The star-independent. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1904-1917, December 21, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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This Invention for Rupture
Sent on 60 Days Trial
Won't Cost You a Cent If the Two Months'
Test Doesn't Prove All Our Claims
Away With
Worthless fj>, jJljjpJ
Like These
Vol an make a thorough *rove-lt-to
>ou test «-»f this utmrantccil rnptitrr
holder without having to risk a single
We'll semi it to y-on for sixty days'
trial —practically lead it to you that
long—'just to let you see for voursolf
how it takes all the misery out of being
ri; ptured.
If it doesn't keep your rupture from
coming out or bothering you in any
way—in spite of any work you do or
any other strains —then it won't cost
you a penny. •
The Only Thins (ioad Knoufth
To Stand Such a Teat
v mere try-on—like at .1 drug store—
• an t posfihiv prove whether a truss or
anything else for rupture is going to
do any good.
Neither is just a few day?-' trial a
safe test. V truss may s.>pm all right
the first week or so and then prove
Utterly worthless.
But you can't possibl> make a mis
tnkt after alst>' dtiya* trial.
And there is onl\ one thing of any
kind for rupture that you can get on
s .< h a long trial—
Only on»» thing aood enough to stand
su h a long ami thoroug 1 test
That is o.;i una run trod rupture hold
er—the famous v'lutlie Automatic Mas
saging Truss
Wade «>n New Principles
The Cluthe Truss i« s" radically dif
ferent f "11 everything else for ru;»-
• - e that 1: has -e <mw i eighteen sep
arate patents. Made on ; 5 r '«o!utely
new priiv^'iple—far more t nin just a
1; has S'V thoroughly prox *d its mer
its in nearly noO.OOO surgeons
In t ie I*. s Army and Navx and physl
rians .-i all parts of the world noxx
recommend it instead of advising op
Will *>a*r Nnu I'rom t^perNtioo
A rupture can't possibly he relieved
can 1 even he kept from growing wo se
-—unless prote» led against all strains
and constantly U pt from coming out.
Th i r d Installment of
Interesting Events of
the Year in Harris
Continued From Saturday
2- Mi-, Green. (505 Heir street. Har-i
riaburg, r"a t« 11 v burned whilst
working :it her cook sto\e.
3—Pour state political committees —
Democratic. Republican. Prohibi
tion and Washington—-held «cs-.i
suns iii Harrisburg for organiza
3 —t.harles I'.' Marzolf, a former
Han isburger. instantly killed by
an aceident t Pittsburgh motor
cyele races.
4—Death in New York of Harris
Fahnestoek, a nartive of Harris
burg, for many years prominent in
Wall street financial matters, who
gave $2j,000 toward the erection
of Harris urg '< Y. M. C. A. build
4—Annual commencement oserrises
held at the Harrisburg Academy.
s—William X. Stewart, 1301 Mon
roe Street, Harrisburg, dropped
dead in front of his home as he re
turned from work.
B— Ynnual grammar school meet at
Island Park won by Lincoln build
6—l'iie '"Young" building, an old
landmark of Middletown, partly
destroyed bv fire.
—N murde- in the old Eighth ward,,
Harrisburg, over a 40-eeat irav
game, a colored man named
I'hnrles Jenkins being the victim.)
<s—'Death of Kdward M. Marti, 1851
The Quinine That Does Mot Affect the Head
117HENEVER Quinine is needed for any purpose
" Laxative Bromo Quinine will be found better than
the ordinary Quinine, as this remedy combines all of the
tonic and other properties of Quinine, with a laxative, and
can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or
ringing in the head.
Likewise, the remedy is superior to ordinary laxatives be-
jAnexcenenTre tnedy lor Cou
; Cough and alto the feverish conditions and Headache /
( which are usually associated with colds The second or?
) third dose will relieve the Cough and Headache and will?
