The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 22, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the
digestive organs, that these may soon develop into
more serious sickness. Your future safety, as well
as your present comfort may depend on the
quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy.
By common consent of the legion who have tried them,
Beecham's Pills are the most reliable of all family medi
cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach,
stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels.
Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks,
brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the
system has been cleared and the blood purified by
Beecham's Pills
(Tke Lar«est Sale of Any Medicine in the World)
Sold Everywhere. In bono*. 10c., 25c.
;! A Beer brewed with a double purpose—
* To please the palate as a beverage; \
A liquid food in the truest sense of the words. 3
Made from the best selected hops and malt.
!► brewery unexcelled for Purity aud Excellence of <
!; Product. * !
j» Bell S-tjL Independent 318 J
Three Are Charged With Assault and
Battery and Two Women Are
Charged With Concealing Death of
an Illegitimate Child
Rado Benkovic was arrested yester
day by Detective Durnbaugui charged
with assault and battery on >Milits
Chaiie, whose husband was the prose
cutor. In default of bail Benkovic was
committed to J*iT for court.
'Mile Kusnov, charged with assault
ing Maggie Fabic, in which it is alleged
he kicked tlip woman down a flight
of steps, was also committed by Squire
Gardner for court when he was unablt
to furnish bail.
Blanche Williams, aged IS years,
daughter of Gevtfge Williams, 131
Ridge street, was arrested by High Con
stable Bomgartjner this morning on the
charge of concealing the death of an
illegitimate child. Evelyn Banks, aged
25, a sister of the Williams girl, was
aiso arreste I in connection with the
affair. In default of SI,OOO bail both
women were committed for a hearing
before Squire Gardner. According to
information furnished the police, the
chil l was born about November 15 and
after its death was placed in a trunk,
which has not yet been located.
Vic Cuckovic was given a hearing
before Squire Gardner this morning
charged with assault and 'battery by
Milos Labicie. The arrest was made
bv Constable GiVo. In default of bail
• tickovi ■ was committed to jail for
500 Turkeys for Steelton
Must be sold, regardless of cost. 500
ttir!:evs, ranging from 9 to 20 pounds.
Must be sold by Thursday. Call and
-ee C. L. Soulliard, corner Second and
Jefferson -treets. Adv.
Mrs. Lawrence Eckels is confined to
her home, Front and Adams street, by
Ames Lawrence and Frank Morrette.
students at Bucknell University, are
h'rfne for the Christmas holidays.
Karl and Roscoe I<ong, students at
the University of Michigan, have ar-,
rived in the borough to spend several
weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
George M. Long-
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Nev, North Front
street, are entertaining the following
daughters ani their families: Mr. and
'Mrs. A. Robinson, sons, Edgar and Wil- j
Ham, wist own; Mr. ami Mrs. Mat
thew Clave, sons, Robert and Ray.
James 'MvCtovern. student at Muhlen
berg College. Allentown, is spending
several weeks with relatives in the bor
George Carr has been appointed as
sistant to ,T. T. Brosie, agent for the
Adams Express Company, over t'he holi
day rush.
Harvey Hutchinson. 25 North tVont
street, has returned from a visit to his j
parents who reside at Freehold, N. J. |
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Walters. Camp j
Hill, spent Sunday with the latter's
mother, Mrs. Jofon Freeburn, Myers!
Miss Mary Canning, of Sacred Heart!
ronvr>nt, Lancaster, is spending the
Christmas holidays at her home here.
Mrs. Walter Yost, of Tacony, is the
giesf of her father, Charles Sautter,
South Front street.
I C. Hivks. after a short visit to
f'iends in the borough, has returned to
his home. Mavtown.
A Great Show at the
Standard Theatre To-night
The Third Degree. A n all-star cast. •
One of the best. Five reels.
Her Bitter Lesson. Featuring Alice Mil- I
larde. Helen Lindroth and Harry!
Millarde. Two reels. Kalem.
A Maid of War. Essanav eomedv.
Admission, 5 and lO cents!
— |
NOTICE is hereby given to the policy!
holders of the Steelton Mutual Kire
Insurance Company, of Steelton. Pa i
that Its annual election for directors I
will Uo held at No. 132 N. Front St i
Steelton, Pa., Saturday. January 2, 1915,
between the hours of 1 ami 2 p. in.
C. HESS. Secretary.
Accident Occurred When Bear Wheel
Slipped Into Gutter on Conestoga
Street—One Horse Calked Its Left
Front Foot
Chester Wollet, a driver for the Pax
tang Hook and Ladder Company was
very painfully hurt about 9.15 o clock
this morning when he was thrown from
an ash wagon against the stone wall at
t'he residence of Joseph Gerdes, Front
and Conestoga streets.
