The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued Xuesday
At the Same Prices
on Account of the Rain
* * t
Kot'.ud ot' Dances and Debutante Affairs
Arranged—Mrs. Mains to Enter
tain For Miss Louise Carney Next
The arrival of Christinas week sees
an increased number of dances and
' other entertainments arranged for so
ciety folk. While 'there has been no
lack i> men :it the dances thus far.
they will be ve* snore in evidence now
'hat >u many are at home for the holi
■ iays from preparatory shools, eollegea
on<l universities.
The dances. teas and dinners of this
au I next week are for the debutantes
- and their guest*. or in compliment to
i the boys and girls home for the holi
.!>—. One of the first affairs of the
week will he the Christmas dance to be
g'ven Mrs. George Preston Mains.
<•' Xf'< V»i. on Wednes l.iv evening,
a: the (.'alder residence. 31S North
Front street, complimentary to Miss
l.o.; sc Carney. Mrs. Mains was form
erly M:<- Mary (.'aider, of this city.
On Thursday evening Captain and
Mrs. Rooert (. : Williams. w ; ll give a
dance at the Country Clui). for their
■ * :iu>:'iiter. M ss Ana Williams, a debu
tinte ot the season, and her house
p\iests. Mis* Marian P»\er, of Cincin
nati. (.).; M-s< Mary t; .ruey. of Poagh
' keep--,e. N. Y., and M:ss Ada,
of Washington. D. C.
The Misses Stamm's Guests
*-h'.stinii" Day there will be uo
formal pa-tie* or dinners, but quite a
number of informal teas and dinner
parties have beer arranged bv the
hostesses for the debutantes and their
( isitors.
Monday evening, following Christ
mis. the M.sses Stamm, daughters of
•dr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, will
give a dan ear the Country Club. ;n
>T,i'i nient to their house guests Miss
hliv.abeth IVnf k. Lynchburg, Va.; the
. Misse- Westervelt. "of Englewood. N.
Mis- Pauline Brooks. Detroit: Miss
I.ena Chur h. Hartford; Miss Eleanor
Edmonds and Mis> Dorothy White.
M Dora \\ ickersham Coe will be
formally introduced at the tea given,
Tuesd 'v afternoon. December 29. bv
Mrs William Henderson and Mrs.
•-antord De\\ itt toe. at the former's
residence 25 North Front street. Miss
l.eavit;e Wukersbam. the debutante
• nght* of Mr. ml Mrs. Harold
Wi ser-nam, of Lat%aster. will also be
•t -■ eot honor. The tea will be fol
lowed by a dinner and dance.
wedneadat evening, December 30,'
Mr. and Mrs. gaafoid Dewitt Coe will
-' 1 a dan e at the Countrv Club, for
'he - laughter. Miss Dora Wickersliam
' K . her hou;*e au i the df'butSD*
tes o ' tiie season.
Assembly May Be in Board of Trade
„ ai'temoon. December
■ ■". Mr*. Meade D. Detweiler wii! give
ii luncheon at her home. 23 8o 11
I rout str.-et. complimentary to Mi*«
Mary )•; izabeth Meyers.
On Thursday everting. December 31. first assembly of the season will
' ?*'''• and the committee i< now bu-v
decided whether or not to hold it in
'tie lason;.- Teni;!e or in the Bear ! or
irade auditorium. Although the ball
loom at the Temple »aj not damage.!
«>>■• ine tire of last week. the damage
to the Otaer parts of the building i„av
interfere with the arrangements some
what. a member of the committee said
The dance of the Triangle Club willl
also be held New Year's Eve, in Win
terdaje hall.
On New Year's the masque
rale ani-e ot the younger set will be
held at the ' ountry Club. Miss Mar
car- ta 1 ,eming. Miss Virginia King.
-Miss Marian Angell and Eliza
et" Bai.ey. have charge of the ar
Th« Rev. James F. Bullitt Recovered
From Recent Illness Attended
Morning Service
Many members of the Airk-ks Asso
ciation attended service yesterdav j
morning at St. Andrew's Protestant.
Kpiscopal church to welcome the Kev.
