The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 23, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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j A
; Attractive Gifts of Jewelry. Silverware.
Silver Candle Sticks, Vanity Cases HH^/y
/ Shaving sets with adjustable mirror, $2.00, Sandwich trays. $1.25 to $3.95. f
J i|B > / 52.50, $3.50 to SIO.OO. Rutter dishes. $1.75 to $2.50. r f-T
Sanitary shaving mugs with hinged cover
£MmT Brush. comb and mirror sets, $1.25, $2.00, to $1.50. .
apse„ _ Llve Tmkeys on Sale in the
The Store Will Be Open This n™a m,™ si.eo. 5i.95. »5.25. ¥'" s ""'* 50< '' 75< ' * l ' 2 " ""' Grocery Department at 23c
. r to so.oo. Puff boxes. $1.25 to $3.00. V *
bvening, and 1 o-morrow C\ r 6n- Syrup pitchers with tray, $1.65, $1.95, silver candle-sticks, 50?, 75<, $1.25 and J \Z\~n,. \ 1 "D
ing Until 9 O'clock in the In- 8250 _. 4 oc ?200 ' a Found or You May Buy
terest of Men and Women Who Oiits at and oUc Them Dressed at 33c Pound
Are Unable to Attend to Their 123^™'' a '-"»•»<- 8..M, «»,.«im» 8 « 5 .,„,,. 5iml
Christmas Shopping Through =• 1- k ey .» ti . b.»ketf„i ero c<.ri, s . „ 54. 38 . .h.iw,
. „ 1 1 D One basket N
fllo UflV * * * T — l • j • y —• A \ T t)n ® * urkev ' average 10 lbs I
1 1 ' ' r inest Uuallty Oroceries At Very £ r&TXrsr.:::::::::::::::::::::::!
v «/ One can hand packed tomatoes I _
Beautifully Boxed Quality Moderate Prices 4
, • /A *■» fl* O P" A < - >ne Po«nd Lancaster County dried corn, |
yQ Your Christmas feast can be best supplied in the Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart grocery depart- 0,10 half dozen juicy Florida oranges
ment, where you can depend on quality and low prices. j ° ne P° uncl Smyrna layer tigs J
KatOU. (. rane & Pike Com- Place your order early to-morrow , Old Mission casabas: each 45c , Banquet coffee; lb 30c Dn es, Pomeroj «S. ."tiu.irt, Basement.
nailV s tine writing paper in for one of the best turkevs vou've ! Fancy mixed nuts; lb„ 19e JJ eoo £? coffee; lb., 23c ,
jBOI 1. i 3.4 and 8-quire boxes. iZ T i ™ oico new wa,nu,s; ,b 3:, c :«3^
VSH \ <4 T; ; . , • , , . # i % *e.g«it. lb., i3ci d.e-sed. lb., SSc . Cream nuts: - lbs* 2.V Pure cocoa; the very best; lb.. . . 15c . _
' >t8ilO!ltl\ IS 1U t iIC * poh THE i'HHISTM DINNER >l* iuost Smyrna rtjis; lb IN* - lbs., 2Hc A T t *C . A "\ \ 7 .
