The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 23, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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    rr ___
The Star=lndependent Gives Away 2 Orpheum Tickets Daily
The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To-day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page
Perhaps you are the lucky person, Look until you find out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening
or they will be forfeited
' s
Rial Estate
FOR SALE—27 X. Fifteenth St.: 3-story ;
frame; 9 rooms: lot 16\75; good con
dition; price attractive. BRIXTON- i
PACKER CO.. Second ami Walnut SU. j
The Board of Commissioners of Pub- j
lie Grounds and Buildings will offer at
public sale, in front of State Capitol i
Building, at entrance Fourth and State
streets. Harrisburg. Penna.. at K> [
o'clock a. m.. .January 9tb. 1913. the [
following buildings »nd structures upon
the premises within the boundaries of
the proposed extension of Capitol Park,
in Kiir'th ward. City of Harrisburg:
State Street—soS. 725. 700. 702.
N'-orth Street—43l.
Cowden Street —109.
South Street—42l. 510, 511.
Fourth Street—l4s to 157.
Short Street—l 22. 124—Office and
chrne shop, formerly of Harris I "*
Steam Heat Company.
Tanners Street —127. boiler room of
Harrisburg Steam Heat Company.
Filbert Street—los. 402. 507.
Cranberry Street—lPS.
Walnut Street—slo.
South Alley—l 36.
Also structures and buildings for
merly property of PaxC®( Klo\ir and
Feed Company, situate between State.
Poplar. South street and Pennsylvania
Railroad, as follows: Flour mill and ;
grain warehouses, frame stablt. board ;
and brick fences surrounding proper
Fifth Street—3o4.
The purchaser shall pay to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg. ;
Pennsylvania, by certified check or .
United States currency, the amount at
which the said building or buildings
and structures are awarded to them, as
follows: A cash payment of 25 per
cent, shall be made on day of sale and ;
the balance before entering upon the j
property to remove the material pur
In all cases where the premises are |
unoccupied possession will be given the :
purchaser immediately. Where the '
premises are tenanted possession will I
be given .immediately after the preni- ;
isos are vacated. The Commonwealth '
will not be responsible for any dam- 1
age to property after possession is giv
en. • Purchasers shall state at time of |
their offer the time required to re
move the buildings and material a-t'ter I
being given possession by the Com
monwealth, which in no case shall be
longer than SO days. All building re
fuse shall be carted away from the ,
premises by the purchaser. All foun- 1
dation walis must be taken down and j
removed at least three feet below level
of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the
-isht to accept or reject any or all
bids. The work of removal shall be
performed under the direction of and
:o the satisfaction of the Superintend
ent of Public Grounds and Buildings.
NOTE —The sidewalks and street
pavements are not to be removed by j
purchaser of building* or structures
under this schedule.
By order of the Board,
C. P. ROGERS, Jr.. Secretary.
WHY BE A RENTER, when a small
cash payment and balance as rent can
procure one of the following new
nouses; improvements: side entrance: .
1538, 1540. 1542. 1544 and 154S Thompson
Ave. H. G. PEDLOW, 110 S. Thirteenth
.-OR SAUB—House N'o. 1831 X. Sixth St
Remodeled throughout; all improve
ments. Apply GEOKGE W. ORTH, 4JI
HOUSES FOR RENT and 2t£-story
4welling bouses for sals. Elder Real
24th and Perry Sta- j
FOR RENT—A 10-roomed house on !
Reno street, 413.09 per month nicelv
furnished, o Si—OO unfurnished !r'-
quire MRS. KATIE MILA.ER. New Cum
berland. Pa.
2111 Derry St., steam heat 123.00
. iJJ Derry St., steam heat 25.00
2135 Derry St. steam heat IS.OO
Inquire P. V.VXDEKLOO.
2119 Derry St. I
Or Masonic Temple. Third and State.
St. all conveniences, rent reasonable. '
Inquire of H. COHEN'. 202 Market St.
