The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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National League Owners Against
Scheme to Increise Number of Titu
lar Diamond Games—Nine and
Eleven Contests Suggested
Although there has been considerable
informal discussion among organized
hasetoall magnates regarding the advis
ability of increasing the number of
games to be played in future world's
series, the club owners realize that the
proposition is one of many angles and
are slow to take official action on the
proposal. Two plans were suggested.
One called for nine games, of which
five were necessary to win the title and
with tho players siharing hi the re
ceipts of the first five played. The oth
er proposition was for an 11-game se
ries, with six victories to clinch the
championship, the players to share in
t)he proceeds of the first five or six
These suggestions received tout scant
attention at the annual meeting of the
National league held in New York re
cently. The senior organization mag
nates discussed the plan in a casual
way without taking any action on it.
One of the most prominent club owners
of the National beague in reviewing
the idea, said that it was the general
opinion tthat the 1915 season would be
an inopportune period in which to at
tempt baseball innovations. Further
more. the plan involved a number of
puzzling obstacles which would have to
be removed before the nine or eleven
game series could be considered feasi
He pointed out that if two clubs
widely separated, such as New York j
and Chicago, for instance, were to play |
foi the, championship, the allotment of,
games would be :i matter for the most
careful consideration. On the 9-gamei
lui-is it appeared probable that the se-!
lies would open in the city winning the !
tost with three straight games, after
which the play would shift to the rival
club grounds.
Presuming that the teams were tied j
a: the cr.J of fix sanies, with the ndded !
possibility of bad weather and the ex- j
t 1 il;ivs needed to travel, it appeared
DR. KLUGH, Specialist
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Lancaster's Favorite Brew
I •
JNO. G. WALL, Agt.
Harrisburg, Pa. Frank J. Rieker, Mgr.
questionable as to whether popular in
terest could be sustained to the point
where the longer series would prove
much more profitable than the 7-g-ame
That there is a 'basis for this line of
reasoning is borne out by the records
of past worid's series. Even after
making allowance for an increased in
terest in the championship series of re
cent years, the gate receipt figures
show that the final games of the long
drawn-out series fail to approach the
receipts of the earlier contests.
In past world series where the title
was won in four or five games the re
ceipts each day were close to 100 per
cent, of tihe park capacity. Wherever
the series ran into seven or eight games
there was a sharp slump in attendance
and resultant receipt?. In the 1912
series there was a difference of approxi
mately $16,000 between the receipts of
the seventh and eighth games. In the
1911 gamed between the Giants and
Athletics the receipts decreased with
each game. The Detroit-Pittsburgh se
ries of 1909, in which the rival clubs
won alternating games up to the sev
enth. failed to sustain interest, if the
box office returns furnish accurate rec
Harrisburg Independents Take Splen
didly-played Game by Score
of 33 to 32
The Harrisburg Independents won
their second home game from the
Wilkes-Barre live in the Chestnut
street auditorium Saturday evening by
the score of 35 to 32. Wilkes-Barre,
with a 10-point lead to overcome at
the start of the second half, played a
splendid uphill game, but could not
nose out a victory.
Rote made a wonderful one-handed
shot in this game and, with McCord
and MeConnell, did the -locals' best
work. Jenkins. Rowe and Finberg
played best for the visitors. Early
officiated a remarkably clean game and
gave the visitors and the local team
impartial decisions. The lineup:
F. 6. FI.G. A. Pts.
Rote, forward 3 0 6
McCord, forward . ... . 4 15 4 23
Geisel, center 1 0 0 2
Ford, guard . 1 0 1 2
MeConnell, guard .... 1 0 0 2
Totals 10 15 10 35
F.G.FI.G. A. Pts.
dentins, forward ...". 1 0 1 2
Rowe, forward 3 18 0 24
Xolan, center 1 0 0 2
Brooks, guard 2 0 0 4
Fitfberg, guard ..... 0 0 I 0
Totals 7 18 2 32
Fouls committed, Independents, 39;
Wilkes-Barre, 27. Referee, Early.