•lames F. Bullitt back to his duties as
rector of the parish and to give thanks
lor his recovery from his recent ill
Ine Alricks Association is an unde-■
nominational men's club which has no
■ onnection with St. Andrew's church
except that it meets in the parish house,
and that about half its members are.
also members of St. Andrew's church.
Ihe Rev. Mr. Bullitt is one of the club
men an ! his fellow-members surprised
him by being present at his first serv
Mr. Bullitt was able to take only a
small part in the service, and last even
ing was not present at all, evening
prayer being conducted by the Rev.
Kollin A. Sawyer. Mr. Bullitt expects, j
however, to take full part in all of the i
Christmas activities in the parish and 1
to resume his general pastoral work
during Christmastide.
Birth Announcement
Dr. and Mrs. J. W Ma^Mullen, M3J
Walnut street, announce the birth of a
son. Friday, December 18. Mrs. Mac-
Mullen was Miss Helen Blessing prior
to her marriage.
-^* wr " JUSb aHI
The picture above represents the
t ir generations in the Gutshall family,
one of tiie oldest iu Boiling Springs,
Cumberland county. The family con
nectior is very large, being among the
Belt/.hoover. Kutz and Crumlich rela
tives of the Cumberland Valley. In
Choir of Mayket Square Presbyterian
Chttrch Rendered Beautiful Pro
gram Yesterday Morning
The music yesterday at Market
"•tjuHre Presbyterian church was char
acterised by special and appropriate
i atols.
At tiie morning service the choir
sang the anthem. "0, Holy Night." by
Adam, and an old seventeenth century
carol. "While By My Sheep. '' In the
iatter the choir was answered by the
echo quartet, composed of Mrs. Carl
Heetner, Miss ( liayne, James K. Jack
son and Dr. .lohn J Moffitt. singing
from the belfry room. The voices, as
from the distance, added a special
charm to this carol.
The men's chorus sang • A Child This
Day Is Born" to the traditional mel
ody with spirit and wealth of tone.
Next Sunday they will sing by request
the thirteenth century carol, "Draw
Nigh. Immanuei."
At the afternoon service, held at
4.30. instead of the usual evening
hour, the church wa.- filled to over
flowing to hear the annual Christmas
carol program.
The hoir was assisted by Mrs. Ed
win J. Decevee. Dr. Roth A. Deeter and
Miss Seaman, who. with Mrs. Harris,
-aug Bullard's ''Teyste Noel" with
rare blending of the voices and depth
of fceliijg
Another assisting artist was Dr.
John C. Reed, violinist, whose playing
added greatly to the charm of the occa
The ,-arol by the choir. "A Cradle
Song of the Blessed Virgin.'' by Barn
by-Oow. with otdigato by Dr. Reed, was
especially noteworthy in beauty and
richness of execution.
The soloists. Miss Middaugh and
Mrs. Harris, were at their best and sang
with sympathetic feeling and teniler
The organ numbers for the day by
the organist. Miss Conkling, were ex
ceptionally appropriate and were played
with finished expression.
Entertained in Honor of Their Daugh
ter, Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Horner enter
tained at their home. 1309 North Sec
ond street, in honor of their daughter,
Miis Helen A. Mover, in celebration of
her birthdav anniversary.
The guests included Misses Anna
Bockus, Verne Bomgardner, Margaret
Johnson. Kathrvn Johnson, Nellie
Jones. Miriam Jauss. Ellen Reeves,
Ruth Martin, Mame Rudy and Helen A.
Mover, Mr. and Mrs. Kaley. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Earle Hoerner and son, Louis.
Mrs. Jacob McCorkle, 2035 Penn
street, returned from West" Willow.
Wilmot Goodwin Song Recital
Under the auspices of the General Old Circle,
Ladies of (x. A. R.
S. W. Corner Second and Locust Streets
First < 'ycle, Monday, December 21st, 8.15 P. M.
Second Cycle, Tuesday, December 22ud, 8.15 P. M.
the picture is the great-grandmother,
Mrs. I.evi D. Gutshall, of Boiling
Springs: grandmother, Mrs. Lizzie
Neagley: son, Crover, and his daughter,
Eleanor Herr Neagley, of New Cum
Elaborate Celebration of Yuletide Sea
son at St. Andrew's P. E.