FOR RENT—«J3 Reily St.; 2U-storv;|
side yard: 10 rooms: 76 X. Fourteenth I
St.. < rooms, all improvements; rent
leasonable: immediate possession. Ap-
Bowman & Co.. ask for H. B. ZIG- ,
FOR RENT—AII improve
-1 til 4 Catherine -116.00
S. Fifteenth $16.00
Apply Kuhn & Hershey, I
18 South Third street. i
FOR RENT—I7IO Carnation St.: two
story brick: six rooms, all conven- :
.enees, with front porch. Apply 75 N 1
enteenth St.
FOR RENT— «IS Geary St.; 3-story
brick: S rooms and bath: all improve
ments; tine new home; rent reasonaole.
Apply 6.0 Geary St. - {
fOR REXT—Houses with all improve
ments, at moderate rentals. J. li
GIPP.L.E. 1251 Market St-
- ' ■ y
Houses For Root
922 Asa Ate, s. f„ 6 r
!SO2 Boas St., 2 <. b„ i r *lO
Greenwood St.. Z s. f., S r.. *ll
101 S. 214 St. L'i s. f *l2
635 Briggs St.. 2U s. f„ 6 r *IS
80.3 East St . 2 s. b.. 5 r fl2
140 linden St., 3 s. f.. 8 r (12
214* N. 7th St.. 3 ?. b.. S r. 0.. (1:1
1515 S. Cameron St„ s. b.. 8 r.. >l3
1130 S. Cameron St., 2 4 s. f Sl.i
2139 Atlas Ave sl3
Li- 4 .,*; <s,;l • - ' L " f - »i 4
62, Briggs St.. Is. b,. Sr, *l4 j
100 l Allison St.. «. b iis
1507 Allison St.. 2 C s. b »1S
2132 Logan »U 3 s. b . 8 r *l3
66>j Emerald St.. 3 s. b. 8 r., »1T
1218 Mulberry St.. Zs. 7r. b. tlx -
1715 Regina St., .1 s. b„ 8 r. *ls
- 2'-, s. f.. 7 r. b. * f.. i
ifs* J >e . rry . st --* 8 - f - 7 r - b - &f- six i i
-1 *> i ale ht.. 2 s. b„ 7 r. b., *2O
2202 N. sth St.. 3 s. b. ;S 1
1929 .Market St.. 3e. b.. 10 r . atn
2;.36 X. 2d St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r. b .."«o
209 S. Front St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. 2 b #73
23 S. Front St., furnished. 4 s. b
APARTMENT—7I6 X. 6th St. . . *2O
rire Isasriare Snrety Beads
l.ocuat and Court »frtrti
Rial Estate
i FOR RENT OR SAUE—House and store
I combined; 23'jS Gartleld and I'ervy
| Sts.. tine location for business. Inquire
j •tL.jJ'* store. Gar'leld and Perry Sts.
FOR RENT—I offer mv residence, 1163
Derry street, for rent; tiiree-storv
brick, all conveniences; steam heat,
rent reasonable to right party. Applv
1163_L'et*ry St.
renovated apartments. two largo
rooms, kitchenette and bath; three
-ooms, kitchenette and bath; second ami
hird floors; furntshed or unfurnished;
-ity steam: janitor servi e: modern im
WANTED—A gentleman with $2.00". to
start manufacturing a new mechanical
invention. Address 3418, care Star-ln-
V\ ANTED—A man acquainted with t '«
} grocery and butcher trade in
who can run an auto, to sell a
meat specialty, position xo last until
May Ist. or probably longer. Must be
able to give good reference. Tavlor
Provision C 3„ Box 156. Trenton, X. J.
I WANTED: Ablebodled unmarried men
I ° et *een ages of IS and 35; citixens of
| United States, of good character and
! temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
j apply to Recruiting Officer
t Bergner Building, 3d & Market sis..
' Hurrisburg. 48 X. Queen St.. l«incaste.-.