The two iarge black tire horses of the
"Hookies" were hitched to the dump
ash wagon used in hauling asaes from
the homes iu this end of town. Wollet
had the rig loaded and started down
!'he steep Conestoga street hill from See
on, 1 to Front street. '#vst as the wagon
had passed the entrance to Gerdes'
home, the left rear wheel slipped into
the gutter with such force that the
wagon upset, throwing the driver with
some force against the stone wall. The
contact was so severe that Wollet sus
tained a gashed left cheek, a bruised and
lacerated left hip and slight internal
injuries were also reuorted.
The horses were thrown when the
wagon upset, and in regaining their feet
on the slippery ice, one of the blacks
calked its left front foot, inflicting a
painful wound.
Wollet was picked up and carried to
his home across the street where med
ical aid was summoned. The wagon was
Civic Club Appeals for Donations of
Cash for Christmas
The committee iu charge of the
Civic (.lnb Christmas entertainment,
which will be held in Trinity parish
house. Pine street, Thursday afternoon,
at - - •> 0 o clock, reported this morning
that only a sinali amount of cash had
been received toward defraying the ex
pense of this entertainment ajid that
small or large donations of cash, in
connection with tt>ys or candies, would
be very acceptable.
Mrs. < harles A. AJden, chairman of
the 'omsnittee of arrangements, also
announced that with persistent search
ing less than 175 poor children have
been located, although the committee
has toys, oranges, c*ndv and- Christmas
cards for at least 200 children!. These
gifts are not intended for the poor of
<m\ one church, l>lit will l>c dispensed
to all poor children of the borough,
whether white or black, foreigners or
American born, the only condition im
posed is that each little on© must se
cure a free ticket from the Civic Club
nurse, Miss Marie Wiseman, at her
headquarters in the Trust C'ompanv
building, "which will admit the bearer
to the Parish house, Pine street, Thurs
day afternoon at and after :'.30
o'clock in the afternoon.
Heformed Church Will Give Christmas
Cheer to Distressed Members
A pound prayer meeting, as a novel
feature, will be given a try out at the
First Reformed church Wednesday
evening, when every member, whether
man. woman or chili, is expected to
bring one or more pounds of nonperish
able goods in the edible line to the
church, where it will be used very scon
to alleviate the distress of three fam
ilies who are affiliated with the congre
gation and Sunday school..-and who bv
reason of sickness, are on the verge of
Anything in the way of a.donation
"ill be acceptable for this meeting,
whether it be cash, merchandise or or
ders. A committee of prominent mem
bers of the church will see that the do
nations are distributed in a proper man
Midnight Mass Will Be First in History
of Church
Christmas will be ushered in at St.
James' Catholic church with a midnight
mass, which will be the first time in the
history of that congregation to observe
the event in this manner. The Rev. J.
C. Thompson, rector, will officiate anil
an augmented choir, under the leader
ship of John Purcell, will render excep
tionally fine sacred musie. Ha'rley Noll
will he choir leader aud Miss
j Marv Lynch will preside at tbo pipe
; organ. Other services at this church
1 will consist of a second mass at 7 a. in.
.followed with high mass at 8.30 a. m.
Following the latter mass the Sun
day school will hold its Christmas exer
! cises in the parochial school room where
a program will lie rendered and pres
1 ents given to about 200 children.
Almost Entire Plant Will Be Closed
Until January I
Every department of the big steel j
plant, with the possible exception of j
the blast furnace and shifter 'depart- ;
meats will be closed down during Wod j
nesday and Thursday aud will remain !
closed until January 1. according to a
recent announcement of the executive
Bricklayers have been engaged to ;
make the needed repairs to all parts ofl
the ga~ heating systems in use by the
company during the temporary shut
down. tf or !ers' improve, the bridge ;
and construction department may re- i
some work before January 1.
Seven Ducks and 2 Geese Disappeared
Last Night
Tascho Dundoff, a prominent Mace- i
douiui, residing at 438 Main street,
is wrathful over the sudden disappear
ance of two geese and seven ducks
which he had just purchased with the
intention of using their meat for a
great Christmas dinner.
The fowls were securely, as he
thought, locked up in a peu iu the rear
yard. This morning he discovered the 1
lock had been forced off and the fowls
According to the latest information i
on the though extension campaign the
following churches have voted against j
i* • Centenary I'nited Brethren, Grace j
I'nited Evangelical, St. Peter's Lu- f
the ran and the Highspire United Breth
ren. The First Presbyterian chur.-h is !
the only one so far reported to favor |
the project.
A carload of live hogs was received
iti the borough this morning over the!
