The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    !• CALL 1991-ANY'PHONE."#'
i! AtfpmnM fijcwmaffl '■
i Only Three Days Remain—Make Every Hour Count i
r~ " ~ 7 1 Not Too Late Yet to Get I ■ m , ' '
: There Is a Santa Claus a Smoker Set 0 . .'-I %. :
He is a mysterious thing: the most powerful. ■ ■%"" *it/L .■* v\. <
most kindly influence in the world. And you know those large, handsome kinds make the j •. -v M rwjl \ !
I'nseen. unheralded, he slips into the palaces of., higgest impression. Here you'll find a most complete \ \ \'-*J PJ 4\,1l / H ,
kings; softly he glides inu> the peasant hut. He stock of smoker sets ,n hfteeu different styles. ( t \ J
' lingers in a billion hearts; he inhabits a thousand A popular style at 86.95, is equipped with self ]ftl\ V jfcfit— H— """ "_ ~~ ... _ ■
► lands. lighter, eigar holder, ash tray, pipe rack, cupboard and '.w\ j/' v j j y'}' ]{ } 'f
► . , . . . , ~. . , .. . 1 cigar clipper. Finished in fumed oak. golden oak M! ( V 'A JC T. -O^-—/v. y I 1 J\ J i ~>\ , t "V\ A) A
Sorry, indeed, is the land that knows him not, and mahogany. \M NA / ) <
► He brings a greater happiness to all who are Larger styles, ranging in price upward to $13.50 I 11 P/A WM "Ao T i 1i
► happy; he assuages tiie misery of the miserable. for a handy eellarette cabiuet. ami smaller sets, as low {/ / x\S jLJ 103.1X1 til 6 Llttl6 X OIS
► He is the inspiration of a million tender as
► thoughts, the reminder of a million happv mem- fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. '~v— 1 - i .
► ories. i . *—i un
► Beneficence, humanity mark his passing. T\ _ r a IT - -11. i ~ , . . ,
► It 1H i/OUD w""J-/Cfl.vilCr lisn t always that visions ot sugarplums dance a round in their little heads 'night ho
► He tuss at the heart-strings and loosens the . tore ( linstnias. lt ; we could just read their unawakei)(>d thoughts, what we iniffht behold
► 1 frAA/1 QTq A 1 ttt/i ttQ ould e\ en put our hov and girlhood dreams to slmine. The year'round would see the earth
► He sways a nation as he sways a child. VJ UUU.O J.O XXX W CLj O blanketed with snow, the river in a tight grip of ice; fast trains would come and sro at their
► And. ah. the children, how they love him! « . . bidding; even large cities and wild animals would he interesting" toy'things for their pastime.
* Were he not. what heartburnings would there PP * XQ»I»C • "T" _ lIfM || Jf « Hff 4
y be: what a pitiful void in the dream world of prat- . _ IOV lOVwfl Ldll /V/3KO /ill <
► tling ohildland! Hand bag* with com purse and mirror, at 55* I
y Leather hand bags with fittinsrs. leather and moire * rtf
He is the hallowed incarnation of their pretty ; ii, u .d. at 81.00 to $5.98. Ut€3ITlS L 0/776 I fliP '
imaginings ; he is the materialization of their Headed bags, ranging in price from 19r to $3.50 _ <
k eam l ' ast t,s " | Traveling sets in leather eases, at SI.OO to $6.95 Every imagination of the small boy or girl can be made a reality; everv Christmas Eve *
He is. he was. he shall be. until the end of the j Military brushes in leather cases, at SI.OO dream may come true. For here are the veiv things that little hearts cherish i
ear th. Leather bill folds, at 50c and SI.OO M
* . ! children's leather bags with coin purse, 50<* and Here are also the tovs that voting minds need for proper trainim* and <leveloi)inent We
He is supreme: he is necessary to the peace ot S i. oo make mention of none for there are too manv. But we invite vou to see this wonderful dis- J
. the world and the happiness ot maukind. ror. is .. ~, . v ~i ... ,f . i j 11 i <• , .. , ' WIMIIHIIUI HIS <l
he nor the personification of "Pea,e on earth and | M:un X° or - BOWMAN P la > of to.VS and dolls—we believe the most wonderful. J!