1 303 Pine st„ Williamsport. or 37 W.
[ Market st.. York. Pa.
AUTO transportation school wants men
to become practical chauffeurs i- l
earn 175 to |IOO per inont... .:
thorough course in crude and practical
work for (35.00. Xo. SX. Cameron; He' 4
I day afternoon.
j WANTED—Young man n ants days
! work of any kind. Address 8.» ' ap
ital street. City.
WANTH|^—Tour.g mail \vo ! .ild
like to have position as cha ifTeui .n
1 private family, do own repairing.
Address 315 .Myers St.. Steellon, l-'a.
■ PAINTER wishes a position: experi
enced in all kinds of painting*: will
start at a reasonable :igure and car
furnish best of reference. Address lOos
: S. Ninth St.
COLORED MAX desires position as
c ®bk. waiter or houseman, or any
kind of work. Apply or address 116
Überty St.
WANTED—Position as cook or all
around work in private family oy
colored man. Can give references. Ad
dress or call 510 South St.
WANTED—Any kind of work bv mar
ried man. chauffeur b> trade. Address
or call 241 Emerald St.
COLORED MAN wishes a position ir a
private family; handy man jrrbund the
kitchen. Address 638 Briggs St.
. WANTED—Position as waiter in hotel
| or private family., 509 North Ave.
WANTED—A middle-aged man desires
a position as janitor, can do ali kind
of repairing, and is handy with all I
L kind of tools. Can furnish reference. 1
Address or call at No. 1602 P.egir.a S;„ I
. City. ;
W ANTED—Any kind of work for a
white man, between the ages of 40 1
land 4C.: handy around stock. Address
j :017 Wallace St.
CLERK wishes a position in oißce* has
two years' experience bookkeeping
and typewriting; can furnish good 1
I re~s_jox_l 0!;, Ca 1i 1 sle. Fa :
Sjoiue more experienced help
neetletl. Apply at office, corner
Second and North Sts.
\ WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady for gen
-1 eral housework; good wages to riuht
[ panv^^\pgly_l^oj _ Market g t .
A middle-aged widow wants position as I
cook in an institution or in hotel, or
as managing housekeeper: in or out of
the city. M. W M No. 5 Irvin's Row,
j Carlisle, Pa.
W ANTED—Lady with child one vear i
old desires position as housekeeper;
experienced, no reasonable offer re- I
fused. MARY FOSTER. 311 Briggs St. ,
WANTED—Work in the mornings. Call
WANTED—Young woman wants davs'
work of any kind. Address 818 Cap
ital street, City.
W ANTED—lliddle-aged German lady
would like place to do general house
work. Address 11a Royal Terrace, City.
ANT ED—Middle-aged white ladv de- 1
sires position at work of any "kind.
Add'ess MRS. SARAH REED, Fort
Hunter. Dauphin County, Pa.
WANTED—Young white girl desires
position at general housework. Ad
dress, in care of MRS. S. A. REED,
cort Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa.
WANTED—Young white girl desires
position to work in a boarding or
rooming house; not afraid of work. Ad
dress ANNA REED, Fort Hunter. Dau- 1
phin County, Pa.
WANT ED—A position as second girl or I
companion to elderly lady, by a lady
>f refinement; can do any kind of house
work; no washing; wages 16.00 per
week. Address MISS MARY B. HIBBS,
R. D. Xo. 2, Milierstown, Pa.
WANTED—Nursing. Call on or ad
Swatara St.
WHITE LADY would like to have dajr's
work of any kind. Room 26, 429
Broad street.
WANTED—Colored woman wants day'*
work. Address 108 Christy Court,
City. j
WANTED—Day's work of any kind.
Address 108 Vt Christy Court. City.
WOMAN wants "Washing and ironing to
take home; or day's work. Call at
1637 Wallace St.
596 Rate Case
The Problem of the Railroads
Railroad Securities of the United States
is the People's Problem
It is the broad principle involved,
not technicalities, that must be solved
We have prepared a pamphlet (No. 135) giving a visual
and practical illustration of this subject, and will be
pleased to mail it, with our compliments, upon request.