Scorer. Smith. Timer, Ivlineline. Pe
riods, 20 minutes ea^'h.
Leather Goods
Traveling sets, Manicure sets, Col
lar boxes, Cuff boxes and Emergency
medicine cases.
Golden Seal Drug Store,
11 Market Square.
Nine Provisions Fults Seeks to Insert
in Agreement With Players' Or
ganization—Prevents Cuts of Sal
New York, Dec. 21.—President Da
vid L. Pukz, of the Baseball Players'
Fraternity, made public yesterday the
resolutions which the fraternity recent
ly requested organized baseball 'to in
sert in its agreement witlh the players'
association. These provisions, nine in
uuni'ber, were adopted at the annual
meeting of the Board of Directors of
t'he B. P. P., held on October 13, and
submitted to the National Commission
in thisVity on December 17.
No formal action on ttiese provisions
was taken at the time they were pre
sented to Chairman Garry Herrmann, oif
the Commission, tout there was consid
erable discussion regarding the requests
and the accompanying 'brief in support
of the fraternity's resolutions.
President Fultz points out. in the
'brief that the provisions are intended
in part to bring a'bout a better under
standing and agreement between the
major and minor leagues and the play
The provisions as presented to Na
tional Commission and 'National Board
I—A club which releases a playfcr un
der an optional agreement shall,"during
the life of the option, pay* the differ
ence in salary between that previously
paid 'by said elub and tihat paid 'by
the purchasing clu'b.
2—A club whicfa releases a player out
right shall pay the difference in salary,
if any, between that previously paid by
•said club and that paid by the purchas
ing club for a period of five or ten
days, according t« the length of notice
of unconditional release to Which the
player is entitled.
3—A player drafted, purchased, or re
called by a club in a higher classifica
tion, shall report to the said club eith
er before the close of the season of
fhejeleasing club or immediately three
after, and shall be [tut upou salary.
4-—A clu'b releasing a player either
outright or optionally, shall serve upon
him a written notiice, containing in ad
dition to the data mentioned in Section
Pour of "Fraternity Agreement,"
a statement of tihe minimum amount of
salary he is to receive from the pur
chasing club, which shaN bo a reason
able salary for that classification.
5-—A club releasing a player either
outright or optionally shall furnish him
with his traveling' expenses to the
point at which he is to join the pur
chasing club.
The words "traveling expense'' shall I
for the purpose of this agreement, mean i
railroad fare, Pullman fare and price |
of meals, when either or iboth of tlie '
last two items are necessary.
6 —'A transferred player Vhall be al
lowed 4S hours in which to leave to
join the purchasing team, unless a dif
ferent period is agreed uipon in writing
between 'he parties.
7 . —'Minor league players shall receive
their traveling expenses from their
home to the training camps incurred in
reporting for spring practice.
B—'When waivers are asked upon a
player, the fraternity is to 'be notified.
9—That t'he Commission and Board
furnish the management in t'he various
organizations over which thev have jur
isdiction respectively, with' form 3' of
yeJeaso making provision for the several
items of information required 'bv the
Now Has Slight Advantage in Inter
city Series With Harris- x
burg Five
As a result of Saturday's close vic
tory over the Harrisbuig five, the York
team has the edge on the locals in the
inter-city series. The score was 33 to
30. The game was an even ibreak;
throughout the first period, York get
■ting a one-point advantage at the open
ing of the second period, which was
stretched -to three points just before
the close of the game.
Tom Gaffney was in the Harrisburg
lineup and played a splendid game until
he retired in the second period. Sour
foier finished the game.
The locals will play a return game
at York in the near future. Bovles,
Raum'baeh and Haddow played the lo
cals' best game, w.hile M. Ways, Seas
holtz and Bredbenner played best for
York. The lineup:
F.G. FI.G. A. Pts.
Seasholtz, forward ... 5 0 1 10
M. Wav«, forward .. . 3 9 1 15
Bredbenner, center... 0 0 2 0
Barnes, guard 3 0 1 6
K. Ways, guard 1 0 1 2
Totals 12 9 6 33
P.O. PI.G. A. Pts.