< ""J the b:>w e's we" within Bor 10 hours, when the cold >
) u .T e re, ' eTCC * ln 'reatmg colds it is very important that 5
(the bowels should move well every day. This preparation (
) moves the bow-is fen tly without griping, and arouses the S
liver and all to action Directions. - Adults >
two tablets ist|* be taken immed- £
j lately after JVcii to bed Some per- \
sons, who sufficient J
\ ' u,t keepine bowels open freety until the Cough and/
( Cold is relieved then take one hall the dose lor a few (
\ days. Children whoare not o!denough to swallow pills the\
> tablet can be broken or cut in half and given in proportion >
?to age To be swallowed not chewed. For headache, take ?
ablets every ■or j nours until relieved /
(Fac-slmile otlabel on back o» Laxative Bromo Quinine boi)
—but remember there is Only One
"Bromo Q
To Gel The GENUINE, Call For The Full Name
Laxative Bromo Quinino
Lmott for thtm mlgnatw
Pi-lorn 2&o.
fo' */. JCfo-crirt^
[ lust as a broken bone can't "knit" un
less constantly held together.
And that is the curse or wearing elas
tic or spring truss »s —not one in twenty
• ever holds successfully—they sooner or
later make operation absolutely neces
sary instead of preventing it.
But remember the t'luthe Truss is
Kuarauteed to hold—and won't cost you
a cent if it doesn't.—And In addition it
providen the only way ever discovered
for overcoming; the weakness which is
the real enuite of rupture.
it does that entirely automatically—
xvithout any attention whatever from
you.—And has thus brought complete
recovery in thousands of cases that
•eejicd almost hopeless, and has saved
thousands of people from having to
risk their lives under the surgeon's
No licit. >o l eg-Strapa. \o Sprlnas
The Pluthe Truss does away entirely
xvitii the curse of wearing belts, leg
straps and springs. People who have
tried it say it is as comfortable as their
clothing. And it Is waterproof—will
hold In the bath. Also perspiration
proof. Kasilv kept clean,
iiet World'* t«reatest Kupture Rook
Don't send any money—don't take
any lisk. Just write for our free book
and llnd out all about it. This sensa
tional book—cloth-bound. 9S pages. 20
separate articles, and -3 photographic
! illustrations —is full of facts for the
ruptured never before put in prim. ,
It shows why elastic and spring
trusses are a crime—how they are the
; ruptured man's worst enemy—why the
!:ixv should stop their sale.
It exposes the humbug "appliances,"
• methods." "systems." "plasters," etc.
it shows why operation for rupture
ends ill permanent weakness or death
oftent r than in complete recovery.
And it tells all about the famous
t'luthe Automatic Massaging Truss —
gives names and addresses of over e.OOO
'people in all parts of the country who
'have tested it and have voluntarily en
dorsed it —and tells how you can get it
on sixty days' trial, and how little it
•o.'ts if you keep it.
Simply use the coupon or say in a
lett r or postal " Send me your book"—
that will take onlx a minute and may
rave you from 1 nylng out a good many
dollars and save you from years of
THIS brings it •»
Kox 343—Cl.l'THK COMPANY
IS,". Itvit S3rd St., NBW YORK CITY
me your Free Book and Trial
Herr street, Harrisburg, member of
hardware firm of the city.
"--Samuel Poorman, 207 Hons street,
and .Jacob Koons. 201 Hummel
street. Harrisburg, each celebrated
his ninetieth birthday anniversary.
?—V Steelton Austrian drowned in
the Susquehanna by the capsizing
of a boat,
i*—> Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Albright.
.">2,"> Woodbine street. Harrisburg,
celebrated tlieir golden wedding
!) Death at Mechanicaburg of Daniel
F. Glace, a veteran of the Civil
war, aged SI years.
ID—\ grand I. (). K. M. parade on
Br.ail street, Philadelphia, partici
paled i.i by several hundred mem
bers of the order from Harrisburg.
Cornplanter Tribe, of this city,
winning first prise in the parade
and also being honored by the
elevation of one of its members.
• liarles K. Puss, to the position
of Great Sachem of the order for
the State.
to—Annual Commencement exercises of
the Harrisburg Technical High
I"—An electrical storm of great in
tensity passing over the Cumber
iati I \ alio.- caused the of
a boy at Carlisle and injuries to
many there and at other points.
10 —Scholars of the graduating class
of the Southern High school, of
Philadelphia, to the number of
100, spent their class day in visit
ing the Capitol.