J good will toward men?" I There is NO scareitv in Tovtown J
: sasjgs* A Pretty Little White
* ' ' Coat for Baby Open To-night, Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings Until 9
" , -j: 1 rr♦ •i ► it t • ll* ii P. M. Will Close at 6P.M. On Thursday, December 24th <
► ' M I Intants short white coats in serge, lamb s wool and "
► JL I In^nTh^o'i'v'Trs 1 s ' lk: sizes G Shop early in the morning and avoid the hurry and scurry <
; Knit 1 ,»la, o" sot'l y,r„ s . whit, with Of late-W-the-dSf Crowds J
I fPffiWki- " OT ' AN °' Large Juicy Florida Oranges | '
► \ 1 Dainty Lingerie for at 19c and 39c Dozen ;
\ f • j p. _ . - You will find them in our Christmas candy shop, 4
l •* OlStCr or V/10S6 Jb riend where all sorts of sweets arc on sale. High grade i
<► I - —I .. , . , , i- , , chocolates, fresh nuts of everv description, good old- it
< ambnc and nainsook gowns.- extra size; high neck: ' & '
1 MAfliitiA- H/T/%*•/% X) Art long sleeves; yoke of duster tucks and insertion: em- fashioned candy canes, pretzels, etc.; and a large vn-
ilOtlllllg lvlOF6 JDO(IU til ill broidery trimmed at neck and sleeves. Priced at riety of other candies. s
' A very practical gift—Brassieres—crossed back, ' _. _ __ t
or Practical Than a Gift Boxes of
Handsome Set of „r™ er naiiisook. trim.ued with lace, insertion. Men's and women's styles, 98<* up. S j|
tine embroidery, medallions, beading and ribbon. Children's umbrellas, 50c up.
v Flirc "friT Priced at 50c to $4.98 ' Who ever had enough handkerchiefs* <
AVX i-il They seem to melt away like snowflakes, and ererv- t
. Women s drawers ot fine nainsook: open or closed: __ _ i„„i,. ,1 ...u „ • . ', , f ,CI . v .
It wiU pay you to see the splendid showing of mink. kniekerbocker. straight and circular: lace and embroid- HflW XIIOSC CdHdri6S DO Sill? ! new supplv " '' iris mas ( o,nes and brings a 4
► seal. m>>ie. skunk and combination sets. All new, snappv ery tl-iiumed. Prices are 19c to $1.98 ° ' . ?
\ , it ., SetfiiJ Floor—BoWM\N'x Always lively on the second tloor. where a large I S"t tliought is to give a little nicer quality, 'i
■ K 1 ■ e. n. i. ,1 . . , . number of little songsters are stationed awaiting to be ! w ilh a little more attractive decoration than the person
Black Fox Sets—anneal 'T. et s arf. satin lined, large , put 011 yrift lists. They're genuine Mt. Hartz birds and I would buy for himself. (
if rusit: Empire style mutf: very pretty, at . . $25.00 ie " at 82.98, $3.49 and $3.98. , Stop puzzling your brain about what to send. Come t.
. , . .1 >lj j|| * I ' IIU I select a dozen handkerchiefs from our attractive t
I > BluC i\ Fox Sets <:o.uile animal scarf> and Russian jfln I | Q T , QKA/1 TT \LTI 11 ■QI _ assortments, and send them in a handsome gift box. t
► -hawl collar;plain, sfmi-barrel and animal effect muffs. ' U 1 wOIILcDOQy Will Jrlciy You will be sure that your gift will be welcome and i
V Prices range from 827.50 to $40.00 "Qfl« + o»» Thic Vaai. 1 ?ive real Berviee to the reei P ient - ?
► r. u « o * , „ , . . . ' OttHXa lIIIS leal Styles for men, women and children at everv nrice *
French Coney Sets targe animal effect and tie scarfs. '
satin lined: pillow, Empire and melon muffs. Priced " ■' ' n the Men's Clothing Section are Santa Claus out- ' I
► f rom 55.00 to $20.00 set W tits in red, trimmed with white bear skin. $3.50 to Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. * *
* Red Fox Sets—animal effect s. arf.