Gaffnev. forward .... 1 0 2 2
Krout, forward 1 0 2 2
Baumbaeh, forward ..3 0 0 3
Haddow, center 3 0 1 6
Boyles, guard 2 8 (l 12
Alticks, guard ...... 1 0 1 2
Totals 11 8 6 30
Fouls committed, York, 19; Harris
burg, 18. Referee, Taggart. Rcor.jr,
Kulk. Timer, Regan. Periods, 20
minutes eaeh\
Federals Claim Undue Influence Caused
Pitcher's Flop Back to Organ
ised Ball
Chicago, Dec. 21.—Walter Johnson,'
former star of the pitching staff of the
Washington Americans, who jumped to
the Federal League, and who Saturday
annouueed that he had jumped back to
his old club, has not yet communicated
with James A. Gilmore, president of the
Federals, nor returned the $6,000 ad
vance salary paid him, it was said here,
yesterday, by Gilmore.
Gilmore reiterated his belief that
Johnson had been wrongfully persuaded
by attorneys for the American League
that the reserve clause of the American
League contract would hold him.
Gilmore yesterday sent Johnson a
long telegram urging the pitcher to
come to Chicago at the expense of tlve
Federals, and to submit the contracts
to three lawyers to be chosen by dis
interested persons. "If it is the opin
ion of these lawyers that your action
was justifiei," continued the telegram,
'•it will place you in the proper light
before sport-loving people.
"On the contrary, if it is their opin
ion that your action was not honorable
and you then do not quickly repudiate
the new contract which you sigued
Saturday, you will forever carry on
yout- shoulders a burden of dishonor.
"If you come to Chicago as I re
quest, I will then know it was the un
fairly-employed influence of older men
which overpersaaded you."
Gilmore said he now held Johnson's
1914 contract with Washington, call
ing for SIO,OOO, of which $7,600 was
salary and $2,500 an option. Johnson
complied with the terms of the option
in first offering his services to the Sen
ators, Gilmore said.
'•When the St. Ijouis Federals with
drew their offer of $20,000 to John
son," he continued, "and announced
they were through with him, Washing
ton immediately withdrew an offer they,
were reputed to have made of $16,000.
This released Johnson on the option.
He telegraphed me lie was unafole to
make terms with Washington, and it
was a month before we finally agreed
on terms.''
Gilmore declared unless Johnson
came to Chicago in response to his
telegram, he would immediately bring
Court art ion to prevent the pitching
star's serving the Washington club.
Gilmore left here last nijjht, but de
clared he did not intend to visit John
son at Coffeyville.
Griffith Ssys Big Pitcher Is Sorry He
Signed With Feds
Chicago, Dec. 21.—Clark Griffith,
manager of the Washington team, ar
rived here last night on his way East
from Kansas. Johnson's new contract
does Mot call for more than $12,500
a year and carries no bonus, Griffith
declared. The only cash advanced to
the ball player will be to enable him'
to return the $6,000 advance made bv
the Federals, he said.
The Washington manager (said
Johnson had been so sorrv that he
signed with the Federals 'that he had
lost 15 pounds in weight. Griffith and
the two lawyers with whom he met
Johnson convinced the ball player that
fhe option clause of the Washington
contract was valid, he said'.
Ban Johnson, president of the Amer
ican League, who returned from French
Lick, Ind.. said the league schedule had
been completed. The season will open
April 14. The negotiations for the sale
of the New Vork Americans Club Irave
not progressed as far as expected, John
i son said. Tliey will be renewed hero
to-day. when Colonel Jacob Ruppert
| and Captain Huston will arrive here,
j Th'e ileal now hinges on the obtaining
I of a manager satisfactory to Ruppert
and Huston. Ruppert's first choice
Johnson said he had been unable to ob
Blue and White Five to Open Season
in Chestnut Street Auditor
ium January 8
Manager f'roehlich. of the Central
Hig;h school basketball five, has com
pleted the schedule for the winter. The
first game with the Pottsville 'High
school will be played in the Chestnut
street auditorium on January 8. Cap
tain Rote is confident of a" successful
I season.