1 1—Four-county K. convention held ;
at Hershey and largely attended, j
11—Annual commencement exercises
Harrisbtwy High school he'd, the j
graduating class A umbering 146.
11—State convention Fraternal Order
of Eagles, in session at Ohesiter,
elected H. O. Holstein and A. J.
Dougherty, bot.ii of Harrisburg.
president aii'l secretary respec
tively of the State organization, i
11—Francis H. Hoy, Sr., of Harris
bung, elected senior vice com
man ler of the State G. A. R.
11—Annual convention of the Dauphin
County Sunday School Association
began its sessions at Hummels
12—Ten-vear-old Esther Scott, 1720
State street, Harrisburg. kitted in
collision of an automobile in
which she was riding with a street
14 1* rank W. Gle'nn, 110 Evergreen
street. Harrisburg, found .lead,
from heart failure, at his homo.
cause of its having
the tonic effect of
Quinine. Laxative
Bromo Quinine re
moves the cause of
Colds, Coughs,
Headache, Neu
ralgia, Grip, Fever
ish and Malarious
Conditions. When
ever you need Qui
nine, think of Laxa
tive Bromo Quinine
14— Raymond McKitßfv, Jivrntj ntxu"
West Fairview, diroirped in the
14—Death of Sfeell A. Reerae, of Pen
brook, prominent in business and
15 —Death of William Kile, of En
haut, for 31 vears am employe of
Pennsylvania Steel Company.
15—Pennsylvania's battleflaga of tho
Civil uikl oUher wars removed to
the flace prepared 'or them in
the rotunds of the Cfcpitol, with
imposing and affecting cere
15—Death of Mrs. Jennie M. Bixlsr
Giant, 530 Maclav sfrreet. Harris
burg, a former public school tench
er of the city.
15 Harrisburg plsvgrounde opened
for tlie season.
15 death in Now York City
<*f Mrs. Virginia Hammon l Flem
ing, widow of William R. Flem
ing, a former prominent citizen
»f Harrisbury.
IS—V. M. C. A. building of Carlisle,
b«adly damaged by fire.
I<>—i>u>lileii, in York, of Ohaoles
F. Mover, of Millersibmnj, promi
nent in Dauphin county politics.
Li—Annual exhibition ivf Hogoi;owu
Horse and Cattle show opened at
Big Head woods, near Mpflhan
I"—Death otf Mrs. Jemnie Bateman.
, widow of Theodore Bateman, 106
Conov street, HaiTiuburg,
I"—Organisation, in by
representatives from 54 munici
palities of the S>tate. of the Mimi
eipsJ Home Rale League of Penn
sylvania the objen of the league
being to secure changes in ih?
public service law.
IS—Annual banquet of Barrisburg's
First City Zooaves and City
(.•rays' Veteran'iation, he'd
in City li rays' Arm cry.
IS Sudden dea:h. in Humm e! stown,
o<f Dr. Thomas 0. Fox, aged Si
years, very proniinem, for many
years, in the poatK'R! an 1 profea
s:onal life of Daur ain county.
IS—Annual meeting of Ve'ervn Em
ployes' Association, M.lrKo Divi
sion P. R. R.. held in HnrristiUT*.
19—An Austrian killed at Front and
Pine #t.reets. Bteehon, by an auto
19—Death of £?arntiol G. Caliwell,
1309 Green s.reet. Harrisrg.
21—Bora on the Wil'ard Young fa-m,
near Huiumelstown. trtv:.:k by
lightning end entirely <tea'royod.
tou r horses being burned ijp in
tihe fire.
21—Dedication of t'ne new St. Ma.
thew's Lutheran church. Green
and Seneca streets, Har-lsburg.
23—I>eaHi, at 105 Caller street, Har
risburg, of John Gramni, agej SS
24—Pascal Ho! Jen. alias Hail, execut
ed in Dauphin county iail yard
for murdw of Henry Siater, in
Steelton, April 26. 1913.
25—Several thousand person.< attend
ed the reunion of t.he Lutheran
churches of 11 :rris>hu-g and vicin
ity. h*-' 1 a- Reservoir Pa-k.