Parish Honse
Preparations have been completed
in St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal
parish for its busy pre-Christmas sea
sou. and celebrations will be held in
tie parish house, at Nineteenth and
Market streets, to-morrow and Wed
nesday, in addition to the ser. -
kes on the feast of the Nativitv it
Two of the non-parochial organiza
tions will have a Christmas entertain
ment to morrow morning for the rela
tives and friends of the members,
while tie general parish Christmas fes
tival will be held on Wednesday even
To-morrow's ceiobratiort will be bv
St. Andrew s school sjnd kindergarten,
undenominational schools for children
which hold their sessions in the parish
house. It will be held at 9.30 o'clock
in the morning, and the pupils all have
asked their parents ami friends to be
present. It will be the third annual
program of this kind.
The school pupils will be in charge
of their teacher, Mrs. l haries E. Shope,
and her assistant. Miss Margaret Sic-
Lain, the kindergarten girls and bovs
will be m charge of Miss Klizabeth L
Hilleary, the lire-tor, and her assist
ant. Mss (.J. Marie lietter. Christmas
programs, arranged especially tor the
occasion, will be rendered * bv both
classes, including sufficient of the dailv
work to snow visitors what is being
done. e
The exercises will be held in the
parish house assembly room, which is
being decorated appropriately, with a
Christmas tree as the centrai figure.
The parish Christmas-festival will
he Jiel-i Wednesday eveniug, starting
at 0.30 o'clock, at this hour all those
present will be guests of the Rev
James F. and Mrs. Bullitt, at supper
in the assembly room. At 7 o'clock the
Christmas service will be held in the
eaapel, the Sunday school marching in
.•eunid the church choir. After "the
service supper will be served to all
those who could not be present before
the service.
Plank-Phillips Wedding
Dec. 21.—Miss Alice
rfcillips. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Phillips, was married last
ev.ning tf Dr. K. Blank, of Chicago, a
toimer practitioner of Lancaster coun
tv. The ceremony was performed bv
'be Rev v Mr. Holton, cf the Atglen
Presbyterian church, in the presence of
a large number of relatives and friends.
A reception followed.
Mrs. Del. Bailey. Chambersburg, is
the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Wilson
Zerbv, 1614 Market street.
News of Persons
Who Come and Go
Samuel G. Book and Edward Book,
students at Gettysburg College, are
guests of friends at 604 North Third
Mrs. K. E L. Fisher. 1101 North
; Sixth street, will have as her guest over
the holidays tier sister. Miss Thelma
i Hu'ber. of Mechanicsburg.
Miss Helen .losephino Vickery, a stu
deut at Mary Baldwin Seminary, Staun
, ton, Va.. will spend the Christmas holi
• days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
; 8 Vickerv, at Steelton.
Miss Mary Krskine, of Chambers
burg, will arrive this week to spend
i Christmas w'itth Mrs. Henry B. Boas,
' 505 North Front.
i Miss Mildred Thomas, West Chester,
j will spend her vacation with her par-
I euts at her home, 1251 Walnut street.
Mrs. John Welsh, of Suivbury, was a
i guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R*. Stouer,
I 172fi Fultou street.
Mrs. Marv Freeman,'6l2 Reilv street,
left to-dav for a visit with her son and
fanulv, at West Chester.
Alton B. Snyder, of Gettysburg, is
spending the (.(hristmas season with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snyder,
1610 Market street.
Mrs. Mary Betle Cromic. 236 Wood
bine steret, is spendiug Christmas at
Kansas City. l<ater she will go to
Louisville and from tttiere to Florida to
9;etul the winter.
Hdv-ard Rhoney, of Pittsburgh, is
the guest of his brother, Harry Rhoney,
406 Boas street.
Mrs. Charles !». Albright, 917 'Molt
ke avenue, returned from a visit to her
parents at Millersburg.
Miss Mildred Bnttorff, a student at
Drexel Institute. Philadelphia, is spend
ing the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Y. Buttorff, 2220 North
Third street.
Stewart ICoser, 1114 Norfh Second
street, is spending several days in New-
York on his way home from Yale Uni
versity, Now Haven, Conn. .
Archibald G. Knisely, Jr.. a student
at \aie Universtiy. N'ew Haven, Conn.,
-s spending the holidays at his home.
Front and Mac lay streets.
