4 i fckV ; JVfr. Cronican wiV . use om of the X~:{mk% m FAMOUS W STEIFF . Wm ' > CONCERT ■WEj. \ GRAND WVk < PIANOS ' . M m tA* two concerts to • >=,. be given Monday and <* ; Tuesday of f in Fahnestock //a// MR. LFE CROMCAX a ujf PIANO. /cj touch, its easy fif an</ wonderful "** M full round tone is most 9 ilf / pleasing. JJmi IB- ,*/" V £Sr BTKIFF CONCERT GRANT) 3TEIFF WAREROOMS, 24 North Second Street SUBURBAN BERRYSBURG Mr. Keboch Takes Local Agency for Vulcan Motor Car Special Correspondence. Berrysburg. Dec. 21. —Charles Ke boch and daughter. Pauline, transacted business at Penbrook on W ednesday and also visited his daughter, Mrs. Xor ican Engle. Alvin Romberger. Harry Peibler. Ed ward Bingaman and Morris Daniel were callers at Lykens on Friday. Russell Snyder, of MiUersburg. \i ited a; the home of W H. Miller and family. Mr. Frackler. of Penbrook. accompa _ nied Charle? Keboch to thi- place with" a new Yuk-an motor car. for which Mr. Keboch is to be agent. Fred Botts, ot Eli-abethville. started another term of singing school, the meeting place being the lodge room e\ ery Wednesday night. Pauline Derr transacted business at MiUersburg last week. Perrv Keboch and wife were callers at bvkens on Thursday. Mrs. Jacob llenniuger is visiting her son. R-a'ph Henuinger. aud wife in Ta maqua. ' MECHANICSBURG J Interesting Christmas Exercises Ren dered in Churches Yesterday C rrtsoono«!ic«. Mechan sburg. Dec. 21. —The Pres byterian Sunday school rendered a verv plea" ng christni'-..? entertainment yesterv'.ay. The title of the exercise was "Chr.stmas in Alt Lands.'' and the coil Iren of the Sunday school, wearing the costumes ol -evera! heath en nations, represented the children of those nations listening to the story ot the Christ Child. A Sne Christmas cantata was rea der? i last evening in the First V. B. chur.h. under the dire<*tiqn of M. E. Anderson, with Mi«s \ iolet Beitzel as organist. A church goi&z. or every member present campaign, -as be~im in the .•burohes co-operating in the coming evangelistic campaign, and although the icy sidewalks an 1 streets kept many "home. yet the attendance was very good yesterday. Mr*. William Krode! and little som.' are visiting relatives in Elizabeth-1 town. Miss Thelroa Huber is visiting rela tives in Harrisburg. Misses Helen an.i Imia Kelier spent Saturday in Carlisle, where they were / guests of their uncle and aunt, Dr. an l Mrs. E. M. C. Morrette. A. M. Musselman. of Aaper. was a visitor here on Saturday. Wayne Eberly and bride, of Pitts-. bur>h. are being entertained by Mr., Eberly 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Eberly, South Market street. Toe Rev. Mr. Pewterbaugh. of New Kingston, was one of the builders of the tabernacle here last week. The thermometer was at 28 at 6 o'clock this morning. BGDDLETOWN Interesting Programs to be Rendered by the Different Churches Spec.ai Correspondence. Middletown. Dec. 21.—George Brad ley. of Lorain, 0., will arrive in town on Wednesday to spend some time as the gje»r of his father, J. T. Bradley, Man street. Mrs. George Ackerman, of Pitts burgh. arrived in town on Saturday evening and will spend some time as the' guest of her mother, Mrs. Anna Sny der. Ann street. Clarence Wallace, of Philadelphia, is spending the week in as the guest of his parents, Mr. an 1 Mrs. A. K. Wallace. Xissley street. Oliver Swartz. of Philadelphia, is, home spending the holiday season in | town as the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Sw3rtz. Spring street. John Bird, a student at the Carlisle Indian School, is spending the week iu town as th,> guest of Mr. and Mrs. Webster Weaver. He -worked for Mr., Weaver two years ago. Ralph Sipe. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ol iver >ipe, of Royal ton, met with an ac cident on Friday evening while coast ing dowu the bridge hill at Rovaiton by running into a fence an 1 injuring his left arm. . R. I. Young left this morning for Philadelphia, where he will spend the week as ffae guest or sons. Howard and Delanson Young. Harry Mayer spent Saturday at May town as the guest of relatives. Croll Nissley. of Philadelphia, is spending the holiday season in town' as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nissley, Spring street. Winfield Sides, a student at State College, is spending two weeks in town as the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mr<. > ott Sides. Market street. Mrs. Elizabeth Aangst. who resiles on Ea*t Water street, is in her SBth' year and considering her age is able to be about and do most of her own work. She has one sister. Mrs. Mattie Mannins. res-Ming near town who is 75 years old and one brother. Wash shakespare. residing at Sand Beach who is S4 years oil. Their combined ages number 247 years and all are enjoying good health. The Iron Holders* Union elected the, followng officers on Fri lay evening: i President. Paul Fasnacht: vice presi dent. George I'hrich: secretary. Fred Welsh: treasurer. J. W. Ruby: financial secretary. R. H. Sehuler: corresponding secretary. Mi -haei Sheesley: inductor. George Engle # : doorkeeper, Ralph Houser: trustee. George Engle. James Ruby will have a iihone placed in his home on Emaus street. Special services were held in the M. E. church yesterday morning. when three new members were taken in on full membership. M ley <-Jiaeffer. traveling salesman for the Wincroft stove works, is spend ing several lays in town. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin McKee and daughter. Elizabeth, of Philadelphia, are spending some time in town as the guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKee. Ann street. Following is fne program for the M. E. Christmas entertainment on Christmas night at 7.30 o'clock en titled "Down the Chimney With San ta Claus.'' Characters, seetie 1, "Moth er." Margaret Goss: "Big Sister." Kathryn Beas'ner: "Little Sister,". Merle Campbell; "Big Brother," Har ry Rotu: "Little Brother." Vincent Triteh: "Auntie." Elma Wolf: char acters. scene 2. Holly, Mistletoe. Ever green. Po nsetta, Elizabeth Beck. Jen nie Campbell, Harriet Swartz. Pauline Deihl; three Christmas messengers, Charies Kennard, Lewis Wiekey ami Kenneth Graham: second man, Vernon Triteh: drumman, Ralph Deibler; Santa I laus, Fred Beck; musical numbers. "Come Down Our Chimney,' family group; "Silent Xight. Holy Xight." mother and children; "Bethlehem Star," mother and aunt; Hoiiy. Mis tletoe. Evergreen and Ponsetta: sand man and dreamman and children"; "The Land of Xod"," Harriet Swartz; "North Wind.'' whistling by bovs: "Ready for Christmas, four girls: "Here We Come Messengers;" "The 'jw of Christmas Time." Santa and! children:" "Oldtime Corrades," girls and me*<engers; "Jjove I* the Kev." Santa, giris and boys: "Fill the Stock lags," Santa, girls and boys; closing song by entire chorus. The United Brethren Sunday school will hold its Christmas entertainment in the church on Christmas night at 7 o'clock and following will be the program: Prelude, organ: invocation, the Rev. Mr. Afbright; song by school. "Carols of Joy and Love;'" responsive reading, school: prayer, pastor; exer cise. "Christmas Bells,'' Arline Stipe. Mary Wealand, Amelia Brandt, Helen i Bauder., Claire Best. Esta Snavelv; i song. Christinas Bells," school; exer cise. "Bethlehem Stars," Edith Sohn, Katherine Howell, Hazel Houser, Per i melia Rose, Reba Brinser, Grace Bau-I HARRISBI'RG STAR-INDEPENDENT. MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21, 1914. ler. Romaine Kluger. Katherine Flan agan. Mildred Pathermore, Marion Best and Pearl Shaeffer: song, "Star of Christ," shool: exercise, "Shepherds." Harry Kro.lel, Roger Howell and Wil liam Rose: recitation. Gladys Willi; song, "Hail Our King," school: exer cise. "Hanging the Stockings." Ethel Geyer. Christine Jackson, Helen Bau ;ler an.i Katherine Bossier: song, "Hap py Christmas Eve," primary school; rc. tation, " Kmpty Stockings." Kath erine McKinley: duet. "Christ Is Born," Esther MeClure. Carrie Par themore; exercise. "Share." Esta Snavely, Mary Flanagan. Marion Shoop, Viola Gruber. Josephine Parthemore: recitation. "For All." Earl Geyer; song. "Glad Tidings." school: recita tion. "How He Came,'' Josephine Parthemore: song. "So Still the Xight," school; exercise, "Giving to Jesus," Marv Wealand, Libian Co baugh, John