25—Death of Paul S;enifT. 32 South
Eighteenth street, Harris'- IT;;,
aged 93 years.
26—Death of Mrs. Mary 701
South Front street. ilstrrloburg,
from effects of laudanum taken
the day before by mistake.
26 — exercijc-3 Harris
bfu-g Conservatory of \h '.
27— lJeath of General J. P. Taylor, of
dior of most tiistunguishad r« ,-ord.
de«th having becu hastened by
over exertion whilst participutinj
in the flag transfer, at
Harrisburg, .June 15.
27 —Death of William B. Olsen. 330
South Sixteenth strec., Ha •ris
barg, for 4 7 years a machinist
for the P. R. R.
27—Death of Reujamin G. fc'taeft'er. a
retired business man o.' 21-02
Derry street. Harrifourg. tged 6u
2S—'Death of William E. • olllu?. 1141
Perry street. Harrisburg, a for
mer member of ohe city s.hool
30—Death of Alfred P. Rogers, al-iar
man-eles t of the Tenth ward,
30—John Feranic, 1211 Sc. rh
Street. lLarri»b'u:vj, liH from the
eflccts of injuries receive.J tr.a;
day at the Pennsylvania Sticl
Company plant.
I—Formal announcement of exten
sive improvements ami additions
to be ma lie to the Middletowu
Car Company plant.
- —Death of Mrs. L;:vira Booker, age 1
87 years, the oldest woman in
3—Death, in llummei»tt*.vo, or' Frank
lin Smith, age-1 79 years, for
many veers prominent as a teach
er and in political affairs.
" —Bdward J. Corcoran, 1124 Hunter
strett, Harrisburg. found in a
dying condition on a lot at Mon
roe and Calder streets.
3—Death of William B. White, of
Enola, a veteran of t'he Civil war.
3—Death of Mrs. Catherine N'.. widow
of William MoGonigal, 11S South
street, Harrijibuig.
4 Independence Day creditably cele
brated in Harrisburg, as well as
in many of hor towns of the coan
try, especially Highspire, which
commemorated its centennial,
Middletcm. Humme!&;o<vn, Her
shey and Williamrtcwn.
4—A Hummelstown lad, 14 years old,
drcwnel in Swatara creek.
6—A very extensive Wild Wert show
brought H large crowd to Harris
6—Sudden death, in Broad street sta
tion, Philadelphia, of Philip S.
t pdegrove, a retired railroader,
P. R. R.
6—Death of Abraham Boak, 121 Ver
beke street, Harrhfoiwg, a veter
an of the Civil war and a pioneer
6 Sudden death of Samuel Poorman,
211 Boas street, Harrisburg, a
veteran organ buiWer, aged 90
s—Annual meeting in Harrisburg of
Pennsylvania Court Stenograph
ic Reporters' Association.
B—Death of Calvin S. Umbenger, 638
Han-is street, Harrisiburg, for
many years in the employ of tho
city water department.
B—Death of CI aire nee A. Lloyd, 2025
Penn street. Harrisburg, a brake
man on the P. R. R.
9—Death of Captain John J. FaUer. of
Carlisle, a distinguished veteran
of t'he Civil war.
9 Death of Wiljiam Gamber, of West
Fairview, a veteran of the Civil
10—Storms of great intensity did
much damage in Harriabwrg and
vicinity as well u through many
H N Make our *° Wife i
i or Mother Reflect jj
I our ® oot * uc *B m ® n * j
Pi - ii
mi f eral little things of unknown value and service— why not make up your s\
r< (W [f/ mind to buy one good sensible gift and make the giving worth while? Ij
P* vrX HI No Christmas Present you could think of endures so long or gives greater R/
k\ Reducing the cost of housekeeping and the burden of housework, two things of paramount tjfl
|Bp importance in this modern age. The elimination of kitchen drudgery and the paring down Lvi
ry of housekeeping expense. |ji
' "
tvt mas Spirit. '*3
All Toys Reduced to }£ Their Former Price. They Must All Go This Week H
f| Specials in Overcoats, Furs, Diamonds and Watches **
Jv > Our Location Means a Great Saving To You^—|y|
other portions of Central Penn- |
syivar.m. Many barn* in various i
l>a!ts cf Dauphin ami contiguous I
ioun;ies r.c/e destroyed by ele
10 Oea'.h of Mrs. EHuiiboth Carson
Boyd, widow* of J. Bris'ben Boyd.