The team will probably consist of
Rote, Hilton, Bingham, Ford, Winn and
Houtz. McMamee, sulb right end on
the footiball team, was appointed as
sistant manager by Professor Saiul,
faculty athletic director.
The schedule for the season follows:
January 8, Pottsville High, at home;
January 14, York High, at York; Jan
uary 15, Williamsport High, at Wil
liamsport; January 16, State College
Freshmen, at State College; January
22, Lebanon High, at home; January
■29. York High, at home; February 5,
Williamsport IHligh, at home; February
6, Johnstown High, at Johnstown; Feb
ruary 12, York High, at home; Febru
ary 19, Steelton High, at Steelton;
February 25, Lebanon High, at Leba
non; March 5, Tecli High, at Chestnut
street hall; March 16. Reading High,
at 'Reading; March 19, Altoona High,
at Altoona: March 26, Steelton High, at
Chestnut street hall; April 2, Tech
High, at Tech,
Civil War Veteran, Unheard of for
Years, Also Finds Small Fortune
Pittsburgh, Dec. 21. —John Mangan,
7 4 years old, a veteran of the Civil
war, who 20 years ago was declared of
ficially deaid, has returned to thisjeity,
startling his only living brother, Wil
liam Mangan, of Grant Boulevard.
Although the brothers had not seen
oach other for nearly fifty years since
they separated shortly after ibeiug dis
charged from the Union army at Phila
delphia in August, 1865, they recog
nised eaieth other at once when they
met in the street near William's home.
It was not until then that John'Mangan
learned of the death of his eldest broth
er, Lawrence Mangan, and that he was
entitled to $5,600 left bv the latter.
The money has been turned over to
bim through a proceeding in Orphans'
Court to establish his identity.
John and William 'Mangan enlisted
in West Chester in Company E, Seventy
nin'th Pennsylvania Volunteers. After
the war they Returned to tflieir old home
at Broad Top, Huntingdon county.
Then John CMangan went West and the
brothers never saw each other after
ward until they met here.
Sectional Bookcases,
1 For Christmas, give a few
Globe-Wemicke sections or
many. The cost is small in
comparison to the satisfac
tory and enduring nature
of such a gift.
l»lxT I ff^TOEzmm»rnr
gP iI!
We carry Globe-Wer
nicke Sectional Book
eases in n wide
of handsome period
styles, finishes and
sizes and insures a
ready choice, Let us
help you solve your
Christmas problem.
D. W. Cotterel
Book Seller, Stationer, Office
Furniture an«l Supplies
105 N. Second St.
Telephonen: Bell 212(1, I itited 371
Remedy 1,000 Years Old Growing Sev
ered Finger on Again
'Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 21.—Medical
authorities throughout the State are
watching with interest an to
grow a severed finger back to the hand
of Contractor Theodore B. Koch, ol
Hhia city. A prescription said to lit
1,000 years old is being used to en
courage the growth, consisting of
camphor, whiskey and pig's gall.
Kocih had a finger restored to his
hand six years ago by the use of this
lotion, he claims, and in an accident
which happened to hiin Saturday in the
rutting off of a finger 'bv a hatchet,
he now has a chance to demonstrate
its wortfli.
Woman Drives With Dying Man Till
She Gets a Doctor
Danville, Ind., Dec. 21.—'Holding the
shot-ridden form of her dying lover in
her arms, iMiss Mabel McCormick, 24
years old, drove half a mile ever a
lonely country road yesterday to a farm
house, where she summoned a physi
cian in a vain attempt to save his life.
The wounded man, -Charles Cashfooler,
aged 22, died a few minutes after
reaching the farm house.
■Gash'holer was shot While driving wi'tfh
'Miss MoOormick near here, when his
rival, Charles Seward, 21, sprang from
the side of the road, stopped Hhe horse
and fired a charge of buckshot in Cash
•boler "s body. Seward was arrested.