A. B. Leach Co.
Investment Securities
Nrv York Chicago Boston
Philadelphia Buffalo Baltimore
A. B. L«ach ft Co., Ltd.
Address: Statistical Dept.
> Death and Obituary
Y K AUK ft—On Tuesday morning. Pe
... \ n \\ Mrs. Sat ah Yea*er.
ajicd ■ years.
; era I 01 S. t : , afternoon at I.SO
'*> r! ' iato r Kela
tanil :;«»:)•!s art* invito to attend
without further i »ck*e. Interment at
the Oberlin ce-n»ete.\v.
MoALK'IIKR \!?\s;nlcr M Alieher.
vf if>2U N". Fifth St.. on Dec. T2, 1914.1
agreii t>7 >e» i s.
lnm*ral will ta*e yi&ce from the
Sixth Street t" R. •, nuivh. Saturday aft
ernoon. !><... at - > clock, "i isnds ;
ai. relatives arc invited to attend with
out further not! v. Hu.ial in Kas: Har-
Mstu. \ g oe tiii. cr v.
Slitli street, nist class packer of fur
aliuie. china anil bricaoi-ac tieii paons
mw. ■
ft. J. WEJJRICH. jjj Hamilton street—
i ci.' urn ' lure ! cmu * »"•> piano packing,
'shipments looked utr. a: oota onds. '
Ai kinds of hauling. tieii pajue
i 3I*AaS WINDOWS will be place*} in
auio curtains wnik tun waiu c. A.
, A.NL* Al io » Ortlvs.
new e.fctoi-»*.oi> ai ica warehouses,
I one abso.uiely ...tproo,. div.aeu luto
I nrepiwui pn.ute rooms ot .anou*
sixes tor toe slci. dgc ■;» nouscnoid
goods; i..e otuer wareuouse ui iujsi
approved type ot tire reuuajui. cuu- >
structiou to* general merchandise. They
i i", " u " £v -o large electric
freight elevators and spuai chute ior
tile >iuiciv ana safe liaiiuitng oi noiu«- j
doid iuous and an Kiaus .i me.cnau
"«• storage rates. South Second '
street, iieai taxum. OH iUe tracas of
j t'enna. H. K.
uOANS—I ■' to l.tfO tnr nenest working
people wuaoui bank creuit a: les*
I thau legal rates, payable in tuata.i
liuents to suit oorrowcis conveuiei. a
Uoan anu iatu.iacai Co.
ivi cuestnui ot
» «
i MO.\c.'V TO LOA> upon :eai estate -
I curlDea In any anwunte and upou any
!tern*3 to suit the borro*.,. a<lui.m
i-. -j. box I*4.
4L*L« kinds of bauHng, large two-tca >
truck; furniture, pianos, freight, la
tbe city anil suburbs. Prices reason*
able. Picnic and pleasure iritis, day at
evening. WJL H. J JAKE. I4ia Vernon ■
bl Bell phone talU. i
Lost and Fouod
1 '
; FOl'ND —Near Derry anfl Kleventh Bt«..
automobile akid-<°haln; owner may
have same by paying for ad. and Iden
tifying property. Call at Star-Inde
pendent office.
FOUND—Don't go anv further, for the
right place Is at KGGEKTS Steam
Dyeing and French Cleaning Works,
124S Market St. We deliver and call
LOST—Saturday, in Sieelton, bunch of
keys with Fisnnsylvauia Steel Co.
brass check attached. Reward If return
ed to 447 Uncoln St., Steelton.
If When the Clock
g |p Strikes Twelve
and ushers in the New Year, it
to ma^e »ii°re profitable than
ijrfK count in the First National Uank,
| algijljgf 224 Market St.
