago Closing Prices
By Associated Press.
Chicago, Dec. 23.—Close:
Wheat —Dec., 125%; May, 128%.
Corn —Dec., 65%; May, 71%.
Oats—Dee., 48%; May, 53%.
Pork—Jan., 18.33; May, 18.85.
1-tard —Jan., 10.30; May, 10.47.
Ribs—Jan., 10.10; May, 10.45.