Miss Eleanor Leonard, Columbia
I Diversity, New York, is the guest of
ner parents. Mr. and iMrs. Harry Leon
ard. 1729 North Sixth street.
tleorge M. Burns and Robert L. Don
aldson, Baltimore, were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. W. T.
Parks, 1342 North Sixth street.
Mrs. H. C. Orth, 223 State street,
will leave to-morrow to spend the holi
days at Titusvillo with Mr. nud Mrs.
Roaert M^Kelvev.
Charles N. Hickok, Cleveland, 0.,
i arrived to-dav to spend t'he week with
his mother, Mrs. William O. Hickok,
oOS North Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sterling. 1342
North Sixth street, have gone to their
former home at Crkfleld, Maryland, for
an imieiinite stay.
Mrs. ( harles Pastor aud daughter,
Mrs. Harry I, 1609 Green street,
are home from a trip to. New York,
Princeton and Phi adelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller, Millers
uurg, spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles t ;siier. 22 North Seven
teenth street.
Miss Helen (ireider. a student at
i Bee-hwood. denkintown. is spending
1 t'he holidays with her mother. Mrs.
Mary Grelder, 1 127 North Second
Miss Elizabeth Mussina Mercer, a
student at Goueher College, Baltimore.
M 1., is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles llattju
Mercer, Cottage Hill, Steelton.
Kenneth Miley Jones, a student at
the Stevens Institute of Technology,
at Hoboken. is home for the Christ
mas vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ,1. Miley Jones. 109 South
John Croll Herman, a senior at
Yale University, New Haven, Conn.,
is the guest of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin S. Herman, Front and
Maclav streets.
Miss Maryland Gourley, 202 Chest
nut street, is home from Wilson Col
lege, for the Christmas holidavs.
Miss Katharine Margaret Middleton,
a student at Vassar College, Pou'di
keepsie. N. V.. is -[(ending the holi
days with her mother, Mrs. William
H. Middleton, 124 State street.
Miss Elizabeth Ross, a student at
the Ingle-ide school. New Milford
Conn., is the guest of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Ross. 219 Pine street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Schofield Hart,
Jr.. 807 North Second street, spent
the week-end at '' Mapiehurst," Dun
Miss Martha Ann Pietcher. a student
Because of its soothing emol- '
lient properties in all cases of i
irritation of the skin and
scalp, especially when assist
ed by light touches of Cuti
cura Ointment, a fragrant,
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Samples Free by Mail
ICnUoura Boap and Ointment add tbrathout (ka i
world. IJbaral earn pie of sub malted frea. with 33-f.
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If you are in doubt what to give,
make your token a lasting remem-
Another shipment received of the
>rance and a daily reminder by select" I
special Tooth-pick Holder. Salt and • , i • « <
pepper shaker set. Makes an at ing something tor ttie liome--a piece i
tractive gift. the pieces are cut r r • • r t • i
kUSS and have sterling silver topa. OI 111 mitU re—ltS USeiUl atld Will be
I A bi£ dollrtr Special,
jiq long remembered.
D , Cash or Easy Credit—whichever suits your con-'
j ring IS " -t veiiicnce is satisfactory to us.
f AN IDEAL an OfeSS -:
lit//' I I ne hundred piece dinner set,
| 1111
j |j One hundred piece dinner set, pop- '
I II ular gold band, new shaped 9An
II jii pieces, .. '-^I
One hundred piece dinner set, floral
Mahogany Music cab- border effect, design copied (P-l C A A
inet: —special attention has from imported SetS, V-Iv»VV
been paid to the finish; ' . „ ~
au ideal irift r\ u J J j* „ A Combination Writing
One hundred piece dinner set, very Desk and Bookcase -lots
<D»lr\r\ attractive design, gold en- £99 A A 0, '"> 0 " 1 for tho books,:.
® 10.00 crust border, .. . ' $18.00!
Three Extra fiood Values From Our Toy Department
B Three Pieces of Doll Furniture
Good two dollar value; consisting IS
of \\ ash Stand, Dresser and Chiffon- J®
r* n , t . ier, white enamel,
for the best Child s Desk that we Kxtra large Romper ,
could get. Is made of solid oak and Doll—with uubreak
! finished golden or mission, 27 inches .iblo head, and usual
! | long, easy working roll top, large V for !>sc.
jrawer under writing bed.