.95. Masks and hoods are 10c to 50C. [ J
K 515.00 and $16.50
Brown Isabella Fox Sets -larsre scarfs and muffs. ♦ True Christmastide How 'Bout a Canoe? w * i\
i SIB.OO to 525.00 VpriT TVlinrr QVIA'O 4
k , r , , . . . r\ •r a • J 1 ' U/t •i» 1 Sometimes in selecting a Christmas present we for- »CI y 1 lilllc OllC S
Urg, mchildren .udU»»*inr. filffs Itl tll a Gift «« tluit th,« » . hot .u,mii,r ,omta(t with «ll th,
. »'r"''from Sl.oO to S. .oO V/XitO 111 iovs of eanoomg. A s k to <w the "Carl,ion"_m»Je in Ropn Wanftnn- <
Special for Tuesday Department" "" To "°' T wanting ,
I Etusun Ponv Coot, satin lined, tig,r collar, new short ! ?re."°at »1'.25,'51.50 and s'kw k p'air hl,C '■
y model. Price is s3o.oo—regularly $35.00. ( r tll'llltlirP t loor) , "V Two-clasp French kid gloves, black with white em- 4
F. lr Store —Setond FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Especially adapted to gitt giving because they 1 I broidery and white with black embroidery, at $1.50 <
are practical and lastiug, long carrying the mem- f ! pair.
*■ ~ °ry of the giver. / One-clasn capeskin gloves in white, black and tan, at, <
QlirrrrAcfltra A~l J_l _ The "Gift Department" has a host of gift.thiogs / 1# V $1.50 and $2.00 pair. i
•i Oll??CS wl V OVJ IIL AlllClvS that it has never told you about, so with this in j • One-clasp grey suede gloves with black embroidery *
y mind, you may pay this section a visit with the ex- yfj T j at 81.75 pair. i
L - «n A 111 tfll tlilfM Wot*n pectation of receiving many little ideas to help tfy !- and 16-buttoA length French kid gloves in white *
111 XX JL LI 111 IJLIIIIII W dl v you select the right gift. Xo matter for whom the m TA and black, at $2.50 to $4.50 pair.
present is desired, there is something here that j Am •Ft Rn . n ,.„,.. u
'► Nothing that you can choose will give greater de- will interest you. Among the number are: \ BOWMAXS.
* light than a shinine "set of "Wearever aluminum Parlor Rockers in nuartered oak and mahogany J ~ ~ ~
► cooking utensils. finish; rubbed and polished. Special price. $3.90 hW ' / RocifloC I \hlall A
► English Fireside Rockers and Ann Chairs to \AQ? VCJIUIC3 LUUMIIU WVtZll, <
} They save time, laoor and money, and if you once rna tch. Solid mahogany. I pholstered loose ll* II 1 111 ...... ,
: use one piece you will won have an entire ' Wearever" cushion seats of tapestrv and woven cane backs. V hi if If lt>n \ni SlfG infill \
!*■ kitchen $25.00 and $32.00 each. |* lIICAICU WW afC WW 111
-SSSSI White Aprons Should Make a Useful Gift f
Prpier%ing Kettles, at <oc to 92.05. . , . . . , . . , . . „ 1 • ■ 1 • ,
► *1 a w .»t genuine brown Spanish leather, spring seats and * . t r% *Ca A chafing Dish is a real cooking dish, equipped with <
A™ ~, Be Among the Gifts - - -
_ a .. ,' P R j bolstered in tapestry seat and back: finished stone _ _ pt ' j _ _ <offee Percolators extraits all the wholesome and invißorat i
y I ast Tea Kettle?, at *1.40 and y aru } russet brown. Price of chair or rocker OH VHIIS in>! essence from the ( ' o,Te< ' bpfore . the watPr b o' ls . making
Double Boilers, at to S*-.o.'>. sß*7s N ■ clear, fragrant anil delicious coffee. Prices range from $2.2n 4
h ld,D,f 350 t^° c ' You Will Also Want to See the assortments of White aprons, round and fancy shapes, made of lawn, t0 'alSes—fireproof bakin* dishes encased i„ nickel plated <
► p! n pul ' arm chairs,' tabourettes, smoker sets, shaving plain and dotted Swiss and organdie; lace, insertion, ropper receptacle, at 88c to W. 50. ,
tie - ate«. a 20c to soc. stands. ro<kers, librarv tables, desks, sewing ~ , Serving Dishe*. at W..>o to
Seamless Double Roaster,. *».30 to *!.»». ta b le s, nest tables, book ends and manv others. embroidery and ribbon tnmmed. Crumb Tray, at 39c t« 92.25. <
Gri-Wle « overs, at 4,* to 6«c. Fifth Floor-BOWMAN S. ' Priced at 19* to $1.75. T« Kettles', at ' S'.M. .<
► Basement—BOWMAN'S. Becond FIoor—BOWMAN'S. i Basement—BOWMAN'S.
» <