11l South Front street, Harris-;
10—1>. u a of Mrs. J. Q. A*. 102
Cherry street. Harrisburg, for
more tl:a 40 veins a rtivc in mis
svonary wor'i among the colored
11—S'.idden death o .loiin Yctter. en
gineer eltvtrip light 3nt, Hum
mels' onn. whilst working at the
11 Death, at 1365 Berry nil I street, i
Harriibtrg, of Mrs. Margaret 8.,
wi-don of Gtor>ge ti. Reed, aged!
SI years.
13— A'frt.i 8. Martin. of M cn-an it's- j
b.rg. a veteran of the Civil war. I
fe'l dea l whilst at work.
| 14—Heavy rains of uinis.ual violence;
continued the destruction and |
washing out of crops scr'ously j
damaged bv t!lc silonn of the '
14—Death of Fred .1. Miier. 32";
North >• xteenth street. Harris
a prominent baker of the j
j city.
16 —Death of Gforge A- Ha '»en berg
c-. 1545 North Seventh street,!
16 —Lester McCoy, 24 South Harris
i burg street, S-teolton, a popular j
young man of tiie town and a fine I
j musician, a<v.identallv drowned |
in Connecticut.
1 < —Fme parade I. O. R. M„ of Har j
risburg and vicinity, in honor of j
recent election of Charles E. Pass |
The largest line ever shown in
this eity. Solid Cold, Gold-filled,
Bterling Silver, Gun Metal and
| Shell, from
$3.50 to $28.00
Witt HL C. Cluter
302 Market Street
to oflice of Great Sachem of order
in the State.
IS—Christian H. Snavely , a twelve
year-old bov of Rockville, killed j
by an automobile near his home, i
IS—Death, at Washington, D. C, of j
Christian F. Schweitzer, a former j
Harrisburger of considerable cole- i
brity as a ballplayer,
IS—Death, in an accident at Clevc-1
land, of Colonel J. E. Parsons, for|
years a prominent man in Harris j
burg affairs.
19—Death, in New Cumberland, of:
Marcus I). Hoerner, for many i
years a printing foreman in Har-1
risburg job establishments.
19—Death of Mrs. Mary A., widow j
otf Alex. Blessing, 1211 North I
Third street, Harrisburg.
19—Two fires in a restaurant on |
fourth street, near Market. Har-'
risburg, did considerable damage. |
120—A Coatesville colored man work !
in Harrisburg, fell dead on State I
i street. .
■2o—Mrs. Peter Shelly, 1197 Christian
street, Harrisburg, died from ef-l
feets of a bichloride of mercury i
tablet taken accidentally some L
t wo weeks before.
—Two killed and several severely
injured bv fall of coal in a Eykeus I
Valley coal mine. One of the in
jured died on the 23d.
!2 —Death of Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth j
Goetz at 908 North Eighteenth!
street, Harrisburg.
23—Brakeman George Wilson, of Bal |
timore, killed in P. R. R. Yards, |
at Harrisburg, whilst in line of |
i 23-—Death of William E. Hain, founder'
of Hainton, a prosperous suburb j
of Harrisburg.
23—Death of Daniel J. Spangler, 1403 |
Market street, Harrisburg.
24— Death of Thomas Doran, 656 (.Him- 1
berland street, Harrisburg.
84—Mrs. Walter S. Oren, of Worm- j
levsburg, found dead in bed.
*4 Mrs. Jennie Duncan, of Highspire, l
fell dead at her husband's foet j
from the effects of poison taken
with suicidal intent.
<4—Death, in Philadelphda, of Don
all Cameron Haldeman, of Har- '■
to—Some 1,200 Shippensburg people!
made their annual excursion to!