Mother or Wife would appreciate this. The Comfortable Couch—upholstered in solid color green 1 i
famous Vacuum Cleaner cleans and sweeps: ad- velour, oak frame, and a well made and t a
instable to all kinds of carpets. Does the work extra comfortable Couch *P I 4.UU
of a eleauer and sweeper. We are Agents.
BURNS & COMPANY s s Sl? ree ,
4—■ —— - J
at the Ossiniug School, Ossining, X.
Y„ is the guest of lier parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Rowe Fletcher, 2-4 Pine
Miss Anna Margaret Miller is home
i from Drexel Institute, Philadelphia,
i and is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Potts
Miller, 2117 North Third street.
Miss Elinor T. Darlington and her
| brother, Gilbert S. R. Darlington, will
arrive to-inorrow from New York City
to spend the holidays with their par
ents, Bishop and Mrs. .lames Henry
Darlington, 321 North Front street.
Miss Kate B. Darlington, a student
at St. Mary's, Peekskill, N. Y., ac
companied by her brother, Elliot C.
B. Darlington, New York, will spend
the Christinas holidays with their
parents. Bishop and Mrs. James Hen
| ry Darlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thorley, former
residents of this city, who were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William E. I*wis,
"09 Capital street, left for Miami, Fla.,
where they will spend the winter.
William E. Lewis, Jr., a student at
Lebanon Valley College, is spending
the holidays with his parents.
Robert Wolf, a student at Gettys
burg College, returned to spend Christ
mas with his parents at 14 23 Shoop
Mrs. Holcombs, of Philadelphia, will
spend to-morrow with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Johnson, 508 South
Thirteenth street.
Moses Baturin, a student at Har
vard Law School, will arrive to-mor
row to spend the Christmas holidays
with his parents at 609 Boas street.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Sargent return
ed to New York after spending three'
weeks with the latter'g mother, Mrs.
McQuate, 55 Balm street.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Earp, 1321 Derry
street, are home after spending five
weeks in Sacramento City and points
of interest in California.
Miss Mary Lemer, of Elys' Court,'
is spending the holiday season with
her parents at 213 South Front street.
Paul a student at Get
tysburg College, is spending Christmas
with his parents at 1840 Regina street.
Miss Agnes Ising, of Shiremanstown,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. .John
Whistler, 322 South Thirteenth street.
Mrg. Theodore Bower, 1513 Green
street, was a visitor to Newport.
Miss Dollie Knouse, of the Donald
son apartments, will spend the holiday
season at her home at Shepherdstown.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dunbar, 513
North Second street, are spending the
holiday season with the latter s parents
at Warren.'
William Patrick, of Gettysburg, is
the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Patrick, 2311 North' Sixth
Miss Marion Hempt. a student at
the School' of Industrial Arts, Phila
delphia. is spending her vacation with
her parents at Camp Hill.
Miss Hermione Barker, of Wellesley
Coilege, is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. .Tames W. Barker, 33
Evergreen street.
William Polleek, of the United States
navy, is spending his Christmas vaca
tion at his home, 405 South Fourteenth
George W Trump, a student at Wil
liamson School, Delaware county, is
upending his Christmas vacation with
his mother at 16 Argvle street.
Charles Miller, Gettysburg College, is
a guest at the home of his parents at
1 537 Market street.
J>ana P. Griffin, a student at Dick
inson College, Carlisle, is spending his
The Women of Harrisburg
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vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Griffin, SO9 North Seventeenth
Miss Esther Wengert, a student at
the Centenary Collegiate Institute,
Hackettstown. N. .1., will spend the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Wengert, 424 South Thirteenth
Miss Harriet McMorris, Bryn Mawr,
is spending the Yuletide season with
her mother, Mrs. Mi-Morris, Emerald
Miss Bessie Lutz, of Lititz, is spend
ing the week with her parents, Mr. and i
Mrs. James Lutz, 328 South Fourteenth
Miss Rita Jones, Wilson College, is
spending the holidays with her parents,
358 South Thirteenth street.
Professot Charles Yahn, of the North
East High school, is spending Christ
mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Yahn, 504 South Thirteenth street.