Denver Women Should Earn at Least
That Amount
Denver, De*\ 21.—Eight dollars a
wee>k is the minimum living wage for*
women in Donver, according to the re
port to the governor of t'he minimum
wage ipoard.
According to the dlata collected by
' Mrs. Catherine B. Van Deusen, secre
tary' of the board, 23 per cent, of the
women employes receive leSs t'han $6
a week, and 1,630, or 54 peir cent, of
the 3,524 upon which the estimates
are made earn less than SS.
2,571 In One Prison
Jefferson Oity, Mo., Dec. 21.—The
penitentiary here is full and overflow
ing. Yesterday the convicts numbered
2,571, the greatest number ever con
fined in any penal institution in the
United States. It is expected that the
maximum w.ill be 2,700 before the
winter closes. v
Notice is hereby Riven to the holders of the following; Improvement Bondt.
Issued by the City of Harrlsburg, that the same will be redeemed at the Office
of the City Treasurer on January 2, 1915, at which timrf interest on all said
bonds will cease:
Street Pavlna Boadn Street Purine Bo»dn
No. Amt. No. ATOt.
C 109 JIOO Haxel Street. CC 405 200 Swatara Street.
•C 136 100 Basin Street. Of 406 2(10* Swatara Street,
C 140 100 Primrose street. CC 410 200 lUglna Street.
*C 151 100 Thompson street. CC 412 200 Second Streel.
•C 152 100 Thompson street. CC 413 200 Second Street.
•C lli2 100 Oliver Street. CC 417 200 Klttatinnv Street.
C 169 100 Cameron Street. OCT 41S 200 Kittatinny Street,
C 170 100 Cameron Street. CC 419 200 Kittatinny Street.
C 171 100 Cameron Street. CC 4S>5 200 Front Street.
C 172 'IOO Cameron Street. CC 432 200 Hamilton Street.
C 195 100 State Street. CC 43;t EOO Hamilton Street.
C 19b 100 State Street. .OO 446 200 Muench Street.
C 197 100 State Street. CC 447 200 Muench Street.
C 198 100 State -Street. CC 448 200 Muench Street.
C 199 100 State Street. CC 449 200 Cameron Streel.
C 200 100 State Street. OC 450 200 Cameron Street.
C 201 100 State Street. CC 451 2fto Cameron Street.
C 202 100 State Street. OC 452 200 Cameron Street.
O 203 100 State Street. ' OC 453 200 Cameron Street.
C 204 100 State Street. CC 454 200 Cameron Street.
C 205 100 State Street. (XT 453 200 Cameron Street.
C 206 100 State Street. OC 45H 200 Cameron Street.
C 207 100 .State Street. CC 457 200 Cameron Street.
C 213 100 Crescent Street. OC 458 200 Cameron Street.
C .14 100 Crescent street. OCT 465 200 Penn Street.
C 232 100 Green Street. , OC 479 200 Eighteenth Street.
C 233 100 Green street.' CC 480 200 Eighteenth Street
C 234 100 Green Street. OC 481 200 Eighteenth Street.
C 235 100 Green Street. OCT 482 200 Eighteenth Street.
C 236 100 Green Street. CC 185 200 Sixteenth Street.
C 237 100 Green Street. OC 486 200 Sixteenth Street.
O 25fi 100 Reese Street. OC 489 200 Fourteenth Street.
C 257 100 Reese Street. OC 510 200 Fifteenth .Street.
C 25R 10(1 Reese Street. OC 511 200 Fifteenth Street.
•C 202 100 Elm Street. 1 OC 512 200 Fifteenth Street.
•O 263 100 El-m Street. ! Of* 51fi 200 Logan Street.
C 266 100 Elm Street. CO 517 200 Fulton Street.
O 267 100 Elm Street. CC 518 200 Fulton Street.
C 268 100 Elm Street. CO 529 200 ('aider Street.
C 269 100 Elm Street. OC 532 200 Wallace Street.
•C 288 100 Seventeenth Street. (XT 535' 200 Summit Street.
C 289 100 Seventeenth Street. CC 560 \2oll Boyd Street.