Pennsylvania railroad consigned to j
John Slovinac and Celicka Tomasic.
The Transportation Relief Associa
tion yesterday [mid iii annual dividend |
of 87.35 to each of more than 100
members. The association wilt hold its i
annual election of officers next Monday.
The only service on Christmas day i
at St. .Mark s Lutheran churc-h will start :
at 6.30 o'clock in the morning. This;
service will consist mostly ot' singing, j
Her Bitter Lesson
Evelyn s utter selfislyiess causes her
to disregard her husband's pleas that
she economize. His money tied up in j
Ia big deal, Dane borrows SI,OOO to!
ope with possible emergencies. This
money he places in his safe at home. 1
Evelyn uses the money to meet debts
incurred as the result of extravagance.
How evelyn is taught her lesson is mag
nificently told in motion pictures at the
Standard Theatre to-night.
Miss Marie Wiseman, the visitiug
nurse employed by the Steelton Civic
Club, will be in her office from 8 a. m.
to 9 a. m., from 12.30 p. m. to 1.30
p. m.
Continued From First I'BRP.
in high schools, base their beliefs as to !
the benefit l'rom such courses, principal
ly upon the increasing opportunities in
the commercial fields of the Spanish-,
American republics for this countrv's
young men. The trade of South Amer- j
ica, opening to this country because of
the cutting off oti* European commerce,
is said to require more Spanish-spehk-1
ing business men now than ever before.
The letter written to the Star-Inde
pendent by Mr. Orth, pointing out the
fact that the school authorities were
emi<owered more than ten years ago to j
employ an instructor in Spanish for
the benefit, especially, of commercial !
students, is in full as follows:
Henry C. Orth's Letter
''l noticed your editorial of the!
ISth inst, headed 'Spanish in the High I
School,' and, do you know that on the j
29th of May. 1903, I (thep a member
of the School Board) introduced a reso- i
lution, which was passed, the purpose!
being the employment of an instructor !
to teach the Spanish language in the |
High schoolf The matter ended with,
the 'resolution.' My argument was as:
" 'Graduates from the commercial
section of the High school are eager
ly sought for employment by business
men on account of their proficiency in
bookkeeping, stenography an 1 type
" 'The Government by the fortune
of war. has within the past five vears,
acquired territory inhabited by people
speaking the Spanish language.
" 'The official and commercial lan
guage for generations to come, natural
ly will be of that tongue, and I ad
vance the suggestion that the study of
the Spanish language be added to" the
curriculum of thus department, there
by increasing its importance.'
"What an advantage it would have
given to our public school students, if
our school authorities had then acted!
'•lf our manufacturers and export
ers desire to trade with South America,
the islands of the Pacific Ocean ami
Mexico, we must copy the successful
tactics of the leading commercial na
tions of Kurope, where a commercial
representative must have a practical
knowledge of languages, not a swat
tering one. Better late, than never.
' 1 Respectfully,
"Henry G'. Orth.''
10 North Market Square
We do the best dental worh that
can possibly be done and we do it at
changes that are most moderate.
Painless extraction free when plates
are ordered. Largest and mos* com
plete oUices in the city; sanitary Lady attendant. 1
Hours: 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday*,
10 a. in. to 1 p. m.
At the Threshold of Christmas!
Are You Ready?
All world, just
joy in the music of a new Piano,
the music or shall ft be
something new*to do.
Why Not Make It a Musical Christmas?
One Long-to-be-Remembered in Your Home
You easily may. Come in to-
I . ,| |li _. | , ill f morrow or Thursday, during the day
'ekf KAiIV I or evening, and let us explain how you
Jjj| ' | j
6^-- i st ave a complete stock of in
/ J, lit struments from which you may make
® eleCtio j!}' New Pianos from $250 to
1 But don't wait until the eleventh hour.
J !t\y Take time to-morrow to come in and
ear k°th t^ie V'ictrola and Edison Disc.
- You should hear them both, before you
decide on either, and this is the only
store in the city where you can make
~ side-by-side comparisons.
Come In To-morrow—Special Christmas Terms
If You Want Them. Delivery Xmas Eve. I
Complete Ha ■ ■■ « ■>. , u - FuUy 7000 of the Latest aud
s ::rr TheJ.H.Troup Music House «
Philadelphia Division —lo7 crew to
go first after 4 p. m.: 117, 115, 104,
Engineer for 115.
Fireman for 115.
Conductors for 117, 128.
Flagmen for 107, 104.