Sale andExchaigi
' —On account of leaving town j
will sacrifice my practically new'
piano. Would like to soli for cash, but j
if I can not sot cash will sell on easv
j terms. Address J. M. I», 3117, care Star-
, —— —— i
: FOR SALE—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South
Second St.: Red Tip, Ring Point, Blia- .
zard, Rowe Junior. Can't Slip, Giant ,
r iP_i nd -*'l vva >'s Sharp Calks.
I WANTED—Wm. A. Schmidt. 1932 Lo-1
gan. to whom two reserved tickets
i were awarded to-dav, good for even
ing performance, Deoembi-r li. 1914,
i."»ll for them at Star-Independent of-
I lice before > p. m„ December Jl, 1914, '
or they will be forfeited.
*'OR SALE-—At GABLE'S. 111-117 South
I Second St.. 3,000 sets -New Sasli, Bxlo ,
1 - L., primed and glazed, at »1,15 per
set. Also other sires.
Good selactiou. A few more sales
men's samples left, at a bargain, ily-l
"RS MFG. CO.. Thira and Cumberland
Sts., above Miller's Shoe Store.
i OV ERCOATS 1-OR SALE—Siigiitly used
—all in first class condition, ironi J1 ;
up. Also felt boots for sl.9i.
Men's *1.60 Arctics for 9ac. Come and!
I iook them over. Open evenings. S.
| MELTZER. 513 Walnut St.
(NOTICE —L«:.ers of administration
I the estate of lleuoen Clemens, late o' ,
Susi)uehanna township. Dauphin county, |
j Pa., deceased, having been granted to
! the undersigned, residing in Progress, j
( in said township, nil persons indebted ! i
to said testate air re<|iiesfd to make ' ,
immediate payment and those having j '
laims will present them for settlement '
AdministratriN. Progi ess. Pa.
: THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stock- 1
| holders of the 801 l Bros. Mfg. Co. Willi
I be held at the office of the company, ! J
j Fourteenth and Howard Sts.. Monday, '
•January 11. 1915, at 11 o'clock a. m„
J for the election of directors. i
C. V. RUDY, Secretary. 1
Continued I'rora First Page.
i son, [>reiiict that prohibition will be 1
I a national issue in the 1916 cam- :
Representatives oi' toe national log j
islative coiuuiittec of the Anti-Saloop
Ijeague ot' America in a statement to- 1
Jay declared that the tetnpc.'aneo forces 1
of the country had reason to be grati '
flod by the result.
First Time In History of Congress I
"It is the lirst time in the history of
the republic that the quextioa of na i
tional prohibition has gotten upon tne i
floor of cither braoah uf Congress."'
thov deoiannl. "The fa<ft that tlie first
etfort yhould »how a clear majority of
Frank R
& Son
fttal Estate and Insuranct
Office No. 18 N. Third
St, Harrisburg, Pa.,
127x100, S. E. corner
Jefferson and Seneca Sts.
110x127. East of above
lots, on east side of Sen
eca St.
80x127, West side of
Curtin St., east of Jeffer
Price right to. quiek
Xo. 410 Spring Ave.—
Brick dwelling with 0
rooms. Rent, $10.50
exclusive of pairs, with both floor
leaders, Che chairman of the Rules com
mittee and the prestige of the President
and the Secretary of State invoked i
against us, and in view of the further
fact that no member of the present Con
gress was elected on this issue, ia ex
ceedingly gratifying."
Ttie final vote came -shortly before |
midnight last night at the close of many
hours of remarkable details in which !
the question of States' rights figured!
prominently and after a rfumber of!
amendments had been voted upon. Not l
for some time has trach a spirited strug-!
gle 'been witnessed in Congress.
Party Lines Shattered on Vote
Partv lines were Shattered. Demo
cratic Leader Underwood and Repub
lican Ijcader Mann who led the anti
prohibition forces, were seen fighting
Shoulder to shoulder in opposition to the
resolution. The galleries had 'been
crowded fhroug'hout the long contest
with spectators whose frequent applause j
of the speakers made it difficult for j
Speaker Clark to maintain order.