est styles and shapes and is Rioh:lrdSf) „ and Kobbins P iu m P ud-! zft&ifaAn Icleal Oitt: A Waterman
c VTL-'i acceptable to the most erit- dins, lb irtc rilled with olives, pimentos and Host cleaned currants; pki? f.te
I /* I'Vi IBwfi j. ; „l t0,.,. Hein« plum pudding Stk- celery; larpe bottle 45e ! Kull cream cheese; lb «fe _ _
X 1 '«>' l N 1 n HUM It colli- Heinz mince meat, can Fancy Golden Heart celery; stalk, se 1 Imported Roquefort: lb 4)»e T J 1 I 1 I 1
" \ 1 r bine* onalitv of stock with Fancy Florida oranges, dozen. . ,2!»e new potatoes: pk Site "Camembert" cheese; each 2Se P AimTflin f^Y~\
11 , K July Florida grape fruit, each. .V Imported preserved ginger; box. SSp ! I>ried beef; U lb.. 10e lUUaI 1 UUlllCllll 1 Cll
~w i I' perfeetlOU Of workmanship 6 for IV Glace marrons in vanilla; Jar.. ..80c 1 Rinp bologna; lb 15c I
kHßßßmmafk tJll J - chutnet: bottle 42c Koiled ham; sliced, lb 80c T j. \ n i i o , ,
H " aaaiUOll lilt w .ite grapes; lb I.V Heinz apple butter: 3 lb. crock...3Rc Sugar cured bacon; sliced, lb 2Sc Jll StVICS 101*
. f N . beautv of the paper is en- Oregon Beauty apples. 3 for ....10c To finish ;he Christmas feast, a cup Minced ham; lb 20c 1. j l ' I ± j i 1 , , , ,
1 i f&Kj , *j 1 n Cape Cod cranberries, qt 12c of D. P. delicious coffee: Santa Clara prunes; £ lbs 25c llcllld blllf. ill StcllKuiru SCI'OW Cell) 01* IDOC'KCt StVlO
I Jtt . 'JHt- naiuea OV the exeollenee OI Juicy California lemons, dozen... 10c i Purity coffee; 1 lb. cans 40c California peaches; 3 lbs 25c ± C»0 KA a*O rrk 4 /\/\ i mmr'sxA
,he ift boX in Whieh U is Dives, Pomerov & Stewart. Basement. at SASO, $4.00 Ulld $5.00
\<l \ Ma »>: st - vie I„ a I 1 l 1 At $2.50 to $5.00, the pons are of the new self-
IMgjfgffl t \ grades from 25c to §3.00 filling type.
~M 2 S'!T P a^r d S ; Every Boy's Library: The Boy Scout's - .
u — • .?:?.£< Official Library: Per Volume, Scofield Reference Bibles:
tf Dives, Pouierov & Stewart, Street Floor, Kcar.
1 O a Housekeeping rnend The size of the Bibles is Bxs Vs inches and only 1% inches in
* O These books are large 12 mo. in size, well printed on good paper, and uniformly bound in cloth, thickness—splendidly printed on oxford fine white paper
Fine Damask Towels* thC SCOUt ' S ° ffiCial S ° al Stamped 0U the COVer ' and aU attractive wra PP er in four colors and An admirable gift for your home.
* Fine Grain Cloth, round corners, red edges $1 50
# Five New Titles Buccaneers and Tirates of Our I The Ranche on the Oxhide, Henry French Morocco, limp, round .-orners, red under gold edge, .93.00
U otlr ,TT T II 11 I * D ,D . Coast®. Frank R. Stock', in. I Ininan. French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges,
1 dllLyV «/ITI "T IS Handbook for 1-oys: (Revised Kdi- ( g), n nc j Caboose, Kirk Munroe. | Rednev McGraw, Arthur E. Mc- $3.25; indexed $:{,75
... ... r . ""J., ' U !?< outs 0 , "' ri _ ( " a ' Cattle Ranch to College, Russell Farlane. Alaska Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round
The Linen Section shows many inexpensive gifts of beauty Boat Building and Boating. Dan C. Doubleday. Tom Paulding, Brandcr Matthews. corners, red under gold edges, $-1.23; indexed $4.73
and Utility—pure linen towels ill beautiful damask patterns— il„!f„ v T,„;I T> . V ( olle « e Vears, Ralph P. Paine. Three Years Behind the Guns, Lieu. NVT-RVPR. RWMA PAPPP RNITM V
fancy linen scarfs, doilies, lun-heon el-nhs and napkins. What FiuhDrt ' ' ( T ;°° Trails .' Remington. Tisdale. °? FORD INDIA PAPER EDITI °N
housekeeping friend wouldn't appreciate such a gift: 1 For the Honor of the School, Ralph I L len Se • T - i Tommy Remington'i Battle. Burton Superbly printed on the famous Oxford India paper Si zo 8x5% inches
Linen tSw.M, in beautiful damask patterns, hemstitched ends 25c Henrv Barbour. The Horsemen of the Plains .lo<e„h r, v (f and onlv 1 mehrtiek., A remarkably hght and hamh- lH,ok.