Wealand, John Bauder. Al inedia Brandt. Claire Best, Harry Bau der, Jr.. ( hristine Hean. Arline Stipe, Josephine Parthemore. Vivian Listing, Adren Swieger. Frank Swiegar. Mary Flanagan. Anna Crown: song. "When Winds of Winter Blew," primary school: exercise, "First Christnias," Permeiia Rose. John Hean, Raymond Best. Earl Grim, Harrv Krofel. Roger Howell. William Rose: song, "Over the Desert." s hool: recitation. "How to Give." Earl Grin: offering: elosing son. "Praise to the King," s:-hool; benediction; postlude. o'gan. The following Christmas program ■will oe rendered by the Presbyterian Sunday s-*hool on Wednesday evening, December 23. at 7.30 o'clock and will be a pound } arty as they will have a basket place 1 :,t the entrance and those who give will drop their package in and on Thusday morning will be taken to Samuel Irely's mission where the gifts will be distributed to the needy. program svill be by the little'people, assisted by the grownups: Address of' welcome. Josephine and Nellie Robson; re itation. "Good Cheer,'' Lester. Baum: recitation, •• Witt's That." Ra chel May; recitation. "My Christ mas Gift." Ruth Green: exercise, i "Stay So Dear." Eivin Eby, James Hardy. Russell Dasher and Liester Gar man; ringing M school; recitation. My Wish. Esther May; recitation, "Christmas Morn." Clarence Billett: recitation. "Christmas Ti<le," Grace Alborn: exercise. Will Rhodes and Rus sell Dasher; recitation, "The Prescrip tion. Mildred Barley: recitation, "Mother's Present," Gertrude Moore: recitation. "Christmas Fairies." Har old Billett: singing by school: exercise. "Our Plum Piti'ling,'' Mary George. Helen Georjje. Annabel Johnson, Ksther 'Tundon anil \ iolet Murray; recita tion, "What < hriatma-s Means." Har old Xoll; recitation, "My Christmas Presents." Mary Shireman; recitation. "The Birds' Tree," Emma Spenee;; solo. Lester Garman: recitation. "A Little Sleepy Girl," Rachel May; reci tation. "Christmas Comes for All," Austin Kern; re:itation.\"The Christ mas Tram, Charles Rhodes; exercise. J "A Christmas Wi»h." Elvin Eby and Walter Best: singing by school; recita iion, "My Dream,' Joseph Springer;! re -itation. "My little Speech," Anna bel Kern: recitation, "Jesus' Birth day, Ruth Garman; song by primary! school; recitation. "Be Santa "Claus and Some One," Marian Eby; recitation, "Dolly's Present," Sara Springer; recitation. "Christmas Blue Bird."l Violet Murray; exercise. "Christmas; Marketing," Annabel Johnson. Marv NOTICE The Quality Shop's Ad On Page 7 George. Helen George. Ksthor Grumton. Mjry Shi rem an. Gertrude Moore; sing ins by school; exercise by liise Keip er s class: a wreath drill and song, Mijsw Dorothy George, Margaret Min uaugh, Fannie Minnaugh.J'earl Noel, Edith Peiffor, Theo Peiffer, Ivy Haniy, lltith Geyer, Helen Selser and Stella Murray;* reading, "Our Donation," Miss Anna Shirenian; benediction. The Presbyterian choir will render the following program on December 27: Morning—Hymn; antbein, "Hail to the Lords: Anointed," Berwald: male quar tot. "He Shall Reign, forever." sim per. by Kevin; Hymn; evening, quar tet, "Shepherds Watch- Thy Rest at Night," Parkhurst: anthem, "The Grace of God," alto solo with violin' obligate. Stewart, Miss Schriener and Mr. Witman; offering; anthem. "Hark, What Mean Those Holy Voices, Hen r ck; sermon: female quartet, "Stille Nacht. Gruber, by Hyder; anthem, "Joy to the World," Brachett; hymn. HUMMELSTOWN rinds Being Solicited for Christmas Tree Decorations Special Correspondence. Hummelstown, Dec. 21. —An excel lent Christmas musicgle was rendered by the choir ia the Reformed cdiuroh last evening to a large and appreciative audience. Following was the program for tlhe servi.es: Organ prelude. "The Pilgrim's Song of Hope." Batiste; anthem. " Echoes of Bethlehem." Kdna Groff Diehl, choir: solo, "O Little Town of Bethlehem," Gilbert. Harry H. Snyder; authem. "'Brc'ak Fottii Into Joy." Svmper, choir; soio, "The Birthday of the King," Heidlinger, 'Miss Helen E. Fox; anthem. " Kcjou-o, O Daughter of Zion," Witty, choir; nolo. "L Heard the Voice of .les.'