Wiien the final vote was recorded it 1
showed that 388 members had voted —:
197 for and 189 against the resolu
tion. The resolution failed of adoption
by 61 votes, an affirmative vyrte of 258
being necessary.
An analysis o>f the vote shows that of
those voting for the resolution 114 were
Democrats, 67 BtfptrftHea na, 12 Progrcs i
lives and 4 Independent Republican*, I
making a total of 197. Those voting
against the reaolutioa included 141
Democrats, 46 Republicans, 1 Inde
.Oeudeirt Republican and 1 Progressive.
Majority of Active Issues Unchanged,
Or At Least Showing Only Frac
tions Above and Below Yesterday's
Closing Prices in Wall Street
By Associated Press.
Xew York, Doc. 23.—(Wa1l Street),
i —Early trading in to-day's stock mar
' ket indicated a continuance of the re
i cent dull and narrow movement. A ma
j jority of the active issues were un
• changed or at fractions a.bov<> and bo
! low yesterday's closing. Reading was
j (he only stock to move more than a
j slight fraction, gnining 5-8, which it
j soon 'lost, tvteel was a trifle lower at
the outset, but. recovered on dealings
| which included a block of 1,000
shares. Otherwise the overturn was in
sm:i 11 lots and by tb<» end,of the first
thirty minutes business fell away to
minor proportions with a lower trend,
j A'part from the rocord J breaking dull
-1 tioss- —sales in the first hour amounting
I to little more than 20,000 shares—
[ the market was featureless through tfhe
; morning. St. Paul, Reading and Rock
Island sold under yesterday's low
| prii-es, likewise Amailgnniatod anu a few
|of the cheaper copper stocks. Bet hie
: hem Steel lost 3 points of its recent
) advance and Xew Haven fell back a
point. Numerous sales of steel were
effective at 48 !, 4 , yesterday's low, but
attempts to break through that quota
tiou wore unavailing until just before
noon when'the price fell to 48' i,.
The features of the bond group were
j two point declines in Wabash 4s and
Minneapolis and St. Louis 4s.
i Philadelphia Produce Market
; Philadelphia. Pee. M.—Wheat steadv;
I. .-•1 -' • 1 "e: N'o. t northern, l>ii
i luth e:,pjr:. 1556 1:18.
!"4 v°m h ' shrr : No - - yellow, local. 74@
| Oats higher; Xo. 2 white, 3.1 >s(®«G.
Bran lirm: winter, per ton."»-K,50«
j 27.00; spring;, per ton,
! Itelined sugars thin: powdered, 5 05'
t! 4S" K,aulllat<Hl, 4 ' s;i: Confectioners' A.
j Uuttcr firm; western creamery, ex
tra, nearby prints, fancy, 3S.' i
Kbss steady: nearby firsts, freo case.
I ll2.i>0; do., current receipts, free case
ISI 'J.OO; western extra llrsts, free case!
512.R0; do., firsts, free case, $12.00.
1GW18: ducks, l;t"H II: geese. i:jft>ls
Live poultry tlrra: fowls, U#ia; old
roosters. 10; chickens. turkeys.
Dressed poultry weak; turkeys, fan
cy. 20fi?'22: fowls, heavy, ITCaIS; ducks,
lbC 1.; geese. 14 (a 15.
Flour weak; winter straight, 5.15(5)
3.35; spring straight, 5.50® 5.70,
Hay tlrin: timothy hay. Xo. 1 large
I bales, 18.00®' 18.50: Xo. 1 medium bales.
I 18.00(l 15.50; Xo. 2 do., 16.305t 17.30: No
13, 14.00@15.00; clover light mixed. 17.00
I e 18.50; N'o. 1 mixed, 16.00© 18.50- Xo '
nixed. 14.30 }i 1 3.50.
i Potatoes weak; Xew York, per bushel
38@*2; Pennsylvania, 45@50; Jersey!
per basket, 35ij:40.