69e --allot** da:, ask towels. 22x\'> :nehe« 50c Animal" Heroes. Ernest Thompson V\sheler ! T TISILL ' ft t circuit -leather lined to edges #.,.50; .ndexed, S«.00
~ rtll m . ... - i . ; „ 1 : A - Aitsneier. T. Tomhnson. Real Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners.
s„' f .A 'V '' ,|;i i i •••.••••••' 1 Hutton, James B. Connolly. Tom Strong. Washington's Scout, red under gold edges. 50.75; indexed $7.25
tbe*e"ir-iti-'V to .ele'-t t'Vm- \p"pV k' 1 \ V a-' lT ° ' WiSo Titles Previously Issued Ihe Jester of Bt. Timothy's, Arthur Alfred Bishop Mason. Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round comers,
V T I .1 V ' • • : . 1 .K ' i , 1 Stauwood Pier. Treasure Island, Robert Louis red under gold edges, SB.S<M indexed $» 00
L.:rge l iirkish bath towels m plain white and colored borders. Baby Klton, Quarterback, W. 1 Jim Pavi«, John Masefield. Stevenson '
, , , 25c and :<»c Quirk. 1 A Midshipman in the Pacific, Cvrus Wells Brothers: The Youn" Cattle Dives ' Pomor °y & Stewart, Street Floor.
Fancy TurKish towels in pink, l»lue and lavender 50c to 75c The Blazed Trail, Stewart Edward Townsend Brady. ' Kings; Andy Adams. " '
FANCY LINENS ~, ! Pitching in a Pinch, Christy Mat hew- Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors,
The Call ot (lie ild t Jack London. son. i James Barnes. .
W Dives, Pom.r.y & Stewart. Street Floor. - - DeSk SetS Ate USCflll
Hemstitched embroidere-l scarfs, 18x45 inches and 18x54 inches,
Men's and Boys' Arctics: Boys' : As W ® U As omamental
1_ niche? >oc. ,oc and sl.lH> t/ 1/ • Allfl 11 iritt ftf tills IvlTlfl will
S2.DO luncheon napkins. 15x1;. inches, hemstitched, dozen, Sl.»8 JBsr NUI
Luncheon cloths, nue hemstitched German linen, 56x36 inches. 4.'ix45 j Tf * I t "1 "I 1 1 • , . . ~
inches and 54 x." 4 inches 81.00. $1.50, $2.00, *;J.OO to $3.00 KllDnPf l)OOtS W » appreciated WIICFCVer it
r? Dives, Pomeroy 4: Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. tS ' may °'()
, N There are many men who would appreciate the gift of a pair of warm, wool-lined Arctics— rni , 1
p . p pair of boots was a great thing to own and wear! So den't forget boots! ' snowing
S Men's four-buckle wool lined Sizes 3to 6 51.50 STORM KING BOOTS 'II 111 $3.50 Hlld for tile moi'6
qii J • 4. ; T> i i arctics, $2.00 and 82.75 Hizes 11 to 2 $1.25 Boys' storm king rubber boots— ill i i x i ,*
llio most attractive mountain i 011 that wo have Boys' two-buckie wool lined arctics — sizes 3to 6, $4.00 II elaborate, lioavier pieces the
ever sold at Christmas time. Fitted with two gold arctics—■ Men's two-buckle wool lined Sizes 11 to 2 $3.00 L-LL _„
ii i l 1 * i i I* i i•• •«. . 1 lzes 3t06, . . $1.50 and sl.<s arctics sl.<s ( hildren s storm king rubber \\ i\ l)ricCS railCfO frOGl 56.50 to
bands aud sold 111 plush 11110(1 eases. J? or gift giv- Sizes Uto2, . .$1.25 and $1.50 Men's one-buckle wool lined arc boots, bright finish— <sK* 1\
special at $2.00 Uoys onebuckle WOOI line,J ti( " s «8c to *2.00 sizes 6to 10%, $1.50 and $2.00 fi\ 11 I $12.50.
' * •*" Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Bear. I IV *" ' . "i** Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, Book Dept.