Engineers up: Seitz, Hubler. First,
Davis, Wolfe, (jeesev, Madenford, Mc-
Caulev, Smirti. Reisinger, Gibbons,
Tennant, Earhart, Sellers, Supplee,
Firemen up: Behman, Manning,
Kochenouer, Davidson, Mulhoim, Shive,
We Have Just Re
ceived a Carload of
l| jF 69019 ft
Turkeys, Live Weight, 24c Lb,
Turkeys dressed and delivered
free of charge.
Miller, Robinson, Farmer. Naylor,
I<antz, Gelsinger, Kestreves, Kegleman.
Conductor up: Looker.
Flagman up: First.
Brakemen up: File, Frock, Cox, Wi
land. '
Middle Division —2l6 crew to go
first after 1.15 p. in.: 17, 16.
Preference: 4" 2, 1.
Fireman for 2.
Conductor for 2.
Flagman for 1.
Brakeman for 1.
Kngineers up: Hertzler, Rimonton,
Kugler, Bennett.
Firomen up: Sheesley, Fletcher,
(Drewett, Gross, Liebau, Schreffler,
Conductor up: Patrick.
■Flagmen up: Frank, Jacobs.
Brakemen up: Reese, Troy, McHen
ry, Hpalir. Hetnlcrson, Peters, Rissinger,
Kobli, Kieffer, Plack HchoffstaJl, P'ritz,
iWenriek, Werner, Pipp.
Yard Crews —Engineers up: Thom
as, Rudy, Houser, Stahl, Hwaib, Cri*t,
Harvey, Saltsman, Kuhn, Snyder. Pel
ton, Shaver. Landis,'Hovler, Beck, Hart
er, Biever, Blosser. Breneman.
Firemen up: Esiek, Myers, Boyle,
Shipley, Crow, Revie, Bostdorf, Schief
fer, Lackey, Raueh, Weigle, Cookerlv,
Maever, Sholter, Snell, Getty, Hart,
Barkev, Sheets. Bair, Eyde. „
for 1454, 707, 14, 885,
1820, 2393, 432.
Firemen for 1454, 707, 1831, 1270,
2393. *
Philadelphia Division —2ls crew to
go first after 3.45 p. m.: 204.
Conductor for 204.
Conductor up: Eaton.
Brakemen up: Muminaw, Wolfe, My
Middle Division —2l7 crew to go
first after 1.30 p. m.: 235, 229, 224,
106. 107, 111.
Fireman for 107.
Conductors for 107. 111.
Flagman for 111.
Brakemen for 107, 111.
P., H. & P.—After 4 p. in.: 10, 17,
9, 14, 6, 2, 20, 1.
Eastbound—After : 60, 63,1
68, 64, 54, 58, 67, 71, 52, 70.
Conductors up: Philabaum, Gingher.
Engineers up: Morrison, Woland,
Barnhart, Richwine, Wood, Wyre, Fort
Firemen up: Beeciier, Dowhower,
Rumbaugh, Aunspach, Nye, Anders,
Sellers, Dobbins, Binghaman, Brown.
Brakemen up: Shearer, Ware, Milss,
Bingaman, Page, Ayrcs, VVvnn. Hogen
tojjler, HoVbert, Voder, McHenry, Troy,
Hartz, Shador, Taylor, Strain, Cook.
Best For Kidneys—Says Doctor
Dr. J. B. T. Neil, Greenville. So.
Car., says that in his 30 years of ex
perience h« lias found no prejwiration
for the kidneys equal to Foley Kidney '
Pills. Pain in back and hips as an indi
cation of kidney trouble—a warning
to build up the weakened kidneys,
make them vigorous, ridding your blood
of acids and poisons. Folev Kidney
Pills will help any ease of kidney anil
bladder trouble not beyond the reach
of medicine. In 50c ami SI.OO «i/.es.
Sold in your town by George A. Gor
gas. 16 North Third street and P. R.
R. Station. a ,jv.
Stroke Fatal to Aged Woman _
Hallam, Dec. 22. —Mrs. Nancy Gee*
ev, 85 years old, the oldest resilient of
this [dace, died suddenly Sunday night
from the effeets of a stroke. She is
survived by her hutiband and three chil
dren and was a descendant of the Revo- j
lutionarv period
Artistic Printing at Stnr-ludenendcut.
7c a Day for Thata I
The Watch and the Price Defy
All Competition
Women's and Men's j
Open face or Hunting rase, kj
These watches fully guaranteed, Dj
Elgin or Walt ham movement, ex- If
pansion balance, polished regu- I
iator, display winding works, pat- I
ent self-locking setting device, j
and rust-proof case guaranteed 1
for -26 yeara. Perfect in' every ]
Only $14.00
50c a Week—Can You Beat It?
Full Une of Xmas Goods
Now on Display
American Watch & J
Diamond Company
Open Evenings