.s Say." Perry, T. Frank Meyers: nr.them. "How -Beautiful t'pon the 1 vLv.int.uns." Miles, choir; thymn: offer tory; antbein, "And the Angel Said." Wl.tv. choir; hvmn, benediction, organ postlude. Mrs. J. P. Dieffenderfer and children, of Kastoii. are visiting her parents, 'Mr. aud Mrs, F. J. Sohaffuer. Prof. a.id Mrs. H. Ray Wolf, of Pen ' nington. X. J„ are guests of Mr. Wolf's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Wolf. The Christmas Saving Fund Club conducted by the Farmers' Bank of ''Uinimelstowti, opened this morning and members can join any day during the week. A large increase in the member ship of tne 1915 club is expected t>v tne bank officials. Rufus Kreider. who resided in the property of J. J. Xissley has moved to Annville and Herman Stoner now oe <npies rhc property vacated by Mr. Kreider. H. L. Baruhart. who resided in the property of Harry Swope on West High sireet, has moved to Elizabeth town. Services will be held in the Reform ed church on Christmas morning at 6 o'clock,,A special ofteriug will be made •for the benefit of the Bethany Or phans' Home at Womelsdorf. Robert Behney visited relatives in Harrisburg faturday. Norman Helff returned home on Saturday evening from Tacoma, Wash., where she spent the j-ast two month* with her sister. Mis. Joseph Kroberger. Guy H. Fox. salesman in Louisiana an.l Mississippi for the Coburn Spk-e -'oirpaay, of Philadelphia, is pending the holidays with his pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. George Fox. Miss Xi'Kia Hummel has returned from tlie Cumberland Valley State Nor mal s hool at Sirinpensburjf to spend the Christmas vacation with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hummel. The Women's C hristian Temperance L'nion will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. Harrison Hoover, West Main street. Funds arc being solicited to buy dec orations for the Christmas tree to be erected in Centre Square. Tho local elc trie company will furnish .he lig.it a-1.l the tree secured nn<l ere.ted with hut lit tie expense. The municipal hristmas tree idea meets the approval of many citizens of the borough who are re-spor. ling to I'iie appeal for funds. The p;;. li - schools of the borough will close on Wednesday for the Christmas \»ca:ion and will reopen on iMonday, January 4. The sale of home-made candies held in the social room of the Reformed church Saturday evening toy the Busy 'Bee Club was well patronized. The club is raising funds to continue the '■ourses of domestic science and needle work being taught the members. Miss Clara W aimer has returned from Philadelphia where she spent several days with her brother, Reed H. Wal rner. Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Walton are visiting at the home of Mrs. Walton's parents at Cleveland. E. H. Miller, of Palmyra, was the guest of his brother, C. 11. Miller, for several days. On C'iir':sta:as Day the postoffice will be open only between the hours of 7 and 8 a. m. and 7 and 8 p. m. Thee cantata, "The Star of Hope." was well rendered by the Methodist Sunday f. hool in the fhurc'h last even ing and was largely attended. At the conclusion of the program gifts were distr.auted to the scholars of the school. Til* board of dkeet.ws of the Farm ers' bank of Hummelstown has de clared a semi- annual dividend of five per cent. on the capital stock. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Hummelstown National bauk will be 'held in the bank on Tuesdav morning, January 12. when the board of directors will be elected. The stock holders of the Farmers' bank of Hum melstown. will elect a board of directors at a meeting to be held in the bank on Monday morning, January IS. An interesting service "On Christ mas Day,' will be rendered by Zion Lutheran Sunday school in the" parish house on Wednesday evening, at 7.30 o 'clock. The water has "been turned ofl in the Hershey memorial fountain in Centre ■Square an.] the fountain covered for t>he winter. Mr*. William FaCkler and sons. IMel vin and Charles, spent yesterday in Philadelphia. ENOLA Fire Company, No. 1, Will Hold Their Regular Meeting To-night Spf-ial Correspondent. Enola, Dee. 21.