Men's Gospel Meeting to Be Held Next
Sunday Afternoon
The men's gospel meeting to be held
under the direction of the Young Men's
Christian Association, Second and I»-
t rtt streets, Sunday afternoon at 3.30
o'clock will be appropriate for the last
Sunday of the old year. There will be
1 raise, prayer and testimony. It will
tie an o]>eu meeting. All of the men in
atten iauce w ill be given an opportunity •
to take part. The singing will be un
der the direction of the association
chorister, W. H. Kautz. Old-fashioned
hymns will be sung ani everything done
to make this meeting attractive.
The management extends a most cor
dial invitation for all men to be pres
ent; especially those who have just;
commenced the Christian life as a re-j
suit of the. recent campaign just closed <
in this city. The general secretary,
Homer Black, will be in charge.
Central Democratic Club Changes
Time of Its Election
The Centra*! Democratic Club will
hold its annual election for officers to
night. when Democratic County Chair
man Edward Moenlein, who is the only
candidate for the position, will be
elected president. Jury Commissioner
•Samuel M. Taylor and" Henry Opper
man, are the candidates for vice presi
dent. and a spirited contest is on for
the office.
Seven members of the house commit- j
tee are to be chosen at this meeting,'
and there are thirteen nominees. The
| annual meeting for election of officers
faHs on the last Friday in December,!
but as that is the evening of Christ-1
mas Day, the time was fixed for this ;
: evening.
| Little Stranger Under Three Pounds j
I Woodbury, N. J., Dec. 23.—The!
stork has brought to Councilman and
Mrs. Theodore Kerns, a two and three
quarters pound baiby girl, the smallest
child ever born in this city.
Last Week Did $7,000,000 Better
Than Preceding
Washington, D. C., Dec. 23.—Re
ports made public last night on imports
and exports at the 13 customs districts
handling 86 per cent, of the nation's
foreign trade showed a balance in fa
vor of the United States for the week
ended December 19, of $27,028,263,.;
an increase of approximately $7,000,-1
000 over the balance for the previous j
week. The aggregate favorable balance
for the three weeks of December was
Exports for the week of December j
19 amounted to $49,440,242, and iin- <
ports totalled $22,411,979. During the!
week ended December 7, exports were.'
$45,417,932; imports, $24,428,446.
i From November 30 to December 19,
exsports totalled $141,678,800 as
against $71,808,709 in imfiorts.
| Cotton exports for the week of De
' cember 19 amounted to 286,315 bales.
Tax Rate Reduced in Lebanon County
Ijebanon, Dec. 23.—The County
Commissioners at their regular meet
ing this week reduced the tax rate
from two and one-half mills to two
mills for the year of 1915. After a
careful estimate of the possible income
j and expenditures for next year the
i Commissioners felt justified in an
nouncing the half mill reduction. In
addition to reducing the rate the Com
missioners also made the announcement
that it would not be necessary to make
any temporary loans as in preceding
j years to tide the county finances over
I until money is received through the
.'-regular channels.
At the Victoria
"In Tune," a strong photo-drama in
two reels, heads to-dfty's bill at the
Victoria Theatre, 223 Market street. It
is an exceptional play and interest is
intense throughout the whole produc
tion. Another special feature will be
"The- Red Scar of Courage" and "A
Storm of the Welsh Coast," in two
reels. The former is un extraordinary
story of great interest while the lat
ter is a wonderful scenic film. "The
Pathe Daily News," showing latest
news and war pictures, and "The Nat
ural Girl," conclude to-day's Victoria
On account of a fire in a New York
theatre where it was being shown,
"The War of the World," the big fea
ture in multiple parts, scheduled for
the Victoria to-day, will not be shown
until Saturday. The film, according
to advices received here last night,
iyas damaged badly, but another will
be secured of the same material which
will be shown at the Victoria Satur
day. Adv. ***
Worked Out Wrong
Mae—Our pastor preached a sermon
on marriage last Sunday. Rdythe—Did
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
I wish to thank my many friends and patrons
of Harrisburg and all the suburban towns for
their kind interest manifested in my welfare.
808 BOYER, BARBER. 22 S. Dewberry Street
it seem to have a stimulating effect?
Mae—No; on the contrary, it was so
solemn anil conveyed so many warn-
I ings that it broke off two engago
j ments.—Liverpool Mercury.
Artistic Printing at Star-Independent.