Cf ~^ The Star-Independent Gives Away 2 Orphewn Tickets Daily The Name of the Person to Whom They Will Be Awarded To=day Is Somewhere Among the Classified Ads On This Page Perhaps you are the lucky person. Look until YOU iiud out. If you get the tickets please call for them before 8 o'clock to-morrow evening or they will be iorieited ■ ' i i ■V I Real Estate REAL ESTATE TOR SALE. WHY BE A RENTER, when a small' cash payment ana balance as rent can procure one of the following new houses; improvements: side entrance:. 1535. i:>4o. 15* i. 1"»4; and 1546 Thompson 1 Ave. 11. G. I'EDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. NEW 2-storv brick house: 0 rooms and bath; gas. electric light, furnace: porch. cement d cellar. granolithic walks, combination ranges; reasonable price further reduced. BEIA. REALTY CO., Bergner Building. BI'SGAIJOVY FOR SALE—Close to trol lej . within 5c fare of Harrisburg: six , rooms, bath, electric light. steam heat, ; large porches; lot 50x512. BELL REAL,- ; TY CO.. Bergner Building. ! FOR SAUK —6-1 N. Fifteenth St.; cor ner property; 2U-s'ory frame; eight' robins, bath and furnace; lot -4x95. is RINTON" - PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE—6I acres: one mile south of Rutherford; 4 l a miles from Harris burg; A No. 1 buildings; well fenced; running water in every field but one; p i.-scsslon at any time. BRINTON rACKER CO.. Second and Walnut S'.s. • ioust No. ISJI N. Sixth St. Tlemod l~a throughout. all improve* : Apply GEORGE W. OKTH. 423 FOE RENT FOR SIENT—I offer my residence. HSi i street, for rent: three-storj- D: ;ek. ;tll conveniences: steam heat; sent re tsu"..ible to right party. Apply 1163 Deir> St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOU K':NT OR SALE—House and store on*, ined: Garfield and JDerrv S;s. rine location for business. Inquire a: s-.,.>rc. Garli,-',.; and i'erry Sts REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. NICE HOI'SE FOR RENT at 1206 Penn St.: all conveniences: rent reasonable. Inn-ire of H. COHEN. -0:' Market St. FOR RENT—62S Rellv St.; IH-story; side yard; 10 rooms: 76 N Fourteenth St.. S rooms, all improvements; rent reasonable: immediate possession. Ap ply Bowman & Co.. ask for H. B. ZIG NER. 'FOR RENT—AII improve ments — 1614 Catherine $16.00 539 S. Fifteenth 816.00 Apply Kulm & Hershey, 18 South Third street. K>R RENT—I7IO Carnation St.: two story brick: six rooms, all conven iences, with front porch. Apply 75 N. Seventeenth St. FOR RENT—IOIS Kensington St.; all improvements: rent $13.50. Apply 14S0 Market St. FOR RENT—No. 1249 Mark at St.; 3- •tory brick, 10 room-house with, all Improvements; rent 125.00 J. E. GIP PLE. I*6l Market St. FOR RENT— -1637 Apricot, $15.00 ISI3 Briggs $16.00 Bosler Ave, Lemoyne (new), ..|IS.OO «15 S. 17th $.0.00 T$ N". 17th $24.00 H. G. PEDLOW. 110 8. Thirteenth St. FOR RENT—6IS Geary St.; 3-story •brick; S rooms and bath; all improve ments; tine new home; rent reasonable. Apply 620 Geary St. FOR RENT—Houses with all improve-' ments, at moderate rentals. J. 11 1 OIPPLiK, 1251 Market St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT and !V4 -story dwelling houses for sale. Elder Real EBtat^C^_24th_and_Derry_Sta_^^^^ APARTMENTS FOR RENT 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—NewIy renovated apartments; two large rooms, kitchenette and bath; three rooms, kitchenette and bath; second