25—Electrical and hail storm of gre».t j
severity caused considerable dam-j
age in Harrisburg and vicinity, j
25—Frank Neif, 1236 Herr street,
Harrisburg. drowned in a clay
hole near Central Iron and Slteel
26-—Death of Mrs. Euphemia Knox
Pomerov, wido>w of the Rev. Ste
phen Pomeroy, 1520 State street,
26—Death, near New Cumberland, of
Martin I*. Keeney, a former Har
risburg grocervman.
27—Burial, at Camp Hill, of Sergeant
.Tacob R. Shettcl, U. S. Signal |
Corps, who had died at Panama,
•July 1 .
27—Death of Charles D« Veney Row,
a brilliant young man of Williams
town, who had, been a successful
teacher anil an able member of
the .state House of Representatives
at Harrisburg.
27—Lerew Bixler, of Riverside,
drowned in the Susquehanna.
2 7—Harry K. Herman, 11.> South
Fourteenth street, Harrisburg, a
t brakeman of P. & R. railway,
killed in Reading whilst in the
line of duty.
29—Death of Mrs. Duncan Ba
ker, of Wormleysburg, aged 83
29—Death of Alfred W. Weaver, a
stationary engineer, of 1938 Ful
ton street, Harrisburg.
30—Death of Dr. Robert R. Church, of
Wonnleysburg, aged 69 years.
30—Death, in Chicago, of the Rev.
Jesse Bowman Young, a former
pastor of Grace church, Hartis
burg, and a vetoran of the Civil
war who had won especial fame
by his writings and lectures on
the Gettysburg battle.
30 —Death of .Tames W. Shultz, 2060
Horry street, Harrisburg, a veter
an of the Civil war.
31 Death, at Harrisburg Hospital, of
Dixon McAllister, of Ft. Hunter,
a d:rect descendant of John Har
31—Heath of Ferdinand Kreidler, 904
Penn streets, Harrisburg, a prom
inent wheelwright of the city, aged
66 years.
To Be Continued To-morrow
When Mounted It WiU Be Valued at
Kendall, Wis., Dee. 21.—One of the
prizes shot during the hunting season
.just closed wias that of a w'hite deer,
killed near Ladysmith, Sawyer coun
A man bought it for S2OO, his pur
pose belHg to give it into the hands of
Guaranteed SterlingSilverlnitial Glassware
This coupon when presented or mailed to
I i 111 I wi . th 4 ? cents .\ ls sood for Six (6) Tumblers—lo cents
I ** V U extra by mail;
I m illfflJl ... OR
X£* !S I Z' th . ' 3 rents, ie good for One (1) Water
V jfj I I Pitcher—ls cents extra by mail;
I i i tW cents, is good for One (1) Sugar Bowl and
j lf> • l'j 11111111 l One (1) Cream Pitcher— cents extra by mail;
II I . 111 I •)'?" can set the entire set of Nine (9) Pieces with
I | l| 1111 l the amount specified above, or any two sets with the
;j I I! II f advertised price, if you have one of these coupons,
i 111 bets now on display at
18-'JO-U2 South Third St., Harrisburg, Pa.
a taxidermist for mounting. It will, if
properly mounted, be -worth S6OO to
The extra value of the white deer is
due to the fact that it is exceptionally
rare. It is a freak animal. One was
shot in Wisconsin about twenty years
ago and one about eight, years ago.
Besides the one shot last week tfhere
is but one other white doer known to
It is also stated that there is a jet
black deer of huige proportions stalk
ing through the Wisconsin woods. That
sort of doer also is a freak and would
be worth much if captured.
Kansas City Institution Makes 12,000
Loans in Year
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 21,—Accord
ing to the annual report, submitted by
Ralph Perry, manager of the City
PiawTistbop, this -welfare loan agency
made 12,000 setparate loans in the
fiscal year ending December 1. Last,
year the number was slightly more
than 6,000. The loans totaled more
than $270,000, as compared with
$140,000, the amount of the year be
This -is the first year the loan agency
has paid expenses and 6 per cent, on
the capital invested. This year's earn
ings raised the surplus to $7,752. Out
standing loans December 1, were SBB -
154.25. '
Fine Xmas
in Christmas Boxes and Baskets
, 35< and up
Golden Seal Drug Store,
IIS. Market Square.