Chicago Live Stock Market
| _ Chicago. Dec. 23. llogs—Receipts,
I »0.000; weak. Bulk. 7.051c7.20; liglit.
( 6.807.20: mixed. 6.90** 7.25; heavv, « 8»
® 7.25; rough, 6.85W7.00; pigs. 5.50®7.10.
j Cattle—Receipts. 8,0t)0; strong. Na
tive steers. s.4or<i 10.08; western. 5 10ji
*.00; cows and heifers. 3.10#8.25-
alves. (.509.50/
Sheep—Receipts. 18,000; strong. Sheep.
».50ij6.33: yearlings, 6.60&7.45; lambs,
| 6.25 S.tiO.
Union Weekly Prayer Meeting to Be
Held This Evening
! Special Correspondence
Mechanicsburg, Dec. 23.—The cot
j tage prayer meetings last evening were
'as heretofore full of interest and in
ipiration. The union weekly prayer
meeting will be held this evening in
Grace Kvangelical church. The build
: ing of the tabernacle is progressing
j finely. The sawdust used in the
! Stough tabernacle in Harrisburg will
j be brought here and used in the tab
i ernai le.
Plans ire being completed to pro
i vide for the poor of this town. A num
ber of women have arranged to give a
'Christmas dinner at the Inasmuch
Mission on Strawberry avenue. The
Washington Fire Company will give
to the children candy and fruit at the
engine house on Christmas day. A do
nation of provisions will be received
at Grace Kvangelical church to-morrow
evening after the union prayer, meet
ing and the women members of the
church will tak e them to needy fam
ilies. A number of the churches will
send baskets on Christmas day as has
been their custom for several years.
Among the young people who have
come home to spend the Christmas va
cation are Miss Zerbe Weber, Bucknell
University; Miss Harriet Wheaffer,
i West Chester Normal; Murray >Spahr,
:Jr., Law Department, University of
• Pennsylvania; William Dougherty,
| State College; J, ij. Shelly, Jr., Diekin
! son Law School; Charles Berheimer,
i John Asper, William Campbell and D.
Hummel Shelly, Dickinson College;
Walter Wrighstone, Paul Campbell,
George Berkheimer, Conway Hall.
Postoffice officials are busy handling
packages and the mail carriers are
loaded as they go on their rounds and
find the mail boxes jammed with mail.
The Rev. J. Donald Hockman, of
Waynesboro, is the guest of his sister,
! Mrs. C. K. Brindle, West Main street.
| Mr. Hockman led the cottage prayer
I meeting last evening at the home* of
| Mrs. Mary Coder, South Market street.
D. P. Miller, who is in a .business po
sition in Altoona, is home to spend
The thermometer here was at 20 at
6 o'clock this morning.
The Sequence
"So you chopped down the cherry
i tree," remarked Washington senior.
"Yes." responded the future Father
of His Country. "Having eho>p{>ed it
down, I »up|x»se yon 'II want me to
chop it up now."—Philadelphia Led
Paris, Ore. 23, 2.25 P. M.—The an
■ nounoement given out by 1 lio French
war office this afternoon reports slight
, progress on the northern cud of the
allies' line in France ami Belgium.
Fog caused a siackeniivg ot' the llgbl
' ing near Arras. Advances arc claimed
I near I'oite-les-Jlurlus, where German
. machine giuts were capturod and pro
| gross or the driving back of counter
attacks is reported near Hcausejour
and iu the forest of l<a Grurie. .Near
i Ikmreuilles, however, the French ap
parently lost to the Germans. The text
j of the communication follows:
"Yesterday in Belgium #ll made
slight, progress between the son ami
i the higuvway from Nidi port to West
i ende, as well as in the region between
SMeenstr&we nnd Bixschoote. whore wo
! ocetiipied a forest, some houses and
| redouilrt.