and third floors; furnished or unfurnished; city steam; janitor service: modern Im FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT—Two furnished front rooms for married couple or two gen tlemen. Address 3414, care Star-Inde Death and Obituary _ DIED. McAUCHER Alexander McAlicher, oi 1920 N. Fifth St„ on Dec. 22, 1914 aged 67 years. _ Funeral take place from the tixth street L. B. church. Saturday aft ernoon. Dec. 26, at 2 o'clock. Friends snd relatives are invited to attend with out further notice. Burial in East Har iisotiry ce neier.'. Houses For Rent Ave., 2fe .«. f, 6 r«. . . SIO I v ". Boas St, 2 s. b„ f, r HO 190S Greenwood St.. 2 s. f. « r *ll 'U 9 2 & -' 3 > Bl -*» «• t. :.*« Briggs St„ 2U s. {.. 6 r #l3 SO3 East St.. 2s. b.. r *l3 14'J Linden St.. 3 s. f„ > r., . . (13 214% N. 7th St., J s. b., 8 r. b 1513 S. Cameron St. 24 s. b.. S r.. *l3 1 11S0 S. Cameron St., 2'-. s. f SIS 2139 Atlas Ave * *l3 IS'.'4 N. 6th St.. 2hi kf. *l4 527 Brigg- St., 3 s. b.. S r *l-# ( I*ol Allison St.. 2Vr s. b •>« Emerald St.. 3 s. b.. S r.. ... *l7 IJIS Mulberry St.. 3s.f„ 7r. b.. «|N 1.1 J Regina St., 3 s. b.. * r., *IK ISJO Derry SL. 214 s. f.. 7 r. b. & f.. S s. f„ ; r. b. & r., *IM ht " - *■ b -- • r. b *3O I 2202 N. -•»!. St., 3 s. b 833 1929 Market St.. 3s. bio r. ... *u> s;2*-. s< i.- 5d Sl - 3 *• b - r. b... *.-M) 209 s. 1-ront St.. 3 y. b.. 10 r ' b «7"» 23 S. Front St., furnished.' 4" n"b APARTMENT—7I6 N. «:h ,st *3,, MILLER BROS. NEEFE ' REAL ESTATE Hre 1 ■• S a vet 7 Boada Iwwl mil ' onrt streeta » I 1 v Wants HELP WANTED—MALE. WANTED —V IUUS men to learn adver tising business; uuist be well educat ,ed and neat; also willing to travel. \p- ! I ply Monday, Tuesday, between 7.30-!' ni. Mr. Fitigihbons. St. James Hotel. A manufacturing corporation wants dis trict manager who will be g;» et» ex clusive territory : nd training for the best and most salable .iffice specialty on the market; it will sell to many pro fessional people: every place of busi ness; general manager to appoint local' ■ dealers; SIOO.OO to $500.00 capital re quired: investigate this at once, as it is a high grade business proposilism : that is right in every particular ami a ! permanent business you are building up i for yourself. Address 3415. care of the Star-Independent. • AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical hauiTeurs and earn $7.. u> Jlno per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for $::5.09. No. 6N. Cameron; Bell day afternoon. J SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED—Young man wants days work of an; kind. Address SIS Cap- 1 ltal street. City. WORK WANTED—Young man would ! like to have position as chauffeur in 1 j private family; an do own repairing. 1 Address 31® Myers St.. Steelton, Pa. I PAINTER wishes a position; eipert j euced in all kinds of paintings: will start at a reasonable figure and can j ! furnish best of reference. Address LOOS S. Ninth St. i ' CHAUFI-'HCUR—Young man, 21 years! old. desires position driving a private 1 or delivery car: can make own repairs.! H. L*. 3416, care Star-IndepenU- I ent. , ; { COLORED MAN desires position as cook, waiter or houseman, or anv 1 kind of work. Apply or address 116 l s ~ Liberty St. j WANTED—Position as cook or all I around work in private familv, i.v colored man. Can give references. Ad dress or call 510 South St. WANT ED—Any kind of work bv mar- ' rled fnan; chauffeur by trade. Address or call 241 Emerald St. SITUATION—Two reserved seat tickets 1 were awarded to-day to Amanda I. ; Crow. 446 Cumberland St.. good for the evening performance at the Orp.ieum. December 24. 