O 290 100 Seventeenth Street. OC 572 200 Kelker Street.
O 291 100 Seventeenth Street. CC 579 200 Forster Street.
♦C 295 100 Brlggs Street. OC 580 200 Forster Street.
C 335 100 Front Street. OC 581 200 Forster Street.
C 336 100 Front Street. CC 585 200 Sayford Street.
O 367 100 Swatara Street. JpC 590 200 Wallace Street.
C 368 100 Swatara Street. OO 596 200 Harris Street, *
O 369 100 Swatara Street. CC 602 200 Fifth Street.
C 400 100 Dlshrow Street. OC 603 200 Fifth Street.
O 401 100 I.awton Street. CO 601 200 Fifth Street.
O 422 100 Harris Street. OC 621 200 Seventeenth Street.
C 432 100 Front street. OC 633* 200 Dauphin Street.
•O 439 100 Fifth Street. OC 63S 200 Fourteenth Street,
C 442 100 Fifth Street, OO 639 200 Fourteenth Street.
O 443 10(1 Fifth Streel. OO 640 200 Granite Street.
C 144 100 Fifth Street. OC 641 200 Granite Street.
C 475 100 Cameron Street. OC 612 200 Granite Street.
C 476 100 Cameron Street. OC 654 200 Curtin Street.
C 477 100 Cameron Street. CC 655 200 Curtin Street.
C 479 "TOO Oameron S'treet. OC 659 200 Mifflin Street.
O 480 100 Cameron Street. (X" 662 200 Hunter Street.
C 481 100 Cameron Street. (TO K«3 200 Hunter Street.
O 482 100 Cameron Street. CC 665 200 Camp Street.
C 483 100 Cameron Street. OO 669 200 Cowden Street.
C 484 100 Cameron Street. OC 682 200 f'effer Street.
O 455 100 Cameron Slreet.. ! CO 701 200 Wallace Street.
O 486 • 10ft Cameron Street. OC 702 200 Wallace Street.
O 48S 100 Penn Street. OC 706 200 Wood Street.
C 489 100 Penn Street. CC 724 200 North Street.
C 503 100 Clinton Street. OC 725 200 North Street,
C 504 100 Clinton Street. CCT 726 200 North Street.
C 505 100 Clinton Street. OC 730 200 Briggs Street.
C 534 100 Fourteenth Street. 731 200 Brlggs Street.
C 540 100 Chestnut Street. OC 734 200 Daisy Street.
C 541 100 Chestnut Street. OC 736 200 Juniper Street.
O 553 100 Walter Street. OC 763 200 Gelger Street.
C 557 100* Kogan street. OC 764 200 Gelger Street.
C 566 100 Thompson Street. OO 765 200 Geiger Street.
C 567 100 Thompson Street. OC 774 200 Front Street.
C 577 100 Buckthorn Street. CC 775 200 Front Street.
O 582 100 Apricot Street. OCT 776 200 Front Street.
O 631 100 Juniper Street. (XT 777 200 Front Street.
O 634 100 Shoop Street. OC 778 200 Front Street.
C 635 100 Shoop Street. OC 779 200 Front Street.
O 855 100 Mayflower Street. OCT 780 200 Front Street.
(' 656 100 Mayflower Street. OC 785 200 Brlggs Street.
(' 657 100 Mayflower Street. OC 786 200 Haehnlen Street.
O 658 100 Mayflower Street. OC 790 200 Prune Street.
C 672 100 Howard Street. OC 791 200 Prune Street.
O 675 100 Fifteenth Street. OC 796 200 Shrub Street.
O 67>> 100 Fifteenth Street. * 0 808 200 Boas Street.
O 677 100 Fifteentii Street. ' OC 81 1 200 Park Street.
C 678 100 Fifteenth Streel. I <;c 815 200 Sixteenth Street.
O 682 100 Summit Street. OC 817 200 Balm Street.
C 690 100 Liinden Street. ' OC 819 200 fjinden Street.
C 692 100 Wallace Street. I OC 822 200 Miller Street.
O 698 100 Summit Street. OC 827 200 Forster Street.