"To the east of Botliune, working
! in conjunction with the British army,
we recaptured the village ol' Givcnchy*
' les-ijabassec, which had been lost to
| us.
"In the region of Arras a heavy
fo>g made it necessary for both the
enemy and ourselves to lessen OUT ac
"To the east of Amiens on the
Aiene, ami in Champagne, there huve
been artillery engagements,
i "In the region of Perthes-Les-Hur
lus, we carried, after a spirited can
nonade and two assaults, tlic last sec
tion of the line which we occupied in
part December 21. We made an aver
age gain of 800 yards. In the lust
trench which came into our |>ossessioii,
we captured a section of machine guns,
including the gun crews. A violent
counter attack was repulsed.
"We also made progress to the
northeast of Beauzjour, where further
counter attacks on the part of the
enemy were without success.
"There has been a perceptible ad
vance on the part of our troops in the
forest of I<a Ururie against a front of
trenches 400 yards wide and running
not lees than 250 yards deep. We
blew up with mines two of these Ger
man lines otf works and occupied the
"The tightinig is going on in the
vicinity of Boureuilles with the out
come fairly serious, ft would appear
not to have been injssihle to retain en
tirely the positions acquired yesterday
"There has been no incident from
the heights of the Mouse to I'ppor Al
"Russia: In East Prussia the Ger
mans have been driven back on the
line from NeUlenfburg to iSoldau to
Laiutewbairg. In Poland the Germans
were successful in getting a footing
on the lower Bzura, to the north of
Sochaiczew. Further to the south they
reached the Rawka river at Bolimow
and they have passed Hkierniewic-o
moving to the east.
" Austio-Oerman forces are moving
into Poland along a front which runs
from a point to the southeast of l'iotr
| kow to the we»t of the river Nida. in
(ialicia. They have reached the river
. Dunajck, and they occupy a line from
I Oryibow to Smigrod to Senok.
[ "The effort (it a sortio made by the
Prueuiysl garrison resulted in complete
Congress Passes Measure Providing for
Placing It in Washington
CKpeclal to the Star-Independent.)
Washington, T). C., Dec. 23.—Tho
bill providing a site for the erection
of a statue to the memory of Major
General George Gordon Meade, lor
which purpose the legislature of Ppnn
sylvania has appropriated $:!0,000, has
been passed by Congress.
Through the activities of Congress
man Kreider at tho solicitation of Col
onel dolin B. Patrick, of Harrishurg, a
member of the Meade Memorial Com
mission, a very desirable location was
secured near the corner of Third street
and Pennsylvania avenue, 11. W„ in
Washington, in close proximity to the
statue of General Grant.
Chicago's Mayor Lays Plans lor Big
Event In Windy City
Chicago, Dec. 2,'J.—'Mayor Garter 11.
Harrison, himself a former newsboy,
laid plans to-day for an "old news
boy's day" in Chicago. The recent
success of a similar day in Detroit,
when funds were raised for charity, re
sulted in Ma\or Harrison's appeal to
prominent flhicagoians to sell papers
they sold years ago.
K. IM. Ijaudis, U. S. district judge;
•lohn K. Ownes. former county judge;
Thomas P. Scully, county judge, and
William Ijorimer, U. S. Senator, are
among the old time "newsies" urged to
replace the present newsboy for a day.
The proceeds of tho day are to be given
to the United Charities for a fund for
the care of the unemployed.
Tbtn ChurmlnK Island* An New
•1 Their Brat
holds the record—to hours—is tit*
newest and only twin-screw steam
ship sailing; to Bermuda, and ths
only one landing passengers at the
dock at Hamilton without transfer
by tender.
Hound Trip with meals * IE and
and atataroom berth ***>, U p
For full particulars apply to A. B.
bee S, H, Co., I'M., 2U Hronilnar, Me it
Yorki P. LUHNK H«)lNtll., lU3 Mat.
ket St., Haribtiiunc, l'»„ or mur Tick.
>1 Agent.