19H. Call for tickets at Star-Independent office before 5 o clock p. m.. De -ember 23. 1914, or luey will I be forfeited. COLORED MAN wishes a position in a private family; handy man around the kitchen. Address S3S Briggs St. WANTED—Position as waiter in hotel or private family. 509 North Ave. j j WANTED—A-juiddle-agaid xuan desires : a position as Janitor; can do all kind ( ,of repairing, and is handy with all 1 kind of tools. Can f'arnisa reference i Address or call at No. 1402 Regina S: 1 J . WANTED—Any kind of work for a i white man. between the ages of -it) | and 45: handy around stock. Address i : 2017 Wallace St. | CLERK wishes a position in office: has 1 two years' experience bookkeeping , and typewriting: can furnish gjod re:- ! erences. Address dox IPS, Carlisle, Pa. : BAKER wishes a position in city; has' three years expenenct iti cake tnui bread baking; can famish gooJ refer-' er.ces. Add;ess tio\ IPS. Car.isle, Pa. I HANDY, middle-aged colored man wants position of any kind. Address 1 1^ | HELP WANTED—FEMALE. 'SILK MILL ON FULL TIME— Some more experienced help, j needed. Apply at office, jcorner I Second and North Sts. WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady for gen-i eral housework: wages to light' Party. Apply lMarket SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE. -W AXTiSD— with child one vear ! old desires position as housekeeper; ! (experienced; no reasonable offer re- I fusfcJ - MARV IPSTER, 311 Briggs St. i WANTED—Work in the mornings. Call | Br 'gg s DAISY CAMPBELU i WANTED—Young woman wants dav s ' i work of any kind. Address SIS Can- ! ltal street, City. ■ , WANTED—MiddIe-aged German lade' would like place to do generul house"- work. Address 115 Royal Terrace. City. WANTED—MiddIe-aged white lady de sires position at work of anv kirn* i Address MRS. SARAH HEED", Fort Hunter, Dauphin County. Pa. WANTED— Young white girl desires' position at general housework Vd dri-ss, in care of MRS. S. A. KEED Fort Hunter, Dauphin County, Pa. WANTED—Young white girl desires position to work in a boarding or ' rooming house: not afi-aid of work. Ad- i dress ANNA REED, t'oi t Hunter, Dau : phin County. Pa. I WANTED—A position as second girl o companion to elderly lady, by a lady ■ i »t relinctnent; can do any kind of house- I work, no washing: wages Ite.oO pc-; | week. Address MISS MARY B. R. D. No. 2, Wiilerstown, pa. ' j WANTED—Nursing. Call on or ad- ' dress MISS ELL.IE RESSER. 2u„'' ( S» atara St. ' WHITE LADY would iike to have day's) I „ work of any kind. Room 26, 429 | Broad street. |' WANTED—Colored woman wants day's j Ci ?. ' A in Paris, Berlin, and the other European capitals, and Australia, but thev, neces sarily, have hern postponed for the present. There is no doubt, however, that in due course of time the farce that has .made the theatregoers nf this vountry hold their sides with laughter, will make its laugh heard around the world. "A j H.;ir 01 Sixes will play a return engagement at the Majestic Christmas afternoon and evening.—Adv.