C 699 100 Summit Street. OC 829 200 Green Street.
C 700 100 Summit Street. | OCT 843 200 Catherine Streel.
(T 702 100 Herr Street. ; OC 844 200 Catherine Street.
O 703 100 Herr Street. CO 845 200 Catherine Street.
C 704 100 Herr Street. ! D 19t 500 S|ate Street.
O 731 100 Boyd Street. *" ''3s 500 Sfcclay Street.
O 765 JOO Wallace Street. D 376 500 Briggs Street.
(T 797 100 Seventeentli Street. 1 D 500 Boas street.
C 798 100 Seventeenth Streel. I *D H6 500 Sixteenth Street.
C 791) 100 Seventeentli Street. O 468 500 Fourteenth Street.
C 800 100 Seventeentli Street. D *"9 500 Reily Street.
C 801 100 Seventeenth Street. *0 501 500 Oalder Street.
O 802 100 Seventeenth Street. !> 509 500 Berryhill Street.
C 803 100 Seventeentli Street. 560 500 Cameron Street.
O 804 100 Seventeenth Street. O 586 500 Hamilton Street.
C 81& 100 Dauphin Street. f> 591 500 Cameron Street.
C Sl9 100 Dauphin Street. H 592 500 Cameron Street.
O 820 100 Dauphin Street. •> 593 500 Cameron Streel.
C 821 100 Dauphin Street. " 594 500 Cameron Street.
O 522 100 DaupTlin Street. D 602 500 Fifth Street.
CT 826 100 Fourteenth Street. O CO' l 500 "Emerald Street.
C 827 100 Fourteenth Street O 500 Jefferson Street.
C 850 100 Mifflin Street. O 614 500 Peffer Street.
*C 854 100 Hunter Street. R 615 500 Peffer Street.
O 870 100 Jefferson Street. " *2O 500 Berryhill Streel.
1 C 885 100 Bell Street. " "00 Woodbine Street. '
C 887 100 Currant Street. D 645 500 Seneca Street.
CT BSB 100 Currant Street. " <>46 500 Seneca Street,
c 889 100 Currant Street. O 651 500 Front Street.
*C 893 100 Rhoads Street. D "52 500 Front Streel.
C 896 100 Brady Street. D 653 500 Front Street,
c 900 100 Drummond Street. " fi i'j 500 Front Streel.
O 901 100 Drummond Street. I' 655 500 Front Street.
O 90S 100 Hunter Street. D 656 500 Front Street.
(' 909 100 Hunter Street. 11 b: >7 500 Frojit Street.
(' 910 100 Hunter Street. D 658 500 Front Street.
(' 911 100 Hunter Street. I* 660 500 Second Streel.
C 912 100 Hunter Street. D 663 500 Boas Stroet.
O 913 100 Hunter Street. r> #67 500 Fifteenth Street.
C 918 100 Nectarine Street. n fi " :! "00 Forster Street.
O 929 100 Forrest Street. *D 675 500 Green Streel.
0 956 100 Bumbaugh Street. #76 300 Green Street,
C 957 100 Bumbaugh Street. 682 500 Front Street.
(T 965 100 Helen Street. " # s:! r >o° Front Streel.
, C 992 100 Compass Street. " #Bl 500 Front Stroet.
O 995 100 North Street. " fiS 5 500 Front Street.
C 1021 100 Briggs Street. D 686 500 Front Street.
C 1022 100 Briggs Street. r> # s 7 '"'00 Front Streel.
O 1034 100 Ethel Street. 1(88 "00 l'"ront Street.
<T 1035 100 Ethel Street. " liSil "'OO Front Streel.
C 1096 100 Front Street. O #9O r,nn Front Street.
•O 1110 100 Myers Street. '* #Ol 500 Front Street.
C 1120 100 Honey Street. 11 ♦>»- 500 Front Street.
C 1 127 100 Prune Street. " #93 500 Front Street
O 1138 100 Berryhill Street. D #O4 "OO Front Street.
O 1141 100 Summit Street. n #OS 500 Front Street.