—Miss Helen Al- Useful Gifts HOT WATEE BOTTLES' FOUNTAIN BYBINGEB BUBBEE GLOVES AT Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 8. Market Square. NOTICE To Star-Independent Readers e On account of receiving so many requests from Sterling Silver Initial Tumbler Coupon Clippers, we have added |t=3g LARGE WATER f(£| PITCHERS and l' "l SUGAR and CREAM mSETS to match the Tumblers. Pitchers can be had for "3c^ —15 cents extra by mail. Sugar and Cream sets can be had for per set—lo cents extra by mail—when accompanied by One Coupon I'M 1 |,7W !W The l&"Lfe£f ifej Star-Independent Now on display at our office. Remember, you can get this complete set of nine (9) pieces, or any two sots with one (1) coupon and the advertised amounts. The largest value and most useful Christmas present one can think of. It is worth your while to call at our office and examine these sets. Convince yourself of their real value. THE STAR-INDEPENDENT! 18-20-22 South Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. bright has returned to her home in Columbia, after sipending several days with Mrs. C. G. Hinkle. George H. Horning and wife, of Columbia Road, Enola, ajinounoe the birth .of a daughter, Friday, Decem ber 11. John Whiteman, of Enola, has pur chased the Shuey property on Susque hanna avenue, at private sale. M. B. Kauffman. of T.unaqua, vis ited in Enola Saturday. Mrs. William L. Fisher virited in Carlisle, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Keller and son, Lawson, are visiting relatives in York. G. H. Cooper, of Wafterbrrrv, Conn., was a business visitor here Friday. Samuel Hepford, of Harrisiburg, has been elected secretary of the Enola P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. to succeed B. H. Barn, who leaves for Suntourv, where he has become secretary of the Sun bury association. Mrs. W. H. Beers has returned to her home after visiting relatives in Newport. G. P. Cox has moved his family to the isidel property on Juniata avenue. Buelah Shell is seriously ill at her home on Columibia Roa<l. W. H. Arnold and wife have return ed home from visiting relatives in Snyder county. _ 8. W. Bishop visited his parents in New Kingston, Sunday. John Crone has moved his family to Marysville. The monthly business meet iug of tlie Enola Fire Comipany No. 1, will be held in the hose house this evening. The Wasihiagton Camp P. O. 8. of' A., Xo. 680, will hold their business meeting in the rooms of the P. R. B. j Y. M. C. A., on Tuesdav evening. TOWER CITY Washington Camp Presented a Largo Flag to the Schools Special Correspondence. Tower City, Dec. 21.—William Be*. digo, Jr., moved from this place t4 Higins. The R<»v. D. E. hong, of Mt. Jov. spent a few houre at this place on Tues day. Miss Winona Kehler is visiting rela-! tives a* tihamokin. Mrs. William Elliott is confined to bed with"sickness. The Rev. O. G. Roroig. pastor of the' T'nited Brethren church, is pending a i few days with his family at%er^hey. Wilmer Trantz. of MillerSourg, spent 3 few days at thfs pla-e. The members of_ Washington Cairop Xo. 52, P. O. S. of A., presented a large flag to the schools of this place. Tt is now floating from the top of the large school building. HERSHEY Items of Interest About People Who Come and Go Special Correspondence. 'Hershey. Dec. 21.—i Mrs. D. C. Giles 1 spent several days at Philadelphia and I Camden, X. J. James Murray was a Lebanon visitor. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Snyder and Mr. and 'Mrs. H. 'X. Herr transacted busi ness at Philadelphia. Harrv Elliot and Earl Mondy, who were at" Mt. Clemens, Mici., during flhe past year, returned to this plare. OrfTs. F. D. Ke'bodj was the guest of "her 'brother, Mark and John Deibler. at Philadelphia. Miss Catherine Hershey visited friends at Philadelphia. (juite a number of our people at- tended the Stough evangelistic meetings j at Harrisburg during the past week. Miss Virginia Hershey was a visitor ! to Middletown. NEW CUMBERLAND Big Slaughter of Affected Cattle Takes Place at Elkwood I Special Correspondence. Now Cumberland, Dec. 21.