®** '—— Miscellaneous rUEXITUBS PACKING PACKING—A. H. SHKSSK. It-OS North Sixth ttreet. .Irs; ui« t»v»rr of mr- Citui'tr. ehina auu bricaor-tc. licii uaur.a IB9W. t J. WENRJCii, 33d iia.allien stree:— | ruruiturc, ujua pianu pacamfc. i b&ipiuenu lookeu a!; c . a; uo;.i ends. ; ai. li.uua oi haaliun. pQuue i "'- •■ ■ r in mi■!■ in I WEATiISB PROXECTION jL.A6c? \\ INL>O\S 6 will uv pUv'eJ in i auto curtains wiUic >o& wiuu C. A. ' r _ AiK >AUxU.'.Ui- AA*j» AUi'y SVOiiK^. SXOiiACrti. STORAGE in J-aiory urick Lu.iuing. rca. 4U3 iiuriitt >iuusi:.iuia jj^oui in clean, p* iu>c t uOuifi. rates. io f. u. jcu.i., 1 4U5 Mallei at. HAKRISBUKU STOHAGii CO. Xwoi ntw c* o 4j k -^Luiy ouca * arcboUJe*. ! one absolutely rireprvuj. uiviucu iuto ! infcpruwi p*i*aie isjouio %ji variuiM lor tQc 6ioitt 0 o '_£ aouscuotu fauaUb, liie oilier iva.ciluUso oX i Utr must approvcu l>pe ul Hi c rt.auun t cuu j airuction lot el .uu«i »nercnaiia.«u. iacy I l - «.' • ,4 -« *■ •• * CltfcUlC I ireigni elevators val.» street, arar i J a.vton, oa tue vu.ho oi | I'camu Ji, K, | WEATHER STRIPPING MAKi; >our home mm „nd t •aifort able. Hoists wea.atr „ |. i it. s-rni LAru. 1 Will C*U and make I estimate; p.:. t-s reJu.i-U. a. i«. 1 Jn„ liemu) tie, i'«. j - MONEY TO LOAN ! U)A.\S—io 10 Ji'ffO Jot nerval working Mitnoui ouiik c.eui: n. iui tbai. lc(ii rale*, paytUic ui inata.. ainuts tu suit Oorruwtis toiivuuicuce, iV'i. bona au(l luiesiUieai tu„ Sv4 Cnaatuu: oi. AXJU KINDS OP HAULING AL.L. kinds of hauling. Urge two-toa truck, furuitun.. piono.. in the city and suburbs. Pricea leason aole. Picnic auti pleasure trips, uay o' ceuiug. WIL iX \«iuoo IFOR SALE A knitting factory, all Improve ! raents, electric power; two-story frame; stean. heat, well lighted; 1 equipped with the latest knitting . . and at;wing machinery. Pos* given at once. We will rent if party would bt interested in the manu facturing of ladiea" garments. Information Wantud—Call Bell phone <4. Steel ton. Pa., or M. R. ALLEMAN 145 .\. I llovr STREET STEELTOS, FA. *■ I money SS I U«le4 Qfir Stores Sterfing Gun Rftef Hegenun Ufilfd Pr. Sharing Tiabfrn Drag Co. f r , L'nired Cigar Stem \ " a Ask for F.ettrr JflT CLARENCE CONE & CO. , « Brot4m; t® r fc Sale and Exchange FOB SALE. C. \V. H. l.A\«U£ra, lißMber—We arf overstocked with all kinds and srades of lumber and we can offer vou big bargains. It will pay you to "see as. OBUo c umeron and Mulberry Sts. FOR SALE—On account of leaving town h:11 sacrifice my practically new • piano. \V ould like to sell for cash, but : it' I can not got cash will sell on easy | Serins. Address J. M. I*. 3417, care Star- ' ! Independent. TOR SALE—At GABLE S, 111-117 South ! ■Second St.; Red Tip. Ring Point, BlU ;ard, Rowc Junior, Can', Slip, Giant I Always Sharp Calks. FOR SALE—At GABLES, 111-117 South I Second St., 11 00 sets New Sasb. Sxlo xl- L. primed and glazed, ai $1.15 per! set. Also other sizes. 1»15 CALENDARS FOB SALE I Good selection. A few more sales- ' men's samples left, at a bargain. Ml'- , I-RS MFG. CO.. Third and Cumberland; | ats- above -Miller's Shoe Store. j 0\ ERCOATS KOH SALE—Slightly used j —all in first class condition, trom $1 j up. Also $-.50 felt boois for 51.95. Men's <1.50 Arctics for 95c. Come and j ,ook them over. Open evenings. i MKL.TZEU, 513 Walnut St. j SALE OF WOOD FOR SALE—About live (5> cords tire 1 wood, in Capitol Park. Sealed bids : i >y inp cord or loi will be received not j later than 1J o lock, noon. December j 'i" u !' • 1 •'1 -* b >' the Superintendent of, •Public rJrounds and Buildings. Capitol hvtiding, HarrisburK* Pa.