4' 1115 100 Summit Streel. ,J # 9 # 500 Front Street.
(' 1146 100 Summit Street. r> # !, 7 500 Front Street.
(' 1148 10(1 Jonestown Road. " 500 Front Street.
C 1188 100 Minnie Street. 1' # 9 " '"'00 Front Street.
C 1191 100 Thirteenth Street. " 700 500 Front Street.
O 1214 100 Howard Street. 11 701 500 Front Street.
C 1218 100 Penn Street. [> 702 500 Front Street.
CT 1221 100 Catherine Street. " 703 "00 front Street.
O 1222 10(1 Catherine Street. '» "04 500 Front Street.
•OO 55 200 Haehnlen Street. D 705 500 Front Street.
OC 128 200 Dubbs Street. D ,0 # s# o Front Street.
OO 135 200 Grand Street. r> 707 r >oo Front Streel.
CC 198 200 ('aider Street. O 70S 500 Front Street.
OCT 211 200 Hummel Street. 709 500 Front Street.
OO 212 200 Hummel Streel. 710 500 Front Street.
OO 290 200 Oameron Street. " 71 1 500 Front Street.
OO 291 200 Oameron Street. 712 500 Front Street.
OO 292 200 Oameron Street. 11 "13 500 Front Street.
OO 293 200 Oameron Street. H 714 500 Front Street.
CO 294 200 Oameron Street. 715 500 Front Street.
OO 295 200 Cameron Street. D 716 500 Front Street.
CO 296 200 Oameron Street. D 717 500 Front Street.
CCT 297 200 Cameron Street. D 718 500 Front Stroet.
OO 298 200 Cameron Street. " 719 500 Front Street.
CO 299 200 Cameron Street. H 720 500 Front Street.
CO 300 200 Cameron Street. D 721 500 Front Street.
CXT 301 200 Cameron Street. " 722 500 Front Street.
OCT 302 200 -Cameron Street. D 723 500 Front Street.
OO 303 200 Oameron Streel. D 724 500 Front Street.
CC 304 200 Cameron Street. D 725 500 Front Street.
CC 305 200 Cameron Street. D 726 500 Front Street.
CC 306 200 Cameron Street. Sl „, (
♦CO 350 200 Green Street. street t-rndlng Homlx
•OCT 351 200 Green Street. No. Amt.
||CC 353 200 Sixteenth Street. *lO2 100 Calder Street,
too 354 200 Sixteenth Street. t 1 05 100 Monroe Street.
•CCT 356 200 Reese Street. *lO6 100 Monroe Streel.
•OO 357 200 Reese Street. 4 1 200 Front Street.
CC .358 4100 Reese Street. 4 2 200 Front Street.
[OC 359 200 Kim Street. 124 100 Front Streel.
CO 360 200 Elm Street. 125 100 Front Street.
tCC 361 200 Kim Street. 33 200 Emerald Street.
•OCT 362 200 Kim Street. 107 100 Kmerald Street.
•OC 363 200 Elm Street. 109 100 Emerald Street.
•CCT 364 200 Elm Streel. Ill) 100 Kmerald Street.
||OC 370 200 Seventeenth Street. 11l 100 Emerald Street.
•OO 371 200 Seventeenth Street. 112 100 Emerald Street.
•OCT 372 200 Seventeenth Street. 113 100 Emerald Streel.
•CO 380 200 Sixteenth Street. 768 500 Green Street.
•OC 381 200 Sixteenth Street. 769 500 Green Street.
•CO 382 200 Sixteenth Street. 144 100 Green Street.
Total Street Paving Bonds |87,200 00
Total Street Grading Bonds, 2,800 Oil
City Water Bonds due January 1, 1915 102,401) oft
Total »192,400 00
i;Oalled January 1. 1913, at which time interest ceased.
(Called July 1, 1913, at which time interest ceased.
•Called July 1, 1914, at which time Interest ceased.
City Treasurer.
Hamsburg, Pa., December 19, 1914.
■ ■' - - ■ 1 1 ■ - "—ir-Eat.