—0n I Thursday afternoon the primary depart ment of the M. E. Sunday school will (be given their annual-Christmas treat, j Jacob Bailetts, of Harrisiburg. was j the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary j Bailetts, on Sunday. Fourteen head of cattle, two calves land sixteen hogs were killed at the I tsock yard of Jacob Bentzel at Elk wood. The animals were suffering ; with the foot and mouth disease, j Charles Speakman, of Dorancetown, i visited his father and other relatives | here on Saturdc.v. Among the students who are home fi>r the holidays are Edison Good, of the School of Pharmacy, Philadelphia; Miss Ruth >Heffleman and George Hav erstock, of Lebanon Valley College; John Bruner, of Mercersburg Academy. The schools of the borough will close on Wednesday evening, December 23, and reopen Monday, December 28. Mrs. Luther Cripple, who has been very sick for several weeks, improv ing slowly. Mrs. William Simmons went to Bell wood on Saturday to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. William Wertz. Frank Metzgar, of York, visited his mother. Mrs. Emma Metzgar. and sis ter, Mrs. S. A. Williams, on Sundav. MINIMI MHH 1 H I —ll —I IMIIIL———^ Christmas Specials Savings That Amount to Dollars and Cents A purchase of SI.OO worth of groceries entitles you to buy a 25-lb. bag Franklin Granulated Sugar for $1.20. The above offer good until further notice. Florida Oranges, 15c, 20c, 25c doz. Uneeda Biscuits, 4c box English Walnuts 20c lb.! Orange Peel 15c lb. Cream Nuts, . . . 15c, 2 lbs. for 25c Lemon Peel 15c lb. Pecans 15c lb. Citron 20c lb. Filberts 15c lb. Golden Rio Coffee, 15c, 2 lbs. for 25c Mixed Nuts, 20c lb. Good Santos Coffee 20c lb. 25c boxed Chocolate Candy, ; . . 20c Blended Coffee 25c lb. Fancy Seedless Raisins, .... 12c lb. Hollander Coffee 30c lb. Fancy Seeded Raisins, 10c lb. Penna. Potatoes. 70c bushel Fancy Currants, . 12c lb. Penna. Potatoes in 5-bushel lots. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, largo, 07He 15c lb., 2 lbs. for 25cj Penna. Potatoes in 10-bushel lots. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, medium, I 05c 10c lb. Large Pkg. Mother's Oats with Fancy Apricots 12c lb. Aluminum packed in pkg., 25c Jumbo Peaches, Quaker Corn Flakes ,-jc 15c lb., 2 lbs. for 25c ! Mother's Oats »c Fancy California Peaches, 3 lbs. 25c Puffed Wheat, Heinz Plumb Pudding 2".c Puffed Rice 13c Heinz Apple Butter in Croc tea, :15c Boiled Ham ....30c lb. Heinz Spaghetti lie Minced Ham, 20c Heinz Mince Meat in Jars, . . . .-15 c Ham Sliced 30c Evaporated Apples 7c lb.. Dried Beef . . . ! 40c Shredded Wheat 10c box Lebanon Bologna, 25c Stores open till 9 o'clock this week! Our stores are located as follows: 1903 DERRV, COR. THIRTEENTH and SWATARA, 1518 N. SIXTH ST., COR. THIRD AND CHESTNUT, COR. 14TH AND REGINA. The 2 in 1 Stores Co. FREE GIRLS IN OVERALLS Judge Condones Snowball Fight, Admit ting It's a Fine Sport Kansas City, Dec. 21.—As Patrolman Wwden was walking liis beat about 1 o clock yesterday morning he came upon four people running, throwing and mak ing considerable noise, dust then a well packed snowball knocked off his cap. He rushed to tihe enemy, and found two young men and two young women, t*he latter masquerading in overalls, tak ing all four to tta police station. "Judge, snowbell tights are all the i;age in Decatur.'' declared iMiss Ryan, one of the snowball artists in police court. "We put on overalls 'because skirts are too heavy and we can *t get around. We were not hunting anyone. Just had a iittle party at our house, and it ended in a snow tight." "And fine sport it is," said Judge .Welch. "You are discharged." MISSOURI CAPITOL DELAYED Kansas Citr, Mo., Dec. 21.—Colonel W. H. Phelps, Senator from Jasper county and author of the bill provid ing that the new State Capitol of Mis souri should be 'built of Missouri prod ucts, predicts that the slowness in building the Caipitol may be inquired into toy the General Awsembly at the coming session. "So far as I have been able to learn." he said, "there has been prac tically none of the stone cut for the exterior, and under the terms of the contract, there can be no stone cut now until spring, for frost is believed to damage the stone during the cutting ! urocess."
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