—SAMUKL. B. I A.M I *u. Superintendent. ' j ' y Lost and Found FOUND. : FOl'ND—Near Derry and Eleventh Sts„ ! automobile skid-<-iiaiii; owner may! ■lave same by paying for ad. and iden tifying property. Call at Stai-Inde- 1 Pendent office. FOUND—Don't go anv further, for the right place Is at EGGEttT'S Steam! Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, . SL4J Market St. We deliver and call ! promptly. Both phones. LOST. j IX>ST—Automobile horn; finder please ! notify National Brewing Co., Steel i ton. !»ST —Saturday, in S;eeltoii, bunch of! keys with Pennsylvania Steel* Co. ■ brafs check attached. Reward if return- | ed to -<<7 Lincoln St.. Steeltoii. i FINANCE Philadelphia Produce Market I Philadelphia, Dec. 2£.—Wheal lower: I , No. 2 red, spot, 124 \ 3 12#: No. 1 north j em, Duluth export, l.flffi l.ia. i Corn steady; No. 2 yellow, local. 78© j i 73tj- Oats steady; No. 2 white, 35fr55',i. I Bran firm; winter, per ton. $:5.500 27.00; spring, per ton, *25.00ft25.60. I Refined sugars firm; powdered, 5.05; | tine granulated, 4.95; Confectioners' A. 4.85. I Butter flrm; western creamery, ex- I Ira, 25; nearby prints, fancy, 3S. Eggs steady; nearby firsts, free case, 112.60; do., current receipts, free case, 511.00; western extra firsts, free case. 512.60; do., firsts, free case, $12.00. 16{i IS; ducks, 134i14: geese. 13® 15. Live poultry firm; fowls. 11M13: old roosters, 10; chickens, 101;;; turkeys. Dressed poultry weak; turkevs. fan cy, 20©22: fowls, heavy, 17« i IS; duck*, l«4t 17: geese, 14015, Fiour weak; winter straight. 5.15® 5.35; spring straight, 5.505.70. Hay firm: timothy hay. No. 1 large bales. IS.OOSi 15.50; No. 1 medium bales, is.oofrlß.so; No. 2 do.. H».sofy 17.50; No. 3, 14.00 it 15.00; clover light mixed, 17.00 lUseful Gifts HOT WATEE BOTTLES FOUNTAIN SYRINGES RUBBER GLOVES AT Golden Seal Drag Store, liS. Market Square. '1 I 8.."'0; No. 1 mixed. IS.OOSj 1ti.30; No. i. i mixed, 14.">0(i 15.50. ; Potatoes, weak: New York, per bushel, - r>S 5» rtJ: Pennsylvania, 4 j; Jersey, j per basket, 35#4Q. Chicago Live Stock Market i Chk-agro, DM. 22. —Hegs—•'Receipts. I 33,000: 'inn; bulk. T.OOfrT.lliifht. t>.\o 6 7.20: mixed. 5.90ti?7.23: heavv. I 7.25; rough, 6.8506.95: pig-, :>..>ofe 7.20. I Cattle—Receipts. 3,000; strong. N.i --! tlve steers. 5."5fi 10.0W: western, 5.00 0 S. 00; cows and heifers, :i. 100 8.15: calves, ! 8.00^8.50. Sheep—Receipts. 20,000: Arm. Sheep, 10S.10: yearlings, 6.25®7.10: lambs, ; i.Uofrs.2s. ! WOMSSfISKS FORPABDONS FOR TWO COKViCe IN ■ j Mrs. Derby, State President of the King's Daughters, Tells Board Why She Believes Prisoners Should Be Set Free The second session of the December meeting of the Board of Pardons was i begun to-day with but three members present, Secretary McAfee being con fined by a severe cold to his home in Pittsburgh, fearing the danger of cross ing the Alleghenies in winter weather. At the first session, held last Wed nesday, twenty-five eases, half of the j list, were taken up and argued, and the I | rest were taken up to-day. It was ex-i 1 pected that the rase of Luka Zareovic, j ; of Dauphin county, murder in the sec-1 : ond degree, would Ix? argued, but Harrv | j Felix, a Philadelphia attorney, who had j I prepared the case and was to have ar- ! j gued it, sent word that illness would j i prevent liig 'being here. Argument was ; I continued until the Januarv meeting. I when the new Board will consider the i ease. •Mrs. Elizabeth Derby, State presi dent of the King's Daughters, presented j the case of Charles Miller, of Chester i county, who was convicted of forgerv ; in 1912 and sent to the penitentiary j for from 8 to 20 years. Mrs. Derby, ; who is a frequent visitor to the Kast i em penitentiary, and who said she is | convinced that Miller was unduly pun ished, made a strong plea for the man.; j saying that he is thoroughly reformed i j and is regarded as a model prisoner. | l The District Attorney of Chester coun- ' tv opposed the pardon on the ground! j that Miller was one of a gang of for- i r cigners who had passed bogus checks j ! in a number of places. Mrs. Derby also appeared for David : j Wilkinson, of Delaware county, convict-' | ed of larceny and serving, a six-year > sentence. She held that the man was j I unduly punished, and that the time he' j has! served is sufficent to reform him, I ! and, if released, will be plneed with j | friends, who will see that he does not offend again. C. Stuart Patterson. ,Tr„ appeared for George Foster, Berks, sent to the peni tentiary for forgery, and said that the man would have been paroled some weeks ago, but thorn is a detainer from Ne>w Jersey against him. He asks a ' rardoTi now, and it was said thßt the I New .Tersev matter would be adjusted, j The Board will bo busy all day with the hearings and will announce its do- I cisions this evening. 1 . IjJFxml? | 'Mi j; MONEY TI7E are ready to supply salaried peo jessJ l^ e with the ready Money for Christmas demands in amounts irom $5 to SSO It would be to your advantage to call on us, when in need —Our Motto is: Liberal Terms—Quick Strict Confi Open Evenings From December 12-24 Employees Discount Co., jj| 36 N. 3rd Security Trusi ' Licsnsotf Bonded,— , t «.. aM i V. • AMUSEriEmX W,LMER - viNCENT ' IVIMJCO hu & APPELL, Mgfs. KRf!)AV, CHRISTMAS MRener.of the University of Chicago five, lege stars in the Chestnut street audi- ' nimp, former Steetton High athlete tori uin. On Saturday the Cam- ln * h h e P° 8itio1 !?: i ♦ c-k ir . i -i, Th< eo&legians will hold their first den team of tho bastarn League will Wednesday afternoon at the be the attraction. « auditorium and the Independents will On the college team will be Loom is,j practice each evening, iioferee Burly a former fech ilijjh school athlete, will ngain ofli-eiate in this contest anil who is playing a great game at center; it is profile that inter.;oHe:iate rules, for Lebanon Valloy. Garner and Mor-, with which the college men famii* *ett, both of Buekncll University, wjiar, will be used. 11 I Award Sewer Contracts " i The City Commissioners in session ! this afternoon awarded the contract ' for the construction of a sewer in Twentieth street from Market to Hil drup to Willi am 11. Opperman. at his | foiil of $1,292. The contract for the 1 construction of sewer sections in Six teenth, Dock and Seventeenth streets, was awarded to G. W. Ensign, at hiß bid of $1,129. These contractors sub mitted the lowest proposaJs. "Pa, what's this trust 1 read so much aboutf" '•lt's something, son. 1 can't get at the 'butcher's.'' —l'hilailet| hin ledger. AMUSEMENTS - ~ PHOTIPIAY TB-DAY Two Feature Productions A RECENT CONFEDERATE VIC TOEY. Two-act Lubin. THE MYSTERY OF THE YEL LOW SUNBONNET. a Act Kalem